Silk Road discussion / Re: At what point does the freedom of speech vs. Censorshuip actual end?
« on: January 24, 2013, 08:04 am »Moderators are in a no-win situation when it comes to these matters -- if we lock threads that are racist/offensive/etc. then people get angry ... but if we don't lock those threads, people get angry. It's a daily struggle to determine what, if anything, should be deleted or locked. The only threads I've deleted are the threads of the virwex / bitcointalks spammers. It's a difficult line to walk, but I know that I - and the other moderators - do the best we can to promote and allow freedom of speech while also keeping in mind that there are instances in which leaving a thread open becomes detrimental to the community. It's a balancing act. We don't always succeed in keeping everyone happy, but we're all trying to do the right thing in these situations.
No doubt being an SR mod is a thankless job. I think I can help you with it though.
If they are angry because you deleted their thread; don't delete the thread, you are not a taste maker or the moral police.
If they cry because you won't lock a thread; tell them we value free speech here, no one is making them visit these forums. I saw Christy Nugs giving you shit for not taking down that possible scammer thread, fuck her, she's always been hormonal. Tell her you only have power to take down threads matching a certain criteria, and if she doesn't like it then maybe the forums aren't meant for her. You are anonymous, why care what anyone here thinks?
Also other than those annoying spam threads that boot all the good threads to page two there is no such thing as a thread that is detrimental to the community. Sure, some are less interesting than others, but these forums have gotten along fine without ninja mods trimming it down.
Is it Christmas?! This is the first time you've spoken decently to me!

It's true - I can only delete threads from spammers/scammers, or people posting dangerous info. Regarding freedom of speech, is there ever a point at which something should be done to try to quiet the storm if that speech begins to harm others?
I'm well aware of my place and duty here, but I learn something new every day about how to approach these matters, and how to do a better job here. Aside from the frustration of lacking a clear answer, these calmer discussions are thought-provoking.
Both sides make some indisputable points. Can we all at least agree that it's kind of fantastic to be part of a community where people with such differing philosophies can co-exist (for the most part)?
In conclusion:
Ah, drugs, you wonderful sometimes-unifier of philosophical opponents!