Silk Road forums
Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: JezuzWazaMushroom on January 19, 2013, 09:21 am
I was talking with a friend about the feasibility of producing and selling suitable quality Silk Road branded merchandise such as flags, mugs and shirts etc, but we need to order large amounts to make in economically viable for them to be able to be purchased by punters for a reasonable price and still turn a profit.
Please let me know if you guys are interested :)
Best wishes - JWM
*Edit* anything you can think of from posters to pens can be done if there's enough demand for them peeps 8)
Yes please, let me just advertise to my local LEO's that i buy drugs, and exactly where i buy them from. Please sign me up :-\
Cool idea but probably a no go.
By that definition everyone who's ever bought a shirt with a cannabis leaf on it or a psychedelic poster is advertising to LE.
You will notice I said MUGS and FLAGS along with shirts!
If you wore a green camel shirt around my parts the drug users wouldn't even recognize it let alone LE.
It's FAN MERCHANDISE, for those who love SR as much as I do, I hardly expect to make much money unlike vendors selling drugs, just a service more or less.
If people aren't interested we won't get any made up, if on the other hand people are interested and realise that a shirt isn't a narcotic, then please let me know.
By that definition everyone who's ever bought a shirt with a cannabis leaf on it or a psychedelic poster is advertising to LE.
You will notice I said MUGS and FLAGS along with shirts!
If you wore a green camel shirt around my parts the drug users wouldn't even recognize it let alone LE.
It's FAN MERCHANDISE, for those who love SR as much as I do, I hardly expect to make much money unlike vendors selling drugs, just a service more or less.
If people aren't interested we won't get any made up, if on the other hand people are interested and realise that a shirt isn't a narcotic, then please let me know.
No i fully understand what your saying and what your trying to do, it's just this is something that just won't work. We don't need our rep spreading like that, as it would only draw unwanted attention(if you wear said merchandise or bring a mug where ever). We don't need advertising, the media has us more than covered at this point. I appreciate the sentiment, but in practice it is a horrible idea
By that definition everyone who's ever bought a shirt with a cannabis leaf on it or a psychedelic poster is advertising to LE.
You will notice I said MUGS and FLAGS along with shirts!
If you wore a green camel shirt around my parts the drug users wouldn't even recognize it let alone LE.
It's FAN MERCHANDISE, for those who love SR as much as I do, I hardly expect to make much money unlike vendors selling drugs, just a service more or less.
If people aren't interested we won't get any made up, if on the other hand people are interested and realise that a shirt isn't a narcotic, then please let me know.
No i fully understand what your saying and what your trying to do, it's just this is something that just won't work. We don't need our rep spreading like that, as it would only draw unwanted attention(if you wear said merchandise or bring a mug where ever). We don't need advertising, the media has us more than covered at this point. I appreciate the sentiment, but in practice it is a horrible idea
You act like someone sipping out of a Silk Road mug in the privacy of their home, has more impact than CNN, Gawker or someone like Adam Kokesh showing how DMT comes from NewTime on YouTube.
Wake up mate, considering I have bongs, drugs and other shit at home, some fan merchandise is nothing and besides the whole point of Silk Road is to grow the community.
I don't like your attitude!
By that definition everyone who's ever bought a shirt with a cannabis leaf on it or a psychedelic poster is advertising to LE.
You will notice I said MUGS and FLAGS along with shirts!
If you wore a green camel shirt around my parts the drug users wouldn't even recognize it let alone LE.
It's FAN MERCHANDISE, for those who love SR as much as I do, I hardly expect to make much money unlike vendors selling drugs, just a service more or less.
If people aren't interested we won't get any made up, if on the other hand people are interested and realise that a shirt isn't a narcotic, then please let me know.
No i fully understand what your saying and what your trying to do, it's just this is something that just won't work. We don't need our rep spreading like that, as it would only draw unwanted attention(if you wear said merchandise or bring a mug where ever). We don't need advertising, the media has us more than covered at this point. I appreciate the sentiment, but in practice it is a horrible idea
You act like someone sipping out of a Silk Road mug in the privacy of their home, has more impact than CNN, Gawker or someone like Adam Kokesh showing how DMT comes from NewTime on YouTube.
Wake up mate, considering I have bongs, drugs and other shit at home, some fan merchandise is nothing and besides the whole point of Silk Road is to grow the community.
I don't like your attitude!
That's nice, but i bet that's more related to the fact I'm shooting down YOUR idea, rather than me being an asshole. If the situation around the world with LE was different, you'd have my full support. It just seems like more hassle than it's worth for everyone involved, that's just my 2 cents though
One person being an asshole isn't shooting down an idea, it's just one person being an asshole!
The fact you brought up the word asshole means clearly you are trying to be one, which is fine, just do it somewhere else.
If you don't want anything, don't buy it!
I'm sure plenty of other people would like some SR stuff which is why we will most likely get stuff made as long as other people are interested.
What have you offered the SR community besides negativity?
IF other people who aren't arrogant assholes would like us to look into making some underground SR branded merchandise, please don't hesitate to let me know.
One person being an asshole isn't shooting down an idea, it's just one person being an asshole!
The fact you brought up the word asshole means clearly you are trying to be one, which is fine, just do it somewhere else.
If you don't want anything, don't buy it!
I'm sure plenty of other people would like some SR stuff which is why we will most likely get stuff made as long as other people are interested.
What have you offered the SR community besides negativity?
IF other people who aren't arrogant assholes would like us to look into making some underground SR branded merchandise, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Oh god that kind of non-logic makes me laugh. Because i assume you think something of me, therefore that was my intention? I wasn't being negative, i was offering an opinion, a dissenting one, but an opinion. Clearly you don't want any sort of negative feedback at all(which in this case was constructive criticism), meaning this thread is now useless. Reported to the mods for flaming and locking, gratz on ending a civil discussion
One person being an asshole isn't shooting down an idea, it's just one person being an asshole!
The fact you brought up the word asshole means clearly you are trying to be one, which is fine, just do it somewhere else.
If you don't want anything, don't buy it!
I'm sure plenty of other people would like some SR stuff which is why we will most likely get stuff made as long as other people are interested.
What have you offered the SR community besides negativity?
IF other people who aren't arrogant assholes would like us to look into making some underground SR branded merchandise, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Oh god that kind of non-logic makes me laugh. Because i assume you think something of me, therefore that was my intention? I wasn't being negative, i was offering an opinion, a dissenting one, but an opinion. Clearly you don't want any sort of negative feedback at all(which in this case was constructive criticism), meaning this thread is now useless. Reported to the mods for flaming and locking, gratz on ending a civil discussion
So you're a stool pigeon as well as an asshole, the mask comes off.
They won't close it because a negative twat like you has decided to hijack it dude!
Furthermore I've already run the idea past DPR, a simple no like Empathy said would have sufficed, not an avalanche of bullshit like you keep espousing.
Like I said, go be an asshole somewhere else, for anyone else who would like some cool shit that's SR inspired let me know.
Cheers - JWM
One person being an asshole isn't shooting down an idea, it's just one person being an asshole!
The fact you brought up the word asshole means clearly you are trying to be one, which is fine, just do it somewhere else.
If you don't want anything, don't buy it!
I'm sure plenty of other people would like some SR stuff which is why we will most likely get stuff made as long as other people are interested.
What have you offered the SR community besides negativity?
IF other people who aren't arrogant assholes would like us to look into making some underground SR branded merchandise, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Oh god that kind of non-logic makes me laugh. Because i assume you think something of me, therefore that was my intention? I wasn't being negative, i was offering an opinion, a dissenting one, but an opinion. Clearly you don't want any sort of negative feedback at all(which in this case was constructive criticism), meaning this thread is now useless. Reported to the mods for flaming and locking, gratz on ending a civil discussion
So you're a stool pigeon as well as an asshole, the mask comes off.
They won't close it because a negative twat like you has decided to hijack it dude!
Furthermore I've already run the idea past DPR, a simple no like Empathy said would have sufficed, not an avalanche of bullshit like you keep espousing.
Like I said, go be an asshole somewhere else, for anyone else who would like some cool shit that's SR inspired let me know.
Cheers - JWM
There is no "mask" coming off for someone who is both spamming and now flaming. I am trying to have an intellectual conversation on why this is a bad idea, but all you see is dollar signs. That's great you ran the idea by him, now your running the idea by the community(which i actually happen to be a part of) and I am saying it's a bad idea. You're right, I am being a total asshat with my well reasoned and well thought out arguments.
Please continue ;)
who would be so stupid to walk around in a SR shirt?
that's as bad as having a "I am a druggie/dealer" tattoo on your forehead.
Sorry, this place thrives by itself. People who want to buy/sell and master GPG and Tor will make it here in the absence of advertisement/marketing too.
As my partner always says: A gentleman remains silent while he enjoys himself.
Keep that as a guideline for your SR travels.
The fact that you think they're well thought out arguments shows you clearly aren't in the legal profession, or even capable of a debate on any significant level of intellect.
Go away troll, like I said, a simple reply like Empathy gave would have sufficed.
Now beat it!
who would be so stupid to walk around in a SR shirt?
that's as bad as having a "I am a druggie/dealer" tattoo on your forehead.
Sorry, this place thrives by itself. People who want to buy/sell and master GPG and Tor will make it here in the absence of advertisement/marketing too.
As my partner always says: A gentleman remains silent while he enjoys himself.
Keep that as a guideline for your SR travels.
You people clearly can't understand the concept of UNDERGROUND FAN ART and furthermore, shirts aren't the only idea of SR inspired stuff we had lined up.
Even if you bought a shirt off here you wouldn't wear it in public (well some would) it's about cool items to have with your favourite shop on it.
If people don't want anything then fine, but personally I would have bought some cool shit by now if it was offered like flags and shit, and I thought I would try and fill a need for the community.
If you people don't appreciate when someone's trying to get you some cool shit then I won't worry about it, if people want some good quality psychedelic SR paraphernalia then we will.
The fact that you think they're well thought out arguments shows you clearly aren't in the legal profession, or even capable of a debate on any significant level of intellect.
Go away troll, like I said, a simple reply like Empathy gave would have sufficed.
Now beat it!
Oh the assumptions radiating from you are like hotter than a supernova. I have no interest in a "debate" which merely entails me writing nicely worded thoughts to be responded to with tripe such as "YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT A PARROT THAT AGREES WITH ME", is frankly a gigantic waste of my and everyone elses time. When the mods close this thread and reprimand you, and you come back with an apology, just realize i gave you around 4 chances, and that you were a jackass every time. Also I'm sure this idea was posted before and already got shut down, again forgive me for being the bearer of bad news.
The fact that you think they're well thought out arguments shows you clearly aren't in the legal profession, or even capable of a debate on any significant level of intellect.
Go away troll, like I said, a simple reply like Empathy gave would have sufficed.
Now beat it!
Oh the assumptions radiating from you are like hotter than a supernova. I have no interest in a "debate" which merely entails me writing nicely worded thoughts to be responded to with tripe such as "YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT A PARROT THAT AGREES WITH ME", is frankly a gigantic waste of my and everyone elses time. When the mods close this thread and reprimand you, and you come back with an apology, just realize i gave you around 4 chances, and that you were a jackass every time. Also I'm sure this idea was posted before and already got shut down, again forgive me for being the bearer of bad news.
You clearly don't see how you come across and your responses were cynical and arrogant and you're a stoolie, which makes you unworthy of future responses.
Like I said, I ran it past DPR you douche so spin on it!
Silk Road merchandise is already out there, Silk road Shirts have been on sale here for over a year :)
Silk Road merchandise is already out there, Silk road Shirts have been on sale here for over a year :)
Are they just shirts or other wares, and furthermore are they well designed with good materials?
The fact they are already here shows there is a market, but I wanted to make ours extremely professional products, not some nasty Thai shit... if you know what I mean (not saying others are that just an example)?
His is a bad idea. I hope Leo's get you .
I hate pot shirts too. Who the fuck thinks these are cool?
Looooosers . That's what chicks will say.
You... are an idiot!
You spam everyone's threads with bullshit telling them to send coins to some address and meaningless babble such as this.
You obviously are a child who lives their life worrying about what other people and the fairer sex thinks, displaying more about your personality and life than you realise.
Run along now little man, I hear your mother calling!
His is a bad idea. I hope Leo's get you .
I hate pot shirts too. Who the fuck thinks these are cool?
Looooosers . That's what chicks will say.
You... are an idiot!
You spam everyone's threads with bullshit telling them to send coins to some address and meaningless babble such as this.
You obviously are a child who lives their life worrying about what other people and the fairer sex thinks, displaying more about your personality and life than you realise.
Run along now little man, I hear your mother calling!
I guess he just engages in higher level humor than you can comprehend. Honestly this is what i was talking about before, he had a dissenting opinion, and you flamed him. This thread isn't going to be productive, it's just going to be a massive flame fest. Where's a mod when you need one?
His is a bad idea. I hope Leo's get you .
I hate pot shirts too. Who the fuck thinks these are cool?
Looooosers . That's what chicks will say.
You... are an idiot!
You spam everyone's threads with bullshit telling them to send coins to some address and meaningless babble such as this.
You obviously are a child who lives their life worrying about what other people and the fairer sex thinks, displaying more about your personality and life than you realise.
Run along now little man, I hear your mother calling!
I guess he just engages in higher level humor than you can comprehend. Honestly this is what i was talking about before, he had a dissenting opinion, and you flamed him. This thread isn't going to be productive, it's just going to be a massive flame fest. Where's a mod when you need one?
This, along with the rest of your escapades today, reveals once again you are a simple fool.
Saying someone is a loser for offering a service (that already exists showing clearly a market for it) and wishing they would get arrested by the Police also, is not just a dissenting opinion you daft twat.
Now fuck off clown before I tell everyone what you did and out you for being the narc rat you are!
His is a bad idea. I hope Leo's get you .
I hate pot shirts too. Who the fuck thinks these are cool?
Looooosers . That's what chicks will say.
You... are an idiot!
You spam everyone's threads with bullshit telling them to send coins to some address and meaningless babble such as this.
You obviously are a child who lives their life worrying about what other people and the fairer sex thinks, displaying more about your personality and life than you realise.
Run along now little man, I hear your mother calling!
I guess he just engages in higher level humor than you can comprehend. Honestly this is what i was talking about before, he had a dissenting opinion, and you flamed him. This thread isn't going to be productive, it's just going to be a massive flame fest. Where's a mod when you need one?
This, along with the rest of your escapades today, reveals once again you are a simple fool.
Saying someone is a loser for offering a service (that already exists showing clearly a market for it) and wishing they would get arrested by the Police also, is not just a dissenting opinion you daft twat.
Now fuck off clown before I tell everyone what you did and out you for being the narc rat you are!
When you're not high on whatever the fuck amphetamine you are clearly snorting, and reread all the shit you posted to me before he said even one word, you will realize why he would instantly say you are an idiot. I have tried being civil, i have tried reasoning with you, i have tried to have a sane discussion, as i always do. When misunderstandings arise i have worked through them with the other Roaders and we came to an understanding. While you are in whatever little piece of bullshit mindstate where you think i am out to get you and don't want you to make money is absolutely retarded.
Keep yammering on about how i will bring "the downfall of silk road", you are just making yourself look like a massive assclown to everyone. I have consistently offered an olive branch, saying i am not trying to hurt you. At this point, shut the fuck up.
Edit: Also it's funny how the irony of your username just struck me. You have Jesus, the christian savior in your name. He is generally known for
A. Kindness to his fellow man
B. Forgiveness
C. Wasn't there some thing in the bible about not throwing random baseless accusations around somewhere or did i just misinterpret that as well?
His is a bad idea. I hope Leo's get you .
I hate pot shirts too. Who the fuck thinks these are cool?
Looooosers . That's what chicks will say.
You... are an idiot!
You spam everyone's threads with bullshit telling them to send coins to some address and meaningless babble such as this.
You obviously are a child who lives their life worrying about what other people and the fairer sex thinks, displaying more about your personality and life than you realise.
Run along now little man, I hear your mother calling!
I guess he just engages in higher level humor than you can comprehend. Honestly this is what i was talking about before, he had a dissenting opinion, and you flamed him. This thread isn't going to be productive, it's just going to be a massive flame fest. Where's a mod when you need one?
This, along with the rest of your escapades today, reveals once again you are a simple fool.
Saying someone is a loser for offering a service (that already exists showing clearly a market for it) and wishing they would get arrested by the Police also, is not just a dissenting opinion you daft twat.
Now fuck off clown before I tell everyone what you did and out you for being the narc rat you are!
When you're not high on whatever the fuck amphetamine you are clearly snorting, and reread all the shit you posted to me before he said even one word, you will realize why he would instantly say you are an idiot. I have tried being civil, i have tried reasoning with you, i have tried to have a sane discussion, as i always do. When misunderstandings arise i have worked through them with the other Roaders and we came to an understanding. While you are in whatever little piece of bullshit mindstate where you think i am out to get you and don't want you to make money is absolutely retarded.
Keep yammering on about how i will bring "the downfall of silk road", you are just making yourself look like a massive assclown to everyone. I have consistently offered an olive branch, saying i am not trying to hurt you. At this point, shut the fuck up.
Edit: Also it's funny how the irony of your username just struck me. You have Jesus, the christian savior in your name. He is generally known for
A. Kindness to his fellow man
B. Forgiveness
C. Wasn't there some thing in the bible about not throwing random baseless accusations around somewhere or did i just misinterpret that as well?
Don't come on here and act all sanctimonious you know what you did and what messages you wrote that out of decency, because unlike you I'm not a rat, I haven't brought out yet.
2nd, I'm an atheist and my name refutes the Bible bullshit story... READ IT AGAIN!
3rd, I don't use amphetamines
4th, you lost any right to a discussion when you turned rat
5th, Understanding can only be reached by those who deserve it, you started something your intellect can't finish, and calling me derogatory names in messages intended for MODS that you mistakenly send to me isn't being civil.
6th, at this point GTFO of my thread you goose I told you ages ago, about 1000 msgs back, leave your shit elsewhere
7th, you're a narc rat and you can STFU and stop playing the victim, you're a narc and should be lynched, and far from worthy of respect
8th, the whole Bible is a contradicting accusation, so yes you did misinterpret that too
I think a lot of us saw the topic and said "Oh yeah, cool!"
Then dbz4u reminded us all of why it would be a bad idea.
Then most of us heaved a collective sigh, in a burnout , and said "Oh, ..yeah...duh ??? "
Nothing against JWM. The forums can be a lot tougher than this little pissing match.
dbz4u was right, although his sarcasm in expressing it, was off putting no doubt to you, so it's understandable why you kept defending your idea even though it was shot down, albeit a little rudely.
We all get bent out of shape when we find one more news report about SR, especially by that Gawker douchebag, whom I'm surprised hasn't had his coffee dosed by someone in his office with a hit of LSD.
Though I did just put the idea out there!
Bad idea. Plain and simple. Take it like a man. - really. I don't want to see one Silk Road logo anywhere except when I log into my account. Think about it logically,
Coffee mug, at home where no one else sees, hopefully? OK. That's one thing.
You were talking Flags !! - When would you fly that flag? on 4/20 at 4:20?? -
Ever notice the word stealth being used quite a bit on here?
Here's my attempt at sarcasm.
Would you like to see pre-printed padded mailers with the Silk Road logo on there? - "Your Silk Road Order is here!!!"
If you don't get it now, you may want to change your bong water.
His is a bad idea. I hope Leo's get you .
I hate pot shirts too. Who the fuck thinks these are cool?
Looooosers . That's what chicks will say.
You... are an idiot!
You spam everyone's threads with bullshit telling them to send coins to some address and meaningless babble such as this.
You obviously are a child who lives their life worrying about what other people and the fairer sex thinks, displaying more about your personality and life than you realise.
Run along now little man, I hear your mother calling!
I guess he just engages in higher level humor than you can comprehend. Honestly this is what i was talking about before, he had a dissenting opinion, and you flamed him. This thread isn't going to be productive, it's just going to be a massive flame fest. Where's a mod when you need one?
This, along with the rest of your escapades today, reveals once again you are a simple fool.
Saying someone is a loser for offering a service (that already exists showing clearly a market for it) and wishing they would get arrested by the Police also, is not just a dissenting opinion you daft twat.
Now fuck off clown before I tell everyone what you did and out you for being the narc rat you are!
When you're not high on whatever the fuck amphetamine you are clearly snorting, and reread all the shit you posted to me before he said even one word, you will realize why he would instantly say you are an idiot. I have tried being civil, i have tried reasoning with you, i have tried to have a sane discussion, as i always do. When misunderstandings arise i have worked through them with the other Roaders and we came to an understanding. While you are in whatever little piece of bullshit mindstate where you think i am out to get you and don't want you to make money is absolutely retarded.
Keep yammering on about how i will bring "the downfall of silk road", you are just making yourself look like a massive assclown to everyone. I have consistently offered an olive branch, saying i am not trying to hurt you. At this point, shut the fuck up.
Edit: Also it's funny how the irony of your username just struck me. You have Jesus, the christian savior in your name. He is generally known for
A. Kindness to his fellow man
B. Forgiveness
C. Wasn't there some thing in the bible about not throwing random baseless accusations around somewhere or did i just misinterpret that as well?
Don't come on here and act all sanctimonious you know what you did and what messages you wrote that out of decency, because unlike you I'm not a rat, I haven't brought out yet.
2nd, I'm an atheist and my name refutes the Bible bullshit story... READ IT AGAIN!
3rd, I don't use amphetamines
4th, you lost any right to a discussion when you turned rat
5th, Understanding can only be reached by those who deserve it, you started something your intellect can't finish, and calling me derogatory names in messages intended for MODS that you mistakenly send to me isn't being civil.
6th, at this point GTFO of my thread you goose I told you ages ago, about 1000 msgs back, leave your shit elsewhere
7th, you're a narc rat and you can STFU and stop playing the victim, you're a narc and should be lynched, and far from worthy of respect
8th, the whole Bible is a contradicting accusation, so yes you did misinterpret that too
My patience has it's limits. Mine have been reached. I'm done, good night, troll on
I think a lot of us saw the topic and said "Oh yeah, cool!"
Then dbz4u reminded us all of why it would be a bad idea.
Then most of us heaved a collective sigh, in a burnout , and said "Oh, ..yeah...duh ??? "
Nothing against JWM. The forums can be a lot tougher than this little pissing match.
dbz4u was right, although his sarcasm in expressing it, was off putting no doubt to you, so it's understandable why you kept defending your idea even though it was shot down, albeit a little rudely.
We all get bent out of shape when we find one more news report about SR, especially by that Gawker douchebag, whom I'm surprised hasn't had his coffee dosed by someone in his office with a hit of LSD.
Though I did just put the idea out there!
Bad idea. Plain and simple. Take it like a man. - really. I don't want to see one Silk Road logo anywhere except when I log into my account. Think about it logically,
Coffee mug, at home where no one else sees, hopefully? OK. That's one thing.
You were talking Flags !! - When would you fly that flag? on 4/20 at 4:20?? -
Ever notice the word stealth being used quite a bit on here?
Here's my attempt at sarcasm.
Would you like to see pre-printed padded mailers with the Silk Road logo on there? - "Your Silk Road Order is here!!!"
If you don't get it now, you may want to change your bong water.
It amazes me how many people here live in fear, a flag to hang in your garage or wall at home is fucking cool IMO, I have plenty!
I don't understand what fear you people have, it's like buying a CCCP flag in the middle of the cold war and being scared of being labelled a communist.
Personally, I have the ability to show my convictions and beliefs without fear of what repercussions they have, and honestly, I would wave the SR logo, and flags based on the sites presuppositions of what we believe during ANY celebrations or political rally.
With this, I'm killing the idea because of that fuckwit dbz4u making you all lose your balls, your brains and your hearts.
We had some awesome ideas planned to try and enhance your lives and to show your support for the SR movement, but I see you convictions just stand as far as getting high and sneaking around behind LE's back, when some of us like Adam Kokesh and myself who say FUCK THE NWO, WE LIVE HOW WE PLEASE AND THESE ARE OUR COLOURS... BITCH!
Keep sucking Satan's cock, you people don't understand freedom obviously so in my opinion you don't deserve it and can keep living as slaves for all I care.
I'm not going out of my way to help a bunch of unappreciative people who don't realise how much work myself and others were prepared to put into this idea to make peanuts back just to help the revolution that they themselves don't believe in.
If you believed in Silk Road, Libertarianism and what they stand for, you wouldn't be scared to fly your beliefs from the rooftops and wear your heart on your sleeves.
I have lost a lot of faith in the SR 'community' today!
OK, I'll go one more round.
Satans cock? - I thought you were an atheist?
More important.
The question about being afraid of someone seeing what I'm into?
Let's start with the mailman. Walking up the driveway, sees your Silk Road poster-whatever, big weed leaf, in your garage, hang out room, whatever.
Now, I'm guessing the one profession next to LE that is paying attention to the SR would be those employed by your local postal system.
Say, that mailman, notices, but says nothing, then puts a call in to postal security, who then gets LE involved. They get a warrant to tap your internet connection.
There they can see, all of what you say and do on here, and the Silk Road. There's no encryption, if you're sitting in the central office of the phone/cable company.
It's just like having an extension monitor hooked up. So not only have you outed yourself to be set up for a sting delivery.
You put the rest of us in jeopardy because that very scenario is quite possible.
Soon they will get to this site. This party can't last forever, and it will be those of you yelling just a bit too loud, or telling too many people, about our little party here.
That's it for me.
My opinion. No name calling. I rest my case.
Its already being done in Canada, There are two t-shirt shops that I know of that carry the SR decals and will print them on anything from a baseball hat to a blanket and everything in between. There local and dont sell on the internet tho and that's never good for a product like this. Good luck, I think if you go out and get a few products in stock and start listing them on SR they will sell. I'd buy some!
I love the idea of a bunch of users walking around with SR logos. That way LE could feed an those that can't keep their mouths shut, and after the bloodletting we would be an evolutionary step forward having culled the herd of the weak and sickly.
Let's call the shop SR Darwin.
modwiz you are a modwiz with a lot of wizdom
Here I am spelling it out for them. Silly me.
I think Darwin called it "natural selection"
The smart kids don't even keep TOR on their computer(s) but run it from a flash drive.
See what I'm saying?
Please let me know if you guys are interested :)
No interest, sorry.
I have to say (and hopefully it is not my naivety) but I don't think the shirt idea is bad if done tastefully and responsibly. By that, I mean no mention of drug sales, the specific silk road name, or anything like that. If there was a picture of the green camel and nothing else, 99% percent of people would have no idea what that is.
For the LE that might possibly recognize it, they can't do anything because you can always just say it is a picture of a green camel, right? Am i missing something? I mean I just did a google search of green camel shirt and a lot of (really ugly) shirts came up. I don't think it is such a terrible idea.
I love the idea of a bunch of users walking around with SR logos. That way LE could feed an those that can't keep their mouths shut, and after the bloodletting we would be an evolutionary step forward having culled the herd of the weak and sickly.
Let's call the shop SR Darwin.
I am now in full support of this idea
Really? I post on this thread with an honest opinion, wasnt offensive or anything and I got bad karma? Someone has some thin skin. This thread is full of negative energy. Not really what silkroad is about right? Everyone is entitled to an opinion; no need to give off bad energy because their opinion isnt the same as yours. Live and let live.
I evened it out for you bro :P
I have to say (and hopefully it is not my naivety) but I don't think the shirt idea is bad if done tastefully and responsibly. By that, I mean no mention of drug sales, the specific silk road name, or anything like that. If there was a picture of the green camel and nothing else, 99% percent of people would have no idea what that is.
For the LE that might possibly recognize it, they can't do anything because you can always just say it is a picture of a green camel, right? Am i missing something? I mean I just did a google search of green camel shirt and a lot of (really ugly) shirts came up. I don't think it is such a terrible idea.
Of course they can't do anything to you, dead on the spot. What they can do is note your license plate/tag whatever your particular country calls it. Or note what apt# house # you're going into. That might never effect you either. Directly. The whole idea is to keep this hush-hush as possible. Hell, I only told one friend, and we go back to kindergarten days. Still it became a problem, because his order would be late, then he'd be mad at me for getting him into this. Then a few mornings he'd show up at my place, "Here's your mail, nothing from SR". - Known him for years, still a drug addict is a drug addict.
I don't tell anybody else now. My wife and I are separated, and she knows about it, because she uses it. She's cool, and on the "down low" about it all. If Daddy gets pills in the mail, it's from the Doctor.
I even have prescription bottles. Disguise any other contraband as simple capsules in supplement containers only I would take...etc.
Johnny Thunders (punk rocker for those too young to remember) used to wear a syringe full of smack in his top hat, and walk on stage that way. Those were different days. There were no LE hanging out at Max's Kansas City in downtown NYC circa 1979. A lot of people are losing revenue because of this site. A lot of big important scary dark forces who stand behind our supposedly elected leaders.
Do what you want. Just don't "promote" this site. It's like a secret club. Be glad you found it.
All we need is for some has-been singer that's "beloved" to everyone, like Whitney Houston, with a habit, buying on here because more and more doctors are getting harassed by the DEA and The Silk Road
makes it easy and anonymous. - The singer/actor overdoses and dies. Guess who the "loved ones" will blame??- Never the person who decided to take the pills. Not in this day an age where everyone is a victim, and not held responsible for their own actions.
I can see the news stories now. "Investigators are going through a laptop Lindsay Lohan was using to obtain the illegal narcotics through a site called The Silk Road." Now a public outcry to "do away with the evil doers". Suddenly internet privacy laws are permitted to erode by an ever increasingly gullible electorate.
Some stooge leader like Obama or Cameron or both, "join forces" to stop this evil thing called The Silk Road! Make's them look good. Obama ends term limits! President for life! (OK maybe not that scary)
Then a competing network has the Silk Road up on the screen., starts scrolling through orders placed by their ace reporter, all for research, and has them delivered to a police safe house per arrangement.
Month long investigations etc. Agents posing as buyers and sellers. It gets messy.
A major motion picture comes out, etc. - I know, all very grandiose, but I wouldn't put it past this fucked up pop-culture-entertaiment driven society of decadent sluts and air heads. (Male+Female)
There are so many scenarios one can imagine that could spell the undoing of this site. All it takes is one cocky kid, who's incapable of seeing the possible "unintended consequences" of his actions.
In World War II, a common saying was, "Loose lips, sink ships", as in, don't even tell your loved ones where we're headed or what port you're in. Messages could be intercepted, etc.
Same idea goes for Silk Road.
Sure the first instinct is to crow from a hill, "I've discovered GOLD"!! Then you realize, now a lot of other people have too, and have differing opinions on what should be done with your discovery.
It's like being in the mafia. You can talk about it to some people, but really you shouldn't talk to anybody about it. It simply doesn't exist. Not to your knowledge.
Initially a great idea. On paper. A rough draft. Then you sit and think what peoples reactions will be. As with all art that we wear and display, we want to express OUR own likes, ideas, and ideals!
Then there's a groups of people from many different countries, who have many different reasons for wanting SR stopped. Big Pharma, Big Governments who steal from it's citizenry through taxes and control of their drugs and healthcare, creating an ever more dependent on government society. Come to us for your pills, come to us for your pot. You need a license, we need another Department of Useless Idiots, and have to put up more govt buildings to keep this gravy train running! The people are stupid, they need us, the government to take care of them. It's currently a virus here in the US.
This freedom we have on the road, threatens the very existence of those in the organized crime ring of the US Gov't, the British Gov't, etc (add your country here).
So it's not just "Oh some dumb cop will see, and I'll shit my pants!" - It's anybody might see and make the connection. The biggest feats in world history, all began with one little thought, an idea, or a
connection of ideas. Hmmm that green camel logo where have I seen that?? A-hah! I bet that little bugger is one of those mail order druggie guys I saw on the tele that time. - They may not even be LE,
maybe they have a relative or friend, whatever. The cycle has begun (possibly).
We don't even want to get close to that cycle, let alone the initial thought, or "flashcard" picture of the green camel that triggers a memory of something that starts the ball, any ball, rolling.
I think I'd be beating a dead horse if I tried to make anymore analogies. Basically what I'm saying in a nutshell is;
"Shh..!! Don't say anything! There's a lot of drug deals going on here! Be cool! Chill !!"
It's not about some proud lifestyle choice or making a statement, or something like that. It's mostly illegal drug deals. That's what this is. So don't say anything !!!
We're trying to fly "under the radar here". Stealth! - A word used quite often on here. Stealth should be your first concern.
Whew! I'm beat. That's all out of me. (for now ;) )
I think a lot of us saw the topic and said "Oh yeah, cool!"
Then dbz4u reminded us all of why it would be a bad idea.
Then most of us heaved a collective sigh, in a burnout , and said "Oh, ..yeah...duh ??? "
Nothing against JWM. The forums can be a lot tougher than this little pissing match.
dbz4u was right, although his sarcasm in expressing it, was off putting no doubt to you, so it's understandable why you kept defending your idea even though it was shot down, albeit a little rudely.
We all get bent out of shape when we find one more news report about SR, especially by that Gawker douchebag, whom I'm surprised hasn't had his coffee dosed by someone in his office with a hit of LSD.
Though I did just put the idea out there!
Bad idea. Plain and simple. Take it like a man. - really. I don't want to see one Silk Road logo anywhere except when I log into my account. Think about it logically,
Coffee mug, at home where no one else sees, hopefully? OK. That's one thing.
You were talking Flags !! - When would you fly that flag? on 4/20 at 4:20?? -
Ever notice the word stealth being used quite a bit on here?
Here's my attempt at sarcasm.
Would you like to see pre-printed padded mailers with the Silk Road logo on there? - "Your Silk Road Order is here!!!"
If you don't get it now, you may want to change your bong water.
GTFO of my head.
/nailed it
I love the idea of a bunch of users walking around with SR logos. That way LE could feed an those that can't keep their mouths shut, and after the bloodletting we would be an evolutionary step forward having culled the herd of the weak and sickly.
Let's call the shop SR Darwin.
How about donating SR branded T-shirts to local charities? Then you will have the recipients of charity walking around wearing SR T-shirts and getting LE attention while we receive our drugs in anonymous comfort.
I love the idea of a bunch of users walking around with SR logos. That way LE could feed an those that can't keep their mouths shut, and after the bloodletting we would be an evolutionary step forward having culled the herd of the weak and sickly.
Let's call the shop SR Darwin.
How about donating SR branded T-shirts to local charities? Then you will have the recipients of charity walking around wearing SR T-shirts and getting LE attention while we receive our drugs in anonymous comfort.
It would be very bizarre walking around seeing people wearing the SR logo. Your idea is a good one though! There was a thread last year sometime where a guy did actually see someone wearing a SR t-shirt in a shopping centre and he was dumbfounded by the situation, if I remember correctly!
Do what you want. Just don't "promote" this site. It's like a secret club. Be glad you found it.
It's not about some proud lifestyle choice or making a statement, or something like that. It's mostly illegal drug deals. That's what this is. So don't say anything !!!
We're trying to fly "under the radar here". Stealth! - A word used quite often on here. Stealth should be your first concern.
+1 jagfug you laid it out well. Close this thread.
Do what you want. Just don't "promote" this site. It's like a secret club. Be glad you found it.
It's not about some proud lifestyle choice or making a statement, or something like that. It's mostly illegal drug deals. That's what this is. So don't say anything !!!
We're trying to fly "under the radar here". Stealth! - A word used quite often on here. Stealth should be your first concern.
+1 jagfug you laid it out well. Close this thread.
That's exactly what i was getting at before the flame attack started from Jezuz. As you can see through my later posts, my patience devolved with each bullshit accusation
why poke the tiger ? I used to own some 420wear (hey, it was '95) & quickly learned it was a bad idea.
fuuuuuuuck that.
So I noticed several mod reports re this thread the other night but was too tired to read it so just sent JWM a polite pm asking them to tone it down a bit. Having just wasted the last ten minutes trawling through what is essentially nothing more than a flame war over what is in my honest opinion a terrible idea I'm tempted to lock it and let it die.
... and for what it's worth advertising SR is just rubbing LE's face in it, why would we want to draw anymore attention to this place? put this place on the radar too loudly and we will get some crusading national newspaper running a fear campaign and before you know it you will have some enterprising politician platforming on an anti SR ticket.
This thread is cactus in my opinion, if anyone feels strongly otherwise speak up and I'll take another QUICK look tomorrow.
So I noticed several mod reports re this thread the other night but was too tired to read it so just sent JWM a polite pm asking them to tone it down a bit. Having just wasted the last ten minutes trawling through what is essentially nothing more than a flame war over what is in my honest opinion a terrible idea I'm tempted to lock it and let it die.
... and for what it's worth advertising SR is just rubbing LE's face in it, why would we want to draw anymore attention to this place? put this place on the radar too loudly and we will get some crusading national newspaper running a fear campaign and before you know it you will have some enterprising politician platforming on an anti SR ticket.
This thread is cactus in my opinion, if anyone feels strongly otherwise speak up and I'll take another QUICK look tomorrow.
This has been my opinion from the outset of this thread. Better late than never. Thank you
The OP asked for opinions on his idea and he got them. It doesn't appear that he liked them very much, but he got them. It is a free marketplace and Jezus is free to advertise and try to sell what he wants if it's within the rules of the site. It appears to me that if he went forward with this now it would be a huge waste of time and money. I guess that's for him to decide. I would never advertise my use of this place in public. The anonymity is why i'm here. Any advertisement of this by me would crush that.
I am pretty sure that I saw someone wearing the logo but it didn't have 'Silk Road' or 'I BUY DRUGS FROM THE INTERNET' anywhere that I could see.
Offensive underground t-shirts I can understand. What I have a problem with is anything that has an illegal image or declares some type of illegal activity.
Do what you will, I am only trying to help & share my experience.
I work hard at being beige - at blending in. I do nothing to draw any sort of attention to myself. I drive a boring car and I wear boring clothes. I do not wear jewelry and I do not have tattoos. I have never worn any T shirts with logos or insignia and I do not plan to start now. My goal is for LE to have no reason to be looking at me, literally or figuratively so I vote no on any promotional gear.
I work hard at being beige - at blending in. I do nothing to draw any sort of attention to myself. I drive a boring car and I wear boring clothes. I do not wear jewelry and I do not have tattoos. I have never worn any T shirts with logos or insignia and I do not plan to start now. My goal is for LE to have no reason to be looking at me, literally or figuratively so I vote no on any promotional gear.
Yeah, what he said. My car has 200,000 miles. My clothes are from Walmart. I rent my house. But my bitcoin accounts are full.
I work hard at being beige - at blending in. I do nothing to draw any sort of attention to myself. I drive a boring car and I wear boring clothes. I do not wear jewelry and I do not have tattoos. I have never worn any T shirts with logos or insignia and I do not plan to start now. My goal is for LE to have no reason to be looking at me, literally or figuratively so I vote no on any promotional gear.
You said exactly what I came to say. I won't even have a bumper sticker on my car. Not because I worry about what people think of me, people can fuck off. I do it so that no one ever thinks of me. For any reason at all. Even the most benign O sticker in the wrong town can bring heat. To each their own, but if you were smart, you would never advertise something like SR, even in your home.
If you do go ahead with this idea, you'd best not waste any money printing shirts in sizes bigger than a small, because the only market I can see for a Silk Road shirt is edgy teenagers trying to show what a hardened criminal they are on the playground.
.... I won't even have a bumper sticker on my car. Not because I worry about what people think of me, people can fuck off. I do it so that no one ever thinks of me. For any reason at all. Even the most benign O sticker in the wrong town can bring heat. To each their own, but if you were smart, you would never advertise something like SR, even in your home.
I forgot about the bumper stickers - no stickers of any kind on my vehicle either - just not worth it.
I would buy a tshirt to wear at home. I think it would be a cool thing to give my grandkids someday when I tell them I was here at the beginning.
I'm proud to be here, tho.
I would buy a tshirt to wear at home. I think it would be a cool thing to give my grandkids someday when I tell them I was here at the beginning.
I'm proud to be here, tho.
Well well didn't this evolve into a shit storm?
I have the all clear from the Boss to proceed with this idea, however due to the negativity of some people on here it's difficult to want to produce something that not only those on here who want them will purchase but also those closet fascists who have tried to oppose this idea from it's inception who will secretly buy them themselves without any sense of irony whatsoever.
Thanks for the negative feedback douchebags I know who you are and you are worse than the government fascists you claim to despise!
As for those with a sense of SR patriotism, or who just want one of our items because they will be cool as fuck, we have decided to probably go ahead with the idea because punishing you for the negativity of a few others would be unfair in the extreme and go against everything Libertarianism stands for.
There will be an announcement when and if they are listed folks, thanks for the feedback whether negative or positive (except dbz4u who's a narc and not to be trusted by anyone with a brain on here).
Happy to hear you're moving forward!
I want a DPR shirt that mimics the Che Guevara tshirts. Black tshirt with just the avatar profile in white or red. So on first glance people just think its a Che shirt.
Maybe you could somehow authenticate them and only sell a certain amount. That would be 8)
But I'll probably buy whatever you come up with.
I would buy a tshirt to wear at home. I think it would be a cool thing to give my grandkids someday when I tell them I was here at the beginning.
I'm proud to be here, tho.
Well well didn't this evolve into a shit storm?
I have the all clear from the Boss to proceed with this idea, however due to the negativity of some people on here it's difficult to want to produce something that not only those on here who want them will purchase but also those closet fascists who have tried to oppose this idea from it's inception who will secretly buy them themselves without any sense of irony whatsoever.
Thanks for the negative feedback douchebags I know who you are and you are worse than the government fascists you claim to despise!
As for those with a sense of SR patriotism, or who just want one of our items because they will be cool as fuck, we have decided to probably go ahead with the idea because punishing you for the negativity of a few others would be unfair in the extreme and go against everything Libertarianism stands for.
There will be an announcement when and if they are listed folks, thanks for the feedback whether negative or positive (except dbz4u who's a narc and not to be trusted by anyone with a brain on here).
Oh for fucks sake with the flaming already. Reported again
I would buy a tshirt to wear at home. I think it would be a cool thing to give my grandkids someday when I tell them I was here at the beginning.
I'm proud to be here, tho.
Well well didn't this evolve into a shit storm?
I have the all clear from the Boss to proceed with this idea, however due to the negativity of some people on here it's difficult to want to produce something that not only those on here who want them will purchase but also those closet fascists who have tried to oppose this idea from it's inception who will secretly buy them themselves without any sense of irony whatsoever.
Thanks for the negative feedback douchebags I know who you are and you are worse than the government fascists you claim to despise!
As for those with a sense of SR patriotism, or who just want one of our items because they will be cool as fuck, we have decided to probably go ahead with the idea because punishing you for the negativity of a few others would be unfair in the extreme and go against everything Libertarianism stands for.
There will be an announcement when and if they are listed folks, thanks for the feedback whether negative or positive (except dbz4u who's a narc and not to be trusted by anyone with a brain on here).
Oh for fucks sake with the flaming already. Reported again
Didn't i tell you to add him to you ignore list?
Look dbz4u if you cant handle not posting in the same thread with your reverse bromance don;t come to me and demand I tell him to cut it out like I'm someone's parent here, avoid JWM til the ignore feature gets fixed dont keep telling me to have a talking with him, because I dont have talkings with members that simply have a difference of opinion. Now if JWNM says he's gonna rape your little sister with your mom's head on a broomstick by all means i'll definitely have something to say to him, but this petty nonsense is a personal issue you two either need to work out or ignore each other.
Feel free to contact another Moderator if you think it's really worth our time, we have enough daily new issues to deal with as it is, I mean I'm on the forum all day and night and dont get tipped anything for the countless PM's and the nonstop newbie section questions trying to shape it into a non spam section but a fruitful; one like the rest.
Work it out or dont post your opinion on the same topic.
I would buy a tshirt to wear at home. I think it would be a cool thing to give my grandkids someday when I tell them I was here at the beginning.
I'm proud to be here, tho.
Well well didn't this evolve into a shit storm?
I have the all clear from the Boss to proceed with this idea, however due to the negativity of some people on here it's difficult to want to produce something that not only those on here who want them will purchase but also those closet fascists who have tried to oppose this idea from it's inception who will secretly buy them themselves without any sense of irony whatsoever.
Thanks for the negative feedback douchebags I know who you are and you are worse than the government fascists you claim to despise!
As for those with a sense of SR patriotism, or who just want one of our items because they will be cool as fuck, we have decided to probably go ahead with the idea because punishing you for the negativity of a few others would be unfair in the extreme and go against everything Libertarianism stands for.
There will be an announcement when and if they are listed folks, thanks for the feedback whether negative or positive (except dbz4u who's a narc and not to be trusted by anyone with a brain on here).
Oh for fucks sake with the flaming already. Reported again
Didn't i tell you to add him to you ignore list?
Look dbz4u if you cant handle not posting in the same thread with your reverse bromance don;t come to me and demand I tell him to cut it out like I'm someone's parent here, avoid JWM til the ignore feature gets fixed dont keep telling me to have a talking with him, because I dont have talkings with members that simply have a difference of opinion. Now if JWNM says he's gonna rape your little sister with your mom's head on a broomstick by all means i'll definitely have something to say to him, but this petty nonsense is a personal issue you two either need to work out or ignore each other.
Feel free to contact another Moderator if you think it's really worth our time, we have enough daily new issues to deal with as it is, I mean I'm on the forum all day and night and dont get tipped anything for the countless PM's and the nonstop newbie section questions trying to shape it into a non spam section but a fruitful; one like the rest.
Work it out or dont post your opinion on the same topic.
I did add him, it just happened to show that post without me clicking show for some reason. Regardless, he shouldn't be allowed to trash me and call me a narc. I don't give a fuck if i post in this thread or not, the issue is resolved and unimportant. What i do care about is he is publicly shit talking me.
Nobody likes a taddle-tale ::)
This is a real man :-X & this is dbz4u :'(
Nobody likes a taddle-tale ::)
This is a real man :-X & this is dbz4u :'(
Jesuzzzzz.... now I feel like you care more about winning this arguement than you do about my incredibly AHHHHmazing tshirt idea :'(
Nobody likes a taddle-tale ::)
This is a real man :-X & this is dbz4u :'(
An argument with a goose like that would never mean as much to me as bringing you happiness Trashbox.
I do like your idea and we will do a Trashbox Ltd Ed just for you :)
Jesuzzzzz.... now I feel like you care more about winning this arguement than you do about my incredibly AHHHHmazing tshirt idea :'(
sr shirts and merch? that is the most jewish thing I have ever heard of. Its official, the jews have taken over SR!!
Nobody likes a taddle-tale ::)
This is a real man :-X & this is dbz4u :'(
An argument with a goose like that would never mean as much to me as bringing you happiness Trashbox.
I do like your idea and we will do a Trashbox Ltd Ed just for you :)
Jesuzzzzz.... now I feel like you care more about winning this arguement than you do about my incredibly AHHHHmazing tshirt idea :'(
Can't wait!!!
This is the stupidest idea and worst thread I've read since I came here.
Fucking beyond ridiculous, I presumed it was a joke when I saw the subject line. OP you are an idiot.
" SR patriotism" means not putting a target on SR is a good idea for making money...but don't do it. You put your shoulder for getting DOWN SR
I have luck i dont live in USA or Australia ...I have luck no so many know about SR here. not any single artcle in press
it is enough that google has thousand of pages with SR information I don't want to see people on the streets with SR camel's on t shirts
i would definitely buy a discreet (no words, just small logo) t-shirt, I'm quite surprised by how vehemently some people oppose this idea, no one is forcing you to buy one...
How does owning a fucking tshirt put a 'target on SR'?
Some people are paranoid. You guys are beyond.
Jesuzzzzz.... now I feel like you care more about winning this arguement than you do about my incredibly AHHHHmazing tshirt idea
WHAT what did you say there was some kind of T-shirt... I must have missed that... ::)
How does owning a fucking tshirt put a 'target on SR'?
Some people are paranoid. You guys are beyond.
This is a diverse community with members from all over the world of all ages and ethnic backgrounds. We all lead different lives and lifestyles. Some of us have high profile jobs and security clearances. Some of us are homeowners and parents. In short, someone of have an awful lot to lose so it seems to me that each of us should be free to determine whether we think promotional items are a good idea or not. It seems to me, particularly since we were asked by the OP for opinions, that we should be able to honestly state of opinions without being labelled as paranoid, douche bags, morons, idiots, twits, twats, etc.
Personally, I have enough shit to "hide" at home: Pipes, bongs, papers, pills, weed, USB sticks, mylar, sealers, scales. The last thing I need to worry about are coffee mugs & tee shirts. Add to that , people come to my door unannounced:
- The post man comes to the door to deliver packages that won't fix in the box
- Girl Scouts come to the door selling cookies. They always have their mummies with them. What if mummy works for the fucking DEA?
- Those of you living in rental units: Are you going to open the door to the maintenance man sipping from your SR coffee mugs & wearing your SR tees? How do you know maintenance man's background?
- What if the cops stop by for a chat? Suppose there was some crime in the neighborhood or suppose the boys in blue are just out and about in the community? How the fuck are you going to stand there talking to the cops decked out in all of your SR finest? How will you say "Oh, no, officer, there aren't any drugs in THIS house ..."
Shit happens. I'd rather be safe than sorry because sorry in this case, sorry means incarceration. What you call "paranoid and beyond" I call practical common sense safety measures and thinking ahead.
I'm not trying to slam anyone - just putting this out there in case the I'll Wear My Shirt At Home Delegation has not thought this thru. Mailman, meter man, gas man, Girl Scouts, other solicitors, cops. Last but not least, don't forget about the nosy, pain-in-the-ass-trouble-making neighbors some of us live with, do-gooders who can't mind their own fucking business. All of these people show up at our homes unannounced, eh?
Cheers :)
I have a SR tracksuit and t-shirt with a matching baseball cap all bright red and white and I always have me SR flags at the front of my house I thought every one did I thought you had to wear them to be accepted so you mean to say I have been wearing all these SR clothes and wearing this t-shirt that says ''I DONT DO SHIT DRUGS. SR INC'' for the last year for nothing?
Happy to hear you're moving forward!
I want a DPR shirt that mimics the Che Guevara tshirts. Black tshirt with just the avatar profile in white or red. So on first glance people just think its a Che shirt.
Maybe you could somehow authenticate them and only sell a certain amount. That would be 8)
But I'll probably buy whatever you come up with.
The mimic shirt... yes !
Would buy one like that, who'd think a 2nd time?
How does owning a fucking tshirt put a 'target on SR'?
Some people are paranoid. You guys are beyond.
This is a diverse community with members from all over the world of all ages and ethnic backgrounds. We all lead different lives and lifestyles. Some of us have high profile jobs and security clearances. Some of us are homeowners and parents. In short, someone of have an awful lot to lose so it seems to me that each of us should be free to determine whether we think promotional items are a good idea or not. It seems to me, particularly since we were asked by the OP for opinions, that we should be able to honestly state of opinions without being labelled as paranoid, douche bags, morons, idiots, twits, twats, etc.
Personally, I have enough shit to "hide" at home: Pipes, bongs, papers, pills, weed, USB sticks, mylar, sealers, scales. The last thing I need to worry about are coffee mugs & tee shirts. Add to that , people come to my door unannounced:
- The post man comes to the door to deliver packages that won't fix in the box
- Girl Scouts come to the door selling cookies. They always have their mummies with them. What if mummy works for the fucking DEA?
- Those of you living in rental units: Are you going to open the door to the maintenance man sipping from your SR coffee mugs & wearing your SR tees? How do you know maintenance man's background?
- What if the cops stop by for a chat? Suppose there was some crime in the neighborhood or suppose the boys in blue are just out and about in the community? How the fuck are you going to stand there talking to the cops decked out in all of your SR finest? How will you say "Oh, no, officer, there aren't any drugs in THIS house ..."
Shit happens. I'd rather be safe than sorry because sorry in this case, sorry means incarceration. What you call "paranoid and beyond" I call practical common sense safety measures and thinking ahead.
I'm not trying to slam anyone - just putting this out there in case the I'll Wear My Shirt At Home Delegation has not thought this thru. Mailman, meter man, gas man, Girl Scouts, other solicitors, cops. Last but not least, don't forget about the nosy, pain-in-the-ass-trouble-making neighbors some of us live with, do-gooders who can't mind their own fucking business. All of these people show up at our homes unannounced, eh?
Cheers :)
The OP said they had PM'd DPR about the idea, I'd be interested to hear if they got a reply.
There are lots of reasons this is a very bad idea and there are also counter arguments, I'm sure some people would not care about drawing attention to their online activities but I for one would prefer to fly under the radar not straight into wrapped in my green camel flag.
Each to their own I guess.
How does owning a fucking tshirt put a 'target on SR'?
Some people are paranoid. You guys are beyond.
This is a diverse community with members from all over the world of all ages and ethnic backgrounds. We all lead different lives and lifestyles. Some of us have high profile jobs and security clearances. Some of us are homeowners and parents. In short, someone of have an awful lot to lose so it seems to me that each of us should be free to determine whether we think promotional items are a good idea or not. It seems to me, particularly since we were asked by the OP for opinions, that we should be able to honestly state of opinions without being labelled as paranoid, douche bags, morons, idiots, twits, twats, etc.
Personally, I have enough shit to "hide" at home: Pipes, bongs, papers, pills, weed, USB sticks, mylar, sealers, scales. The last thing I need to worry about are coffee mugs & tee shirts. Add to that , people come to my door unannounced:
- The post man comes to the door to deliver packages that won't fix in the box
- Girl Scouts come to the door selling cookies. They always have their mummies with them. What if mummy works for the fucking DEA?
- Those of you living in rental units: Are you going to open the door to the maintenance man sipping from your SR coffee mugs & wearing your SR tees? How do you know maintenance man's background?
- What if the cops stop by for a chat? Suppose there was some crime in the neighborhood or suppose the boys in blue are just out and about in the community? How the fuck are you going to stand there talking to the cops decked out in all of your SR finest? How will you say "Oh, no, officer, there aren't any drugs in THIS house ..."
Shit happens. I'd rather be safe than sorry because sorry in this case, sorry means incarceration. What you call "paranoid and beyond" I call practical common sense safety measures and thinking ahead.
I'm not trying to slam anyone - just putting this out there in case the I'll Wear My Shirt At Home Delegation has not thought this thru. Mailman, meter man, gas man, Girl Scouts, other solicitors, cops. Last but not least, don't forget about the nosy, pain-in-the-ass-trouble-making neighbors some of us live with, do-gooders who can't mind their own fucking business. All of these people show up at our homes unannounced, eh?
Cheers :)
The OP said they had PM'd DPR about the idea, I'd be interested to hear if they got a reply.
There are lots of reasons this is a very bad idea and there are also counter arguments, I'm sure some people would not care about drawing attention to their online activities but I for one would prefer to fly under the radar not straight into wrapped in my green camel flag.
Each to their own I guess.
I got the all clear from DPR
I got the all clear from DPR
You did?
I got the all clear from DPR
You did?
I said that didn't I?
I want a SR flag, size huge. Please make sure it's made of flammable fabric and soaks up lots of petroleum. Would be a waste if it doesn't burn well. Where can I order?
Christ! So much Drama on the first page!!
Anyhow, id love it depending on the design... if the items had nothing but a greencamel (i.e silk road logo) and nothing else id defo buy it... It'd be a talking point (amongst friends).. I can imagine it now...
friend : "Hey 202! Thats an awesome Mug youve got..."
me : "Thanks!! i love it its one of my favourites"
F : "Why the fuck has it got a camel on it weirdo"
m ; "ahh... thats for me to know, and for you to never find out...."
f : **mumblegrumble**
What is the first rule of fight club?
Christ! So much Drama on the first page!!
Anyhow, id love it depending on the design... if the items had nothing but a greencamel (i.e silk road logo) and nothing else id defo buy it... It'd be a talking point (amongst friends).. I can imagine it now...
friend : "Hey 202! Thats an awesome Mug youve got..."
me : "Thanks!! i love it its one of my favourites"
F : "Why the fuck has it got a camel on it weirdo"
m ; "ahh... thats for me to know, and for you to never find out...."
f : **mumblegrumble**
Love it +1 to you!
The fact is how many of the general public even know about SR and even cops!! I remember an article about a place in England, UK where the local cops had never even heard of SR!
So ....Wearing a t-shirt with a green camel on it yeah well fine. Bring it on - would love one!
I have to say (and hopefully it is not my naivety) but I don't think the shirt idea is bad if done tastefully and responsibly. By that, I mean no mention of drug sales, the specific silk road name, or anything like that. If there was a picture of the green camel and nothing else, 99% percent of people would have no idea what that is.
For the LE that might possibly recognize it, they can't do anything because you can always just say it is a picture of a green camel, right? Am i missing something? I mean I just did a google search of green camel shirt and a lot of (really ugly) shirts came up. I don't think it is such a terrible idea.
Of course they can't do anything to you, dead on the spot. What they can do is note your license plate/tag whatever your particular country calls it. Or note what apt# house # you're going into. That might never effect you either. Directly. The whole idea is to keep this hush-hush as possible. Hell, I only told one friend, and we go back to kindergarten days. Still it became a problem, because his order would be late, then he'd be mad at me for getting him into this. Then a few mornings he'd show up at my place, "Here's your mail, nothing from SR". - Known him for years, still a drug addict is a drug addict.
I don't tell anybody else now. My wife and I are separated, and she knows about it, because she uses it. She's cool, and on the "down low" about it all. If Daddy gets pills in the mail, it's from the Doctor.
I even have prescription bottles. Disguise any other contraband as simple capsules in supplement containers only I would take...etc.
Johnny Thunders (punk rocker for those too young to remember) used to wear a syringe full of smack in his top hat, and walk on stage that way. Those were different days. There were no LE hanging out at Max's Kansas City in downtown NYC circa 1979. A lot of people are losing revenue because of this site. A lot of big important scary dark forces who stand behind our supposedly elected leaders.
Do what you want. Just don't "promote" this site. It's like a secret club. Be glad you found it.
All we need is for some has-been singer that's "beloved" to everyone, like Whitney Houston, with a habit, buying on here because more and more doctors are getting harassed by the DEA and The Silk Road
makes it easy and anonymous. - The singer/actor overdoses and dies. Guess who the "loved ones" will blame??- Never the person who decided to take the pills. Not in this day an age where everyone is a victim, and not held responsible for their own actions.
I can see the news stories now. "Investigators are going through a laptop Lindsay Lohan was using to obtain the illegal narcotics through a site called The Silk Road." Now a public outcry to "do away with the evil doers". Suddenly internet privacy laws are permitted to erode by an ever increasingly gullible electorate.
Some stooge leader like Obama or Cameron or both, "join forces" to stop this evil thing called The Silk Road! Make's them look good. Obama ends term limits! President for life! (OK maybe not that scary)
Then a competing network has the Silk Road up on the screen., starts scrolling through orders placed by their ace reporter, all for research, and has them delivered to a police safe house per arrangement.
Month long investigations etc. Agents posing as buyers and sellers. It gets messy.
A major motion picture comes out, etc. - I know, all very grandiose, but I wouldn't put it past this fucked up pop-culture-entertaiment driven society of decadent sluts and air heads. (Male+Female)
There are so many scenarios one can imagine that could spell the undoing of this site. All it takes is one cocky kid, who's incapable of seeing the possible "unintended consequences" of his actions.
In World War II, a common saying was, "Loose lips, sink ships", as in, don't even tell your loved ones where we're headed or what port you're in. Messages could be intercepted, etc.
Same idea goes for Silk Road.
Sure the first instinct is to crow from a hill, "I've discovered GOLD"!! Then you realize, now a lot of other people have too, and have differing opinions on what should be done with your discovery.
It's like being in the mafia. You can talk about it to some people, but really you shouldn't talk to anybody about it. It simply doesn't exist. Not to your knowledge.
Initially a great idea. On paper. A rough draft. Then you sit and think what peoples reactions will be. As with all art that we wear and display, we want to express OUR own likes, ideas, and ideals!
Then there's a groups of people from many different countries, who have many different reasons for wanting SR stopped. Big Pharma, Big Governments who steal from it's citizenry through taxes and control of their drugs and healthcare, creating an ever more dependent on government society. Come to us for your pills, come to us for your pot. You need a license, we need another Department of Useless Idiots, and have to put up more govt buildings to keep this gravy train running! The people are stupid, they need us, the government to take care of them. It's currently a virus here in the US.
This freedom we have on the road, threatens the very existence of those in the organized crime ring of the US Gov't, the British Gov't, etc (add your country here).
So it's not just "Oh some dumb cop will see, and I'll shit my pants!" - It's anybody might see and make the connection. The biggest feats in world history, all began with one little thought, an idea, or a
connection of ideas. Hmmm that green camel logo where have I seen that?? A-hah! I bet that little bugger is one of those mail order druggie guys I saw on the tele that time. - They may not even be LE,
maybe they have a relative or friend, whatever. The cycle has begun (possibly).
We don't even want to get close to that cycle, let alone the initial thought, or "flashcard" picture of the green camel that triggers a memory of something that starts the ball, any ball, rolling.
I think I'd be beating a dead horse if I tried to make anymore analogies. Basically what I'm saying in a nutshell is;
"Shh..!! Don't say anything! There's a lot of drug deals going on here! Be cool! Chill !!"
It's not about some proud lifestyle choice or making a statement, or something like that. It's mostly illegal drug deals. That's what this is. So don't say anything !!!
We're trying to fly "under the radar here". Stealth! - A word used quite often on here. Stealth should be your first concern.
Whew! I'm beat. That's all out of me. (for now ;) )
Fantastic post, nothing else needs to be said. +1 buddy.
As I said in an earlier post if we rub LE's face in it too much this place will get onto the radar more often with unwanted consequences. Why some people feel the need to advertise their online activities astounds me, I can only assume some people have little care or regard for their safety and liberty.
As I said in an earlier post if we rub LE's face in it too much this place will get onto the radar more often with unwanted consequences. Why some people feel the need to advertise their online activities astounds me, I can only assume some people have little care or regard for their safety and liberty.
More on the radar?
What as in Ryan West going on national TV along with a drug dealer to sell out everyone on here, or CNN doing an exposé, or Gwker, or Shadh1 making national headlines for the last week, or Adam Kokesh going on YouTube and showing his DMT from NewTime, or inraelfreedomfighter telling everyone on YouTube how to access SR along with using PGP, or MixMag doing an article on it, and so on and so forth.
No, someone with some fan merchandise isn't going to stop the revolution peeps, and at the end of the day the Captain has given it the go ahead.
It will be a pleasure to bring happiness to those people who don't feel like they need to beg their slave owners for freedoms they have had from conception!
- JWM ;)
I have to say (and hopefully it is not my naivety) but I don't think the shirt idea is bad if done tastefully and responsibly. By that, I mean no mention of drug sales, the specific silk road name, or anything like that. If there was a picture of the green camel and nothing else, 99% percent of people would have no idea what that is.
For the LE that might possibly recognize it, they can't do anything because you can always just say it is a picture of a green camel, right? Am i missing something? I mean I just did a google search of green camel shirt and a lot of (really ugly) shirts came up. I don't think it is such a terrible idea.
Of course they can't do anything to you, dead on the spot. What they can do is note your license plate/tag whatever your particular country calls it. Or note what apt# house # you're going into. That might never effect you either. Directly. The whole idea is to keep this hush-hush as possible. Hell, I only told one friend, and we go back to kindergarten days. Still it became a problem, because his order would be late, then he'd be mad at me for getting him into this. Then a few mornings he'd show up at my place, "Here's your mail, nothing from SR". - Known him for years, still a drug addict is a drug addict.
I don't tell anybody else now. My wife and I are separated, and she knows about it, because she uses it. She's cool, and on the "down low" about it all. If Daddy gets pills in the mail, it's from the Doctor.
I even have prescription bottles. Disguise any other contraband as simple capsules in supplement containers only I would take...etc.
Johnny Thunders (punk rocker for those too young to remember) used to wear a syringe full of smack in his top hat, and walk on stage that way. Those were different days. There were no LE hanging out at Max's Kansas City in downtown NYC circa 1979. A lot of people are losing revenue because of this site. A lot of big important scary dark forces who stand behind our supposedly elected leaders.
Do what you want. Just don't "promote" this site. It's like a secret club. Be glad you found it.
All we need is for some has-been singer that's "beloved" to everyone, like Whitney Houston, with a habit, buying on here because more and more doctors are getting harassed by the DEA and The Silk Road
makes it easy and anonymous. - The singer/actor overdoses and dies. Guess who the "loved ones" will blame??- Never the person who decided to take the pills. Not in this day an age where everyone is a victim, and not held responsible for their own actions.
I can see the news stories now. "Investigators are going through a laptop Lindsay Lohan was using to obtain the illegal narcotics through a site called The Silk Road." Now a public outcry to "do away with the evil doers". Suddenly internet privacy laws are permitted to erode by an ever increasingly gullible electorate.
Some stooge leader like Obama or Cameron or both, "join forces" to stop this evil thing called The Silk Road! Make's them look good. Obama ends term limits! President for life! (OK maybe not that scary)
Then a competing network has the Silk Road up on the screen., starts scrolling through orders placed by their ace reporter, all for research, and has them delivered to a police safe house per arrangement.
Month long investigations etc. Agents posing as buyers and sellers. It gets messy.
A major motion picture comes out, etc. - I know, all very grandiose, but I wouldn't put it past this fucked up pop-culture-entertaiment driven society of decadent sluts and air heads. (Male+Female)
There are so many scenarios one can imagine that could spell the undoing of this site. All it takes is one cocky kid, who's incapable of seeing the possible "unintended consequences" of his actions.
In World War II, a common saying was, "Loose lips, sink ships", as in, don't even tell your loved ones where we're headed or what port you're in. Messages could be intercepted, etc.
Same idea goes for Silk Road.
Sure the first instinct is to crow from a hill, "I've discovered GOLD"!! Then you realize, now a lot of other people have too, and have differing opinions on what should be done with your discovery.
It's like being in the mafia. You can talk about it to some people, but really you shouldn't talk to anybody about it. It simply doesn't exist. Not to your knowledge.
Initially a great idea. On paper. A rough draft. Then you sit and think what peoples reactions will be. As with all art that we wear and display, we want to express OUR own likes, ideas, and ideals!
Then there's a groups of people from many different countries, who have many different reasons for wanting SR stopped. Big Pharma, Big Governments who steal from it's citizenry through taxes and control of their drugs and healthcare, creating an ever more dependent on government society. Come to us for your pills, come to us for your pot. You need a license, we need another Department of Useless Idiots, and have to put up more govt buildings to keep this gravy train running! The people are stupid, they need us, the government to take care of them. It's currently a virus here in the US.
This freedom we have on the road, threatens the very existence of those in the organized crime ring of the US Gov't, the British Gov't, etc (add your country here).
So it's not just "Oh some dumb cop will see, and I'll shit my pants!" - It's anybody might see and make the connection. The biggest feats in world history, all began with one little thought, an idea, or a
connection of ideas. Hmmm that green camel logo where have I seen that?? A-hah! I bet that little bugger is one of those mail order druggie guys I saw on the tele that time. - They may not even be LE,
maybe they have a relative or friend, whatever. The cycle has begun (possibly).
We don't even want to get close to that cycle, let alone the initial thought, or "flashcard" picture of the green camel that triggers a memory of something that starts the ball, any ball, rolling.
I think I'd be beating a dead horse if I tried to make anymore analogies. Basically what I'm saying in a nutshell is;
"Shh..!! Don't say anything! There's a lot of drug deals going on here! Be cool! Chill !!"
It's not about some proud lifestyle choice or making a statement, or something like that. It's mostly illegal drug deals. That's what this is. So don't say anything !!!
We're trying to fly "under the radar here". Stealth! - A word used quite often on here. Stealth should be your first concern.
Whew! I'm beat. That's all out of me. (for now ;) )
Totally agree. I do understand peoples stand point of wanting merchandise though. To each their own is the saying! :)
If I had a plain white T-shirt with a green camel on it...
TAKE MY MONEY!! *insert fry meme photo here*
Why do people still think we're flying under the radar? that went out of the window with the Gawker article.
Our strength now is in ever increasing numbers, the more members we have here and the more hidden marketplaces the better. Silk Road is a massive target at the moment because it's head and shoulders above the competition, but one day there'll be dozens of Silk Roads, then hundreds.
The world is waking up slowly to the folly of America's "War on drugs", countries are liberalising their drug laws right , left and centre :)
You can't put the Genie back in the bottle :)
I dont even think we need dozens or hundreds of SR immitators, it wouldn't hurt, but when the site was lagging people were ready to switch to BMR, there just has to be one or two alternatives in place to take up any slack that might be required if SR went anywhere.
If we were dealing with rational people they would understand that it is easier to leave SR be rather than kick it and splinter it into a million tiny little versions of the original. But LE is rarely rational and governments even less so.
what a great idea....
How does owning a fucking tshirt put a 'target on SR'?
Some people are paranoid. You guys are beyond.
This is a diverse community with members from all over the world of all ages and ethnic backgrounds. We all lead different lives and lifestyles. Some of us have high profile jobs and security clearances. Some of us are homeowners and parents. In short, someone of have an awful lot to lose so it seems to me that each of us should be free to determine whether we think promotional items are a good idea or not. It seems to me, particularly since we were asked by the OP for opinions, that we should be able to honestly state of opinions without being labelled as paranoid, douche bags, morons, idiots, twits, twats, etc.
Personally, I have enough shit to "hide" at home: Pipes, bongs, papers, pills, weed, USB sticks, mylar, sealers, scales. The last thing I need to worry about are coffee mugs & tee shirts. Add to that , people come to my door unannounced:
- The post man comes to the door to deliver packages that won't fix in the box
- Girl Scouts come to the door selling cookies. They always have their mummies with them. What if mummy works for the fucking DEA?
- Those of you living in rental units: Are you going to open the door to the maintenance man sipping from your SR coffee mugs & wearing your SR tees? How do you know maintenance man's background?
- What if the cops stop by for a chat? Suppose there was some crime in the neighborhood or suppose the boys in blue are just out and about in the community? How the fuck are you going to stand there talking to the cops decked out in all of your SR finest? How will you say "Oh, no, officer, there aren't any drugs in THIS house ..."
Shit happens. I'd rather be safe than sorry because sorry in this case, sorry means incarceration. What you call "paranoid and beyond" I call practical common sense safety measures and thinking ahead.
I'm not trying to slam anyone - just putting this out there in case the I'll Wear My Shirt At Home Delegation has not thought this thru. Mailman, meter man, gas man, Girl Scouts, other solicitors, cops. Last but not least, don't forget about the nosy, pain-in-the-ass-trouble-making neighbors some of us live with, do-gooders who can't mind their own fucking business. All of these people show up at our homes unannounced, eh?
Cheers :)
I'm part of your so-called 'I'll Wear It At Home Delegation' and I have thought it through. I have big plans for my DPR tshirt. Big sexy plans. Also, I hate 'welcome' doormats. I think people who 'drop by' are rude, and my friends and family know better. Girls scouts still knock on doors? I thought they just hit up all their relatives and daddy's client list. And if a cop came to my door there is no way in hell he is stepping foot inside without a warrant.
I'm not trying to be an asshole. I just think OP has a great idea.
Cheers nonetheless :)
As I said in an earlier post if we rub LE's face in it too much this place will get onto the radar more often with unwanted consequences. Why some people feel the need to advertise their online activities astounds me, I can only assume some people have little care or regard for their safety and liberty.
More on the radar?
What as in Ryan West going on national TV along with a drug dealer to sell out everyone on here, or CNN doing an exposé, or Gwker, or Shadh1 making national headlines for the last week, or Adam Kokesh going on YouTube and showing his DMT from NewTime, or inraelfreedomfighter telling everyone on YouTube how to access SR along with using PGP, or MixMag doing an article on it, and so on and so forth.
No, someone with some fan merchandise isn't going to stop the revolution peeps, and at the end of the day the Captain has given it the go ahead.
It will be a pleasure to bring happiness to those people who don't feel like they need to beg their slave owners for freedoms they have had from conception!
- JWM ;)
Hmm yes well ok you may have a point when you put it like that I guess.
I suppose momentum will get behind SR whether we want to keep it quiet or not, I'm still worried what will happen when SR is well and truly out in the public domain, I know it's been in the news a fair bit but many people still have not idea about this place and the more people who find out increases the chances of us attracting unwanted attention from our loving overlords.
See what happens I guess... but I guess you are right, a T shirt won't stop the revolution.
I've only been here for a month, but I can say that, while I DO like the idea of a Silk Road camel t-shirt...
I enjoy ACTUALLY USING S.R. much more than I enjoy TELLING PEOPLE THAT I USE S.R.
And secrecy and stealth will likely result in me being able to use S.R. for a longer, safer, more enjoyable period of my life.
And so T-shirts and flags are a no-no.
Have you not seen Fight Club? What's the first rule of Fight Club? Anyone?
What is the first rule of fight club?
I see now that you beat me to it Tyl3r. Great minds... :P
Silly, illogical idea imo,
Just knowing im getting "one over" on "the authority" is good enough for me, im an adult.
In my opinion advertising SR on such things, scream out loud two things,
1. "I not only take drugs but get them delivered to my house or my whereabouts, so keep an eye on me cops!!"
2. "Look at meeee!!! im part of the cool gang!!!!!" which will eventually lead back to no.1.
Its different if its politics or a consciousness / social message your advertising, but this isn't, its " i take drugs and get them delivered" ILLOGICAL NO?
Lol.. Have any of you even seen fight club? Are you totally unaware of how it ends? Useless consumer face-diarrhea..
I'm not sure what magical country you all live in where the police have scanner eyes and instantly upload any images of green camels to the DEA database aswell as your constant gps co-ordinance, but here in THE REAL WORLD there aren't even enough cops to patrol my entire city. I'm sure they're gonna stake out my house waiting for my gram of recreational substance to come because of a green fucking camel.
The money and time invested in an online investigation is painfully high, unless you order 100g packages to your house with your name every other week then a green camel isn't going to get you busted, not even by your moms. As someone else said, I've never seen the cops follow that kid with the pot leaf t-shirt around the mall for 2 hours waiting for him to go outside and light up. They have shit to do, donuts to eat. You act like they have a personal vendetta against drugs. Jesus, half of them are ON drugs.
I'm sorry for the rant, I hate to spread that kind of negativity but seriously people. You must be tweakin' to think that a camel shirt makes you some sort of priority target. My little bro (first year of high school) was telling me about how his friend ordered all sorts of NBOME and shit, and he's never even tried LSD. The cat is out of the fucking bag, has been for a good long time. It's probably the reason half of you are here at all. If you sincerely feel that it's a terrible idea then you're an IDIOT to ask other people not to wear them.. takes the heat off you, wouldn't it?
I for one want 5 pairs of booty shorts, 2 white tanks, and a full body one-sie (with a butt flap of course)
All the power jezuz
...Now bring on the neg karma :)
Lol.. Have any of you even seen fight club? Are you totally unaware of how it ends? Useless consumer face-diarrhea..
I'm not sure what magical country you all live in where the police have scanner eyes and instantly upload any images of green camels to the DEA database aswell as your constant gps co-ordinance, but here in THE REAL WORLD there aren't even enough cops to patrol my entire city. I'm sure they're gonna stake out my house waiting for my gram of recreational substance to come because of a green fucking camel.
The money and time invested in an online investigation is painfully high, unless you order 100g packages to your house with your name every other week then a green camel isn't going to get you busted, not even by your moms. As someone else said, I've never seen the cops follow that kid with the pot leaf t-shirt around the mall for 2 hours waiting for him to go outside and light up. They have shit to do, donuts to eat. You act like they have a personal vendetta against drugs. Jesus, half of them are ON drugs.
I'm sorry for the rant, I hate to spread that kind of negativity but seriously people. You must be tweakin' to think that a camel shirt makes you some sort of priority target. My little bro (first year of high school) was telling me about how his friend ordered all sorts of NBOME and shit, and he's never even tried LSD. The cat is out of the fucking bag, has been for a good long time. It's probably the reason half of you are here at all. If you sincerely feel that it's a terrible idea then you're an IDIOT to ask other people not to wear them.. takes the heat off you, wouldn't it?
I for one want 5 pairs of booty shorts, 2 white tanks, and a full body one-sie (with a butt flap of course)
All the power jezuz
...Now bring on the neg karma :)
+1 to you, boo ;)
Bring on the booty shorts!
Silk Road merchandise is already out there, Silk road Shirts have been on sale here for over a year :)
was going to say i swear the t shirts have been about for a year or so!
it's just a camel, it's not like it says I BUY DRUGS ONLINE AT SILK ROAD. people on here are so paranoid. i'd get a t shirt if it wasn't overpriced or white. or yellow. i attract wasps when i wear yellow.
What a terrible thread, holy fuck.
What a terrible thread, holy fuck.
Don't even get involved UnWizard. I check back once in a while, because unfortunately once you post in a thread, there is no way to keep it from showing up in "unread replies to your post" even though they are not replies to you post, they are replies to the OP.
This is a great microcosm of those who "get it" and those who "don't"
I would imagine those who don't also supported the whole "occupy" movement, though if you were to pin them down for an answer as to "Why" they support it, you would not get a coherent answer.
It's maturity. Experience. Upbringing. - Also I think a lot depends on if you've ever been arrested, handcuffed, and felt absolutely helpless, as a slave to the government these miscreants so willingly sell their liberty to.
You can't possible count yourself as being "one of them".
I know I'm not.
Let's just hope they stay in this thread and don't infect the rest of the population.
I only hope they practice extreme birth control.
i was arrested a few times back in the day but never cuffed to my disappointment, i never resisted arrest.. and the uk isn't a police state. they let me keep my baccy even though i was underage. been caught smoking weed in public they just stamp your spliff and say i hope you haven't got any more. a lot of them 'get it' you know
almost everyone on earth is a slave to the government as you put it
i'm one of the ones who 'don't get it', yes? just want to clarify..
the thing i don't get is all the negativity over an image of a camel. i could've got it as a keepsake from a trip to tunisia or something. anyone can get the image off the site and take it to a screen printer anyway so whether you can buy the stuff on here is largely irrelevant
ps. i promise i won't breed :)
ps. i promise i won't breed :)
ps. i promise i won't breed :)
^ corrected haha
Wait, RON, you're a girl? GO TO MY GIRL THREAD
Sorry, Jezuz (the OP, not the other one ::) ), but I need bitches to spill the beans
I would definitely buy some SR merchandise or drug paraphernalia... like a cool SR logo 3 piece grinder, or a bong with the SR camel. Idk, just throwing out ideas.
Oh and it seems like the big issue in this thread is about advertising yourself as a dealer or user... don't worry about it, if people want to do that, let them. I want some SR merchandise because I think it would look cool. That's about it, I don't care who sees it, except for my friends. Most people wouldn't even recognize it if it's just the SR logo.
hell yeah pawnee's woman of the year! what girl thread where? direct me please. what are conversational topics in said thread? intriguing
Yes please, let me just advertise to my local LEO's that i buy drugs, and exactly where i buy them from. Please sign me up :-\
To OP, I like the idea ofcourse bc the more silkroad gets advertised the more customers and the more people benefiting from this alternative stealth shopping network and more people getting themselves involved with bitcoins, in short more people participating in this revolution..
But yes he is right that this puts you in position that you are advertising something that can incriminate you so it would have to be done in a way that is is not the case.
Retards. Retards everywhere.
Lol.. Have any of you even seen fight club? Are you totally unaware of how it ends? Useless consumer face-diarrhea..
I'm not sure what magical country you all live in where the police have scanner eyes and instantly upload any images of green camels to the DEA database aswell as your constant gps co-ordinance, but here in THE REAL WORLD there aren't even enough cops to patrol my entire city. I'm sure they're gonna stake out my house waiting for my gram of recreational substance to come because of a green fucking camel.
The money and time invested in an online investigation is painfully high, unless you order 100g packages to your house with your name every other week then a green camel isn't going to get you busted, not even by your moms. As someone else said, I've never seen the cops follow that kid with the pot leaf t-shirt around the mall for 2 hours waiting for him to go outside and light up. They have shit to do, donuts to eat. You act like they have a personal vendetta against drugs. Jesus, half of them are ON drugs.
I'm sorry for the rant, I hate to spread that kind of negativity but seriously people. You must be tweakin' to think that a camel shirt makes you some sort of priority target. My little bro (first year of high school) was telling me about how his friend ordered all sorts of NBOME and shit, and he's never even tried LSD. The cat is out of the fucking bag, has been for a good long time. It's probably the reason half of you are here at all. If you sincerely feel that it's a terrible idea then you're an IDIOT to ask other people not to wear them.. takes the heat off you, wouldn't it?
I for one want 5 pairs of booty shorts, 2 white tanks, and a full body one-sie (with a butt flap of course)
All the power jezuz
...Now bring on the neg karma :)
You are absolutely right that being paranoid over wearing a Silk Road t-shirt is a little silly / overly careful.
But I think there are plenty of people who, having done something illegal and gotten caught, wish they had been just a liiiiitle more paranoid / overly careful.
I really, really like some drugs, and I like being able to get them much more than I like wearing a t-shirt declaring my method of getting them.
PS - if people are so paranoid as to routinely post "SWIM" instead of using first-person on drug forums, is it really so surprising that we would be to paranoid to wear a Silk Road T-shirt? :)
If you were wearing SR merch in public, people wouldn't see a a flashing sign that says, "I BUY ILLICIT SUBSTANCES ONLINE!"; No, they would see a fucking green camel. and sure, LE knows about Silk Road, but not the low level LEs that would be patrolling publicly. The sorts of LEs that actually would know about SR, and if they're knocking on your door about a seized shipment, one trip to the station away from getting a warrant, well then I suppose it'd be a bad idea to be wearing an SR shirt when you answered.
Beyond that, wanna know who be the only other demographic of people that would think your shirt's logo significant? FELLOW SR USERS!
I would be interested in tshirts if they were good quality tshirts. The only issue i have with tshirt merchandising is that the tshirts that people typically use are so crappy. Get some good material tshirts and I would buy a few.
I would be interested in tshirts if they were good quality tshirts. The only issue i have with tshirt merchandising is that the tshirts that people typically use are so crappy. Get some good material tshirts and I would buy a few.
I second this. Please make sure they are high quality. I'd love to have a shirt to wear around the house and whatnot. I'm not sure I'd wear it out just on principle, but I like to have stuff like this just for my own enjoyment.
Silk Road merch? No thank you. I thinks it's pretty distasteful. Also, the SR green camel logo is fuck ugly.
The SR green camel logo is fuck ugly.
This is the best argument I've heard against the proposed idea.
All it takes is one clever pig or someone with a grudge against you, its a VERY small world online, in real life and SR is increasing in popularity socially all around the world, in the media, word of mouth etc. These things snowball.
Anything, even as minor as this (even if theres a fraction of a % chance) that could possibly ruin my life or attract attention to me i will avoid, thats my logic.
You'l realise it when the steel door slams shut in your face.
I see little point in debating this issue further as the debate is just going around in circles.
The OP requested feedback on a proposal and opinion is clearly split between those who are cautious and wish to draw as little attention to themselves as possible and those who see no issue with it.
Each to their own I say, you will not convince those of the risks if they are of that mindset and vise versa.
Each to their own I say, you will not convince those of the risks if they are of that mindset and vise versa.
Ah...the inevitable end to every debate. :D ;D
Each to their own I say, you will not convince those of the risks if they are of that mindset and vise versa.
Ah...the inevitable end to every debate. :D ;D
Well I think the OP found out what they needed to know i.e. was there a market and there clearly is. People just posting back and forth on the for and against seems rather redundant now don't you think?
i woudnt mind getting the green camel tatted on my forearm actually im really thinking of that
Well I think the OP found out what they needed to know i.e. was there a market and there clearly is. People just posting back and forth on the for and against seems rather redundant now don't you think?
Let's shut this bitch down :)
Each to their own I say, you will not convince those of the risks if they are of that mindset and vise versa.
Ah...the inevitable end to every debate. :D ;D
Well I think the OP found out what they needed to know i.e. was there a market and there clearly is. People just posting back and forth on the for and against seems rather redundant now don't you think?
Sums it up perfectly.
Its not really that smart because when an oz of weed gets stopped at customs and the police find out it was heading to your house and desperately need some evidence as to if it was you who ordered it or not, knock on your door and you have a green camel T shirt on it doesnt look great. Will it get you in trouble ? probably not... is mocking the system that these people are payed to enforce a good idea... probably not...... is wearing a t shirt that advertises the fact you use an anonymous marketplace slightly ironic ? I think so.
All it takes is one clever pig or someone with a grudge against you, its a VERY small world online, in real life and SR is increasing in popularity socially all around the world, in the media, word of mouth etc. These things snowball.
Anything, even as minor as this (even if theres a fraction of a % chance) that could possibly ruin my life or attract attention to me i will avoid, thats my logic.
You'l realise it when the steel door slams shut in your face.
Yeah, a shirt is really all they need. Yeah go fly this flag somewhere and watch in 2-3 days a detective comes to your door ya know it could be gen crimes DEA what ever, your local sheriffs can be federal agents!
Its not really that smart because when an oz of weed gets stopped at customs and the police find out it was heading to your house and desperately need some evidence as to if it was you who ordered it or not, knock on your door and you have a green camel T shirt on it doesnt look great. Will it get you in trouble ? probably not... is mocking the system that these people are payed to enforce a good idea... probably not...... is wearing a t shirt that advertises the fact you use an anonymous marketplace slightly ironic ? I think so.
Exactly, its just logic, the only need for this would be for some kinda ego boost "im in the cool gang an got da hook-ups yo"" teenage stuff, just my opinion. My jolly roger flag and tee shirt went in the fire when i set this up ha ha!
clever pig
a whaaaaaaa??????