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Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: snipeemfl0 on August 18, 2012, 02:12 am

Title: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: snipeemfl0 on August 18, 2012, 02:12 am
25i/c/b/d - NBOMe is a psychedelic drug recently new to the world. It is normally found on blotters because of its small dosage, but can be found as a powder as well.

Because of its new nature, it would be beneficial to the community to pool information and help educate users/future users on this drugs effects, dosage, and safe practices.

This thread is a work in progress, help me make it better for the community and post/correct me where necessary.

If you have medical journals or studies that contain information on serious short term or long term effects of NBOMe please let me know ASAP.

If something is marked with *??* , that means that I/we are not sure and if you have correct information please share it.

Another note, be careful, no matter how much we know about this drug, no one can estimate what it will do to you. The best advise it to take it slow and don't mix it unless you like to become a human ginnepig.

25i-NBOMe: At around the 1mg dosage, this drug produces very light tingling, almost stimulant sensations during the come up. There is a euphoric and happy mood lift. The trip is pretty clear and level headed, short and fast CEV's along with constant distorted OEV's.

At the 1-2mg range, I find that smoking weed brings out OEV's with colors and moving patterns. The patterns are highly diversified by the environment you're tripping in. A lot of it is pattern like shapes moving, or almost a digitally/sharp moving objects.  I've never had interactions/conversations with OEV's or CEV's on any dosage of 25i.

Down Sides: As someone with insomnia, I find it VERY hard to sleep on this drug. Especially with higher doses. I recommend benzos for the comedown if you have trouble sleeping normally. Weed usually just prolongs the trip. Another thing with all of the NBOME series, is muscle tension. The best way to describe it is the feeling of having to stretch, but never getting rid of it. It can feel like tightening of muscles and sometimes sharp pains. At my 4mg dose, it was unpleasant, but didn't ruin the trip by any means.

Please comment for more trip experiences and higher/lower doses. Interested to see what you have to say.
25c-NBOMe: I find this version of NBOMe to be more a mood enhancer and body effect part of the NBOMe series. It wasn't until 1.8mg that I had a very good head trip with strong OEV's. Not to say this chemical isn't a strong psychedelic, because it most certainly is. This one to me reminds me a lot of higher body load shroom trips. I can feel the euphoric/uplifting effects of the drug as well as having a organic/shape shifting OEV's.

Downsides: Basically the same as 25i, so see the above. Another thing to note is the increased potency of 25c compared to 25i.

Please comment for more trip experiences and higher/lower doses. Interested to see what you have to say.
25d-NBOMe: *??*

25b-NBOMe: *??*

I personally don't have experience with 25d/b and would love for some other people to give me information/trip reports on it.

Drug | Method of administration | Average minimum-normal recreational-maximum safe dosage





I would like to stress that these dosages are approximations. This drug is still very new and effects vary from person to person. Start slow!


Q: Is NBOMe like LSD?

A: NBOMe is like LSD, but it, like any other psychedelic, has its own unique properties and varies from person to person.

Q: What are the methods of administration for NBOMe?

A: Sublingual, or under the tongue/between your gums/upper teeth are the most common for blotters. You can also do insuffilation, IM, and rectal administration. This chemical CAN NOT be swallowed, the stomach acid destroys the chemical before it is absorbed into the bloodstream.

Q: I ordered LSD in the mail but suspect it was NBOMe, how do I know?

A: Well, if you aren't sure, you're taking a risk if you decide to take it regardless. But, the best way to do it is to swallow the blotter since NBOMe isn't orally active but LSD is. The downside it that it could be another chemical besides LSD that could be orally active.

Q: How long does the trip last?

A: That all depends on the dosage and if you take any redoses or add marijuana to the mix. Normally, with bumps or weed, my trips last 6-7 hours before I go to bed (or at least attempt it).

This thread is a work in progress, help me make it better for the community and post/correct me where necessary.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: skibler on August 18, 2012, 08:15 am
I too find that 25c did not get very visual until after 1.8mg.

Also setting is HUGE with 25c in my opinion. I have observed and personally gone through trips where things are just utterly confusing. And it can cause a break down if your in experienced.  This is my first time doing it in a comfortable enviorment alone and its totally different. Alot more peaceful.  25i and 25d did not seem to cause the confusion these did, but that may just be me.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sselevol on August 18, 2012, 09:57 am
25c was very visual at 700ug insufflated for me and almost felt like too much. Setting was so important and going in with the right mindset :) Cool thread! It's great to have some discussion on the NBOMEs.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on August 19, 2012, 01:50 am
They're all pretty damn visual. 25i is more visual than the others. 25c has more empathy working for it. And 25b is really heavy. As for 25d, I don't really know first hand, but I have some for sale if someone wants to buy it and post a review.

Check my thread in the "product offer" section. I have a huge sale ending this weekend. $300 for a full print!!!! 1mg per tab! 900 hits in a print!

PM me with any questions.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Longtimer on August 19, 2012, 03:00 am
Based of DudeRug's 2nd last batch, the felixes, propsed to be 1mg each, but I believe to be about 800ug.

1 tab = ++/some +++ focusing on 1 area, things would slightly move around
For exmaple, I was staring at the footprints, watching them swim around in the dirt, stnading inside a 4-square game.
One footstep said 'fuck it' and swam all the way over to the 4-square and left.
That was pretty cool how the footstep could swim underneat the paint and leave the playing area.

2 tabs = +++ tracers starting to get pretty intense, you can make the infinity sign on the computer with the mouse curser.
Music is sounding AMAZING. As in like, you cannot NOT move, laying my bed hearing it squeek all around, because I'm just bouncing go the music.
Saw jaw from the tensing.

3.5 tabs = a ++++, amazing experience. Re-living many lifes, wear some warm clothes because the vasoconstriction makes you cold.
My back got really saw, as it was very very tense.
Visuals were too intense to notice. Full visual feild was gone.
Scenery slicing to the max, at times the bottom part would change with the top.
And sometimes random parts from my right side would be on my left side.

I couldn't actually find the front door to my house, as I literally saw 2.
I aimed in the middle and hoped I'd make it.

There were many times when I could feel a bad trip coming on, but I simpled started walking in a different direction and it was OK.
Having a bed only 15 minute walk away was very nice, as sometimes I really felt I needed to be grounded.

Felt amazing for weeks afterwards, experienced myself to the fullest extent.
I will be back with the results of HardHustle's 25c and 25i.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on August 19, 2012, 03:15 am
^^^^^^^Yeah, nBOMEs are pretty amazing! I remembered the first time I tried 25i.......I was blown away! I really couldn't believe how good the chemical was?!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: psilocybinetic on August 19, 2012, 05:28 pm
I definitely enjoyed the 25C.
Saw very slight geometric patterns and very euphoric feelings with 600 micros
1800 micros- Visuals and euphoria enhanced greatly.
Overall, its a great drug considering its cost and I would try it again, but next time I would try the 25i or 25b

Also...every bad trip I've read from NBOMe was brought on through insufflation. Every time I dosed sublingual and had very pleasant trips each time. I would dare to try insufflation, but go no more than 400 micros. I've read people insufflating over 800 micros their first time with the drug and having horrible experiences.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: snipeemfl0 on August 19, 2012, 06:33 pm
Probably the best thing about NBOMe is the price, I can give it to my friends without caring at all about them paying me or the night costing a couple hundred bucks. With this its more economical haha
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on August 19, 2012, 06:37 pm
Not to get on anyone's bad side, but people(KIDS) who tend to snort these chems are fucking retarded. First, they're not knowing exactly what dose they're getting. Second, they're snorting a fucking drug that is active in the micro gram region!


Also, buy my prints before the sale ends and y'all go back to paying $500 a print!!!!!

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: fracttalize on August 19, 2012, 09:33 pm
For me the 25i has somewhat of a harsh come-up with a small amount of body-load which leads into a very digitally grainy distorted world, and a complete mindfuck.   But not the good mindfuck like acid.  It's like everything you've done all your life becomes new and confusing.  Nothing makes much sense, not even the order in which to complete tasks.

The 25c on the other hand has a fast fairly speedy onset with little mind distortion, so you feel mostly clear-headed, (can still carry conversation, complete math equations, type and talk coherently) but the CEVs, and mostly OEVs for me are absolutely undeniably ridiculous.  I actually just posted a trip report on some 25C-NBOME I got from echo over here --->  http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=23620.30

All in all I personally enjoy the OEVs that 25c has to offer over the strangeness of 25i.  25c just feels more natural to my body (if that makes any sense).

And don't forget:  Weed goes well with every psychedelic I've encountered thusfar...shit we just enhances everything.

So the choice is yours.  Enjoy and be safe :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: le botbahn on August 19, 2012, 10:16 pm
I'll share my experience with 25I & 25D.

25I has become my favorite psychedelic by a long shot. It's already been described well, but this stuff colors the world with the most vibrant color palate you can imagine. The fractals are deeper than any I've experienced on DMT or mushrooms, and the OEV & CEV are something to be hold. I've tripped maybe 10 times now and I've never once had a negative experience, which I can't say about any other hallucinogen. The lack of mindfuck makes it very special IMO. The older I get, the more the other hallucinogens seem to beat me up. This drug is so refreshing I can't even put it in words.
I've used 0.5 mg - 3.5 mg on tabs and find 1.0-1.2 mg to be ideal. I've put 1.0 mg in solution up my nose once and it was a bit too overwhelming. Tabs are perfect.

Most of my trips began around midnight and lasted into the morning (unless I pulled the benzo rip cord after sunrise). For my most recent trip, we dropped our tabs at 3:30 am. This made for the most breathtaking morning and visually intense trip to date. I highly recommend timing your peak for sunrise or sunset sometime if possible.

It's equally as awesome as a starry sky, but it takes on a slightly different nature and seemed in bring out even more visuals.

Night time trips have consistently delivered a futuristic-retro space vibe (if you've done it you know what that means!).

While the morning trip delivered a futuristic jungle/Spanish Inquisition vibe.

I've never tripped alone and everytime- all people report the same vibes and nature of hallucinations, and in some cases we look at the exact same things at the same time (this seems to be another unique aspect of the NBOME experience, as I've seen this reported elsewhere too).

25-D deserves alot more recognition than it's received. I'm going to take the time to do it here since there isn't much info here or elsewhere on this beautiful compound:

I've done 25-D once. I liked it just as much, if not more, than 25I.
Me and a friend each put 1.0 mg in solution up our nose. We chose insuflation because my source recommended against tabs for 25-D, claiming that it wasn't very efficient or effective. At the time I was unable to find any evidence of the contrary (only reports from people disappointed with 25-D on tabs).

Holy fuck was that wild! In a beautiful and bizarre kind of way. The comeup from insuflation was not jarring like 25I, but softer and gentler. It just sort of blossomed over the next 10 minutes as we wandered into a pitch black field surrounded by forest. By the time we reached the grassy center (our destination), we were in absolute awe of the world that had manifested around us like sprouting plants. We were surrounded by fluorescent glowing tubes. They are so hard to describe because they were so unique and unlike anything I've ever seen or heard about. These tubes were something like 50% veins and 50% plant vine...shimmering with every color of the rainbow, pulsating, and growing with every second like still frame footage of a growing plant. The more you looked at them, the more complex they became and the more surface they covered and more space they filled. They seemed to originate from the soil but extended every direction, all the way up to the sky, and even into our fingertips and covering our skin.

Everything had a very gentle and loving vibe. My friend shouted with excitement during the entire (hour?) peak. He had apparently became a lightning rod of creativity and philosophy, while I layed there in absolute awe of our surroundings and the fact that we were seeing the EXACT SAME structures and hallucinations. My mind was clear and it was absolute bliss. Not a bit of anxiety.

This was not at all unlike the night forest scenes in the movie Avatar. I swear! The world around us was glowing like Las Vegas out in the pitch black middle of nowhere at 3 am.

What really made these visuals unique was the lack of fractals and symmetry that visuals usually contain with 25I and other hallucinogens. The only way I can put it is that it felt very "organic" in design...similar to the way plant life just kind of grows all over the place, like vines in a jungle. There wasn't a master mathematical blueprint to it, it just "was".

Sounds were also drastically altered. Everything sounded like it was happening in a tunnel. There were objects whizzing by in the air around us followed by trails of sounds. We never could tell if these were hallucinations or actual living creatures.

As the peak gradually tapered we returned to our fire & music. When we arrived I found the music appreciation and rainbow aura of the fire to be very similar to 25I. But in contrast to 25I which has more of a "party" vibe to it (ie- it feels like you are surround by good times and people who aren't there during the experience), 25D had a pronounced "empathogenic" vibe which seems to be most pronounced after the peak and lasted the remainder of the trip.
There are still OEV, but I only noticed them when I was shining my light on rocks and observing the cornucopia of bug life on/around them. They had a prehistoric fossil motif to them. The empathy was most comparable to that I've experienced with MDMA and to some degree, psilocybin. I felt loving, caring, and content.

While my friend was in a trance writing his thoughts in a notebook, I wondered off into the dark forest alone. At one point I sensed i wasn't alone and turned on my light to find a small racoon in front of me. He climbed a tree and we stared at eachother for 10 minutes. We had this connection and I could feel his hardships in just trying to survive out there. I named him Dimitri and continued on my way.
I decided I must bless the forest and all it's life with my walking stick, so I spent the next 30 minutes waving it and saying "Assalamu alaikum" the entire time. It just seemed appropriate at the time.

My friend tracked me down shortly after. He saw my light and decided to investigate after he convinced himself I wasn't an alien.
We returned to our fire and spent the rest of the wee hours dancing to tunes and jumping around like kids. Two grown ass men. Such an awesomely wonderful night that was. Brought to us as an unexpected freebie from the vendor Etizolam (thanks again!).

I can't wait to pick up some more 25-D in the future. I'm really interested to see how it compares on tabs.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: LIGHTFLOWER on August 20, 2012, 01:22 am
I think the 25's have a very good chance at becoming big time psychedelics.   It is important that those who know of 25i spread the word to those who do not. While 25i is a wonderful psychedelic, it is NOT LSD. It does, however, have the potential to be this age's go-to recreational psychedelic.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: snipeemfl0 on August 20, 2012, 01:27 am
I think the 25's have a very good chance at becoming big time psychedelics.   It is important that those who know of 25i spread the word to those who do not. While 25i is a wonderful psychedelic, it is NOT LSD. It does, however, have the potential to be this age's go-to recreational psychedelic.


This x1000. The main thing to push on people is that you can't just take a dozen or 2 blotters just make it more intense. It get exponentially more intense. Be careful when dosing, especially with powder
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: le botbahn on August 20, 2012, 03:39 am
It does, however, have the potential to be this age's go-to recreational psychedelic.

I agree with you. Fully. Everyone interested in psychedelics should try this. No it's not acid. In my experience, everyone I've introduced it to have stated that they now prefer 25I.

When under the influence, I feel this incredibly upbeat and fresh current that permeates everything. It literally feels like psychedelic perfection by design (if that makes any sense).

It's really tough to put it words but it's more or less an embodiment of your statements.

PS- It's really interesting to see the design you chose for your Mind Kissers.
I've laid under the stars with a few friends and every single one of us saw that EXACT eye in place of each and every star. I nearly used it for my own personal tabs for that reason earlier this year.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: snipeemfl0 on August 20, 2012, 04:34 am
My biggest question is time between trips. I want to know what the time should be spaced between them. Currently they are a week +/- depending on a good opportunity and if I have the free time
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: le botbahn on August 20, 2012, 05:10 am
My biggest question is time between trips. I want to know what the time should be spaced between them. Currently they are a week +/- depending on a good opportunity and if I have the free time

IME, one week minimum between trips seems to work fine. However, NBOMEs are interesting in terms of cross tolerance...that is, cross tolerance may not exist between different members. At least not complete cross-tolerance:

One time a friend and I did 25I together 3 times in one week-- the 1st (1.2 mg) and 2nd (1.6 mg) were about two days apart and both good... while the 3rd trip (3.2 mg another two days later) didn't produce anything at all. We had obviously developed tolerance and it was clear were not going to trip from 25I.

Later that same night we decided to try 25D 1.0 mg (probably a dumb idea but somebody had to do it :))...

To our surprise 25D produced a full blown trip that was an entirely different animal. That's the trip I wrote about in length above.

Anyone else experience similar with different members?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: snipeemfl0 on August 20, 2012, 04:43 pm
My biggest question is time between trips. I want to know what the time should be spaced between them. Currently they are a week +/- depending on a good opportunity and if I have the free time

IME, one week minimum between trips seems to work fine. However, NBOMEs are interesting in terms of cross tolerance...that is, cross tolerance may not exist between different members. At least not complete cross-tolerance:

One time a friend and I did 25I together 3 times in one week-- the 1st (1.2 mg) and 2nd (1.6 mg) were about two days apart and both good... while the 3rd trip (3.2 mg another two days later) didn't produce anything at all. We had obviously developed tolerance and it was clear were not going to trip from 25I.

Later that same night we decided to try 25D 1.0 mg (probably a dumb idea but somebody had to do it :))...

To our surprise 25D produced a full blown trip that was an entirely different animal. That's the trip I wrote about in length above.

Anyone else experience similar with different members?

I think that D would put you over the line, I wonder what would have happened if you did another 1mg of i not D.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on August 20, 2012, 05:50 pm
Just be careful not to overdo this chemical. It is a fascinating one at that, but tolerance will build up and you can lose yourself chasing the colors. Take breaks and plenty of 5htp and other vitamins after a dose.

My sale is still going on for Full prints if anyone is interested. I am sending OP a sample of 25b this week for a review.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: le botbahn on August 20, 2012, 06:01 pm
My biggest question is time between trips. I want to know what the time should be spaced between them. Currently they are a week +/- depending on a good opportunity and if I have the free time

IME, one week minimum between trips seems to work fine. However, NBOMEs are interesting in terms of cross tolerance...that is, cross tolerance may not exist between different members. At least not complete cross-tolerance:

One time a friend and I did 25I together 3 times in one week-- the 1st (1.2 mg) and 2nd (1.6 mg) were about two days apart and both good... while the 3rd trip (3.2 mg another two days later) didn't produce anything at all. We had obviously developed tolerance and it was clear were not going to trip from 25I.

Later that same night we decided to try 25D 1.0 mg (probably a dumb idea but somebody had to do it :))...

To our surprise 25D produced a full blown trip that was an entirely different animal. That's the trip I wrote about in length above.

Anyone else experience similar with different members?

I think that D would put you over the line, I wonder what would have happened if you did another 1mg of i not D.

Yeah, good point. I also wonder if that, or a smaller dose of 25I intranasally, rather than on tabs, would have allowed a breakthrough the way that 25D did.

I don't recommend it to anyone else, but I'm planning on combining some of them in the future in smaller amounts (ex- 500 ug 25I + 500 ug 25D). I've already essentially done that already at high doses so I'm not afraid of doing it on a smaller scale. But first I'll need to explore 25 D on it's own some more to better characterize it.

And then we have 25G dropping on the Road soon :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: zapatista36 on August 20, 2012, 11:00 pm
Thought I'd throw my 25c(ents) in for what it's worth.  I hadn't heard of 25i or 25c until earlier this year, when I stumbled across them on SR, and as I'd been bumped for some shit quality acid thought this would be a more economical risk if it turned into a waste of BTC. But went for some of dudedrugs' 25i blotter (felixes - advertised at ~1mg) and was mighty impressed.  Sampled them on my own first time, one wasn't enough, but two had me trippin pretty good, and enjoyed the lack of comedown.  Also the ability to eat and the fact that NBOMes don't appear to suppress your appetite are a plus. 

Next time I went for 3 tabs of 25i, 2 tabs of poorly dosed acid (15ug each if lucky - flying keys I'd been burnt on previously, but hey you gotta eat them anyway) along some decent pollen and some mdma (~100mg) with a friend, and I can highly recommend that combination. He struggled with the sublingual administration and couldn't keep the tabs between his upper lip and gum , ending up with half chewed tabs, so I doubt he got much effect from the 25i, but he wasn't complaining.  His sound system is impressive anyway, but with the 25i the music was really fucking alive, whether it was reggae (bit of Bob and Trojan back catalogue), psychelic (Ozric Tentacles, Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd), or anything Ninjatune has to offer, particularly the Solid Steel video podcasts with some serious drum n bass and some fucking mad anime ripping through the visuals.  OEVs ans CEVs were both intense at times, and while my mate wanted to go outside for some kinda nocturnal adventure at about 3am, I was in no state to get up and about.  Tripped for about 8hrs all in.

Then I came across Tyl3r Durden's NBOMe listings, and while skeptical at first, given the amount of research and commitment Tyl3r had put into his particular production of 25i and 25c, and an upcoming festival, I got a load of both types of capsules so I could dish them out - the low cost of NBOMes is great in that you can hand these out without skinning yourself.  Now a lot of the folk I was at the festival with are more into their coke and xtc pills, so some of them took a bit of convincing, but due to the nasal insufflation route, this sat well with those who were up for it.  Plus insufflation brings you up in 20mins or less, where you can be waiting for around an hour with tabs. Everyone I gave these capsules to loved them - it gave the dance tents a grimier-grotto style feel that you usually only associate with shrooms, and the general response was "What the fuck was that you gave me?  It's the business".  Folk who had either a suspicion of psychedelics (due to bad acid trips) or just weren't up for heavy tripping liked the ability to tune in to the visuals that accompanied the music, but also the clarity you get if you decide to move the focus of your attention elsewhere, and while clearly entering the psychedelic zone, there's no associated mindfuck, just a euphoria you usually find with xtc/mdma.  It also helped that pretty much everyone had coke, xtc/mdma and some shit hot bid bud to complement the 25i.  The 25c was generally agreed as more of a daytime, sit about, watching bands outside on main stages type substance, and is definitely shorter acting.  I would gauge Tyl3r's 25i at anything from 4-8hrs, and 25c around 3-4hrs.  25i seemed a bigger hit than 25c on that occasion.

Since then, I've been enjoying weekly 25i and 25c usage, and find that this is a good time for any tolerance levels to dissipate.  As I had bought in (relative) bulk from both vendors, I still have both tabs and capsules left - although supplies are now dwindling and I'll need to re-up sometime in the next month or so.  But one of the benefits of smaller (single) doses of either 25i or c is that while I have noticed some pupil dilation, it's definitely not the penny eyes you get from mdma or acid, you can pass it off as being stoned (unless you get caught staring at yourself in the mirror or another fixed point for just that bit too long) and, as another forum member said elsewhere, NBOMes are a good substance for ninja tripping.

I'm keen to try 25d/b/g if/when they make an appearance on SR, but definitely consider NBOMes the young upstart of the psychedelic field - and I've been doing these for nearly 20yrs now - but deservedly so.  Bring them on guys...
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Twelve_Pickles on August 21, 2012, 12:11 am
my biggest question is what are the body cramps like? if someone who suffers from muscle stiffness would take this, i wonder how unpleasant their physical situation would be.

btw to OP, kudos on making this thread.long time coming.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: le botbahn on August 21, 2012, 01:39 am
I've never experienced cramps at any dose with 25I or 25D.
Maybe have a muscle relaxer on hand or take prior to dosing if you have issues.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: LIGHTFLOWER on August 21, 2012, 01:39 am
It does, however, have the potential to be this age's go-to recreational psychedelic.

I agree with you. Fully. Everyone interested in psychedelics should try this. No it's not acid. In my experience, everyone I've introduced it to have stated that they now prefer 25I.

When under the influence, I feel this incredibly upbeat and fresh current that permeates everything. It literally feels like psychedelic perfection by design (if that makes any sense).

It's really tough to put it words but it's more or less an embodiment of your statements.

PS- It's really interesting to see the design you chose for your Mind Kissers.
I've laid under the stars with a few friends and every single one of us saw that EXACT eye in place of each and every star. I nearly used it for my own personal tabs for that reason earlier this year.

I chose the symbol as I had "experienced it" during my own explorations with 25i. Fascinating that you've had similar experience. Psys :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: le botbahn on August 21, 2012, 01:43 am
I chose the symbol as I had "experienced it" during my own explorations with 25i. Fascinating that you've had similar experience. Psys :)


(also post #200! Pretty far out stuff :) )
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: DrGonzoII on August 21, 2012, 04:06 am
At the request of Longtimer, I am posting a reduced form of my OP in HardHustle's Review thread.
you can view the entire post here:

Before my trip report I have a few observations I would like to point out:

#1) above all else: HardHustle is the shit..... hands down.
There are very few vendors that I can think of who would assist an inquisition of this sort free of charge. Not to mention, all combinations of his tabs were later found to be stronger than whatever NBOMe concoction was in the other vendors tabs

#2) 25-C is way too mental for my taste nowadays, I might have loved it ten years ago but not now, it really showed me my age.

#3) if you are a musician that likes to trip, I would highly recommend 25-I, as it seems to provide the wonder and creativity of psychedelics without clouding the mind and fucking up your finger skills. It reminds me a lot of the first time I tried playing guitar on LSD as a teen and I thought that I understood everything there was to know about Jimi Hendrix's playing style.

#4) Although nothing will ever truly replace LSD, AND, although all of these substances provide a rather complete psychedelic experience on their own.....the 25-I/C combo is the closest I have come to finding an LSD replacement. If it weren't for the taste and unique ROA, I could see a lot of people being misled with this combo. What worries me the most is that people who would otherwise be open to trying these compounds may end up spitting out the tabs and demanding their money back when people try to pass them off as LSD. The number one thing that these compounds need to become notable is honesty on the dealers end.

#5) HPBCD really does make a world of difference with NBOMe compounds. even when they are in a salt form

So with those points made I will conclude this review with the an amalgamated trip report of the second trial, which proved to be the most interesting of them all. In this experiment it was found that I took the 25-I and both of my cohorts took the 25-I/C combo of HH's tabs:

T - 01:00 ) the cohorts arrive (who I will from here on refer to as M and B), we all have a Kahlua mudslide and a bowl of lightly salted rice to calm the nerves and stomach. After a vote between fritz the cat, the wall, and a thompson flick, we decide to put on the rum diary for background noise and to help set the mood.

T - 00:00 ) we all select an envelope and go into the dark room to pop the tabs. once we get back to the tripping den we get into a rather intense conversation about how western music might have evolved in the digital world if well-temperament and just intonation had maintained dominance (as opposed to the current equal-temperament)

T + 00:40 ) around this time the conversation had petered out and the movie was nearing the end. we were all getting our first alerts and felt a little antsy. Once the credits started rolling I turned off the TV and we all sat there in silence for what was only a few minutes but what felt at least an hour. I could feel the silence weighing thickly and M had started taking taking notes in his notebook (I later found out that he was doing some math related to our conversation about music theory. trying to figure out how many of the 144 notes in a set of 12 harmonically pure scales were redundant)

T + 00:45 ) the silence was getting to me so I decided to fire up ubuntu studio and break out my music instruments. this quickly became the most eclectic tripp jam we had had since the ayahuasca experiments of 2006. I grabbed my homemade electric sitar (a les paul knock-off with scalloped frets, a 16 string harp running perpendicular to the main strings, and an adjustable-curve, metal jawari of my own design, tuned to DADGAD  of course) . B was playing with a variety of (mostly homemade) wind instruments I had lying about (pan pipes, PVC didgeridoo, Fujara, pungi, etc.....) and M was tickling the ivorys on my new 88 key digital piano.
We kept trying to play various "established pieces" but the music would continuously take random turns into the unknown. I imagine this is how pink floyd devised the many interludes in their early famous albums like dark side of the moon and the wall. at some point I started experiencing some synesthesia in which it seems that the exposed speaker on the PA was actually a big ass mouth, singing the wordless music that we played. and every time I looked at the stings I played i felt that I could actually see the various harmonics vibrating independently and the apogee of the fundamental note was constantly sweeping up and down the length of the string like a visual representation of a flange effect. normally this would have been rather disconcerting but for some reason I was able to keep an extremely clear head and it seemed that I never missed a beat. the same could not be said of my cohorts. It seemed as though B had started to get stuck in a mental thought loop that was being musically expressed as a unique yet simple ostinato rhythm on the didgeridoo. M was also have problems with his chords.

T + 02:00 ) around this time, the music had been pretty much reduced to noise. I took this as my cue to get some cool water for everyone and twist a joint. it turns out that B was stuck in a worse thought loop than I had originally thought. apparently he had tranced out with the circular breathing of the didgeridoo and he had lost all sense of self. according to his notebook: he had become reduced to a sound wave and he thought that if he stopped playing that rhythm, than he would have ceased to exist. we weren't able to get him to respond at first until I blew a big shotgun in his face which seemed to snap him out of it. as soon as he smelled the smoke his eyes popped back open with a maniacal grin and he gratefully abandoned the didgeridoo to get blazed all the while screaming "BONZAI!?!?" as he rushed forward to receive the spliff. (on the recording you can here a good 10 minutes of hysterical laughter from all of us due to this odd proclamation and our perception of the giant ring around his mouth from the didgeridoo, which I noted made him look like a white version of one of those old racist "Black-Face" comics.

T + 03:00 ) at this point we were incredibly high but I noticed that M and B were still much more mental impaired than my self. there behavior had deteriorated to erratic mumbles and frantically glancing in all directions as though they were stalking some invisible prey floating about the room. although I was tripping pretty hard myself I could still do logical tasks like long division which I proceeded to test with my notebook. the only real troubles I seemed to have with functioning normally stemmed from that unique type of visual dyslexia that everyone seems to get when they take enough of any hallucinogen. at this point I decide to turn on dark side of the rainbow to chill us all out. I wish I could describe what they experienced at this point but their notebooks were either abandoned or else completely illegible at this point and both of their memories of this portion of the trip are kind of shot

T + 04:00 ) like always, dark side has restored our sanity somewhat. I followed it by a choice few selections from Dntel (everyone should try listening to "Last Songs" while they trip at least once. I dare you to try it with out smiling or feeling some sense of elation). M and B had started to come around and were starting to use whole sentences again we ended up spending the next few hours opening up to each other about some rather personal issues in a way that is rarely accomplished outside of a good psychotherapy session. I will not get into the details as a lot of that conversation is private but it was mostly about our familys, regrets, mistakes, and a mutual feeling that we are no longer young and invincible.

T + 05:30 ) at this point I am pretty much back to base line and although the M and B are still tripping I can tell that they are following suite. we decide that we have gained as much as we could from the night so I break out the weed and some etizolam to help sleep. within a hour we are all nodding contentedly

all in all, I would have to say that this was one of the best trips i have had in a long time and I am proud that it was one of my last. After this heart scare I have decided to lay off of the heavy drugs for the most part and I am gonna stick with the simpler things like weed and moderate alcohol. I have even been working on quitting smoking cigarettes, which is something I haven't even contemplated in many years

Thank you HH for inadvertently providing the tools to help me put my life back in perspective. between the insights I gained from that trip and the heart scare, I have learned the value of my own health and have gained a new found appreciation for the things that I had started to take for granted with out even meaning too.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: rainbowringoctopus on August 21, 2012, 08:08 am
Got some powdered 25I and 25C from Tyl3r (who gave amazing service).

The 25I was amazing, the best psychedelic experience I've had for years. Made the whole night a lot of fun, everything felt amazing (sex, snuggling, just chilling out). Got some alright visuals but due to the social nature of the trip didn't really get to delve into them too much. Looking forward to upping the dose a little and chilling out with my eyes closed.

The 25C was not on the same level as the 25I but that could have been for a few reasons: Mood was not as good, and I got talking about some kind of heavy stuff part way through the trip.

Also I had only waited a week between the trips, I'm wondering if cross tolerance could have reduced the impact of the 25C.

Tyl3r's snortable caps are amazing delivery. I sometimes get anxious waiting for the come up on other psychedelics but with this it hits you before you have a chance to get worried.

I would be very interested in doing any of the other NBOMe's, but will definitely preference powder over tab.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Longtimer on August 21, 2012, 09:58 am
NBOMes and diabetees?

Discussion here if you're interested.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: snipeemfl0 on August 21, 2012, 05:38 pm
Does any vendor want to start selling small quantities of  25D?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Twelve_Pickles on August 21, 2012, 07:23 pm
Does any vendor want to start selling small quantities of  25D?

Doesn't Foxy sell 25D?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on August 21, 2012, 08:06 pm
Foxy only sells bulk.

I don't know why there aren't more d and b sellers out there. Those are my favorites.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Twelve_Pickles on August 21, 2012, 08:19 pm
sometimes amidst a sea of drugs its the rarer ones illegal/legal that we wish to explore. never tried either b or d.

2CB-Fly is the one i want to try the most. its chemical structure is amazing, and Ann Shulgin said it was the one chemical she'd take to heaven with her.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: le botbahn on August 21, 2012, 08:23 pm
Does any vendor want to start selling small quantities of  25D?

I was going to recommend Etizolam but I'm surprised to see his listing is down. Might want to inquire about it. With so many listings he may have overlooked it or forgot update qty.
 He had 20 mg listed for ~$40 iirc and his turnaround time seems to have improved.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on August 21, 2012, 08:33 pm
Does any vendor want to start selling small quantities of  25D?

I was going to recommend Etizolam but I'm surprised to see his listing is down. Might want to inquire about it. With so many listings he may have overlooked it or forgot update qty.
 He had 20 mg listed for ~$40 iirc and his turnaround time seems to have improved.

I wouldn't go with Etizolam, he has the worst shipping time on the road. You can wait months before being marked in transit.

Dannyboone is trying to unload the rest of his tabs. He has 50 tabs for $50 in the nbome section (you have a choice between b, c, and i).
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: le botbahn on August 21, 2012, 08:51 pm

I wouldn't go with Etizolam, he has the worst shipping time on the road. You can wait months before being marked in transit.

Very true. I've personally never had to wait that long but I've read the horror stories. On the plus side he's always been extra generous with weight and/or awesome surprises.

Have you tried 25D on tabs yet L1ly? If so I'm interested in what you have to say about them.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: le botbahn on August 21, 2012, 08:54 pm
Also has anyone inquired with the mods about relocating this thread to the Rumor Mill?
It seems very much "on topic" IMO.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on August 22, 2012, 03:24 am
Alright, here is my summary of nbomes in alphabetical order (including d). NOTE: These are all tabs taken buccal for 20-40 minutes. I like to preload with drammamine and magnesium to ease nausea and intestinal discomfort.

25b - at 500ug this was easily the most colorfully visual psychedelic I've had to date (more than 7g of p. gandolini, 1mg of 25d, or 20mg of 4-Aco-dmt). There are very bright and slim lines of electrical light that swirl and envelop everything. Patterning is also apparent along with rippling and waving of the visual field.

Sounds become very clear and distinct. I found myself "zooming into" various ambient noises that I would normally ignore or couldn't hear. I can follow a single instrument in a song or isolate any given sound. Music sounds especially beautiful.

I like to nurse popsicles as it makes me feel warmer during the trip. Tastes in general last longer making it difficult to eat. It was like the need to eat was diminished because I could still taste my last bite of food. NOTE: Eating is a lot easier and enjoyable when combined with 25i making recovery the next day far less exhausting.

Rather than a mood boost, it heightens all emotions. During movies, actions scenes would have me sweating with excitement and gripping my seat, comedy scenes would have me laughing through my gut, etc. In combination with the visuals and sound clarity, it's an immersive sensory experience. In higher doses, the world can look cartoonish due to the distortions and color overlay.

Those who use it in a social settings compare it to ecstasy. But I get a lot more euphoria with 25c and 25d.

trip time @ 4 hours

25c - 600ug is a solid trip. It is a feel-good NBOMe, very sensory, sensual, and erotic. The mind load can be pretty heavy at higher doses and ego death has been noted between 3-6mg (I do not recommend these dosages).

It starts off visual within the first hour or so. At first the contrast of light and dark becomes more apparent and surfaces begin to ripple slowly. Colors appear brighter, then swirly and floral patterns appear on noisy surfaces. A few times a single color would dominate my visual field, not sure if it had to do with mood or what but this experience has been unique to 25c where everything I see would have a blanket of pink or green flowing around and through it. Like 2c-c, visuals and overall trip is highly responsive to sounds and music and is especially enjoyable.

Very slowly, a euphoria builds within the first 2 hours and then slowly starts to decline until the end of the trip. You don't really notice the euphoria at first but eventually you realize that as time moves on, the euphoria becomes more intense. I often notice a decline in visuals once I start experiencing euphoria though I will still see some visuals at the end if I look for it.

This one elevates my body temperature which is tempered with ice and popsicles.

When within your sweet spot, this can be a moderately clear-headed experience. Psychonauts who take more than 1.5mg will experience an incredibly disorienting mind load, dissociation, and difficulty staying on simple tasks.

trip time @ 5-6 hours

25d - nothing really happens below 1mg as this is the least potent nbome.

Like 25c, this one will start off very visual, though more colorful light affects are noted than 25c. CEV's appear to be blazing bursts of electric and fractal lights.

The euphoria kicks in about 1.5-2 hours except instead of a steady stream of euphoria, this one comes in rolls. These are full-body orgasm rolls that peak for a good 30 seconds or longer before settling into a steady stream of bliss. The mindspace is like being on a good dose of MDA: very carnal and charged erotic energy. The rolls occur less frequent than a mdxx though after a few hours I am  very grateful for the break in between! 

trip time @ 5-6 hours

25g - 700ug was a light dose. It is the most clear-headed nbome in this series.

This one comes with body euphoria and mood boost, similar to a threshold dose of mdma with less sexual undertones. It also has unique nootropic qualities ... not only clear-headed but clarity seemed enhanced a good deal. I'd say this is the most versatile nbome, suitable for just about any occasion.

There is no body load on the come-up or otherwise, no evidence of vasoconstriction, and come up is about 30 minutes (the affects keep building up to around 60 minutes). Eating is no issue and sleep was possible 4 hours after dosing. Unfortunately, it comes with no visuals, but with the lack of body load it's an ideal candidate for combining!

Since this dose was VERY light and 25g has a nice afterglow, it's hard to determine how long before I was coming down.

estimated trip time @ 4 hours but is likely longer with a "solid" dose.

25i - 800ug is a solid dose for me. It's very mentally stimulating with some mind load.

This one has a long come-up, about 1.5-2 hours. I'll either lie down and watch a movie or listen to some music during this time as it gives my head a feeling of heaviness (sometimes I feel like I want to sleep). Vasoconstriction is the strongest so plan to add a layer of clothing during the come-up (you'll feel cold at first). However, once fully up I am filled with this positive energy with a need to do something.

Visuals are a slight waving of the visual field. Colors seem brighter. The contrast of dark and light is more apparent. Everything appears more crisp.

There is a very gentle and steady euphoria that settles into my muscles but it's very mellow when compared to 25c and 25d.

It's the most sociable NBOMe because of the mood boost. It can fill evenings with perma-smiles and lots of laughter. It also gives me a sense of excitement, awe, and wonder for life and everything I encounter. It's like borrowing a fresh pair of eyes that only see through rose colored glasses. I am able to see the positive in everything and I'm often left with a profound afterglow.

It also comes with a good deal of mental stimulation; it bothers some but others enjoy it. Sleep is always difficult so take it early in the day or have some ghb handy. A good 2.5g will have me sleeping the rest of the night and wake up refreshed.

trip time @ 6-8 hours

Anyway, I think that's everything I've been able to compile so far. Let me know if you have any questions!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: snipeemfl0 on August 22, 2012, 07:31 pm
Also has anyone inquired with the mods about relocating this thread to the Rumor Mill?
It seems very much "on topic" IMO.

Why move this thread? What is in here that is a rumor?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: skibler on August 22, 2012, 09:13 pm
Yeah I beleive this thread is more directed towards the chemicals than the vendors selling these chemicals.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: snipeemfl0 on August 22, 2012, 10:57 pm
Does anyone else agree with the idea that smoking MJ helps you get better OEV's

Also, does anyone else know if MJ helps get rid of vasconstriction
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: zapatista36 on August 22, 2012, 11:07 pm
I've found weed enhances and prolongs the trip, wouldn't say that it makes you more likely to experience OEVs, that seems to be more to do with increasing your dosage of psychedelics, or combining various psychs and disassociatives or ecstasy.  Also haven't found weed to assist with vasoconstriction - just close the windows, stick on another jumper, put the heating on or get the blankets out - at about 3mg 25i I was fucking freezing for the first hr or so, nose felt like being outside in winter
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on August 23, 2012, 12:06 am
Does anyone else agree with the idea that smoking MJ helps you get better OEV's

Also, does anyone else know if MJ helps get rid of vasconstriction
Cannabis enhances the visuals for me but with a cannabis-touch. I don't find that it makes the NBOMe OEV's "stronger" as if you had taken more NBOMe, but it does add a unique visual touch.

If I smoke a LOT my mind starts looping. It's quite synergetic with 25i and 25c (the only NBOMes I've tried).
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: le botbahn on August 23, 2012, 02:32 am
+1 L1ly. That's the most comprehensive report I've come across. Thank you.

Also has anyone inquired with the mods about relocating this thread to the Rumor Mill?
It seems very much "on topic" IMO.

Why move this thread? What is in here that is a rumor?
Good point. :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on August 23, 2012, 02:38 am
+1 L1ly. That's the most comprehensive report I've come across. Thank you.

'Tis been a very psychedelic summer!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: skibler on August 23, 2012, 03:14 am
^^Same here. Ever since i got home from a in patient rehab, ive had some of the most enjoyable trips of my life. Tried two different 2c chemicals, and 3 25x chemicals. Had the time of my life so far. And its going to continue. SR is an amazing thing, and Im not sure how long it will last but as long as it is around I promise I will be making full use of it. 
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: snipeemfl0 on August 23, 2012, 09:52 pm
I wish hard hustle would catch up on orders or I would be tripping right now. Urgh reality
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: snipeemfl0 on August 24, 2012, 05:00 am
Is there any established nbome vendors that are coming out with 25b or 25d tabs soon?

Or any clue as to why ENBOOM only sells his 25c tabs international and not 25d?

I talked to skippyjif about getting be some B samples. I will update you later on that if he pulls through. I'll do a full trip report too, as well as my friends opinions.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: snipeemfl0 on August 25, 2012, 12:54 am
Going to trip tonight or tomorrow with HardHustles 25i. Can't wait! Never used his gear before, whoo hoo!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: MiddleLeftNostril on August 26, 2012, 12:22 am
I posted this in another thread, just reposting here.


Achillea millefolium (Yarrow)
Alcohol (wine, beer, etc.)
Amoracia rusticana (Horseradish)
Banisteriopsis caapi (contains harmine, harmaline, tetrahydroharmine)
Berberis vulgaris (Barberry)
Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)
Cocao (contains theobromine)
Cocoa (contains theobromine)
Coleus forskholii (Coleus)
Coptis spp. (Goldenthread)
Chocolate (contains theobromine)
Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian ginseng)
Garlic (Allium sativum)
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Ginkgo biloba
Kola nut (contains theobromine)
Marijuana (THC)
Melissa offiicnalis (Lemon Balm)
Olea europaea (Olive leaf)
Peganum harmala (contains harmine, harmaline, tetrahydroharmine)
Panax ginseng (Chinese Ginseng)
Passiflora incarnata (AKA Passionflower, contains mostly harman, and a little harmaline, harmalol and harmine)
Petroselinum crispum (Parsley)
Rauwolfia serpentina (Indian Snakeroot)
Scutellaria baicalensis (Baical Skullcap)
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Tilia europaea (Linden Flower)
Trigonella foenum-graecum (Fenugreek)
Urtica dioica (Nettles)
Valeriana officinalis (Valerian)
Veratrum viride (American Hellebore)
Viburnum spp. (Cramp, Bark, Black Haw)
Viscum album (European Mistletoe)
Vitamin B3 (niacin)
Xanthoxylum americanum (Prickly Ash)
Yohimbe (contains yohimbine)

Cocao (contains theobromine)
Cocoa (contains theobromine)
Chocolate (contains theobromine)
Datura stramonium seeds (contains mostly hyoscyamine)
Kola nut (contains theobromine)
Ma huang (contains ephedrine)
Mormon tea (contains pseudoephedrine)
Vacinine (found in Peganum harmala)
Vasicinone (found in Peganum harmala)

My recommendation?  25i-NBOME makes you feel like an alien to your own body and mind and I don't like it much but take 600mg - 1000mg of cayenne pepper (or any pepper containing high amounts of capsaicin, there's cheap organic African Bird Pepper, buying the 90000 HU variant is more cost-effective) to reduce vasoconstriction, or buy Gotu Kola dried loose leaf to make as tea, or buy it in capsules (although intake of tea itself adds to the relaxation and vasodilation).  Add Gingko Biloba for vasodilation in your mind, so no headaches.  Capsules would work, too, but probably less effectively.  <500mg (yes, LESS than 500mg) of ground ginger root is good for nausea.  Find the minimum dose of ground ginger root to make your nausea go away when you take 25i-NBOME (if it happens to you, doesn't happen to me but I heard it does for some people) and then fill the rest of the pill with African bird pepper, or add the ginger and African bird pepper into your Gotu Kola/Ginkgo Biloba tea.  Buy a $16 milligram scale off of eBay, too. African Bird Pepper Gotu Kola Ginger Root Gingko Biloba

There may be better vasodilators but honestly a lot of shit on that last have weird side effects (MAOI's, carcinogenic, addictive, etc) and these are the best that I've found.


Happy tripping, although I enjoy 25c-NBOME much, much more.

Here's how my trips compare (I didn't use my natural vasodilators for either, I may give 25i another chance with them but I still don't like the mental effects and the visuals annoy me):

25i-NBOME (1mg from FoxyMeow), hanging out with friends in suburbs, brushed my teeth 1 hour prior to putting the tab there, brushed the lower gum area with a piece of a paper towel, preloaded with a vitamin pill that had fucking everything in it 1 hour prior to putting the tab there
30 minutes in: I'm slightly more interested in nature right now
1 hour: One of my friends asked if he could borrow my DS but I just don't have the mental capacity to fully think what the results of giving it to him would be, vasoconstriction felt, fingers slightly twitchy, feel like I need to stretch.
2-5 hours: +2/light +3, in trip mode, ability to think logically impossible, confused, still with friends, still speaking, kind of dysphoric, visuals consist of leaves on trees rearranging into words, branches swirling, faint rainbows in view as if they are overlayed in 2d, asphalt swirling, vasoconstriction at its worst, reminds me of chinese acid ripoff, honestly.  The visuals are similar in that they can do a variety of things, but most of them involve swirling instead of the complete freedom acid's visuals have.  Vasoconstriction feels like my blood pressure is being taken all over my body and there's a vice around my head.
5-7 hours: light visuals to none at 7 hour point, vasoconstriction subsiding at 7 hour point, very very very very tired, unable to sleep until 12 hours after I took the tab, mind is very tired the day after, poor performance at school the day after

25c-NBOME 600ug from HardHustle (same process as before, only I DIDN'T preload with a vitamin pill)
30 minutes in: A smile appears on my face.
1 hour: My heart rate increases, and no matter what happens, I can't stop laughing or smiling.  No confusion at all noted.
1 1/2 hour: The visuals start with me barely noticing them.  Interesting surfaces start to have their patterns rearranging.  Very interesting to watch.
1 1/2 - 5 or 6 hours: It reaches a plateau around 2 hours in, and it will feel like your skin has an electrical field around it (not uncomfortable, honestly.  I feel like Pikachu or Raichu lol.), and you have "infinite happiness energy."  The body load is identical to being stoned, minus the laziness (although lying down on a comfy chair was so comfortable I didn't get up for an hour and just sat and watched the visuals) and with the feeling of electric skin.  Visuals consist of very distinct rainbows and halos emanating from light sources, patterns rearranging themselves into very interesting shapes (think fractal broccoli), no confusion at all during the trip, and I didn't feel drained at all in the evening or the next day.  Very, very fun if you want to trip with strangers but worry if you'll all freak out because you don't know each other.  25c-NBOME will open you up and make everyone inviting.

You won't stop smiling for 8 hours, and I had a nice afterglow for a day, but I loved being that happy that I learned how to appreciate life from that perspective all the time.

Try 25c, it's better, but I might try 25i again to see if the lack of vasoconstriction might make it better.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ralph123 on August 26, 2012, 04:33 am
25c is by far the best of the nbomes hands down
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on August 26, 2012, 07:09 am
My nbome print sale is ending monday. $300 for 900 hits. This includes doc. All chems are 99% purity. I offer 25i/c/d/b.

Hurry up! Have a nice weekend
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: v01d on August 26, 2012, 11:16 pm
I am excited to give 25i and 25c a try. I am rather torn between which one to do first. Probably going to go with 25c. I just have a real paranoia problem when it comes to trusting others with dosing on chemicals of this potency. Enboom looks trust worthy though, so happy tripping everyone :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ralph123 on August 27, 2012, 12:58 am
I do like 25i but in my opinion 25c is a lot more like acid then 25i and I love me some vitamin A but dam I can get a lot more 25c for the price
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on August 27, 2012, 01:13 am
^^^^ yeah, 25c is pretty euphoric and overall a better chem.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: solidsnake66 on August 27, 2012, 02:56 am
I just got my 25C from HH and can't wait to try it.

Just wondering as I've been reading conflicting reports on 25C. Do you get mind fucked from it? Will I be able to carry out normal conversations with people like my girlfriend and such on one of his tabs? I'll probably be trying it out tomorrow morning once the family leaves for work/school/whatever.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on August 27, 2012, 03:22 am
Any nbome can give you a mindfuck. For that matter, any psychedelic can.

25c is pretty gentle. 25i and 25c boosts my intellect. You will be fine for the duration. Have some benzos ready. You may still have a cloudy head when your parents come home.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: loniax on August 27, 2012, 03:39 am
Its good at threshold dosages too, I had 800ug blotter of 25i. It was fun
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: solidsnake66 on August 27, 2012, 04:26 am
Any nbome can give you a mindfuck. For that matter, any psychedelic can.

25c is pretty gentle. 25i and 25c boosts my intellect. You will be fine for the duration. Have some benzos ready. You may still have a cloudy head when your parents come home.

Thanks for the info Skippy. Are the benzos something specifically helpful to NBOMe's or do you suggest them for any psychadelics? When ever I've had shrooms or LSD I usually just ride it out or smoke some good bud if i'm felling shitty at the end.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on August 27, 2012, 04:46 am
Not specific. It just gives you an abort option for long lasting psychedelics. Whwn i smoke some wee it actes as a potentiator. A couple valiums or xanax will do fine.

Have fun tomorrow and enjoy everything about your trip. Theyre helpful tools-psychedelics
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: solidsnake66 on August 27, 2012, 04:56 am
Not specific. It just gives you an abort option for long lasting psychedelics. Whwn i smoke some wee it actes as a potentiator. A couple valiums or xanax will do fine.

Have fun tomorrow and enjoy everything about your trip. Theyre helpful tools-psychedelics

Thanks again. You're right about weed being a potentiator, but when i'm starting to come if I'm starting to feel shitty a bowl always helps.

And psychedelics def are helpful tools. I've made a lot of discoveries about myself while tripping and shrooms even helped me get myself out a really bad relationship (although I didn't realize how badly the relationship was affecting me until I tripped).
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on August 27, 2012, 05:59 am
Good luck with your findings. Ive never let my experinces go to waste. It is the one category of substances that i seek knowledge from. All the other drugs are for pleasure.

I think psychedelics are tools for transgression from obstacles in life. Thats why i have this sale goinfg on because people can change their thought on life for the better with cheaper drugs-as long as theyre safe with dosing.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ralph123 on August 27, 2012, 02:30 pm
I changed my thought patterns and my life without drugs. What happens is we are influenced fom the very second we explode into this space time continuem from our birth and realize conscienceness. We are influenced by our environments and our relatives and peers and the fucking tv as to what to think and what is good and bad. The best and only way to have a great day every day is to have thoughts of thankfullness all the day long. By doing that you will have more reasons to be thankful. But we are stuck in a trend of thinking how we are influenced to think so it took me a week ao forcing the thankful thoughts before it became automatic and now i do it without any effort and thats when the miracle happens and things start changing when its effortless. I was sure thankful for the fun and pleasures in my life and then I found silk road.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Twelve_Pickles on August 27, 2012, 07:15 pm
First time experimenting with nBOMes' on saturday night. 25I. very very very impressed. beautiful happy psychedelia, rushy,bubbly and giggly. slight trouble sleeing afterwards but not much of an issue.

Cheers Tyl3r.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: loniax on August 27, 2012, 07:39 pm
So yeah, if anyone finds a way of eliminating the local constriction that causes that odd teeth feeling lemme know. 25i is alot like 2c-i in the sense things might over whelm your stomach.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on August 27, 2012, 11:26 pm
Glad everyone has had a great time on nbomes! Notice: everyone will experience sone sort of discomfort(weird vibe) during their research, but overall that is what psychedelics do.

At the end of your trip you will say, "thank god and im sooooo glad i did this!"

The fact is psychedelics are amazing! All you need to do is realize that this is a learning tool(drug) that will wear off in a few hours. Afterwards, you will be stronger!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: MiddleLeftNostril on August 28, 2012, 01:24 am
So yeah, if anyone finds a way of eliminating the local constriction that causes that odd teeth feeling lemme know. 25i is alot like 2c-i in the sense things might over whelm your stomach.

Here's what I posted earlier on natural ways to get rid of vasoconstriction.  Aspirin would also probably help (I'll give it a try next time).


Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: solidsnake66 on August 28, 2012, 04:55 am
I ended up taking the tab later than I wanted, but nothing ever goes as I plan it. Quite an interesting and good trip overall. The come up was quicker and more intense than I expected and a bit turbulent. Lots of flashes in my peripherals and minor patterns on surfaces.

About 20 minutes after I pulled the tab out of my mouth I couldn't stay inside. I felt too closed in, like the house was a box for my mind and I needed to release it. Took an awesome walk and watched one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever witnessed sitting in the field by my house with my girlfriend.

Had no problem being around my family and talking to my parents at about 2 hours in. Things seemed to be leveling out and everything just felt good.

My girlfriend and I decided to go out and get ice cream. Long story short, I never got ice cream and ended up spending the next two hours talking my friend out of trying to kill himself over a chick. I don't know if the trip affected my convo with him or what, but we talked about some of the weirdest shit and it pulled him out of his funk! Maybe everything happens for a reason and I wasn't meant to trip earlier so I could help him? Who knows lol

I'm still winding down and my brain feels like it's in a vice right now, but needless to say it was a crazy night.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ralph123 on August 28, 2012, 05:23 am
I love the nbomes. I have had 25i and 25c. I like 25c better. It seems that one completes the other or something like that. Every time, and I mean every time I have done 25i some real life shit happens. It would seem that the 25i stirs up the energies surrounding me or something. My first time was one of tylers caps and I was blown away. Now I buy much more 25c than 25i. My first acid trip was back in 1993. I have always been a philosopher as opposed to being a theologists. I am a true psychedelic. I like the nbomes better then acid well 25c anyway
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: snipeemfl0 on August 28, 2012, 06:44 am
I am a true psychedelic.

So if I ingest you I will trip? What is the recommended dosage?

haha jk
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: nicepanda on August 28, 2012, 04:36 pm
Should be getting my first nbomes here shortly, ordered some from HardHustle and wanted to get yalls opinion on taking 25c at a show/festival?

Me: The one time I tripped acid there was no way I could have functioned publicly but I'm hopefully with these since you're more clear headed. I've done shrooms at shows and found them to enhance the visual experience as well as give a depth to the music.

Anyway, I'd love to hear what people have to say. Thanks!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: snipeemfl0 on August 28, 2012, 04:39 pm
Should be getting my first nbomes here shortly, ordered some from HardHustle and wanted to get yalls opinion on taking 25c at a show/festival?

Me: The one time I tripped acid there was no way I could have functioned publicly but I'm hopefully with these since you're more clear headed. I've done shrooms at shows and found them to enhance the visual experience as well as give a depth to the music.

Anyway, I'd love to hear what people have to say. Thanks!

Hard Hustles gear isn't laid evenly, so start slow. Trust me. give it 1 hour before adding another part.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: nicepanda on August 28, 2012, 06:54 pm
Thanks for the advice! I've been reading here that HH's stuff is pretty uneven. Have you tried graffenburg's blotters? Advertised at 750ug but not "hbcpd complex" like HH's 600ug stuff- just wondering if anyone had a chance to compare?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on August 28, 2012, 07:50 pm
this is a review for my transaction with graffenburg for 25hits of his 750ug 25cnbome laid onto the new blotter print.

first off, dude is friendly and timely with communication.

also, shipping was quicker than expected. placed order on a thur evening, in transit fri, arrived here safely on tue :D

never tried this product before, but 30 mins in, the world already looks as though i'm underwater lol. weird numbness surrounding where i placed the blotter in between my gums and upper lip, but that's not bad at all.

I HAVE to mention that even though i placed an order for 25 doses, i was blessed with twice that. what a nice dude!

Will be looking to this guy in the future for my 25c needs, for sure!

EDIT: the trip got WAY more intense after 30 mins. the comeup was quite steep! visually, it was like jumping headfirst into the deep end of maybe a ~300ug or so dose of acid. fucking potent stuff. be careful with these blotters, people : )
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: solidsnake66 on August 28, 2012, 09:13 pm
I've read a lot about fast tolerance build up of the NBOMe's and cross tolerance with other psychedelics, but I just wanted to see what you guys thought. Is it similar to LSD's tolerance where about a week brings you mostly back to baseline or is it better or worse in comparison? How bad is the cross tolerance between acid and the NBOMe's, especially 25C?

I was debating on tripping again this week with my brother but just wanted to see if it was worth taking the acid I have instead or sticking with the 25C instead of wasting some good acid.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on August 28, 2012, 10:03 pm
Nbomes can have a tolerance of 2 weeks but a lot of people can get away with weekly trips periodically (though personally, I've only tried this rotating between various nbomes).
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: solidsnake66 on August 28, 2012, 10:30 pm
Nbomes can have a tolerance of 2 weeks but a lot of people can get away with weekly trips periodically (though personally, I've only tried this rotating between various nbomes).

Interesting. Thanks for the info. What about if I decided to trip before then? Should I take 2 tabs or would that be too much? Does anyone know what the max dose should be for 25C? Don't mind experimenting with it but I don't want to kill myself or fuck up my brain or something.

Also is the cross tolerance with acid 2 weeks as well or would a week be fine for an acid trip?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: MiddleLeftNostril on August 29, 2012, 12:30 am
Yeah, it's 2 week with all psychedelics.  1 week might be fine at giving you a low tolerance for only NBOME's since they have such a high affinity for the 5HT2A receptor, but 2 weeks guarantees no tolerance with all psychedelics.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Notny on August 29, 2012, 01:44 am
yeah guys do some NBOMe.  Blotter or insufflation it doesn't matter.  Start with 1mg or less, but don't be afraid to do more.  Just do some research on erowid.  For tolerance related question I just treat NBOMe like any other psychedelic, especially lsd, and look at the wealth of information on that at some place like bluelight.  I like 25i, but 25c is cool too.  Just set some time for yourself, have some water and stuff you need nearby, and you'll be fine. 
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dingowombat on August 29, 2012, 11:22 am
It does, however, have the potential to be this age's go-to recreational psychedelic.

I agree with you. Fully. Everyone interested in psychedelics should try this. No it's not acid. In my experience, everyone I've introduced it to have stated that they now prefer 25I.

When under the influence, I feel this incredibly upbeat and fresh current that permeates everything. It literally feels like psychedelic perfection by design (if that makes any sense).

Okay, so I got my 25i and 25c's today (thanks Tyl3r!) and they'll be coming with me to a psytrancy type party this weekend. I'm going to be offering them to some of my close friends (who are experienced acid trippers) to try it with me.

However this leaves one big question: HOW ON EARTH DO YOU PRONOUNCE "NBOME"? :)

Obviously it's easy to say "25i" and "25c". But how do you guys pronounce the NBOMe part? I kinda say "en bomb eee". What do you guys say?

Edit: Is there some slang terms for these, eg how LSD is called Acid or Lucy. If not, now's your chance to suggest it!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: skibler on August 29, 2012, 12:45 pm
25G just came out, about to order a sample.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: kryptoz on August 29, 2012, 05:01 pm
It does, however, have the potential to be this age's go-to recreational psychedelic.

I agree with you. Fully. Everyone interested in psychedelics should try this. No it's not acid. In my experience, everyone I've introduced it to have stated that they now prefer 25I.

When under the influence, I feel this incredibly upbeat and fresh current that permeates everything. It literally feels like psychedelic perfection by design (if that makes any sense).

Okay, so I got my 25i and 25c's today (thanks Tyl3r!) and they'll be coming with me to a psytrancy type party this weekend. I'm going to be offering them to some of my close friends (who are experienced acid trippers) to try it with me.

However this leaves one big question: HOW ON EARTH DO YOU PRONOUNCE "NBOME"? :)

Obviously it's easy to say "25i" and "25c". But how do you guys pronounce the NBOMe part? I kinda say "en bomb eee". What do you guys say?

Edit: Is there some slang terms for these, eg how LSD is called Acid or Lucy. If not, now's your chance to suggest it!

I just refer to them as 25i or 25c lol, but if they want to know the full name I just spell it out N-B-O-M-e, most people forget that part anyway lol.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ramsay on August 29, 2012, 05:38 pm
However this leaves one big question: HOW ON EARTH DO YOU PRONOUNCE "NBOME"? :)

Obviously it's easy to say "25i" and "25c". But how do you guys pronounce the NBOMe part? I kinda say "en bomb eee". What do you guys say?

I say it like dome but bome....n-bome....haha hard to explain but yeah..just 25i or 25c...but did hear people call it solaris too? slang name I guess.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on August 29, 2012, 05:58 pm
25G just came out, about to order a sample.

Woot, glad I qualify for a sample!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: solidsnake66 on August 30, 2012, 02:06 am
However this leaves one big question: HOW ON EARTH DO YOU PRONOUNCE "NBOME"? :)

Obviously it's easy to say "25i" and "25c". But how do you guys pronounce the NBOMe part? I kinda say "en bomb eee". What do you guys say?

I say it like dome but bome....n-bome....haha hard to explain but yeah..just 25i or 25c...but did hear people call it solaris too? slang name I guess.

I say it like N-Bomb. I know bome wouldn't normally sound like that but it's more fun to say IMO.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Longtimer on August 30, 2012, 07:57 am
N-bomb's is my favourite street name, also most common and easiest to think of.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dingowombat on August 30, 2012, 10:55 am
Awesome. Sounds like N-bomb it is! :-)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: kio123 on August 30, 2012, 10:21 pm
Does anyone know if 25i blotters can be tested with Marquis??? to see if there legit...
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: f0revery0ur5 on August 31, 2012, 03:47 am
have had some products from this website before and def know there is good quality! pretty new to here took me 3 days to figure out downloading and accounts to finalize everything! im still confused about the PGP keys and codes and everything involving that i have read a couple of the discussions but it doesnt exactly explain i know i have downloaded the libete but im not sure if that is correct either - someone make it easier and explain it to me?? sorry i know this is probably asked alot
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on August 31, 2012, 04:00 am
I'm surprised these aren't gone yet. No one else wants to try 25G? She says previous customers only but mentioned she'll make an exception for people with stellar buyer stats.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: kryptoz on August 31, 2012, 05:01 pm
Can't wait til foxy starts selling the sheets :) I want me an adventure time blotter! :D.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: MiddleLeftNostril on August 31, 2012, 06:53 pm
Just got my 25D-NBOME sample from Maggots after 4 days of shipping, will update this post when I'm done tripping later today.  :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: nicepanda on August 31, 2012, 09:14 pm
Can't wait til foxy starts selling the sheets :) I want me an adventure time blotter! :D.

THIS x10. When I read that on her profile I made an audible noise due to the impossibility to contain excitement. EEK!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on August 31, 2012, 09:57 pm
Does anyone have any experience with redosing 25c? My friend wants to take some at a festival and wants to the trip to be longer. Any tips or experiences?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sselevol on August 31, 2012, 10:18 pm
Does anyone have any experience with redosing 25c? My friend wants to take some at a festival and wants to the trip to be longer. Any tips or experiences?
Tolerence builds up quick, so take more than what you started with after about 6 or 7 hours.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on August 31, 2012, 10:28 pm
25c doesn't last longer than 5 hours for me so I once redosed 4 hours into my trip and had a good 10 hours ... FYI, the second dose was the same as the first (600ug).

IMO, since come-up is only 30 minutes for 25C, I'd say redose a tab at a time. You can always dose more but it is impossible to take one back, hehe.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ralph123 on September 01, 2012, 05:24 am
yea 25c is the bees knees. If I got the time I'll stick to in there and 2 more 3 or 4 hours later but it's better to be safe and start with one. Dont do as i do, do as I say
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: solidsnake66 on September 01, 2012, 05:34 pm
yea 25c is the bees knees. If I got the time I'll stick to in there and 2 more 3 or 4 hours later but it's better to be safe and start with one. Dont do as i do, do as I say

I haven't tried 2 tabs yet. 1 was kinda turbulent and confusing on the way up does this increase with 2 or do you just get a more intense over all trip? I was thinking of trying 2 but I had a hard time getting comfortable on the come up with 1.

I was thinking I might take one and then replace it with a second when the first is spent as HH suggests on his listing.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 01, 2012, 06:44 pm
yea 25c is the bees knees. If I got the time I'll stick to in there and 2 more 3 or 4 hours later but it's better to be safe and start with one. Dont do as i do, do as I say

I haven't tried 2 tabs yet. 1 was kinda turbulent and confusing on the way up does this increase with 2 or do you just get a more intense over all trip? I was thinking of trying 2 but I had a hard time getting comfortable on the come up with 1.

I was thinking I might take one and then replace it with a second when the first is spent as HH suggests on his listing.

You can do them one at a time, 30 minutes apart. The second one is easier since you'll already be euphoric from the first tab :). If the thought makes you anxious, do 1 and then a half-tab. You can decide after that if you want to see where the trip goes or go for the second half.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: LIGHTFLOWER on September 02, 2012, 01:37 am
Have any of you tried 25b? I'm going to be able to try it in a few days and I am looking forward.   :D
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 02, 2012, 02:53 am
Have any of you tried 25b? I'm going to be able to try it in a few days and I am looking forward.   :D

That would be me. Does this mean you'll be selling soon? It's awesome after the come-up (can be rough if you don't preload).

If you can get a hold of The Secret Life of Arietty, I highly recommend that movie on 25b. Still scenes were flowing with technicolor life and action scenes burst out of my screen into my surroundings. Oh the adrenaline ... pause the movie and everything in it is still moving! I can't describe more without spoiling the movie but you'll also feel very tiny during some parts of it, lol.

Taken from my personal wiki (link in my signature)....
At 500ug this was easily the most colorfully visual psychedelic I've had to date (I heard shrooms was incredibly visual but 7g of p. gandolini was boring compared to 500ug of 25b). There are very bright and slim lines of electrical light that swirl and envelop everything in my visual field. Patterning is also apparent along with rippling and waving of the visual field. The first time I took it I thought the mind load was kind of heavy but I think I was just overwhelmed with the visuals.

Sounds become very clear and distinct. I found myself "zooming into" various ambient noises that I would normally ignore or couldn't hear. I can follow a single instrument in a composition or isolate any given sound in a movie (pretty cool).

It tends to make me feel warm so I like to nurse popsicles while tripping on it. Tastes in general last longer making it difficult to eat. It was like the need to eat was diminished because I could still taste my last bite of food (had all of 3 skittles and a bite of a kit-kat during the course of an entire movie, hehe). NOTE: Eating is a lot easier and enjoyable when combined with 25i making recovery the next day far less exhausting.

There is no mood boost though emotions are heightened which makes movies outstanding. Actions scenes would have me sweating with excitement and gripping my seat, comedy scenes would have me laughing through my gut, etc. In combination with the visuals and sound clarity, it becomes a very immersive experience. Regular movies can sometimes look cartoonish due to the distortions and color overlay and anime films will burst out of the the screen into my environment.

trip time @ 4 hours
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: LIGHTFLOWER on September 02, 2012, 03:28 pm
Have any of you tried 25b? I'm going to be able to try it in a few days and I am looking forward.   :D

That would be me. Does this mean you'll be selling soon? It's awesome after the come-up (can be rough if you don't preload).

If you can get a hold of The Secret Life of Arietty, I highly recommend that movie on 25b. Still scenes were flowing with technicolor life and action scenes burst out of my screen into my surroundings. Oh the adrenaline ... pause the movie and everything in it is still moving! I can't describe more without spoiling the movie but you'll also feel very tiny during some parts of it, lol.

Nice report!
Yes, I will be selling it as soon as I can do some tests on it personally. You said you took 500ug in your report, eh? I've heard that 25b needs 1mg to really be enjoyed. Like I said a test or two will have to be completed before sale.  :) :) Visuals sound like a dream!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 02, 2012, 04:50 pm
Nice report!
Yes, I will be selling it as soon as I can do some tests on it personally. You said you took 500ug in your report, eh? I've heard that 25b needs 1mg to really be enjoyed. Like I said a test or two will have to be completed before sale.  :) :) Visuals sound like a dream!

I'm about 115lbs and 500ug by itself was an amazing experience.

I did take 1mg once but it was combined with 25i. That was pretty incredible, I was watching a regular movie and paused to eat. When I got back, the paused screen looked like a watercolor painting. And when I pressed play the painting affect stayed even though the characters started to move around! It was only then when I noticed that everything around me had an almost cartoon affect.

It's also an awesome combo, you get the mood boost and euphoria of the 25i (no euphoria with 25b by itself) ... along with the sensory enhancement, visuals, and adrenaline of the 25b. Ahhhhh ... it's been a crazy fun summer!

By the way, I hope you're well stocked on 25b before you start selling because you'll be the only one carrying and a lot of people have been aching to try some.  ;)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: LIGHTFLOWER on September 02, 2012, 08:44 pm
Nice report!
Yes, I will be selling it as soon as I can do some tests on it personally. You said you took 500ug in your report, eh? I've heard that 25b needs 1mg to really be enjoyed. Like I said a test or two will have to be completed before sale.  :) :) Visuals sound like a dream!

I'm about 115lbs and 500ug by itself was an amazing experience.

I did take 1mg once but it was combined with 25i. That was pretty incredible, I was watching a regular movie and paused to eat. When I got back, the paused screen looked like a watercolor painting. And when I pressed play the painting affect stayed even though the characters started to move around! It was only then when I noticed that everything around me had an almost cartoon affect.

It's also an awesome combo, you get the mood boost and euphoria of the 25i (no euphoria with 25b by itself) ... along with the sensory enhancement, visuals, and adrenaline of the 25b. Ahhhhh ... it's been a crazy fun summer!

By the way, I hope you're well stocked on 25b before you start selling because you'll be the only one carrying and a lot of people have been aching to try some.  ;)

:D Got plenty.  Can't wait to try AND to sell. Good times ahead.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: samuelkane on September 02, 2012, 10:00 pm
Can you use this drug when on antidepressants? SSRI and SRNI in my case
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Longtimer on September 02, 2012, 10:27 pm
Heavily decreased effects ^
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: rightonion on September 03, 2012, 02:49 pm
I'm surprised these aren't gone yet. No one else wants to try 25G? She says previous customers only but mentioned she'll make an exception for people with stellar buyer stats.

L1llykins have you managed to try the 25g sample yet? Very interested in this one.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 03, 2012, 03:36 pm
I'm surprised these aren't gone yet. No one else wants to try 25G? She says previous customers only but mentioned she'll make an exception for people with stellar buyer stats.

L1llykins have you managed to try the 25g sample yet? Very interested in this one.

Mail delay, I don't think anyone received for the weekend. There should be trip reports flowing in through next weekend though.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: rightonion on September 03, 2012, 04:05 pm
Excellent news. Look forward to them.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: samuelkane on September 03, 2012, 05:37 pm
Anything known yet about the shelflife of this stuff ? I'm really interested in testing this compound, but i'm currently on SSRI's . But its hot, easy to get and cheap right know, so i'm thinking of buying some and storing it dark, cool and sealed.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ralph123 on September 03, 2012, 06:24 pm
I don't see why that wouldn't keep them active. I never tried the G but as for C and I, I once kept 30 caps and 10 blotters in an outside storage under temps that were 100 degrees for a week. Still tripped balls from them
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 03, 2012, 07:30 pm
PEA's are allegedly VERY stable, similar to MDMA (maybe more so because they can withstand higher temperatures). Just keep them dry and away from pets.

I say allegedly because no official studies have been done but most chemists believe they can last a few lifetimes.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on September 04, 2012, 12:10 am
I have some coins ready to buy some 25b!

I'm going to try 25c at a Shpongle show in a few weeks. Maybe 25b if it lasts a shorter time.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on September 04, 2012, 01:34 am
I have some coins ready to buy some 25b!

I'm going to try 25c at a Shpongle show in a few weeks. Maybe 25b if it lasts a shorter time.

i'm dosed on 750ug of Graff's 25c tabs right now. this stuff LOVES music. the comeup is a bit uncomfortable, though, at least for me. once you're past that, though, all you really have to worry about are visuals. if you're used to LSD, though, it's stimmy, but all PEA's are right? worth it  ::)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 04, 2012, 03:27 am
Just a heads up: LIGHTFLOWER has samples listed for 25i, 25c, and 25b (only 6 left of the b the last time I looked!).
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: skibler on September 04, 2012, 06:16 am
Glad I logged on in the time that I did so that I could see the 25b samples. Havent been gettin on very much latley. Been getting to fucked up. Ordered a sample of Lightflower 25b, and ofcourse the 25g. Foxy sent me a message saying they had pgp problems and switched it up. Well, my pgp was not working and idk how to fix it yet. I sent them my address un coded. Probably not smartest idea but itl be my only time using that certain adress and it is a legal product, so I will be good. Foxy has not been on SR in 3 days, and mine has not been marked in transit. Really hope I get the chance to try this one.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ralph123 on September 04, 2012, 06:07 pm
hey guys gotta a question concerning 25c nbomes. Will they show up in a quick ten urine drug test? Any help will be appreciated and thank you in advance. Will check back here later tonight. Got a friend who wants to dose but has dr. appointment tomorrow. Just wandering if there is some up to date current info on this.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on September 04, 2012, 06:18 pm
i've been wondering this myself.... i've researched it on bluelight, erowid, and here, but can't seem to get a straight answer.  some say it could possibly come up as some sort of amp and if the drug test is sent off to another facility for further testing, then it could almost positively be ID'd as a phenethylamine. other sources say the phenethylamines are completely safe when it comes to most drug panels. i'd stay away if i were your buddy, though, and dose on acid if yall got that and go under the radar  drug panel-wise 8)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 04, 2012, 06:29 pm
They sell those pee tests online if someone wants to find out without risking jail time, hehe. I think they're about $10 on the clearnet. Parents buy them to see if their kids are clean and whatnot.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: solidsnake66 on September 04, 2012, 10:29 pm
They sell those pee tests online if someone wants to find out without risking jail time, hehe. I think they're about $10 on the clearnet. Parents buy them to see if their kids are clean and whatnot.

They usually carry them at stores like Walmart and Target. I used them while I was on probation to make sure I was clean for sure.

Also this past Sunday I took 2 tabs of supposedly 200mic acid tabs (I felt like they were closer to 150 each). I am debating on taking 2 tabs of 25c tomorrow. I know cross tolerance will play a role here. I'll report back on how things go
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: skibler on September 05, 2012, 04:11 am
Well.... idk what happened to be honest. My 25G showed up. it was never marked in transit. and 21 hits showed up. I was like what the fuuuuck. haha. Cant wait to try. Ordered a 25b sample aswell.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 05, 2012, 04:17 am
Well.... idk what happened to be honest. My 25G showed up. it was never marked in transit. and 21 hits showed up. I was like what the fuuuuck. haha. Cant wait to try. Ordered a 25b sample aswell.

Awesome, someone has yet to post up a trip report so hopefully those will start rolling in.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: skibler on September 05, 2012, 04:52 am
yeah fuck it, ill post one tommorow night. Any idea how long it last?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 05, 2012, 05:10 am
Over one BL, there was a user who reported that at 3.5mg intranasally, duration was 5-7 hours.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: skibler on September 05, 2012, 12:33 pm
Yeah I remember reading that. I got muscle relaxers to end shit quick if I feel its lasting to long. Only problem is I have to wait till around 10 pm till all responsibilities are over, and have work early. But fuck it. I hope everyone gets double what they ordered like me. My 25b was put in transit today. Thats defiantly one I am most excited about trying.

And if it arrives..... ive tried them all. Now what? hahaha.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 05, 2012, 03:17 pm
And if it arrives..... ive tried them all. Now what? hahaha.

Combinations ... oh yeah!!!

And you can't forget candy flipping ...
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: skibler on September 05, 2012, 10:14 pm
Hahaa. Thats probably what will happen. Do you think any other NBOMes will appear on here anytime soon?

After trying these I will probably moving on to try DOx chems.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on September 05, 2012, 11:42 pm
Yeah I remember reading that. I got muscle relaxers to end shit quick if I feel its lasting to long. Only problem is I have to wait till around 10 pm till all responsibilities are over, and have work early. But fuck it. I hope everyone gets double what they ordered like me. My 25b was put in transit today. Thats defiantly one I am most excited about trying.

And if it arrives..... ive tried them all. Now what? hahaha.
What muscle relaxer are you taking? I used to have benzos to sleep after a trip, but now I only have Soma. I can't decide if it's safe to take even 8 hours into a trip (25i lasted 12 hours last time). I can't find a cheap Etizolam vendor.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: le botbahn on September 06, 2012, 03:18 am
Hahaa. Thats probably what will happen. Do you think any other NBOMes will appear on here anytime soon?

After trying these I will probably moving on to try DOx chems.
A couple days ago, some vendor mentioned 25-N nbome was soon to come. I think it was googleyed. Not positive though.

I'll be trying B and C soon thanks to LightFlower, as well as her 25I. Such a kind vendor. :) Very impressed so far. Can't wait to review.

On another note, I was wondering: have any of you ever successfully soaked a blotter in liquid for the purpose of intranasal dosing instead of buccal?  I'd imagine it would work with non-complexed blotters, maybe a slight loss in dose with the diffusion into liquid (some would remain in paper), if you were to soak the tab in ~1.0-1.5 mL liquid. But it would likely be negligible since intranasal permits lower dosing. But what about complexed blotters?

I'd appreciate any input.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 06, 2012, 03:27 am
Hahaa. Thats probably what will happen. Do you think any other NBOMes will appear on here anytime soon?

After trying these I will probably moving on to try DOx chems.

Did you get any Regular Guy tabs? Those are 25i-nboh ...
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: nosaj_thing on September 06, 2012, 08:21 am
Hahaa. Thats probably what will happen. Do you think any other NBOMes will appear on here anytime soon?

After trying these I will probably moving on to try DOx chems.

i would highly recommend the DOxx compounds. i've yet to try any NBOMe's and this thread has got me very interested in doing so. all these novel chems! 25G? are there any other notable looking ones?

on a side note, i prefer DOC the most. its unique sense of true calm and inner peace combined with the visuals and headspace is something truly special. they last a rather long time too, a good 10-15 hours
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 06, 2012, 02:48 pm
they last a rather long time too, a good 10-15 hours

I think that's the one thing preventing me from trying any DOx ... I just don't have the time, hehe.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on September 06, 2012, 06:12 pm
they last a rather long time too, a good 10-15 hours

I think that's the one thing preventing me from trying any DOx ... I just don't have the time, hehe.
I've been really interested in DOC lately as well from reading about it, never realized there was psychedelic amphetamines. But yeah the 10-15 hour trip doesn't sound pleasant to me, anybody know if it'd be possible to sleep after say 8 hours with some benzos?
I slept fine after 8 hours into a DOC trip but I danced all night. You can feel every single sound traveling up and down your body in a synchronized way. It's amazing. The next day I was able to speak just fine (as in it was no problem having a conversation with a cop, etc.), but when I smoked weed the trip kind of came back and I saw mandelbrot fractals in the clouds and faces in the rocks. I would say the long duration is more of an afterglow and not straight up tripping, but don't quote me on that. DOC is super cheap and I wouldn't pay more than $2 a blotter by the way (unless it was +2mg).
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: nosaj_thing on September 06, 2012, 07:21 pm
it's actually fairly easy to sleep on the tail end of a DOC trip, at the 8-10 hour mark. using benzos would make it even easier. i felt like these compounds have a fairly bad reputation, mostly for being misrepresented as LSD, that is completely unwarranted. NBOMe's as well. some people just hear "research chemical" and balk. some of the best experiences i've had on any drugs were RCs!

and btw great description of the effects on music Absurd! they are truly sublime... makes me wanna be at a show right now lol
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Speedway on September 07, 2012, 02:02 pm
NBOMe doesn't let you sleep too...
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 08, 2012, 01:37 am
Has anyone ever tried taking an NBOMe while on an opioid or can guess whether or not it's safe?

I'm asking because I'm on hydrocodone right now (not recreationally, had an ingrown toenail removed, hehe). Anyway, my gut instinct tells me it's safe but I thought I'd ask.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ralph123 on September 08, 2012, 01:43 am
I've not had any problems as of yet and I have taken hydro tens before and after and I have snorted roxy thirties before during and after taking nbomes but it seems like the nbomes are in control until they wear off some then i would start to feel the effects from the pain meds
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 08, 2012, 01:45 am
Awesome, thanks for the info :).
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: geedogg on September 08, 2012, 05:49 pm
^Moks they give out bare opioids & opiates out in the UK for pain relief....Tramadol is a popular one here and having a toe nail removed is pretty fucking painful I imagine!!. I use opioids daily in the fact I use methadone and have for 3 years solid and though I'm yet to try the 25i & 25c NBOMe tabs in my drawer....I've used all manner of other psychs, even on Heroin, and no problems and I don't suppose there will be when I take NBOMe's too.....Exciting new tangent psychs are going on ay!  :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: nosaj_thing on September 08, 2012, 07:09 pm
i have friends who are on subs and they reported no ill effects when mixed with NBOMes...

hydromorph for an ingrown toenail? i want your doctor mate
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 08, 2012, 07:38 pm
So I tried 25g last night. My first impression was that it burned more than any of the others; be sure to rinse with baking soda and water after tabbing up.

For the most part, there was a mood lift similar to 25i. It wasn't a silly kind of happy that made me laugh a lot, it was more of an inner boost that gave me a perma-smile. I was able to forget that I had surgery earlier this week and was grumpy from being sore 24-7. There was some euphoria but I think 700ug was too little to really feel the full affect of it. It kind of reminded me of the euphoria on 500ug of 25D (like I was just getting a taste).

Sleeping was possible after about 4.5 hours so there is no concern of residual stimulation. Eating was also possible, very little body load during come-up.

Reports on Blue Light that there are no visuals is accurate. Things seemed to look clearer and I think stuff was more obvious to me than other people (like a camera hidden into artwork in a corner). So we might be talking about some nootropic affects ... the setting wasn't quite right to know for sure though, it's just a suspicion. But no warpy field or trails ... absolutely none.

Anyway, these are my initial thoughts which I wont publish in my wiki just yet. I think I need to take 2 tabs to get a solid feel for what this does. But I wont be doing it any time soon, I'm taking the rest of September off all psychedelics.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Trainwrecked on September 08, 2012, 07:42 pm
I'm trying to decide what I'm gonna want more, 25C or 25I. Looking for visuals, sound distortion, and the least side effects.  Thinkin' about HardHustle's blotters.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 08, 2012, 07:51 pm
I'm trying to decide what I'm gonna want more, 25C or 25I. Looking for visuals, sound distortion, and the least side effects.  Thinkin' about HardHustle's blotters.

25c will give you more visuals than 25i. I don't know about sound distortion, it makes music sound really great though.

However, the most visual is 25b.  :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on September 08, 2012, 07:59 pm
I would say go for 25c. It's pretty visual and music sounds awesome.

25i is a little too psychotic for me. It's nice if I need an ego-cleanse though.

I'd personally buy both, but get more of the 25c. Get some B from Lightflower as well just to try it as well. :) (Expect a trip report from me within a week)

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Trainwrecked on September 08, 2012, 08:36 pm
Alright, so 25C it is.  So how's HardHustle?  Is he quick about getting product out?  I see there's some current issue with orders taking awhile?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 08, 2012, 08:57 pm
Alright, so 25C it is.  So how's HardHustle?  Is he quick about getting product out?  I see there's some current issue with orders taking awhile?

Product from HH is slow right now. He makes it up with extras but if you want it before a certain date or are in a rush, you might want to go elsewhere.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on September 08, 2012, 08:58 pm
He seems to be getting slower and slower (busier and busier) but he is making up for it with more and more extras. Some people will be getting double their order. Make sure all your info is correct and that you don't need to message him, because replies from him seem to be rare based on what I've read. If you need your tabs any time soon then I wouldn't bother but he definitely pulls through.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Trainwrecked on September 09, 2012, 12:00 am
Well, I was hoping product would be shipped on Monday and I receive it by no later than Thursday.  If he's a little backed up, I'll have to figure something else out.  Hmmmmmmmmm......
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Opiofile on September 09, 2012, 04:52 am
I ordered 25x 1200ug 25i tabs from tyler.

So will I have a good visual trip? I want to have fun, I read it's more energetic and stuff. But I still want to see some nice patterens or what have you.

Do I need to take 2 tabs or just 1 to see things?

No tolerance at all currently to psychedelics been months since I did mushrooms or DMT or anything, I do about a .5 of BTH daily though, so I hope it is fine with opiates.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Longtimer on September 09, 2012, 05:04 am
If you want to see things, take 2.
With 1, you have to look out for things, in my experience.
With 2 it's much more prominent and a tiny bit in-your-face, no ignoring.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: geedogg on September 09, 2012, 05:48 pm
WOW NBOMe's! First time tryer of 25i NBOMe last night and had a right giggle!! Got 5 1200ug tabs off Tyl3r Durden along with another one free and 5 800ug 25c NBOMe too. I only wanted to try the one type along with friends so I knew we all had the same stuff and on the same vibe as they came jumbled together though still in perfed slabs so easy to know the two types but I just didnt want to know which one I'd took so I wasn't biased to expect certain symptoms......

We took 25i of which I'm 100% sure as the effects I experienced were textbook!! :) Felt like I could of gone raving on that shit!!! After it got quite frantic here I thought I needed to lighten the mood and so we all bumped 10mg of 2C-B after 2 hrs of coming up on NBOMe and this took it to a new level!! Rushy to fuck and getting great visuals after smoking bongs and hittin the 2C, I was giggling like a girl and rolling round the floor in stitches, clasping my little fury trippy lil bastard toy rat....G Rat....Gangsta Rat...Too dark!! :) haha Mental night to be honest and time just slowed down ridiculously on this buzz, feeling kinda sweeeeeeettt still the afterglow but got a lil coke to bring me right!! ;) Watching Finding Nemo tripping is the dogs balls man....Can't believe I never saw it like that before!!! MINT!!! :)

Thanks Tyl3r as that dose I felt was right for me and I really am looking forward to the 25c now as I feel I'll probably enjoy that even more than 25i. 5/5 in every way with this transaction, would def recommend TD!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Opiofile on September 09, 2012, 07:44 pm
Got 5x 25c 1200ug tabs coming from steadyeddy hope they get here.  ;D

Plus the 25x 25i tabs from tyler.

I can't wait to fry my balls off.  :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Trainwrecked on September 11, 2012, 04:40 am
So, like.  powder vs. blotter.  Pros and cons?

What's the known side effects right now?

How persistent and common is nausea?  Really don't wanna get sick.

Are there things I shouldn't do while on any of the NBOMes?  Drink?  Smoke?  Snort?

Looking for any more info that might be known about this before I go ahead and buy some.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on September 11, 2012, 05:43 am
So, like.  powder vs. blotter.  Pros and cons?

What's the known side effects right now?

How persistent and common is nausea?  Really don't wanna get sick.

Are there things I shouldn't do while on any of the NBOMes?  Drink?  Smoke?  Snort?

Looking for any more info that might be known about this before I go ahead and buy some.
I've only taken blotters. Vasoconstriction can get pretty bad at higher doses. Parts of your body can go numb. It doesn't feel very safe to be honest. Just don't take a really high dose. I get nausea about half the time. It's only on the come up and I usually feel fine after puking (if I have to puke). Smoking weed and NBOMe's go together like peanut butter and jelly, but careful because it can make you trip harder. I mean, one time I thought I was completely down after tripping 3 days in a row (2 days on 25i), and when I got home I took a few vape hits and the trip came back and I experienced "infinity". 

I don't get nausea anymore actually. Maybe my body got used to it, but I've also improved my diet in the past few months.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on September 11, 2012, 08:43 pm
UPDATE ON 50MG SAMPLE FROM NEW VENDOR "Family" (reposted from their review thread):

I decided not to mess with trying to locate legit blotter paper and fuck with absorption rates and buying alcohol and precise measuring instruments and stuff and just got a small sized Rhoto eyedrops bottle and emptied it.

I cleaned it out with dish soap and rinsed out thoroughly with hot distilled water. I then filled it with distilled water up to near the top and individually counted how many drops i could drop out of the bottle before it was empty and came up with 140 drops (actually 138, but ~140).

At this point I assumed I had a full 50 mg and calculated that this means 50 mg in 140 drops, or about 357 ug of 25CNBOME per droplet, which means that 1-2 drops should be a good time for most people, since dosing this way would be nasally administrated - I've read reports that nasal administration requires a smaller dose than dosing buccally with blotter and has a quicker comeup and more intense peak but it also fizzles away quicker.

A few people tried a single drop (~350-370ug). These buddies all had a fun trippy time with mild visuals and were asleep just a scant 3-4 hours later.

One who has been testing psychedelics for me lately went with 2 drops (~700-740ug). he went a little nuts but i think that may have been because he drank too much as well lol. be careful with this substance people! He remarked that he had some visuals, but that his tolerance probably suppressed those, so take that with a grain of salt.

Another who has been my guinea pig often lately dosed on 3 drops (~1mg). Despite offering up his body to be guinea pig often for me lately, he had an excellent time and was still asleep just 5 hours later. Remarked that CEVs were quite pronounced but open eyed visuals were much less distracting than his first time taking a 750ug blotter of 25C. Tolerance came into play with him as well, so i would take his word for suppressed visuals again with a grain of salt.

The baggie the powder came in was QUITE large for how small a sample it was and left me with some difficulties as to how to effectively remove all of it from the sides of the bag. if the baggie were smaller, there would have been a lot less surface area for the powder to stick to and would have been easier to work with.

The diluting method seems to work great so far for dosing in small increments when working with the powdered 25C. i feel that diluting it maybe even a tiny bit more than i have would have made dosing people accurately even simpler. Very cool to have a dropper of psychedelics disguised as eyedrops whenever going out 8) The only problem with this is, there is no way to drop onto a different medium to allow people to take their doses along with them for consumption at a later date, but this can possibly be solved by getting legit blotter paper that has an appropriate absorption rate for the concentration of diluted 25C you self-dilute - don't wanna try dosing 3 fat droplets on a small, low-absorption blotter paper and expect the full ~1mg in my case, for example.

All in all, a great product.  Thank you Family! ;D
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: wvshadow on September 12, 2012, 12:55 am
i have a question. ive been looking around on here and blue light but haven't found an answer. when i take 25c or i i get rather bad body load and nausea. is there any tips you can give me to reduce it. ive taken benadryl  magnesium ginger ibuprofen and vitamins to try yo help. i find if im drinking before taking the blotter and after its out i can sometimes avoid the nausea. thanks for any advice.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 12, 2012, 01:01 am
i have a question. ive been looking around on here and blue light but haven't found an answer. when i take 25c or i i get rather bad body load and nausea. is there any tips you can give me to reduce it. ive taken benadryl  magnesium ginger ibuprofen and vitamins to try yo help. i find if im drinking before taking the blotter and after its out i can sometimes avoid the nausea. thanks for any advice.

Benadryl doesn't work with me either. Try Drammamine and Chelated Magnesium about an hour before your trip.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Tyl3rdurden on September 12, 2012, 01:08 am
Never noticed this thread before! thanks for the kind words on my product. Any questions I will be happy to answer if I can just shot!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: wvshadow on September 12, 2012, 01:23 am
i have a question. ive been looking around on here and blue light but haven't found an answer. when i take 25c or i i get rather bad body load and nausea. is there any tips you can give me to reduce it. ive taken benadryl  magnesium ginger ibuprofen and vitamins to try yo help. i find if im drinking before taking the blotter and after its out i can sometimes avoid the nausea. thanks for any advice.

Benadryl doesn't work with me either. Try Drammamine and Chelated Magnesium about an hour before your trip.

 thanks for the tips ill give that a try.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 12, 2012, 05:52 am
i have a question. ive been looking around on here and blue light but haven't found an answer. when i take 25c or i i get rather bad body load and nausea. is there any tips you can give me to reduce it. ive taken benadryl  magnesium ginger ibuprofen and vitamins to try yo help. i find if im drinking before taking the blotter and after its out i can sometimes avoid the nausea. thanks for any advice.

Benadryl doesn't work with me either. Try Drammamine and Chelated Magnesium about an hour before your trip.

 thanks for the tips ill give that a try.

Glad to know I'm not such a freak, lol. Everyone says Benadryl for nausea but it never worked for me.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on September 12, 2012, 10:45 pm
This trip is for 25b-NBOMe. It was a sample obtained from LIGHTFLOWER. Any questions just ask. :)

10:00PM - Placed ~500ug 25b on upper gums (half a blotter). Listening to a meditation on YouTube.

10:20 - I feel more awake. Prior to dosing I was a little tired. I feel weird physically. Maybe a little nauseous.

10:40 - I feel better. I also vaped a little bit of weed. I just walked/danced around my room singing softly with a big smile on my face. This song is bringing back a lot of memories.

11:00 - Patterns are much more apparent, how ironic. Brighter colors. I feel somewhat detached from myself and yet, somewhat closer to the real me. It makes me wonder who was behind all the words and emotions all day. Music is enhanced but nothing dramatic.

11:30 - Totally TOTALLY lost in my own music. I can visualize it in my mind. I almost can't believe I made this. The weed is making this the most chill psychedelic ever too. Amazing combo. The screen is full of colors. Strong euphoria, love and smiles. I am definitely in my own little world. I find it strange how we are all sharing the same reality. Awesome mellow visuals.

12:00 - Probably at a ++. Super happy. Feeling childish. I want to play. I can visualize ideas in my mind and they're crystal clear. My imagination is another dimension.

12:30 - I just meditated for 15 minutes. I am here now and it is perfect. This moment. Bliss.

12:45 - Giggling like a motherfucker. Everything is hilarious.

1:07 - Perfect psychedelic. Perfect dose. Not too out there. Just right. I love existing. I feel stimulated but very very relaxed.

2:00 - I'm close to baseline, but I still have that psychedelic frog look in my eyes. No wonder I couldn't sleep. These almonds taste almondy as fuck. I'm gonna smoke more.

2:30 - Healthy introspection time. Only slightly stimulated. Perception still altered. I can't tell if I'm experiencing vasoconstriction in my legs or if the soreness from working out is kicking in. Very minor but I thought it might be useful to mention it for those who care about body load. I feel more like a feather right now though. Very light, bright compound.

3:00 - Woah I smoked more and textures are crawling again. This feels so smooth that at times I think I am completely down but I guess I'm still tripping. A Shpongle song is playing inside my head in slow motion and it "sounds" more clear than it does while actually listening to it. I suppose this is what my friend refers to as the "third ear". Feelings of increased confidence. I feel fearless but not manic or insane. Did I just say insane? Pointless scattered thought loops. I have a feeling I'm too stimulated to sleep so I'm enjoying the weed high and trying to be in bliss instead of thinking about sleeping. Tin foil hat moment, it passed. I just saw a cockroach that struck me with fear. I shared a moment of awareness and felt empathy towards this bug. I offered my love and compassion as I sprayed it with Raid like an asshole human being. But I guess he, I, deserved it. Karma. And the cycle continues. Life and death. Metamorphosis. Nirvana.

4:00 - Going to bed.

5:20 - Still can't sleep. I gave up on sleeping and I'm back on the computer. Everything is still really colorful but I wish I had a benzo to sleep. I need a breakfast burrito and let's get this new day rolling.

6:00 - Went to grab a snack and got lost in a painting and realized moving around. Still tripping.

I slept just fine sometime before 7. No hangover, headache, or any kind of "fried" feeling. I didn't feel fried during the trip either.

At this dosage, it is light enough but still beautiful, trippy and meaningful. I only hope the possible side effects are not increased with a higher dosage because this might be my favorite feel-good NBOMe. I can't seem to compare 25i or 25c to this and I don't think I want to until I experience a higher dosage. I want to say this is still psychedelic but not a mindfuck, however I have a feeling the mindspace can get much deeper and psychedelic with higher dosages. I look forward to the next experiment with 1mg. It was so euphoric that I wasn't thinking about tripping harder or anything, but now I can definitely see myself wanting to trip harder than that. I really wasn't expecting much at this dosage though, I was just playing it safe because 25b is still relatively unknown. I'd compare it to acid in the sense that it is so blissful at times. By the way, I call it Bliss.  ;D
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: steadyeddy2 on September 14, 2012, 12:56 am
Got 5x 25c 1200ug tabs coming from steadyeddy hope they get here.  ;D

Plus the 25x 25i tabs from tyler.

I can't wait to fry my balls off.  :)

thanks for the mention opiofile! Be sure to review once you get it. Also if you wanna try out my 25i i'll send you 25% extra if you order 25 or more
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Methadonia on September 16, 2012, 02:32 am
Question do the 25c blotters have a nasty taste to them? or any taste really? i wonder if I'd taken them before being sold them as acid. Would it be possible or would it taste bitter like DOX analogues. Got a few coming and am keen to try. Haven't tripped in a long time, so have some benzos and other sedatives on hand for them.

Also, I've noticed people suggest to place them between a lip and gum as opposed to under the tongue like a regular tab. Is there a reason for this too?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 16, 2012, 05:20 am
Question do the 25c blotters have a nasty taste to them? or any taste really? i wonder if I'd taken them before being sold them as acid. Would it be possible or would it taste bitter like DOX analogues. Got a few coming and am keen to try. Haven't tripped in a long time, so have some benzos and other sedatives on hand for them.

Also, I've noticed people suggest to place them between a lip and gum as opposed to under the tongue like a regular tab. Is there a reason for this too?

All nbome's have a pretty horrid taste that people compare to battery acid. When placed under the tongue, the taste can create a big build-up of saliva which can dilute the absorption ... placing the tab on the gum minimizes that.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Methadonia on September 16, 2012, 05:43 am
So they're strongly bitter I take it? I guess I probably would've known had I taken them. Oh well, guess I'll wait and see.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Methadonia on September 16, 2012, 05:59 am
Not sure, I haven't done acid in years and we were always just told that was what you did by older guys. Gums would've been better I figure. No doubt the acid was in the saliva we swallowed instead of all being absorbed sub lingual
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on September 16, 2012, 06:41 am
The taste won't bother you too much. It's not like chewing Xanax or even bitter LSD. Just put it on your upper gums and don't move it around or anything. The "taste" will stay up there and not ever get on your tongue. Spit it out and wash your mouth immediately (water is fine, it's not that strong of a taste, I promise).
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: beren102 on September 16, 2012, 09:18 pm
so its absolutely not active if you swallow it?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: roger ramjet on September 17, 2012, 04:17 am
so its absolutely not active if you swallow it?

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Methadonia on September 17, 2012, 05:08 am
Well, I canceled my order with HardHustle, bit of a bummer but he's swamped at the moment. He updated his page and mentioned a bit of a supply issue and I already had a domestic order in processing for the same thing, so reallocated the funds for something else.

I believe I read the time was about 2 weeks for processing with him and the current huge demand he has. He mentioned having 25,000 tabs needing to be shipped out. Who would you guys recommend instead? Tyler Durden?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on September 17, 2012, 05:50 am
I know Tyler is awesome but I haven't ordered from him.

HardHustle needs to address the issue of possibly uneven and wet tabs. I didn't like the report of someone tripping on one of his 25i tabs and it felt like +2mg.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 17, 2012, 06:32 am
@Methadonia - 25k backordered, that's insane. I hope he gets his stuff together, maybe hire some help.

For vendor recommendations, I've had good experiences with Lightflower who is US based. She lays her blotters by hand so no hotspots need apply. The only trade-off is that they're bigger than other tabs.

@moksha - yeah I wrote up a report on 25g a few weeks ago. It has a nice mood-boost and some body euphoria like a threshold dose of mdma ... it's also very clear-headed with some nootropic qualities --almost like speed without the increased heart rate, muscle tension, etc. It has the smoothest come-up and no body load but also no OEV's.

I want to play with higher doses and also combine it with the more visual ones rather than 25i since the come-up is faster, there is no mind load, and vasoconstriction seems negligible. Hmm, I wonder if 25g would clear up the punch-drunk mind-fog I normally get with 25c. If anything, 25g+25b would make for an awesome evening.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on September 17, 2012, 10:37 am

For vendor recommendations, I've had good experiences with Lightflower who is US based. She lays her blotters by hand so no hotspots need apply. The only trade-off is that they're bigger than other tabs.

I agree. There's also no need to worry about uneven tabs. I bought some 25b that went in transit a couple of days ago from Lightflower.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on September 17, 2012, 02:52 pm

For vendor recommendations, I've had good experiences with Lightflower who is US based. She lays her blotters by hand so no hotspots need apply. The only trade-off is that they're bigger than other tabs.

I agree. There's also no need to worry about uneven tabs. I bought some 25b that went in transit a couple of days ago from Lightflower.

LF all the way, fellow psychonaughts. HH might have some of the bestselling NBOMe tabs on the Road, but I've only ever bought from Graffenburg and Lightflower, and these two were excellent. Graff's 25c tabs were potent and seemed to be more or less evenly laid (ie no obvious "hot spots" when i looked across my 50 tabs). I haven't bought bulk from LF, but the way that LF lays NBOMe's, you won't have a problem with uneven blotters since each individual tab is hand-laid. Both of these vendors had prompt stealthy shipping, friendly TIMELY communication, and i believe both are using labels now.  all that said, I think Graff is currently out of stock.

EDIT: Just saw this over at HardHustle's Review thread. Seems he's having serious supply problems at the  moment, but is working to correct them. If you placed an order with him, it could take a while, but he would take care of you, eventually....


IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT (9/14/12): So I'm kind of fucking embarrassed to tell this to you guys but it has to be said. I massively underestimated the amount of extras I could provide for you guys - MASSIVELY. My supplier completely 100% fucked me on a shipment and gave me a reshipment which STILL has not shown up. This has caused me many, many problems, and has both humiliated me and caused my word now to be worth shit. I fucking hate that more than anything else, since if I can't keep my promises I simply can't provide quality service. I managed to salvage 250+ orders this week with a fucking godsend care package from another vendor, but I'm now a sitting fucking duck, still waiting on my HPBCD, which, AS IT TURNS OUT, was just shipped yesterday. Fucking morons. But it can't be helped. ALSO, there is no guarantee after the last shipment that this one will arrive, so I am making arrangements with the aforementioned vendor to get a second package in hopefully by Monday (Probably Wednesday at latest), at which point I will get out all pending orders.

SO, to the info you actually give a fuck about: your extras. I assumed, even with more than 250 orders, there would be a max of about 12-15,000 hits ordered - I actually estimated probably 9000 hits of 25i and 4000 25c. This, was, not, the, fucking, case, at all. More than 25,000 hits were ordered. 25,000. I didn't even imagine it could be possible. With my little "care package" I was only able to produce 30,000 (which I thought would be more than enough for double tabs for everyone). Therefore, if you do the math, I was able to give 20% to everyone, no more, no less. I am still thinking of a way to make this up to you guys. Possibly a massive giveaway, partial refunds...idk. All I know is I definitely DON'T wanna deal with the approximately 100 people who had to wait a while in the resolution center to give refunds/reships of extras. Not to mention I don't wanna deal with 100 people in my messages. If anyone has any bright ideas about how to deal with this problem please please message me your ideas. I will consider every one and if you have something good in mind that makes sense both from my and the buyers' perspectives I will probably use your idea.

I am working every angle to try and make sure these supply problems don't happen again. I actually do not have the time constraints I mentioned to you guys about a month ago anymore - my problem now is bringing in what I need and making sure it goes out to you guys in a timely fashion.

I know you guys have been VERY patient with me as a vendor. And as much as it may seem like it at times, I care about this job a lot. I want to make everyone happy, I want to run a top quality business with top quality service. I've fixed a lot of the problems I had before, but new problems have arisen. Once I am able to take care of this, though, I see smooth sailing ahead. Nothing but timely deliveries, great product, and good times. At this point it is just a matter of the bread maker getting the yeast in his hands.

Once I get all of this taken care of and I am fully on top of my orders, like I should be right now, B will be released, and D shortly after if I see a point in it.

On another note, I'm not gonna lie to you guys. I've been 100% ignoring all messages. I apologize, but I just needed to get all of the orders and supply problems taken care of before I fucked with anything else. The "where's my order" messages, the "fuck you" messages, and even the "bulk" messages, which honestly given the situation right now I don't even think I can fuck with for a little while. I will let you guys know when bulk will be available again, but for now I'd suggest just holding off. As for the rest of em, I'm gonna go through em tonight and tomorrow. I got a few hundred so it's gonna take a while. Just be patient with me.

Also, new policy for the "where's my order?" messages. I won't dignify them with a response. They'll simply just be deleted. If your order seriously is not showing up, you can take it to resolution and we can remedy the situation there. Otherwise, don't bend my ear about it. I inform you guys of everything, so I see no reason why you need to further bitch. This is just the way things are right now, and I hate to say it, but if you can't deal, just go to another guy. I don't wanna be the shoulder to bitch on, and right now I'm especially impatient with these messages. At the same time tho, as a buyer myself, I fucking get it. But if I were you and I couldn't deal, like I said, I'd simply say "fuck it" and go to someone else. THAT SAID tho, do me a favor and keep checking back. There will come a time soon where everything is in check, I'm completely on top of all orders, and everything is going out and arriving fast and painless. I will notify everyone when that time comes, but it is not now.

Thanks for reading and understanding and being patient with my difficult ass. I really do appreciate those that still show love, and I am sorry to those who feel I have "wronged" them. Hopefully when everything is ok again, I can make it right.

So as always, much love. I'll talk to you guys again soon.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: beren102 on September 17, 2012, 08:13 pm
so its absolutely not active if you swallow it?


lol ease up on the caps mate. i know its cruise control for cool and all that but seriously. why only those 2?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Niriane on September 17, 2012, 09:42 pm
How do you store NBOMe tabs?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 17, 2012, 10:50 pm
How do you store NBOMe tabs?

Mine are in a baggie and tucked away from direct sunlight.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Niriane on September 18, 2012, 12:24 am
Anyone here have experience combining NBOMe's with MDMA or cannabis?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: solidsnake66 on September 18, 2012, 02:02 am
Anyone here have experience combining NBOMe's with MDMA or cannabis?

My MDMA hasn't come in yet so I'm not sure on that, but I think bud goes quite well with 25c.

Should be getting some 25i and combo caps (25i and 25c) from Tyl3r Durden soon too, so I can try that out as well.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: simantecort on September 18, 2012, 12:09 pm
my personal experience with NBOMe (20+ trips):

NBOMe was, at first, one of the most pleasurable psychedelics i have ever tried. most users report a similar opinion. the trips are consistently highly visual. even the most experienced drug users may be unable to distinguish its visual effects from high doses of LSD. the first time i took it, the anxiety and body load were very noticeable for the first hour. the anxiety started to fade as the visual effects began to kick in. the body load, however, is consistent through the entire trip. it is clear to me now that the effects of NBOMe are very different depending on the individual, because many of my friends reported absolutely no body load, while i get gnarly vasoconstriction nearly every time i take it. in fact, i am quite positive that NBOMe has had a permanent effect on my brain chemistry and hormones. before i ever tried NBOMe, LSD never gave me any vasoconstriction or abdominal discomfort. after doing NBOMe, medium to high doses of LSD give me mild vasoconstriction and a strange sensation of nausea and tightness in my perineum and testicles. very strange indeed. i want to remind everyone that these research chemicals are just that - research chemicals. a complete library of their effects does not exist yet, so we (the users) are essentially the guinea pigs. anyways, i loved my first trip. i was really interested in finding out the information that i found to be lacking on forums like bluelight. nobody had yet tried dosing two days back-to-back. it was the general consensus that members of the NBOMe family have profound and immediate tolerance, and many users believed that the tolerance was permanent. my experience was taking about 1400 µg the first day, and about 2100 µg the second day, sublingual and buccal. the first trip was quite intense and the second trip was almost unnoticeable. it was as if the reality had melded seamlessly with the trip, and i was unsure of what it was like to be sober anymore. decided not to experiment with that again. had several great trips with many great insights and beautiful visuals. at one point i acquired a large tab, about a square inch in area, of 25i.  i had been told it was of similar potency to smaller tabs i had taken before. well fuck, that was definitely not true. it was an incredibly intense trip. i experienced intense vasoconstriction at the beginning of the trip which caused the all-too-familiar effects of genital constriction to reach a near breaking point. i felt as though my fingertips and genitals were becoming quite cold due to the lack of blood flow, and i felt more tightness in my perineum than ever before. i had a strange bodily urge to heave as if vomiting, but without any nausea. again, very strange effects. my right eye began to twitch. i was quite sure by this point that 25i-NBOMe has some very powerful negative effects on the body and perhaps the brain. i had very intense visuals, mingled with flashbacks resembling a DMT trip i once had. the visuals would have been quite beautiful if i were not panicking about concerns that i had permanently damaged my mind or body. my thoughts were centered on imagined brain damage, that i could literally see in my mind's eye. i could visualize the neurons and the dendrites and truly felt that the NBOMe had altered my gene expression somehow. i became obsessed with the most mild asymmetries of my body. it was fucking awful. by the time the sickening drug finally permitted me to sleep, i had slipped into a severe depressive state with the most muted emotions imaginable. it was as if my serotonin receptors had been completely fried, though i'm sure a neurochemist would have issue with this colloquialism. at a point before i finally fell asleep, i completely lost concept of the english language. when i say this, i'm not exaggerating by any means. i looked around my room at the objects i have had for so long, and the way you might think of the word "cup" when you look at a cup was completely different to me. when i looked at an object, the sound it registered in my brain would be some completely nonsensical sound that i can't even describe as i had never heard or imagined anything like it before. it was not a sound that a human mouth could produce, but rather a sound you  might expect from some kind of spring in a cartoon. each object had a different sound, and the sound was consistent. as in, i would 'hear' the same sound no matter how many times i looked at it. this was truly disconcerting. i tried desperately to form sentences in english, but all i could think of were random strings of words. i thought i would be permanently retarded. as you can tell by my language, this was clearly not the case. i don't remember the circumstances preceding my slumber, but when i woke up the next morning i was quite fine, as is generally the case with psychedelics. you may have some peripheral personality changes until you sleep, but when you sleep, its as if your mind simply resets. i can say that i have no permanent psychological effects from this, but i do believe it altered my serotonin chemistry in some way that has now caused the psychedelic alkaloids to give me more vasoconstriction than they previously did. i tried NBOMe again (by this point i had done it at least 20 times) and had similar negative effects with the same scary thought patterns. the visuals were of DMT-like intensity again and i began to think i had become permanently sensitive to the effects. trees and leaves were of particular note as i could not point my finger on exactly how they were visually different, and if i thought about it i knew they were not moving at all, yet when i stared they were rotating so fast and in such complex patterns as to truly resemble a DMT trip. if you stare at a stationary point and don't blink, the visuals become progressively more intense. i recommend trying this if you really like to trip. its a pretty sweet little trick. in the end, i've decided never to dabble in this chemical again. the negative side effects simply outweigh the value of the trip. i've seen all i can from NBOMe, and i would rather prefer not to experience the vasoconstriction, anxiety, dissolution of language skills, and SEVERE insomnia that this drug produced in me. i have never met anyone who also experienced the language thing, but everyone i know agrees that this drug causes MUCH worse insomnia than any other psychedelic. even large doses of amphetamine do not cause insomnia this bad.

i would also like to share that i have personally witnessed an NBOMe overdose. the user, in this case, was an adolescent and probably should not have been using such a mysterious and recently discovered chemical in the first place. i would have stopped him if i were there at the time of his dosage, but unfortunately i was not. he took two one-square-inch tabs (same as the one i took that caused my extremely horrific trip). it was his overdose that may have set off my bad trip, because i was at first concerned that the drugs had been contaminated with some kind of volatile and extremely potent chemical in the production process. of course, there was no way for me to verify this concern so i had to simply put it out of my mind. i realized later it could not have been so because other completely different batches caused the same effects for me and for my peers. anyways, the user took two of these tabs and by the time he hit his peak became quite bizarre personality-wise. everyone around him could clearly tell his brain functions were severely affected. he could not respond to any questions, and he was drooling and was compulsively rubbing his fingers on his lips. his veins were visibly pulsing, his skin was VERY flushed (as is common with NBOMe), and he was sweating profusely. i mean REALLY sweating badly. he would look down, then look up at one person at the table, say their name in a very odd voice, then look back down, then look at another person at the table and repeat the same thing over and over again. however, one thing that really intrigued me was the fact that nobody else out of about 9 or 10 people were tripping. he and i were the only ones. he would look at everyone with the same kind of expression of strange hopeless paranoia, but when he looked at me he would become quite scared and sad. it was as though he could sense that i was under the same spell that he was. this is perhaps what led to my bad trip, because when i began to notice and categorize his personality changes, i started to feel as though i was becoming like him. i started behaving in a similar way. for literally the rest of the day i was emotionally muted and very, very quiet. i was pretty much unable to feel any kind of happiness in this state. but i'll go on. it was a hot day and he was clearly overheating due to the chemical effects of the NBOMe... sweat and a really flushed face made us all scared for him. we kept bringing him inside but it had no effect. he was squirming around and started screaming quite loudly. one interesting effect of NBOMe is that, in high doses, it can make people scream. a lot. i started to think, in my paranoid haze, as this was around the time of the dark knight rises theater shooting, that the shooter had been distributing NBOMe contaminated with some kind of compound that makes people scream in fear. sounds like something the joker might do. but he kept screaming and his heart was beating quite fast. his chest, neck, and facial veins were pulsating angrily. whatever side he shifted to, you could see the gravity was pulling more of his blood to those veins and causing the constricted veins to break and bruise. at this point it became clear to me that he needed medical attention. we took him to the hospital, and though i do not know what course of treatment they followed to stop this potentially fatal (or at least harmful) vasoconstrictive event, i suspect they used calcium-channel blockers. it is my belief that he experienced severe serotonin syndrome as a result of the immensity of his dose coupled with his young age. i believe i experienced mild serotonin syndrome myself as i have never experienced anything like it from traditional psychedelics. it is clear to me now that NBOMe is, if not quite dangerous in and of itself, substantially more vasoconstrictive than other psychedelics and more conducive to serotonin syndrome. the dose-response curve is certainly tighter than that of any traditional hallucinogen. use at your own risk
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: simantecort on September 18, 2012, 12:26 pm
if my advice means anything, stick to the tried-and-true psychedelics. messing with large doses or chronic doses of NBOMe can definitely be dangerous. combining LSD and mescaline yields a very similar trip visually, with substantially less side effects. the same is true of 4-Aco-DMT and mescaline. the dangers of NBOMe ought to be clear to anyone with a basic understanding of biochemistry: NBOMe has a near-perfect affinity for the 5-ht2a receptors, which are most instrumental in controlling vasoconstriction. it is not known by what physiological process 5-ht full agonists cause visual hallucinations, but it is clear that agonizing these receptors contracts smooth muscles and veins, aggregates platelets, and increases in concentration of certain hormones. the advantage of partial 5-ht2a agonists (like LSD) is that they, obviously, only partially agonize the 5-ht2a receptors. this means somewhat less visual effects (many of you may have noticed that nbome is more powerful visually than lsd) but substantially less bodily effects! when seeking a tryptamine or phenethylamine to trip on, it is good to research and find out whether the chemical is a full or partial agonist. a potent full 5-ht2a agonist like nbome can have significant body effects, while a potent partial 5-ht2a agonist like lsd will have more mild body effects. a less potent partial 5-ht2a agonist, like psilocin (4-HO-DMT) will be even better as far as 5-ht2a is concerned. however, psilocin has more affinity for the 5-ht1a and 5-ht2c receptors, producing a whole host of other effects. in my opinion, the psychedelics least likely to produce undesirable physical effects are DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, 4-Aco-DMT, 4-HO-DMT, and 4-HO-DiPT. if you manage to get your hands on the last one, its really an amazing chemical as it can produce much more intense auditory distortion than other serotonergic chemicals. you may notice that these are all tryptamines. that is because all phenethylamines are more likely to produce physical effects. this includes mescaline and MDMA. of course, many users consider the physical effects of some phenethylamines pleasurable. again, it all depends on the individual! what works for me might not work for you and vice versa.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: simantecort on September 18, 2012, 12:30 pm
Niraine to answer your question about cannabis: the first 15 times i dosed NBOMe, i did so without any use of cannabis. i was very clean for several weeks before dosing as well, so as to ensure clarity of mind in my trip. when i first decided to smoke weed while on NBOMe, i noticed i could take humungous hits without even feeling the harshness of the smoke. i smoked bowl after bowl with some friends and truly loved the sensation. it worked for me at first, but i do believe it made the trip more dysphoric and paranoid after the peak concentration of the cannabis began to pass. i think it really depends on your personal relationship with weed. in my opinion, no psychedelic should be dirtied by weed, but some users swear by it as a potentiator.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: jimmyg on September 19, 2012, 01:41 am
Been considering buying some 25c powder and laying it myself, but had a few questions first.

Whats the deal with complexing? Most vendors Ive bought from do this to their tabs, but Ive also been told that "freebase" 25c doesnt need complexing... Can anyone give me a little more information regarding this?

Thanks in advance, sorry if these questions seem basic, just been having a tough time finding any information on the web.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Longtimer on September 19, 2012, 01:55 am
Go to bluelight's 25i big and dandy thread (same laying process).
It's the HCL which doesn't need complexing, it lowers absoption to around 20% less IME.

Freebase definitely needs complexing, or turn it into HCL with vinegar IIRC.

There's so much discussion at bluelight, vhecvk there.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: jimmyg on September 19, 2012, 02:08 am
Thanks for the prompt reply

I'll be sure to check out the thread you mentioned too, much appreciated
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: LIGHTFLOWER on September 19, 2012, 02:13 am
Hello friends!
Lightflower here.
Just want to say a few things. First of all, complexing is not NECESSARY! -( Complexing applied to freebase type blotters.) HCL based blotters need -not- HPBCD "complexing" additions.
ALSO, check out my 25b. I feel this chemical is quite unique upon the NBOMes. Personally, I had one of the most beautiful, Godly experiences on this chemical. I have super low prices in order for the world to share this experience with me!
That is all.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: apples on September 19, 2012, 07:32 am
i just wanted to say lightflower's shit is the bomb. hardest i ever fucking tripped ever.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Twelve_Pickles on September 19, 2012, 07:32 pm
Its worth remembering that as with all Psychedelics, Scene,Setting & Mood play a huge part.

last night in a act of foolish boredom i decided to smash some of Tyl3rs 25c about 1am in the morning all by myself, i guess pure sensual frustration from lack of any inspiration or stimuli forced me to lash out with the Psych usage.

about 10 mins after insuffulation, i realized why it was so foolish to do Psychedelics on a whim & instantly knew all the things i had to do the following day, knowing i was in for a trip & that sleep would be impossible only started the spiral into a bad trip where all narcotic effects are ill-wanted.

i was struck with a heavy body load how much more vaso-constrictive than i experienced from 25I, i felt immense nausea, very similar to mescaline as also similar mescaline visions of wavy lines and immense mental imagery.

i made some honey lemon tea, got my weak body and mind into bed and strapped myself in for some of the most intense negative psychobabble that i have ever experienced, my ego was having a raging debate to my subconscious about various personal perceptions i have of myself,of underachieved goals and desires and how i feel about my future.

after about 2/3 hours of this internal drama, the strange body load and the occasional trembles of sheer ecstasy subsided and i was returned to a solid +1 where i had full control of my body and emotions and knew that healing was in need.

made more honey and lemon tea, this time with a jig of Bushmills whiskey (a nice treat after a trip) rolled a fat joint and wrapped myself in the warmest windproof clothing i could find to watch the sun rise above my garden. sleep happened sometime later.

im content though because it gave me alot of food for thought and a wee wake up call regarding my personal nihilism, which when your intent on personal change and growth; is a wee contradiction.time for some care,nurturing and sobriety i think; thanks 25I, you have light with your darkness, i cant wait to experience you again when i am more whole.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 19, 2012, 08:51 pm
Was tossing up between doses 1 or 2 tabs to start, I was very tempted to double drop but my harm reduction senses kicked in and I decided on one. I wish now I had have gone for 2.

You should tag foxy's thread, those of us who were starting with 1 were telling everyone to take 2 ... she's planning to double the dose on the blotters now so doesn't apply to the newer buyers.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: apples on September 19, 2012, 10:45 pm
Anyone here have experience combining NBOMe's with MDMA or cannabis?

i've done 25i/pot before. i personally didn't really notice like the pot increasing the effects of the 25i but i took like 1.5mg  and i was FUCKED UP from the i alone. granted i have a massive pot tolerance and i only had like half a gram of weed for the night (which isn't really even enough to get me stoned). i guess it could have like an anti anxiety effect or a slight potentiation on one of the visuals if the dose was high enough. i personally don't have enough experience with any of the 25 chemicals (i just took i one time and i'm p sure i thasnt been long enough to dose again) to make a 'definitive' judgement on it. i would say probally in the case of pot. i would be careful dosing MDMA and 25 together though and use lower doses to test both of them together since it's hard to know what the potential ramifications of the serotonin flooding in your brain could lead to.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 20, 2012, 01:20 am
I never realized the nbome's could be so dramatically different, this has only piqued my curiosity more. I think nboh next, and possibly some 25b further down the line.

25b is still my favorite!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: simantecort on September 20, 2012, 04:20 am
remember to buy tabs from reputable vendors, and never attempt conversion yourself without adequate preparation and knowledge.
there has already been one fatal overdose and several non-fatal overdoses due to careless measurement:
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: MiddleLeftNostril on September 21, 2012, 06:32 am
After tripping 12 times on NBOME's (4 times on 25I: 500+250ug on March 31, 1mg on April 26, 2mg on April 27;  500ug in May some time; 6 times on 25C: 600ug on July 31, 150ug on August 15?; 750ug on 1 September, 1,1mg on 2 September, 375ug and 750ug when I got back to baseline on 15 September; 2 times on 25D: 1mg on August 31 and 1.5mg on August 31 into September 1), I'd like to give a general review of my experiences.

I felt depersonalized or derealized for about a month after taking 25I for the first time.  The first trip was paranoia-inducing, dysphoric, confusing, and had a bad bodyload.  1mg was incredibly disappointing in terms of visuals and the mental space was dysphoric and introspective.  The bodyload was even worse.  My brain felt incredibly fried and my personality felt reset after I took 2mg.  That trip had barely any visuals, an even worse, more awful bodyload, and the worst confusion I've ever experienced.  2 of my friends were having a fun tripping time, even if the trips were weird.  1 of those friends had a seizure 2 days after taking 2mg.  1 friend was incredibly disappointed because there were barely any visuals on 1mg.  2 friends became very confused such as I did.  Being alone in a room felt like a sanity test I was about to fail on 2mg.  1 stupid friend greatly enjoyed 25I, but he just saw brighter lights on 1mg.  500ug was uplifting but slightly confusing.  I had minor HPPD involving a flickering effect in the solid blue sky and minor visual snow after taking 2mg.

25C was incredible at 600ug, if a little overwhelming since it was my first good trip in my whole life.  The trip was characterized with objects having halos, rainbow halos, light turning into waving rainbows, and interesting textures getting the patterning depth of a fractal.  Everyone enjoyed it, aside from 1 friend who smoked blunts at the plateau while barely tripping from a 1/2 tab, and did not like the trip at all, but enjoyed it greatly after taking 1 tab sober.  150ug was like a light version of rolling.  750ug with tolerance after tripping twice the day before was about half as powerful as it should have been.  1.1mg the next day was as powerful as 187.5 ug (1/4 tab) with no tolerance.  375ug was a nice, enjoyable, light trip.  750ug later on in the same day was stronger and very fun.  Overall a great chemical, but not very interesting.  The trips are all very similar.  After the first 25C trip, my HPPD from 25I was greatly diminished, and hasn't come back.  A new HPPD has replaced it, where I see intricate but badly defined shapes when I close my eyes or in complete darkness, which isn't bad at all.

25D is a mystical, magical molecule which I can't summarize yet, but both experience were beautiful for my friend and I.  It has the friendly mindspace of acid, the visuals of mescaline, and the body feeling of MDMA.  It's perfect.

My lower-left abdominal region, too, is hurting occasionally, but it only started after I got sick, so I attributed it to that.  It may also be an enlarged liver from taking NBOME's.  Who knows?

Avoid 25I, PLEASE!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Methadonia on September 21, 2012, 01:27 pm
Mine arrived yesterday but only got them today after such a commotion. 5 tabs with Che Guevara on them. Will test ASAP. Friend and I were planning on going to the circus and taking em
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: chrispi on September 21, 2012, 07:09 pm
I'll share my experience with 25I & 25D.

25I has become my favorite psychedelic by a long shot. It's already been described well, but this stuff colors the world with the most vibrant color palate you can imagine. The fractals are deeper than any I've experienced on DMT or mushrooms, and the OEV & CEV are something to be hold. I've tripped maybe 10 times now and I've never once had a negative experience, which I can't say about any other hallucinogen. The lack of mindfuck makes it very special IMO. The older I get, the more the other hallucinogens seem to beat me up. This drug is so refreshing I can't even put it in words.
I've used 0.5 mg - 3.5 mg on tabs and find 1.0-1.2 mg to be ideal. I've put 1.0 mg in solution up my nose once and it was a bit too overwhelming. Tabs are perfect.

Most of my trips began around midnight and lasted into the morning (unless I pulled the benzo rip cord after sunrise). For my most recent trip, we dropped our tabs at 3:30 am. This made for the most breathtaking morning and visually intense trip to date. I highly recommend timing your peak for sunrise or sunset sometime if possible.

It's equally as awesome as a starry sky, but it takes on a slightly different nature and seemed in bring out even more visuals.

Night time trips have consistently delivered a futuristic-retro space vibe (if you've done it you know what that means!).

While the morning trip delivered a futuristic jungle/Spanish Inquisition vibe.

I've never tripped alone and everytime- all people report the same vibes and nature of hallucinations, and in some cases we look at the exact same things at the same time (this seems to be another unique aspect of the NBOME experience, as I've seen this reported elsewhere too).

25-D deserves alot more recognition than it's received. I'm going to take the time to do it here since there isn't much info here or elsewhere on this beautiful compound:

I've done 25-D once. I liked it just as much, if not more, than 25I.
Me and a friend each put 1.0 mg in solution up our nose. We chose insuflation because my source recommended against tabs for 25-D, claiming that it wasn't very efficient or effective. At the time I was unable to find any evidence of the contrary (only reports from people disappointed with 25-D on tabs).

Holy fuck was that wild! In a beautiful and bizarre kind of way. The comeup from insuflation was not jarring like 25I, but softer and gentler. It just sort of blossomed over the next 10 minutes as we wandered into a pitch black field surrounded by forest. By the time we reached the grassy center (our destination), we were in absolute awe of the world that had manifested around us like sprouting plants. We were surrounded by fluorescent glowing tubes. They are so hard to describe because they were so unique and unlike anything I've ever seen or heard about. These tubes were something like 50% veins and 50% plant vine...shimmering with every color of the rainbow, pulsating, and growing with every second like still frame footage of a growing plant. The more you looked at them, the more complex they became and the more surface they covered and more space they filled. They seemed to originate from the soil but extended every direction, all the way up to the sky, and even into our fingertips and covering our skin.

Everything had a very gentle and loving vibe. My friend shouted with excitement during the entire (hour?) peak. He had apparently became a lightning rod of creativity and philosophy, while I layed there in absolute awe of our surroundings and the fact that we were seeing the EXACT SAME structures and hallucinations. My mind was clear and it was absolute bliss. Not a bit of anxiety.

This was not at all unlike the night forest scenes in the movie Avatar. I swear! The world around us was glowing like Las Vegas out in the pitch black middle of nowhere at 3 am.

What really made these visuals unique was the lack of fractals and symmetry that visuals usually contain with 25I and other hallucinogens. The only way I can put it is that it felt very "organic" in design...similar to the way plant life just kind of grows all over the place, like vines in a jungle. There wasn't a master mathematical blueprint to it, it just "was".

Sounds were also drastically altered. Everything sounded like it was happening in a tunnel. There were objects whizzing by in the air around us followed by trails of sounds. We never could tell if these were hallucinations or actual living creatures.

As the peak gradually tapered we returned to our fire & music. When we arrived I found the music appreciation and rainbow aura of the fire to be very similar to 25I. But in contrast to 25I which has more of a "party" vibe to it (ie- it feels like you are surround by good times and people who aren't there during the experience), 25D had a pronounced "empathogenic" vibe which seems to be most pronounced after the peak and lasted the remainder of the trip.
There are still OEV, but I only noticed them when I was shining my light on rocks and observing the cornucopia of bug life on/around them. They had a prehistoric fossil motif to them. The empathy was most comparable to that I've experienced with MDMA and to some degree, psilocybin. I felt loving, caring, and content.

While my friend was in a trance writing his thoughts in a notebook, I wondered off into the dark forest alone. At one point I sensed i wasn't alone and turned on my light to find a small racoon in front of me. He climbed a tree and we stared at eachother for 10 minutes. We had this connection and I could feel his hardships in just trying to survive out there. I named him Dimitri and continued on my way.
I decided I must bless the forest and all it's life with my walking stick, so I spent the next 30 minutes waving it and saying "Assalamu alaikum" the entire time. It just seemed appropriate at the time.

My friend tracked me down shortly after. He saw my light and decided to investigate after he convinced himself I wasn't an alien.
We returned to our fire and spent the rest of the wee hours dancing to tunes and jumping around like kids. Two grown ass men. Such an awesomely wonderful night that was. Brought to us as an unexpected freebie from the vendor Etizolam (thanks again!).

I can't wait to pick up some more 25-D in the future. I'm really interested to see how it compares on tabs.

dude, you have totally sold me...ive gotta try it...and im crackin up at u in the forest chanting and blessing it with yer stick....good times man good times... ;D
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Opiofile on September 23, 2012, 08:10 am
I had the worst damn experience with steadyeddy. STAY SO FUCKING FAR AWAY FROM THIS LOSER VENDOR.


First he sends me a envelope with 1 tab in a ripped piece of paper(i ordered 5, so this is way wrong) it also took as long to get here as my 25 tabs from TylerDurden which is across the ocean and shit. So he agrees to make it right. About a week later I get another envelope, this one is actually somewhat better packaged, but it just has 1 strip of paper NOTHING like the first, that has no perforation, no cuts. And doesn't even have straight lines, it looks pink and smells minty and just screams SKETCHY. it does not look legit at all and I have no idea of doses. It's supposed to be 5x(or more i would hope for ruining my order) but instead I get 1 stupid strip that i'm supposed to guess at the size of pieces to cut off and then believe this vendor even put actually 25c-nbome on it? I think not. Everything about this guy screams careless and sketchy. I would never put any chemicals in my body from someone who is so careless and fucked up to his customers. I sent the BTC through and just left him a 1/5 since it's not worth ruining my buying record over 11$.

I learned my lesson and will stick to Tyler for ALL my nbome needs. STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM STEADYEDDY

So i'm going to flush this retarded minty pink unevenly cut strip of blank paper with who knows what on it in god knows what amount.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Opiofile on September 23, 2012, 08:56 am
Middleleft sounds like a complete hypochondriac, I hope none of that bullshit about NBOME's affects anyones outlook on them or their own trips.

The shit did not do magical mumbo jumbo to your receptors or fry your testicles.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Iripanar on September 23, 2012, 12:50 pm

Yeah I gotta say I'm with chrispi. I had an amazing trip on 25i. It was a 1mg Matrix tab.

I'd also had some the night before but less as i wanted to see if I was allergic to it at all. I went out for dinner and saw a good musician. The 25i worked but wasn't strong and I felt very able to socialise. I wouldn't say that this was the best setting for it though. It was OK but not special.

Since I didn't get a negative reaction and I thought I'd do the whole tab last night and keep it in for about an hour.
It started out a bit shit because there were too many people around and shit going down. When they all left I managed to get outside and have a small smoke of a bit of sativa. That certainly took away any of the body load I was feeling but also made the 25i become very psychedelic even though I'm sure I was past or near the end of the peak. It was a stunningly beautiful night; slightly misty, half moon, star-filled sky. The moon through the mist was forming crystals and had rainbows around it. At times the sky looked fractal-like. Like an Alex Grey painting. I couldn't believe the faces that I was seeing in the moonlit clouds.They were like oil paintings, not face like - they were faces.
At one point this friggin huge bat swooped about 2 feet over my head as it headed into one of the nearby fruit trees. I felt like I was in Fear & loathing - it scared the shit out of me and I almost fell out of my chair laughing. My bats are real!
The guitar that I was playing sounded amazing and I felt very much in rhythm with the night.
At one point I felt a moment of complete happiness and satisfaction. It was like a little moment of enlightenment.
Although the mental element of 25i can be a challenge if you are in a negative space. I found it very interesting and fairly gentle in that set and setting. For shear beauty it has rivaled any other trip that I have had on L or shrooms.
I am also intrigued to try it again when at pure baseline - I had had a couple of acid trips in the week prior to this so it was not really a fair trial:)

Its interesting the mix of reports here about 25i. Some incredibly positive and others very negative. It would probably be wise to take a small test dose to see whether you have negative effects with this drug. I would then recommend finding the most stunningly beautiful scenery you can find if you decide to take a dose. It certainly seems to enhance this type of setting more than a social one.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ghr85 on September 23, 2012, 02:18 pm
I bought some 2C-B in powder form off SR not too long ago and apparently it's only active if you snort it. But my friend and I had somewhere between 40-60mg each and just ate it. 10 minutes later, hit us both like a fucking truck. Closest OEV's to DMT i've ever had, few mg's more and we might of even had a break through. Never tripped so hard in my life, and the euphoria was insane! I was peaking for 3 hours solid and then still getting effects up to 3 hours after it started to wear off. Come down was good, sleep was good. Shulgin doesn't recommend having more than around 24mg as an initial dose and I have to agree with him on that. My experience was still awesome but I wouldn't have that high a dose again.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on September 23, 2012, 06:36 pm
I recently tripped on 1 tab of Lightflower's 25B NBOMe  and ~800-900ug of Family's 25C NBOMe insufflated via dropper bottle so this is a short review:

First off, I've said it before and I'll say it again: Lightflower has always shipped quickly, discreetly, and responded with friendly, timely communications - even when I've ordered just one or two tabs from LF. Outstanding customer service!

I've already placed a review/trip report of Family's 25C NBOMe which i diluted myself into a dropper bottle, so search for their review thread or look earlier in this one to find that.

I dropped one 25B tab initially just to see what effects were like on it and it alone. 30 mins-1hr after dosing buccally, I chewed the tab and spit it out. Slight metallic taste and numbing sensation where the tab was placed, but not too distracting. By the end of this time, I was feeling the stimmy effects (which IMO is one of the downsides to NBOMe's), but at the least, visuals were very active and still coming up. Though the stimmy feel was there like with 25I and 25C, this time there was an added bodily sensation: eroticism. It felt kind of like rolling and made me wish i had dropped with a friends with benefits ;)

Just like with 25C, music sounded more epic and enjoyable, so i tuned into a free live broadcast on YouTube of Bon Iver (AMAZING, btw) at about 2 hours into the trip. At about this time, too, visuals were getting intensely psychedelic without the mindfuck of LSD (which i actually prefer, but to each his/her own ;) ). With 25C, visuals were more superficial and intense patterns usually only showed up for me in blank spaces - walls, floors, ceilings, and the like. With 25B, though, quickly morphing intricate patterns were spread throughout my entire vision, regardless of where i looked, though i noticed they were more enjoyable to watch when i would focus on one area and let the 25B do its work. Every time I felt like the visuals might stop coming up and getting even more intricate, they would slow down but then quickly morph again and again and again - it was one of the most purely visual psychedelic experiences I've ever had.

About halfway through the live broadcast concert, I decided to drop ~800-900 ug of 25C from my diluted dropper bottle into my nose and see where that took me. The visuals were sooooo beautiful! It was like watching pure energy forever taking on new forms throughout my vision and seemed to be influenced by my thoughts and my emotional reactions to the music. Sometimes I would be in fractal land, other times the visions would be super intricate bands of patterns weaving in and out of themselves, and other times it was just patterns tesselated - kind of like watching repeating stars or gold flakes or frogs or bubbles or what have you. One more time: this trip was the most visually intense psychedelic experience I have ever had. The most LSD i have ever taken has been 5 hits of gel tabs and i did not get visuals like this (though the intense love and lack of discomfort make LSD a definite winner, IMO).

Only downside to all this was the slightly twacked feeling I get from taking any NBOMe. I honestly do not see how other people can prefer the NBOMe series to LSD when there is such physical discomfort, even if the psychedelia is potent. I lost track of time by the end of the concert and friends showed up to interrupt my solo trip, so i ended up drinking beers with them, but I felt just *weird* and twacked, so i ate the last of my Xanax blotters (from vendor Oliver - awesome product! look for it soon) and that helped me to calm my nerves and what felt like a slightly overworked heart. After taking the Xanax and drinking some beers, the visuals slowly began subsiding, though this was pleasurable because i no longer felt like the visuals were blasting me, but they were much less spiky and much more fluid, though this could just be that they were taking on less intensity. in any case, this downslide was the best balance between psychedelic visuals and body comfort i found in this trip.

Even though I took 1.5 mg of Xanax on blotter and visuals were all gone by about 6 hours into the trip, i could not sleep until about 11 hours later. Crazy insomnia lol. I won't be undertaking a trip like that anytime soon with the NBOMes. I might buy some more to resell for folks who are interested in the chemical, but i think i'm done with the NBOMe series. the twacked feeling is much too uncomfortable for me to continue consciously taking them.

Still, awesome products for what they are, Lightflower and Family! Anybody interested in their products will not be disappointed if they're expecting a different psychedelic experience.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: MiddleLeftNostril on September 23, 2012, 11:56 pm
Middleleft sounds like a complete hypochondriac, I hope none of that bullshit about NBOME's affects anyones outlook on them or their own trips.

The shit did not do magical mumbo jumbo to your receptors or fry your testicles.

You can say what you'd like but I feel like warning people after my best friend had an awful ++++ on 2mg of 25i.  He, 19 years old at the time, practically a brother to me, took 2 tabs with no tolerance, 1 and then 1 one hour in, the night of the day he moved into his new house with his mom (AWFUL SETTING), starting having a bad trip, was extremely confused, had ++++ experience and talked to God while confessing his previously hidden drug use to his mom after feeling like all the bones in his body broke when he went to go lie down on the couch.  I wasn't there but got an oral trip report from him and his friend.  He just started acting progressively weirder until he asked to go to the hospital, got a benzo (atyvanse?) and was knocked out for a day or two.

Full 5HT2A agonists just aren't where it's at, at least for my friends and I.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on September 23, 2012, 11:59 pm
Keyword: 2mg
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 24, 2012, 01:08 am
He took over twice the recommended starting dose on his first try in a terrible setting. That was a bad trip waiting to happen with any chemical.

Most blotters are between 550ug and 1mg for a reason. In any case, I agree that you and your friend should stay away from 25i. For everyone else, start with a reasonable dose and take care in preparing your set and setting.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: geedogg on September 24, 2012, 07:29 am
Tried 25c on Friday with one 800ug tab off Tyl3r and was a nice buzz....Think I'm gonna try the snuff caps next time so I can dose easier and I prefer sniffing drugs anyway!

Thanks again Tyl3r! You da man for NBOMe's for sho!!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on September 25, 2012, 02:51 am
Look, everyone needs to go with me! Every nbome I sell is HCl. No complexing or any of that BS. A full print is $300+ change. You can't lose.

Up to y'all. Be smart and be safe.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: solidsnake66 on September 25, 2012, 03:14 am
Got snuff caps from Tyl3r Durden and must say I am impressed. He was willing to work with me and sent me some of the strawberry 25i caps as well as some of the citrus combo caps. I tested about half a cap over the weekend and the come up was quick and even on half I had a decent mild trip.

I was worried about snorting them because I've never really snorted anything before, but the caps were great. I had no issue taking and didn't feel it going into my sinus. There was a slight tingling that made my nose run a little after about 5~10 min.

Best way to take NBOME's by far. Can't wait to test out the combo caps next.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: foolishly on September 25, 2012, 03:05 pm
You'll notice that Opiofile didn't even sample steadyeddy's product before throwing it away and declaring it a failure.  Everyone who has tried his products and reviewed them said they're as advertised or better.

That combined with Opiofile's unwillingness to seek resolution is highly suspect.

I have an order en route from steadyeddie and will be happy to add the results of my experience here, good or bad.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: plyermyer on September 25, 2012, 08:44 pm
could someone knowledgeable please clarify for me the current strongest and most reliable type of these new psychedelics?

I love 25I-NBOMe, but as everyone tends to agree it is hit and miss, and other drugs can affect it.

What is the most durable and reliable currently?

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Niriane on September 26, 2012, 12:57 am
Which has more visuals, 25b or 25c? And how do the visuals differ?

Any experience combining one of these with MDMA?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Opiofile on September 26, 2012, 06:01 am
You'll notice that Opiofile didn't even sample steadyeddy's product before throwing it away and declaring it a failure.  Everyone who has tried his products and reviewed them said they're as advertised or better.

That combined with Opiofile's unwillingness to seek resolution is highly suspect.

I have an order en route from steadyeddie and will be happy to add the results of my experience here, good or bad.
FIRST OFF - Obviously with the 1 post count you are eddy who made a new forum acc just to talk shit about me. Too obvious you tool, just run your business legit and you wouldn't have problems.

TO YOUR POST - Are you a moron? How is it suspect? I got sent 2 different things that WERE NOT WHAT I FUCKING ORDERED.

And why would I ruin my buying record over 10$? That is even stupider.

Sorry I won't ingest some random chemical on a strip of paper that isn't even blotter like I ordered. He fucked it up the first time and then made it worse by sending me some crap that I was not expecting and was impossible to dose with. Of course I flushed it. I spent my money with a more legit vendor this time. Lightflower sells singles, and Tyler gets all my big orders.

That fucking idiot eddy can keep yours and anyone else who is dumb enough to buy from him's business. He is so unprofessional it's not even funny, the way he responded made him seem mentally challenged, and sending stuff in bright colored torn paper in a white envelope. Asking to get it stopped. he couldn't even tell me how to dose the random strip of crap of got so of course it went down the drain.. Sending stuff in bright colored torn paper in a white envelope. Asking to get it stopped.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: plyermyer on September 26, 2012, 07:56 pm
sorry guys, going to bump my question:

could someone knowledgeable please clarify for me the current strongest and most reliable type of these new psychedelics?

I love 25I-NBOMe, but as everyone tends to agree it is hit and miss, and other drugs can affect it.

What is the most durable and reliable currently?

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 27, 2012, 03:58 am
Which has more visuals, 25b or 25c? And how do the visuals differ?

Any experience combining one of these with MDMA?

25b is more visual.

25c will give you patterns when looking at noisy surfaces, there is also a kaleidoscope affect when you close your eyes (don't always like that affect).

25b will give you electric light rainbow patterns over everything you look at and all around you. If you push the dose, everything starts to look cartoon-ish due to waving affects and color bleeding.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Longtimer on September 27, 2012, 06:29 am
Which has more visuals, 25b or 25c? And how do the visuals differ?

Any experience combining one of these with MDMA?

25b is more visual.

25c will give you patterns when looking at noisy surfaces, there is also a kaleidoscope affect when you close your eyes (don't always like that affect).

25b will give you electric light rainbow patterns over everything you look at and all around you. If you push the dose, everything starts to look cartoon-ish due to waving affects and color bleeding.

You mean.. which one is actually 25b here?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on September 27, 2012, 08:30 am
Which has more visuals, 25b or 25c? And how do the visuals differ?

Any experience combining one of these with MDMA?

25b is more visual.

25c will give you patterns when looking at noisy surfaces, there is also a kaleidoscope affect when you close your eyes (don't always like that affect).

25b will give you electric light rainbow patterns over everything you look at and all around you. If you push the dose, everything starts to look cartoon-ish due to waving affects and color bleeding.

I can verify all this from personal experience.
25C is quite visual when you sit still and allow empty spaces to psychedelically transform themselves.
25B allowed for tesselated patterns across my entire vision, whether open-eyed or closed, empty surfaces or noisy.
25B visuals ran across my entire vision while 25C only seemed to show up when i was sitting still and staring at an empty ceiling or something. In this respect, 25C felt much more superficial.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on September 27, 2012, 07:27 pm
Has anyone tried ENBOOM's 25D? I believe he changed his prices and added new products.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on September 28, 2012, 12:29 am
I thought long and hard about my nbome/doc sale and I have decided that I will keep the full prints(900 tabs) @ $310+SR fees. Thanks to the many members that purchased from me. You influenced my decision due to the popularity.

Thanks guys!


Buy 5 prints and get 1 free
Buy 10 and 2 free
and so and so forth.....

You don't have to be a mathematician to figure out that this is one bad ass deal!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 28, 2012, 02:15 am
Has anyone tried ENBOOM's 25D? I believe he changed his prices and added new products.

I tried them when he first listed them. If it's the same gear, it's very nice though really overpriced. It's one of my top favorites, second to 25B.

I wonder if there's any chance that Lightflower might start stocking them ...
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on September 28, 2012, 03:19 am
5x 25D for $16.50. Not bad in my opinion. I wasn't looking to stock up on these, just try them since I apparently love NBOMe's. :P Good to know it's up on your list.

And hopefully she does eventually but I'm assuming she'll stick to what she has now before introducing a new product.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Longtimer on September 28, 2012, 06:41 am
Best NBOMe to have crazy new sex on?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: foolishly on September 28, 2012, 06:50 am
I can verify all this from personal experience.
25C is quite visual when you sit still and allow empty spaces to psychedelically transform themselves.
25B allowed for tesselated patterns across my entire vision, whether open-eyed or closed, empty surfaces or noisy.
25B visuals ran across my entire vision while 25C only seemed to show up when i was sitting still and staring at an empty ceiling or something. In this respect, 25C felt much more superficial.

So this is super fascinating because it might offer support for some of the theory in the article linked below.  It suggests that there are 2 distinct neurological effect at work when it comes to the "color bleeding" (or cartooning) vs "visuals" (or patterns). (in total he suggests 4 or 5 different primary effects of the psychedelic experience).   Anyway, it would seem to follow that different substances may specifically have a tendency to target specific categories of effects based on differences in how they tickle the brain's 5HT2a receptors...maybe? (

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 28, 2012, 03:03 pm
Best NBOMe to have crazy new sex on?

25D ... definitely.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on September 28, 2012, 05:05 pm
I can verify all this from personal experience.
25C is quite visual when you sit still and allow empty spaces to psychedelically transform themselves.
25B allowed for tesselated patterns across my entire vision, whether open-eyed or closed, empty surfaces or noisy.
25B visuals ran across my entire vision while 25C only seemed to show up when i was sitting still and staring at an empty ceiling or something. In this respect, 25C felt much more superficial.

So this is super fascinating because it might offer support for some of the theory in the article linked below.  It suggests that there are 2 distinct neurological effect at work when it comes to the "color bleeding" (or cartooning) vs "visuals" (or patterns). (in total he suggests 4 or 5 different primary effects of the psychedelic experience).   Anyway, it would seem to follow that different substances may specifically have a tendency to target specific categories of effects based on differences in how they tickle the brain's 5HT2a receptors...maybe? (


Science! < 3333

Yes, that does sound plausible. There are most definitely different varieties of psychedelic experiences, even within the NBOMe series. I have yet to combine any of the NBOMe with LSD, though I promised myself I would stay away from the last of my NBOMe doses. I have combined 25C insufflated + 25B buccally administered and the two seemed to work synergistically. Bit of an uncomfortable experience in the body, but the visuals were the most intensely psychedelic i've ever seen.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Niriane on September 29, 2012, 02:08 am

Yes, that does sound plausible. There are most definitely different varieties of psychedelic experiences, even within the NBOMe series. I have yet to combine any of the NBOMe with LSD, though I promised myself I would stay away from the last of my NBOMe doses. I have combined 25C insufflated + 25B buccally administered and the two seemed to work synergistically. Bit of an uncomfortable experience in the body, but the visuals were the most intensely psychedelic i've ever seen.

What dosage of 25c + 25b would you recommend?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: wvshadow on September 29, 2012, 04:43 am
talking about combinations i enjoyed 25i and 2c-b. i took 1mg tab 25i then insuflated 10mg 2c-b at peak. the visuals were like nothing id ever had before. very pronounced.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on September 29, 2012, 07:34 pm

Yes, that does sound plausible. There are most definitely different varieties of psychedelic experiences, even within the NBOMe series. I have yet to combine any of the NBOMe with LSD, though I promised myself I would stay away from the last of my NBOMe doses. I have combined 25C insufflated + 25B buccally administered and the two seemed to work synergistically. Bit of an uncomfortable experience in the body, but the visuals were the most intensely psychedelic i've ever seen.

What dosage of 25c + 25b would you recommend?

idk because I kind of took a lot  :o lol.... I took a 1mg 25B tab from Lightflower and dropped into my nose ~800ug of dissolved 25C about 2 hours in, which is 2 drops from my dropper bottle, 1 up each nostril. I think that one drop could have been alright, though  :P I have also been tripping about once a week, so there was an issue with psychedelic tolerance for me - so I erred on the side of wanting to trip more but staying underneath 2mg of NBOMe (anything more than that, and I'm sure my body would have felt god-awful the next day).
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on September 29, 2012, 09:32 pm
What dosage of 25c + 25b would you recommend?

I would say 500ug of 25b with 300ug of 25c buccal should be a solid trip and a good blend between the two.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: foolishly on September 30, 2012, 06:16 pm
As promised - my review of steadyeddy's 25C:

Plain white envelope, strips of blotter were folded up inside of some ordinary looking shopping fliers.  I thought the packaging struck a good balance between being discreet and protecting the product.

I actually had 2 different items shipped and wasn't sure which was which - upon their arrival, a quick message to the seller resolved this question.

In my tests we were able to detect activity with only 1/4 of a single blotter tab.  In terms of potency, this would seem to put the dosage in the same ball park as what was claimed (1200ug per square).  Which is.... well, pretty fantastic: these doses will be enough to support several months of testing in my labs.

Blotter Quality/Convenience:
Initially I couldn't see any divisions on the paper but closer inspection revealed that one side was cut with shallow lines to enforce dosage.  To  make consistent doses, I followed these lines on the surface and cut them with scissors.

I will be a return customer, if I ever run out! Great stuff.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Opiofile on September 30, 2012, 07:20 pm
As promised - my review of steadyeddy's 25C:

Plain white envelope, strips of blotter were folded up inside of some ordinary looking shopping fliers.  I thought the packaging struck a good balance between being discreet and protecting the product.

I actually had 2 different items shipped and wasn't sure which was which - upon their arrival, a quick message to the seller resolved this question.

In my tests we were able to detect activity with only 1/4 of a single blotter tab.  In terms of potency, this would seem to put the dosage in the same ball park as what was claimed (1200ug per square).  Which is.... well, pretty fantastic: these doses will be enough to support several months of testing in my labs.

Blotter Quality/Convenience:
Initially I couldn't see any divisions on the paper but closer inspection revealed that one side was cut with shallow lines to enforce dosage.  To  make consistent doses, I followed these lines on the surface and cut them with scissors.

I will be a return customer, if I ever run out! Great stuff.

You seriously aren't fooling anybody. You can't be any more obvious that you ARE steadyeddy.

Even writing a fake review for his product? FUCKING LOL

Get a life dude, SERIOUSLY.  You made this account just to talk shit to me without having to ruin your vending name, and then the only other posts are you faking a review of his tabs... come one. Anyone with a brain can tell what you are doing.  ::)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: foolishly on September 30, 2012, 07:27 pm

You seriously aren't fooling anybody. You can't be any more obvious that you ARE steadyeddy.

Even writing a fake review for his product? FUCKING LOL

Get a life dude, SERIOUSLY.  You made this account just to talk shit to me without having to ruin your vending name, and then the only other posts are you faking a review of his tabs... come one. Anyone with a brain can tell what you are doing.  ::)

Easy, friend.

A trusted seller sold me something that I found valuable.  I thought the community would like to know of my experience, your esteemed omnipresence and infinite knowledge of anonymous posters notwithstanding.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: steadyeddy2 on October 01, 2012, 12:59 am
As promised - my review of steadyeddy's 25C:

Plain white envelope, strips of blotter were folded up inside of some ordinary looking shopping fliers.  I thought the packaging struck a good balance between being discreet and protecting the product.

I actually had 2 different items shipped and wasn't sure which was which - upon their arrival, a quick message to the seller resolved this question.

In my tests we were able to detect activity with only 1/4 of a single blotter tab.  In terms of potency, this would seem to put the dosage in the same ball park as what was claimed (1200ug per square).  Which is.... well, pretty fantastic: these doses will be enough to support several months of testing in my labs.

Blotter Quality/Convenience:
Initially I couldn't see any divisions on the paper but closer inspection revealed that one side was cut with shallow lines to enforce dosage.  To  make consistent doses, I followed these lines on the surface and cut them with scissors.

I will be a return customer, if I ever run out! Great stuff.

You seriously aren't fooling anybody. You can't be any more obvious that you ARE steadyeddy.

Even writing a fake review for his product? FUCKING LOL

Get a life dude, SERIOUSLY.  You made this account just to talk shit to me without having to ruin your vending name, and then the only other posts are you faking a review of his tabs... come one. Anyone with a brain can tell what you are doing.  ::)

I'm sure if we need proof, a mod could confirm that he ordered from me. But personally I do not care at all. As much as I wish I could please all my customers, I have come to realize that you are just a very mean human being :(
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Niriane on October 01, 2012, 01:47 am
What's the difference between 25c and 25i again?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Trainwrecked on October 01, 2012, 11:13 am
Has anyone tried AJAPAI's liquid dropper yet?  Is it true you don't have to keep it in your mouth and that it's active if you eat it?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: thecrackhead on October 01, 2012, 01:00 pm
Hello guys, quick question, I am planning to try Tyl3r's 25i-NBOMe Strawberry Snuff Caps. I am completely new to psychedelics never tried anything apart from some mushrooms in Amsterdam and I have no clue what they were as I was extremely high when I bought and took them.

I did a bit of reading on psychedelics and what everybody seems to say is that the setting is very important. I was wondering if a road trip would be ok, I really enjoy road trips even when I'm sober (I don't drive my friend does).

So would you recommend a road trip? Is there any possibility of me jumping out of the car? I'm 100% sure I can control myself but then again, with new stuff you never know what to expect. I used to do incredible amounts of mephedrone and I never had a problem, didn't have problems with ketamine and cocaine either.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: machinegnome on October 02, 2012, 01:27 pm
@thecrackhead I think a road trip would be a good idea once you get into the trip a little bit, and you start to feel out how the trip will be. If you're new to psychedelics I recommend taking only one blotter ( assuming they are 750ug ) For your first trip on an NBOMe substance you definitely want to start low. There is a big difference between 750ug(.75mg) and 1,000ug (1mg). Also smoking weed can intensify your trip ten fold so be careful when smoking weed while tripping. One minute you'll be feeling fine, maybe even wishing the trip we're a LITTLE more intense. So you decide to take some rips from the bong. Before you know it, you're blasted off into space and wont be coming back for a few hours. Just be careful. I hope that helps.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ianfleming on October 02, 2012, 04:54 pm
Hey, this might saound like a stupid question but how long should you keep an NBOME tab on your gums before swallowing or spitting it?
I have some 25c without HPBCD, and some 25i WITH HPBCD. Should there be a difference in time between those?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on October 02, 2012, 05:24 pm
Hey, this might saound like a stupid question but how long should you keep an NBOME tab on your gums before swallowing or spitting it?
I have some 25c without HPBCD, and some 25i WITH HPBCD. Should there be a difference in time between those?

About 20-30 minutes with either one.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: gtrmonkey on October 03, 2012, 04:50 am
Has anyone tried AJAPAI's liquid dropper yet?  Is it true you don't have to keep it in your mouth and that it's active if you eat it?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Sybrus on October 04, 2012, 02:44 am

Science! < 3333

Yes, that does sound plausible. There are most definitely different varieties of psychedelic experiences, even within the NBOMe series. I have yet to combine any of the NBOMe with LSD, though I promised myself I would stay away from the last of my NBOMe doses. I have combined 25C insufflated + 25B buccally administered and the two seemed to work synergistically. Bit of an uncomfortable experience in the body, but the visuals were the most intensely psychedelic i've ever seen.

Please be careful when combining NBOMe with LSD! I've seen anecdotal evidence claiming the combination can cause dangerous amounts of vasoconstriction.  :(
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: samcrow on October 04, 2012, 07:10 am
Would it be possible to put the content into this. That would make it look like the drugs the guy took in minority report, and it would attract much more customers in my opinion.
what you think?


Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Trainwrecked on October 04, 2012, 12:22 pm
Has anyone tried AJAPAI's liquid dropper yet?  Is it true you don't have to keep it in your mouth and that it's active if you eat it?

It'd be nice if I could get an answer regarding this.  Kinda important.  It would be very dangerous if this product isn't made correctly, and I want to be sure it's safe and will work exactly as described.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: solidsnake66 on October 04, 2012, 03:40 pm
Wanted to pick your brains on something.

I've been taking Nbomes (25c tabs from HH and 25i and 25c/25i combo caps from Tyl3r Durden) fairly often lately. It's been about once a week or so between each trip so far.

Recently my girlfriend has been saying I'm getting too angry and aggressive. She seems to think it's from the NBOMe's. I personally think it's related to the fact that I have been out of work without unemployment for over a month and she's hasn't been taking care of her money to pay bills. She lost about $400 out of her account and can't even account for what she spent it on! Just thinking about it gets me frustrated.

What do you guys think? Have any of you noticed an increase in anger, aggravation, or frustration from any of the NBOMe's?

Like I said, I've just attributed the frustration of life causing the changes in my overall attitude so far, but I would appreciate any additional input on the situation.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on October 04, 2012, 04:33 pm
Has anyone tried AJAPAI's liquid dropper yet?  Is it true you don't have to keep it in your mouth and that it's active if you eat it?

It'd be nice if I could get an answer regarding this.  Kinda important.  It would be very dangerous if this product isn't made correctly, and I want to be sure it's safe and will work exactly as described.

I'll be getting some but will be a couple weeks before I try it. My guess is, you can't drink it because your stomach acids will destroy it. But if you put a drop on your finger and rub it on your gum, it should absorb immediately with a faster come-up than blotter since it takes a while for the chem to leech out of the paper. But will let you know for sure in a few weeks.  :-\

@solidsnake66 - haven't heard of it causing aggression but then again, it is an RC so anything is possible. However, taking it that often is going to eventually spike up your tolerance which will take a month to recover from so you might consider cutting back in any case.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: solidsnake66 on October 04, 2012, 05:55 pm
@solidsnake66 - haven't heard of it causing aggression but then again, it is an RC so anything is possible. However, taking it that often is going to eventually spike up your tolerance which will take a month to recover from so you might consider cutting back in any case.

My tolerance has gone up drastically which I expected. I won't be taking it as often now, I took it that often because of concerts and party's and such going on.
I've been enjoying them though and usually feel pretty good the day after as long as I wait about a week between trips. The second time I took 25c I took it 3 days after and felt like a zombie the next day.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: acidsoldier on October 04, 2012, 08:51 pm
Which nbome is most similar to Lucy in your opinion? I only tried C and D and after C I had good mood, a lot of euphoria and no mindfuck, but after D a have a lot of oevs and it was really strong imo. Of course I prefer Lucy but I'm curious about it... Cheers   ;D 
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: blacklisted on October 04, 2012, 09:13 pm

What do you guys think? Have any of you noticed an increase in anger, aggravation, or frustration from any of the NBOMe's?

Like I said, I've just attributed the frustration of life causing the changes in my overall attitude so far, but I would appreciate any additional input on the situation.

Hi solidsnake, ive been using it like yourself (also bought from tyl3r), weekly all through september. sometimes ive found my tolerance causing major diminishing effects and ive ended up dosing double+ yet i've not found it causing anger issues. Everyone is different though, perhaps have a break, better to do that now while it's out in the open, im sure your gf will appreciate the effort. Unfortunately, if you're still reacting negatively to situations, it could be time to sort out those mood swing triggers

All the best
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Trainwrecked on October 04, 2012, 09:22 pm
Yeah, AJAPAI told me specifically you can eat it no problem and that it'll work.  So if he's wrong, and you're right, l1llykins, then I probably won't buy from him since he lied.  Even if it's just a little lie.  It's the principal of the matter.  But if it does work by just eating it normally, I just solved a mystery.  Someone locally has been selling LSD, liquid LSD.  The dropper looks exactly like AJAPAI's, and the trip is definitely different than any LSD I've taken.  Vasoconstriction is strong too.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on October 04, 2012, 09:50 pm
Yeah, AJAPAI told me specifically you can eat it no problem and that it'll work.  So if he's wrong, and you're right, l1llykins, then I probably won't buy from him since he lied.  Even if it's just a little lie.  It's the principal of the matter.  But if it does work by just eating it normally, I just solved a mystery.  Someone locally has been selling LSD, liquid LSD.  The dropper looks exactly like AJAPAI's, and the trip is definitely different than any LSD I've taken.  Vasoconstriction is strong too.

If he meant that you can just drop it on your tongue and trip from that, then yeah you can "eat" it. If you drop it on a piece of candy and swallow it ... then no, you can't eat it that way. So yes and no.

If you want to be sure that LSD dropper is LSD, have them drop it on some candy and swallow it. If you trip, it's LSD.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Trainwrecked on October 04, 2012, 11:50 pm
He said I can drop it on candy and eat it.  That it being complexed makes it work by eating it.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on October 05, 2012, 02:17 am
Dunno then, only way to find out is to try and see what happens.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: foolishly on October 05, 2012, 03:48 am
Recently my girlfriend has been saying I'm getting too angry and aggressive. She seems to think it's from the NBOMe's. I personally think it's related to the fact that I have been out of work without unemployment for over a month and she's hasn't been taking care of her money to pay bills.

I personally think you know yourself best, and you should trust your own instincts on what is causing issues.  Try to solve the most obvious problems first - in this case it sounds like its money and a lack of expectations (having lost one source of income) about how your girlfriend is going to contribute in this new world.

Still, taking a break never hurts if you're concerned at all.

I have certainly experienced what I would call unwarranted "blame" from a significant other for reasonable/safe recreational drug use.  A friend of mine has as well.  For me, it came at a time when we were also being a pretty unhealthy couple in general, not listening to each other, etc... I feel that in my case it was mostly a lever that could be pushed by my SO when other frustrations arose.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: viscoto1 on October 05, 2012, 09:36 am
this RC is the absolute bomb..... After thorough testing it, all damn day... took a grand total of 4 tabs total. over the course of 12 hours. Highlights of the trip was the very digital aspect of the entire trip. had heptagon patterns all over the place, at one point forming a sphere of sorts, and the icing on the cake being the fact, (completely atheist here.) saw a higher power take the form of a burning cigarette. the cherry to be exact. I watched him basically destroy the ground slowly. It was super super intense. Really dark, and introspective trip. may even attempt to quit smoking entirely. Though i'm not to sure on that last one. :S

All in all, this is a wonderful drug, (forgot to say that it was 25I-MBOMe) and deserves a lot of respect,  a lot more than I gave it this first go around. i mean 4 mgs dosed out over the course of the day, not all at once, i'm pretty sure that all at once would be enough to send someone to the hospital. (fun fact, i spent most of the daytrip in a hospital environment.) but i seriously do not recommend to anyone to do over 2mgs at one time. in fact i really don't advocate taking such doses in a day, period.
Why did i? I can't really answer it... I just wanted an over the top experience.
Side notes:

(vascoconstriction?) played a heavy heavy roll at about 2-3 hours. everything went absolutely nuts, and i got very very cold on the outside, but warm on the inside, it was rather odd, but i kinda rolled with it.

Weed plays with this drug. It will actively throw you into a hard trip taking only a rip or two at about the 1:30 mark.. Just not i never said it plays well ^^ it did with me but you may be totally different.

Burning Cigarettes Cherry's Are The Fucking Shit. They move, they evolve just by slightly blowing on them. Watch them bloom into magical things.

Sense of touch could be described as pulsing electricity moving throughout your limbs. When touched, you might "humm" a little on the inside.
That covers SOME of the epicness that is 25i-MBOMe at extreme doses. but be mindful. my dosing was as the following
Tm0:00 = 1mg
Tm1:45 = 1mg
Tm:5:00 =1mg
Tm6-7:00 = last 1mg dose taken.

I handled the material A LOT around my last dose. packing some away for friends and the like....  I may or may not have had a reaction to that alone...

As for recommended dosing? I would start out with 500 ug (assuming the tabs are 1mg exact..) then about 30 minutes in, spit (or swallow ^.- ) and add another 1 mg. for a good, strong dose.
If you have any other questions please shoot them my way (pgp in pms plz just send me your pub key) or ask here

Thanks much.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Opiofile on October 06, 2012, 02:06 am
Got my 5x 500mcg 25c capsules from lightflower. Great transaction! None were damaged in shipping, all is perfect. It's a yellow color coded powder. Probably around 50mg of carrier powder holding the 500 mics. Have yet to test it, maybe tomorrow or sunday.  :D

It's like night and day dealing with a legit vendor compared to my last transaction with steadyeddy.  TylerDurden and Lightflower are my 2 go to sources for NBOME's now.  8)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Slugger on October 06, 2012, 02:58 am
Ordered 25i from HH, this thread was a great read for me! Excited to try it!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: gipsey on October 06, 2012, 06:08 am
Just a quick question i`ve got some 1mg 25c blotters would half be enough as first time, been like 15 or more years since I has acid, purple ohm back in the day had a bad trip so put me off to say the least but been taking most other drugs since.
Just some advice then please. Cheers.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Slugger on October 06, 2012, 08:07 am
Just a quick question i`ve got some 1mg 25c blotters would half be enough as first time, been like 15 or more years since I has acid, purple ohm back in the day had a bad trip so put me off to say the least but been taking most other drugs since.
Just some advice then please. Cheers.
Yeah half a tab would be enough for you to get a little trippy. You might see slight CEV's/OEV's and will probably have psychedelic thinking. I'd say go with the 1mg but that's just me.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: gipsey on October 06, 2012, 08:35 am
Cheers for the reply  Slugger i`ll report back on how it goes.

Took a 1mg blotter lastnight loved it! Mad visuals but still felt in control it kinda come on in waves one minute i felt ok the next the whole room was melting was very enjoyable would definatly do again
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RicFlairIsGod86 on October 08, 2012, 03:01 am
Cross posted by me from another thread.

I've had duderugs' 25i tabs, Tylerdurden's 25i caps, HH's 25c tabs, Graffenburg's 25c tabs, and soon Lightflower's 25c caps and Nevita's 25c tabs.


Duderugs' was my first. Did 10mg (a ten strip) in a 24 hour period. Was weak, until I smoked, then the morphing started. Still fairly weak. Didn't think it was weak at the time, but found out since that it was.

Tyl3rDurden's caps were next, 15 minutes after snorting, HO-LEE SHEEEEIIIT. I DID NOT think it would be that strong. 600 Micrograms vs 10,000 micrograms. Was no comparison, that one cap took me farther than I've ever been before or since. I haven't picked up more is because of three reasons: the night after my trip on the caps I got robbed at gunpoint for about 25 thousand dollars in cash and drugs and been trying to buy and sell NBOMe to build my funds back up ever since, everything I buy I have to resell and the paper is cheaper, it's also easier to sell the paper. But the ONE cap is still tops in my drug experience life, only rivaled by my .9 gram binge on first-batch PF MDMA, and a near-death Nitrous Oxide experience at the dentist when I was a teenager.

HH's 25c tabs (600 ug each) were after that. Plain ol giggly fun, nowhere near as strong as the cap though. 25c is a bit more euphoric and visual, 25i really made everything "more" (womenfolk were more dainty, the night sky sparkled even more, etc). 43 tabs sold in 3.5 hours. Did 7 tabs (4.2mg) that day, 3 tabs didn't go near as far as the one cap did. Sure turned me into Gigglefits McGee though.

Graffenburg's 25c (750 ug each) was next. Strongest of the paper by far so far. On two hits, Hank Hill walked out of the television toward me and said "Dallas? Don't go there, that place is full of crackheads and debutantes!". And there was 2 hours of laughter after that. Wish he still sold 25c, I'd be all over it.

Gonna pull the trigger on at least a half sheet of Nevita's 25c when he gets more blotter, already got two 25c caps coming in from lightflower (2 bux each with no shipping charge, might as well try em out).

Duration is a little less for 25c, it is more potent by weight than 25i so the dosages scale out pretty well. 25i is more rave material, 25c is tripping material.

I prefer 25c. But goddamn that 25i cap was fucking M-A-G-I-C-A-L. The 25c caps oughta be UNTOUCHABLE, but I guess I'll find out soon enough.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ianfleming on October 11, 2012, 02:50 am
Posting to follow thread.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ralph123 on October 12, 2012, 02:02 am
I have a love for the nbomes since my first time trying them with Tyl3r's 25i caps. Since then I have tried a few different vendors and I've tried the 25c and the 25b so far. I've yet to try 25d or 25n so would anyone like to try to describe the comparison for me? I really enjoyed the 25b I got from LightFlower. Although I really like the 25i, I like the b and c better. I'd would appreciate it if someone could share their opinions.

On another note, Since I found Silk Road, I have been able to notice the great differences in drugs today compared to drugs in the past. I would say without doubt that the acid is much better as well as the marijuana today then it was years ago and much safer as well. I also like the many new choices that are available now compared to the limited supply from the old days
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on October 12, 2012, 02:21 am
25d - nothing really happens below 1mg as this is the least potent nbome.

Like 25c, this one will start off very visual, though more colorful light affects are noted than 25c. CEV's appear to be blazing bursts of electric and fractal lights.

The euphoria kicks in about 1.5-2 hours except instead of a steady stream of euphoria, this one comes in rolls. These are full-body orgasm rolls that peak for a good 30 seconds or longer before settling into a steady stream of bliss. The mindspace is like being on a good dose of MDA: very carnal and charged erotic energy. The rolls occur less frequent than a mdxx though after a few hours I am  very grateful for the break in between!

trip time @ 5-6 hours
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: bunny84 on October 12, 2012, 03:37 am
I'm new and do not know how to create a topic .... So I will ask here .... Does any one know which of the psychedelic is most visual ???? I only tried one n it was shroom pills think know as 4acodmt was wonderful n joyful ...
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ianfleming on October 12, 2012, 07:05 pm
I'm new and do not know how to create a topic .... So I will ask here .... Does any one know which of the psychedelic is most visual ???? I only tried one n it was shroom pills think know as 4acodmt was wonderful n joyful ...

They say 2c-e is more visual than LSD. I've never had LSD, yet. But I've eaten a lot of 2c-e and it's visual as hell. 25c NBOMe is visual too. But the complexity and boldness of the 2c-e visuals compare to nothing else I've ever tried.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: bunny84 on October 13, 2012, 03:51 am
Which nbome is most similar to Lucy in your opinion? I only tried C and D and after C I had good mood, a lot of euphoria and no mindfuck, but after D a have a lot of oevs and it was really strong imo. Of course I prefer Lucy but I'm curious about it... Cheers   ;D

I was wondeeing which u liked the best ... I want to try one of the nbome but don't know which .... Which one was most visual ? That's what I'm mostly looking for and the happy giggly feeling
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: mnak on October 16, 2012, 03:57 am
Which nbome is most similar to Lucy in your opinion? I only tried C and D and after C I had good mood, a lot of euphoria and no mindfuck, but after D a have a lot of oevs and it was really strong imo. Of course I prefer Lucy but I'm curious about it... Cheers   ;D

I was wondeeing which u liked the best ... I want to try one of the nbome but don't know which .... Which one was most visual ? That's what I'm mostly looking for and the happy giggly feeling

25c is the most visual out of the NBOMe's.
I saw another post in this forum tonight that said 25i-NBOMe was the most visual.

I've only tried 25c-NBOMe.  I was a flood of serotonin in my head (I think) and I was laughing my ass off the next morning (sans sleep) but unfortunately didn't get any visuals.  I haven't tried 25i though.  I need to find a sample back of all the different ones for a good price.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ianfleming on October 16, 2012, 04:27 am
I've been told that 25i is eye-candy
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: wvshadow on October 16, 2012, 05:17 am
i find 25i to be more visual with lots of paterning and swirling. everything moves. you see the electric flowing around everything. 25c seems to bring out the contrast in things more and is very giggly. easy to meditate or relax with. slight movement in  things. 25c is the better one with a partner in my opinion.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: happyroller1234 on October 16, 2012, 05:29 am
I used to prefer 25i because of its more visual nature, but I've begun to enjoy 25c a lot more now because it's a lot smoother ride, and I like the insights I obtain on it.  I sometimes feel like a deity on this stuff.  :P  I think one's route of administration really makes a difference in terms of the intensity of the visuals.  And changing up the setting in which you trip can definitely make visuals more pronounced, or at least more noticeable.  When I tripped on one cap of Durden's 25c in a different setting, I was seriously uncomfortable for the first time in a while because the visuals were so intense.  Everything was melting, and colors were morphing and changing.  The carpet in this place literally looked like coral reef flowing at the bottom of the ocean. It was fucking beautiful.  It's had to pick a favorite, though.  They're both beautiful compounds.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: bunny84 on October 16, 2012, 06:05 am
O man I jus ordered 25 c because I thought that was had better visuals then 25i which I haven't tried yet ... I hope I won't be disappointed.... I have a question can u take I with c ? .. n is it save to take x with any of the 25? I want to have crazy visual bit also that relaxed feel good body high ....also can I tale 2cb with x or the 25 ? Sorry I'm new lol help
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ianfleming on October 16, 2012, 11:29 pm
O man I jus ordered 25 c because I thought that was had better visuals then 25i which I haven't tried yet ... I hope I won't be disappointed.... I have a question can u take I with c ? .. n is it save to take x with any of the 25? I want to have crazy visual bit also that relaxed feel good body high ....also can I tale 2cb with x or the 25 ? Sorry I'm new lol help
Dont mix 25x with anything. They already do some pretty fucked up shit to your circulation and heart. You REALLY don't want to mix that with a stimulant like MDMA or 2c-B. If you have to then I'd go with 2c-b. But really your asking to be the poster child (at the morgue) for polydrug use, with that specific mixture.
Really mixing even basic 25x compounds with each other is somewhat dangerous.

You CAN overdose on these.

I used to prefer 25i because of its more visual nature, but I've begun to enjoy 25c a lot more now because it's a lot smoother ride, and I like the insights I obtain on it.
I've had around 600mcg of 25c before, that was intense. What do you mean by "smoother ride"? I have some 25i I've been planning on taking, what makes it more difficult?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: mnak on October 17, 2012, 02:10 am
I used 25c-NBOMe (half a tab, unknown dose) and these are the effects I've noticed:
1) Horrible synthetic taste in my mouth for hours
2) Headache
3) slight nausea
4) looking in the mirror my pupils are quickly expanding and contracting.  Is that normal?  They aren't dilated.
5) If there are any visuals they are so minor that I can't differentiate them from the usual visuals I've gotten my whole life.
6) I'm cold.  No I'm hot.  No I'm cold.
7) a buzz in my brain (which I think is a flood of serotonin).  I would really like to experience some visuals someday but the serotonergic effects seem way stronger than the visual effects thus limiting the dose that I can reasonable take.

The placebo effect isn't very strong on me, and I've done 25c twice with the same results.

I'm guessing that since I don't like 25c I probably won't like the others.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: wvshadow on October 17, 2012, 04:12 am
I used 25c-NBOMe (half a tab, unknown dose) and these are the effects I've noticed:
1) Horrible synthetic taste in my mouth for hours
2) Headache
3) slight nausea
4) looking in the mirror my pupils are quickly expanding and contracting.  Is that normal?  They aren't dilated.
5) If there are any visuals they are so minor that I can't differentiate them from the usual visuals I've gotten my whole life.
6) I'm cold.  No I'm hot.  No I'm cold.
7) a buzz in my brain (which I think is a flood of serotonin).  I would really like to experience some visuals someday but the serotonergic effects seem way stronger than the visual effects thus limiting the dose that I can reasonable take.

The placebo effect isn't very strong on me, and I've done 25c twice with the same results.

I'm guessing that since I don't like 25c I probably won't like the others.

it may just be me but i dont care for the 25x compounds at low doses. i get all the annoying things with none of the good. with c i like 900mics to 1200mics.   
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ianfleming on October 17, 2012, 04:16 am
I used 25c-NBOMe (half a tab, unknown dose) and these are the effects I've noticed:
1) Horrible synthetic taste in my mouth for hours
2) Headache
3) slight nausea
4) looking in the mirror my pupils are quickly expanding and contracting.  Is that normal?  They aren't dilated.
5) If there are any visuals they are so minor that I can't differentiate them from the usual visuals I've gotten my whole life.
6) I'm cold.  No I'm hot.  No I'm cold.
7) a buzz in my brain (which I think is a flood of serotonin).  I would really like to experience some visuals someday but the serotonergic effects seem way stronger than the visual effects thus limiting the dose that I can reasonable take.

The placebo effect isn't very strong on me, and I've done 25c twice with the same results.

I'm guessing that since I don't like 25c I probably won't like the others.

Are you taking any tricyclic?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Aeitos on October 18, 2012, 11:55 pm
What is more  as LSD or mushrooms?  So enough visual, hyperprostor, euphoric, but not considerably sexual? Thanks...
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: bunny84 on October 19, 2012, 03:35 am
Ok I changed my order to 25i from tylor ...  Where would I store the blotters n how do I tale them ? N do I swallow it after ? .... N how long does the trip last at its peak
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ianfleming on October 19, 2012, 03:44 am
Ok I changed my order to 25i from tylor ...  Where would I store the blotters n how do I tale them ? N do I swallow it after ? .... N how long does the trip last at its peak

First off, please write properly.

You can store them in any dry place away from the sun. NBOMes aren't particularly sensitive so they can take most forms of storage. Wrap them in plastic and/or foil and put them in a jacket pocket.
To take them you need to follow some steps. Brush your gums and use some mouthwash. Then take a blotter (A blotter, this means ONE. You CANNOT take 2 or more, you CAN overdose on NBOMe chemicals) and put it on your upper gum. Let it sit there for about 25 or 30 minutes. It taste horrible, and will cause your mouth to create a lot of saliva, do not swallow this saliva as it contains the NBOMe and will be wasted if swallowed. Let this all sit for about 30 minutes. It will taste like lidocain, or bile. after the allotted time just swallow it or spit it. Swallowing it will not make it any more powerful though.
If you get tired of that taste in your mouth just use some more mouthwash.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: primary amine on October 20, 2012, 02:33 am
Just wanted to drop into the NBOMe thread to mention to you guys that 25c + 2C-B is a great combo.  Thought y'all might want to know.  :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: alienporn on October 21, 2012, 03:48 am
any issue with taking nbome if your on suboxone? or wellbutrin?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ianfleming on October 21, 2012, 03:58 am
Well, 2c-i has been known to cause seizures when mixed with wellbutrin, so I would fear that the same might be true of 25i.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: alienporn on October 21, 2012, 04:06 am
good to know can always stop taking wellbutrin days before planned fun only taking it to help stop smoking... i figured suboxone wouldnt really matter it only focuses opiod receptors just wanted to get a confirmation...

Thank you
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: SandSnake on October 21, 2012, 04:17 am
Is there any risk in taking 25c after/before MDMA, LSD, 2cb? Not talking about at the same time but the day before or after. Also, what about 25c's interaction with alcohol?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: inhabitablegoat on October 21, 2012, 05:33 am
Is there any risk in taking 25c after/before MDMA, LSD, 2cb? Not talking about at the same time but the day before or after. Also, what about 25c's interaction with alcohol?

From my understanding there will be some tolerance built up the day after for LSD, the others I do not know. There was a time where I had tried a 25c/i combo tab and had a few shots of Ciroc after I spat out the blotter- I found my experience to be a bit more welcoming on the come up, though it could have been because of the weed smoked within the first hour. I did not notice anything completely drastic by drinking with it though.

Also, I have heard of some people taking alprazolam (xanax) on the come down of an NBOMe experience- is it safe to take say, 1mg before comsuption of any NBOMe rather than after? I find myself a bit anxious on the come up.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ianfleming on October 21, 2012, 05:44 am
Is there any risk in taking 25c after/before MDMA, LSD, 2cb? Not talking about at the same time but the day before or after. Also, what about 25c's interaction with alcohol?
Alcohol will most likely have very little to no effect while your tripping.

MDMA before hand would be best, as the 25c is much stronger than the MDMA. Taking it afterwards would be less effective as the tolerance from 25x is stronger.
LSD and 25x will both have no effect within a few days of one another and will still be quite weak if taken within a 1 and a 1/2 or 2 week window.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ianfleming on October 21, 2012, 05:54 am
good to know can always stop taking wellbutrin days before planned fun only taking it to help stop smoking... i figured suboxone wouldnt really matter it only focuses opiod receptors just wanted to get a confirmation...
Id advise stopping for a minimum of a week.
If your having issues with smoking maybe you should try to substitute cigarettes with sweets or other forms of nicotine.
But ion general, just try not to mix wellbutrin with anything that ends with an "i".
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ianfleming on October 22, 2012, 01:07 am
Gave my mother and aunt a tab of 25i each, they sure seemed to have a great time.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RicFlairIsGod86 on October 22, 2012, 02:08 am
Gave my mother and aunt a tab of 25i each, they sure seemed to have a great time.

I bet that was a borderline riot!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Longtimer on October 23, 2012, 12:37 am
It feels like I have a stitch constantly, like a poisonous in my liver.
Anyone else get that?

And also the pain in the inner legs/thighs.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: toomuchcoffee on October 23, 2012, 02:56 am
Last saturday, my friends and i wanted a trip down memory lane and decided to get well and truly messed up! the night started with a 200mg cap of mdma, followed a coulpe of hours later by another of the same, then an hour later a cap of 2cb. things were going well, nothing to intense, just your standard sought of mdma experience. Then we went for the 25 i nbome!

WE had 300ug blotter that had some sought of accelerant that made it equivalent to a 100ug blotter. i stuck it under my tongue for an hour. after about 4o minutes things started to get weird in a good way.

The basic jist is this: it is extremely visually trippy, like mushrooms, but with none of the mental/psychological trippiness associated with acid or shrooms. That is it was truly like watching an amazing sound and light show, whilst remaining relatively with it. i could have normal conversations and was fully aware that i was tripping. ijust sat back and enjoyed the show.

Physically, i felt  very heavy and almost as if my body was not a part of me (if that makes sense). at one point a tried to walk around but, i quickly determined that that was not a good idea as i was very wobbly, had major judgement issues and sure the bouncers were looking at me.

So what were the visuals like? amazing. all the lights had an amazing intensity to them, there were auras, pulses and a clarity and vividness that was amazing. The ceiling, white wooden slates, were breathing and opening and closing. The wall picture of faces, were moving around and changing expressions.

It was very hard to see peoples faces, it was as if their faces were translucent, just disappearing. the girl next to me really looked like a lizard, i kept staring at her. My friends faces were pulsating and changing shapes, and then it would be like pixels of their face was missing and their was a green light where the pixel should be. Sometimes they would just become extremely pixelated.

This went on for a good 3 hours, then we decided at about 6am it was time to go to home base. In the taxi on the way home, i was convinced it was raining, but apparently it wasn't.

after about another hour things relatively went back to normal.

All in all, 25 i nbome is agreat tri[p for those that want visuals without any of the associated head fuck. you won't have epifanies, you wont work out the meaning of life, you wont unmask the inner workings of the universe. But you will have an amazing visual trip.

That all said, this is a research chemical, it is untested, who the fuck knows what damage it might do long term. Until there is more research with this drug, i would approach it with extreme caution and not be blase about the effects it may have. It took me being pretty messed up on other drugs to agree to take it and in the light of day, i probably wouldn't take it.

happy drug taking.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RicFlairIsGod86 on October 23, 2012, 04:10 pm
Just wanted to write about Lightflower's 25C Snortable Caps:

I've had 25I in cap form before, and that shit was S-T-R-O-N-G. Since then I've had quite a few experiences with 25C in blotter form (see my earlier post in this thread), and each instance was laid heavier and stronger than the last, culminating in 2 quarter-inch sized pieces of paper causing a cartoon man to walk out of television set and make eye contact with me. I figured it wouldn't get much crazier than that. These things have a way of surprising you.

When the universe reaches out and touches you, you feel it, and not some bullshit light tap. Within 20 minutes of snorting the contents of the capsule, the Universe appeared before me as a red-haired MILF dressed in leather from head to toe. Mistress Universe grabbed me by the ghoulies HARD and moaned in my ear "Forget it all.". My mind complied and so I was left in an apartment with two people who said very little to help or hurt my mood or condition, this was a near-solo journey.

The first thing that came back to me was my hair, then came light, then came sound. At some point after that I remembered I had a bladder and had to piss. The bathroom had fish stickers in it, but they were swimming all around me. While walking back from the bathroom I remembered that the internet existed, so I got some music going. It was Albert King and Stevie Ray Vaughan In Session 1983. I connected with it like I've never connected before in my life, with anything. Listening to it as I write this, I get HUUUGE chills going up and down my spine.

When I rediscovered weed about halfway through my journey back, fierce giggling occurred. Dr. Pepper tasted like the fucking Klingon made it. Literally everything since has had such a sense of wonder and awe about it that it feels like the first time for EVERYTHING now.

Physically, I felt fine, had the energy to run a marathon or swim a lake but I sure as fuck was NOT ready for strangers haha.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: XyankeedoodleX on October 23, 2012, 07:12 pm
I realize this is a relatively new chemical but I haven't seen any mention of health risks..Anybody know the health risks this could have short term? long term if any research has been done? I'm going to be trying 25I and 25C soon and was just curious if there are any known health concerns I should be aware of before trying it.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: alienporn on October 24, 2012, 02:11 am
Well i have placed a order for 25c from family seems like a nice person and has been prompt with questions and processing. I will hopefully be able to try it out this weekend and i will give a report back on quality and experience. I have taken 2ci before and truely enjoyed the trip it was much less overbearing then say shrooms or lsd and from what i have read 25c seems similar so im excited and i always like trippin in the fall... something about the cooler weather and the trees changing colors and it seems the sky just gets clearer. Nothing like a small fire some friends on a cool brisk autumn evening and droppin some trips.  8)

happy halloween and safe trips to all.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: toomuchcoffee on October 25, 2012, 05:25 am
I realize this is a relatively new chemical but I haven't seen any mention of health risks..Anybody know the health risks this could have short term? long term if any research has been done? I'm going to be trying 25I and 25C soon and was just curious if there are any known health concerns I should be aware of before trying it.

This is the whole problem, no one really knows what the real risks are. There isn't any research yet. Anecdotally, at least the 25i doesn't seem to have any major short term side effects. when it fully wears off, you feel normal again. i haven't had any flash backs, i was not scattered, it felt quite clean.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: XyankeedoodleX on October 25, 2012, 07:37 pm
I realize this is a relatively new chemical but I haven't seen any mention of health risks..Anybody know the health risks this could have short term? long term if any research has been done? I'm going to be trying 25I and 25C soon and was just curious if there are any known health concerns I should be aware of before trying it.

This is the whole problem, no one really knows what the real risks are. There isn't any research yet. Anecdotally, at least the 25i doesn't seem to have any major short term side effects. when it fully wears off, you feel normal again. i haven't had any flash backs, i was not scattered, it felt quite clean.
Damn RCs not having been around long enough to know if their safe! Well shit...makes me nervous about trying them...I don't know the age of anybody here but I'm not old and I don't want to be 30 with no hair because of a trip or some crazy shit like that.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: mnak on October 26, 2012, 03:20 am
It feels like I have a stitch constantly, like a poisonous in my liver.
Anyone else get that?

And also the pain in the inner legs/thighs.
If you can, please go to the doctor and get some bloodwork done and let us know.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Longtimer on October 26, 2012, 07:39 am
It feels like I have a stitch constantly, like a poisonous in my liver.
Anyone else get that?

And also the pain in the inner legs/thighs.
If you can, please go to the doctor and get some bloodwork done and let us know.

That's not really possible for me now, sorry.
I'd really love to know, too.

I have a P450 enzyme defiency.
I also swallow the chemical spit after 30 mins instead of spitting it out.

The pain is located under the last rib on the right side, and usually starts to become painful on the comedown.
It's noticiable on 25c doses 1mg+
It's noticiable on 25i doses 1.5mg+

I wont be doing any more NBOMe.
The pain lasted 3 days after my first 1.8mg 25c test.
That's really not cool.
It feels similar to an APAP overdose, except it's more stitchy and more crampy.
Whereas in an APAP overdose you can just stop moving, and you wont feel the pain in your liver.
On the 25c, it's pretty constant and every now and then I'd get a body zap which forced it to be a bit more painful.

anyways, I've found 2-3 others who also get that on the comedown.
Would love to know if others get it.
Stay safe! (: Enjoy, NBOMes vary wildely, it seems to not effect many people this constraining effect in the organs.

Also, this is at night time in moderate weather ~19C.
I was riding my bike all night, too.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: zerd on October 26, 2012, 04:25 pm
Hey all. A vendor a while back  maybe...3? months ago? was selling some blotters of either DOC or 25i-NBOME, on small cardboard / blotter paper, with what appeared to be a grinning cat, kind of almost like sonic the hedge hog. They also had a different pattern i forget what type. If from memory, they might of even had a promo of early FE for more blotters.
I thiink from memory the vendor was duderugs.  Im just trying to figure out of it was NBOME or DOC. memory tells me nbome, can anyone confirm?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ilovelsd69 on October 27, 2012, 06:56 am
I need to report something extraordinarily terrible. A friend of mine took a substantial overdose amount of NBOMe and fucking REDOSED on it. For four days. From what I gave him I think he took at least on average 2-3mg of 25i NBOMe a day for FOUR DAYS, while taking 25mg caps of 4-aco-dmt fumerate. At least 25mg of that a day, maybe on average 100-150mg of 4-aco-dmt and 6-12mg of NBOMe along with 750 MDMA to REBOOST WITH TO STAY AWAKE FOR FOUR DAYS. This is unprecedented and I doubt anything like that has been in a trip report, or rarely. I'm honestly concerned that he may have turned himself schizophrenic.

Irresponsible. Completely. But he knew what he had. He has a PDF of the erowid vaults on everything he took. He knew what he was doing. I thoroughly warned him of everything. 

I think this needs to be documented, from a medical perspective. I've heard of a bath salt binge but there is not a single thing about redosing on NBOMe or even 4-aco-dmt on erowid. Let alone popping a roll and more psychedelics when coming down and using it to stay awake.

My fucking god. he's also a juggalo if that matters.

These people are inhuman.

Give him some xanax and put him to sleep for a while.. ha has done way too much drugs in a small period of time.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ilovelsd69 on October 27, 2012, 08:44 am
he finally came down two days ago. And the figures are:

12mg NBOMe
150-175mg aco-dmt
750mg MDMA

He says he doesn't think it's a big deal. He told me he's been awake before on crystal for weeks before on crystal. But that was last year.

Fuck man. I think I really should give some Seroquel of a benzo or something. I haven't seen him of course, but that's fucking insane. I'd actually like some users to chime in and see if it can be classified as suicide.

Your friend redosed how many times on NBOMe? 3-4 times i bet.. with 2000µg i can not sleep for 8-9 hours so i just cannot imagine taking that crazy amount of NBOMe. I'm not sure if this suicide or what but the amount of MDMA he took is pretty high too.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: zc0983 on October 28, 2012, 06:46 am
this rather embarrassing question but i never done psychedelics, i just got nbome 25c in hand but its like a bunch of tiny cardboard? should i swallow it? i thought psychedelics is in the form of pill or powder so you can put it between your gum and lip then swallow it after 30-40 minutes. can someone help to explain how it work? thank you guys.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: zc0983 on October 28, 2012, 06:57 am
will do, thanks  :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on October 28, 2012, 07:23 pm
I've been told that 25i is eye-candy

Yes it is!

25i is eye candy and buy is it fun :D

25c is empathy heaven

25b is cool, FUNkay good times

I haven't personally tried even though I have it in stock.

Buy from me guys! $300, ALL DAY EVERYDAY! I will not be beaten by any vendor in the price department and I only use the purest NBOME HCL available anywhere! No HPBCD! HCl doesn't need to be complexed which means no unnecessary additives.

5-10 minutes in your mouth is the sufficient time needed to trip balls. Not 30-45 minutes, that's absurd!!! MANY BEAUTIFUL ART PIECES TO CHOOSE FROM!!! And if you're interested in buying bulk I offer an even insane deal such as:

Buy 6 prints for the price of 5!

Buy 12 prints for the price of 10!!

Buy 18 prints for the price of 15!!!

Buy 65 prints for the price of 50!!!!!!!!!  Yes that is correct!!!

You can sell these blotters for $1 each tab and make really good profits quickly!!! You know that Corvette, Escalade or even that bad ass international vacation you want to take with all the first class perks!!! It could be you if you jump on these bulk deals and don't be extraordinarily greedy on your prices.

Get up with me! Any of these bulk options are available immediately! Enjoy your Sunday!

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr.Moose on October 31, 2012, 02:09 am
   Hey guys this is my first time posting, and my first psychedelic experience besides salvia. To start off I'm 145 lbs and I took one 600 microgram complexed blotter tab of 25c NBOMe from HardHustle (pretty good vendor) . 
   [9:00 PM]: I placed 1 blotter underneath my upperlip and above my front teeth and left. I've been wanting to experiment with psychedelics so I from start to finish I kept a positive attitude. I was also on skype with a couple of my friends.
    [9:45 PM] After a while I start feeling really happy, a real genuine kind of happy. It's a lot different than marijuana where as the happy you get is a sort of dumb and numb happy. On 25c Postitive emotions were flowing through my mind. At this time I my legs slightly cramp and my stomach is feeling pretty bad. (After my next few trips I conclude that the cramping happens because of cold air temperature. And the stomach pains will not happen if you simply have a decent meal before taking the drug.)
    [10:00 PM] I go downstairs into my washroom to wash my clothes for the next day. I walked into the washroom with lights appearing very bright and slightly dizzy. After placing my clothes in the washing machine I take a look around. Objects i stare come in and out of focus, while swaying left and right. My thinking is not obstructed yet so I decide to do a few physical tests. I drop to the floor and do a fair amount of push-ups, I felt very energetic. I noticed my breathing was just wild and not "stable".  The back of my throat has this odd feeling that it is being stressed or flexed. After that I grab a water bottle and head back on upstairs.
   [10:20 PM]  I come back into my room and try to finish some homework that I had, everything was moving so I decided to lay on my bed. Looking at my ceiling which looks like one covered in asbestos, it is moving in a slow spinning wheels, that fit into each other like gears of some sort. If you google "Spinning wheels opitcal illusion" and take a look at the picture with orange and blue wheels on a white background. It was exactly like that. After laying on my bed for a while looking everywhere my body starts to sweat and but at the same time I'm cold. I get up look out the window and what I saw was kind of weird. Picture a row of parallel parked cars in a suburban neighborhood, but in a high constrast of black red, black being dominant. Like a photo negative but instead of white, a dirty red, like maroon. And also with another layer of the same cars, lingering on top of it, but with about 75% transparancy (If you've used photoshop you'll know what I'm saying). If you have played battlefield 3, there are these sort of "glitches" in the splash/loading screen when the game is first started. Now while looking at the double layers of cars and the night sky which has these small random lights flashing at you at the corners of your eyes, these "glitch" light streaks are coming off the top of cars where the light should be reflecting. I stare out of my window into the sky for quite some time.
   [12:01 AM] I realize it's midnight and attempt to sleep. No luck. I leave my light off and lay down on the floor which was incredibly more comfortable than my bed (The sheets caused me to break out in cold sweats). I put on some music and close my eyes. What I saw next was magnificent. I saw two arch's of blue light moving at the speed and style of an LED banner/sign and exploding like fireworks with red and oranges. Patterns with pulsating, color changing lights slowly came in. Looking like a dream catcher or the album cover of "Is This It" by the Strokes (AUS alternate cover). I was texting a few people, but a train of thought was really hard to keep. My phone's screen seemed very large and vibrant. The keyboard moved in waves and as I pressed each key it seemed to pop out of the screen like 3D.
   [1:00 AM] Water tastes delicious and I recommend it over anything else. I also enjoy a nice juicy apple on 25c. Now I had to take a piss pretty bad so I went out to the restroom. I turned on the light which was changing hues from a calming gentle lime green to an aggressive orange. I looked in the mirror a bit observing my self. Pupils dilated. and with the breathing pattern of a wild beast I felt great. By then my stomach ache resided, but my thinking was not clear. I recorded my self talking about the trip and I had trouble finding the right words to use. When I looked at my hands or arms, the outline seemed thickened and moving in a direction.
    [1:30 - 4:00 AM] I do not really recall what happened during this time period. The high had a really nice come down, laying on the floor I watched the light from my lamp change colors from greens to reds, and in the areas not well lit there were deep blues and purples. I remember turning on my TV and seeing the Simpsons. I was in awe because Hard Hustle's listing picture is Homer Simpson, I got this feeling that I was ment to be high on that stuff. About a minute into the Simpsons, the show to me seemed just very odd, and scary. the same eerie feeling you get from watching "The Red Mist" or "Don't hug me I'm scarred"(YouTube). I then watched Joe Dirt for the rest of the night before falling asleep sometime before 4:00 AM.

   And that's my in-depth first trip report. I got first tried it about a 3 weeks ago, and I've been using them here and there since.  I did notice there is a huge tolerance build up. I tried taking one 2 days after my first trip and it had little affect. For about a week I was dosing 2 tabs on and off, my skin was itchy that week. I have a few other stories, if any of you are interested in hearing it.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: mnak on November 01, 2012, 07:48 pm
he finally came down two days ago. And the figures are:

12mg NBOMe
150-175mg aco-dmt
750mg MDMA

He says he doesn't think it's a big deal. He told me he's been awake before on crystal for weeks before on crystal. But that was last year.

Fuck man. I think I really should give some Seroquel of a benzo or something. I haven't seen him of course, but that's fucking insane. I'd actually like some users to chime in and see if it can be classified as suicide.
This is unfortunate for him because it is bad for his mind and body.  I mean, why would anyone think that staying up for multiple days isn't a big deal?  Not even worth arguing.

This is unfortunate for the rest of us because stupid shit like this only fuel's the anti-drug lobby.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: XyankeedoodleX on November 02, 2012, 04:56 pm
NBOMe's are not for me. I did not enjoy the trip very much. To be honest I would rather have been sober. I took 2 of the 25i from HardHustle. It felt like I was about to peak in my roll and I was about to peak in my trip. It just kept switching back and forward from both of them. One moment I was about to roll face then BAM switched to about to trip. It felt like such a tease it really just made me want to do other drugs. As I said before, not for me, nor would I recommend the NBOMe family to others. I'll stick with the normal stuff! :D good to try new things though.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on November 03, 2012, 07:02 am
^^^^That's not a fair report to you nor others because you candy flipped. You need to try the blotters by themselves and also need to take 1 versus 2 because 2mg can be uncomfortable to people. Try again and report back because nbomes are actually quite fun!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: KarmaPharm on November 03, 2012, 07:04 pm
Becareful I have heard lately of deaths from 25I Nbome.... I saw this thread and I felt like i had to say something...
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: marcopolio on November 04, 2012, 08:48 am
I've lurked on these forums for quite some time but this is my first post and I thought this would be an appropriate thread because after weed 25i is my favorite drug. I've had nothing but great experiences on it and so many of the visuals are mind blowing e.g. a spiral shooting out of every leaf in the woods, each with its own changing colors or watching space fold into itself (3mg is definitely approaching to much). The main conterpoint I consider is that I really do try and limit my consumption as much as possible as it is a new RC with little/no testing on its side effects.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: XyankeedoodleX on November 04, 2012, 04:16 pm
^^^^That's not a fair report to you nor others because you candy flipped. You need to try the blotters by themselves and also need to take 1 versus 2 because 2mg can be uncomfortable to people. Try again and report back because nbomes are actually quite fun!
I didn't candy flip. All I had was 25i-NBOMe. That's just how it effected me. It made me have the "oh" feeling right before you feel like you are about to be rolling and then the "woah" feeling you have right before you're about to start tripping. I have some 25c too but I'm a little discouraged to try it because of how awkward I felt during the 25i trip.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: wvshadow on November 04, 2012, 11:10 pm
me and a lady friend tried 25d last night. neither of us were impressed. it was ok but if i wanted just a body feel id get mdma.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: bunny84 on November 05, 2012, 05:05 am
Wouldnt recommend Tyler ... Ordered 25i n didn't receive anything and no resolution ...:(
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: monday.123 on November 05, 2012, 03:58 pm
Trip report for Tyl3r's 25i (1200µg):

Vendor: Friendly and quick (despite being quite a busy individual). Stealth wasn't amazing, but I guess it doesn't have to be with blotters (especially of the not-yet-illegal sort).

Mental effects: In a word, psychedelic :P Initially I was almost too overwhelmed by the physical effects to mentally trip out too much. Later on I found it quite enjoyable and meditative. I found my memory become quite fluid, like with LSD; though my thinking was less circular. Also a nice difference was that I was still able to speak fairly well.

Emotional effects: I didn't feel that it influenced me too greatly in terms of emotions, besides the fact that I did become emotional more quickly than when at baseline. For example I would start thinking about something sad and would be close to tears fairly easily.

Physical effects: Boy was I surprised how hard 25i hits at the beginning. I was dizzy, had OEVs, sounds were slightly echoing. Basically I had to lie down in a dark room for around 30 minutes when initially peaked. I also got quite cold during the trip, which I hear is normal. Quite thirsty too. If I'm tripping with people next time I might only do half a tab. My trip-buddy added that they felt quite energetic the next day.

Time line:
0:00 - Sublingual administration. Bitter blotter and numb tongue.
0:30 - Start feeling a bit uninhibited and a little off.
0:35 - Spat out the blotter which was still bitter.
1:00 - Jesus Christ this shit hits hard. Lying on a bed trying to deal.
2:00 - Things are manageable now and I can trip out happily.
3:00 - Went for a walk outside. Feeling good and things are all looking pretty.
4:00 - Nature documentaries are just what the doctor ordered.
8:00 - Was able to get to sleep, surprisingly. No hangover the next day.

tl;dr Comes on strong, but no negative comedown. Great value psychedelic.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: cjjujitsu9 on November 06, 2012, 06:30 pm
Personally me being a clever Fucker i Overdosed on 25i-Nbome and ended up passing out having a seizure with no memories for over an hour twice. I then went and had another seizure lasting half an hour and a bad trip. I have had a few good trips on Nbome however the last few i have had have been the most terrifying experiences of my life both for me and the friends that had to look after me whilst i was fitting. Nbome can be an AMAZING trip people but seriously

BE CAREFUL this isnt like LSD where the drug isnt actually damaging to you Nbome can and has killed people and there are stories in the news of Kids dying from this. Take what you trust and be sensible and enjoy your trips :) im fairly experienced with Nbome now if you have any questions feel free to message me on this forum :)

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on November 08, 2012, 03:00 am
I honestly, cannot wait to get my hands on any of the NBOMe substances. being fairly well experienced with Mushrooms and slightweight with LSD. I really wanna try either of the NBOMe's. Some people even go as far as calling it "This generation's LSD."
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: hemplarxKnight on November 08, 2012, 03:45 pm

my girlfriend has narcolepsy, unfortunately its not comical (sleeping into soup) but she is on a heavy dose of dexamphetamine and she has tried acid at 150ug with average effects (spent the night walking into random rooms of the house because she was bored, insisting she was okay).

will this be the same with nbome?

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: cjjujitsu9 on November 08, 2012, 07:12 pm

my girlfriend has narcolepsy, unfortunately its not comical (sleeping into soup) but she is on a heavy dose of dexamphetamine and she has tried acid at 150ug with average effects (spent the night walking into random rooms of the house because she was bored, insisting she was okay).

will this be the same with nbome?


With acid it can be different because its been around for a long time and the effects are known. Nbome is fairly knew and i know of LOTS of bad experiences on it including where i very almost died from two tabs of it. All i can suggest if you are going to take it is be careful :) just want to spread warning with this drug because to be honest it is not safe in my eyes and people should understand how dangerous it can be to OD on this.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RicFlairIsGod86 on November 09, 2012, 05:29 pm
The big key with this stuff is test it for YOURSELF. THIS STUFF IS NOT LSD, NOT REALLY CLOSE EITHER. The dudes running around selling it in liquid form (the worst fucking idea I've ever heard) are the most reckless motherfuckers I've seen. This stuff is all over the place in terms of effects from person to person. I never had a bad reaction, neither did any of my friends.

Nasally, this stuff RUNS YOU THE FUCK OVER with its power. Do not take it lightly, it WILL CRUSH YOU if you do.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Niriane on November 11, 2012, 12:32 am
POLL: For those who have taken 25b, 25c, and 25i, which is your favorite?

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on November 11, 2012, 04:05 am
Honestly, the NBOMe's totally Legal and also that's why they are so cheap ( cause LSD was like a dollar or two a tab back when It was legal) Legal Drugs are always cheaper. Think about how many cigarettes are sold per pack and how you can pay only 2 bucks for a 40 oz of Beer.
Well the NBOMe are legal motherfuckers!!! I stay stock up while you can.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: roger206 on November 11, 2012, 06:31 am
Excited to try LIGHTFLOWER's 25c-nbome :D.

Getting some 25i thrown in as well, but somewhat concerned about potential health effects I've read about... even if the 25i is awesome for me, I'm going to be real nervous handing it to a friend who wants to trip. Even if the chance of something going wrong is low I would still feel awful sending someone into a seizure... O_O.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ianfleming on November 11, 2012, 06:55 am
Honestly, I've only had 25c NBOMe. From Family, 1mg 25c on white watercolor paper, no complexing, nothing but paper and NBOMe.
I tripped quite hard.
Now I have experience with many 2c-x chems, including 2c-p and some tryptamines. But, I found 25c to be quite powerful, synthetic and nearly overpowering.
I MUCH prefer LSD and following that 2c-e.

Now I have a bunch of HardHustle's unevenly laid 25i tabs and I've given them to 2 guinea pigs, as well as a close friend, and my mother and aunt. 1 of my guinea pigs had a horrible trip and the other wasent exactly pleased (the bad trip was one of the heaviest tabs the other had one from the lightest side). My close friend had one of the heaviest ones and found it difficult but manageable. My mother and aunt took lighter tabs and found it mild.

Here's the thing, I have given these tabs to people and all of them were fine, but I'm still scared that they will overpower or kill me. There have been reports of confirmed deaths from this drug, it just freaks me out.
Can someone help calm my nerves on the topic or reassure me that these dosages and tabs are safe.
Can the vasoconstriction possibly cause issues for someone who has minor heart problems (like angina)? I have a fine heart but my closest friend who I always trip with DOES have these issues, I don't want to possibly kill her.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: T5 on November 11, 2012, 05:04 pm
Alright I didn't go through the whole thread but I suppose I would give my honest review on NBOMes.

It's fantastic :D I only tried 25i, but my partner tried 25i, 25c, and 25b. So I will only speak about the 25i.

First of all, the come up seemed to be pretty slow. It took about 2-3 hours to be fully tripping with 1mg laid on a blotter. I can report the thong numbing is real, it did feel weird at first.

So what about the trip? Well I had this slight feeling of euphoria and general weirdness for the first hours or so, and didn't start tripping until I had myself a nice bowl of high quality weed. Here's the picture: We are 3 best friends taking 25i for the first time. Outside, it may be the biggest rain storm of the year. It did kill someone in my city because a tree fell on someone.

OEV's: Pretty intense, a general sense of distortion, but the best about them is the color. Everything stimulates a color. The intense rain and wind for example. Everytime a drop of water would hit the road, it would trigger an enormous amount of color just spawning in the middle of the road. I also found there was a general sense of rushing. This is hard to explain, but it felt like everything was rushing towards something. The visuals aren't distorting like LSD or mushrooms where there's a lot of bending and whatnot. The distortion here is more aggressive, not as smooth.

CEV's: Was too busy to even think about closing my eyes. Yeah...that much :P

Headtrip: Now here's the interesting part. There is no drugs in my life that has changed me but NBOMes. And by change, I mean profound change. At that time, I was going through the worst period of my entire life. I was heartbroken by the girl I was convinced I would spend the rest of my life with. This ain't the place to tell that kind of story, but just imagine your worst heartbreak, then imagine yourself tripping with that shitty feeling. Not the wisest move eh?

Well actually it did turn out great. What I like about NBOMes is that unlike traditional psychedelics, you can choose the road you want to travel on. On LSD I would have had a terrible bad trip focusing on my relationship with that girl, and on mushrooms I would have been profoundly depressed. I know myself. But what is amazing with NBOMes is that I was aware of this situation, but had no problem NOT thinking about it. I knew it was there but it didn't seem like a big deal when I was tripping.

When it fully kicked in, I  had the feeling I was the only one tripping hard, but nope. There was a moment when I thought I was bad tripping, or starting to. You know, that moment you wish the trip doesn't get more intense then it is? Well it did, but as soon as I realized that all my friends were tripping as hard as me, it calmed me down and actually gave me the best trip of my life.

I feel you can do a lot of things on NBOMes, mentally speaking of course, because you remain lucid. Even though I was tripping the shit out of myself, I was not as confused as on LSD and shrooms. I was pretty clear-minded.

So we sat down to watch The Beatles's Yellow Submarine. Please do it. Please watch this movie. That movie + the drug and probably + my particular situation with that girl triggered something amazing in me. I can't really explain what it is or how it's feeling, but I still have that change within me. It is as if a certain misconception on personal relationship I had had been lifted entirely. Sure, it's a "drug thing", it did happen once or twice before, but never was I able to take the experience out of the trip and keep it in my everyday life. Basically, all you need to know is that something incredible came out of the trip, explaining what it is is simply too hard and abstract.

Body load: That may be the only thing I don't really like. Chest tightness, I really don't like it. It seems like I'm sensible to this, as my friends reported it wasn't all that bad. But it does happen to me on MDMA, weed, and other psychedelics too. It may not be as bad as I think it is. Well actually it wasn't painful or anything, just something that was a bit annoying. Also, no energy, no energy whatsoever. Going down the stairs takes some time and it is an experience in itself. We had a walk before the storm settled down, when it was still sunny and we were not fully tripping. It just didn't have the magic a walk can have on other drugs. There's also a weird feeling in your throat, hard to explain.

Overall excellent experience, it is as of this day my most meaningful experience of my life. I like it so much that I actually opened a vendor account here on SilkRoad with one of my friend who tripped with me. This is our account and we run under the same name on the Market. We hope more people can come across this hard to get chemical (yeah, we've been scammed twice before finding the chemist we're doing business with right now).

Stay safe though, this chemical is new and we don't know the long/mid/short term effects yet. Watch out for overdoses, there are SOME reports of such events, mainly kids who had no idea what they were getting but still.

Hope this long report has been of any help, hope it's not tl;dr  aha
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on November 11, 2012, 07:33 pm
Wow T5, Great trip report. You got me even more excited to try out your stuff.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TopCat on November 12, 2012, 07:36 am
Can anyone describe what 25G is like?

Also what is the best Nbome for sex?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: wvshadow on November 13, 2012, 05:25 am
Can anyone describe what 25G is like?

Also what is the best Nbome for sex?

i really like c for sex.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: tungsten on November 13, 2012, 12:17 pm
First time i did it, I mixed it with LSD. I was on the LSD come down and then I chucked the 25i in my nose and it was one of the most amazing things I experienced. The LSD was rainbow like in colors and slinkies were bouncing off the mortar lines on the brick wall.  DNA spiral like images were projected on white walls like a 3D cad model.

On the come down I took the 25i-NBome and then when it hit, it started with just small blue dots, then it got intense to the point where I was electrocuting things with the arcs of electricity coming from my pointing finger. Neon like bubble text in strange characters flooded my vision.

HOWEVER, when I was peaking and listening to Tiesto with my eyes closed I noticed something that I can only describe as "auditory zaps", like super loud white noise or me leaving myself somehow causing some sort of zap in my brain. At the time I wanted to go deeper - but I never did.

Now some months have passed this trip and I still sometimes get these zaps. I'm not sure if they are seizures or anything but they only occur when I am falling asleep or early in the morning when I've waked very slightly for some reason and I'm about to doze off. Usually the morning ones are followed by very vivid lucid dreams which I fucking love - even if the cunts try and kill me every time I tell them I'm dreaming :)

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: tungsten on November 13, 2012, 12:29 pm
Just come to learn that what I'm experiencing is Exploding Head Syndrome. I think that's it.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: chewymunch on November 13, 2012, 03:03 pm
Hey guys, read through a lot of peoples experiences on 25i and 25c and have ordered some. I've taken mushrooms and Salvia x40 before, from what I've read a lot of people don't seem to be affected by Salvia but for me it was far more intense than the mushrooms - the room disappeared, couldn't distinguish between OEV's and CEV's I was just no longer aware of my physical body. So my question is rather simple - for those who have had an intense trip from Salvia how does 25i and 25c compare? Is it as intense in terms of disassociation with reality?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Naughty Dog on November 13, 2012, 05:53 pm
i was told that n-boom is dangerous. ...?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: mnak on November 13, 2012, 09:31 pm
Honestly, the NBOMe's totally Legal and also that's why they are so cheap ( cause LSD was like a dollar or two a tab back when It was legal) Legal Drugs are always cheaper. Think about how many cigarettes are sold per pack and how you can pay only 2 bucks for a 40 oz of Beer.
Well the NBOMe are legal motherfuckers!!! I stay stock up while you can.
Not sure what country you are in but in the US the legality is questionable:

Many consider 2C-C-NBOMe to be a more accurate name than 25c-NBOMe but the 25c-NBOMe name is probably used to try and make it seem less similar to chemicals like 2C-B which are illegal.

As for 25[n]-NBOMe chemicals being so cheap there is some truth to what you say that it is cheaper because it was more recently legal but I don't think that is the whole story.  Possible reasons for it being cheaper:

1) This drug is less known than LSD-25 so it can't demand as high of a price
2) It is much easier to get the chemicals to make nbome than it is to get the closely watched chemicals needed to make LSD
3) LSD is not easy to synthesize...maybe harder than nbome chemicals but not sure
4) nbome doesn't have a proven safety record and there are some indications it is more dangerous than LSD
5) While it is easy to get excited about nbome drugs because they have similarities to LSD, my perspective is that most people would consider LSD to be superior to the nbome drugs.  I tried 25c-nbome twice and I've decided that I absolutely hate it.  Those of us that don't like it aren't as likely to spend time in nbome threads but I promise there are a lot of us.  Not trying to be a killjoy but I think it is worth mention.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: mnak on November 13, 2012, 09:41 pm

my girlfriend has narcolepsy, unfortunately its not comical (sleeping into soup) but she is on a heavy dose of dexamphetamine and she has tried acid at 150ug with average effects (spent the night walking into random rooms of the house because she was bored, insisting she was okay).

will this be the same with nbome?

Please take a look at this thread as there have been a few fatalities from 25i-NBOMe: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=67488

If anyone tells you that 25[n]-NBOMe is safe or as safe as LSD they are talking out their ass because we just don't know.  These reports about 25i-NBOMe are certainly concerning.  Certainly many people have taken it and been fine but having an existing neurological condition only increases the unknowns.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on November 14, 2012, 07:22 am
T5 +1 for the trip report. Really be careful with nbomes. Try to not mix any other drugs besides a small amount of benzos to end the trip on a relaxed note or some weed. That's it. You really don't need any other substances because the nbomes are good by themselves.

Wvshadow- c-nbome or b-nbome are the best for sex. I found 25i is too visual to to stay focused during sex.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: T5 on November 14, 2012, 08:03 am
T5 +1 for the trip report. Really be careful with nbomes. Try to not mix any other drugs besides a small amount of benzos to end the trip on a relaxed note or some weed. That's it. You really don't need any other substances because the nbomes are good by themselves.

Wvshadow- c-nbome or b-nbome are the best for sex. I found 25i is too visual to to stay focused during sex.

Indeed, I never risk mixing RCs with anything else but weed. Especially on 25i, these two go really well hand in hand
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ralph123 on November 14, 2012, 08:09 am
Tripping on nbomes right now guys and enjoying the ride

Hey t5 I still have not tried out the 25b yet just got home from my job. Took a 20 mg 2-cb pill about an hour before getting off

Throw'd in a nbome blotter an hour ago. It's either the c or the I that I got from Jackie Chan lol That sounds fucked up
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on November 14, 2012, 08:19 am
I would say 2mg is the best amount to take. Your experience doesn't get too carried away and it is quite a trip. This of course is for 25i
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ralph123 on November 14, 2012, 08:45 am
I would say 2mg is the best amount to take. Your experience doesn't get too carried away and it is quite a trip. This of course is for 25i

Yea that's a good dose I would agree. Have you ever felt the tingling in the fingers?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: T5 on November 14, 2012, 09:03 am
Great I'm awaiting your trip report impatiently. Ihave not tried 25b myself, only my partner did. Curious to see how you'll feel about it ;)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on November 14, 2012, 01:31 pm
As far as the tingling in my fingers, yes I have had that. It is due to poor circulation. It is good to have aspirin near by to promote good circulation/blood flow.

Nbomes are fun, but you need to respect them. It doesn't at all surprise me that people have died from them. All of the cases are likely to have been multiple drugs used and some may have been using straight nbome powder. It's sad, but if you die from the circumstances then you obviously didn't research your drugs or evaluate the company you chose.

BE SAFE! HAVE FUN! AND ALWAYS LIMIT YOUR INTAKE OF DRUGS TO AN AVERAGE DOSE!!! Remember, there aren't any record books of "The Most Drugs Taken!" only the Obituaries.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: secretwork on November 15, 2012, 04:13 pm
I had a few bits left over in SR a few weeks ago, so I  grabbed up 6 blotters of 25c from Hard Hustle... actually 5 +1 bonus  ;D

I didnt know there was an i and b and c, just by chance it was the c, which I was pleased to find out.. as I wanted the subdued, not the trippier one

when they arrived I was nervous to try one cause I thought what if he screwed up and send me the i's

I was going to a club so I took them with me and and took 1/2 of a 600ug blotter... think somewhere between 3-400ug would be my guess
stuck in my top lip for 1/2 hr
took about an hour before I could really tell for sure I was coming up

then from +1hr to +3hrs I had a super perma grin.. I felt fantastic... very natural, talktative, social, totally comfortable, relaxed but super energized... danced for hrs

came home had a few drinks and a little spliff and felt great on the comedown.. wasnt edgy or weird, wasn't hatin or wanting it to leave my body

just smooth, feelin good, relaxed come down, slept no problem at +6hrs from dosing.

I ended up selling a few of them to friends who were interested and got 1 saved for myself for the next time :)

I wish there was more info, about Lethal dose levels n all that, for safety...  I could see this being a huge party drug in the next few years for college aged

can party all night, have a few drinks, a smoke, chat, be in a good mood

other drug interactions would be good.. my buddy who took the other 1/2 hit  hit a line of coke and was fine..   he loved the stuff was talking about taking it and going to work all day with clients and maybe as a hangover remedy.. haha

Great thread, great info..  SR is amazing, I learn something new everytime I come through, fuckin fascinating
hope the market comes up soon  :P
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ralph123 on November 18, 2012, 01:08 am
smoking weed intensifies it for me. It's great with nbomes. I have taken nbomes with a few different drugs only to have positive reactions. Coke, weed, 2CB, LSD, all seem to have intensified the trip
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: that1guy on November 18, 2012, 05:26 pm
Ive experienced 25i 1000ug blotter, 2 of them, and the trip was fantastic.

Took almost an hour and a half to kick in but when it did, it got crazy fast.. Smeared colors and images.. strange tracers (not like lsd, water color paint like I guess?) and lasted about 6 hrs.. Overall I liked the feeling, no mind fuck... I would definitely prefer lsd over this anyday but this is not a bad substitute for now...

Enboom was the vendor I got it from and I got 50 tabs and according to everyone, they were all equally as potent so kudos to them for even laying and a great product!!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: saitekman12345 on November 19, 2012, 06:12 pm
My friend and I took some 25i-Nbome during the summer.

Not very pleasant, as the effects are very draining and tastes like chemicals.

My friend stated he was feeling ill and had a sharp pain in his abdomen.

He was sent to the emergency room after he collapsed in his household with me, I was terrified as I was the one who supplied him with the tabs.

I had to explain to his mom that he was feeling sick with the flu or something (I know, horrible excuse.)

My friend was THAT close to dying, I don't really recommend NBOMe as it is not really recorded and is not fully researched yet.

I heard some cases where people died from NBOMe, someone please confirm this.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: nitpi950 on November 19, 2012, 10:33 pm
I noticed that the abdominal discomfort I got at 9+ mg was lessened when I stopped swallowing my spit and tabs after letting them sit against my gums or under my tongue for 15-30 minutes.
Isn't that just taking a lower dose?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: nitpi950 on November 20, 2012, 05:57 am
But it's active sub-lingually, no? To a lesser extent than buccally, granted, but last time I did 25i, I held my spit for the first time and I tripped dick, moreso than other times. I wish I had the funding to do some science on this.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: nitpi950 on November 20, 2012, 06:28 am
But it's active sub-lingually, no? To a lesser extent than buccally, granted, but last time I did 25i, I held my spit for the first time and I tripped dick, moreso than other times. I wish I had the funding to do some science on this.

Your point? I held my spit for 15-30 minutes then spit out the built up saliva and tabs instead of swallowing, and it alleviated a fair amount of the abdominal discomfort experienced at high dosages. Sometimes the tabs went against my gums, sometimes under my tongue, sometimes I started with buccal and switched to sublingual at 15 minutes.
Ohh I see what you mean. A matter of spitting vs. swallowing wouldn't affect the dosage.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Pax on November 20, 2012, 07:38 am
I have a few questions about these chemicals. Tried 25C over the summer and thought it was pretty great but my problem with EVER trying it again is the lack of a health profile on any of these chemicals. Does any one know of anyone or any insitution who is doing any research with these chemical or any sources or sites that can back up said research. TTThe unknown is the most dangerous thing in the universe and is the same reason this drug will remain outside of my syste.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dimitrithc420 on November 21, 2012, 03:35 pm
Ive had nothing but positive reviews from the 25i I got from EnBoom
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on November 22, 2012, 10:07 am
I have a few questions about these chemicals. Tried 25C over the summer and thought it was pretty great but my problem with EVER trying it again is the lack of a health profile on any of these chemicals. Does any one know of anyone or any insitution who is doing any research with these chemical or any sources or sites that can back up said research. TTThe unknown is the most dangerous thing in the universe and is the same reason this drug will remain outside of my syste.

A few institutions are conducting experiments in Europe with nbomes, but there won't be any concrete findings for years to come. If you don't feel safe doing them then don't because you're doing a psychedelic and your thoughts can play with your head in the midst of tripping and can have some serious psychological setbacks.

Be safe not sorry! But on a more positive note, I have had nothing but positive reports from nbomes. I also use HCl on my blotters. A lot of people are using freebase nbomes to lay on blotters and complexing them with HPBCD. I think that the HPBCD is what is causing discomfort with individuals when they trip on the tabs. I never, ever recommended using the freebase nbomes for a ROA other than what it is supposed to by consumed as.

Try the HCl salt next time and you will notice a difference in physiological effects as well as general psychedelia. You can purchase some from me and I'll get you HCl. Anyhow, everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: mnak on November 23, 2012, 01:12 am
I heard some cases where people died from NBOMe, someone please confirm this.
Confirmed, based on some news reports.  I think I posted a link a little earlier in this thread.

Do we have all of the details that we would like?  No.  All of the deaths that I've read of appear to be related to 25i-NBOMe.

I tried 25c-NBOMe again last night.  I did ok but the person I was with did not.

In my opinion it is essential to have benzodiazepines on had when using these and other drugs.

When your friend went to the hospital, what did they do?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: cjjujitsu9 on November 23, 2012, 01:15 am
All i can say with nBome is be careful people. :)

It truly is amazing stuff and the trips are insane and wonderful... until they go bad.

Bad trips are scary and horrifying trust me but hey thats just down to me and taking too much.

BE CAREFUL - last time i took nbome i took too much ended up seizure on the floor passed out completely having a fit for around an hour :/

I dont regret this, guess you learn from your mistakes but if i can save someone from going through what i did by posting this then it will always be worth it :)

If anyone wants to take 25i/c Nbome feel free to message me if you want my experiences as i have had i would say around 10 different experiences however at least 4-5 of these were bad with two very intense very dangerous breakdowns of which ended with seizures

Good Luck :)

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: borked on November 23, 2012, 03:52 am
Hello recently made 1st purchases on SR and included was 2 tab 25b nbome 1000 ug, 25 tabs 25b nbome 800 ug, 3 tabs 25i nbome ?ug (extras thrown in). I took one of the 1000 ug 25b and went for a walk. After 30-40 mins spat it out, was already feeling surge and slight euphoria. Soon after needed to puke my guts out, but felt nice after, slight visual distortions and good mood for rest of trip. Took the 2nd tab 2 hrs after and coasted for 5-6 hrs, nothing intense. Since then have consumed most of the rest of it, have about 10 tabs of 25b 800ug left. I think there's high tolerance and cross tolerance, because it doesn't do much more than make me feel tipsy now, even off of 4 mg over 6 hrs? Have ordered 25b capsule 25mg, not same same but similar, see what that does.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Pax on November 23, 2012, 04:40 am
Hello recently made 1st purchases on SR and included was 2 tab 25b nbome 1000 ug, 25 tabs 25b nbome 800 ug, 3 tabs 25i nbome ?ug (extras thrown in). I took one of the 1000 ug 25b and went for a walk. After 30-40 mins spat it out, was already feeling surge and slight euphoria. Soon after needed to puke my guts out, but felt nice after, slight visual distortions and good mood for rest of trip. Took the 2nd tab 2 hrs after and coasted for 5-6 hrs, nothing intense. Since then have consumed most of the rest of it, have about 10 tabs of 25b 800ug left. I think there's high tolerance and cross tolerance, because it doesn't do much more than make me feel tipsy now, even off of 4 mg over 6 hrs? Have ordered 25b capsule 25mg, not same same but similar, see what that does.
These are fairly new chemicals so the duration of tolerance is not yet set in stone. But a quick google search of Nbome cross tolerance shows that alot of these people are experiencing tolerance for up to 2 WEEKS after one dose and it is pretty much instantanous so redosing really is not possible. I hate to tell you this too late :( but you wasted some money/chemical wait at least a week and ana half between Nbome trips and full effects will return :) :) :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on November 25, 2012, 08:06 am
 Hey guys, so ive been meaning to mention this in a nbome thread. A few weeks back, a buddy and I dropped 1 and a 1/2 tabs each of 25i, from two different vendors, one from steadyeddy i believe, and the other from light flower.
 Everything went as expected, great headfuck trip, so then a few hours in we decided to try some pineapple. When we do L we always get fresh fruit particularly pineapple, its  AMAZING! So we get the pineapple, begin to stuff our faces, its tastes good, not nothing mind blowing like when on L, so after I dont know, maybe 1/4 worth of pineapple each, I begin to get this strange tingling/burning sensation on my entire tounge, the pineapple immediately begins to taste like absolute shit! Same exact taste as the tabs, and RCs taste like zinc,copper,aluminum dipped dog shit.
  So this taste wont go away and soon after my friend begins to experience the same sensations and taste. almost as if to have drank some thing very hot and scolded your tounge, that after words burnt feeling mixed with some oins and needles and numbing, also the taste..Very strange, if any one can maybe shed some light on this , or have had it happen as well.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: mnak on November 25, 2012, 08:25 pm
So this taste wont go away and soon after my friend begins to experience the same sensations and taste. almost as if to have drank some thing very hot and scolded your tounge, that after words burnt feeling mixed with some oins and needles and numbing, also the taste..Very strange, if any one can maybe shed some light on this , or have had it happen as well.
If the pineapple wasn't fully ripe or you ate pineapple from the core, it is much more acidic and can cause significant irritation to your tongue.  If I eat too much pineapple (especially freshly cut) then it feels like I've got cuts in my tongue...not very pleasant, regardless of drugs.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on November 25, 2012, 08:39 pm
So this taste wont go away and soon after my friend begins to experience the same sensations and taste. almost as if to have drank some thing very hot and scolded your tounge, that after words burnt feeling mixed with some oins and needles and numbing, also the taste..Very strange, if any one can maybe shed some light on this , or have had it happen as well.
If the pineapple wasn't fully ripe or you ate pineapple from the core, it is much more acidic and can cause significant irritation to your tongue.  If I eat too much pineapple (especially freshly cut) then it feels like I've got cuts in my tongue...not very pleasant, regardless of drugs.

theres no way this was from pineapple, it was chemicaly induced for sure man. The biggest testament to that being that for the rest of the night everything that passed over my tounge had that same taste, other foods ,candys, even smoking a cig or weed.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: mnak on November 25, 2012, 10:52 pm
So this taste wont go away and soon after my friend begins to experience the same sensations and taste. almost as if to have drank some thing very hot and scolded your tounge, that after words burnt feeling mixed with some oins and needles and numbing, also the taste..Very strange, if any one can maybe shed some light on this , or have had it happen as well.
If the pineapple wasn't fully ripe or you ate pineapple from the core, it is much more acidic and can cause significant irritation to your tongue.  If I eat too much pineapple (especially freshly cut) then it feels like I've got cuts in my tongue...not very pleasant, regardless of drugs.

theres no way this was from pineapple, it was chemicaly induced for sure man. The biggest testament to that being that for the rest of the night everything that passed over my tounge had that same taste, other foods ,candys, even smoking a cig or weed.
I probably should have elaborated a bit more.  What you experienced is likely a combination of the acid of the pineapple and the 25i.  The 25i can obviously intensify and somewhat modify experiences.  Often it will make good experiences better and bad experiences worse.  Pineapple can produce a bad experience if it has too much acid and the 25i would have altered and exaggerated that negative experience.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Pax on November 25, 2012, 11:21 pm
So this taste wont go away and soon after my friend begins to experience the same sensations and taste. almost as if to have drank some thing very hot and scolded your tounge, that after words burnt feeling mixed with some oins and needles and numbing, also the taste..Very strange, if any one can maybe shed some light on this , or have had it happen as well.
If the pineapple wasn't fully ripe or you ate pineapple from the core, it is much more acidic and can cause significant irritation to your tongue.  If I eat too much pineapple (especially freshly cut) then it feels like I've got cuts in my tongue...not very pleasant, regardless of drugs.

theres no way this was from pineapple, it was chemicaly induced for sure man. The biggest testament to that being that for the rest of the night everything that passed over my tounge had that same taste, other foods ,candys, even smoking a cig or weed.
I probably should have elaborated a bit more.  What you experienced is likely a combination of the acid of the pineapple and the 25i.  The 25i can obviously intensify and somewhat modify experiences.  Often it will make good experiences better and bad experiences worse.  Pineapple can produce a bad experience if it has too much acid and the 25i would have altered and exaggerated that negative experience.
creepy, what would you recommend to eat to sustain yourself on these chemicals if all natural wholesome fruit does not do the job. I had the same problem with orange juice.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on November 26, 2012, 05:11 am
all great thoughts guys, it wasnt so much t sustain myself cause ive always been one to eat on any drug for some reason, aside from mushrooms , which ALWAYS make me shit and or vomit.
On LSD If i dose on an empty stomach I always find myself stuffing my face by the end of the night, still tripping balls lol. on L anything i eat, food, candy and esp fresh fruit is FUCKING AMAZING. I also concluded that it this side effect i experienced was infact a reaction from the high acidity with the 25i..

Also i forgot to mention that one of the tabs had some sort of pepper mint flavoring, at least the person who laid the tabs tried to some one give it a bearable taste. maybe that also played a role.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: mnak on November 26, 2012, 05:55 am
So this taste wont go away and soon after my friend begins to experience the same sensations and taste. almost as if to have drank some thing very hot and scolded your tounge, that after words burnt feeling mixed with some oins and needles and numbing, also the taste..Very strange, if any one can maybe shed some light on this , or have had it happen as well.
If the pineapple wasn't fully ripe or you ate pineapple from the core, it is much more acidic and can cause significant irritation to your tongue.  If I eat too much pineapple (especially freshly cut) then it feels like I've got cuts in my tongue...not very pleasant, regardless of drugs.

theres no way this was from pineapple, it was chemicaly induced for sure man. The biggest testament to that being that for the rest of the night everything that passed over my tounge had that same taste, other foods ,candys, even smoking a cig or weed.
I probably should have elaborated a bit more.  What you experienced is likely a combination of the acid of the pineapple and the 25i.  The 25i can obviously intensify and somewhat modify experiences.  Often it will make good experiences better and bad experiences worse.  Pineapple can produce a bad experience if it has too much acid and the 25i would have altered and exaggerated that negative experience.
creepy, what would you recommend to eat to sustain yourself on these chemicals if all natural wholesome fruit does not do the job. I had the same problem with orange juice.
Personally I've gotten in the habit of drinking Gatorade/Powerade while using drugs since I started using MDMA to avoid both dehydration (loss of fluid) and overhydration (too much water without sufficient sodium).
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sanrio on November 27, 2012, 05:12 am
has anyone ever mix trip nbome and mdma or mda?  care to share? :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on November 27, 2012, 09:27 am
So I've been looking into 25B for a while and finally got to try it out. I've done plenty of 25c and wanted to see if I was missing something, so I snatched up some tabs for a test run. Took 2 600ug tabs so it was a decent dose.

The come up seemed slower and less harsh with 25B and a little more body load. The OEV were much less intense than 25c, less distortion and fractals. The body load was a bit heavier, but pretty mellow in my opinion. I felt pretty drained afterwards so I think it takes a bit more of a toll body wise. Probably better for social settings or less intense trips, maybe a higher dose would change my mind. I've still got a few tabs left so I'll have to give it another go in the future. 

Still haven't tried the 25I, the reviews didn't quite sound like what I was looking for. I probably should at least try it, I know these drugs can have different effects with people.

all great thoughts guys, it wasnt so much t sustain myself cause ive always been one to eat on any drug for some reason, aside from mushrooms , which ALWAYS make me shit and or vomit.
On LSD If i dose on an empty stomach I always find myself stuffing my face by the end of the night, still tripping balls lol. on L anything i eat, food, candy and esp fresh fruit is FUCKING AMAZING. I also concluded that it this side effect i experienced was infact a reaction from the high acidity with the 25i..

I'm the same way, some food is just a whole different experience while tripping. They make these Blue Bell ice cream bars that are so damn good, I like to eat them when I'm preaking. When I start coming down is when I like to eat real food, it's weird how much more intense flavors can be. I distinctly remember breathing heavily and just rocking in a chair eating nachos.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on November 30, 2012, 05:53 pm
I'm looking forward to working with 25i-NBOMe. It's just what I was looking for too! A kind of speedy, recreational, Psychedelic trip.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: MiddleLeftNostril on December 03, 2012, 04:28 am
Fuck, man, all I know is 25D-NBOMe is the fucking shit, and the very top tier of these new compounds (at least compared to B, C, or I).  I is the worst, C is cool and B is tied with C, but D just is on a whole new level.  Crazy mental trips, amazing body feels, and incredible whole-encompassing visuals.

I'll be having 2mg HCl tabs up for sale here soon enough, but I can't promise when. 
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: HeeHaw on December 03, 2012, 07:30 am
To whom it may concern 25c has always been my choice but i have tried 25b once and loved it. Never tried 25D yet but would like to. 25i seems weak to me
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on December 03, 2012, 09:45 am
I still have 25i/b/c-nbome availabLe! They're on FULL PRINTS! 900 TABS! It is a killer deal! The deal even gets better with the more you buy!!!

6 for 5
12 for 10
118 for 15
24 for 20
30 for 25
etc etc etc.........

You can make a lot of money!!! Or trip balls forever!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: CiscoYankerStuck on December 04, 2012, 06:36 am
Or trip balls forever!

Tolerance is too sharp for that, trust me. I suppose you could start taking 5, 10, 20 tabs at once to trip, but I never dared venture beyond 16mg total. Made me fairly nauseous during the come up.
Holy shit man, you're a fucking hero. I've done up to 4 tabs at once and it;s gotten pretty fucking intense.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ENBOOM on December 04, 2012, 10:18 am
*Insert shameless promotion/advertisement of ENBOOM's analytically laid blotter art*

Everything is done within a laboratory with some of the best equipment available in existence.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on December 04, 2012, 03:24 pm
*Insert shameless promotion/advertisement of ENBOOM's analytically laid blotter art*

Everything is done within a laboratory with some of the best equipment available in existence.

Hey enboom, seeing as how you have access to a full lab and the kno how, why not expand your endevours to LSD synthesis as well=)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: HighAllDay96 on December 07, 2012, 03:05 am
I just want to take the time to say thank you for making this thread. I was interested in 25i for it being new and also fairly cheap. However, I was aware of the effects but not totally aware. I have anxiety so if I take a drug I really like to well informed about what its going to do so I don't freak out. This helped with that. So again thanks.


Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RKL on December 07, 2012, 05:34 am
hi can you guys share with me some of the differences with nbome and L i want to dabble,and i have yet to speak to anyone who has thanks
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sselevol on December 07, 2012, 01:32 pm
hi can you guys share with me some of the differences with nbome and L i want to dabble,and i have yet to speak to anyone who has thanks
There are plenty of comparisons on Bluelight and the like if you google them :) In short (and in my opinion of course) NBOME has a more artificial trip which is what tripping is like to someone who has never tripped. Lots of visual fireworks and general euphoria but it doesn't feel as deep as any sort of L trip at all. Whilst being a very fun drug and good for introducing someone to psychedelics I would rather spend my tripping energy on L because L is king. I can't speak for 25B though which has had very good experience reports.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RKL on December 07, 2012, 04:15 pm
thanks sselevol,will check it out.yeah ive done L quite a bit and was curious about that i found SR i have acess to both.cheers
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: PizzaBrain on December 07, 2012, 05:29 pm
25i is more pushy, gives more of a mindfuck at higher doses, quite introspective, can cause ego dissolution/loss, tends to be highly visual from what ive read.
25c is more social, entactogen, euphoriant and easier on the mind. recommended for beginner. more of a body load and drunken feel.

is there any NBOMe-Mescaline around?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on December 07, 2012, 07:04 pm
hi can you guys share with me some of the differences with nbome and L i want to dabble,and i have yet to speak to anyone who has thanks
There are plenty of comparisons on Bluelight and the like if you google them :) In short (and in my opinion of course) NBOME has a more artificial trip which is what tripping is like to someone who has never tripped. Lots of visual fireworks and general euphoria but it doesn't feel as deep as any sort of L trip at all. Whilst being a very fun drug and good for introducing someone to psychedelics I would rather spend my tripping energy on L because L is king. I can't speak for 25B though which has had very good experience reports.

the 25x NBOMe chemicals are definitely more superficially psychedelic. 25C was for me one of the most visual, though 25B's close eyed visuals yielded VERY vividly colored visuals, like watching a comic book in my head., while 25C was a little more cartoonish. 25I didn't do much for me. 25I gave me that weird trippy headspace, but visuals were subpar in my experience. All of the 25x NBOMe chems gave me a heavy bodyload and have a speedy edge and gave me headaches towards the end of their trips.

LSD does none of those awful things to me. A light buzz inside your head makes you want to smile and gives you what feels like a clean, excited energy. With a high enough dose, visuals become quite intense when open-eyed. Fractals appear in blank spaces and everything in the field of vision pulls apart from each other and then back in towards each other over, and over, and over in waves, kind of like watching life from the outside of an aquarium. The visuals are just superficial, though...the headspace with L can get you thinking outside the box for a short time, and for me activates a love for existence that I just don't get with the 25x RCs.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TruthSign on December 08, 2012, 08:55 pm
I ordered a powder. It's safer. our police crazies!
How to dissolve the powder and make blotters?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: iw4kUr4 on December 09, 2012, 02:07 am
Hello there, new around here  :)

Yesterday I tried for the first time 500ug of 25i NBOME Complexed blotter sublingually with a bit of MDMA, about 80-100mg and some weed.

I love this chemical. Had intense visuals, lots of energy, good mood, ego-loss. I had a great time.

The synergy with the MDMA was nice. 25I supressed the MDMA comedown/drained out feeling the morning/day after.
When I take MDMA alone, the next 1-2 days I feel like shit, very low energy.

The trip lasted 12hs, I was tired but no sleep. Had to smoke a joint to chill a bit and get some sleep. (similar to an after LSD experience)

No LSD mindfuck. I feel really good 24hs+ the intake, having slept, eaten and go for a walk.

- I held the tab under my tongue for 30+minutes. I felt the numbing effect on the throat as if I was taking cough caramels. 24hrs+ after the trip my throat hurts kind of as developing a cold.
- Is this common? What causes that pain? Is some kind of damage done to the body? Any harm-reduction pointers on this matter?

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: jorgev on December 09, 2012, 05:03 am
I have a question regarding dosage.

Erowid considers 1mg an extremely high dose, but most people here are reporting taking 1-2 mg of 25i-NBOMe and feeling the best effects in that range. What dosage of 25i-NBOMe do you feel like is the "best" dosage?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: CiscoYankerStuck on December 09, 2012, 05:10 am
- I held the tab under my tongue for 30+minutes. I felt the numbing effect on the throat as if I was taking cough caramels. 24hrs+ after the trip my throat hurts kind of as developing a cold.
- Is this common? What causes that pain? Is some kind of damage done to the body? Any harm-reduction pointers on this matter?
It's always been common for me (and by "always" I mean the last few months since I've discovered NBOMes). I've found it happens from both different suppliers and via different methods of dosing, that sort of numbing with a cold or sore-like after-feeling for 24-48 hours.

As for actual physical effects or damage, well it hasn't killed me yet. I've taken 18 milligrams in the last 24 hours (tolerance is a bitch), and I'm still typing away at the keyboard. And maybe 50 mg taken in the last few months, dosing when I'm not working, I go to work and function and nobody's any-the-wiser.

I guess random-wierdos like me on the darkwebz can be the harm reduction guinea pigs for everyone else.

Keep posted!!

These NBOMes are fucking groovy fantastic fuck yeah
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: CiscoYankerStuck on December 09, 2012, 05:35 am
*Insert shameless promotion/advertisement of ENBOOM's analytically laid blotter art*

Everything is done within a laboratory with some of the best equipment available in existence.

Hey enboom, seeing as how you have access to a full lab and the kno how, why not expand your endevours to LSD synthesis as well=)
Yeah, a domestic LSD supplier with whom I've already had previous outstanding NBOMe experiences would be awesome. I can say I'd definitely be doing business with that entity (albeit, just personal recreational amounts).

May I venture what's stopped you from expanding into other psychedelic substances thus far? I've entertained a few different possibilities.

Hope I'm not sticking my nose places it doesn't belong.  It's been an absolute pleasure doing business with you ENBOOM, your product is fantastic and your customer support equally fantastic.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: jhancock1984 on December 11, 2012, 12:13 am
How well laid are ENBOOM's blotters?  I bought some from him as a present for my brother and he seemed fairly happy with them.  I'm debating picking up a decent quantity of 25i.

I sampled some of Lightflower's blotters and was pretty disappointed in how they were laid.  Very thick blotter paper made it very hard to get all the NBOMe out without practically chewing on the thing.  Makes for a really slow come up and a lot of wasted chemical.

I've also tried graffenburg's 25c which was great.  Evenly laid.  Nice thin blotter that was perfect for the amount of chemical present.  But I've never seen him offer 25i so you see my dilemma.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anothergirl on December 11, 2012, 10:14 am
This thread is making me feel buyer's remorse after just dropping half a month's pay on a sheet of acid (which will only provide 15-20 trips probably).

I almost hope long term effects are discovered, heh :p
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: mnak on December 11, 2012, 01:18 pm
This thread is making me feel buyer's remorse after just dropping half a month's pay on a sheet of acid (which will only provide 15-20 trips probably).
oh damn.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sselevol on December 11, 2012, 01:33 pm
This thread is making me feel buyer's remorse after just dropping half a month's pay on a sheet of acid (which will only provide 15-20 trips probably).

I almost hope long term effects are discovered, heh :p
Don't feel remorse, you have a sheet of acid on its way to you.  :D
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on December 11, 2012, 01:42 pm
This thread is making me feel buyer's remorse after just dropping half a month's pay on a sheet of acid (which will only provide 15-20 trips probably).

I almost hope long term effects are discovered, heh :p

15-20 ttrips from an entire sheet!?! Sweety I've eaten more LSD than I have food in the past decade, and a sheet is well over 50 trrips for me.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on December 11, 2012, 01:44 pm
PS. Try your best to only dose every two weeks at minimum, to. Make the most of your tabs and the experience =0)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anothergirl on December 12, 2012, 12:33 am
15-20 ttrips from an entire sheet!?! Sweety I've eaten more LSD than I have food in the past decade, and a sheet is well over 50 trrips for me.

Well I bought 150mcg from and after trying 1, 2, and then 4 tabs (with at least a week inbetween), I found 4 to be my threshold. I felt good but the visuals were limited to "breathing textures" and such. Now that I've bought 100 tabs of appx. 90mcg, it seems safe to assume I'll need at least 4 or 5 to get a trip worthwhile and even more to get some of the more novel effects I've read about. That's my math anyway.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on December 12, 2012, 02:29 am
15-20 ttrips from an entire sheet!?! Sweety I've eaten more LSD than I have food in the past decade, and a sheet is well over 50 trrips for me.

Well I bought 150mcg from and after trying 1, 2, and then 4 tabs (with at least a week inbetween), I found 4 to be my threshold. I felt good but the visuals were limited to "breathing textures" and such. Now that I've bought 100 tabs of appx. 90mcg, it seems safe to assume I'll need at least 4 or 5 to get a trip worthwhile and even more to get some of the more novel effects I've read about. That's my math anyway.

Im sorry, but somethings wrong with that picture. I dont see that being possible, now please dont mis understand, im not calling you a liar..but what I am saying is that those 4 tabs you dropped could not have in any way been 150ug each. I assume the 90ug sheet you purchased is from 3Janes current listing? If so, that is the real deal.. and no more than 3 of those before your half way to ego loss, but again factoring in the tolerance build up.

 Ive eatn 2 of Janes tabs in the past ( the bacth before the weak one) , and had one of my most notable experiences on LSD.. Then after a few weeks of dosing every few days, I dropped a 10strip and didnt even buzz.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on December 12, 2012, 02:32 am
@ anothergirl, I believe you are just having some new tripper speed bumps, the L is very subjective and has more variables that play on the effect than anything i can think of. Totally clean your system out for like 20 days, then drop 3 tabs of your 90ug stuff. Report back and let me know how it went. Happy travels
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anothergirl on December 12, 2012, 02:42 am

Jesus Hussein Fucking Christ, a 600mcg threshold?! Are you sure those were 150mcg tabs? I mean, one of my most wonderful trips was only about 500mcg!

That would seem to be the case unfortunately. I went into more detail in other posts, but it was the Flying Dutchman's stuff, and I later shared a single tab with a friend who had an insane experience involving transportation to some river giving speeches to fish and individual molecules in her body all hearing sounds individually that I can't even comprehend, so it's hard for me to assume the acid was simply weak.

With 1 and 2 tabs it was like I felt the same come-up (intense hypothermia and chest tenseness and doing stuff was somehow stressful and unpleasant), and the same come-down (fidgety and felt compelled to take a walk, which was really fun and interesting), but only with 4 tabs did I get the real "meat" in-between that made it worthwhile (euphoria, mild visuals, bright colors, weird thoughts, background sounds seeming to "surround" my room, going out and seeing the world as a carnival slash spookhouse and laughing my ass off at this fact as well as everything else).

It could be that my friend is 5 feet tall has the body of a 10 year old boy while I have the more junk-filled trunk as it were, so the acid could have been really weak and she was just more susceptible to it? Or maybe I was more oblivious the effects because I spent the first hour of my weak trips playing Nintendo games thinking it would be cool (it wasn't :). Anyway unless I get arrested for trafficking lsd 3Jane's stuff should be with me soon, and then it will have been more than 20 days, so I look forward to taking your advice :)  Although my desire to chase that 4-tab trip again might convince me to do more than 3 tabs. I mean, I'll be sitting on 100 then :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on December 12, 2012, 02:47 am
^^ Indeed it will be tempting, but give my thoughts a try..and if your not where you need to be, then drop another 3 =0)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: mnak on December 12, 2012, 03:58 am
I took a 80ug from 3jane a few weeks ago and reported here that I didn't get any visuals.

As it turns out, I just didn't know what I was looking for.  Took another hit this past weekend along with the girlfriend, just to enhance our MDMA roll that night.  youtube dubstep was on the television ~5 hours after taking the LSD and the picture on the screen I now realize was made for tripping.  Wow.  Apparently I just didn't take the time to focus on anything when previously taking LSD.

Here's what's fucked up.  My visuals didn't wear off under maybe 16 hours after taking the LSD (MDMA and some ketamine were taken later).  My girlfriend was still tripping 18 hours after taking the LSD before she finally took some Valium.

LSD's half life is only a few hours so I don't know why it lasted so long for us.  We took ~55mg of MDMA 3 hours after taking the LSD and maybe 20-30mg of ketamine at 4-5 hours.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: echo_ on December 15, 2012, 03:06 am
It depends on what you consider for yourself the threshold, and how aware of you are of the way that your mind is affected. Your unconscious mind may be tripping hard on LSD, while your conscious vision may only see gentle orderings of pattern. In my opinion, a good LSD experience should be invisible. You should not even be able to realize you are on it—it should merge perfectly seamlessly into your soul and help you fall into your own flow no matter what it is that you do.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: HeeHaw on December 17, 2012, 09:08 pm
Got some nbomes on the way. I will report my experience back in here. Is this the nbome thread or lsd thread?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on December 18, 2012, 07:31 am
If you like 25d and 25b, they're even better together! I took 1.5mg of 25d with 1mg of 25b the other day and had a magical night. The visuals seemed to radiate out of me if that makes any sense. Normally I describe it as a blanket of color overlaying everything or sparkly lights flashing over everything but this seemed more natural, like I was just seeing more of my world instead of seeing my world in a different light. It was also very pretty ... flowingly vibrant.

Within 30 minutes my fears, worries, and problems melted away and I was filled with this sense of peace and calm. My seasonal anxiety/depression have also been less pronounced since then.

Anyway, I was with hubby and we spent most of our time in tantric bliss. I think the total duration was about 5 hours, kind of hard to pinpoint it since the come-up and down was very gentle and I spent every moment just being in the moment (and no need to look at a clock).

I haven't updated my nbome summation recently but I'll get to it eventually, hehe.

P.S. In case anyone was wondering, 25i-nboh is most similar to acid (sorry, not the nbome which ranks pretty low imo and even sorrier, nboh is very rare). Though it's worth a grab if you ever see it; I got mine from foxy. It's not exact but closer than any nbome or combination I ever tried: colorful visuals, sound distortion, a greater sense of connection, a feeling of the mind-expanding, some euphoria ... The come-up is about 30 minutes and it lasts a good 4-5 hours with residual affects lasting another hour or two. I highly recommend watching The Yellow Submarine once the sound distortion kicks in. 8)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sniper123 on December 19, 2012, 03:14 am
If you like 25d and 25b, they're even better together! I took 1.5mg of 25d with 1mg of 25b the other day and had a magical night. The visuals seemed to radiate out of me if that makes any sense. Normally I describe it as a blanket of color overlaying everything or sparkly lights flashing over everything but this seemed more natural, like I was just seeing more of my world instead of seeing my world in a different light. It was also very pretty ... flowingly vibrant.

Within 30 minutes my fears, worries, and problems melted away and I was filled with this sense of peace and calm. My seasonal anxiety/depression have also been less pronounced since then.

Anyway, I was with hubby and we spent most of our time in tantric bliss. I think the total duration was about 5 hours, kind of hard to pinpoint it since the come-up and down was very gentle and I spent every moment just being in the moment (and no need to look at a clock).

I haven't updated my nbome summation recently but I'll get to it eventually, hehe.

P.S. In case anyone was wondering, 25i-nboh is most similar to acid (sorry, not the nbome which ranks pretty low imo and even sorrier, nboh is very rare). Though it's worth a grab if you ever see it; I got mine from foxy. It's not exact but closer than any nbome or combination I ever tried: colorful visuals, sound distortion, a greater sense of connection, a feeling of the mind-expanding, some euphoria ... The come-up is about 30 minutes and it lasts a good 4-5 hours with residual affects lasting another hour or two. I highly recommend watching The Yellow Submarine once the sound distortion kicks in. 8)
Link please :) :) :) :) Amazing report.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: A Riotous Defect on December 19, 2012, 03:37 am
My one NBOMe trip was on 25i, and it was pretty good. My only complaint was that I had a complexed blotter, and I'm diabetic. I wasn't used to the bodyload, so I couldn't tell if my sugar was high or low, but if it gets low I can pass out and die, so I was snacking throughout the trip. I vomited once early on in the trip, and I attributed that to the bodyload, but I was also vomitting at the end of the trip, and I thought that was weird, so I checked my sugar ( probably should have checked it before then ) and it was extremely high. I got it down back to normal though.

Throughout the trip I had pretty nice visuals. I stared at my vomit for a while at the peak and it looked like little micro-organisms molding into each others like little bacteria dividing and eating each other. Then when I got up I was peaking pretty hard and I stared at myself in the mirror for a while and I remember thinking how nice I looked. Not in an egotistical way, but the way the 25i had my face looking, I looked like an oil painting and all my blemishes had been melded into the rest of my face and I looked a lot better than I thought I normally looked.

As far as emotional state, I was with a lot of friends but also a lot of people I didn't know as well. I felt like I had lost my emotional context of situations, so I didn't understand the tone of people's voice and I wasn't able to read body language as well as I normally can. I consider myself a pretty socially aware person sober, so this new state was very interesting. I put a smile on and just acted like I normally did even though I didn't understand anything that was going on.

To be honest, it wasn't so much a lack of context emotionally, but it wasn't a subconscious thing for me, feeling out a situation. I usually do it offhand normally. While I was on the 25i, however, I had to consciously work at understanding such situations, which I think made me appreciate them more. I also had more empathy because I had to work so hard at understanding such things. Also, people gave off emotional auras which normally would not affect me but deeply upset me in this new state. There was one part of the night where one of my friends came into the apartment I was at and he was upset at someone there and I could see it in his face and it just put a whole cloud of upsetting darkness on my psyche until I talked with him and figured out why he was upset and that he had calmed down.

All in all, it was definitely a rewarding trip. I'm glad so many vendors offer the hcl of the nbomes, too, since I can now enjoy them without having to worry as much about the complexing affecting my blood sugar.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on December 19, 2012, 06:59 am
Link please :) :) :) :) Amazing report.

Sorry, what?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on December 19, 2012, 07:20 am
Link please :) :) :) :) Amazing report.

Sorry, what?
Link for the posting on sr that lead to such an amazing report

Ah, sorry ... the 25d was from foxymeow, the 25b was from dannyboone (neither are selling anymore).

The 25i-nboh was also from foxymeow but she didn't sell it directly. It was a freebie that she added to that first batch of 25g she sent out.

I was kind of away for a few months so I don't know who has the goods these days.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on December 19, 2012, 07:49 am
Wow, I guess 25b and 25d are still really rare around here. I guess I was lucky to stock up when I did.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: mnak on December 19, 2012, 08:02 pm
Within 30 minutes my fears, worries, and problems melted away and I was filled with this sense of peace and calm. My seasonal anxiety/depression have also been less pronounced since then.
no shit?  My anxiety goes through the roof on 25c.  I tried it again recently against my better judgement and I'm done with 25c....hate it.  LSD costs more but it is superior.  Have you used 25c and if so then what's your experience with 25c and anxiety?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sniper123 on December 19, 2012, 10:51 pm
Within 30 minutes my fears, worries, and problems melted away and I was filled with this sense of peace and calm. My seasonal anxiety/depression have also been less pronounced since then.
no shit?  My anxiety goes through the roof on 25c.  I tried it again recently against my better judgement and I'm done with 25c....hate it.  LSD costs more but it is superior.  Have you used 25c and if so then what's your experience with 25c and anxiety?
Do you get anxiety form the trip itself? I've noticed with NBOME's i can get some bad anxiety if i allow myself to focus too much on the bodyload. Sometimes the vasoconstriction can trick me into thinking i can't breathe and if I'm not careful. This can lead to hyperventilation. (Which isn't good sober, and sure as hell isn't good tripping.) I normally turn the music up really loud when I'm experiencing some bad anxiety and if i just keep my eyes closed and focus on the music. It normally becomes manageable. Side note:I've never experienced anxiety of 25b-nbome. I don't know why this is, but I've never had a bad trip or had a bad time off 25b-nbome. (This might be because 25b-nbome causes the least body load for me out of all that i've tried.)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on December 19, 2012, 11:59 pm
I dont know what up with youu guyss, but I only exp slight vasoconstriction, some times when dropping 25c. Not much more than that from any LSD xtal that is less than fluff grade. Shit, we dropped two tabs each from RedHempfield last week, man well I say wayy too hard, I was rolling way to harrd. For like 12+ hours!..Now, when I say 'wayy too hardd' I most certainly mean perfectly hard enough LOL
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sniper123 on December 20, 2012, 03:03 am
I dont know what up with youu guyss, but I only exp slight vasoconstriction, some times when dropping 25c. Not much more than that from any LSD xtal that is less than fluff grade. Shit, we dropped two tabs each from RedHempfield last week, man well I say wayy too hard, I was rolling way to harrd. For like 12+ hours!..Now, when I say 'wayy too hardd' I most certainly mean perfectly hard enough LOL
Candy flipping? :D In my opinion there is no better high.
You don't get vasoconstriction from 25I-nbome? What's crazy is i don't have problems with LSD when it comes to vasoconstriction. It makes no sense.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on December 20, 2012, 03:21 am
I dont know what up with youu guyss, but I only exp slight vasoconstriction, some times when dropping 25c. Not much more than that from any LSD xtal that is less than fluff grade. Shit, we dropped two tabs each from RedHempfield last week, man well I say wayy too hard, I was rolling way to harrd. For like 12+ hours!..Now, when I say 'wayy too hardd' I most certainly mean perfectly hard enough LOL
Candy flipping? :D In my opinion there is no better high.
You don't get vasoconstriction from 25I-nbome? What's crazy is i don't have problems with LSD when it comes to vasoconstriction. It makes no sense.

LOL Though I am a avid candy fliper, thats not what I was referring to. I meant 2 tabs of 25c for me and each of my buddys. All I get as far as a body load goes an average with LSD and nbomes alike, is tingling sensations, almost pins and needles like in my hands, at worst it will reach a bit up my wrists. Ive only done 25i once and it seem to have way more fun on the 25c.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sniper123 on December 20, 2012, 03:31 am
I dont know what up with youu guyss, but I only exp slight vasoconstriction, some times when dropping 25c. Not much more than that from any LSD xtal that is less than fluff grade. Shit, we dropped two tabs each from RedHempfield last week, man well I say wayy too hard, I was rolling way to harrd. For like 12+ hours!..Now, when I say 'wayy too hardd' I most certainly mean perfectly hard enough LOL
Candy flipping? :D In my opinion there is no better high.
You don't get vasoconstriction from 25I-nbome? What's crazy is i don't have problems with LSD when it comes to vasoconstriction. It makes no sense.

LOL Though I am a avid candy fliper, thats not what I was referring to. I meant 2 tabs of 25c for me and each of my buddys. All I get as far as a body load goes an average with LSD and nbomes alike, is tingling sensations, almost pins and needles like in my hands, at worst it will reach a bit up my wrists. Ive only done 25i once and it seem to have way more fun on the 25c.
I've got purple limbs before from 25I so i approach with caution and keep vaso diolaters on hand. It's some scary shit when you're tripping and have to ask someone if you're actually purple. (Keep in mind this was off 4mgs. I wanted a deeper trip. I didn't find what i was seeking.)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on December 20, 2012, 03:37 am
I dont know what up with youu guyss, but I only exp slight vasoconstriction, some times when dropping 25c. Not much more than that from any LSD xtal that is less than fluff grade. Shit, we dropped two tabs each from RedHempfield last week, man well I say wayy too hard, I was rolling way to harrd. For like 12+ hours!..Now, when I say 'wayy too hardd' I most certainly mean perfectly hard enough LOL
Candy flipping? :D In my opinion there is no better high.
You don't get vasoconstriction from 25I-nbome? What's crazy is i don't have problems with LSD when it comes to vasoconstriction. It makes no sense.

LOL Though I am a avid candy fliper, thats not what I was referring to. I meant 2 tabs of 25c for me and each of my buddys. All I get as far as a body load goes an average with LSD and nbomes alike, is tingling sensations, almost pins and needles like in my hands, at worst it will reach a bit up my wrists. Ive only done 25i once and it seem to have way more fun on the 25c.
I've got purple limbs before from 25I so i approach with caution and keep vaso diolaters on hand. It's some scary shit when you're tripping and have to ask someone if you're actually purple. (Keep in mind this was off 4mgs. I wanted a deeper trip. I didn't find what i was seeking.)

Woa, sounds like some shit Snipe, what are these vasodilators you speak of?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sniper123 on December 20, 2012, 03:48 am
I dont know what up with youu guyss, but I only exp slight vasoconstriction, some times when dropping 25c. Not much more than that from any LSD xtal that is less than fluff grade. Shit, we dropped two tabs each from RedHempfield last week, man well I say wayy too hard, I was rolling way to harrd. For like 12+ hours!..Now, when I say 'wayy too hardd' I most certainly mean perfectly hard enough LOL
Candy flipping? :D In my opinion there is no better high.
You don't get vasoconstriction from 25I-nbome? What's crazy is i don't have problems with LSD when it comes to vasoconstriction. It makes no sense.

LOL Though I am a avid candy fliper, thats not what I was referring to. I meant 2 tabs of 25c for me and each of my buddys. All I get as far as a body load goes an average with LSD and nbomes alike, is tingling sensations, almost pins and needles like in my hands, at worst it will reach a bit up my wrists. Ive only done 25i once and it seem to have way more fun on the 25c.
I've got purple limbs before from 25I so i approach with caution and keep vaso diolaters on hand. It's some scary shit when you're tripping and have to ask someone if you're actually purple. (Keep in mind this was off 4mgs. I wanted a deeper trip. I didn't find what i was seeking.)

Woa, sounds like some shit Snipe, what are these vasodilators you speak of?
I start off with omega 3 fish oil. If that doesn't cut it, i'll take some ginger. If i'm not getting enough relief i'll take a little bit of garlic, but garlic is last resort since it hurts my stomach. Normally omega's and ginger will be enough. It took me a while to learn to use in moderation, otherwise you go the other way and have some sever vasodilation on your hands. (Which leads to low blood pressure.)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on December 20, 2012, 04:01 am
Thanks for the info man
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: A Riotous Defect on December 22, 2012, 03:03 am
nbombe takes about 2 weeks between trips.  Tolerance is a high one with this.

My experience was unique.  I take Abilify (Bipolar med) and I noticed it took away the visuals completely.   Once I let the medication wear off after a week or so, the NBOME was much more colorful.

Mixing any drug with this is dangerous.  I'm always terrified when taking it thinking I'll be the next OD you read about.  Its odd how some people react so bad to just less than 1mg and hit the hospital with puking and turning blue.  Dunno.  It could be trolls telling tall tales in forums, but erowid has one there.

I doubt 25i could do that at less than a mg, unless it was some severe drug interaction, which is a possibility. I can imagine that, combined with an MAOI, there could be interaction that severe at less than a mg dosage. But that could happen with most anything, MAOI's interact with pretty much everything imaginable.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on December 22, 2012, 10:17 am
So who's the best NBOMe vendor right now? I see HardHustle is gone for now and so is ENBOOM and Lightflower. I'm mainly interested in 25c, maybe 25b as well.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: secretwork on December 22, 2012, 05:30 pm
Within 30 minutes my fears, worries, and problems melted away and I was filled with this sense of peace and calm. My seasonal anxiety/depression have also been less pronounced since then.
no shit?  My anxiety goes through the roof on 25c.  I tried it again recently against my better judgement and I'm done with 25c....hate it.  LSD costs more but it is superior.  Have you used 25c and if so then what's your experience with 25c and anxiety?

What dose amount did you take when you had the anxiety ?
What administration ? liquid ? or blotter ?  powder ?  try to detail if possible, if powder how much and did you re-dose etc

I have only tried once and had a great time.. but it was 1/2 of 600 ug blotter...   
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: wat on December 22, 2012, 05:37 pm
So who's the best NBOMe vendor right now? I see HardHustle is gone for now and so is ENBOOM and Lightflower. I'm mainly interested in 25c, maybe 25b as well.

In Tyl3r I trust.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: steadyeddy2 on December 22, 2012, 06:18 pm
Hi guys,
If I started selling 25b blotters would you guys be interested? I have sold NBOMES on sr in the past and have
Never had complaints about quality.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ralph123 on December 22, 2012, 07:43 pm
Hi guys,
If I started selling 25b blotters would you guys be interested? I have sold NBOMES on sr in the past and have
Never had complaints about quality.

I would be interested in strong dosed 25b like 800ug-1000ug adn mostly interested in the 1mg tab.

Just wanted to chime in here folks and say to hurry on over to Nawlins and try out some of his 25i. I triiped off one 1mg blotter for seven hours befor the intensity let up. It was really close to like being on acid. No mouthy build up or any bad taste. Those tabs are fucking insane!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sniper123 on December 22, 2012, 07:46 pm
Hi guys,
If I started selling 25b blotters would you guys be interested? I have sold NBOMES on sr in the past and have
Never had complaints about quality.

I would be interested in strong dosed 25b like 800ug-1000ug adn mostly interested in the 1mg tab.

Just wanted to chime in here folks and say to hurry on over to Nawlins and try out some of his 25i. I triiped off one 1mg blotter for seven hours befor the intensity let up. It was really close to like being on acid. No mouthy build up or any bad taste. Those tabs are fucking insane!
How would you compare them to ENBOOMS?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on December 23, 2012, 04:45 am
Hi guys,
If I started selling 25b blotters would you guys be interested? I have sold NBOMES on sr in the past and have
Never had complaints about quality.

I would be interested in strong dosed 25b like 800ug-1000ug adn mostly interested in the 1mg tab.

Just wanted to chime in here folks and say to hurry on over to Nawlins and try out some of his 25i. I triiped off one 1mg blotter for seven hours befor the intensity let up. It was really close to like being on acid. No mouthy build up or any bad taste. Those tabs are fucking insane!
How would you compare them to ENBOOMS?

I can vouch for the dose of SteasdyEddys nbomes, ive had one of his 25i blotters in the past and it was a awesome head fuck trip .

Also I just wanted to say, cause I forgot to mention it last time I stopped in here, 2 buddys and I dropped two 25/c's each , and guys, I has residual visuals for 2 fucking weeka! As did both my freinds..there fun as shit, but i make me uneasy when I think about whatt they actual make me feel like lol. Much love every1

EDIT: 800ug complexed per blotter. in case that is substantial info
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: skibler on December 24, 2012, 02:28 am
i was gone from SR for a minute. any other than b,c,d,g,i appear?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on December 25, 2012, 12:21 am
So who's the best NBOMe vendor right now? I see HardHustle is gone for now and so is ENBOOM and Lightflower. I'm mainly interested in 25c, maybe 25b as well.

In Tyl3r I trust.
What about domestic?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: mschen on December 25, 2012, 09:09 am
hi all

i recently ordered a dropper of lsd from a newish vendor. i believe i got nbome instead of lsd but i don't know if it is, if so, what kind of nbome, and what dosage

below is my trip report:
dropped 1 drop of liquid onto a piece of paper to make my own tab.

0:00 popped the tab into my mouth and immediately noticed a really strong bitter taste
0:05 noticing my tongue is tingly numb where the tab was
0:10 noticing a lot of numbness where the tab was
0:20 some nausea and upset stomach that i normally get
0:45 general feeling of restlessness with some OEV but no real CEV. very mild, just some wavyness
1:00 some mood changes but overall a mix of restlessness and laziness. still mild OEV and no CEV
2:00 some euphoria. same OEV/CEV status
4:00 euphoria gone OEV will creep up if i stare at the screen and make things wobbly on the screen. still no CEV
6:00 everything more or less back to normal. don't notice any OEV or CEV but pupils still dilated

anyone know what it could be that i took? and how much is in a drop? in terms of the timeline, for reference my normal lsd trip usually kicks in 0:30-1:00 in and lasts only 4 hours for the euphoria with up to 6 hours for CEV and OEV

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: A Riotous Defect on December 25, 2012, 12:57 pm
So who's the best NBOMe vendor right now? I see HardHustle is gone for now and so is ENBOOM and Lightflower. I'm mainly interested in 25c, maybe 25b as well.

In Tyl3r I trust.
What about domestic?

I was thinking about Graffenburg for a while, he had cheap NBOMe, and there's a new vendor Righteous that's selling cheap NBOMe and I've had pleasant dealings with him, too. He's offering everything really cheap since he's starting up too, but he wont be back till wednesday.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on December 25, 2012, 03:35 pm
Within 30 minutes my fears, worries, and problems melted away and I was filled with this sense of peace and calm. My seasonal anxiety/depression have also been less pronounced since then.
no shit?  My anxiety goes through the roof on 25c.  I tried it again recently against my better judgement and I'm done with 25c....hate it.  LSD costs more but it is superior.  Have you used 25c and if so then what's your experience with 25c and anxiety?

I had a similar experience with 25c. It's very euphoric but easy to find myself in an anxious state.

I stick with 25d and 25b for the most part (not combined but the combo is nice for special occasions too). They have an anti-anxiety affect. There's also less vasoconstriction than any of the others.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: A Riotous Defect on December 25, 2012, 04:09 pm
hi all

i recently ordered a dropper of lsd from a newish vendor. i believe i got nbome instead of lsd but i don't know if it is, if so, what kind of nbome, and what dosage

below is my trip report:
dropped 1 drop of liquid onto a piece of paper to make my own tab.

0:00 popped the tab into my mouth and immediately noticed a really strong bitter taste
0:05 noticing my tongue is tingly numb where the tab was
0:10 noticing a lot of numbness where the tab was
0:20 some nausea and upset stomach that i normally get
0:45 general feeling of restlessness with some OEV but no real CEV. very mild, just some wavyness
1:00 some mood changes but overall a mix of restlessness and laziness. still mild OEV and no CEV
2:00 some euphoria. same OEV/CEV status
4:00 euphoria gone OEV will creep up if i stare at the screen and make things wobbly on the screen. still no CEV
6:00 everything more or less back to normal. don't notice any OEV or CEV but pupils still dilated

anyone know what it could be that i took? and how much is in a drop? in terms of the timeline, for reference my normal lsd trip usually kicks in 0:30-1:00 in and lasts only 4 hours for the euphoria with up to 6 hours for CEV and OEV


That *could* be NBOMe but it could also be a lot of other things. I can't say whether that sounds like LSD or not since I've never tried it.. But we can at least rule out shit like the DOx's because you weren't tripping for a super long time. Sorry, I don't know what that could be from what you've said. It sounds pretty mild though.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: mschen on December 25, 2012, 05:40 pm
hi all

i recently ordered a dropper of lsd from a newish vendor. i believe i got nbome instead of lsd but i don't know if it is, if so, what kind of nbome, and what dosage

below is my trip report:
dropped 1 drop of liquid onto a piece of paper to make my own tab.

0:00 popped the tab into my mouth and immediately noticed a really strong bitter taste
0:05 noticing my tongue is tingly numb where the tab was
0:10 noticing a lot of numbness where the tab was
0:20 some nausea and upset stomach that i normally get
0:45 general feeling of restlessness with some OEV but no real CEV. very mild, just some wavyness
1:00 some mood changes but overall a mix of restlessness and laziness. still mild OEV and no CEV
2:00 some euphoria. same OEV/CEV status
4:00 euphoria gone OEV will creep up if i stare at the screen and make things wobbly on the screen. still no CEV
6:00 everything more or less back to normal. don't notice any OEV or CEV but pupils still dilated

anyone know what it could be that i took? and how much is in a drop? in terms of the timeline, for reference my normal lsd trip usually kicks in 0:30-1:00 in and lasts only 4 hours for the euphoria with up to 6 hours for CEV and OEV


That *could* be NBOMe but it could also be a lot of other things. I can't say whether that sounds like LSD or not since I've never tried it.. But we can at least rule out shit like the DOx's because you weren't tripping for a super long time. Sorry, I don't know what that could be from what you've said. It sounds pretty mild though.

never tried lsd? i would have thought most people start with lsd before jumping into the newer stuff. but yeah, i've done a lot of lsd and this was not lsd. the taste, the up, the effects, all seemed a bit off. it was a mild trip because i played it safe with a low dose, 1 drop test. i'm still somewhat convinced it's a nbome but i'm researching as well.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: A Riotous Defect on December 25, 2012, 07:18 pm
never tried lsd? i would have thought most people start with lsd before jumping into the newer stuff. but yeah, i've done a lot of lsd and this was not lsd. the taste, the up, the effects, all seemed a bit off. it was a mild trip because i played it safe with a low dose, 1 drop test. i'm still somewhat convinced it's a nbome but i'm researching as well.

It's hard to get ahold of where I'm from, and I also wanted to try a psychedelic I didn't think would be too intense mentally before I moved on to the big-boys LSD and psilocybin. I have a lot of shit in my head I don't necessarily want to unpackage right now if you can understand me. Can't throw the darkness back into Pandora's box after you've opened it, and all.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on December 25, 2012, 11:03 pm
So who's the best NBOMe vendor right now? I see HardHustle is gone for now and so is ENBOOM and Lightflower. I'm mainly interested in 25c, maybe 25b as well.

In Tyl3r I trust.
What about domestic?

I was thinking about Graffenburg for a while, he had cheap NBOMe, and there's a new vendor Righteous that's selling cheap NBOMe and I've had pleasant dealings with him, too. He's offering everything really cheap since he's starting up too, but he wont be back till wednesday.
Thanks brother. I remember Graffenburg. I wish I knew how to make my own blotters. I can get grams for super cheap.

Anyone have experience with nevita? Super cheap but you have to FE.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: A Riotous Defect on December 26, 2012, 12:43 am
So who's the best NBOMe vendor right now? I see HardHustle is gone for now and so is ENBOOM and Lightflower. I'm mainly interested in 25c, maybe 25b as well.

In Tyl3r I trust.
What about domestic?

I was thinking about Graffenburg for a while, he had cheap NBOMe, and there's a new vendor Righteous that's selling cheap NBOMe and I've had pleasant dealings with him, too. He's offering everything really cheap since he's starting up too, but he wont be back till wednesday.
Thanks brother. I remember Graffenburg. I wish I knew how to make my own blotters. I can get grams for super cheap.

Anyone have experience with nevita? Super cheap but you have to FE.

I've had Nevita's blotters, and they're REAL good, but I can't take 'em anymore 'cause they're complexed which is bad for mah diabetes. But they're real good, and Nevita has the ABSOLUTE best customer service I've ever had the pleasure to deal with. He always throws in extras, especially with NBOMe orders. Just a really, really nice guy.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: mschen on December 26, 2012, 01:51 am
It's hard to get ahold of where I'm from, and I also wanted to try a psychedelic I didn't think would be too intense mentally before I moved on to the big-boys LSD and psilocybin. I have a lot of shit in my head I don't necessarily want to unpackage right now if you can understand me. Can't throw the darkness back into Pandora's box after you've opened it, and all.

alright. that's fair. i can respect that. i know people who are really careful about lsd because of the darkness in their minds. i'm the opposite, i want to know what darkness i have inside. to each our own.  thanks for your advice.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: A Riotous Defect on December 26, 2012, 02:54 am
It's hard to get ahold of where I'm from, and I also wanted to try a psychedelic I didn't think would be too intense mentally before I moved on to the big-boys LSD and psilocybin. I have a lot of shit in my head I don't necessarily want to unpackage right now if you can understand me. Can't throw the darkness back into Pandora's box after you've opened it, and all.

alright. that's fair. i can respect that. i know people who are really careful about lsd because of the darkness in their minds. i'm the opposite, i want to know what darkness i have inside. to each our own.  thanks for your advice.

Yeah, for me if I wanted to deal with my issues I'd take MDMA or Methylone alone and start an inner dialogue. Because the euphoria that they come with makes me not afraid of all the shit I've got going on - I'm sure that taking a major psychedelic would be much more rewarding than that because of the challenge, but tbh the only thing I'm genuinely afraid of in the world are the recesses of my own mind. That infinite void, y'know? And the idea of ego-death sounds absolutely horrible to me, like it would be a completely dysphoric thing for me to experience. I'm very, very grounded in my own ego and feel like the lack thereof would be shattering to my psyche.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Limetless on December 26, 2012, 02:58 am
REMEMBER TO BUY LOTTO TICKETS FOR THE SUPER PRIZE DRAW!!!!! - http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/32de1fe1d2
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: joywind on December 27, 2012, 10:13 pm
REMEMBER TO BUY LOTTO TICKETS FOR THE SUPER PRIZE DRAW!!!!! - http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/32de1fe1d2
How about "no".
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Nevita on December 31, 2012, 06:32 pm
So who's the best NBOMe vendor right now? I see HardHustle is gone for now and so is ENBOOM and Lightflower. I'm mainly interested in 25c, maybe 25b as well.

In Tyl3r I trust.
What about domestic?

I was thinking about Graffenburg for a while, he had cheap NBOMe, and there's a new vendor Righteous that's selling cheap NBOMe and I've had pleasant dealings with him, too. He's offering everything really cheap since he's starting up too, but he wont be back till wednesday.
Thanks brother. I remember Graffenburg. I wish I knew how to make my own blotters. I can get grams for super cheap.

Anyone have experience with nevita? Super cheap but you have to FE.

Hi TheAbsurd ; No need to FE if you are a old buyer with more than 5 purchases in SR ; if you have more than 5 and if you FE you will get a 10% extra. At the moment we are running a x-mas sale that makes you only get 5% extra for FE.

@A Riotous Defect; Thanks for your words brother, always a pleasure!

Thanks, happy new year!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: HeeHaw on January 01, 2013, 12:06 pm
I can vouch and tell you about many nbome vendors both domestic and internationally.

Feel free to PM me with any questions
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on January 01, 2013, 12:17 pm
I'm finding it hard to gauge my tolerance a few days after tripping, it's weird. Usually I wait a week to get rid of any tolerance, but I only waited 2 days this time and I'm tripping harder off the same dose. I'm not complaining, but it gets a little hairy when you up the dosage only to find out you didn't build up any tolerance.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sniper123 on January 02, 2013, 02:44 am
I'm finding it hard to gauge my tolerance a few days after tripping, it's weird. Usually I wait a week to get rid of any tolerance, but I only waited 2 days this time and I'm tripping harder off the same dose. I'm not complaining, but it gets a little hairy when you up the dosage only to find out you didn't build up any tolerance.
I don't even know what tolerance is. :D
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: princeblack49 on January 02, 2013, 07:15 am
hi all

i recently ordered a dropper of lsd from a newish vendor. i believe i got nbome instead of lsd but i don't know if it is, if so, what kind of nbome, and what dosage

below is my trip report:
dropped 1 drop of liquid onto a piece of paper to make my own tab.

0:00 popped the tab into my mouth and immediately noticed a really strong bitter taste
0:05 noticing my tongue is tingly numb where the tab was
0:10 noticing a lot of numbness where the tab was
0:20 some nausea and upset stomach that i normally get
0:45 general feeling of restlessness with some OEV but no real CEV. very mild, just some wavyness
1:00 some mood changes but overall a mix of restlessness and laziness. still mild OEV and no CEV
2:00 some euphoria. same OEV/CEV status
4:00 euphoria gone OEV will creep up if i stare at the screen and make things wobbly on the screen. still no CEV
6:00 everything more or less back to normal. don't notice any OEV or CEV but pupils still dilated

anyone know what it could be that i took? and how much is in a drop? in terms of the timeline, for reference my normal lsd trip usually kicks in 0:30-1:00 in and lasts only 4 hours for the euphoria with up to 6 hours for CEV and OEV


My truest wish is for people not to advertise falsely. I don't think I would ever buy LSD not tested by the AVENGERS. I am the kind of guy that would eat a 10 strip and NBOMe could be lethal. My beautiful unique life is not worth that risk.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: princeblack49 on January 02, 2013, 07:22 am
On that note however I did receive 25i from RIGHTEOUS. Kinda waiting to hear reviews. I have been very apprehensive since I have never tried NBOMe I wanted to ask if anyone has any advice on harm reduction if a bad reaction happens. This vendor is kind enough to post good harm reduction data on the sales page which is one reason I went with them. The compound sounds intriguing but erowid does tell some horror stories too and I would like to hear some real users weigh in on the safety of 1mg dose.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sniper123 on January 02, 2013, 09:19 am
Anyone that can help me acquire a quarter sheet of 25b-nbome would be greatly appreciated. :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: HeeHaw on January 02, 2013, 09:37 am
did you try the vendor named T5? he said he would have the B blotters soon didn't he? have you heard anything from that one vendor foxy? she might have some
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sniper123 on January 02, 2013, 09:41 am
did you try the vendor named T5? he said he would have the B blotters soon didn't he? have you heard anything from that one vendor foxy? she might have some
I"m really trying to stay domestic, i total forgot about foxy. Thanks HeeHaw. +1
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: DrugsBunny on January 02, 2013, 01:50 pm
There is way too much of this junk on SR, why? it's not even fucking illegal, plus its not in anyway deep or has any decent psychedelic mindset, it's pretty obvious most people are buying it to just sell it as acid, they don't even seem necessary with all the various psychedelics in phikal and tikal, where shulgin actually took most of them himself, seems like all the nbomes were purposely released to ruin the LSD trade, and who knows what long term effects it may have, it could end up fucking up your receptors making you unable to trip at all.
Even i became a victim of this shit sold as acid, but i have to admit it was fun kicking his head in and burning his sheet of tabs.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sniper123 on January 02, 2013, 02:49 pm
There is way too much of this junk on SR, why? it's not even fucking illegal, plus its not in anyway deep or has any decent psychedelic mindset, it's pretty obvious most people are buying it to just sell it as acid, they don't even seem necessary with all the various psychedelics in phikal and tikal, where shulgin actually took most of them himself, seems like all the nbomes were purposely released to ruin the LSD trade, and who knows what long term effects it may have, it could end up fucking up your receptors making you unable to trip at all.
Even i became a victim of this shit sold as acid, but i have to admit it was fun kicking his head in and burning his sheet of tabs.
I think that is a major over generalization. There are many people selling nbome on the streets as nbome. If you've took acid even once in your life, you can spot the difference immediately upon putting the tab in your mouth. It sucks someone tried to rip you off and i understand you're venting your frustration.

Also, i don't understand how you dismiss the trips of nbomes entirely. There is depth for those who seek it. (I wouldn't compare it to the depth of acid.)
I personally enjoy 25b-nbome the most out of the nbome series. I would take 2C-B any day over 25B, but at the moment the nbome's are more economical. 

Nbome isn't ruining the acid trade. Just like m1 isn't ruing the MDMA trade. People who know real MDMA can tell the difference, just like people who know real acid will be able to tell the difference between acid and nbome.

I do agree that we don't know the long term effects of these drugs, or the short term for that matter. But, we don't know some of the long term effects of the food additives we ingest daily. I believe everyone is responsible for what they put in their bodies.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: princeblack49 on January 02, 2013, 05:49 pm

Allergy test with a piece of a tab. I, and others, have taken upwards of 16, 20mg within an hour or so, just make sure that you won't react badly with a small dose before you go big.
 Do you have a specific technique for the allergy test? Orally or dermally? I have wondered if allergy was the case in some of the fatalities. I did notice misinformation in the media links (figures, they always do that). I wish there were more scientific data on this end but if i share with anyone besides myself I will need to be sure I don't harm them.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: princeblack49 on January 03, 2013, 07:50 am
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: billiken on January 05, 2013, 07:35 am
 Hey guys anyone mind telling me whats the difference between complexed blotters and uncomplexed ones?

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on January 07, 2013, 11:31 pm
From what I've read the complexed ones have HPBCD added to help the nbome absorb better in your mouth. I've heard the non-complexed take slightly longer to kick in but potency seems the same.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: stinkybreeze on January 08, 2013, 07:28 am


Specifically the 25c. Love this chem ! I've done them all and am most grateful to SR for bringing me this. I love 2cb as well, but the 25c is tops. Today I only took a half a blotter I had leftover from Hard Hustle. I went to see Chainsaw Massacre 3D, no bad vibes at all and the funny thing is I came away with a better appreciation for watching over ones family members what! Yeah that's right. I thought it'd make it trippy intense but I was able to dig deeper into the writing of the screenplay. Ended up being a touching story, lol. The other chainsaw flicks freaked me out. This one was heartwarming with the 25c!  Later I had that cosmic laughter and ego softening related to cid or shrooms. But able to go to stores and all just fine, that's hard to do with the stronger chems. I have deep experience with shrooms and cid. I look forward to trying the 4-ho-mipt from Righteous to compare to shrooms. I also have some new 25c coming from ENBOOM to try.

Anyways, just wanted to share my fun day with only a half blotter. I have taken 2 full blotters with no issues, just more uncontrollable laughter. Someone at that time DID say something to someone, and that sent bad vibes to us all, lucky that guy didn't get stomped. It would have been bad if some of us let loose while tripping. Fortunately we were kind enough to walk away from the situation.

So it can allow you to loose it, just stay light and fun. Great introspective thoughts and realizations about life decisions.

This chem can be light and fun or you can bump it up a notch.

I would like to get some shrooms and cid again someday.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: billiken on January 08, 2013, 01:29 pm
Sometimes i dont enjoy the beggining of the trip becasue of vasconstricion , any tips for that? Thanks
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on January 09, 2013, 05:46 am
That's my concern with buying powder, not sure how to prepare or dose it properly. A friend keeps telling me to try out 2c-i because it's one of the best psychedelics but I only see it in powder form so I'm hesitant. Buying tabs just makes it so much more convenient.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: bynter on January 09, 2013, 02:08 pm
I thought this would make for an amusing story.

Want to buy NBOMe, but any sort of decent price requires a bulk order. I figured might as well get someone to get larger order, and thus, a better deal.

So I was talking to this pseudo-emo kid at school, and asked him if he wanted to make an "investment" in some drugs. When he wanted me to clarify, I pulled out of my jacket a posterboard with a graph on it. Now picture this in your head. The x axis was "time" and the y axis was "quality of life". The graph itself had a two horizontals lines, one labeled, "before investment", and the other, which had a significantly higher Y value, was labeled, "after", and the two lines were connected by a vertical line. I got sixty dollars right there.

And then I talked with this other, pseudo-stoner kid. I asked him if he wanted to make an "investment" in something that was practically LSD. He said that was too hardcore for him. Then I asked him if he wanted to make an "investment" in some "acid". He then gave me thirty dollars.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: bynter on January 09, 2013, 02:46 pm
Acid is LSD.

That was what I found ridiculous. He wasn't willing to buy "LSD" but he was willing to buy "acid".
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on January 09, 2013, 04:03 pm
I hate 25c NBOMe but tried a small dose of 2C-B recently and loved it.  Didn't have any issues with negative body load, anxiety or that horrid bitter taste in my mouth.

I've got 100mg of 25b NBOMe on the way but I bought the powder without considering that it doesn't have hardly any bioavailability orally.    Is making my own blotters my only practical option?

You could prepare a dropper bottle for nasal administration. Just get a dropper bottle and drop out each individual droplet and count them. you'll need to know how many drops fit in that bottle. Once it's empty, wash it clean and rinse thoroughly. Add distilled water and your NBOMe powder to the dropper bottle - make SURE it's distilled as you don't want to put tap water up your nose. Shake vigorously to mix the powder throughout the bottle.

Now, you want to shoot for <500 ug per droplet, so if your initial droplet count is like 100 drops, i'd say only add 50 mg so that each droplet is 500 ug...this can be a problem if you accidentally drop an extra one or two, though, given that these psychedelics are potent at such low doses. I'd recommend shooting for more like 200-250 micrograms per droplet. I've had a 25C NBOMe dropper bottle at about 300 ug per droplet and it worked beautifully.  Only thing about this is you can't really give people doses they can take with them. They have to dose right then and there when they're with you.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on January 10, 2013, 06:05 am
I hate 25c NBOMe but tried a small dose of 2C-B recently and loved it.  Didn't have any issues with negative body load, anxiety or that horrid bitter taste in my mouth.

I've got 100mg of 25b NBOMe on the way but I bought the powder without considering that it doesn't have hardly any bioavailability orally.    Is making my own blotters my only practical option?

You could prepare a dropper bottle for nasal administration. Just get a dropper bottle and drop out each individual droplet and count them. you'll need to know how many drops fit in that bottle. Once it's empty, wash it clean and rinse thoroughly. Add distilled water and your NBOMe powder to the dropper bottle - make SURE it's distilled as you don't want to put tap water up your nose. Shake vigorously to mix the powder throughout the bottle.

Now, you want to shoot for <500 ug per droplet, so if your initial droplet count is like 100 drops, i'd say only add 50 mg so that each droplet is 500 ug...this can be a problem if you accidentally drop an extra one or two, though, given that these psychedelics are potent at such low doses. I'd recommend shooting for more like 200-250 micrograms per droplet. I've had a 25C NBOMe dropper bottle at about 300 ug per droplet and it worked beautifully.  Only thing about this is you can't really give people doses they can take with them. They have to dose right then and there when they're with you.
This seems like good advice.  What's the maximum amount of water that would be reasonable to insufflate?  I just assume keep the concentration lower (eg 100mcg/drop) so that if I insufflate a drop that is questionable rather it made it all the way up the nose it isn't a big deal to just take another drop.  That would also allow more accurate dosing.

I would consider simply cutting the powder with a safe insert agent but I'm worried about evening mixing the active and inactive powders evenly.  For example, perhaps the heavier of the two would have a tendency to fall to go to the bottom when mixed.  I haven't gotten the NBOMe yet so I don't know if it has any clumps in it but that would also complicate accurate dosing without putting the powder into some sort of solute.

It worked AWESOME until someone got anxious about dosing and had someone inexperienced dose their nostrils...this person ended up with an unknown amount of droplets in his system and had a VERY uncomfortable night. I'm pretty sure homeboy got over 3 or 4 droplets, easily. I thought ~300 ug was a reasonable dose, but I actually told myself next time I'd cut it to about 150-200 ug per droplet. Just like you said, having smaller doses makes it much easier to dose folks. When you're playing with RC's, you can never be too careful : )  25C NBOMe, at least, is very potent and I had stunning visuals on just ~1mg of 25C NBOMe insufflated (downside - had a nasty headache during comedown and next day).

The only thing different about your situation is you have 25B, whereas I had 25C. I'm not as experienced with 25B NBOMe insufflated doses, but I'd say keeping it to 250ug and less per droplet is a safe bet. you can always drop another one :D In all cases, be safe with the stuff. It's cheap and potent.

As for bulking it up with an inert cutting agent, I assume it could work, but just like you, I don't have experience doing this. I wasn't so sure I was going to be able to evenly distribute the psychedelic across the inert stuff so I just went the route of distilled water + 25C powder.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: murungu on January 10, 2013, 05:55 pm
Hey guys anyone mind telling me whats the difference between complexed blotters and uncomplexed ones?


Practically Nothing!
Some chem-nerd on long ago and far away opined that complexing it makes for more efficient absorption of the chem into our bodies, the idea took hold in spite of the fact that it has since been debunked. Even vendors such as Tyler have said it is basically a crock, although he sells it because, hey, the sheeple want it!
As a 25i virgin in 2011 we started with a complexed 25i fro NBOOM which was no where near as amazing as the not-complexed 25i that we dropped for the first time last night from Tyler.
So there you have it, we can vouch for the fact that complexing does jack shit, at least for our trip.
keep rollin!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: DoctorDan on January 13, 2013, 08:38 pm
Let 6 tabs of 25C sit on my tongue and chewed up til my mouth was numb. 45 minutes into it I don't remember anything, woke up in the hospital with tubes in every hole of my body. Lol, caused multible siezures and they had to keep me heavily medicated for about 12 hours before I was able to move / leave the hospital. Be careful, everyone else that dosed took two tabs and had an enjoyable or even awesome time. But those 45 minutes before I blacked out. . . were the trippiest 45 minutes of my life. There were 2-3 of everything, closed eye visual and open-eyed, but the closed eyed were like kaliedoscope vision on a fucking roller coaster. Most amazing sensations I had experienced, but VERY intense, like I said, a roller coaster that climbs, and  climbs, and you give into the feeling, but it never stops climbing. Hahaha, be careful and enjoy! Serious drug, not to be undermined :-D
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sniper123 on January 14, 2013, 01:33 am
Let 6 tabs of 25C sit on my tongue and chewed up til my mouth was numb. 45 minutes into it I don't remember anything, woke up in the hospital with tubes in every hole of my body. Lol, caused multible siezures and they had to keep me heavily medicated for about 12 hours before I was able to move / leave the hospital. Be careful, everyone else that dosed took two tabs and had an enjoyable or even awesome time. But those 45 minutes before I blacked out. . . were the trippiest 45 minutes of my life. There were 2-3 of everything, closed eye visual and open-eyed, but the closed eyed were like kaliedoscope vision on a fucking roller coaster. Most amazing sensations I had experienced, but VERY intense, like I said, a roller coaster that climbs, and  climbs, and you give into the feeling, but it never stops climbing. Hahaha, be careful and enjoy! Serious drug, not to be undermined :-D
What vendor?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: echo_ on January 14, 2013, 03:18 am
6 tabs is quite a bit. You had plenty of prior experience?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: rosannebar on January 14, 2013, 04:29 am
Okay this is going to take us a bit off topic.  But.     MdMa powder and rocks?     What exactly do you do with that?   I may have lived a sheltered life, but my extasy exp is limited to pills.    Would you snort it?   Eat it?  Mix it in water?   Do you have to weigh out a dose with a scale?        And now there is Mda?    I have no clue what that one even is.   Mollys?   Where the heck did that come from?   Is that a pill?  Is it x?    Can someone explain this to me?    Mucho granda grassyass.   And thanks.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: CiscoYankerStuck on January 15, 2013, 03:45 am
6 tabs is quite a bit. You had plenty of prior experience?
I did 6 tabs (1 mg each) of 25i once when I had no tolerance (but was very experienced with 25i at this point).

Holy crap, never tripped so hard in my life.

My reality transformed into this grotesque world. It reminded me of one of those fucked up music videos from Beavis and Butthead, or Ren and Stimpy, or something like that. Thousands of roaches, centipedes, and other bizarre insects/creatures were swarming the walls and floor (but they left me alone, strangely).  Flat surfaces seemed to curl around me at times, and they had like a gridwork of 'singularities' that looked like orange pustules. I also remember at one point seeing I was covered in sores and was bleeding, and at one point even thought I was covered in feces. I remember time happening backwards, mostly with fluids, or stains. Like when I turned on a faucet the water would start at the drain and move up into the faucet, or I spilled a drink at one point and it went from being spilled to not being spilled. I think these NBOMe's fuck with body temperature too. I found myself taking several showers and drinking a lot of water (I vaguely remember at one point I was so fucked up I drank some pasta sauce that was in the fridge.) Showers are sort of intimidating when tripping this hard, btw. I also sorta remember being able to feel inside my skull and eyes.

That was just the visual/physical aspect of it. The mental aspect was also pretty out there.

I looked at reality as a never-ending sequence of iterative/recursive/fractal functions in which everything is connected and experienced collectively, but in a chain, sort of. I thought that ultimately I was the same consciousness as everyone/everything and everyone/everything was the same consciousness as me, just being experienced at a different points in this possibly infinite fractal chain. It was sort of cool because it gave me the perspective that life is what it is and ultimately it doesn't really matter, just take it in and enjoy it to the best of your ability, but then I realized if I am all experiences that have ever happened, at some points in this chain I'd also be subjected to unimaginable suffering. (This got a little uncomfortable for a while, but ultimately I was okay with just accepting this notion). I also made up my own vocabulary at one point, using made up words to clearly express my thoughts and talk to myself at some points. I even realized I could keep saying the same word to perfectly express myself (like "marklar" from South Park).

I was also stuck on some notion of limited resources/energy and how ultimately this must drive the universe to some single state, although it doesn't really make much sense to me now. There were some other really interesting and bizarre ideas/concepts that I went through, that do make some sense to me now, but I really just can't put them into words.

There's a lot I'm pretty sure I don't remember, it was all pretty fuzzy, and 8 hours seemed to go by very quickly. If I remember more I'll be sure to post.

All-in-all, and despite the craziness, it was actually a pretty good experience. I didn't freak out too much because I was still aware that it was all just the drugs. It did get a little confusing at some points because I was tripping so hard for so long that it became hard to figure out what was real and what wasn't (I was concerned for a while that I was actually covered in sores and feces). I did make a bit of a mess of my place though, but no biggie.

Next time I trip I'm going to clean/organize my place much better before hand, I think it was the relative dirtiness of it that led me to see all the insects.

TLDR: 6 doses of 25i with no tolerance rocked my world.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on January 18, 2013, 09:24 pm
New nBOME stock available. 25i, 25b and 25c-nBOME HCl all available on blotter prints. +98% purity level.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: stinkybreeze on January 20, 2013, 05:54 am


Just finished 1 blotter. Very nice indeed!

THANKS ENBOOM !!!  will be doing your D or B next.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: T5 on January 20, 2013, 09:18 am
We've been working with  both 25c and 25i for some time now, we were wondering if there would be any interest in 25b NBOMe HCL and 25b blotters. We are thinking about adding those to our listing but want to get the community's opinion on this!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: blacklisted on January 20, 2013, 08:24 pm
Let 6 tabs of 25C sit on my tongue and chewed up til my mouth was numb. 45 minutes into it I don't remember anything, woke up in the hospital with tubes in every hole of my body. Lol, caused multible siezures and they had to keep me heavily medicated for about 12 hours before I was able to move / leave the hospital. Be careful, everyone else that dosed took two tabs and had an enjoyable or even awesome time. But those 45 minutes before I blacked out. . . were the trippiest 45 minutes of my life. There were 2-3 of everything, closed eye visual and open-eyed, but the closed eyed were like kaliedoscope vision on a fucking roller coaster. Most amazing sensations I had experienced, but VERY intense, like I said, a roller coaster that climbs, and  climbs, and you give into the feeling, but it never stops climbing. Hahaha, be careful and enjoy! Serious drug, not to be undermined :-D

I have read that this drug does not work via saliva. I've only ever read it must be taken buccal via the gums (or insufflated with Tyl3r's snuff caps)
Have I had misleading information?

Does anyone else just leave them on their tongue? .. i've always put them on my gum for 30mins +
Title: Some more info re-cross tolerance
Post by: murungu on January 21, 2013, 12:53 am
We mentioned earlier that we had dropped a tab of vendor Tyler's 1200ug uncomplexed 25i NBOMe with very nice results, all the usual elements were there, euphoria, a sense of profundity, loving the world, euphoria tinged with a slight nausea but not enough to mar the trip.

Being the piggy that we are, we could not leave the fuck alone, no we had to jam more chems into our wanting little maw, and so it was dear roadster, that we dropped 2x1200ug the following evening around 7.30pm

We were fitting a lock to our bedroom door to stop our irritating little sister (who is forty-something and of unsound mind) from her attention-seeking and narcissistic habit of fucking up somehow in the middle of the night and thus finding an excuse to be tearfully barging in, so we had to work fast before the first alerts.

Anyway, said lock was installed, and the trip was full fledged by the time the tools were holstered, and shavings up-swept.

Now luckily we have found we can handle drugs more ably than booze, so 2400ug coursing through our synapses was nothing we could not handle, but bear in mind that one is advised to wait arbitrarily, two weeks (why two weeks - we want to know if that is right for *ME* or the dude who first wrote it?)

But anyway, we got a good whack of *some* deep mindfuck, but not all of the best of the first trip. We got little to zero euphoria, and the high seemed glassy and bright and brittle, there is no other way to describe it. We were also very sensitive to light (this was an overnight trip). Not to be defeated, we re-dosed at 1am 2x 1200ug and kept going until 11am. So that was Friday 11 Jan at 11am. And no it really was not worth staying up for, not that sleep was an option after that much Nbomb.

The following day we got a package from a vendor, it was dried golden teachers (psyclobye cubensis) mushrooms. Being 51 going on 14, we just had to scarf 2g of this precious compound that very night, and even with the prompting of weed and poppers, the mushrooms were wasted, and not we. :( Bummer.

25i NBOMe is not going to give you your moneys worth if you do dumb shit like we did, i.e. using it every other day or mixin' it up with other psych-inducing material such as mushrooms, and we have read about the same issues with LSD.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: treebeard on January 21, 2013, 07:21 am
recently ordered some 25i from brainbank here:  http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/user/86942bc98b

I have never tried any nbome's before, or any type of RC for that matter

I'm hoping to save these for festival season this summer, I think they will make a great treat for concerts

anyone have input on dosages? 

these smarties are laid with 1200 micrograms each,
from what I've read that could be anywhere from a normal to quite heavy trip -- should I start out with half of one?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: wvshadow on January 22, 2013, 01:03 am
t5 id like to see you get 25 b listed.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: CiscoYankerStuck on January 22, 2013, 02:06 am
Let 6 tabs of 25C sit on my tongue and chewed up til my mouth was numb. 45 minutes into it I don't remember anything, woke up in the hospital with tubes in every hole of my body. Lol, caused multible siezures and they had to keep me heavily medicated for about 12 hours before I was able to move / leave the hospital. Be careful, everyone else that dosed took two tabs and had an enjoyable or even awesome time. But those 45 minutes before I blacked out. . . were the trippiest 45 minutes of my life. There were 2-3 of everything, closed eye visual and open-eyed, but the closed eyed were like kaliedoscope vision on a fucking roller coaster. Most amazing sensations I had experienced, but VERY intense, like I said, a roller coaster that climbs, and  climbs, and you give into the feeling, but it never stops climbing. Hahaha, be careful and enjoy! Serious drug, not to be undermined :-D

I have read that this drug does not work via saliva. I've only ever read it must be taken buccal via the gums (or insufflated with Tyl3r's snuff caps)
Have I had misleading information?

Does anyone else just leave them on their tongue? .. i've always put them on my gum for 30mins +
I usually leave them behind my gums. I sometimes move them around my mouth quite a bit, I just do my best to not swallow the saliva.
Title: Re: Some more info re-cross tolerance
Post by: CiscoYankerStuck on January 22, 2013, 02:10 am
25i NBOMe is not going to give you your moneys worth if you do dumb shit like we did, i.e. using it every other day or mixin' it up with other psych-inducing material such as mushrooms, and we have read about the same issues with LSD.
Yeah, they really build up a tolerance quickly. I once did 16mg in 24 hours (already with a pretty high prior tolerance) and by the end of it the tabs had virtually zero effect.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: CiscoYankerStuck on January 22, 2013, 02:18 am
recently ordered some 25i from brainbank here:  http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/user/86942bc98b

I have never tried any nbome's before, or any type of RC for that matter

I'm hoping to save these for festival season this summer, I think they will make a great treat for concerts

anyone have input on dosages? 

these smarties are laid with 1200 micrograms each,
from what I've read that could be anywhere from a normal to quite heavy trip -- should I start out with half of one?
If you don't have any tolerance from other psychedelics, 1 tab will make for a good trip and 2 tabs will make for a strong trip. If you do half a tab it won't be AS strong, but you WILL DEFINITELY feel the effects. I wouldn't recommend going above 2 tabs until you have more experience with NBOMe's. I did 6 tabs once with no tolerance, and I really was not ready for it at all:

Also, here's a really good guide for using RCs:
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: stinkybreeze on January 22, 2013, 06:46 am

Doing 6 tabs just sounds insane, to me that'd be like doing 600mg of mdxx at one time?!?!?!?  Not much fun for me to remember.

On that note.
25c=light body load.
25i=HEAVY body load.

In users experience's, which is the 25b and 25d most similar to?

I plan on dabbling this weekend with one of these and would enjoy a users thoughts beforehand.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: treebeard on January 23, 2013, 12:08 am
anybody tried out any of brainbank's 25i yet?

really hoping for some reviews before mine arrives

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: CiscoYankerStuck on January 23, 2013, 01:44 am
In users experience's, which is the 25b and 25d most similar to?
I've only done each of them once, but I really can't compare them to either 25c or 25i; they were just different, and enjoyable. :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: treebeard on January 24, 2013, 10:09 pm
so I've never had any "RC" before (at least not knowingly)

I have some ostensibly 1200microgram hits of 25i-NBOMe

due to the delivery method of said chemicals, I am only able to consume the whole 1200mic dose

I know that these are different from LSD (probably the closest thing to this chemical I have experience with)

but is 1200 considered a heavy / moderate dose?  is this like taking two tabs of 100mic acid? 

any input any users / lovers/ haters of this chemical can tell me I will be glad to hear about it.

+karma for anyone who helps save me from having to read all 30 pages of the thread!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sbmafia on January 24, 2013, 11:11 pm
Which one of the NbomE is closest to MIMICING the effects of acid and at what dosage?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: eworkjr on January 25, 2013, 01:07 am
so I've never had any "RC" before (at least not knowingly)

I have some ostensibly 1200microgram hits of 25i-NBOMe

due to the delivery method of said chemicals, I am only able to consume the whole 1200mic dose

I know that these are different from LSD (probably the closest thing to this chemical I have experience with)

but is 1200 considered a heavy / moderate dose?  is this like taking two tabs of 100mic acid? 

any input any users / lovers/ haters of this chemical can tell me I will be glad to hear about it.

+karma for anyone who helps save me from having to read all 30 pages of the thread!
1200ug might be a large dose for it being your first time with an RC. you can use scissors and cut a 3rd of the tab off and take the big piece. it works I've done it once and i know a few people who have tried this. the left over 3rd can be taken a week later after tolerance dissipates for a little pick me up too :)
 have fun
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RicFlairIsGod86 on January 25, 2013, 01:38 am
Which one of the NbomE is closest to MIMICING the effects of acid and at what dosage?

None of the NBOMe's are are really like LSD. Do not attempt to try to sell them as LSD.

so I've never had any "RC" before (at least not knowingly)

I have some ostensibly 1200microgram hits of 25i-NBOMe

due to the delivery method of said chemicals, I am only able to consume the whole 1200mic dose

I know that these are different from LSD (probably the closest thing to this chemical I have experience with)

but is 1200 considered a heavy / moderate dose?  is this like taking two tabs of 100mic acid? 

any input any users / lovers/ haters of this chemical can tell me I will be glad to hear about it.

+karma for anyone who helps save me from having to read all 30 pages of the thread!

1.2 mg is not alot bucally, but if you are snorting it, that much would RUN YOU OVER.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: rosannebar on January 25, 2013, 02:01 am
Just ordered some 25i/25c combo tabs 400/800  from tyl3rD,   pretty excited.    Just hope they make it to the states. 

I imagine there are some domestic vendor's but I have read so many posts about the quality of tyl3r's product.   I really wanted the cap's, but was worried they would get hung up in customs, figured the tabs have a better chance.    Anyone had these?     Like I said pretty excited, and hoping for the best.     
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sbmafia on January 25, 2013, 02:58 am
Just ordered some 25i/25c combo tabs 400/800  from tyl3rD,   pretty excited.    Just hope they make it to the states. 

I imagine there are some domestic vendor's but I have read so many posts about the quality of tyl3r's product.   I really wanted the cap's, but was worried they would get hung up in customs, figured the tabs have a better chance.    Anyone had these?     Like I said pretty excited, and hoping for the best.   

Now why did you go ahead and go for the combo.. Ive VERY interested on its effects
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sbmafia on January 25, 2013, 03:00 am
Which one of the NbomE is closest to MIMICING the effects of acid and at what dosage?

None of the NBOMe's are are really like LSD. Do not attempt to try to sell them as LSD.

so I've never had any "RC" before (at least not knowingly)

I have some ostensibly 1200microgram hits of 25i-NBOMe

due to the delivery method of said chemicals, I am only able to consume the whole 1200mic dose

I know that these are different from LSD (probably the closest thing to this chemical I have experience with)

but is 1200 considered a heavy / moderate dose?  is this like taking two tabs of 100mic acid? 

any input any users / lovers/ haters of this chemical can tell me I will be glad to hear about it.

+karma for anyone who helps save me from having to read all 30 pages of the thread!

1.2 mg is not alot bucally, but if you are snorting it, that much would RUN YOU OVER.

Thats the point buddy... Me and my friends are very firmiliar with LSD and we love it. Its also the reason why i ask which one is closest to mimicking the effects of LSD because its what we are looking for, a trip somewhat similar to it.

Not to profit from lying about the product thank you
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RicFlairIsGod86 on January 25, 2013, 07:41 am
They're alot more like 2CB than they are LSD. They lack the Cosmic Radiation of LSD and are more stimulating and clearheaded than LSD. They are quite different from each other though.

I would try them all.

I have a distinct feeling you might dig 2CB alot too. Very euphoric, almost like candy-flipping, just not quite as good. Orgy-tastic too in the right company.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sbmafia on January 25, 2013, 04:32 pm
I think thats what im going to go ahead and do.

Think ill order 100x of 25i 100x of the other

should be quite the trip

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RicFlairIsGod86 on January 25, 2013, 06:52 pm
I dig 25C alot more than I dig 25I. 25C is more euphoric all around. I ain't never taken 25B, but most who have say that it's more euphoric and visual than 25i and 25c.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: rosannebar on January 25, 2013, 07:32 pm
I went with the combo because I was reading the come up can be a bit rough, like with your stomach and all.   

So the combo should  be the best of both in one tab, and maybe the c will help ease into the i

Idk, never tried any of it before, so i am completely in the dark.   I will have to update when they arrive,  say's in transit today,  so the countdown begins.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RicFlairIsGod86 on January 25, 2013, 07:55 pm
I is more visual than C at lower doses, but one of the greatest visuals I ever had LTD was on 25C.

I saw Hank Hill walk out of a television set and say "Dallas? Don't go there that place is full of crackheads and debutantes!", and then I laughed for 90 minutes nonstop.

@Rosannebar: Smoke weed during the come-up. It will help you ease into it.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on January 25, 2013, 08:15 pm
I went with the combo because I was reading the come up can be a bit rough, like with your stomach and all.   

So the combo should  be the best of both in one tab, and maybe the c will help ease into the i

Idk, never tried any of it before, so i am completely in the dark.   I will have to update when they arrive,  say's in transit today,  so the countdown begins.

25i/c, good choice! I have been making those combos for over 6 months now and they're very close to the best psychedelic experience one can have! All of the euphoria is there, the visuals are very present. In fact, it is very close to LSD.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sbmafia on January 26, 2013, 02:38 pm
I went with the combo because I was reading the come up can be a bit rough, like with your stomach and all.   

So the combo should  be the best of both in one tab, and maybe the c will help ease into the i

Idk, never tried any of it before, so i am completely in the dark.   I will have to update when they arrive,  say's in transit today,  so the countdown begins.

the combo will be the BEST and THE WORST of both worlds..... come on ...
but i think thats what ill be ordering as well
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: treebeard on January 28, 2013, 10:59 pm
I know people might have already been talking about this, but in case I missed it with search -

anyone have any input / experience on doing a 'flip' of sorts with a combo of 25i - NBOMe and MDMA ?

just looking for anything anyone wants to say  :D
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: zapatista36 on January 29, 2013, 12:48 am
@treebeard and others asking about NBOMe combos and flipping with mdma and other substances

I've been taking NBOMes for about a year, indeed would have been unlikely to have come across this substance were it not for SR.  Started off with a few vendors selling 25i in tabs and then Tyl3r arrived on the scene and I've stuck with him ever since - for both quality of product and fact that it's domestic for me so an easier and safer option.  While the single substance caps/tabs are good for easing you into the world of NBOMes, since he started listing combo 25i/c doses this is now my usual.  Simply put - these are the fucking business, and IMO the only way to fly.

I prefer the capsules as snorting is definitely the best administration route - first capsule hits quick, usually within 15mins and visuals start from there.  Morphing and swirling accompanied by euphoria and the come-up grows intensely over the first hour.  When I introduced a few mates (pretty hardened psychonauts with 20+ yrs experience of LSD, mushrooms and any psychedelic recommended by reliable sources) to the combos they were blown away by how 'interesting' and 'strange' things became within a relatively short time.  Indeed an hour into your first combo cap you will be surprised at just how fucked up you are, but that's a good thing, cos you tend to not get the introspective 'oh shit where did it all go wrong?' moments that can creep into any LSD trip.  However the good thing about the combos is that taking an additional cap(s) and the come up is fucking instant and exponential.  Very intense visuals of the same order but saturating your field of vision - open-eyed and closed-eyed.  Goes without saying your choice of tunes will definitely be another contributing factor - but if you stick with psychedelic bands you'll realise that dudes like the Grateful Dead and Amorphous Androgynous know what they're doing and will help you trip the fuck out (suppose this kinda assumes you're gonna be staying in for your first foray).  Or any other music you like, as long as it's got that groove...

I've taken NBOMes  indoors for nights in on my own and with mates, and outdoors camping in the middle of nowhere as well as at gigs/festivals and it works well with any setting.  Most I've taken in any one sitting is 3 combo caps (200ug 25i + 400ug 25c) - this was over a period of 6hrs for dosing purposes, with the trip lasting about 12hrs all in - things got very disoriented after the third one and I couldn't really interact particularly well with anyone, couldn't work my phone, and rolling a joint was well outta the question, but it was still all good.  I now - along with aforementioned mates - tend to go for 1 when out, 2 if staying in, and have flipped with mdma, lsd, cocaine and 2cb.

Gotta say 20-30mg 2cb and 1 or 2 combo caps is an established favourite.  The 2cb taken orally first and allowed to kick in over an hour gives the atmosphere a definite tangible feeling, like you could pick the music out of the air in the room around you.  Then add a combo cap and you're off - thing about NBOMes, and particularly 25i/c combos is you seem to come up and then it keeps on intensifying without plateauing, but rather hits you in waves.  If taken with mdma the rolls are definitely more pronounced and only adds to the euphoria you normally get with this drug, and enhances the visual experience.

I haven't had a bad experience with NBOMes, but as with all psychedelics, approach it with the caution and respect it deserves.  I'll push the boundaries with psychedelics because this is one of the things I enjoy once I have reached a level of comfort with a particular substance, but don't see the point in doing this all the time, as it's more important for me to enjoy and remember the experience, than to buzz off the substance-enhanced adrenaline rush that you may have fucked up and overdone it and now it's a journey in itself to come out the other side unscathed.  And while there are a lot of seeming lsd-purists on the forums who consider RCs as a dirty alternative to acid, I've had nothing but clean trips.  When Leary was experimenting with lsd and Shulgin was synthesizing mdma, 2cb and the hundreds if not thousands of other substances in PIKAL and TIKAL how could these be considered anything but research chemicals?  What then stops them from being research chemicals?  Time available?  When the govt adopts them to carry out research with it's own agenda?  Or a cool street name?

Rambled on a bit more than I intended, but gotta love those NBOMes.  I haven't tried his combo tabs (for reasons stated above) but Tyl3r will see you right.  And if they come in at same experience as the caps - and I've no reason to think they wouldn't cos Tyl3r knows his shit too - you should love em too.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: stinkybreeze on January 31, 2013, 05:38 am

+1 zapatista36. Thanks for all your insight !
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on January 31, 2013, 06:58 pm
I've already got plenty of 25c so I may just have to order some 25i and try this combo out. I've tried with 25B but I didn't notice much of a difference, seemed like the 25c overpowered it. I didn't even know half of these drugs existed until I got to SR, what a wonderful place.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sbmafia on January 31, 2013, 07:52 pm
nBOMBE baby
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sbmafia on January 31, 2013, 07:59 pm
@treebeard and others asking about NBOMe combos and flipping with mdma and other substances

I've been taking NBOMes for about a year, indeed would have been unlikely to have come across this substance were it not for SR.  Started off with a few vendors selling 25i in tabs and then Tyl3r arrived on the scene and I've stuck with him ever since - for both quality of product and fact that it's domestic for me so an easier and safer option.  While the single substance caps/tabs are good for easing you into the world of NBOMes, since he started listing combo 25i/c doses this is now my usual.  Simply put - these are the fucking business, and IMO the only way to fly.

I prefer the capsules as snorting is definitely the best administration route - first capsule hits quick, usually within 15mins and visuals start from there.  Morphing and swirling accompanied by euphoria and the come-up grows intensely over the first hour.  When I introduced a few mates (pretty hardened psychonauts with 20+ yrs experience of LSD, mushrooms and any psychedelic recommended by reliable sources) to the combos they were blown away by how 'interesting' and 'strange' things became within a relatively short time.  Indeed an hour into your first combo cap you will be surprised at just how fucked up you are, but that's a good thing, cos you tend to not get the introspective 'oh shit where did it all go wrong?' moments that can creep into any LSD trip.  However the good thing about the combos is that taking an additional cap(s) and the come up is fucking instant and exponential.  Very intense visuals of the same order but saturating your field of vision - open-eyed and closed-eyed.  Goes without saying your choice of tunes will definitely be another contributing factor - but if you stick with psychedelic bands you'll realise that dudes like the Grateful Dead and Amorphous Androgynous know what they're doing and will help you trip the fuck out (suppose this kinda assumes you're gonna be staying in for your first foray).  Or any other music you like, as long as it's got that groove...

I've taken NBOMes  indoors for nights in on my own and with mates, and outdoors camping in the middle of nowhere as well as at gigs/festivals and it works well with any setting.  Most I've taken in any one sitting is 3 combo caps (200ug 25i + 400ug 25c) - this was over a period of 6hrs for dosing purposes, with the trip lasting about 12hrs all in - things got very disoriented after the third one and I couldn't really interact particularly well with anyone, couldn't work my phone, and rolling a joint was well outta the question, but it was still all good.  I now - along with aforementioned mates - tend to go for 1 when out, 2 if staying in, and have flipped with mdma, lsd, cocaine and 2cb.

Gotta say 20-30mg 2cb and 1 or 2 combo caps is an established favourite.  The 2cb taken orally first and allowed to kick in over an hour gives the atmosphere a definite tangible feeling, like you could pick the music out of the air in the room around you.  Then add a combo cap and you're off - thing about NBOMes, and particularly 25i/c combos is you seem to come up and then it keeps on intensifying without plateauing, but rather hits you in waves.  If taken with mdma the rolls are definitely more pronounced and only adds to the euphoria you normally get with this drug, and enhances the visual experience.

I haven't had a bad experience with NBOMes, but as with all psychedelics, approach it with the caution and respect it deserves.  I'll push the boundaries with psychedelics because this is one of the things I enjoy once I have reached a level of comfort with a particular substance, but don't see the point in doing this all the time, as it's more important for me to enjoy and remember the experience, than to buzz off the substance-enhanced adrenaline rush that you may have fucked up and overdone it and now it's a journey in itself to come out the other side unscathed.  And while there are a lot of seeming lsd-purists on the forums who consider RCs as a dirty alternative to acid, I've had nothing but clean trips.  When Leary was experimenting with lsd and Shulgin was synthesizing mdma, 2cb and the hundreds if not thousands of other substances in PIKAL and TIKAL how could these be considered anything but research chemicals?  What then stops them from being research chemicals?  Time available?  When the govt adopts them to carry out research with it's own agenda?  Or a cool street name?

Rambled on a bit more than I intended, but gotta love those NBOMes.  I haven't tried his combo tabs (for reasons stated above) but Tyl3r will see you right.  And if they come in at same experience as the caps - and I've no reason to think they wouldn't cos Tyl3r knows his shit too - you should love em too.

thank you for your write up....
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: treebeard on February 01, 2013, 11:33 pm
@treebeard and others asking about NBOMe combos and flipping with mdma and other substances

I've been taking NBOMes for about a year, indeed would have been unlikely to have come across this substance were it not for SR.  Started off with a few vendors selling 25i in tabs and then Tyl3r arrived on the scene and I've stuck with him ever since - for both quality of product and fact that it's domestic for me so an easier and safer option.  While the single substance caps/tabs are good for easing you into the world of NBOMes, since he started listing combo 25i/c doses this is now my usual.  Simply put - these are the fucking business, and IMO the only way to fly.

I prefer the capsules as snorting is definitely the best administration route - first capsule hits quick, usually within 15mins and visuals start from there.  Morphing and swirling accompanied by euphoria and the come-up grows intensely over the first hour.  When I introduced a few mates (pretty hardened psychonauts with 20+ yrs experience of LSD, mushrooms and any psychedelic recommended by reliable sources) to the combos they were blown away by how 'interesting' and 'strange' things became within a relatively short time.  Indeed an hour into your first combo cap you will be surprised at just how fucked up you are, but that's a good thing, cos you tend to not get the introspective 'oh shit where did it all go wrong?' moments that can creep into any LSD trip.  However the good thing about the combos is that taking an additional cap(s) and the come up is fucking instant and exponential.  Very intense visuals of the same order but saturating your field of vision - open-eyed and closed-eyed.  Goes without saying your choice of tunes will definitely be another contributing factor - but if you stick with psychedelic bands you'll realise that dudes like the Grateful Dead and Amorphous Androgynous know what they're doing and will help you trip the fuck out (suppose this kinda assumes you're gonna be staying in for your first foray).  Or any other music you like, as long as it's got that groove...

I've taken NBOMes  indoors for nights in on my own and with mates, and outdoors camping in the middle of nowhere as well as at gigs/festivals and it works well with any setting.  Most I've taken in any one sitting is 3 combo caps (200ug 25i + 400ug 25c) - this was over a period of 6hrs for dosing purposes, with the trip lasting about 12hrs all in - things got very disoriented after the third one and I couldn't really interact particularly well with anyone, couldn't work my phone, and rolling a joint was well outta the question, but it was still all good.  I now - along with aforementioned mates - tend to go for 1 when out, 2 if staying in, and have flipped with mdma, lsd, cocaine and 2cb.

Gotta say 20-30mg 2cb and 1 or 2 combo caps is an established favourite.  The 2cb taken orally first and allowed to kick in over an hour gives the atmosphere a definite tangible feeling, like you could pick the music out of the air in the room around you.  Then add a combo cap and you're off - thing about NBOMes, and particularly 25i/c combos is you seem to come up and then it keeps on intensifying without plateauing, but rather hits you in waves.  If taken with mdma the rolls are definitely more pronounced and only adds to the euphoria you normally get with this drug, and enhances the visual experience.

I haven't had a bad experience with NBOMes, but as with all psychedelics, approach it with the caution and respect it deserves.  I'll push the boundaries with psychedelics because this is one of the things I enjoy once I have reached a level of comfort with a particular substance, but don't see the point in doing this all the time, as it's more important for me to enjoy and remember the experience, than to buzz off the substance-enhanced adrenaline rush that you may have fucked up and overdone it and now it's a journey in itself to come out the other side unscathed.  And while there are a lot of seeming lsd-purists on the forums who consider RCs as a dirty alternative to acid, I've had nothing but clean trips.  When Leary was experimenting with lsd and Shulgin was synthesizing mdma, 2cb and the hundreds if not thousands of other substances in PIKAL and TIKAL how could these be considered anything but research chemicals?  What then stops them from being research chemicals?  Time available?  When the govt adopts them to carry out research with it's own agenda?  Or a cool street name?

Rambled on a bit more than I intended, but gotta love those NBOMes.  I haven't tried his combo tabs (for reasons stated above) but Tyl3r will see you right.  And if they come in at same experience as the caps - and I've no reason to think they wouldn't cos Tyl3r knows his shit too - you should love em too.

another +1 thanks
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: outbacktrippin on February 02, 2013, 03:02 am
The weirdest effect I've had so far was my mixing 2 x tabs 25i and 2 x 25c bought from Tyl3r. I was reading some things on the laptop waiting for it to kick in, long story short skipping the in between, when I  thought it was wearing off and got up to get a bottle of water I noticed the laptop screen, looked like individual letters were scrambled like the pixels were little cyclones. I tried really had to focus to read the screen, eventually found if I squinted and focused hard enough on one area I could see the actual screen but like it was massively magnified. I could see the individual pixels of the letters really easily.

For lack of better explanation it was like my vision was really low resolution, everything looked much bigger, but sharper and clearer as a result, much smaller field of vision, but at the same time I could still see everything else that I wasn't focusing on at normal size. I started looking at random things like cotton bud tips, screw driver heads, a piece of orange peel, could see so much detail in everything.

I wrote it off as just in my head, but out of curiosity later when clear headed took some macro photos of the same things and it was exactly like what I was seeing minus the color distortions.

The other weird thing was time distortion. I looked at my pet mice in the morning when the trip felt completely over, maybe 7-8 hours after first taking them, no more OEV or CEV, body load gone etc, and the mice were running around like they were on fast forward. When I didn't look directly it was normal. I tried looking at a watch and the seconds were really fast when I focused. So I tried holding the watch near the mice, focusing one at a time - the non focused things were normal, whatever I really focused on was sped up roughly 1.5x - 2x. Then I tried with two watches - the same thing. It was a massive head fuck feeling otherwise sobered but seeing time move at two different speeds.

Haven't had the same effects on the same dose of 25i or 25c alone. I've had a similar time distortion effect on LSD but it affected everything. When time is still constant but faster it isn't so weird, more fun. When time seems variable in two different places at the same time in the same observation... it's fucking freaky.

Main lesson for me was to not underestimate how long the effects stay in your system even when the main trip is over.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: junkiebug on February 05, 2013, 07:09 am
Has anyone tried to soak an NBOMe blotter in water and snort the water? Would this be a waste?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: HeatFireFlame on February 05, 2013, 09:31 pm
Took one 1200 ug tab of 25i-Nbome at 20:45, let is sit under my tounge for 15 minutes,
Its now 21:24 - feeling like im on a light extasy pill or something along the lines, Im not having any visual trips but my sense of everything feels a bit distorted . I am in control of my actions at he moment and everything seems to be on an up.

dont know how the drug will affect in the next hour or so, As im going along it feels like there will be no visuals and im tempted to increase the dosage even though i've already taken the 1200 ug tab to start. Starting to feel more and more "under the influence" although i seem to come back to soberness when i think about it or say to myself right your sober.
and its not like when your drunk and you say to yourself right sober up or whatever i actually feel as if i would have control of my actions.

going to increase dosage at 22:20 if no visuals occur.

keep you all updated
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: treebeard on February 06, 2013, 12:21 am
HFF - would that happen to be the 1200ug Smarties that brainbank is selling?

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: HeatFireFlame on February 06, 2013, 12:56 am
HFF - would that happen to be the 1200ug Smarties that brainbank is selling?

Ok been however long since last update, Btw before i start no its the 1200ug 25i-Nbome from Tyl3r Durden .
had a couple of mates up and they are fucking off their rocker, this will all be a big mess and jumble.
Ok the guys were up fucked, Just fucked. one of my mates saw water leaking out of my dogs foot, and i saw ants crawling up the wall when i was pissin, visuals are limited though and its not a "strong lsd type " visual effect. People are fucked up and ytrippin though is all i can say, they went off runnin came back 3 hours or however long after and thought it was 10 minutes.

Start from slate***
Imagine blank**

You have a funny sense of things, Still in control after 2 and half tabs, but i feel as if im in a rush to type this even if i made a mistake, i couldnt go back .its more of a mindfuck, you are still in control and visuals are rare but anything touching you or floating about in your peripheral vision will make you trip balls, like anything rubbing against you.
you always feel as if more of the drug could help, at the beggining its all about taking more because it hasnt set in prperly, then its about taking more to enhance your mood then taking more because you still arn't getting visuals. But you are still in control the whole time.

Its a funny sense of shivers going down your spine and making you think "eerie " sort of shit.
Defo trippin here, Wouldn't say its as good as some of the other trip reports but iv not even stopped looking at the keyboard since i started writing this and the whole thing is upside down. fucking trippin.

So tyler your 25i_Nbome is A++, decent psychadelic by all means in my opinion but, very different to lsd. less visual more mindstate -time is altered, (feels like hours - minutes. )

fuck me since i was writing this, i cant fucking believe it my dogs been outside for 2 hours and i didnt even realise i just went out the back and yelled at the top of my lungs and left the door open he musta heard because he came runnin!
Thank fuck, i swear to god that would have been a bad trip if id woken up tommorow and the dog wasnt here like WTF? On sr forums like does anyone know wtf happened to my dog last night?

Shit is heavy duty man, cheap, does the damage etc should be this generations #1 drug. defo.  please excuse the spelling mistakes i cant be arsed correcting them.
Il write back sober hahaha cant say il ever want to be though. think you just need to be in a calm mindstate. constantly while on this.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: CiscoYankerStuck on February 07, 2013, 02:38 am
Glad you like it HeatFireFlame. It really is a great drug.  That said, be careful with very large doses. It can get extremely intense if you do an excessive amount.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Pax on February 07, 2013, 03:11 am
So has anyone done or read about any new health research on these chemicals I tried the once but fear to do so again without any kind of health profile
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: CiscoYankerStuck on February 07, 2013, 03:35 am
So has anyone done or read about any new health research on these chemicals I tried the once but fear to do so again without any kind of health profile
I haven't read about any 'official' research on these chemicals.

I did, however, build up a very high tolerance to them, and was doing 15-20 mg in 24 hours without feeling much psychoactive effect.

When doing such high amounts I noticed I had weird pains in my inner thigh which made it slightly painful to walk.

Besides that, I've noticed that doses (especially large doses) tend to raise body temperature significantly.

Best wished to you.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: moonflower on February 07, 2013, 08:36 pm
So has anyone done or read about any new health research on these chemicals I tried the once but fear to do so again without any kind of health profile
there have been numerous reports of people having seizures on 25i-nbome. not sure what the exact cause is, but it only happens to certain people. always tread lightly when trying new chemicals.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: zapatista36 on February 08, 2013, 02:16 am
Any reports I've read about people overdosing or having seizures on NBOMes is usually cos they've come across large quantities of the substance and been taking it by the mg or even by the g.  Given the substance is active in the ug range this is just plain fucking stupidity.  Everyone should check out what it is they're taking due to possible contraindications or even toxicity - doesn't take much time or effort to put in some research if you're gonna be ingesting/insufflating a substance you've never taken before and are relying on the honesty of others to have actually provided you with what they claim/tell you it is (and if you're on any kind of antidepressants you should steer clear of NBOMes due to the presence of Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors [MAOIs] in prescribed meds which inhibit naturally occurring enzymes in the human body. This inhibition leads to increased levels of chemicals such as the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine - basically you could fuck yourself up).  That's why SR works if you do your homework.  Read the forums.  Stick with established vendors - they have the chemical knowledge and/or connections to provide the products in as safe a dose as you are gonna encounter.  And then take more if you choose to do so without running the risk of doing a Sid Barrett.  Don't be afraid to ask vendors about their product, or other forum members.  The majority of people who are enjoying a particular substance like NBOMes - and I love the 25i/c combos Tyl3r sells as I've said before - are doing so responsibly, feeding back to others by participating in the forum threads, and generally keeping one another informed and safe.  This is what it's all about and how it should be.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ENBOOM on February 08, 2013, 03:29 am
All current news reports we've read regarding 25i-nbome overdoses/seizures.  Have been due to :Individuals taking an unknown amount, in powder or liquid form, and the ROA's mentioned have been insufflation and smoking it.

When taken sublingually or buccally, you effectively slow down the speed of absorption, and also get to have a bit more control over your dose.

Stay safe everyone

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: moonflower on February 08, 2013, 04:02 am
Any reports I've read about people overdosing or having seizures on NBOMes is usually cos they've come across large quantities of the substance and been taking it by the mg or even by the g.  Given the substance is active in the ug range this is just plain fucking stupidity.  Everyone should check out what it is they're taking due to possible contraindications or even toxicity - doesn't take much time or effort to put in some research if you're gonna be ingesting/insufflating a substance you've never taken before and are relying on the honesty of others to have actually provided you with what they claim/tell you it is (and if you're on any kind of antidepressants you should steer clear of NBOMes due to the presence of Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors [MAOIs] in prescribed meds which inhibit naturally occurring enzymes in the human body. This inhibition leads to increased levels of chemicals such as the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine - basically you could fuck yourself up).  That's why SR works if you do your homework.  Read the forums.  Stick with established vendors - they have the chemical knowledge and/or connections to provide the products in as safe a dose as you are gonna encounter.  And then take more if you choose to do so without running the risk of doing a Sid Barrett.  Don't be afraid to ask vendors about their product, or other forum members.  The majority of people who are enjoying a particular substance like NBOMes - and I love the 25i/c combos Tyl3r sells as I've said before - are doing so responsibly, feeding back to others by participating in the forum threads, and generally keeping one another informed and safe.  This is what it's all about and how it should be.
very well put. i agree completely. i didn't mean to scare off anyone with my post, was just trying to warn people that they need to do their research before ingesting new chemicals.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: wvshadow on February 08, 2013, 05:14 am
Has anyone tried to soak an NBOMe blotter in water and snort the water? Would this be a waste?

ive wondered this as well
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: HeatFireFlame on February 08, 2013, 03:37 pm
Just thought id leave an update now im back to earth lol.
The drug itself is strange, a psychadelic is the perfect name for it because it is mainly a mindfuck i cant stress this enough, It's almost as if whatever you imagine can/might cause your trips.
I was lying down at one point in the night, trying to sleep on the substance (Which took a while i might add)  and bwhen i turned the light out the room was Pitch black. The type of darkness where you struggle to see your hand in front of your face.
you know when you close your eyes or go into a very dark room suddenly you see those colored spots or flashes similar to when you stand up quickly and get a headrush, Well i was getting those colored blots when i closed my eyes, which were then morphing into things and changing.
First it was the monopoly man running along a bridge type thing, which turned into a pyramid, and into loads more, but it was all black and white, The strange part is now though, I was enjoying the whole thing all the while then when i took a breath and wanted it too stop or whatever, Even when i opened my eyes , because it was pitch black, it was the same as when they were closed, so my mind continued playing tricks on me.

like if you are in a dream you might screw your eyes to wake up,or same if you were having a bad trip, this had no effect because it was pitch black, and i remember i kept thinking, " im seeing them with my mind, not my eyes," as the things were not in visible through eyesight i remember.

Everyone reacts differently to this drug , That has been my opinion so far, I just got some of tessellated's LSD so this should be a good comparison.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: treebeard on February 08, 2013, 08:17 pm
Just thought id leave an update now im back to earth lol.
The drug itself is strange, a psychadelic is the perfect name for it because it is mainly a mindfuck i cant stress this enough, It's almost as if whatever you imagine can/might cause your trips.
I was lying down at one point in the night, trying to sleep on the substance (Which took a while i might add)  and bwhen i turned the light out the room was Pitch black. The type of darkness where you struggle to see your hand in front of your face.
you know when you close your eyes or go into a very dark room suddenly you see those colored spots or flashes similar to when you stand up quickly and get a headrush, Well i was getting those colored blots when i closed my eyes, which were then morphing into things and changing.
First it was the monopoly man running along a bridge type thing, which turned into a pyramid, and into loads more, but it was all black and white, The strange part is now though, I was enjoying the whole thing all the while then when i took a breath and wanted it too stop or whatever, Even when i opened my eyes , because it was pitch black, it was the same as when they were closed, so my mind continued playing tricks on me.

like if you are in a dream you might screw your eyes to wake up,or same if you were having a bad trip, this had no effect because it was pitch black, and i remember i kept thinking, " im seeing them with my mind, not my eyes," as the things were not in visible through eyesight i remember.

hah cool trip report, thanks.  looking forward to trying one of the doses I recently got, just need a good time
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Pillows on February 08, 2013, 08:46 pm
I think my shitfuck of a friend/acquaintance might have bought NBOMe and is trying to pass it off as acid, for 15 a tab nonetheless.. The sheets he got were grateful dead dancing bears with a sun in the middle. Is anyone familiar with anyone selling NBOMe on those sheets? Another friend told me he had seen the listing for them earlier but I can't seem to find it.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: treebeard on February 08, 2013, 08:57 pm
I think my shitfuck of a friend/acquaintance might have bought NBOMe and is trying to pass it off as acid, for 15 a tab nonetheless.. The sheets he got were grateful dead dancing bears with a sun in the middle. Is anyone familiar with anyone selling NBOMe on those sheets? Another friend told me he had seen the listing for them earlier but I can't seem to find it.

honestly man, nobody's gonna be able to really help you out with anything more than semi-educated guesses
unless you have a test kit

might not be a total waste though - go into it with an open mind whether it's acid or nbome, see how it is

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: junkiebug on February 08, 2013, 09:22 pm
I think my shitfuck of a friend/acquaintance might have bought NBOMe and is trying to pass it off as acid, for 15 a tab nonetheless.. The sheets he got were grateful dead dancing bears with a sun in the middle. Is anyone familiar with anyone selling NBOMe on those sheets? Another friend told me he had seen the listing for them earlier but I can't seem to find it.

Nevita had some of the blotters you describe. I have some right now. They are stiff, and the blank side of the hits are bluish.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on February 08, 2013, 10:52 pm
Just thought id leave an update now im back to earth lol.
The drug itself is strange, a psychadelic is the perfect name for it because it is mainly a mindfuck i cant stress this enough, It's almost as if whatever you imagine can/might cause your trips.
I was lying down at one point in the night, trying to sleep on the substance (Which took a while i might add)  and bwhen i turned the light out the room was Pitch black. The type of darkness where you struggle to see your hand in front of your face.
you know when you close your eyes or go into a very dark room suddenly you see those colored spots or flashes similar to when you stand up quickly and get a headrush, Well i was getting those colored blots when i closed my eyes, which were then morphing into things and changing.
First it was the monopoly man running along a bridge type thing, which turned into a pyramid, and into loads more, but it was all black and white, The strange part is now though, I was enjoying the whole thing all the while then when i took a breath and wanted it too stop or whatever, Even when i opened my eyes , because it was pitch black, it was the same as when they were closed, so my mind continued playing tricks on me.

like if you are in a dream you might screw your eyes to wake up,or same if you were having a bad trip, this had no effect because it was pitch black, and i remember i kept thinking, " im seeing them with my mind, not my eyes," as the things were not in visible through eyesight i remember.

Everyone reacts differently to this drug , That has been my opinion so far, I just got some of tessellated's LSD so this should be a good comparison.

That actually sounds similar to an LSD trip I had 15 years ago, except it was daytime and my eyes were open. I had grey walls and those colored spots just starting morphing into all kinds of shit, it was an interesting afternoon. I've had a few 25c trips go fractal on me, makes it really hard to see straight or read anything. You'll probably enjoy LSD, although the comedown can sometimes be a little harsh.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: outbacktrippin on February 10, 2013, 06:17 am
Has anyone else noticed a diuretic effect?
I'm watching my weight twice a day as part of a fitness kick. On both occasions that I've taken 25i/c since I started, I've dropped 2-3 kg (4-7lb for the Yanks) the following day. I never thought about how much I was pissing but I'm guessing it's just water weight I'm losing since I can't think of another explanation...?

Either way, just a tip, make sure you drink plenty of water before and after your trip :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on February 10, 2013, 08:40 pm
Now that you mention it I do pee a good amount during trips, usually sipping on some sort of drink throughout the night. For some reason 25c makes me hungry towards the end of the trip so I probably weigh more afterwards.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on February 10, 2013, 10:43 pm
IDK about the NBOMe series specifically, but I believe that LSD does in fact mess with the receptors in your general gut region. I know I get gassy and a little pissy on LSD :P
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on February 11, 2013, 07:41 am
Has anyone else noticed a diuretic effect?
I'm watching my weight twice a day as part of a fitness kick. On both occasions that I've taken 25i/c since I started, I've dropped 2-3 kg (4-7lb for the Yanks) the following day. I never thought about how much I was pissing but I'm guessing it's just water weight I'm losing since I can't think of another explanation...?

Either way, just a tip, make sure you drink plenty of water before and after your trip :)

Yep, noticed. I normally gain it back the next day or so but yes.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: trollsquad on February 14, 2013, 01:41 am
I've sniffed 25c and I a couple of times now maybe 12 all together and i gotta say, after the first two to three trips it got really old.. I mean no fun, just small visual fuckery and a MASSIVE headache, i  mean like a debilitating headache. Usually i can remedy this with water and a long bike ride or workout. Both my friend and I experience this. Also got this from LSD, my most recent run with Jannis' ganesha's, little to no trip and a bad headache even after not using psychedelics for months. My first two trips with 25i were amazing though, kicked in and felt like soft fingers traveling down my spine, relaxed my asshole and made me see my reptilian skin.  Anywho, rock over london, rock on chicago.

And does anybody else see little pink dots on the tip of everything on this stuff?? I saw every bump in the pavement, every strand of carpet, blade of grass- capped with this neon pink dot encircled by a turquoise ring.. Like i was seeing electron orbitals or something, maybe i need to lay off the school   ::)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: CiscoYankerStuck on February 14, 2013, 03:45 am
And does anybody else see little pink dots on the tip of everything on this stuff?? I saw every bump in the pavement, every strand of carpet, blade of grass- capped with this neon pink dot encircled by a turquoise ring.. Like i was seeing electron orbitals or something, maybe i need to lay off the school   ::)
I see those dots fairly often, they're usually more orange or green than pink for me. They get especially larger/crazy/intricate at larger doses.

On a 6 mg dose, the ones I saw on my body turned into sores (but I still had enough of a grip on reality to know it wasn't real) and the ones I saw on other surfaces turned into roaches, and centipedes, and other crazy insects, a lot of which weren't even real-life insects.

I saw the dots, just as dots, on the walls when I was in the shower, and they were huge and very intricate and bizarre looking, and they formed in a square matrix type pattern
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: tdk on February 14, 2013, 01:27 pm
Hey guys.
Finally tried Tyl3r Durden 's 1,2mg 25i-NBOMe tabs.
I took 1/2 and tried to log all my feelings and thoughts during the trip.
It was not so easy to think and write sometimes so pls don't be hard on the text:)
20.27 - 1/2 of 1200ug-tab. Not tasty, bitter :)
20.40 - partial mouth & tongue numbness
20.48 - overall sedation, stomach warm
21.15 - after shower. A bit paranoid.. Inspecting pupils, ok they are.
21.21 - heart beats like a drum. Not sure though it started now or already was there. Turn lights off.
21.25 - lights back on. Not to say diode flashing was scary but I don't wanna lie like a dead man when it kicks in
22.00 - still tremor. Relaxing music doesn't relax. Hungry. Strong tickling in breast, adrenaline bumping. Warm wave goes through cock but it does not erecton.
22.05 - side-sighted objects moving subtle, heart itches. Slight distortions on screen windows proportions
22.10 - text is not stable! it has its veery subtle moves! I see it though it tries to hide the fact it moves! What a cheater. Listening to OST of little big adventure. Looking at text very deeply - it's like... like underwater. Heart chickles when track in foobar changes - I wonder why it reacts like this. (Carpet is cheating as well, do I look loke so dumb anyway)
22.18 - I'm still in full control. But it definitely ...wwwow no words, but not excited much, anxious still and not relaxed. Could be like more visuals at this time I believe but still yet these waves..
22.20 - closed my eyes. No patterns, no CEV.
22.25 - look at myself on webcam. Pupils ok, nothing scary :)
22.27 - OST of that japanise movie of a dog & Richard Gere. Sounds as usual. Monitor is breathing.
22.32 - windows windows moving left to right :) but stop WHEN I'M WATCHING ON THEM BEING GRAVE:P
22.35 - started milkdrop. Turn lights off again.
22.55 - back here. Milkdrop awesome- I wish those vere MY visuals, not just TV. Still enjoyed. Then turn the TV off and tried to get something like introspection. I felt myself divided into few me-s in a big labyrinth brown-colored. Not expected it to be a relevation of kind, so back to the monitor. In this light my hands feel alien to me. Darkness around the glowing screen I'm SURE HIDES SOMETHING FROM ME. Not afraid though.
23.00 - text got yellow, blue colors, breathing, mmmm, dancing with this music? Hard to say. Cursor is so cursor. Still able to focus and fix misprints. Cursor is wierd. Screen breaths. Heart did not even stop to titillate, its even more! Fuck, do I need a cardio doctor or it just FEELS so dangerous for the heart?
23.07 - reading someone's report on (focusing on 7 -seven- times the dose I did today. He had great visuals, why I do not. Tempting to get one more tab but heart dislikes the idea
23.12 - found myself serfing clearnet in clear chrome! wtf. But all I looked after was 'hypocrite'. The word I saw in report somewhere. Returned under tor browser.. no paranoia man. Erowid page.
23.17. Hungry. Heart titling. Music is not relaxing. Overall mood is ok but kinda dissappointed - shoould I expect moar than this? Ok tabs are legit so just take MOAR of them next time. But this time trashed? And what to do with that HEART tickle. I hope it's just a part of today's anxious day, not what tabs did with me. I know for sure my pulse was far from calm when I returned home today.
23.23 - these desktop shortcuts looks like optical illusions with circles - when u look on center, outsiders move:) tab still im my mouth. I bited it many times but it's in one piece so far! Turning monitor off - let's see what darkness can show us.
23.28 - Ah, nothing, let's go get som f00d. Swallow this tab or not? Tired of sucking it like a drugdealer's dick.
23.52 - what a good habit is to win+lock when u go out of you pc.. whatever. DINNER! Dinner was super - though nothing so _special_ like in all these -what-i-m-doing-on-lucy-threads. The food was  OH FUCK the music is a total deja-vu with old Divine Divinity soundtrack I used to love being high. Actually that's Braveheart music (how symbolic it is that these tabs are from FREE ENGLAND :)
23.57 - so dinner. Food itself was very good - I mean speaking of JUST F00D not my feelings, okay? F00D was G00D. That's it. I was HUGRY as AN ELEPHANT. So I ATE this food. Not very easy to stop it was, but I left something for the breakfast.. lucky am I?:) No discomfort in stomach neither nausea.. cool. Braveheart started one of its marriage irish (or scotch who cares) melodies. It was tricky to decide which tea to drink but I stopped on roibos 'caffeine-free' tea. Heart feels better after eating but donwanna joking with it. When I was on kitchen there were no music so all sounded LIKE AN ALARM ALARM INTRUDER MAMM DADDD POLICEEEEE well, as if you have very strong cold with 39+C you hear this crap in your ears. you know what I mean then. Very loud!! vOvivvo! It took a while when I got focused and ignore all the sound crap I'm misinterpreting. I'd feel as after a good meal if just not that constant pin in my heart.
0.07 - new attampt to get some CEVs? ok let's try. Lights off. aarrrg why can't i afford the beauty of darkness when my pc is on? Damn these diodes damn damn. Calm down, music is somewhere William Wallace won the battle or something..
0.12 - did several lights-off test to disable ALL diodes disturbing my precioussssss darknessssssss. Wanna go pee or not? Strange feeling in cock again. Ok going WC.
0.22 - after first encounter I was in doubt to describe it or not and I will not. Not to mention about. I was peeing, hands shaking. Then washing teeth - WHAT A SICK FACE owww shit. No, face is probably ok.. even pupils are big but still react on brightness. No, the face itself looks ugly and sick. Like if you didn't sleep for a month. Webcam shown me no such crap, ok.
0.27 - dinner done, WC done, let's try again to check the darkness. Dontwanna this Howard Shore (?) anymore, let's listen to Karunesh. Lights off. text is distorted & moving like a zerg's egg.
0.31 - finally lights off again.
1.52 - wow, how much text I wrote this night! So.. still no even CEV. Karunesh playing, in headphones better, but tired of them, so my 5.0 do the job. Many thoughts, but again no really mystic or revelations. Breast itches. Itches!! Probably that's the only reason I did not eat another 1/2 tab. Finally got my iphone looking through friends news feed. Mood is good, I read every post with pleasure, and even scientific texts makes me smile. Not euphoria, but something relaxig DESPITE blood continues bumping hard and anxious/speedy body high. I know I should sleep, it's a working day tomorrow.. actually 5 hours to sleep remains. It's ok with my job to be somewhat HIGH sometimes hahah it even should be welcome there :)) nice to spot when line under underlined text is not parallel to that text - some sort of gravity detach one line ending from the text's bottom.
2.14 - getting bored of new age. Listening to silence and dogs on the street. Not psychodelic. Well, trying to sleep now. Stomach feels not happy, rather heavy, but no nausea or pain. All the body was cool as ice most of time in bed. Why it's SO COLD here anyways.
2.21 - reading badtrip reports on erowid. They all took >>1mg. Just realized as majority of badtrippers I had muscle spazms diring the trip, my teetch even clattered. Jaw tension.
2.31 - text not distorted anymore. I'm likely coming down.

Summary: trip was not really psychodelic. Some visual & audio distortions, music is ok.. but phisiological effects were unpleasant. No pain, no vomit (and even light nausea), no problems with sleeping.
I'm at work now. No after effects or hangover, no freshness either. Feels the same as if I watched TV until 3am.
I will try again with 1 or 1.5 tab later, probably after getting some answers on what a fuck is going with my breast during the trip.
Any advices appreciated.

25i-NBOMe, ~600ug
weight 75kg
male, age 24
Previous experiences: Amanita muscaria, DXM, LSA(Ipomoea), salvia divinorum, MJ (Indica, JWH18), cubensis shrooms,vodka:)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: outbacktrippin on February 15, 2013, 09:00 am
Biggest advice is next time ditch the computer, stop trying to log everything. You're holding yourself back from really experiencing. Once you've had a couple 25x trips and know what to expect it will be easier to take notes without keeping yourself grounded.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldcactushand on February 15, 2013, 04:47 pm
Hey guys. I'm intending to try out one of the nbomes tomorrow night, probably 25i. Today though, I'd like to take some kratom (a type of opiate, or something that bonds to opiate receptors etc.) and am wondering if there willll be any cross-tolerance at all?

I have read this thread and see some people saying opiates never tend to have cross-tolerance with psychedelics. But then there are people who list a bunch of prescription meds (that I have no idea about), some of which have opium, and people say to stop taking them. I understand SSRIs are a bad idea because of the MAOIs, but is that it?

I'm pretty confident there'll be no cross-tolerance. But I really don't want to sour my first nbome trip because of this childish whim. Re-dosing at the time isn't too appealing as I'm not sure what to expect. Plus it's an RC so I want to ease myself in with a reasonably meager dose.

So, am I right in thinking this won't effect tomorrow's fun? Any advice?


Edit: Confidence diminished. Just found this:

"Mitragynine also exhibits a yohimbine-like binding to alpha-adrenergic receptors. Stimulation of postsynaptic alpha-2-adrenoceptors, blockade of 5-HT2A receptors, or both, are involved in mitragynine's suppression of 5-HT2A mediated head-twitch response in mice. It has been speculated that mitragynine's activity at 5-HT2A receptors may suppress the activity of psychedelic drugs, which are agonists at these receptor sites. "


Not exactly the most convincing URL, but the only thing I can find that even asks the question. Anyone want to debunk this and make my day? Probably not. Oh well. Another time.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ENBOOM on February 16, 2013, 03:09 am
Can't provide you with any analytical data.  Instead I can offer you logical judgement for responsible use of NBOMe's.

Due to their nature not a lot is known about them, only a little is known about their mechanism of action in animals.   So it'd be wise to not mix anything with them.  Kratom is especially tricky because it has multiple active ingredients.

The two are likely not going to cause any issues... but why risk it?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: gambino on February 16, 2013, 05:11 am
I have combined 25C with 2C-B.  Took the B several hours into the 25C trip.  It was good, really good.  No problems at all.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: treebeard on February 16, 2013, 05:14 am
just wanted to drop back in and say my first experience with the NBOME series (25i) has been taking place this weekend, and it has been great!  I feel like it's a bit subtler than other psychedelics, but I'm getting great vibes  ;D
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anothergirl on February 16, 2013, 02:12 pm

I'm overseas doing some drug tourism, and I have 2 1.1mg blotters of 25I-NBOMe (from Nawlins fwiw). I had considered just doing 1 and then taking the other back home, but to eliminate needless smuggling and a wasted trip I'm now thinking about just doing both at once.

I'm very experienced with LSD and even from my first time I've had a very high tolerance (and I've been tripping weekly for months against my better judgement (finally learned the value of letting tolerance build up)), and in fact my first few acid trips were very disappointing with basically nothing happening.

Anyway, would you guys say there are any conceivable risks with this dose, and if so any ways to mitigate them?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on February 16, 2013, 07:22 pm

I'm overseas doing some drug tourism, and I have 2 1.1mg blotters of 25I-NBOMe (from Nawlins fwiw). I had considered just doing 1 and then taking the other back home, but to eliminate needless smuggling and a wasted trip I'm now thinking about just doing both at once.

I'm very experienced with LSD and even from my first time I've had a very high tolerance (and I've been tripping weekly for months against my better judgement (finally learned the value of letting tolerance build up)), and in fact my first few acid trips were very disappointing with basically nothing happening.

Anyway, would you guys say there are any conceivable risks with this dose, and if so any ways to mitigate them?

That's quite a high dose for 25I NBOMe :/  When I was toying with the NBOMe series, I never let my dose go higher than 2 mg range. Folks have died on doses as low as 4-5 mg (read this somewhere, don't have a link, sorry).

Maybe just take one dose, and if you're not tripping hard enough in an hour, do another half, and so on? Listen to your body. Watch your temperature, your breathing, your heart rate and general ease of mind each time you think about redosing.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: gambino on February 17, 2013, 12:37 am
I'm willing to bet the anyone who has died from 25I has taken a serious overdose (10x or 100x, something like that), and most likely insufflated as opposed to blotter.  But who knows.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: monrovia on February 17, 2013, 03:58 pm

I'm overseas doing some drug tourism, and I have 2 1.1mg blotters of 25I-NBOMe (from Nawlins fwiw). I had considered just doing 1 and then taking the other back home, but to eliminate needless smuggling and a wasted trip I'm now thinking about just doing both at once.

I'm very experienced with LSD and even from my first time I've had a very high tolerance (and I've been tripping weekly for months against my better judgement (finally learned the value of letting tolerance build up)), and in fact my first few acid trips were very disappointing with basically nothing happening.

Anyway, would you guys say there are any conceivable risks with this dose, and if so any ways to mitigate them?

That's quite a high dose for 25I NBOMe :/  When I was toying with the NBOMe series, I never let my dose go higher than 2 mg range. Folks have died on doses as low as 4-5 mg (read this somewhere, don't have a link, sorry).

Maybe just take one dose, and if you're not tripping hard enough in an hour, do another half, and so on? Listen to your body. Watch your temperature, your breathing, your heart rate and general ease of mind each time you think about redosing.

It depends alot on your body weight and metabolism too. I've read that the subjective effects of equal doses of 25i can vary GREATLY from person to person. They can even vary for the same person taking the same dose on different occasions. I personally tried a test dose of 25i for the first time yesterday from the vendor Rightious(he might have a number after his name, can't log on to the main site ATM.) I'm also pretty experienced with LSD and was able to enjoy myself thoroughly on 1mg while still being able to drive, interact with family, etc. The way it completely eliminated my usually crippling social anxiety was amazing actually. This wonderful substance is now near the top of my list of favorite drugs. I barely got any visuals whatsoever, but I did feel a nice body buzz and a weird urge to be 'out and about' mentally, while at the same time feeling a bit physically sluggish. I feel like a small amount of MDMA would be the perfect drug to combo with this(for me at least.)

Anyway, I'm a 175 pound male with a much higher muscle/fat ratio, activity level, and metabolism than most folks, and I have a history of being able to handle large quantities of drugs. I'm going to assume that you actually are a girl and are probably much smaller than me. you might want to try starting with the 1.1mg, wait like 2 hours, and if you you really are experienced with LSD, you should be able to tell if you can handle a re-dose of equal strength. If not, there's not all that much risk in importing 1 tab of 25i... I've smuggled a very small amount of weed out of the country(granted it WAS to a very small Island airport in Portugal, which is a very liberal country, but I got it OUT of the US.) I also have taken a few tabs of LSD by plane to the caribbean with no problems. Just thought I'd give my input.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldtoby on February 17, 2013, 07:43 pm
Really appreciate tdk's complete review below (and even personal details and drug history, which in a saner world is a great idea but I won't be supplying those).

Not much to report from my first experience with an NBOMe - 25c from T5 - heeding all the forum cautions about dealing with RCs I took a single tab and did not mix with anything. A fun evening did not result.

Set and setting: safe environment with little expectation of interruption. Some trepidation - unsure how people manage to approach a new RC with complete equanimity but expectations are positive. Last psych use: 2 weeks prior - LSD.

T: 0:00 - one 800 ug tab between tongue and gums for the next hour.

T: 0:05 - Let me just say that I like bitter things. Bitter chocolate, coffee, beer. And I've never understood people complaining about the taste of shrooms. This, however, was awful. To the extent that it maybe coloured the experience, because this sickly sweet/bitter war went on in my mouth for the rest of the evening. Ugh.

T: 0:30 - Some light CEVs, and OEVs (just colours) when looking at white screen. Can see superficial similarity to shrooms but no empathy, no emotion, no real rush or nausea, though that taste continued to make me feel generally unwell.

T: 1:00 - Visual distortions. Extreme vasoconstriction: holy fuck, I'm cold.
Mental state: unhappy, plagued by unpleasant thoughts about people though no thought loops - just unhappy. No real mind trip. Not particularly interested in philosophical musing. Music perhaps brightened just a touch.

T: 2:00 - Almost find a moment of euphoria in music but it's fleeting. Music then becomes bothersome which is a first on psychs so I turn it off. Pacing and brooding. Still feeling generally unwell. At this point I decide I am not going to be happy devoting the evening (and worse, a psych refractory period) to this the way it is going, so I add mj and alcohol, and then settle in to watch some tv.

T: 3:00 - Mood improved (but who knows by what) and tangible effects largely gone. I can still tell I'm on something, but aside from a feeling of being not-quite-myself, nothing I can put my finger on, or particularly enjoy.

T: 6:00 - Sleep (well).

Conclusions: well, I'm not going to tell the kids to get off my lawn, even if my instinct is to return to more classic substances. I will say, though, in comparison to shrooms or LSD, it felt like my brain had no idea what to do with this. Maybe that was a lack of empathy or euphoria giving the distortions some sense of rightness. I will try again. Next time: 2 tabs (1.6 mg). Next day: not particularly tired or refreshed beyond what I would expect for amount of sleep. Slight headache perhaps due to dehydration.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anothergirl on February 18, 2013, 12:46 pm
How about cross-tolerance with shrooms and acid? Is it safe to assume it exists?

Sorry if this is already covered in this massive thread
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Pax on February 19, 2013, 03:55 am
How about cross-tolerance with shrooms and acid? Is it safe to assume it exists?

Sorry if this is already covered in this massive thread
Yeah it is but we can cover it again. It typically has a tolerance and a cross tolerance with shrooms and LSD for about 2 weeks one of longest tolerances I have came across and because of this it is impossible to redose without having to double your original dose (which is extremely wasteful). So short answers yes and up to 2 weeks
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: flicky42 on February 19, 2013, 05:48 am
I get a really bloated/ stomach ache feeling on these drugs.

How do you guys get rid of it if you feel it?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anothergirl on February 19, 2013, 04:26 pm
Well thanks for all the advice but the fucking seller didn't come through so it's moot. I'll just focus this vacation on popping my shroom and MDMA cherries and maybe try to enjoy a few things sober :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Meatgrinder on February 19, 2013, 04:36 pm
I get a really bloated/ stomach ache feeling on these drugs.

How do you guys get rid of it if you feel it?

I just eat like a motherfucker!

What's weird with this (25i-NBOMe) is 2x 600ug blotters don't even come close to a single 1200ug blotter. Has anyone else noticed/tried? About 3 weeks ago I went to a mates with some 600ug blotters, we started off with 1 each and was like meh, had a 2nd about 2 hrs after the first, ended up having 4 each. Few days ago we had 1x 1200ug blotter each and it fucking blew us away with the insane amount of visuals/CEVs/warping/melting etc

Even my mate noticed..
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: outbacktrippin on February 19, 2013, 10:56 pm
Best 25i trip so far was from taking 1x tab first, nice but mild, then redosing 2x tabs around the 6 hour mark. Hit me far harder than taking 4x tabs up front. Normally takes up to 2 hours to really kick in for me. The redose kicked in within half an hour and lasted a solid 6 hours before tapering off. Open eyed visuals rivaled some of my better LSD trips. A lot of variety, colors, clear detail where usually the visuals are only close-eye and I mostly just get distortions open-eye and find it hard to see details without straining to focus.

Tyler's 25c/25i packs are the gift that keep on giving.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on February 20, 2013, 04:56 pm
So after doing 25c for the past year I finally picked up some 25i from Righteous to test out. Took 2 1mg tabs and had a really good trip, the visuals and mindfuck are much closer to LSD than the 25c in my opinion. Should have tried it a lot sooner but I kept hearing the bad trip stories and negative talk so I was hesitant to try it out. I think most of those are from idiots who don't dose properly or people that just don't handle psychedelics well. I'll have to try the 25i/c combo I keep hearing so much about, I imagine it's probably a fun ride.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldcactushand on February 21, 2013, 11:09 am
I get a really bloated/ stomach ache feeling on these drugs.

How do you guys get rid of it if you feel it?

I just eat like a motherfucker!

What's weird with this (25i-NBOMe) is 2x 600ug blotters don't even come close to a single 1200ug blotter. Has anyone else noticed/tried? About 3 weeks ago I went to a mates with some 600ug blotters, we started off with 1 each and was like meh, had a 2nd about 2 hrs after the first, ended up having 4 each. Few days ago we had 1x 1200ug blotter each and it fucking blew us away with the insane amount of visuals/CEVs/warping/melting etc

Even my mate noticed..

My understanding is that you can't re-dose much longer than one hour afterwards to get the full effects, many people reporting that re-dose effects are totally negligible, and that it's a waste of chemical. Then again, the person commenting below you seems not to have had such an issue. Next time I suggest taking 2 600ug in one go, and comparing that to the 1200ug...
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldcactushand on February 21, 2013, 11:53 am
this is my poorly typed/lazy trip report of my first time trying 25i (non-SR source). Never had any nbomes before, nor anything from the 2c family, so won't be making comparisons to these. I've done shrooms and a few times, and small amounts of lsd 4 times. I've also taken AMT a few times.

Me and a friend took ~825ug each (1.5 blotters, at 550ug each). They were complexed, though I'm led to believe this basically is no different to non-complexed. We took it sublingually for 40 minutes. I accidentally swallowed all of my spit at about 23 minutes, chewed up the tab and held new saliva in my mouth until the 40 minute mark. I think my friend maybe had a *slightly* stronger effect than me, but it's hard to say.

Before we spat the tabs out, hallucinations started. It was strange to only just begin to feel the come-up and then realise you were having some pretty decent visuals. After an hour since putting the tabs in our mouths, come-up was in full swing. Very strong visuals, and it really did feel like a come-up, which I don't really get with acid or shrooms. Not unpleasant though. Didn't really notice vasoconstriction either - we both realised we were cold, put on hoodies and turned the heating up, and 20 minutes later we were fine. No nausea or anything like that.

The next 5 or 6 hours were full of laughing (keeled over laughing at nothing, something i've only experienced on shrooms/acid) and watching the visuals. Music was great, though I felt much less connected to it than I normally do on psychedelics, or on ecstasy. Maybe that's because I was distracted by the visuals? It just didn't seem to matter as much. I felt much more social than when I'm on shrooms/acid, and would have been less nervous around strangers than I normally am on those drugs. As many other reports say, the headspace was surprisingly level given the visuals - there was rarely any trouble communicating or thinking things through.

6 hours after putting the tabs in our mouths, the effects began to subside. Sleep was still out of sight for a long time though (I see why people take benzos at this point). The next 6 hours were not as fun. It was not an unpleasent comedown, it was just waring off. This surprised me because it did feel like I was *on something* at the time, and I expected a bit of a crash which I didn't get. It was a bit boring, but perhaps this was more down to setting than anything else.

12 hours after putting tabs in our mouths, my friend fell asleep. I did not feel like sleeping though, it was midday now and the sun was shining in the room, so perhaps that's why. I felt quite good at this point, not totally run down as you'd expect. My friend woke up and we went for a long walk in the sun which was nice. It was only at this point that it got introspective in any way whatsoever - we weren't *totally* sober, but it was the start of a surprising afterglow that lasted 36 hours or so. I slept 30 hours after putting the blotter in my mouth, though I'm sure I could have slept before had I been trying.

This drug lacks the magical/exploration attitude of lsd and shrooms, and despite the laughing, I never really felt like I was properly "tripping" too much beyond the visuals... I can see why people prefer it to those drugs if they want a very visual experience without the introspection and wonder. But it was a LOT of fun, and definitely the best RC I've ever done. It was also the most social I've felt on a psychedelic, making me think this drug would be a lot of fun at a festival.

I'd be interested to take a larger dose. Frankly, I cannot imagine any sort of ego-death-type experience with this drug, which others have reported. Although the bodyload was not too intense (especially compared to something like AMT), I wonder how much more intense it would get if I took a dose that got me close to ego-death, and whether such a bodyload would be enjoyable. For now, I have some 25c and 25b to try, and I've only just started out here on the road, so it will probably be a little while before I get my hands on more 25i to try a larger dose.

One last thing of interest. My friend had a couple of instances where he needed to piss, right after pissing. Or he needed a piss and couldn't go etc. I normally piss a lot on drugs in general (mdma, shrooms/acid sometimes) and my friend is normally fine, but on this one I barely pissed at all. Total reversal of the norm. Strange.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Psytanium on February 22, 2013, 09:25 pm
Don't use these cheap mind fuck chemicals ever. I gave my friend around 40 nbome tabs, i told him not to pass 2mg dose. So he did what i told him, but he was doing it about 3 times per week for almost 5 weeks.

4 days ago he arive at home, completely detached from reality, can't recognize any people around him, speaking random words his brain was completely fucked up.

His brother called the ambulance immediatly after the guy blacked out at the door. Now he is at the hospital for 4 days, still in the same fucked up brain, am really concerned, doctors are saying that probably he will gain his mental health in 1 month but he must not go into a coma.

So plz plz plz am telling u this story so everyone can take this chemical seriously, it could end your life or damage your brain for a long period of time. And you better take it yourself than give it to someone.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on February 22, 2013, 10:32 pm
I used to carry this shit for people who wanted it, even though I wasn't interested anymore. I am dosed on 400-600 micrograms of legit LSD right now and can't tell you how much evil I feel there is in the NBOMe chems. Potent+cheap was a recipe for disaster. I'm sorry for trashing the NBOME chems if you guys like em, but I've seen folks close to me become fiendish and don't want to be the reason another story like Psytanium's pops up. I'm hopping off the NBOMe train for good.

LSD is a sacrament. the 25x NBOMe chems are vague reflections of the beauty that is acid.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on February 23, 2013, 12:19 pm
I've seen the same kind of behavior with LSD and mdma so I wouldn't say it's the NBOMe to blame. You can only redline your body for so long before it takes a toll, same thing with most drugs.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on February 23, 2013, 01:21 pm
Yeah, I totally get that, buckfuddr. It's just, I had the stuff for so cheap that folks were picking up a lot of cheese when I resold them NBOMe chems. Had a recent report of someone almost OD'ing on the shit with a nasal dropping solution.  Friends said the guy was heated up, red, breathing stressfully. It's just too potent for me to carry around anymore for folks who can't or won't heed my warnings about the potency of the stuff when I get it for them.

I'm not going to say flat out DON'T EXPERIMENT WITH NBOME CHEMS, because obviously, I was there at one point. They're interesting to dabble with, for sure. I can't monitor how other folks take them when they take NBOMe chems away from me and that makes me very nervous. Just be easy with this series. All that I have tried are potent (and hard on my old body haha)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Psytanium on February 23, 2013, 09:31 pm
My friend is still at the hospital, unconscious, drs trying to recover him with anti depressants, maybe these methodes will kill him, i dont know. am really mad of myself, if he passed out i will stay about 15 to 20 years in jail. Thx nbomes, this is hell for me right now. Uffff
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldtoby on February 24, 2013, 05:47 am
I am very sorry to hear that, Psytanium.

The NBOMes do seem to be a perfect storm - cheap, potent, and no skill required (unlike my failed DMT experience last night). I don't know if they will be this generation's LSD, but they may be this generation's LSD scare story.

In the interest of maintaining the R in RC, though, here is my trip report.

Set and setting: nothing good. Safe and secure but tripping for the wrong reasons. Frustrated with weekend (and aforementioned failed DMT experience). Frustrated also with cross-tolerance with other substances I'd rather be taking. For some reason this thought process culminates in me taking two 25-C NBOMe tabs, total 1.6mg, subligually. So off we go.

T:0  Need to wet the tabs but ugh, the bitterness. And, somehow the sickly sweetness, too. As before, this sensation taints the experience for at least the next couple of hours, no matter how I try to rid myself of the taste. It's possible that this and vasoconstriction sends the trip off on a negative foot to begin with.

T:20 Here it is, so cold.

T:25 Didn't experience this on 800ug - the coming-up rush, that I usually associate with LSD and shrooms. That roller coaster climbing the hill feeling.

T:30 Light visuals. Some discomfort.

T:45 Light CEVs. Light OE distortions. Continuing discomfort.

T:1:00-2:00 Strong visual distortions. Great discomfort. Really unpleasant auditory sensations - music and other sounds seems to fracture. I listen to what should be a sweet smooth song and it sounds distorted and somewhat sickening. Some erotic stimulation and I go off to fantasy land for awhile.

T: 2:00-3:00 A very strong trip, as it turns out. I am somewhat surprised (and mindful that this is only 1.6mg). Wish I could rid myself of the taste. Unsure what I'm bringing to the drug, but a very lonely trip. Kind of emotionally wracking. No shroom euphoria. No acid mind expanding. The world feels full of people, all very disconnected from me. I ask myself repeatedly: "I am doing this to myself, why exactly?"

T:4:00-5:00 Cleaning compulsion takes hold. Trip puts me in such a foul mood that anything unpleasant in my environment that I had been able to ignore I can ignore no longer. I clean, I do laundry, I construct IKEA furniture.

T:6:00-7:30 Settling down. STILL that taste. Unsure if trip a good thing or bad, but potent. Music is now pleasant again, and with change of music, clean surroundings, and calmer nerves I enjoy what's left of the experience. Actually from about T+4, the cleaning stage, I can say that I found the experience positive (and constructive). It was a rocky road to get there, though, even considering the mindset.

It is now T+7:45. Conclusions: I just don't know. I am somewhat daunted by the potency of these tabs vs, for example, LSD. I have a whole whack of these suckers. (but being cheap, if I don't like em, I'll flush em) I am impressed with the experience in a way that I was not on one tab. They were definitely mind-bending. Willing to try again with a better mindset, but I do not think I will be escalating to 2.4mg. I've known a couple of people to accidentally "OD" on LSD, and it's kind of a "whoah, I bet that was crazy" kind of thing, but the idea of someone accidentally thinking they can handle a strip of 25-C I find kind of sickening. I hope no one takes that as a challenge.

And that is all for tonight.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: tdk on February 24, 2013, 11:31 am
Really appreciate tdk's complete review below (and even personal details and drug history, which in a saner world is a great idea but I won't be supplying those).

Not much to report from my first experience with an NBOMe - 25c from T5 - heeding all the forum cautions about dealing with RCs I took a single tab and did not mix with anything. A fun evening did not result.

Set and setting: safe environment with little expectation of interruption. Some trepidation - unsure how people manage to approach a new RC with complete equanimity but expectations are positive. Last psych use: 2 weeks prior - LSD.

T: 0:00 - one 800 ug tab between tongue and gums for the next hour.

T: 0:05 - Let me just say that I like bitter things. Bitter chocolate, coffee, beer. And I've never understood people complaining about the taste of shrooms. This, however, was awful. To the extent that it maybe coloured the experience, because this sickly sweet/bitter war went on in my mouth for the rest of the evening. Ugh.

T: 0:30 - Some light CEVs, and OEVs (just colours) when looking at white screen. Can see superficial similarity to shrooms but no empathy, no emotion, no real rush or nausea, though that taste continued to make me feel generally unwell.

T: 1:00 - Visual distortions. Extreme vasoconstriction: holy fuck, I'm cold.
Mental state: unhappy, plagued by unpleasant thoughts about people though no thought loops - just unhappy. No real mind trip. Not particularly interested in philosophical musing. Music perhaps brightened just a touch.

T: 2:00 - Almost find a moment of euphoria in music but it's fleeting. Music then becomes bothersome which is a first on psychs so I turn it off. Pacing and brooding. Still feeling generally unwell. At this point I decide I am not going to be happy devoting the evening (and worse, a psych refractory period) to this the way it is going, so I add mj and alcohol, and then settle in to watch some tv.

T: 3:00 - Mood improved (but who knows by what) and tangible effects largely gone. I can still tell I'm on something, but aside from a feeling of being not-quite-myself, nothing I can put my finger on, or particularly enjoy.

T: 6:00 - Sleep (well).

Conclusions: well, I'm not going to tell the kids to get off my lawn, even if my instinct is to return to more classic substances. I will say, though, in comparison to shrooms or LSD, it felt like my brain had no idea what to do with this. Maybe that was a lack of empathy or euphoria giving the distortions some sense of rightness. I will try again. Next time: 2 tabs (1.6 mg). Next day: not particularly tired or refreshed beyond what I would expect for amount of sleep. Slight headache perhaps due to dehydration.

hey man:)
pls let me know if you find the way to reduce any harm by nbome tabs.. I fell like dose must be much greater than 1.2mg of 25i I ate recently (had great colors/breathing/distortions & audio sensations, but nothing really like a psycho-trip). The problem is that body tension with a heart tickle feels very dangerous. I also put on all the clothes I can find and go under the blanket - and it's still too cold. Vasoconstriction, right? I wish we could just take some pills and prevent it.

Medics! Would alpha-blockers work for us?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: SOUTHPAW on February 24, 2013, 01:03 pm
Amazing timing with this thread. I just took my first tab Friday and went on the site from where I got them to edit my feedback with "Strong, very strong" and this was just taking the one 25c-800mg. I am an old timer with these trips but never before with this chem. I will second and third the notion to be very careful with these. Yes the bitterness would not go away with beer, smoke(cigs) had to take 30mgs of val to help easy the discomfort. As for alpha blocker, don't think so, more like nitro vaso dilator and or beta blocker for the resp distress. No MD here though. Just a mindful be careful as with anything you get from anywhere you never know how your body will react. You can always add to but is is very difficult to take away from..Peace
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Psytanium on February 24, 2013, 04:29 pm
I visited my friend today, he is still at hospital but doing well, he regained his memory and he can tell meaningful sentences, but cant move his left hand and sometimes he turned extremely paranoind. This is so relaxing, at least he recognize me. I think he wont die. Also i think SR must ban the nbome items, it is more dangerous than heroin or cocaine even more dangerous than weapons. Very few ug can make ur trip good or bad, brain damaged or dead.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on February 25, 2013, 01:07 am
If SR bans every drug that would send us to a hospital after taking it 3x per week for 5 weeks, we'd all be having a bad time.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: outbacktrippin on February 25, 2013, 01:54 am
My understanding is that you can't re-dose much longer than one hour afterwards to get the full effects, many people reporting that re-dose effects are totally negligible, and that it's a waste of chemical. Then again, the person commenting below you seems not to have had such an issue. Next time I suggest taking 2 600ug in one go, and comparing that to the 1200ug...

Yeah I would have to totally disagree. Once you've completely come down I've noted an increased tolerance as much as a few days later, but as mentioned in an earlier post the best trip I've had was when I re-dosed around the 6 hour mark. Of course it's a very personal thing and your mileage will vary.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: outbacktrippin on February 25, 2013, 02:47 am
I visited my friend today, he is still at hospital but doing well, he regained his memory and he can tell meaningful sentences, but cant move his left hand and sometimes he turned extremely paranoind. This is so relaxing, at least he recognize me. I think he wont die. Also i think SR must ban the nbome items, it is more dangerous than heroin or cocaine even more dangerous than weapons. Very few ug can make ur trip good or bad, brain damaged or dead.

I don't know if you're just trolling or not, but anyone who is tripping 15 times in just over a month has bigger problems than whatever it is they're taking. If you abuse ANY drug you will get fucked up. It's impossible to comment authoritatively on how safe it is without formal trialling but in my limited experience, and the vast majority of observations from fellow users, it is by far one of the safest synthetic psychedelics out there.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldtoby on February 25, 2013, 02:52 am
hey man:)
pls let me know if you find the way to reduce any harm by nbome tabs.. I fell like dose must be much greater than 1.2mg of 25i I ate recently (had great colors/breathing/distortions & audio sensations, but nothing really like a psycho-trip). The problem is that body tension with a heart tickle feels very dangerous. I also put on all the clothes I can find and go under the blanket - and it's still too cold. Vasoconstriction, right? I wish we could just take some pills and prevent it.

I don't know about pill-based solutions, but get one of those bean bags you put in the microwave. It's a godsend.

I was operating under the understanding that the NBOMes carry a particularly long period of tolerance - on the order of 2 weeks, with cross tolerance to shrooms and LSD. Of course, I'm learning that tolerance can mean lessened experience with equal toxicity, so it can be quite dangerous to dose and redose again and again despite the lack of any outward effect. Effective re-dose at 6 hours is a little unusual for a pschedelic, as far as I know, but so it goes for a RC I guess.

Having fully recovered the next day, if a bit dehydrated, I have to admit I'm a bit curious about a 2.4 mg dose. But unsure. Will think about it. Regardless, I will probably move on to 25-i and perhaps 25-d and will post reports for comparison. Would also like to see if I can have a more positive trip on this stuff with improved set and setting.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ianfleming on February 25, 2013, 06:24 am
Effective re-dose at 6 hours is a little unusual for a psychedelic, as far as I know, but so it goes for a RC I guess.
25i is a FULL agonist of the 5-HT2a receptors, it's damn-near impossible for you to not have SOME effects from a re-dose, even just a half day from the last, unless your seretonin receptors were completely shot (which might happen if you kept this cycle going, continuously, for long enough).

BTW, this may piss some people off, but I think I've found a way when selling this stuff to keep people from being scared away by the unfamiliarity of the chemical while also not quite presenting it as LSD. I tell people it's Ultra-Acid, then if I have time, or they inquire further I explain that it's not LSD. I like to use words like "21st century" and "digital". I try not to make it sound like an RC but rather like a newer form of acid unrelated to LSD. Sometimes I like to spin a web about how modern science has made us no longer reliant on tryptamines for trips (this also allows me to say "it's unlike anything you've had before"). I've represented the stuff as a specially tailored and refined psychedelic, a "Designer Drug". A few of my customers call it "N-Bome Acid. Not being a dick or anything but I tried 25c twice, not really my thing. I think I'll stick to my relativity safe and well known (yet expensive) LSD and shrooms (and occasional 2c-x).

Am I an asshole for telling people these things?

I try to be a cool, respectful, helpful dealer. I've met a few clients on special occasions after they've had bad trips and tried to help them understand what went wrong, why and how to integrate it all. I've also told clinets that they should ease off for awhile. I make sure to explain down regulation and tolerance if I get a chance (some people just don't care).

In your guys' opinion am I doing a good job, or am I trickster/scam-artist?
Any tips?
Also, whats considered a good price on these (on the street), I tend to run 'em at $20 each, $30 for 2, or $100 for 7. (and sometimes a free one, every once in a while, if I like you and your not a dick)
Does that sound fair?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: tdk on February 25, 2013, 09:41 am
hey man:)
pls let me know if you find the way to reduce any harm by nbome tabs..
I don't know about pill-based solutions, but get one of those bean bags you put in the microwave. It's a godsend.
more details here pls. I have no idea what are you talking of  :o
How beans can help ?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Psytanium on February 25, 2013, 01:13 pm
If SR bans every drug that would send us to a hospital after taking it 3x per week for 5 weeks, we'd all be having a bad time.

not every drug, but this nbome is a random killer that works on a micro scale of micrograms, and it's sending many young or uneducated people to death.
after several fatalities from this chem, the whole world will be really aware of SR. for what ? honestly ? because its CHEAPER THEN LSD.
i prefer to encourage the LSD market here, its more safe and natural, its a sacrament and am pretty sure the prices will drop down critically if SR ban the nbome.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: HeatFireFlame on February 25, 2013, 02:03 pm
I think my shitfuck of a friend/acquaintance might have bought NBOMe and is trying to pass it off as acid, for 15 a tab nonetheless.. The sheets he got were grateful dead dancing bears with a sun in the middle. Is anyone familiar with anyone selling NBOMe on those sheets? Another friend told me he had seen the listing for them earlier but I can't seem to find it.

There's a way to tell, If you swallow them straight away,  if it's Nbome it wont hit you, LSD will. You need to let LSD dissolve for 10-15 mins on your tounge.

Id like to report that iv had no lasting damage or anything since my trips, However my tolerance has gone sky high.
I am someone who's brain is "wired the right way" for acid, I think in the right way if it makes any sense, I took some of tesselateds LSD 2 days after an Nbome trip- Took 2 and a half 1200ug tabs. And i then took 2 of tessellateds 200ug acid tabs 2 days later - Bad idea, didn't have much of a trip at all, i would liken it to being really drunk but still being able to walk fine. my vision did go blurry for a few hours, but apart from the "feeling inside" you there wasn't much of an acid trip. it was really disappointing  as i paid around 4-5 BTC for only 5 of tesselated's tabs. compared to 1 and a half BTC for 25 of tylers.

Dunno why this might be , i hadn't taken acid before i got the nbome originally, and therefore couldn't have had some sort of major tolerance built up.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: flicky42 on February 26, 2013, 03:04 am
If SR bans every drug that would send us to a hospital after taking it 3x per week for 5 weeks, we'd all be having a bad time.

not every drug, but this nbome is a random killer that works on a micro scale of micrograms, and it's sending many young or uneducated people to death.
after several fatalities from this chem, the whole world will be really aware of SR. for what ? honestly ? because its CHEAPER THEN LSD.
i prefer to encourage the LSD market here, its more safe and natural, its a sacrament and am pretty sure the prices will drop down critically if SR ban the nbome.
There is nothing "natural" about LSD and the prices are not at all effected by the two considering that LSD has always been expensive on here well before we had NBOME venders (I'm talking about last year). I'm sorry about what happened to your friend but you two were abusing the drug and taking it way more than you should of been and now you want everyone else to suffer the consequences. You are EXACTLY the reason why we have the war on drugs in the first place. You know people have had bad LSD trips too where they claim they were never the same again and still seek psychiatric help til this day right?

Be cautious about everything you take and except responsibility in your actions.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldtoby on February 26, 2013, 03:08 am
hey man:)
pls let me know if you find the way to reduce any harm by nbome tabs..
I don't know about pill-based solutions, but get one of those bean bags you put in the microwave. It's a godsend.
more details here pls. I have no idea what are you talking of  :o
How beans can help ?

It's like a big sock or cloth bag with some kind of beans in it. You stick it in the microwave for 3-3.5 minutes and it gets toasty warm. Then you can stick it on your neck, shoulders, back, whatever. Curl up around the thing. I find that wrapping myself in blankets, etc, is not that effective during vasoconstriction, but having that external heat source right there is very nice.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on February 26, 2013, 03:36 am
Effective re-dose at 6 hours is a little unusual for a psychedelic, as far as I know, but so it goes for a RC I guess.
25i is a FULL agonist of the 5-HT2a receptors, it's damn-near impossible for you to not have SOME effects from a re-dose, even just a half day from the last, unless your seretonin receptors were completely shot (which might happen if you kept this cycle going, continuously, for long enough).

BTW, this may piss some people off, but I think I've found a way when selling this stuff to keep people from being scared away by the unfamiliarity of the chemical while also not quite presenting it as LSD. I tell people it's Ultra-Acid, then if I have time, or they inquire further I explain that it's not LSD. I like to use words like "21st century" and "digital". I try not to make it sound like an RC but rather like a newer form of acid unrelated to LSD. Sometimes I like to spin a web about how modern science has made us no longer reliant on tryptamines for trips (this also allows me to say "it's unlike anything you've had before"). I've represented the stuff as a specially tailored and refined psychedelic, a "Designer Drug". A few of my customers call it "N-Bome Acid. Not being a dick or anything but I tried 25c twice, not really my thing. I think I'll stick to my relativity safe and well known (yet expensive) LSD and shrooms (and occasional 2c-x).

Am I an asshole for telling people these things?

I try to be a cool, respectful, helpful dealer. I've met a few clients on special occasions after they've had bad trips and tried to help them understand what went wrong, why and how to integrate it all. I've also told clinets that they should ease off for awhile. I make sure to explain down regulation and tolerance if I get a chance (some people just don't care).

In your guys' opinion am I doing a good job, or am I trickster/scam-artist?
Any tips?
Also, whats considered a good price on these (on the street), I tend to run 'em at $20 each, $30 for 2, or $100 for 7. (and sometimes a free one, every once in a while, if I like you and your not a dick)
Does that sound fair?

That's a bit of a trickster move there, buddy. I'd tell them like it's a very modern psychedelic drug that is potent and has the potential to harm folks, so just advise them of how to dose and that taking too many can harm them. It is a phenethylamine, so you could tell them it's in the same class of psychedelics as mescaline.. Be sure they know what they're getting into. Be sure YOU know what they're getting into. If anything goes awry, that's partly on you for supplying them and informing them.

As for price, this shit is dirt cheap! Why would you want to charge $20 a blotter?! That's some highway robbery if I ever heard it LOL. Can you not afford to buy an evenly laid 100-hit sheet from one of the good vendors here? They're almost all less than $100, that's less than a $1 piece. That's some serious profit margins, man. I never resold a hit for more than $10 a piece, and that was only when I was buying amounts like 10 or 20 of em, not 100 or 200. When I bought NBOME tabs by the sheet, I could sell the tabs $3-$5 a piece no matter how many a person wanted and still be in the positive.

As for tips, just make sure you have plenty of info on the stuff. Like I said, if shit goes south for someone, they're going to call you and/or they're going to call the hospital. Make sure you and your clients are informed enough to keep that from happening.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: tdk on February 26, 2013, 04:09 pm
If SR bans every drug that would send us to a hospital after taking it 3x per week for 5 weeks, we'd all be having a bad time.

not every drug, but this nbome is a random killer that works on a micro scale of micrograms, and it's sending many young or uneducated people to death.
after several fatalities from this chem, the whole world will be really aware of SR. for what ? honestly ? because its CHEAPER THEN LSD.
i prefer to encourage the LSD market here, its more safe and natural, its a sacrament and am pretty sure the prices will drop down critically if SR ban the nbome.
There is nothing "natural" about LSD and the prices are not at all effected by the two considering that LSD has always been expensive on here well before we had NBOME venders (I'm talking about last year). I'm sorry about what happened to your friend but you two were abusing the drug and taking it way more than you should of been and now you want everyone else to suffer the consequences. You are EXACTLY the reason why we have the war on drugs in the first place. You know people have had bad LSD trips too where they claim they were never the same again and still seek psychiatric help til this day right?

Be cautious about everything you take and except responsibility in your actions.

some guys heavily poisoned even with 0.5mg dose which is considered light. These chems are random killers, yep, and though odds are good, you still under the risk. LSD is researched well and in 50 years almost nobody died with it. Feel the difference.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Psytanium on February 26, 2013, 11:00 pm
If SR bans every drug that would send us to a hospital after taking it 3x per week for 5 weeks, we'd all be having a bad time.

not every drug, but this nbome is a random killer that works on a micro scale of micrograms, and it's sending many young or uneducated people to death.
after several fatalities from this chem, the whole world will be really aware of SR. for what ? honestly ? because its CHEAPER THEN LSD.
i prefer to encourage the LSD market here, its more safe and natural, its a sacrament and am pretty sure the prices will drop down critically if SR ban the nbome.
There is nothing "natural" about LSD and the prices are not at all effected by the two considering that LSD has always been expensive on here well before we had NBOME venders (I'm talking about last year). I'm sorry about what happened to your friend but you two were abusing the drug and taking it way more than you should of been and now you want everyone else to suffer the consequences. You are EXACTLY the reason why we have the war on drugs in the first place. You know people have had bad LSD trips too where they claim they were never the same again and still seek psychiatric help til this day right?

Be cautious about everything you take and except responsibility in your actions.

LSD is semi natural, hope some day we can buy a good acid tab for just 2$ , Then the nbome will disapear from the market to stay as a research chemical not for human consumption.

Yea i know someone drifted mentally for 4 months because of abusing lsd lol, but no physical harm.

ur right its my responsibilty, i should not give those tabs to anyone. I think its the highest (Active dose/Lethal dose) substance.

And i want to add an IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION about nbomes:
This chem react differently from trip to trip on the SAME PERSON, If you think 1mg is enough, the second trip it could be too much and hurt you. Thats why its a random killer.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on February 27, 2013, 04:26 am
Full Print nBOME blotters for $370 w/ free shipping! 1mg each blotter. You can't lose on these!

Thank you guys in this thread for making these so popular! May each of you enjoy your trip when dosing on this beautiful chemical. Just be careful

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldcactushand on February 27, 2013, 09:59 am
Effective re-dose at 6 hours is a little unusual for a psychedelic, as far as I know, but so it goes for a RC I guess.
25i is a FULL agonist of the 5-HT2a receptors, it's damn-near impossible for you to not have SOME effects from a re-dose, even just a half day from the last, unless your seretonin receptors were completely shot (which might happen if you kept this cycle going, continuously, for long enough).

BTW, this may piss some people off, but I think I've found a way when selling this stuff to keep people from being scared away by the unfamiliarity of the chemical while also not quite presenting it as LSD. I tell people it's Ultra-Acid, then if I have time, or they inquire further I explain that it's not LSD. I like to use words like "21st century" and "digital". I try not to make it sound like an RC but rather like a newer form of acid unrelated to LSD. Sometimes I like to spin a web about how modern science has made us no longer reliant on tryptamines for trips (this also allows me to say "it's unlike anything you've had before"). I've represented the stuff as a specially tailored and refined psychedelic, a "Designer Drug". A few of my customers call it "N-Bome Acid. Not being a dick or anything but I tried 25c twice, not really my thing. I think I'll stick to my relativity safe and well known (yet expensive) LSD and shrooms (and occasional 2c-x).

Am I an asshole for telling people these things?

I try to be a cool, respectful, helpful dealer. I've met a few clients on special occasions after they've had bad trips and tried to help them understand what went wrong, why and how to integrate it all. I've also told clinets that they should ease off for awhile. I make sure to explain down regulation and tolerance if I get a chance (some people just don't care).

In your guys' opinion am I doing a good job, or am I trickster/scam-artist?
Any tips?
Also, whats considered a good price on these (on the street), I tend to run 'em at $20 each, $30 for 2, or $100 for 7. (and sometimes a free one, every once in a while, if I like you and your not a dick)
Does that sound fair?

That's a bit of a trickster move there, buddy. I'd tell them like it's a very modern psychedelic drug that is potent and has the potential to harm folks, so just advise them of how to dose and that taking too many can harm them. It is a phenethylamine, so you could tell them it's in the same class of psychedelics as mescaline.. Be sure they know what they're getting into. Be sure YOU know what they're getting into. If anything goes awry, that's partly on you for supplying them and informing them.

As for price, this shit is dirt cheap! Why would you want to charge $20 a blotter?! That's some highway robbery if I ever heard it LOL. Can you not afford to buy an evenly laid 100-hit sheet from one of the good vendors here? They're almost all less than $100, that's less than a $1 piece. That's some serious profit margins, man. I never resold a hit for more than $10 a piece, and that was only when I was buying amounts like 10 or 20 of em, not 100 or 200. When I bought NBOME tabs by the sheet, I could sell the tabs $3-$5 a piece no matter how many a person wanted and still be in the positive.

As for tips, just make sure you have plenty of info on the stuff. Like I said, if shit goes south for someone, they're going to call you and/or they're going to call the hospital. Make sure you and your clients are informed enough to keep that from happening.

^ I agree with this. Calling it acid (or ultra-acid, or nbome-acid) seems pretty questionable. If people have 'acid' in their head, they might just chuck a ten-strip in their mouth. On acid, that would be fine, but with this stuff they will at least go to the hospital if not die.

I enjoyed my nbome experience, and would like to share it with others. But this is a pretty dangerous chemical if you don't know the risks. If I was to sell it, I'd feel obliged to tell everyone about the dangers/unknowns of the stuff, which would take 5-10 minutes per person. And I would make it clear that it is NOT acid.

I have no problem with this stuff being sold if it's being sold as nbome (which would allow people to research it themselves). But even then, selling it to people who don't know (or don't care) what it is seems like a disaster waiting to happen. And if you are selling larger amounts to people who will sell them on, then it's even more important that they are made aware of the dangers/unknowns and pass this info to their customers.

I'd like to sell nbome but all of the above makes me really nervous about it. I'm only really comfortable giving it to friends, who can either do their own research or listen to me before taking it. I would certainly not want to sell it to people who tend to binge on drugs. While it might be ultimately alright with mdma, lsd, shrooms, cocaine etc. we don't know what happens with nbome. And judging by Psytanium's story, it may very lead to brain damage or be life-threatening.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: outbacktrippin on February 28, 2013, 12:54 am
i prefer to encourage the LSD market here, its more safe and natural, its a sacrament and am pretty sure the prices will drop down critically if SR ban the nbome.

What a load of nonsense.

1) It's no more or less natural, they are both completely synthetic compounds with no known natural analogue.
2) LSD was MORE expensive before the NBOMe explosion. Prices are still high but it's generally cheaper to get now than before (not counting one-off sales).
3) If NBOMe drops off the map and everyone is after LSD, how is that going to bring prices down at all? They will either go UP significantly or simply be harder for sellers to keep in stock - likely a combination of the two.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: monrovia on February 28, 2013, 02:11 am
I'm just curious, because I'm considering selling this stuff IRL. What does a tab usually go for if someone was to buy 1 or 2 off me? Is 2 for 10 a smart offer to make or is the price much higher(like people would consider 2 for 15 an incredible deal)? Just wondering if anyone has any input.

**I know the dangers of this drug and only plan to sell personal use quantities to people. I know people can be fucking idiots and almost kill themselves because they think they can handle amounts of drugs that have already been determined to be potentially lethal**
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ianfleming on February 28, 2013, 05:29 am
I'd like to sell nbome but all of the above makes me really nervous about it. I'm only really comfortable giving it to friends, who can either do their own research or listen to me before taking it. I would certainly not want to sell it to people who tend to binge on drugs. While it might be ultimately alright with mdma, lsd, shrooms, cocaine etc. we don't know what happens with nbome. And judging by Psytanium's story, it may very lead to brain damage or be life-threatening.
This has made me seriously reconsider what I've been doing. I'll make sure to sit down with each of my people and make sure that they understand that this CAN kill them if mistreated.

I'm just curious, because I'm considering selling this stuff IRL. What does a tab usually go for if someone was to buy 1 or 2 off me? Is 2 for 10 a smart offer to make or is the price much higher(like people would consider 2 for 15 an incredible deal)? Just wondering if anyone has any input.
Give someone 1 free as a sample, after that charge 10 a pop. I know a lot of people that will pay $20 each or $30 for 2.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Psytanium on February 28, 2013, 08:06 pm
i prefer to encourage the LSD market here, its more safe and natural, its a sacrament and am pretty sure the prices will drop down critically if SR ban the nbome.

What a load of nonsense.

1) It's no more or less natural, they are both completely synthetic compounds with no known natural analogue.
2) LSD was MORE expensive before the NBOMe explosion. Prices are still high but it's generally cheaper to get now than before (not counting one-off sales).
3) If NBOMe drops off the map and everyone is after LSD, how is that going to bring prices down at all? They will either go UP significantly or simply be harder for sellers to keep in stock - likely a combination of the two.

Without this nbome, there will be large manufacturers of lsd with a competitive market, therefor the average price of lsd will critically decrease to... Lets say around $5 per 200ug. (not too far from now, currently, you can find 100ug tab for 7.5$ here on the road)

But now, by distributing this nbome, we are killing the lsd manufacturing and killing ourselves.

Btw, acid is semi natural!!!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldcactushand on February 28, 2013, 08:45 pm
I'd like to sell nbome but all of the above makes me really nervous about it. I'm only really comfortable giving it to friends, who can either do their own research or listen to me before taking it. I would certainly not want to sell it to people who tend to binge on drugs. While it might be ultimately alright with mdma, lsd, shrooms, cocaine etc. we don't know what happens with nbome. And judging by Psytanium's story, it may very lead to brain damage or be life-threatening.
This has made me seriously reconsider what I've been doing. I'll make sure to sit down with each of my people and make sure that they understand that this CAN kill them if mistreated.

Good stuff mate. I hope they take your advice seriously. Best of luck!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: moonflower on February 28, 2013, 09:31 pm
i prefer to encourage the LSD market here, its more safe and natural, its a sacrament and am pretty sure the prices will drop down critically if SR ban the nbome.

What a load of nonsense.

1) It's no more or less natural, they are both completely synthetic compounds with no known natural analogue.
2) LSD was MORE expensive before the NBOMe explosion. Prices are still high but it's generally cheaper to get now than before (not counting one-off sales).
3) If NBOMe drops off the map and everyone is after LSD, how is that going to bring prices down at all? They will either go UP significantly or simply be harder for sellers to keep in stock - likely a combination of the two.
i just need to jump in here and say... the nbomes are definitely less natural than lsd! they are 100% synthetic, while lsd is semisynthetic, meaning it requires a natural source (either ergot fungus or ergine). ergine is also known as lsa, which is in fact a natural precursor and analogue to lsd! you can make 100% synthetic lsd but it's just not practical because it's more difficult to produce and there's no benefit to going through all the effort.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: dfghxcv on February 28, 2013, 10:09 pm
I just have to say that this semi/non/synthetic argument is pretty lame. As soon as you change one atom on an organic molecule, we have no idea what it's going to do with the body's enzymes. Sucralose (splenda) is 'natural' sucrose with 3 'synthetic' changes to it (-OH -> -Cl in 3 spots). And it seems to be passed through the body making urine sweet. Stevia (steviol, mainly) is a very strange chemical (compared to sugar) found 'in nature' but our bodies metabolize in weird ways cause we never ate much of it.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: flicky42 on March 01, 2013, 12:30 am
i prefer to encourage the LSD market here, its more safe and natural, its a sacrament and am pretty sure the prices will drop down critically if SR ban the nbome.

What a load of nonsense.

1) It's no more or less natural, they are both completely synthetic compounds with no known natural analogue.
2) LSD was MORE expensive before the NBOMe explosion. Prices are still high but it's generally cheaper to get now than before (not counting one-off sales).
3) If NBOMe drops off the map and everyone is after LSD, how is that going to bring prices down at all? They will either go UP significantly or simply be harder for sellers to keep in stock - likely a combination of the two.
i just need to jump in here and say... the nbomes are definitely less natural than lsd! they are 100% synthetic, while lsd is semisynthetic, meaning it requires a natural source (either ergot fungus or ergine). ergine is also known as lsa, which is in fact a natural precursor and analogue to lsd! you can make 100% synthetic lsd but it's just not practical because it's more difficult to produce and there's no benefit to going through all the effort.

LSD was discovered before the LSA structure was known, it is NOT a common precursor. Overall you guys are really splitting hairs here the truth is that people will have bad reactions to NBOME but we can't be certain whats really going on until there are some clinical trails. We don't know what other drugs you guys are taking or what lifestyles you lead when you have bad reactions to these things. That is why all research chemicals are constantly warned by people on the internet to PROCEED WITH CAUTION. There is no reason to ever "blacklist" a drug on silk road its fucking foolish and makes us just as bad as the people we are fighting against. Guess why PCP isn't sold on SR? No one wants it because it causes so many bad reactions. That same will happen to NBOME if that many people are having problems with it, the numbers are looking very slim compared to its popularity.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: moonflower on March 01, 2013, 01:00 am
i prefer to encourage the LSD market here, its more safe and natural, its a sacrament and am pretty sure the prices will drop down critically if SR ban the nbome.

What a load of nonsense.

1) It's no more or less natural, they are both completely synthetic compounds with no known natural analogue.
2) LSD was MORE expensive before the NBOMe explosion. Prices are still high but it's generally cheaper to get now than before (not counting one-off sales).
3) If NBOMe drops off the map and everyone is after LSD, how is that going to bring prices down at all? They will either go UP significantly or simply be harder for sellers to keep in stock - likely a combination of the two.
i just need to jump in here and say... the nbomes are definitely less natural than lsd! they are 100% synthetic, while lsd is semisynthetic, meaning it requires a natural source (either ergot fungus or ergine). ergine is also known as lsa, which is in fact a natural precursor and analogue to lsd! you can make 100% synthetic lsd but it's just not practical because it's more difficult to produce and there's no benefit to going through all the effort.

LSD was discovered before the LSA structure was known, it is NOT a common precursor. Overall you guys are really splitting hairs here the truth is that people will have bad reactions to NBOME but we can't be certain whats really going on until there are some clinical trails. We don't know what other drugs you guys are taking or what lifestyles you lead when you have bad reactions to these things. That is why all research chemicals are constantly warned by people on the internet to PROCEED WITH CAUTION. There is no reason to ever "blacklist" a drug on silk road its fucking foolish and makes us just as bad as the people we are fighting against. Guess why PCP isn't sold on SR? No one wants it because it causes so many bad reactions. That same will happen to NBOME if that many people are having problems with it, the numbers are looking very slim compared to its popularity.
i agree with you completely, man. i just wanted to point out that lsd isn't completely synthetic and has natural analogues. :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on March 01, 2013, 01:25 am
Define "synthetic." To me, synthetic is any chemical structure that is manipulated through molecular bonds from the originating compound. LSD is synthetic.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: flicky42 on March 01, 2013, 01:48 am
i prefer to encourage the LSD market here, its more safe and natural, its a sacrament and am pretty sure the prices will drop down critically if SR ban the nbome.

What a load of nonsense.

1) It's no more or less natural, they are both completely synthetic compounds with no known natural analogue.
2) LSD was MORE expensive before the NBOMe explosion. Prices are still high but it's generally cheaper to get now than before (not counting one-off sales).
3) If NBOMe drops off the map and everyone is after LSD, how is that going to bring prices down at all? They will either go UP significantly or simply be harder for sellers to keep in stock - likely a combination of the two.
i just need to jump in here and say... the nbomes are definitely less natural than lsd! they are 100% synthetic, while lsd is semisynthetic, meaning it requires a natural source (either ergot fungus or ergine). ergine is also known as lsa, which is in fact a natural precursor and analogue to lsd! you can make 100% synthetic lsd but it's just not practical because it's more difficult to produce and there's no benefit to going through all the effort.

LSD was discovered before the LSA structure was known, it is NOT a common precursor. Overall you guys are really splitting hairs here the truth is that people will have bad reactions to NBOME but we can't be certain whats really going on until there are some clinical trails. We don't know what other drugs you guys are taking or what lifestyles you lead when you have bad reactions to these things. That is why all research chemicals are constantly warned by people on the internet to PROCEED WITH CAUTION. There is no reason to ever "blacklist" a drug on silk road its fucking foolish and makes us just as bad as the people we are fighting against. Guess why PCP isn't sold on SR? No one wants it because it causes so many bad reactions. That same will happen to NBOME if that many people are having problems with it, the numbers are looking very slim compared to its popularity.
i agree with you completely, man. i just wanted to point out that lsd isn't completely synthetic and has natural analogues. :)

+1 to you, didn't mean to sound like a twat.

@skippy, you are right about your definition of synthetic. There really isn't a "semi-synthetic" term but if you want to get technical it just means they are using natural precursors. MDMA could also be an example since it is commonly used with saforale.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: moonflower on March 01, 2013, 02:10 am
i prefer to encourage the LSD market here, its more safe and natural, its a sacrament and am pretty sure the prices will drop down critically if SR ban the nbome.

What a load of nonsense.

1) It's no more or less natural, they are both completely synthetic compounds with no known natural analogue.
2) LSD was MORE expensive before the NBOMe explosion. Prices are still high but it's generally cheaper to get now than before (not counting one-off sales).
3) If NBOMe drops off the map and everyone is after LSD, how is that going to bring prices down at all? They will either go UP significantly or simply be harder for sellers to keep in stock - likely a combination of the two.
i just need to jump in here and say... the nbomes are definitely less natural than lsd! they are 100% synthetic, while lsd is semisynthetic, meaning it requires a natural source (either ergot fungus or ergine). ergine is also known as lsa, which is in fact a natural precursor and analogue to lsd! you can make 100% synthetic lsd but it's just not practical because it's more difficult to produce and there's no benefit to going through all the effort.

LSD was discovered before the LSA structure was known, it is NOT a common precursor. Overall you guys are really splitting hairs here the truth is that people will have bad reactions to NBOME but we can't be certain whats really going on until there are some clinical trails. We don't know what other drugs you guys are taking or what lifestyles you lead when you have bad reactions to these things. That is why all research chemicals are constantly warned by people on the internet to PROCEED WITH CAUTION. There is no reason to ever "blacklist" a drug on silk road its fucking foolish and makes us just as bad as the people we are fighting against. Guess why PCP isn't sold on SR? No one wants it because it causes so many bad reactions. That same will happen to NBOME if that many people are having problems with it, the numbers are looking very slim compared to its popularity.
i agree with you completely, man. i just wanted to point out that lsd isn't completely synthetic and has natural analogues. :)

+1 to you, didn't mean to sound like a twat.

@skippy, you are right about your definition of synthetic. There really isn't a "semi-synthetic" term but if you want to get technical it just means they are using natural precursors. MDMA could also be an example since it is commonly used with saforale.
bingo! mdma, cocaine and heroin are also semisynthetic.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on March 01, 2013, 02:26 am
I completely understand that and I have no problem with anything synthetic. You have to be cautious of what ever you consider consuming. Always research before hand. But as far as what I consider natural is THC extracted from marijuana. DMT extracted from mimosa or the other 11 plants that contain n-N-DMT. Anything that can be readily extracted in a simple evap. process is consider to be a natural compound.

Synthetic compounds are beautiful. I find them to be God's puzzle pieces for us to find to experience different pathways of the mind. We can alter methly groups to activate serotonin neurotransmitters just as we can use a modify form of an opiate derivative processed from a natural compound to entice transfer of neurotransmitters between the synaptic cleft. These neurotransmitters were meant to be activated and it is us to find out what makes them aware of certain stimuli that does such.

The brain is very complex and we haven't even come close to mapping what it can do. I think that drug usage(NOT ABUSE) can help us superceed our intellect at this present time. As life goes on there will be more relaxed laws allowing people to safely explore the realms of realty.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: moonflower on March 01, 2013, 05:47 am
I completely understand that and I have no problem with anything synthetic. You have to be cautious of what ever you consider consuming. Always research before hand. But as far as what I consider natural is THC extracted from marijuana. DMT extracted from mimosa or the other 11 plants that contain n-N-DMT. Anything that can be readily extracted in a simple evap. process is consider to be a natural compound.

Synthetic compounds are beautiful. I find them to be God's puzzle pieces for us to find to experience different pathways of the mind. We can alter methly groups to activate serotonin neurotransmitters just as we can use a modify form of an opiate derivative processed from a natural compound to entice transfer of neurotransmitters between the synaptic cleft. These neurotransmitters were meant to be activated and it is us to find out what makes them aware of certain stimuli that does such.

The brain is very complex and we haven't even come close to mapping what it can do. I think that drug usage(NOT ABUSE) can help us superceed our intellect at this present time. As life goes on there will be more relaxed laws allowing people to safely explore the realms of realty.

very well said! i agree with you. the one synthetic drug i happen to really enjoy is ketamine. it can be a truly divine chemical. :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Psytanium on March 02, 2013, 04:19 am
I completely understand that and I have no problem with anything synthetic. You have to be cautious of what ever you consider consuming. Always research before hand. But as far as what I consider natural is THC extracted from marijuana. DMT extracted from mimosa or the other 11 plants that contain n-N-DMT. Anything that can be readily extracted in a simple evap. process is consider to be a natural compound.

Synthetic compounds are beautiful. I find them to be God's puzzle pieces for us to find to experience different pathways of the mind. We can alter methly groups to activate serotonin neurotransmitters just as we can use a modify form of an opiate derivative processed from a natural compound to entice transfer of neurotransmitters between the synaptic cleft. These neurotransmitters were meant to be activated and it is us to find out what makes them aware of certain stimuli that does such.

The brain is very complex and we haven't even come close to mapping what it can do. I think that drug usage(NOT ABUSE) can help us superceed our intellect at this present time. As life goes on there will be more relaxed laws allowing people to safely explore the realms of realty.

very well said! i agree with you. the one synthetic drug i happen to really enjoy is ketamine. it can be a truly divine chemical. :)

Well, thats true, i completely agree. I missed this chem, its been long time i didnt k hole :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on March 02, 2013, 10:39 am
I completely understand that and I have no problem with anything synthetic. You have to be cautious of what ever you consider consuming. Always research before hand. But as far as what I consider natural is THC extracted from marijuana. DMT extracted from mimosa or the other 11 plants that contain n-N-DMT. Anything that can be readily extracted in a simple evap. process is consider to be a natural compound.

Synthetic compounds are beautiful. I find them to be God's puzzle pieces for us to find to experience different pathways of the mind. We can alter methly groups to activate serotonin neurotransmitters just as we can use a modify form of an opiate derivative processed from a natural compound to entice transfer of neurotransmitters between the synaptic cleft. These neurotransmitters were meant to be activated and it is us to find out what makes them aware of certain stimuli that does such.

The brain is very complex and we haven't even come close to mapping what it can do. I think that drug usage(NOT ABUSE) can help us superceed our intellect at this present time. As life goes on there will be more relaxed laws allowing people to safely explore the realms of realty.

very well said! i agree with you. the one synthetic drug i happen to really enjoy is ketamine. it can be a truly divine chemical. :)
ketamine sure as hell has that feeling!!! So does MXE. I think all dissociatives do that
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on March 04, 2013, 12:38 am
It seems like there is a chunk of people that have a fanboy mentality about LSD, it's such an ignorant attitude to have about psychedelics. Some of the comments I've seen are just absurd and stink of a snobby elitist attitude.

Gonna do the 25C/I combo tonight, I figure 1.5mg of each is a good baseline to start with. From what I hear it's pretty awesome so we'll see how it goes.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anonemuss2012 on March 04, 2013, 02:33 am
It seems like there is a chunk of people that have a fanboy mentality about LSD, it's such an ignorant attitude to have about psychedelics. Some of the comments I've seen are just absurd and stink of a snobby elitist attitude.

Gonna do the 25C/I combo tonight, I figure 1.5mg of each is a good baseline to start with. From what I hear it's pretty awesome so we'll see how it goes.

well, LSD is the shiz lol....

Anyway, I haven't tried 25 I/C together, but I have dosed on a 1mg 25B blotter buccally and ~900ug 25C NBOMe nasally and those visuals were quite vivid and seemed to just float in my field of vision, regardless of what was ACTUALLY in my field of vision lol. Music appreciation was definitely enhanced. One of the most visually psychedelic trips I have ever had. Good times!

Awful comedown, though. I ate 2mg of Alprazolam about 4-5 hours after peaking and still had a tough comedown. ::DannyGloverVoice:: "I'm getting too old for this shit." lol
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on March 04, 2013, 07:52 am
It's probably not something I'd recommend for the less experienced people. They do work well together, the visuals are definitely vivid. My stomach does not like 25c for some reason, i always get nauseous right bout the 1.5 hour mark. Had a big meal before the trip tonight, I think you see where this is going. I'm not a big fan of puking but that's usually when I have the best trips so it's no like I fight it or anything.

Right now I'm watching How The Universe Works in HD. If you haven't watched this show I highly recommend on, on drugs or not is a good show. Probably the best animation I've ever seen, makes for hours of enjoyment.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: moonflower on March 04, 2013, 08:49 am
It's probably not something I'd recommend for the less experienced people. They do work well together, the visuals are definitely vivid. My stomach does not like 25c for some reason, i always get nauseous right bout the 1.5 hour mark. Had a big meal before the trip tonight, I think you see where this is going. I'm not a big fan of puking but that's usually when I have the best trips so it's no like I fight it or anything.
nbomes have always give me stomach discomfort. i think it's pretty common. the 2cs seem to have less negative bodily effects.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: tdk on March 04, 2013, 05:53 pm
Indeed this stuff effects varies from person to person.
I tried tyl3r tabs - with one hit I felt like in a spaceship with everything breath, shine and move.
Recently my friend tried the same tabs - he took 1 + 1/3 of them (so about 1600ug), NO EFFECTS AT ALL. Nothing! Not body high, nor psychodelic trip. Wonderful substance :) never ever know the effects before you try.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: username5055 on March 15, 2013, 01:54 am
Ok so Ive read through about 10 pages or so but still had a few questions about some NBOMes, 25i and 25c...

I ordered Righteous' 25i (1000ug - 1mg) tabs. I've never taken any psychedelics before (albeit robo-tripping but I know that doesn't count :P) so should I start with half a tab my first time? I also ordered Lightflower's 25c tabs (1000ug - 1mg). Should I also start with just a half tab of these? I know about waiting two weeks after each trip to keep tolerance down so Im thinking Ill try 25i one weekend and 25c two weeks later. Ill also need to know this for people who get it off me. A majority of people I deal with have tried LSD and shrooms but none of these NBOMes so I just wanna make sure they're staying safe.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldcactushand on March 15, 2013, 12:02 pm
I'd probably start with half a tab, or maybe three quarters if possible. Always a good idea to start on a low dose with any new drug, especially research chemicals. You'd most likely be absolutely fine taking the whole thing, but there does seem to be a very small minority of people who have bad reactions at doses not much higher than 1000ug.

I have only done 25i once. I done 1.5 tabs at 550ug, making a dose of 825ug and I had a great time. Don't see the need to start off any higher than this personally, for the reasons set out above.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on March 15, 2013, 11:23 pm
Anyone else feel like they were tripping for over a month? Thought patterns, visual patterns, and general patterns (intense synchronicities).

I decided to not trip on NBOMe's after this happened. I can still feel the madness sometimes. After this I also can't trip on LSD because I freak out. So I'm basically done tripping I guess.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldcactushand on March 16, 2013, 12:22 am
^ That's awful dude! Really sorry to hear that and hope things get better soon. Mind filling people in on how much you were taking/how often you were taking it? Has anyone come across anything similar on forums or IRL? I enjoyed NBOMe but would hate to ruin tripping for myself because of a bargain RC...
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: bynter on March 16, 2013, 04:46 am
Well, I've had some interesting experiences with NBOMe, as well as having come to some interesting conclusions. Read about it here: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=133047.0
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: moonflower on March 16, 2013, 11:58 pm
Anyone else feel like they were tripping for over a month? Thought patterns, visual patterns, and general patterns (intense synchronicities).

I decided to not trip on NBOMe's after this happened. I can still feel the madness sometimes. After this I also can't trip on LSD because I freak out. So I'm basically done tripping I guess.
my girlfriend has hppd from a 2 mg 25i trip. that experience also gave her anxiety toward the psychedelic state, sadly. i will help her overcome it though. :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: TheAbsurd on March 17, 2013, 01:39 am
Well, I've had some interesting experiences with NBOMe, as well as having come to some interesting conclusions. Read about it here: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=133047.0
Wow. I don't feel so alone for seeing reality as sort of a "matrix" now. I looked at a picture of a circuit board the other day and I started programming software in my head. It's crazy. I also know what you mean in the other parts of your post.

^ That's awful dude! Really sorry to hear that and hope things get better soon. Mind filling people in on how much you were taking/how often you were taking it? Has anyone come across anything similar on forums or IRL? I enjoyed NBOMe but would hate to ruin tripping for myself because of a bargain RC...
I probably had about 4 strong NBOMe trips. One time I took 1mg of 25i. Another time I took like 2.5mg over the course of a few days, and definitely had long lasting effects. Then I had a 600ug 25c trip. I've tried 500ug of 25b. One time I took 200ug of LSD and 250ug of 25i and the synergy was WAYYYY too strong, it felt like I was on 2mg of 25i. I've also had maybe another 4-5 NBOMe trips, but they were pretty mellow.

Right before my infamous month long "trip", I had taken a low dose of 25c and didn't trip, so the next day I took DOC and didn't trip again. This whole time I thought I wasn't tripping because I WAS tripping all the time, in the sober state. Coincidentally I was also going through some really shitty personal stuff, that's why I was trying so hard to trip, because I needed some kind of insight. Instead I lost my job.

Everything is really awesome now though. I've turned my life around. However I still feel the madness from time to time. In fact just last night I stayed up till 9am designing "something". I feel like I had to take a bunch of "factors" into consideration, and my design was based on a "catch 22" algorithm, if you know what I mean.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on March 18, 2013, 01:11 am
how long does a 1mg 25i trip usually last?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on March 18, 2013, 01:26 am
does anyone else vomit on the come up of 25i?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: CiscoYankerStuck on March 18, 2013, 05:44 am
how long does a 1mg 25i trip usually last?
The most intense parts will last up to about 5 hours or so usually.

By then end of about the 8th hour you feel almost back to normal.

I've never had any nausea problems, but I could definitely understand if others have.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: googleyed1 on March 18, 2013, 05:46 am
Hi Everyone!

First off, apologies for spamming. I hope we're not stepping on any toes. Just searched the top 30 25i threads to try and find some of our old customers..

Our 25i-NBOMe 1000ug blotters are back. They moved from our old page Googleyed to our new page GoogleyedXL. Please come and check them out. Prices are great. We need your support to get a bit of positive feedback going! 10% extra included in each purchase through the month of March.

Thanks. And much joy to all.

Kind regards, GoogleyedXL
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on March 19, 2013, 04:12 am
so what's the 25i-NBOMe experience like in your own words? I've noticed that for me anything under the 1mg dosages has very little to no effect on me but I've yet to taken a 1mg trip so I'm just gauging to see how it's gonna be. What's the 25i high like on it's own? and what's it like to compared to LSD? because I've only ever done LSD and mushrooms. I've never done RC's before but I got a bunch of different NBOMe tabs to explore with.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Green Haze on March 19, 2013, 06:45 am
Well, I've had some interesting experiences with NBOMe, as well as having come to some interesting conclusions. Read about it here: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=133047.0
Wow. I don't feel so alone for seeing reality as sort of a "matrix" now. I looked at a picture of a circuit board the other day and I started programming software in my head. It's crazy. I also know what you mean in the other parts of your post.

^ That's awful dude! Really sorry to hear that and hope things get better soon. Mind filling people in on how much you were taking/how often you were taking it? Has anyone come across anything similar on forums or IRL? I enjoyed NBOMe but would hate to ruin tripping for myself because of a bargain RC...
I probably had about 4 strong NBOMe trips. One time I took 1mg of 25i. Another time I took like 2.5mg over the course of a few days, and definitely had long lasting effects. Then I had a 600ug 25c trip. I've tried 500ug of 25b. One time I took 200ug of LSD and 250ug of 25i and the synergy was WAYYYY too strong, it felt like I was on 2mg of 25i. I've also had maybe another 4-5 NBOMe trips, but they were pretty mellow.

Right before my infamous month long "trip", I had taken a low dose of 25c and didn't trip, so the next day I took DOC and didn't trip again. This whole time I thought I wasn't tripping because I WAS tripping all the time, in the sober state. Coincidentally I was also going through some really shitty personal stuff, that's why I was trying so hard to trip, because I needed some kind of insight. Instead I lost my job.

Everything is really awesome now though. I've turned my life around. However I still feel the madness from time to time. In fact just last night I stayed up till 9am designing "something". I feel like I had to take a bunch of "factors" into consideration, and my design was based on a "catch 22" algorithm, if you know what I mean.

You mentioned a "month long trip". Was this trip planned with many different chems or did you do this on the 25i? When I had gotten 25i for the first time, I didn't know this at the time, but I had gotten to much. I had used it so frequently (chasing the mind stimulation and euphoria) that even after use,days 3-4, my pupils were still huge. I didn't feel "ok" for a while after that. I have came to the conclusion that the prolonged use of it put me into the same state of mind you described as tripping in the real world, subconsciously? lol... This was definitely not something that makes me keep away from this drug, but for sure I will be more careful and informed. That 2-3 week haze is a bit too much and not recommended. The wait a week method sounds quite more comforting.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: fordingtheharrison on March 20, 2013, 05:54 am
Anyone else feel like they were tripping for over a month? Thought patterns, visual patterns, and general patterns (intense synchronicities).

I decided to not trip on NBOMe's after this happened. I can still feel the madness sometimes. After this I also can't trip on LSD because I freak out. So I'm basically done tripping I guess.

Light doses, mane. If you give yourself some "low dose therapy" and watch your dosage in the future, I think you might be able to get re-experienced and it would hopefully clear you of the trauma.

My first time trying 25i I took about 400 μg (or more specifically, 4/10 of a 1 mg tab, but I have reason to believe that tab was laid unevenly and I ended up taking the lighter part of it that day, so I can't vouch exactly for that dosage). It wasn't a *trip*, but I did have euphoric feelings for a few hours. Mentally, I was totally "still there". It was more like being very stoned and I actually rather enjoyed it.

The only time I've experienced some serious thought issues was when I took an unmeasured (and as my friend told me afterward, it was probably a lot) dose of shrooms.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: bynter on March 20, 2013, 10:26 am
So for me, 25i-NBOMe resulted in 0 visuals; it just made me think in terms of abstractions.

Today, I intrans ally took 5-MeO-DMT, twice, 8 hours apart,  and as intense as both the experiences were, still no visual hallucinations :(

I'm starting to think my brain just cant get high in a way that manifests in visual hallucinations. I wonder if it has anyting to do mith how, at my personality's core, im always trying to control my environment, never willing to just accept/go along with it.

Also, as far as NBOMe is concerned, I would highly recommend taking a computer science class to any psychonauts out there. The knowledge I gained from that class was infinitely useful in understanding the way my mind worked under the effects of NBOMe. Additionally, NBOMe helped me understand many computer science concepts. During my last trip, concepts such as, "recursion", "abstractions", "paradigm", "non-reducible terms", "logical", and "analouge" kept coming to mind.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on March 20, 2013, 11:56 pm
25i is pretty weak in the visuals department unless you take dose in the 1-2+mg range (less if you're snorting). I found the vasoconstriction a little too intense to want to explore the higher doses.

Sounds about right, I get slight tracers with 1mg of 25i. I like to start off with 2mg and add more if needed a few hours later, seems to give decent visuals. Gonna try 3mg tonight and see just how intense that is, I'm hoping for stronger visuals.

I think 25i is kind of hit or miss with people, luckily it works great for me.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: badniff on March 21, 2013, 12:58 am
So for me, 25i-NBOMe resulted in 0 visuals; it just made me think in terms of abstractions.

Today, I intrans ally took 5-MeO-DMT, twice, 8 hours apart,  and as intense as both the experiences were, still no visual hallucinations :(

I'm starting to think my brain just cant get high in a way that manifests in visual hallucinations. I wonder if it has anyting to do mith how, at my personality's core, im always trying to control my environment, never willing to just accept/go along with it.

How do you trip? Setting has a great effect  in how the drug manifests itself. I am interested in hearing how NBOMe are in silent darkness ;) Or in darkness with music.

Example 1: I take 4g of shrooms and have a great trip with friends in an abandoned park. Zero visuals, great social interaction, wonderful mood and cosmic jokes aplenty. Great visual and auditory acuity.

Example 2: I take 2g of shrooms alone. I lie down in my bed, in total darkness with some Psy Dub going through the speakers. Intense 2D hallucinations, perplexing thought patterns and great insight and telepathic connection with the mushroom god. Yes, it was as weird as it sounds :D

I have not tried NBOMe myself, but I am very curious.

Another thing is that I believe hallucination is an acquired and/or learnable "skill". It comes easy for some, but not all. Not hallucinating of 5-MeO-DMT is friggin weird though. It might be possible that some people never hallucinate, but I think as long as one wants to, the mind should help you. Don't give up yet, friend!

Also, as far as NBOMe is concerned, I would highly recommend taking a computer science class to any psychonauts out there. The knowledge I gained from that class was infinitely useful in understanding the way my mind worked under the effects of NBOMe. Additionally, NBOMe helped me understand many computer science concepts. During my last trip, concepts such as, "recursion", "abstractions", "paradigm", "non-reducible terms", "logical", and "analouge" kept coming to mind.

As I would recommend reading philosophy, classical history and literature. Psychology seems obvious as well. My point is that you use pre-existing knowledge as a conduit for new insights. I am not saying we get the same insights with different "words", I am saying that any knowledge is beneficial, in that it helps the mind conceive/construct new ideas and integrate them into the tripper. Though I would take a computer science class if I could. Not quite as easy to do on your own as picking up an old history book is.

Oh, how I rant  ::)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on March 21, 2013, 09:34 am

Another thing is that I believe hallucination is an acquired and/or learnable "skill". It comes easy for some, but not all. Not hallucinating of 5-MeO-DMT is friggin weird though. It might be possible that some people never hallucinate, but I think as long as one wants to, the mind should help you. Don't give up yet, friend!

I believe this is true as well, some people have trouble giving up that control though. I like to compare it to those 3d pictures you have to stare at, once you get it right you can see some amazing things.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: 46andtwo on March 22, 2013, 05:43 am
Felt like reposting my previous post on my experience with 25i + MDMA:

I had a terrible experience with a combination of 25i and MDMA over the weekend at a concert. I heard good reports on this combo (similar to mdma+lsd, aka candy flipping), but I was still very cautious as it was my first time taking 25i.So I only took 50mg of MDMA, and 1 tab of 25i. I took the 25i in two halves, not feeling the first half after 45min I foolishly took the second one.
I was getting impatient with the 25i, and wondering why it hadn't kicked in yet; I had three other tabs on me and luckily I did not take them. When it kicked in I felt very disoriented and scared, not having tried 25i on its own before.  I would HIGHLY recommend doing it on its own first, at home or in a comfortable setting. I get crowd anxiety even when I'm sober, and there I was in the middle of a huge crowd, pressed against thousands of people, and no quick and easy way out. After getting help from my girlfriend to exit the crowd (my motor ability was gone, and I was feeling and experiencing events 5 seconds after they occurred), I walked around in the deepest fear I've ever experienced for 2 hours. It felt like days. I was afraid of going anywhere for fear that I would get lost and disappear forever. I couldn't even use the portapotty to pee on my own! The looping was very hard to go through, and I could not find any clear head space. It felt as if I went insane and would never find reality again. Luckily, it did subside, as I went away from the music and flashing lights. Looking into my girlfriend's eyes also brought me back at times, for some reason. Deep breaths and a bottle of water helped too. I was not prepared for its effects and was expecting something totally different.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Yoshitoshi on March 23, 2013, 05:21 pm
Hey everyone, just discovered this thread, haven't really delved into "Off Topic" much.

I've been playing with Nbomes quite a bit, but have been posting reports in Tyler's Big & Dandy thread. Here's my last one:


I'd like to relate quite a profound experience I had yesterday.

Over my long years of experimentation, I'm pretty experienced with the whole panoply of psychedelics. I consider myself well-grounded and confident exploring hyperspace in all it's forms.

I'd recently began exploring 25i-Nbome & 25c-Nbome. I had some good blotter tabs from TD, and my buccal experiences (of each individually) were pleasing and encouraged me to push further on. So insufflation beckoned. The first issue was how to get the substances out of the blotter and into powder form. The 25i was at 1200 mcg, and the 25c at 800 mcg. I figured any extraction would not be 100% efficient, so I felt extracting one whole tab of each would yield enough for a good trip in combination. As handling ~2 mg of material was likely to provide a challenge, I hit upon the inspired/reckless (delete as applicable) idea of combining some ketamine with the solution, to provide a more manageable substrate… My "aim" was to progress from a nice vibrant K-hole into a focussed hyperspace, mediated by the dissociative effects of the K. Surely I can't be the only person in the world who thinks like this sometimes?!

So, to about 1 tablespoon of room temperature vodka, in a small jar, I added 1 tab each of 25i & 25c. Capped the jar, agitated it periodically, and left it to stand on a warm radiator for about 2 hours. I used tweezers to fold and squeeze the tabs out before discarding them, and then added my "usual" holing dose of 200 mg Ketamine (again, from a good known source). This dissolved easily, and I tipped the solution out into a saucer to evaporate, back on the radiator.

This was good to go after a further hour. It was just after lunch, a cold bright day, and a nice view of the garden lay beyond our large windows. I had the house to myself for the next 6 hours or so [I always prefer tripping alone, and have never felt the need or inclination for a sitter, but that's just me]. I set up a playlist in iTunes, over Airport to my hi-fi. All was good, and I hoovered up the whole amount of powder in two fat lines, and settled back on the couch under a blanket.

To be honest, I struggle to recall any details of the hole, other than it was very pleasant and felt great. I doubt it was substantially affected by the additives, and have the feeling they were really only just kicking as the hole drew towards a conclusion, so synergy was limited up to that point. As I came out of the hole, with some good breaths like a diver surfacing, and a lot of relief, it rapidly became apparent that I wasn't in Kansas anymore. The relief was short-lived. My surroundings seemed essentially the same whether my eyes were closed or open. I could still make out the forms of things and the room and views around me, and in retrospect, this was probably a result of the post-K afterglow/sedation, which kept me reasonably relaxed and in simple awe of things, and the fact that the Nbomes hadn't quite reached full intensity. But a short while afterwards, it felt like my brain had a Hiroshima moment, a blinding whiteness, which faded to reveal that everything - and I mean every single fucking atom I could see - was plastered around me in a swirling 2D fractal soup. Absolutely no depth or perspective to anything, my outstretched hand was like a big pink cactus "painted into" the background beyond, like Van Gogh himself was working directly across my retina in a frenzied blur. This was when I first felt a shuddering sense of panic, struggling to place myself in time, space or context.

I wondered if this was how flies see the world through their compound eyes? Millions of tiny lenses, refracting everything into neat, swirling diamond-shaped pixels

Looking back, and not having prior experience of it, I realise this was what "ego death" actually was. Not a death as such, with some imaginary demon "killing you" but a complete unravelling of all the many strands which make up "me/I". I struggled to recall what I had done, where I actually was, and how I was going to proceed. The possibility that this 2D "Paper Mario" world of boiling fractal diamonds was now going to be my home for who knows how long was really quite hellish.

I grabbed my phone, but it was simply a blue blob. I could no more make out an icon than I could normally see the nucleus of an atom in a piece of cheese. The landline handset was similarly "useless". The music seemed to have gotten "stuck", impossible since it was just a streaming file, but I had to turn it off. I couldn't use my phone to control the source, so I stabbed wildly at the invisible black buttons on my black amplifier, until silence appeared. This was great for a few seconds, but then I felt I needed something more soothing, but at that point I realised I had no chance of negotiating any technical processes. I felt a pang of anguish that this was how we people of today will end our lives, impotently flailing at buttons we can no longer see or understand, nothing working anymore, left all alone in silence. I'd cut all my ropes, and now had no means of climbing out of the void I was in.

I began to speak, calling myself by my name (a first) saying "Pull yourself together man, this is where you are, and you need to get through it". My voice was the one sensory input which was vaguely normal, and that helped a lot. It seemed to take about 15 minutes to move 2 yards from one seat to another, feeling my way blindly as I did so. I took some deep breaths, and the pangs of isolation and self-pity eased a little.

I craved to be outdoors, to hit the "natural reset" but I got as far as the door and thought "I can't go out there, if the neighbours see me, it will be game over." I longed for a hug or a friendly voice, but because of the phone issues I knew this was an impossibility, which hurt a lot. I remembered I had locked the cat in the next room, prior to my experience. I went to let her in, and I heard the sound of her, but she was just a invisible painterly blur amongst the many others as she shot into the room, miaowing (cats always know when you're up to stuff, in my experience).

Looking back, I'm annoyed I didn't make more constructive use of my first "ego death", but in truth, I think the first experience of it is so overwhelming, bordering on terrifying, that unless you've consciously planned what to do in that event, and meditated accordingly, you're over the falls without so much as a barrel to protect you before you know it. To have every frame of reference cut abruptly away, and your inner voice/co-pilot struggling to even speak, was profoundly isolating and unsettling. I definitely wondered if I had gone too far, done some irreversible damage, and/or become permanently insane. At no point did I cry, but I felt I easily could have done. I felt I had lost lots of important things, and might not get them back. I felt very alone, vulnerable, and barely there/here. I'd noticed the empathogenic qualities of 25i before (25c, not nearly so much), it seemed to enable forgotten memories to surface in a vague, but warm and non-threatening way, but now these memories were only of what I was, and it was by no means clear that I would easily get back to that state, and that made me feel sad, and somewhat stupid.

I'd also noticed the "time-stretching" powers of 25i previously. It seemed to distort time, to allow more thoughts/images to unravel and be processed. This was fine with music playing, acting as a metronome, but in silence, it was beginning to feel quite disturbing. I wondered more than once whether time would actually come to a complete stop, and I'd be trapped in a single insane moment for ever. The idea of my girlfriend coming home in 4 hours time seemed like several millennia away.

I resolved to try and get some music on. First I tried the radio next door, but that was the news, and all I got was "Police are looking. Police are looking. Police are looking" a fragment of a report chopped up and reverbed to death (thanks 25c! The audio distortion is a peculiar characteristic of that one…)

Groping wildly around my hifi, I managed to hit play on the CD deck (no idea what was loaded) and after what seemed about 6 fucking months, I stumbled across the correct button on the amp to allow sound to issue forth. Turned out to be Matthew Dear "Body Language" mix, a great, deep set, but some uncomfortably vivid slurpy, sexy, bodily noises in there. They would have to do.

I had by now managed to locate the cat, although she seemed reluctant to get close to me. I tried to get in a lotus position, but couldn't quite, so sat cross-legged and looked out to the garden and sky. For the first time in what was probably 2+ hours (since emerging from the hole) I got the first glimmer that maybe, just maybe, things might be starting to slow down. I could get more thoughts together, I felt "I" was slowly starting to return to the situation. I wanted to celebrate with a cigarette, but that wouldn't be possible. I couldn't go outside, and we can't smoke indoors (lease etc), besides, I certainly didn't trust myself to operate fire yet. I settled on a drink, with a pee first.

Going upstairs, I felt "the elves" were with me, saying I'd be OK, they'd stick right alongside me, although this was not without a hint of menace. Trying to aim for the bowl was next to futile, I blindly threw some towels on the floor to minimise the inevitable.

Pouring a drink, I had no idea whether it was a thimble or a bucket of vodka I'd got into the glass, even though I crouched down to eyeball it. The taste was familiar, and comforting, like the first signpost on the road back from Nowhere to Here.

More breathing, more pacing, more things coming back into focus, but the phones still useless. I felt like a diver who had been tipped into the breaking surf by a coral reef. Although initially blind and completely disorientated, at least I had a hand-hold now, and I could start to see what was actually swirling around me. Some perspective was returning to things, and the sinister flatness of everything was receding.

I'd say it was close to the 4 hour mark before I could finally, just about, text my girlfriend to say I couldn't wait to see her. That felt like a big, and long overdue accomplishment.

She got back about T+5h, and everything was still very much alive, but manageable, and I could interact fairly normally with her, as I began to explain the day's events.

The evening settled in, and I was finally ready to go to bed about 2 am, where I slept a very very deep and blissful sleep.


1. Of a heck of a lot of experiences, this one stands out as my "Fear & Loathing" one. Would I try the exact same combo again? No way. The experience of being delivered into the Nbome space, from the K-hole, "on rails" was profoundly unsettling.

2. I wonder whether pre-dosing with a therapeutic dose of MDMA (~100mg) might have helped ease the integration on the Nbome experience, and lessened the anxiety.

3. Although I wouldn't recreate the same initial combo, I would consider using methoxetamine (MXE) as a base. This does integrate the Nbome experience well, in my (and others') experience. I could imagine using 100mg of MXE, with 1 tab of each, and then consuming 50mg of product (so half total Nbome load) would be about right for me to have a very rich experience, with the option to bump it up further if necessary. [EDIT: having now done this, it works brilliantly!]

4. Thanks to 25i's fairly "mechanical" mode of action, this episode was largely uncolored by "malign feelings" that can sometimes arise on eg. DMT or LSD. I didn't feel there was any intelligence, friendly, hostile or other at work, and this was a major relief in hindsight, given the overall intensity of the experience. Such anxiety as I experienced was solely as a result of aspects of my consciousness being "cleanly" obliterated, for a period.

5. My fears about the efficiency of the extraction process were clearly unfounded. I definitely felt I was on the receiving end of the full 2mg Nbome compounds.

6. I took a Valium once (unconnected to psychedelic adventures) and loathed it, so I don't even have any benzos in the house, and wouldn't have been able to find them safely even if I had. If somebody had appeared to offer me one at the peak, would I have taken it? Possibly, although I still feel they are best reserved for catastrophic/delusional episodes (which I have until now avoided, mercifully) so I think I would have still preferred to ride it out, rather than bail, but it's the closest I have come to wishing I had a "Stop" button.

7. Trying to cross the bridge from "fun/recreational" trips into "profound" experiences needs more preparation on my part.

8. An old-fashioned cassette deck pre-loaded with an ambient tape would make a useful back-up for when the shiny-shiny stuff becomes an unreachable abstraction.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: 46andtwo on March 23, 2013, 06:30 pm
   Very insightful post Yoshitoshi, and eloquently written. I had similar feelings of isolation and self pity while experiencing the lost time/self/reality (ego death).  It felt as if no one would ever truly understand my own experience, nor would I truly ever understand some one else. I wonder if this is from the physical effects of the drug itself or a mental side effect from the understanding (or lack of) of the experience..
   I think the point you made of being prepared for such an experience is very important, and that previous meditation upon such an experience would help greatly. Granted, when one is overwhelmed it is difficult to get back on those same mental levels of thought. That is why I believe having an experienced sitter is very beneficial- they can help guide your mind into the right headspace for whatever is happening. I never had an experienced sitter for 25i trips, but now that I think about it I believe I will. It can only help.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on March 24, 2013, 12:48 am
So, How is the 25B-NBOMe experience? how does it compare to the other NBOMe's? also, is it anything like 2C-B?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Yoshitoshi on March 24, 2013, 01:07 pm
Thanks for your generous comments, 46.

My feeling is that the ego death is definitely a consequence of an inability to fully understand the experience*, and the mechanisms behind it. I guess, as with anything, it might slowly become easier to handle the more familiar we get with it. 

[* Or rather, the event extends beyond the limits of our total experience gained up to that point, leading to acute discomfort]

I'd still be reluctant to use a sitter I think, I'd be worried they'd somehow distort the dynamics of the situation. But I definitely feel that 25i loves company and wants to be shared. By far the best experience to date was when my brother & I had some. He was a bit down about stuff in general, but afterwards he felt like he'd been on a two week vacation. The positive effects seemed to last for days after. On that occasion, we each had 1.2 mg blended with 50mg MXE. That was a spectacular combo, and my go to for now. May try upping to say 1.5mg down the line.

I'm really not sure that I like 25c nearly so much. Despite some interesting comments here to the contrary, I find it less visual, much less empathogenic, and borderline sinister in high doses, with "freeze framing" and auditory blurring. Almost struggle to see how they can even be related. Maybe I just need to persevere a bit more, and find the right way in.

It goes without saying that I'm especially curious to see what 25b is like then, falling as it does, midway between them, halogen-wise.

Anyway bud, safe travels, wild but wonderful  ;)

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on March 24, 2013, 04:44 pm
So, How is the 25B-NBOMe experience? how does it compare to the other NBOMe's? also, is it anything like 2C-B?

25b will remind you of 2c-b the way 2c-b reminds you of mdma or lsd. They are really different creatures but you'll understand why it's an analogue.

First off, it's one of the more colorful ones: slim rainbow wavy lines along every outline with some ripples or movement of still objects. CEV's are bright patterns, sometimes kaleidoscopic. Emotions are heightened so be sure you have a plan: take a walk, listen to music, watch a feel-good anime (Ponyo, Secret Life of Arietty ... that sort of movie), etc. It will make you laugh harder, will excite you easier, sad things will have a greater depth, etc. It does have some mood-boosting qualities but as with all psychedelics, don't take it if you're in a bad mood expecting it to make you feel better (heightened emotions can be a double-edged sword). Some trips are more euphoric than others though I'm not sure what affects it (not dose) though it's nice when it comes.

Sensory enhancement is also apparent though I don't always notice it unless I make an effort to use it .. so touch, taste, smell, listen, and enjoy the beauty around you. You might get hot so have some ice or popsicles handy (cold during the come-up). It is very sociable so if you can trip with friends or a SO it would enhance the trip. Sex is also awesome so put that on your to-do list if possible. I tend to get some audio distortion at higher doses though that didn't start until a while after I dropped acid for the first time (or maybe I didn't notice it before?).

Anyway, it's one of my favorites so enjoy!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Arcturian on March 24, 2013, 06:20 pm
Hey guys i'm glad SR is so fond of the NBOMe series  ::) Have a look at my vendor profile (link in signature) for competitively prices NBOMe's. HPBCD Complexed & with worldwide shipping on all orders. Also a SR first with liquid NBOMe dropper bottles :)

Dont be a stranger!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: bynter on March 25, 2013, 07:03 am
Well, I've had some interesting experiences with NBOMe, as well as having come to some interesting conclusions. Read about it here: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=133047.0
Wow. I don't feel so alone for seeing reality as sort of a "matrix" now. I looked at a picture of a circuit board the other day and I started programming software in my head. It's crazy. I also know what you mean in the other parts of your post.
Hmmm. The mindset this has left me in is something I'm still struggling to come to terms with. Could you maybe provide some further insight, since you do seem to understand what I'm talking about.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sofish89 on March 25, 2013, 02:54 pm
Has anyone tried the 25i from the vendor T5?
How strong are the tabs, is one tab (he says they're 1000ug) enough for a good trip?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on March 25, 2013, 06:49 pm
Has anyone tried the 25i from the vendor T5?
How strong are the tabs, is one tab (he says they're 1000ug) enough for a good trip?

I don't know about T5 so much but 1000ug might be heavy for a first-timer.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: A Riotous Defect on March 25, 2013, 09:40 pm
Has anyone tried the 25i from the vendor T5?
How strong are the tabs, is one tab (he says they're 1000ug) enough for a good trip?

I don't know about T5 so much but 1000ug might be heavy for a first-timer.

I don't know, I did 1000 mics ( 140 lbs, about 5'7 ) my first go around about a year ago with no tolerance whatsoever and limited experience with psychedelics and had a roaring good time. Most of my customers have great times with 1000 ug tabs. I've only had one person so far have a bad trip on 1000 ug's, but she was like 96 lbs or so and I told her to take a half and she underestimated me. But I guess everyone's body chemitsry is different, I'm just a person very apt to trip; never really had a bad trip, definitely had some challenging ones and I've been stuck in a few loops but nothing problematic. In fact, the scare factor and challenging aspect of psychedelics the main draw for me. But to each his own :P

I do find that the 25x series of chemicals do affect people VERY differently, even with the same dosage from the same vendor. Body chemistry has a lot to do with it. It's good to start small and work up. They tend to not affect me as strongly, but their effects last upwards of 14 hours on me.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on March 25, 2013, 11:45 pm
Has anyone tried the 25i from the vendor T5?
How strong are the tabs, is one tab (he says they're 1000ug) enough for a good trip?

I don't know about T5 so much but 1000ug might be heavy for a first-timer.

I do find that the 25x series of chemicals do affect people VERY differently, even with the same dosage from the same vendor. Body chemistry has a lot to do with it. It's good to start small and work up. They tend to not affect me as strongly, but their effects last upwards of 14 hours on me.

^^ this.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: skeezoo8586 on March 26, 2013, 03:33 am
the only nbome experience i have is with two blotter hits of 25b. not visual at all and very uncomfortable bodyload.

i had been taking 100mg trazadone every night leading up to this prescribed as a sleep aid i guess it's an agonist of 5ht(?) receptor which i think was responsible for the bad trip.
i have read reports of people advising against taking mdma while prescribed trazadone as well so i am advising (although i'm definitely not very scientific) against nbome if you've taken trazadone anytime lately.

i don't take trazadone anymore but i'm probably going to look for some lsd before i get any nbome's again, unless i can get some blotters of 25d because i would like to try it for its shorter duration of effect.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: jhancock1984 on March 26, 2013, 03:49 pm
My personal experiences with ego death have shown me that there's something beyond our definitions, that when we pull back all the concepts we've formed over the course of our lives, all the words we've learned, all of that, there's still experience, there's still awareness, there's still existence.  It's a quite overwhelming experience and it's impossible to put into words because it's that place inside ourselves where all words break down and lose all meaning.

For me it kinda reminded me of that song by the Verve, it was the place where everything met.  It wasn't so much that all concepts were lost so much as all contrast broke down.  So I could no longer tell one thing from another and there was just this everythingness.

Anyway my two cents on it.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on March 26, 2013, 06:08 pm
25i is pretty weak in the visuals department unless you take dose in the 1-2+mg range (less if you're snorting). I found the vasoconstriction a little too intense to want to explore the higher doses.

Sounds about right, I get slight tracers with 1mg of 25i. I like to start off with 2mg and add more if needed a few hours later, seems to give decent visuals. Gonna try 3mg tonight and see just how intense that is, I'm hoping for stronger visuals.

I think 25i is kind of hit or miss with people, luckily it works great for me.

25i weak in the visual department? Where did you get the nBOME? 25i is really visual! Maybe you received 25i-nBOME freebase that was complexed? I sell HCl nBOMEs and they're awesome. The HCl version is much better. It bonds to water molecules unlike the freebase form. You also don't don't have to keep it n your mouth for 30+ minutes for the HPBCD to bond. Only 5-10 minutes. Try some of mine and you will see the difference.

Also, 25i and 25c-nBOME Print listings are back up! Really great deal! I am planning on doing a contest giving away free in the prints. Look out for the giveaway PRODUCT OFFERS. PM me with any questions.

Take care,
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Mangoes on March 29, 2013, 06:16 am

so I have never tried LSD/Nbome before (or any other psychodelic), just mj and i have few questions

1. difference between LSD / NBOM'e
2. What is better to take for the first time?
3. I'm gonna trip alone, is it good idea?  i live out of my country so I don't have anyone to be my sitter ...

4. The most common things that happens after taking LSD/NBOM'e (describe)

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Skippy_Jif on March 29, 2013, 08:25 am

1. LSD has been around for a pretty good amount of time. Since the 40's when Hoffman synthesized it. nBOMEs since 2000s. LSD is also relatively safe compared to nBOMEs. The LD50 is really, really high. nBOMEs carry a small LD50(even though there hasn't been any study done to prove the number, but there are some horrible side effects that come along at high doses that will only increase with more taken).

2. LSD would be better to take for the first time if you can do you home work and find a reputable source with a solid figure on the LSD weight laid on the blotters. nBOME would obviously be second and the tabs are always laid with correct(or near accurate) weight configured for each dose so, you may be more comfortable knowing that you're going to trip on a well prepared dose with expected levels of tripping already figured out.







But to consider that you will be by yourself I would try LSD from a reputable source.

4. After effects can cause, but rarely occur, depression, depleted serotonin levels(take some 5-htp supplement caps after wards to boost your serotonin levels)-which can lead to depression, dehydration, vasocontriction(nBOMEs are noted for this so, take some blood thinner(aspirin).

Also, you can end your trip early if you become uncomfortable during the course of the trip by taking a benzo. DO NOT OVERTAKE THE BENZOS!! Only enough to take the edge of anxiety off such as recommended dosage from a doctor.

Have fun and don't be scared to ask any questions if you have any. Tripping can be a fun time or it can be a bad time if you don't plan for it correctly and mistreat the drugs. They're STRONG chemicals that alter the mind's thought process.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Psytanium on March 29, 2013, 09:09 pm
Well just to remind, i have posted my opinion on this chem on many nbome topics, the results was a friend of mine dying in the hospital because he abused it, me praying not to o to jail for the rest of 30 years of my life, but it seems few are listening.

Its more dangerous then heroin, Just FEW MISTAKEN MICROGRAMS can cost someone his life.

But in fact... Its a cheap drug...
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: seuss on March 29, 2013, 09:44 pm
Well just to remind, i have posted my opinion on this chem on many nbome topics, the results was a friend of mine dying in the hospital because he abused it, me praying not to o to jail for the rest of 30 years of my life, but it seems few are listening.

Its more dangerous then heroin, Just FEW MISTAKEN MICROGRAMS can cost someone his life.

But in fact... Its a cheap drug...

How many milligrams did your friend take to end up in the hospital?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Mangoes on March 30, 2013, 12:03 am

nice nice nice :D thanks for answering  :) 
If I have more questions to ask I'll post here :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Psytanium on March 30, 2013, 08:13 am
Well just to remind, i have posted my opinion on this chem on many nbome topics, the results was a friend of mine dying in the hospital because he abused it, me praying not to o to jail for the rest of 30 years of my life, but it seems few are listening.

Its more dangerous then heroin, Just FEW MISTAKEN MICROGRAMS can cost someone his life.

But in fact... Its a cheap drug...

How many milligrams did your friend take to end up in the hospital?

Not more than 2mg, but he use it frequently, tripping 2 or 3 times per week for almost 1 month. Hes ok now, but seeing a psychologist. His state of mind is not stable.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: seuss on March 30, 2013, 04:37 pm
Well just to remind, i have posted my opinion on this chem on many nbome topics, the results was a friend of mine dying in the hospital because he abused it, me praying not to o to jail for the rest of 30 years of my life, but it seems few are listening.

Its more dangerous then heroin, Just FEW MISTAKEN MICROGRAMS can cost someone his life.

But in fact... Its a cheap drug...

How many milligrams did your friend take to end up in the hospital?

Not more than 2mg, but he use it frequently, tripping 2 or 3 times per week for almost 1 month. Hes ok now, but seeing a psychologist. His state of mind is not stable.

How was he dying in the hospital then if it was psychological?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: lucyintheskywd on March 30, 2013, 09:06 pm
You can die for short periods of time and survive so long as you are brought back quick enough.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: seuss on April 01, 2013, 05:46 pm
Quote from: Psytanium
after several fatalities from this chem, the whole world will be really aware of SR. for what ? honestly ? because its CHEAPER THEN LSD.
i prefer to encourage the LSD market here, its more safe and natural, its a sacrament and am pretty sure the prices will drop down critically if SR ban the nbome.

Dude, first and foremost, I'm really sorry to hear about your friend's adverse drug event to this substance.  I hope he recovers and integrates his experience into a positive outlook.  That being said, everyone should not forget that this is a research chemical.  People who are treating it as if it's as harmless as LSD are going to end up harming themselves.  Naturally, people are going to go for the NBOMe series because it's cheaper than LSD.  People aren't going to waste 700+ cash for a sheet of LSD on here when they can get a sheet of some sort of NBOMe for way cheaper, which pretty much gives the same or similar effects, albeit with a shorter duration.  Really, you're pretty much screwed when it comes to LSD prices unless you're on a private forum.  I'm personally in favor of LSD over the NBOMe series, but until the higher-ups in the LSD scene quit being greedy dicks, people are going to go for the cheaper alternative.  And thank goodness for that; folks who are broke or have a shitty xenobiotic metabolism when it comes to LSD, thus needing at least a ten-strip for a good trip, have a chance of partaking in the psychedelic experience.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Psytanium on April 02, 2013, 12:06 am
Quote from: Psytanium
after several fatalities from this chem, the whole world will be really aware of SR. for what ? honestly ? because its CHEAPER THEN LSD.
i prefer to encourage the LSD market here, its more safe and natural, its a sacrament and am pretty sure the prices will drop down critically if SR ban the nbome.

Dude, first and foremost, I'm really sorry to hear about your friend's adverse drug event to this substance.  I hope he recovers and integrates his experience into a positive outlook.  That being said, everyone should not forget that this is a research chemical.  People who are treating it as if it's as harmless as LSD are going to end up harming themselves.  Naturally, people are going to go for the NBOMe series because it's cheaper than LSD.  People aren't going to waste 700+ cash for a sheet of LSD on here when they can get a sheet of some sort of NBOMe for way cheaper, which pretty much gives the same or similar effects, albeit with a shorter duration.  Really, you're pretty much screwed when it comes to LSD prices unless you're on a private forum.  I'm personally in favor of LSD over the NBOMe series, but until the higher-ups in the LSD scene quit being greedy dicks, people are going to go for the cheaper alternative.  And thank goodness for that; folks who are broke or have a shitty xenobiotic metabolism when it comes to LSD, thus needing at least a ten-strip for a good trip, have a chance of partaking in the psychedelic experience.

Thank you for your interest, he is fine right now, he found another job, back to continue his studies, everything as normal, its his fault anyway, i told him to be careful this is nbome, but he is not well informed about substances.

But experienced tripper or even a chemist will risk his life with those blotters, no one can be sure about the concentration on those tabs. U cant tell if its 1mg or 10mg. Shit happens.

Imagine!!! Clean lsd blotter for just 1$ ??? this will be heaven again.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: seuss on April 02, 2013, 12:38 am
Quick question: does HPBCD complexion actually increase the bio-availability of 25x-NBOMe?  It's my first time ordering 25C that isn't complexed, and the vendor told me it wasn't necessary when I asked.  Could any scientific minds inform me on this?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: eworkjr on April 03, 2013, 11:09 pm
Righteous is the best 25i vendor. his tabs are strawberry flavored to help mask the horrible bitterness the nbomes have. super strong too. ~60$ for 100 tabs
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sofish89 on April 04, 2013, 12:56 am
Whats all this stuff in the media I hear about people dying from taking NBOME? Is this all just media hype similiar to the media hype in the 70s when LSD came out, or is there any truth to this?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: LIGHTFLOWER on April 04, 2013, 05:32 pm
Anyone got experience with 25-d?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: slirp on April 05, 2013, 01:39 am
Whats all this stuff in the media I hear about people dying from taking NBOME? Is this all just media hype similiar to the media hype in the 70s when LSD came out, or is there any truth to this?
The media would love to report LSD deaths but there aren't any (directly from LSD).  I've seen a few reports of 25i deaths.  I'm just going to stick with LSD which I find superior and well worth the additional cost IMO.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on April 05, 2013, 02:35 am
Anyone got experience with 25-d?

It's one of my favorites along with 25b. What do you want to know?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 05, 2013, 06:44 am
how dose NBOMe 25-I compare to LSD? are the effects similar? also what is the difference between 2c-b an 25-b? thanks
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: aussiepp on April 06, 2013, 06:42 am
I should have some Nbome 25I, 25B and 25C sometime soon.

I will report back here once I've dabbled a little bit... (first time)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: aussiepp on April 06, 2013, 06:59 am
Whats all this stuff in the media I hear about people dying from taking NBOME? Is this all just media hype similiar to the media hype in the 70s when LSD came out, or is there any truth to this?

There was a death late last year in Australia related to 25i.
It was reported that he continuously ran into a pole until he died.

What a shit way to die. lol
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: donatto on April 06, 2013, 01:29 pm
Hey yo guys, i need some opinions here, what are you going on the Street Price? lets say, price for 25i and price for 25c, lets assume prices x1, x10, x25. Im going like 10$x1, 9$x10 and 8$x25, im going too low or its ok? i know it can change from country to country, but lets assume some "regular" here, thoughts?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Yoshitoshi on April 06, 2013, 05:09 pm
Whats all this stuff in the media I hear about people dying from taking NBOME? Is this all just media hype similiar to the media hype in the 70s when LSD came out, or is there any truth to this?

Hard facts about the fatalities are pretty hard to come by. My hunch is that early producers/vendors didn't fully appreciate the quantum leap in strength from say, 2CI (25mg) to 2CI-Nbome (1 mg) [for strong doses of each] and some of the earliest consumers got fucking heroically over-dosed, very unfortunately. It's still unclear if say, 25mg is anywhere near the LD50 of 2CI-Nbome; personally, I doubt it is, but we'll be waiting a heck of a long time for a scientific call on that.

That initial bad rep, and the weird name seem to be enough to put a lot of people off. Which is a great shame. I think 2CI-Nbome is fantastic stuff at appropriate doses, and yes, majorly mindbending if used beyond that. Like all great psychoactives, it has unique qualities of it's own which will appeal to some, and not to others. I also think it might well have excellent therapeutic potential, used wisely.

I have a handful of early trip reports scattered around the forum if anybody wants to know more.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: moonflower on April 06, 2013, 09:35 pm
how dose NBOMe 25-I compare to LSD? are the effects similar? also what is the difference between 2c-b an 25-b? thanks
there's really no comparing 25i to lsd... lucy has a magic all her own. the nbomes are similar to the 2c's except the negative side effects seem to be amplified.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 07, 2013, 07:37 am
how dose NBOMe 25-I compare to LSD? are the effects similar? also what is the difference between 2c-b an 25-b? thanks
there's really no comparing 25i to lsd... lucy has a magic all her own. the nbomes are similar to the 2c's except the negative side effects seem to be amplified.
which is visually more intense? nbomes or acid? thanks
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: moonflower on April 07, 2013, 11:14 pm
how dose NBOMe 25-I compare to LSD? are the effects similar? also what is the difference between 2c-b an 25-b? thanks
there's really no comparing 25i to lsd... lucy has a magic all her own. the nbomes are similar to the 2c's except the negative side effects seem to be amplified.
which is visually more intense? nbomes or acid? thanks
25i is more intense visually, though i find them very intrusive and "plastic" looking... i don't enjoy it at all. visuals are just secondary to the experience anyway. the main thing i dislike about 25i is how hard it is on the body.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on April 08, 2013, 02:56 am
how dose NBOMe 25-I compare to LSD? are the effects similar? also what is the difference between 2c-b an 25-b? thanks
there's really no comparing 25i to lsd... lucy has a magic all her own. the nbomes are similar to the 2c's except the negative side effects seem to be amplified.
which is visually more intense? nbomes or acid? thanks
25i is more intense visually, though i find them very intrusive and "plastic" looking... i don't enjoy it at all. visuals are just secondary to the experience anyway. the main thing i dislike about 25i is how hard it is on the body.
oh, how dose it effect the body?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: nbomber on April 08, 2013, 03:47 am
Main thing is pretty intense vasoconstriction. Makes you feel cold, causes muscle aches, results in shrinkage between the legs... On top of that, there's also often a bit of nausea on the come-up and a bit of dizziness/wobbliness on your feet.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Yoshitoshi on April 08, 2013, 08:45 am
Pre-dosing with vitamin B helps minimize vasoconstriction.

At low/mild doses I think 25i is exceptionally beautiful and very empathogenic. Synthetic yes, but much more organised and beguiling than say, 2C-B (haven't tried 2C-I, it's precursor).

Found the come up to be very smooth, almost E-like, and nothing like the occasional tab of poor quality cid I've tried to date (fixing that soon though, so a more up-to-date comparison will follow).

Kicking off with a tiny line of MXE makes the Nbome come up even better IMHO. But must not be used with LSD, as I have recently been advised...

25c I don't find nearly so interesting or pleasant, more pixellated and freeze-framy. More usual rushy come up too. A few people seem to have the reverse opinion of the two substances, so maybe I need to explore it more.

With both Nbomes, larger doses can be very immersive and pretty wild, so need to be approached with care and diligence... Really dread to imagine what e.g. a 25mg mega-dose would've been like, especially with no prior experience of the stuff.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: donatto on April 09, 2013, 12:20 am
Guys. help me on this, STREET prices? how u going with that? how much u chargin or how much u paying for it, so to speak.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: slirp on April 09, 2013, 01:43 am
Guys. help me on this, STREET prices? how u going with that? how much u chargin or how much u paying for it, so to speak.

Few people even know what 25x-NBOMe or even 2C-x is.  25x-NBOMe is probably (and unfortunately) more often sold as LSD I would guess, which to me is totally unacceptable.

You'll just need to come up with your own price.  Personally I don't think it is worth the high risk to sell drugs on the street and selling it cheaper but having more customers only makes that worse.  Oh and if one of your customers uses too much 25i-NBOMe and dies and somebody links it to you then you're also fucked.  I saw a story about that in the news somewhere.

Just my opinion; I have no experience selling.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: fordingtheharrison on April 09, 2013, 04:54 am
I would say that the NBOMes should be sold at any price lower than your local street price for LSD, because 1) its duration is shorter 2) people won't regard it as "the real thing". But consider this in terms of "price per intensity", since the dosage of a single NBOMe tab is likely going to produce a more powerful trip than a single LSD tab, i.e. if an NBOMe tab is twice as powerful as an LSD tab, and the LSD tab is $10, you could sell the NBOMe tab for $15 as long as you can convince the buyer that it's more powerful. But the final price you can get away with in the end will vary based on demand and other economic factors. And remember, please don't claim it's LSD, and remind buyers that it's not just an LSD clone and that they should be slightly more cautious about it.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ianfleming on April 09, 2013, 05:24 am
I would say that the NBOMes should be sold at any price lower than your local street price for LSD
NBOMEs should be flushed down the toilet
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: aussiepp on April 09, 2013, 06:59 am
I have an order of 25-I, 25-B and 25-C NBOMe coming in soonish.

I've had a lot of trouble finding information differentiating them from each other.

Can anybody help me with ideas on the difference of effects and peaks and what not?

Cheers :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Yoshitoshi on April 09, 2013, 07:15 am
NBOMEs should be flushed down the toilet

Seems a bit to elaborate?

All "new" drugs attract a bit of suspicion, understandably. But in the current climate, we'd be waiting a thousand years for an official random/controlled trial of effects and possible harms/benefits.

Careful amateur examination seems the only way to proceed. After all, we are standing on the shoulders of some major giants in this respect...

2CI-Nbome definitely has some amazing qualities all of it's own IMHO, and will also fuck you hard if you go too far. This hardly makes it unique in the psychedelic pharmacoepia. Or a molecular version of Keyser Söze!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: slirp on April 09, 2013, 01:21 pm
NBOMEs should be flushed down the toilet

Seems a bit to elaborate?

I'm not the original poster, but I have thrown my 25C-NBOMe stash down the toilet.  For a friend and me the negatives easily outweighed the positives.  After spitting it out it still took hours for that nasty bitterness to go away.  I did try multiple times.

drugs-forum says 25C-NBOMe "...has been reported to have less 'after effects' and generally less unwanted side effects than traditional compounds from the 2C-X series."  However, I still gave 2C-B a try and much prefer it over 25C, especially with MDMA.  My experience is fairly limited.  I haven't tried anything else except for LSD which I find superior.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Yoshitoshi on April 09, 2013, 03:46 pm
Very interesting, having only tried 25i & 25c Nbomes (not 25b, yet...) I found I much preferred 25i.

25c I found borderline unpleasant, not from the taste, but the visual effects were plain weird: not very colorful, frequent freezing and pixellation. It's reported to boost music, but I just got heavy reverb on random sounds (traffic, birds etc). Body load was also fairly substantial.

25i was visually stunning, felt great, and altogether much more enjoyable all round.

2C-B, obviously, is great too; 25i just seems more complex at a visual level. Hence I'm really curious to try 25b to see how it fits, as I haven't tried 2C-C or 2C-I either, so I'm missing a straight comparison between the two variants.

Have read that 25b lasts longest of all the Nbomes though...  :o
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on April 09, 2013, 07:08 pm
I have an order of 25-I, 25-B and 25-C NBOMe coming in soonish.

I've had a lot of trouble finding information differentiating them from each other.

Can anybody help me with ideas on the difference of effects and peaks and what not?

Cheers :)

25i is the happy one, will make you laugh a lot, some euphoria. Visuals are kind of hit and miss ... some people get great ones, others don't notice much. I would get some waving of the visual field and things seemed brighter and more alive but nothing too obvious.
25b has a lot of eye candy, lots of colors splashed onto everything, and quite a bit of euphoria. There's also some interesting sound distortion and emotion enhancement. It's one of my favorites.
25c is very euphoric and visual also, though it's really hard on the mind (wasn't worth it to me). During one trip I was euphoric and scared out of my mind at the same time, started to believe that the euphoria was scary if that makes sense. I kind of tossed it at that point though others have had more pleasurable experiences with it.

Body chemistry plays a big role with each so you will likely have different experiences. I haven't read of anyone who didn't like 25b though that could be because it's not as widely sold as the others and therefore less likely to have a bad review.  ???
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Psytanium on April 09, 2013, 09:09 pm
I would say that the NBOMes should be sold at any price lower than your local street price for LSD
NBOMEs should be flushed down the toilet

thats what i did, after a bad experience
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Yoshitoshi on April 09, 2013, 10:24 pm
thats what i did, after a bad experience

The psychedelic mind is like a muscle, the more you work it, the better it gets. But occasionally, it will hurt...
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldcactushand on April 10, 2013, 09:59 am
I would say that the NBOMes should be sold at any price lower than your local street price for LSD
NBOMEs should be flushed down the toilet

IIRC you were selling them or planning to? Did you or someone you know have a bad experience, or did you just change your mind?

I've only done 25i, and I've only done that once (since it was shortly before I joined the road and was able to acquire LSD). I enjoyed it, and did not experience any of the negative side effects talked about, except for feeling a bit chilly during the comeup (easily solved with a hoodie) and not being able to sleep for a long time (which wasn't that bad, i went for a really nice walk in the sun instead). Sounds like it's a really bad time for some people though.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: donatto on April 10, 2013, 10:59 am
I think they are great psichedelics, anyways, the effects will come drastically different from body to body, like ALL the psichedelics, there is no recipe in "effects", yes they are some similar things but depends on so many factors that it gotta go that way, bad reviews, good reviews, my wife took some good L and completly had a bad trip "NEVERMORE THAT SHIT", i was wtf, but  ok gotta respect, for me its beautiful, you got what i mean right?. Im sellin at the street, not  like L, just like "A powerful psichedelic that its more potent than the actual lsd thats beign sold here in the town", if the L sold here (WHICH DEFF ITS NOT LSD) cost around 20$, im in the 15$ zone, a little down from the higher price, but close so nobody say fuck and keep those roading really fast, all the people super happy and on a high demand.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: SinningSaint on April 10, 2013, 12:26 pm
I took a tab of 25i about a year ago. It was one of my worst drug experiences. I was kind of in a anxious state of mind when I took it too. Well I couldn't even talk to the person I was with. I kept mumbling and saying "What is going on?" and things like that over and over. I saw blood dripping out of my friends mouth. My skin turned cold too.
After a few hours, it was better though. Started paying attention to intense visuals, listened to some music, and ate fresh fruit.
Surprisingly, I want to try it again. Just this time, in a better setting. I also think that was too strong of a dose for me (supposedly 2g)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on April 11, 2013, 07:44 pm
Very interesting, having only tried 25i & 25c Nbomes (not 25b, yet...) I found I much preferred 25i.

25c I found borderline unpleasant, not from the taste, but the visual effects were plain weird: not very colorful, frequent freezing and pixellation. It's reported to boost music, but I just got heavy reverb on random sounds (traffic, birds etc). Body load was also fairly substantial.

25i was visually stunning, felt great, and altogether much more enjoyable all round.

2C-B, obviously, is great too; 25i just seems more complex at a visual level. Hence I'm really curious to try 25b to see how it fits, as I haven't tried 2C-C or 2C-I either, so I'm missing a straight comparison between the two variants.

Have read that 25b lasts longest of all the Nbomes though...  :o

That's pretty spot on to my experiences with 25i/25c. I didn't really care for 25b much, it just didn't seem to have much effect on me aside from some body load. I prefer the 25i out of the three, it's a more relaxing trip for me.

I just picked up some 2c-i this week to see what all the talk is about, it was highly recommended to my by a fellow psychonaut.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Yoshitoshi on April 11, 2013, 09:06 pm
I just picked up some 2c-i this week to see what all the talk is about

Will be great to hear how you find that compared to 25i.

Not itching quite so much for 25b now either give your assessment...

Quite a few people seem to prefer 25c over 25i though, so just goes to show we're not all the same after all  :D
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: jhancock1984 on April 11, 2013, 09:20 pm
I like 25c more than 25i, granted maybe I didn't give i a fair shake (I think the vendor I got it from wasn't laying the tabs right because it just wasn't all that impressive).

That said I don't take either anymore.  The tolerance is to much for me.  I like to trip.  I like to trip twice a week if possible.  The 2c class produces much less tolerance due to lower receptor affinity.  Hell LSD produces less tolerance.

Plus seeing visible down regulation after I tried mixing 25c and 25i together scared me a bit.  Having the way you perceive glossy colors fucked up for a week wasn't fun.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I tried them just for the sake of satisfying my own curiosity.  But they're not really for me.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on April 11, 2013, 09:58 pm
I don't know if the 25b I got was weak, but I took 1.8mg and got a medium body load with very mild visuals. Felt kind of like a low dose of mushrooms.

The 25c has a weird energy to it that's hard to describe, almost like a fluorescent light bulb kind of feeling. I tried the I/C  together once and it was very intense, not a huge fan.

I've experienced the tolerance build up trying to trip twice a week, that 2nd trip is usually pretty mediocre even with a heavy dose.

I didn't know that about the 2c class having lower tolerance, that makes it much more interesting now. I like that it's orally active too, much easier to just swallow it instead of holding a tab in my mouth for 45 minutes.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on April 11, 2013, 10:52 pm
I don't know if the 25b I got was weak, but I took 1.8mg and got a medium body load with very mild visuals. Felt kind of like a low dose of mushrooms.

Yeah you got weak stuff for sure or you were suffering a tolerance issue. A 500ug blotter of 25b gave me more colorful and vibrant visuals than 7g of gandiloi shrooms, at least for my first time. My typical dose has been about 1mg since.

Sorry you got cheated out of that first experience. I think that stuff is magic.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on April 12, 2013, 12:10 am
Maybe a little bit of both, I may have to revisit 25b again some time. There are just so many other drugs to try out it wasn't high on my list.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: jhancock1984 on April 12, 2013, 02:04 am
I didn't know that about the 2c class having lower tolerance, that makes it much more interesting now. I like that it's orally active too, much easier to just swallow it instead of holding a tab in my mouth for 45 minutes.

I found 2c-b to have a ridiculously low tolerance curve for a psychedelic, able to redose multiple times in a night and trip two days later with little difference from base tolerance.  By far the lowest tolerance build up of any psych I've experienced.  I've heard 2c-e and other 2c's are similar.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on April 12, 2013, 09:18 pm
That sounds exactly like what I'm looking for. With the 25i/c it seems to take at least 5 days for my tolerance to drop, so that eliminated having 2 trips in one weekend or even 2 good trips in one week. Sounds like I could probably get away with that with the 2c-i, interesting.

I'm genuinely excited about this, wouldn't be possible without silk road. Waiting for my weed to arrive before trying it out, I gotta have weed or it just wouldn't feel right. Probably gonna start with 20mg to get my feet wet, although some say 25-30mg might be better.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on April 13, 2013, 01:59 am
Has anyone tried a 25i/c combo before? I have some combo hits but out of all the nbome I've taken I've never really had a trip off it other than light stimulation and tracers.

What's the most efficient  way to sublingually dose? How long should I hold my saliva and the blotters in my mouth for? 

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: donatto on April 13, 2013, 02:40 am
Go upper gum and cheek, hold there at least for 30 mins, dont matter if you swallow or not, as in that zone its dry preetty often, if not, dont swallow. Other way, put that tabs in your eyes, or nose. Cheers~
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on April 13, 2013, 03:18 am
I tried the combo one time but I didn't really like it that much, the 25c seemed to overpower the trip. I think a heavier dose of 25i with a smaller dose of 25c would be better, I did 1.5mg of each.

I usually hold it in my upper lip for at least 45 minutes moving it from side to side to avoid gum soreness. Just try to keep the saliva that is in your upper lip in place, the saliva from the rest of your mouth you can just swallow. I didn't notice a difference holding the saliva in my mouth vs swallowing, just try not to swallow the contaminated saliva.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: aussiepp on April 13, 2013, 04:20 am
I have an order of 25-I, 25-B and 25-C NBOMe coming in soonish.

I've had a lot of trouble finding information differentiating them from each other.

Can anybody help me with ideas on the difference of effects and peaks and what not?

Cheers :)

25i is the happy one, will make you laugh a lot, some euphoria. Visuals are kind of hit and miss ... some people get great ones, others don't notice much. I would get some waving of the visual field and things seemed brighter and more alive but nothing too obvious.
25b has a lot of eye candy, lots of colors splashed onto everything, and quite a bit of euphoria. There's also some interesting sound distortion and emotion enhancement. It's one of my favorites.
25c is very euphoric and visual also, though it's really hard on the mind (wasn't worth it to me). During one trip I was euphoric and scared out of my mind at the same time, started to believe that the euphoria was scary if that makes sense. I kind of tossed it at that point though others have had more pleasurable experiences with it.

Body chemistry plays a big role with each so you will likely have different experiences. I haven't read of anyone who didn't like 25b though that could be because it's not as widely sold as the others and therefore less likely to have a bad review.  ???

Thanks for the detailed response :) +1 karma
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: SinningSaint on April 13, 2013, 10:31 am
So I just ordered 25b. Only done 25i before, dosed at 2mg. Way too much & had a shitty trip.
What would you guys say for the first time? 1mg or even less?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldcactushand on April 13, 2013, 11:01 am
^ I second that question.

I'm probably gonna try either 25B or 25C on monday. I've taken 825ug of 25I before, and found it to be a good dose, though I would take 1mg next time. With that in mind, what would be a good 25B or 25C dose for me?

Also, how would either of these drugs be in an outside setting compared to mushrooms or acid?  I hate to speak in cliches, but basically, are you "in touch with nature"?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: donatto on April 13, 2013, 11:45 am
Actually, to get a "good" dose, you just go step by step, if you took 825, take 1mg, then go for 1.2mg, then 1.4/5, always by little, its really powerful, so, you gotta go with care.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldcactushand on April 13, 2013, 01:19 pm
I can't remember a lot of the research I done when I first looked into nbome. But I'm pretty sure the doses for all are a bit different. For example, 25B requiring a slightly stronger dose to produce equivalent effects.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: slirp on April 13, 2013, 03:42 pm
Also, how would either of these drugs be in an outside setting compared to mushrooms or acid?  I hate to speak in cliches, but basically, are you "in touch with nature"?

A lot of people have reported more artificial effects from the NBOMEs.  For example, instead of a picture coming to life and looking real it might look like CGI animation or a cartoon.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on April 13, 2013, 07:00 pm
I tried the combo one time but I didn't really like it that much, the 25c seemed to overpower the trip. I think a heavier dose of 25i with a smaller dose of 25c would be better, I did 1.5mg of each.

I usually hold it in my upper lip for at least 45 minutes moving it from side to side to avoid gum soreness. Just try to keep the saliva that is in your upper lip in place, the saliva from the rest of your mouth you can just swallow. I didn't notice a difference holding the saliva in my mouth vs swallowing, just try not to swallow the contaminated saliva.

The combo hits that I have got 1.4mg of 25i with 800ug of 25c. Do you think that should be a good dosing? I was thinking of taking two since tolerance is a bitch with these and last time I took one and felt light effects. I even took two 800ug hits of 25b throughout out day almost a week ago and didn't feel anything other than insomnia. I'm starting to get irritated with these fucking NBOMe chemicals cause I'm not feeling shit really! It's like my body just rather have LSD instead which I haven't had in quite some time.

 This coming 4/20 Im going to attempt to take another NBOMe trip with 25i/c combo hits with some people and I'll report back to this thread on what happens? maybe I'm simply not holding them on my gums for long enough? we'll see.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: l1llykins on April 13, 2013, 09:49 pm
^ I second that question.

I'm probably gonna try either 25B or 25C on monday. I've taken 825ug of 25I before, and found it to be a good dose, though I would take 1mg next time. With that in mind, what would be a good 25B or 25C dose for me?

Also, how would either of these drugs be in an outside setting compared to mushrooms or acid?  I hate to speak in cliches, but basically, are you "in touch with nature"?

For both 25b and 25c, the come up is a lot faster than 25i (about 30-40 minutes). So you can start at a low dose and then take another at the 30 minute mark if you're not in a good place or feel like you're getting there.

Back in my day, the big players had 25c dosed at 550-600ug. I see them dosed at 1mg these days and I'm not sure if the quality of 25c has changed or people just want higher dosed tabs. Be careful with this one though, it gives the biggest mindfuck of all nbomes.

25b is more predictable; I don't think anyone should have a problem with 1mg with the exception of an intense come-up (it's really smooth after the come-up).
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldcactushand on April 14, 2013, 09:25 am
Thanks l1llykins. I wouldn't particularly want to redose just because of the fact that you have to keep saliva in your mouth for so long already! The tabs I have are 350ug (non-SR source), so I will probably take 2 and leave it there.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on April 14, 2013, 09:46 pm

The combo hits that I have got 1.4mg of 25i with 800ug of 25c. Do you think that should be a good dosing? I was thinking of taking two since tolerance is a bitch with these and last time I took one and felt light effects. I even took two 800ug hits of 25b throughout out day almost a week ago and didn't feel anything other than insomnia. I'm starting to get irritated with these fucking NBOMe chemicals cause I'm not feeling shit really! It's like my body just rather have LSD instead which I haven't had in quite some time.

 This coming 4/20 Im going to attempt to take another NBOMe trip with 25i/c combo hits with some people and I'll report back to this thread on what happens? maybe I'm simply not holding them on my gums for long enough? we'll see.

That sounds like a good dosage, maybe go 2mg on the 25i just to add a little more punch. I had a similar experience with the 25b, it just didn't seem to affect me much.

I find that 2mg of 25i is effective after a waiting a week for tolerance to drop, sometimes 3mg for fun. Similar situation with 25c, although it seems a bit stronger so 3mg and up is pretty intense. Anything under 5 days and it's not worth tripping, at least for me that's the case.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: aussiepp on April 15, 2013, 10:23 am
Tomorrow, I'm trying 25i-NBOMe and my friend is trying 25b-NBOMe (first time trying toe NBMOe's)
We have 1mg of each chemical. Should we take the whole 1mg each or would you guys advise a 500mcg dose?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: fordingtheharrison on April 15, 2013, 06:19 pm
It depends on your tripping experience and lightweightedness. 500 microgram doses can be considerably strong (at least in the case of 25i) for me, but I'm also sort of a lightweight when it comes to drugs. I personally just think it's best to start smaller with something new to get a taste of it before going all out. 1 mg can produce a pretty strong trip. Although, if you're already quite experienced with psychedelics, I'm sure you could do 1 mg your first time.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on April 15, 2013, 06:34 pm
Has anyone ever tried Candyflipping with 25x-NBOMe and MDMA?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: moonflower on April 15, 2013, 08:51 pm
Has anyone ever tried Candyflipping with 25x-NBOMe and MDMA?
impossible! candy flipping requires lsd. ;)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on April 16, 2013, 03:50 am
Has anyone ever tried Candyflipping with 25x-NBOMe and MDMA?
impossible! candy flipping requires lsd. ;)

ha so true! Candyflipping is amazing! But has anyone tried a combo of 25i and mdma?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: aussiepp on April 16, 2013, 07:02 am
It depends on your tripping experience and lightweightedness. 500 microgram doses can be considerably strong (at least in the case of 25i) for me, but I'm also sort of a lightweight when it comes to drugs. I personally just think it's best to start smaller with something new to get a taste of it before going all out. 1 mg can produce a pretty strong trip. Although, if you're already quite experienced with psychedelics, I'm sure you could do 1 mg your first time.

Thanks man. I'm not new to psychedelics but my friend and I decided to sit on a 750mcg dose for our first time.
We're ingesting them in about 90 minutes, I'll report back later with my experience :D
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: aussiepp on April 16, 2013, 11:00 am
Actually, never mind.  ::)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: SinningSaint on April 16, 2013, 12:38 pm
Tomorrow, I'm trying 25i-NBOMe and my friend is trying 25b-NBOMe (first time trying toe NBMOe's)
We have 1mg of each chemical. Should we take the whole 1mg each or would you guys advise a 500mcg dose?
Want to hear how that goes!
So many mixed reports when comparing 25i and 25b.
As soon as my 25b blotters arrive, I think I'm going to start with .5mg but I have really low tolerance to psychedelics so may differ.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldcactushand on April 18, 2013, 08:29 am
Thanks l1llykins. I wouldn't particularly want to redose just because of the fact that you have to keep saliva in your mouth for so long already! The tabs I have are 350ug (non-SR source), so I will probably take 2 and leave it there.

Actually, you don't have to keep saliva in your mouth while tabbing. I read this a lot but have no idea where it comes from as nbome's are not active orally.

It's the rule for sublingual dosing but nbome tabs work best via buccal admin (between gum and cheek).

I read this the morning I dosed, but because I wasn't certain, I kept the saliva in my mouth for 20 minutes. Is what you're saying definitely true, there's no difference in effects? I really hope that's the case, and have always suspected it might be. Otherwise, how the hell are people selling it as acid, right?

Anyway, we dosed 700ug of 25C each. I found the come-up to be much slower than 25i (825ug), where visuals started about 35 minutes after putting the tabs on my gum. This time the come up was closer to 90 minutes. It was much less intense than my 25i experience, but despite this I think it was a bit more enjoyable. I felt happier, and a lot calmer. However, this could all be down to setting, since with 25C I was sitting in the sun looking at clouds, as opposed to just being in a friend's living room at night.

It was less visual, but the visuals I did get were really interesting and different to anything I've had before. I felt much more comfortable walking around in public than on acid or anything, and I can see why people say this would be a good one for ninja tripping.

Next time I'll try 1mg or maybe even a little more than that
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: BreakingBad123 on April 18, 2013, 01:51 pm
Has anyone ever tried Candyflipping with 25x-NBOMe and MDMA?

Few reports of mixes with MDMA (plus other stuff) here
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: donatto on April 18, 2013, 07:17 pm
So, what does sell more? 25i or 25c? on street talking.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldcactushand on April 19, 2013, 01:06 pm
Yeah, is anyone else not keeping the saliva in their mouths? Are you taking more nbome to account for this, or does it actually make no difference?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldcactushand on April 19, 2013, 04:02 pm
Just so everyone's aware, I notice someone is now selling 25N-NBOMe (under the 25D-NBOMe section).
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: donatto on April 20, 2013, 02:19 pm
Guys, i need an imput for today/tomorrow ASAP.

Here's the situation, last time ive order 25c/25i from tyl3r the boss, the thing is, the batch got mixed up, i mean, he cant said which was which, so, ive got mixed feedbacks regarding the street selling, u know what i mean? So i cant even tell which of those was more selld, i mean, APPARENTLY the 25C, but he didnt know which was each of em, so, i dont really know. Now i need to go with a really large order, and i want to know which is the more sellin of those 2. Imputs?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: mayhem15 on April 20, 2013, 03:23 pm
I hope you're not one of the people passing nbomes as LSD.

But any who, personally I think 25c is the bee's knee's compared to 25I. The trip is a whole lot smoother and a whole lot trippier than the god awful body load and shitty visuals 25I produces.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: donatto on April 20, 2013, 07:32 pm
I dont sell it as LSD, its faster to say what it really is, and sell a lil cheaper and in bulks quantities, lol.
 Anyway, thanks for the imput, yes mixed feedbacks got me thinkin about...
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: CiscoYankerStuck on April 21, 2013, 03:53 am
During my last trip, concepts such as, "recursion", "abstractions", "paradigm", "non-reducible terms", "logical", and "analouge" kept coming to mind.
Recursive thinking is an extremely common theme for me with 25i, especially at higher doses.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: SinningSaint on April 22, 2013, 12:16 pm
25b blotters from T5 just got here  ;D Have yet to try, will report this weekend!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on April 22, 2013, 07:17 pm
25b blotters from Lightflower arrived today. I'll give you guys my trip report when I get around to dosing. But I have a quick question, is 1mg of 25b enough? or should I take two tabs?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: LIGHTFLOWER on April 24, 2013, 05:53 am
25b blotters from Lightflower arrived today. I'll give you guys my trip report when I get around to dosing. But I have a quick question, is 1mg of 25b enough? or should I take two tabs?
one should be good :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on April 24, 2013, 06:52 am

But any who, personally I think 25c is the bee's knee's compared to 25I. The trip is a whole lot smoother and a whole lot trippier than the god awful body load and shitty visuals 25I produces.

It's the opposite for me with body load, the effects of this stuff seem to be all over the place for different people.

Haven't touched any nbomes since I got some 2c-i, I like it a lot more. It's so much easier to dose, just drop some in a little bit of liquid and drink it down in one gulp. I'll probably stick with the 2c powders for a while, the visuals are great and it's much more convenient than holding tabs in my mouth all night.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: SinningSaint on April 24, 2013, 10:44 am
I read 1mg is too strong, and that it's better to start off with .5mg?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: seuss on April 24, 2013, 09:49 pm
For those inquiring on the similarities between LSD and the NBOMe series, they are not one and the same in terms of effects.  First and foremost, the total duration is at most 6 hours or less (this also depends on one's tolerance).  It causes way more vasoconstriction than LSD, which has the possibility of impacting one's trip by decreasing one's comfortability.  The peak comes fast, in contrast to LSD which comes gradually.  Don't get me wrong, you'll still trip as you would on any other psychedelic (they act on the same serotonin receptors), but because the rate in which one trips on 25x-NBOMe is way different and the role of severe vasoconstriction, one's mental trip will not be the same as that of LSD due to the aforementioned factors.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Buckfuddr on April 25, 2013, 05:22 am
Yeah it's hard to compare 25x-nbome's to LSD since it's in a different class of psychedelics, mescaline would be better but not many people have done mescaline. For me the visuals of the nbome's just don't seem as intense as LSD, like I never lose control of them. There is also a certain mental state that I only seem to get with LSD, hard to explain but I've yet to find it from another psychedelic.

I only noticed vasoconstriction with 25c, more so at 2mg+ doses. The trip duration is kind of short for my tastes, about 4 hours of tripping with a few hours of afterglow. It's short enough that I want to trip longer, but re-dosing after 4 hours just seems to prolong the comedown more than prolonging the actual trip. This is why I usually try to re-dose after 2-3 hours but holding tabs in my mouth for half the night gets old quick.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: donatto on April 27, 2013, 01:35 pm
C30? wtf is that bro?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Jack N Hoff on April 27, 2013, 01:40 pm
C30? wtf is that bro?
A newly invented hallucinogen in the NBOME family.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Pax on April 29, 2013, 10:23 pm
C30? wtf is that bro?
A newly invented hallucinogen in the NBOME family.
God damn-it they created another one. We have barely done any research on the ones that are already out and they have already created another one. Bets on how long it takes the press to make it evil or the first government to make it illegal LOL. Any new info on people doing research or new devolpments on a health profile for these Nbome family drugs? I just don`t feel safe taking them "again" when they are still labeled RCs. As a side note any research I could do to help the Nbome community?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: SinningSaint on April 30, 2013, 01:19 pm
Gunna give two trip reports for 25b-NBOMe since there isn't enough.
Saturday night @ Club

Me [experience with 25i, and a good range of other drugs]
Dosed 1mg tab, 20 minutes I started feeling a little sick. Went to spit it out in the bathroom, when all a sudden hit me WAY too strong. I sat down on the toilet and couldn't get up because I was too overwhelmed with all the visuals and feeling sick. Sat in there for a good 40 minutes. No bad trip, just couldn't function. Went out because I realized my friend was waiting for me worried. Made them sit with me for half an hour or so, then I forced myself to go back inside the club. That's when everything got amazing. The music was euphoric, my energy was at a maximum, and I felt like I had no worries. I kept getting closer and closer to the DJ, and felt like I was just in a heaven of music. The fog machines and light shows at the club were definitely amazing.

Friend [no experience with ANYTHING other than alcohol]
Dosed 1mg, and nothing happened. I assumed he did something wrong, so explained it to him again and gave him another tab a few hours later. 40 minutes after that second tab, he starts getting giggly and saying he felt funny. Unfortunately, it was almost 5 am. By the time he's peaking, we're back at the hotel. He starts walking back and forth, complaining that he wants to sleep. He then closes his eyes to try to sleep, and that's when it all goes downhill. He says he's in a bad place and goes to the bathroom. He comes out crying because he said it was a dark place in there and he had to refrain from the monkey in him from throwing his poop at the walls. He claimed his brain wasn't working right from wrong. I told him just to imagine a good place, but he kept whining about wanting to be normal again. He was all over the place and just not making any sense at all. I was honestly kind of worried for him.

I might have contributed to his anxiety because of my lack of communication. While he was going frantic in the hotel, my trip was making me go deep into life thoughts. I spent almost two hours just laying down thinking about my family, goals, and other things. I'd try to make jokes with him, but I wasn't in the mood to keep a long conversation going.

Around 9 am, we were both cooling down and just watched TV. A majority of the channels were extremely funny for us and we doodled a bit too. Couldn't even sleep until 3 at noon.

Overall, 25b could very well be superior to 25i in my opinion. But turns out the warnings were right. Do NOT start your dose at 1mg.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: eworkjr on May 01, 2013, 12:47 am
Anyone know any domestic nbome vendors still taking orders through tormail or PM? Was about to order 100-150 25b before the site went down.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: slirp on May 01, 2013, 01:58 am

Around 9 am, we were both cooling down and just watched TV. A majority of the channels were extremely funny for us and we doodled a bit too. Couldn't even sleep until 3 at noon.

So you had to pay for two nights?  :)

Have you used LSD, shrroms or 2C-B?  I'm curious how you would compare them.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sofish89 on May 01, 2013, 03:20 am
I have used LSD, shrooms, 2c-b, 2c-i and 25-i NBOME and i would say that 25i NBOME feels the closest to 2c-i (at least to me). Its a much different type of magic than LSD, especially than higher doses of LSD
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on May 04, 2013, 10:47 pm
I'm attending a three day festival. I'm bringing for myself 250mg of MDMA (125mg in each cap) and 1mg of 25b-NBOMe. 

Has anyone ever combined any of the NBOMe's with MDMA?  Is it worth it?  Or should I take my MDMA and 25B on different days?

This I guess would be a RC Candyflip.  Napalm Flipping lol
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sniper123 on May 04, 2013, 11:00 pm
I'm attending a three day festival. I'm bringing for myself 250mg of MDMA (125mg in each cap) and 1mg of 25b-NBOMe. 

Has anyone ever combined any of the NBOMe's with MDMA?  Is it worth it?  Or should I take my MDMA and 25B on different days?

This I guess would be a RC Candyflip.  Napalm Flipping lol
I heard it's call;ed baby flipping. I personally enjoyed the combination. I felt they had wonderful synergy. The only side effect i noticed was gurning, clenching, and over heating. But, i get that normally from mdma by itself. I think you're going to lvoe the combo.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Purple_Hue000 on May 04, 2013, 11:10 pm
How should I go about dosing my MDMA and 25B effectively to get the best experience possible?

Should I pop one 125mg mdma cap, then the 25b blotter, then a few hours in take the second 125mg cap?

Or should I take the 25b first?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sniper123 on May 05, 2013, 05:34 am
How should I go about dosing my MDMA and 25B effectively to get the best experience possible?

Should I pop one 125mg mdma cap, then the 25b blotter, then a few hours in take the second 125mg cap?

Or should I take the 25b first?
When i'm combining mdma with anything. I tend to drop the other substance first. For instance when i candy flip. I like to administrate the mdma two to three hours after dropping the LSD. This let's me test the waters with the lsd and decide if adding mdma will improve the effects. (Which it always does. Sometimes i wonder if i wait because my great respect for LSD. No point in having a bad trip. Bad trips are a waste of blotter.)

I'm assuming since you have to administrate nbome's bucally. (It might be sublingal.) That the effects come on faster than oral. So, i find myself waiting an hour to an hour and a half before dosing the MDMA. But, everyone is differant. Do what you feel is comfy for you and you'll have an amazing time. 25b and MDMA is the closet thing i could get to 2c-b and mdma which is fantastic!

The reason i brought up LSD in this nbome thread is because i have more experience with combining mdma and lsd than i do nbome and mdma. Now that i think about it. It's been a long time since i've done LSD without mdma.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: HiXxY26 on May 07, 2013, 02:56 am
How should I go about dosing my MDMA and 25B effectively to get the best experience possible?

Should I pop one 125mg mdma cap, then the 25b blotter, then a few hours in take the second 125mg cap?

Or should I take the 25b first?
When i'm combining mdma with anything. I tend to drop the other substance first. For instance when i candy flip. I like to administrate the mdma two to three hours after dropping the LSD. This let's me test the waters with the lsd and decide if adding mdma will improve the effects. (Which it always does. Sometimes i wonder if i wait because my great respect for LSD. No point in having a bad trip. Bad trips are a waste of blotter.)

I'm assuming since you have to administrate nbome's bucally. (It might be sublingal.) That the effects come on faster than oral. So, i find myself waiting an hour to an hour and a half before dosing the MDMA. But, everyone is differant. Do what you feel is comfy for you and you'll have an amazing time. 25b and MDMA is the closet thing i could get to 2c-b and mdma which is fantastic!

The reason i brought up LSD in this nbome thread is because i have more experience with combining mdma and lsd than i do nbome and mdma. Now that i think about it. It's been a long time since i've done LSD without mdma.

I to am going to a 3 day festival coming up and will probably flip of some sort. I will have MDMA, 25i, 25b, and 2c-b. I just took some 25b on sat night and really liked it. I started off with 1/2 tab of a 1mg and started to feel it after about an hour but it wasn't very strong so i took the other half. I think i might try some MDMA and half of a 25b. I heard there is a cross tolerance between the nbomes and mdma. Is it the same for the 2c-b as well?
I was thinking day one  mdma + 25b, day two 2c-b, day 3 mdma + 25i.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: reggatheage on May 07, 2013, 05:43 am
I think I may have taken NBOMe one time but not sure, there was a rumour going round it was methyl-dob but I'm not sure.  I think I took too much because there was a period of time where I could barely even use my visual sense, colours were merging together and it was all mixing and I could actually hardly see.  I also kept getting the sensation of smoke appearing everywhere it was pretty insane.  Plus me and my friends were all insane basically cackling like mental patients about ridiculous things, plus muscle tension was kind of a real bitch. 
IT was all good until I tried to sleep I couldn't sleep at all I kept getting weird images in my mind like a whole bunch of mouths and shit like that even pornographic pictures I had work the next day too and then I started to just get incredibly anxious and it was horrible took me like 12 hours to get to sleep had to call in sick for work.  Anyway now I only take pure LSD I learnt my lesson.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Yoshitoshi on May 07, 2013, 07:36 am
I to am going to a 3 day festival coming up and will probably flip of some sort. I will have MDMA, 25i, 25b, and 2c-b. I just took some 25b on sat night and really liked it. I started off with 1/2 tab of a 1mg and started to feel it after about an hour but it wasn't very strong so i took the other half. I think i might try some MDMA and half of a 25b. I heard there is a cross tolerance between the nbomes and mdma. Is it the same for the 2c-b as well?
I was thinking day one  mdma + 25b, day two 2c-b, day 3 mdma + 25i.

I would guess 3 days solid of phenethylamines would be tough in terms of cross-tolerance, and having the Nbomes separated by only a day is unlikely to be enough. Personally I get nothing from 2C-B on a second day's dosing, although I have read that other people can...but 2c & 25c are close enough to make it seem like a big ask imo.

There's a another thread somewhere specifically about a 3 day festival "program". The general idea was:

The MDMA was saved for the last day, with acid, 2C-B and/or a nice tryptamine, like 4AcO-DMT over the first two days.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: HeatFireFlame on May 07, 2013, 10:54 am
hey all, Fucking love nbome, However im going to the armed forced soon (ooh rah!) and i was wondering would it show up on drug tests?
I mean i know what they test for but do you think it would show up ? Does anybody know what Nbome is made up of ? or even if somebody has the synthesis?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldcactushand on May 07, 2013, 11:40 am
I can't help with your quesiton, sorry, but taking psychedelics in a military environment has to be pretty high up on my list of things that I absolutely cannot let happen ever.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: HeatFireFlame on May 07, 2013, 08:27 pm
I can't help with your quesiton, sorry, but taking psychedelics in a military environment has to be pretty high up on my list of things that I absolutely cannot let happen ever.

Lmao damn straight, I was hoping for one last trip before i went. I have been clean for fucking ages now and miss "the old days" . Cant even have a spliff at the mo.
as far a staking anything especially psychedelics when your actually enlisted and/or on a tour of duty goes, Fuck that for 1000 reasons.

But there has been practically no research done on it, So who knows what it will show on tests, Maybe somebody could take some and get a cheap drug test kit just to inform the community?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: HiXxY26 on May 08, 2013, 01:14 am
I to am going to a 3 day festival coming up and will probably flip of some sort. I will have MDMA, 25i, 25b, and 2c-b. I just took some 25b on sat night and really liked it. I started off with 1/2 tab of a 1mg and started to feel it after about an hour but it wasn't very strong so i took the other half. I think i might try some MDMA and half of a 25b. I heard there is a cross tolerance between the nbomes and mdma. Is it the same for the 2c-b as well?
I was thinking day one  mdma + 25b, day two 2c-b, day 3 mdma + 25i.

I would guess 3 days solid of phenethylamines would be tough in terms of cross-tolerance, and having the Nbomes separated by only a day is unlikely to be enough. Personally I get nothing from 2C-B on a second day's dosing, although I have read that other people can...but 2c & 25c are close enough to make it seem like a big ask imo.

There's a another thread somewhere specifically about a 3 day festival "program". The general idea was:

The MDMA was saved for the last day, with acid, 2C-B and/or a nice tryptamine, like 4AcO-DMT over the first two days.

thanks for the imput. i'm going to try to search for that thread.  8)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: fordingtheharrison on May 09, 2013, 05:06 am
hey all, Fucking love nbome, However im going to the armed forced soon (ooh rah!) and i was wondering would it show up on drug tests?
I mean i know what they test for but do you think it would show up ? Does anybody know what Nbome is made up of ? or even if somebody has the synthesis?

To my best knowledge there is no drug test available that tests for any of the NBOMes.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: skrillyskrill on May 09, 2013, 11:01 pm
can anybody comment on the shelf-life of the 25x's? preferably 25i &25c
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: treebeard on May 09, 2013, 11:39 pm
can anybody comment on the shelf-life of the 25x's? preferably 25i &25c

i'd be interested to hear back on this too -- i currently have a handful of 25i's that have been sitting in my box for a few months, and i'm hoping they'll be good in another month or two
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: happertand on May 10, 2013, 01:48 am
I bought loads of both NBOMe's and was wondering how fast they expire so to speak? I won't be able to take them in quite a while, should I bin them or will they last for a considerable amount of time?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: happertand on May 10, 2013, 01:50 am
can anybody comment on the shelf-life of the 25x's? preferably 25i &25c

i'd be interested to hear back on this too -- i currently have a handful of 25i's that have been sitting in my box for a few months, and i'm hoping they'll be good in another month or two

Hehehe, my thoughts exactly!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: slirp on May 10, 2013, 05:36 am
Maybe get some MBBs (moisture barrier bags), some oxygen absorbers, seal them up, store them where it doesn't get hot.....

How good are they when exposed oxygen and such?  I don't know.  Somebody store it and test it in a year and let us know.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: username5055 on May 16, 2013, 08:21 am
Who are you guys using to get your 25C here in the US? Family's out till June, Lightflower hasnt had his up for a while and the only other bulk listings are .650Mg tabs (Everyone here is used to the 1mg tabs i've been getting). Its like everyone stopped selling this stuff in the same week, what happened?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: bynter on May 17, 2013, 10:56 am
I've had 25i-NBOMe abut five or six times at this point. I give it to my friends, and they say it's better than the best LSD they've ever taken. I, however, can take two tabs, and pass myself off as sober. My pupils get big, things get a bit more intense, thinking becomes slightly more abstract, I'm a bit more laughable, and a plate of nachos appears to be a breathing lifeform, but that's about as extreme as it gets. Seriously, what does this say about my brain chemistry? I'm at the point where I'm taking it during my classes just so I don't get bored, and I'm finding the comedown(or afterglow) more pleasurable than the high itself. The first few times I took it it was life changing, but I'm wanting to take it twice a week. Considering how stable I can remain under it's effects, would this bring any serious chance of brain damage?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldcactushand on May 17, 2013, 12:05 pm
There are all sorts of risks that come from doing that. Nobody knows them, because very few people have taken that much of it and no one has studied it. There is certainly a risk of brain damage. Even if the effects are subjectively mild, you are still having an impact on your brain. If someone took MDMA in small doses that effected them only mildly for weeks on end, this would still have a massive impact on serotonin receptors and the like. With NBOME, who knows?

There are various physical risks as well. We simply don't know what happens when people take it in the amounts you're planning to with such regularity.

I recommend not doing what you're planning to do. I would be very wary of once a week, personally. Whatever you decide, good luck to you. If you do go ahead and use it on a regular basis, report back any effects you notice, or even if you don't notice any. Help others stay safe.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sillybastard on May 17, 2013, 05:52 pm
There are all sorts of risks that come from doing that. Nobody knows them, because very few people have taken that much of it and no one has studied it. There is certainly a risk of brain damage. Even if the effects are subjectively mild, you are still having an impact on your brain. If someone took MDMA in small doses that effected them only mildly for weeks on end, this would still have a massive impact on serotonin receptors and the like. With NBOME, who knows?

There are various physical risks as well. We simply don't know what happens when people take it in the amounts you're planning to with such regularity.

I recommend not doing what you're planning to do. I would be very wary of once a week, personally. Whatever you decide, good luck to you. If you do go ahead and use it on a regular basis, report back any effects you notice, or even if you don't notice any. Help others stay safe.

+1 if I could.

It seems most things in moderation won't hurt you too bad.

Like the thread, looking forward to reading it
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sambucus on May 17, 2013, 06:03 pm
when it comes to people ending up in the hospital on nbomes, it is due to either taking too much at one time or way too often, even at reasonable doses. in general, i would not recommend taking any hallucinogen more often than once a week at moderate doses. for nbomes, i would not recommend taking it more often than once every two weeks.

aside to tolerance and cross-tolerance issues, you risk quite a few psychological effects. this includes losing your grip with reality, paranoia, anxiety, insomnia, feeling as though you're living in a dream-like state, or a sense that you're constantly tripping even when not taking drugs -this is for the majority of psychedelics and not just nbomes. for the most part, long term abstinence would make those symptoms go away but you're also risking a few hefty medical bills if you get that far.

nbomes in general are hard on the kidneys when overdosed and i imagine frequency would only increase that risk.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: oldcactushand on May 18, 2013, 10:17 am

someone has died from 25C-NBOMe so just thought I'd post it here. Clearnet websites selling this stuff as a powder to kids/adults who do not know what they're doing... Very shitty, very sad. As far as I know, all other reported NBOMe deaths have been from 25I, so this would be the first 25C death.


A Fredericksburg teen is dead and his friend is in the hospital after the pair allegedly snorted a synthetic drug over the weekend.

According to Fredericksburg Police Lt. Steve Wetz, the teens ingested the synthetic substance early Saturday morning at a friend’s home located in the 400 Block of West Schubert.

The teen who lives at the home told investigators he watched his friends, Sam Herrera, 16, and James Jarreau, 17, snort the white powder around 1:30 a.m.

Approximately an hour later, around 2:40, the two teens were hallucinating, yelling at each other and being destructive.

The homeowner woke up and called 911. By the time emergency responders arrived, Herrera was unconscious.

"When we got there the Herrera subject was unconscious and the other one was hallucinating strongly," Wetz said.

The teens were taken to Hill Country Memorial Hospital where Herrera was pronounced dead from cardiac arrest.

Jarreau was transported to University Hospital in San Antonio in critical condition. By Monday his condition was upgraded to stable.

Wetz said investigators have determined the substance the teens ingested was a research chemical known as 25c-NBOMe. The substance is not meant for human consumption but is sold online as a hallucinogenic.

According to Wetz, the teens bought the white powder from another Fredericksburg High School student.

"He found it on the internet and ordered it off the internet and then he sold it to them that night," Wetz said.

Wetz said some of the substance was recovered at the home and sent to a lab for testing.

"As soon as we determine what the substance is made of, the chemical makeup and whether or not it's an illegal drug, we'll know more about whether we can charge him," Wetz said.

According to Fredericksburg ISD officials, extra counselors were on hand Monday at the high school for students and staff. Herrera was a Sophomore athlete who played on the school's basketball team.

A funeral for Herrera is scheduled for Wednesday in Fredericksburg.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: chewpaper on May 27, 2013, 10:48 am
There are all sorts of risks that come from doing that. Nobody knows them, because very few people have taken that much of it and no one has studied it. There is certainly a risk of brain damage. Even if the effects are subjectively mild, you are still having an impact on your brain. If someone took MDMA in small doses that effected them only mildly for weeks on end, this would still have a massive impact on serotonin receptors and the like. With NBOME, who knows?

There are various physical risks as well. We simply don't know what happens when people take it in the amounts you're planning to with such regularity.

I recommend not doing what you're planning to do. I would be very wary of once a week, personally. Whatever you decide, good luck to you. If you do go ahead and use it on a regular basis, report back any effects you notice, or even if you don't notice any. Help others stay safe.

^^^ This.......what he said!

+1 if it was mine to give.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Joosy on May 27, 2013, 12:30 pm
can anybody comment on the shelf-life of the 25x's? preferably 25i &25c

i'd be interested to hear back on this too -- i currently have a handful of 25i's that have been sitting in my box for a few months, and i'm hoping they'll be good in another month or two

Hehehe, my thoughts exactly!

I accidentally left some in literally the sun during summer for over a fortnight and it seemed as though they didn't lose any potency at all.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Psytanium on May 28, 2013, 03:57 pm
i don't recommend those tabs, you can end in jail or dead, maybe not, who knows, its a micro grams probability.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: chewpaper on May 28, 2013, 11:52 pm
i don't recommend those tabs, you can end in jail or dead, maybe not, who knows, its a micro grams probability.

That's true for any drug if you don't treat it with the respect it deserves. 25i is an RC.....and a fairly gentle psych if used sensibly. Can't say I love it, but it's an interesting trip nonetheless if you know your dosage. Have fun with it but stay safe.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: CiscoYankerStuck on May 29, 2013, 06:50 am
I've had 25i-NBOMe abut five or six times at this point. I give it to my friends, and they say it's better than the best LSD they've ever taken. I, however, can take two tabs, and pass myself off as sober. My pupils get big, things get a bit more intense, thinking becomes slightly more abstract, I'm a bit more laughable, and a plate of nachos appears to be a breathing lifeform, but that's about as extreme as it gets. Seriously, what does this say about my brain chemistry? I'm at the point where I'm taking it during my classes just so I don't get bored, and I'm finding the comedown(or afterglow) more pleasurable than the high itself. The first few times I took it it was life changing, but I'm wanting to take it twice a week. Considering how stable I can remain under it's effects, would this bring any serious chance of brain damage?

I went through just about the same thing. I was taking at least 1 or 2 tabs almost everyday during the week for a few weeks and taking progressively larger doses on the weekends (as in up to 20 tabs in a weekend). Mentally I didn't really notice any side effects. But physically, I started getting some very painful cramps/pains in my legs that I had never had before and which made it difficult to walk.

As far as not getting much effect out of the tabs, I'd imagine it's due to a pretty large tolerance.

This was all several months ago. I don't really do them anymore, maybe every once in a while I'll do one tab if a friend wants to trip. What got me over wanting to dose 25i, was I went 3 weeks with no psychedelics at all. Then I said fuck it and dosed 6 tabs of 25i with zero tolerance. I had bit off more than I could chew. The trip sort of kicked my ass, and my brain felt fried for a good 2 days after that.

I wouldn't really recommend doing that though, but to each their own. I think eventually you may come to view 25i as a novelty that you've had your fun with and don't need to go crazy with anymore.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Notrealperson6708 on May 29, 2013, 05:05 pm
OHHHH YEAAAHHH.....I completely forgot about this until now....when I was tripping on the 25B, I noticed a lot of extra "light sources".  Like, I would look at something, and notice that light was shining off it from a different angle than the actual light sources in my house could produce.  It was a very strange feeling, and almost made me feel like someone was walking up behind me with a flashlight, but I would turn, and no one would be there.  Does anyone else experience this?  My trip was on 3000ug of 25B tabs (3x 1000ug) from T5.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sofish89 on June 04, 2013, 08:59 am
does anybody find that 25i NBOME causes nausea?
My girlfriend took a tab (800-1000 ug) and she was puking her guts out for 10 minutes about 2 hours after taking the tab. She still tripped real hard after the puking tho but the nausea kind of bugged her out for the first couple hours of the trip .After that she was fine, she really enjoyed the rest of the trip and it made her real horny :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Twelve_Pickles on June 04, 2013, 11:53 pm
does anybody find that 25i NBOME causes nausea?
My girlfriend took a tab (800-1000 ug) and she was puking her guts out for 10 minutes about 2 hours after taking the tab. She still tripped real hard after the puking tho but the nausea kind of bugged her out for the first couple hours of the trip .After that she was fine, she really enjoyed the rest of the trip and it made her real horny :)

everyone reacts different with psychs' i puke my guts up on shrooms but im iron gutted when it comes to anything synthetic. my friends girl on the other hand can scram mescaline and not feel a touch of nausea; but pukes everytime on 2cb; which i consider the most friendly and bodyload free of the psychs
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: chewpaper on June 05, 2013, 12:32 am
does anybody find that 25i NBOME causes nausea?
My girlfriend took a tab (800-1000 ug) and she was puking her guts out for 10 minutes about 2 hours after taking the tab. She still tripped real hard after the puking tho but the nausea kind of bugged her out for the first couple hours of the trip .After that she was fine, she really enjoyed the rest of the trip and it made her real horny :)

Yeah man, I get pukey every time. Last weekend, I dropped 3 at once and rode it in the first hour by drinking straight bourbon. It's the bitterness that turns me over; I quite like the body load but it takes getting used to.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: SinningSaint on June 05, 2013, 09:52 am
does anybody find that 25i NBOME causes nausea?
My girlfriend took a tab (800-1000 ug) and she was puking her guts out for 10 minutes about 2 hours after taking the tab. She still tripped real hard after the puking tho but the nausea kind of bugged her out for the first couple hours of the trip .After that she was fine, she really enjoyed the rest of the trip and it made her real horny :)
25b-NBOMe definitely causes me nausea the first hour. It's kind of a wanting to puke/twisting of insides/IBS sorta feeling. Always end up spending a good portion of the first hour in or near a bathroom :/ But after that it's all shits and giggles!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: DrugsBunny on June 06, 2013, 10:37 am
Another one bites the dust.
I hope tyl3r and anyone else of you selling this shit get locked up, karmas gonna get you, gonna knock you round the head! bunch of rat dog cunts.

The only reason people buy it is to sell as LSD, this is starting to become a serious problem, it would be nice if silk road banned the sale of it, i'm a big fan of psychedelics, but the NBOMes are just shitty psychedelics, probably the worst to have ever come out, they don't have any psychedelic mental effects, just visuals with a shitty high, even the 2Cs kick the NBOMes arse.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Heinemen on June 06, 2013, 10:42 am
Another one bites the dust.
I hope tyl3r and anyone else of you selling this shit get locked up, karmas gonna get you, gonna knock you round the head! bunch of rat dog cunts.

The only reason people buy it is to sell as LSD, this is starting to become a serious problem, it would be nice if silk road banned the sale of it, i'm a big fan of psychedelics, but the NBOMes are just shitty psychedelics, probably the worst to have ever come out, they don't have any psychedelic mental effects, just visuals with a shitty high, even the 2Cs kick the NBOMes arse.

You're being extremely selfish now. Just because 25i doesn't tickle your fancy, doesn't mean anyone that sells it should be locked up. You're doing the opposite of what Silk Road exists for. It exists for freedom, the freedom of anyone to consume a drug without others trying to control what they can and can't do to their own bodies. How many people have died from heroin, cocaine, meth, etc? I'm sure much more than 25I. This does not mean we should ban the drug all-together, but rather educate users on what to do and what not to do.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Jack N Hoff on June 06, 2013, 10:53 am
Another one bites the dust.
I hope tyl3r and anyone else of you selling this shit get locked up, karmas gonna get you, gonna knock you round the head! bunch of rat dog cunts.

The only reason people buy it is to sell as LSD, this is starting to become a serious problem, it would be nice if silk road banned the sale of it, i'm a big fan of psychedelics, but the NBOMes are just shitty psychedelics, probably the worst to have ever come out, they don't have any psychedelic mental effects, just visuals with a shitty high, even the 2Cs kick the NBOMes arse.

You have to be retarded to think nbome as LSD.  It tastes horrible.  It isn't active orally.  You have to keep it in your fucking gums.  If a dealer tells you that you have to keep the LSD in your gums or it wont work then it is your fault for believing the scumbag.  If a dealer told you that his MDMA doesn't work if you eat it and it only works if you shove it up your asshole, would you still buy it as MDMA?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: DrugsBunny on June 06, 2013, 11:16 am

You're being extremely selfish now. Just because 25i doesn't tickle your fancy, doesn't mean anyone that sells it should be locked up. You're doing the opposite of what Silk Road exists for. It exists for freedom, the freedom of anyone to consume a drug without others trying to control what they can and can't do to their own bodies. How many people have died from heroin, cocaine, meth, etc? I'm sure much more than 25I. This does not mean we should ban the drug all-together, but rather educate users on what to do and what not to do.


Doesn't tickle my fancy? i am trying to get people to avoid it, i guess you're right about the whole freedom thing, but it doesn't change the fact that most people buy it to sell as LSD and that is a big problem for psychedelic users, nobody should have to worry about taking some LSD or any other drug without dieing, but now they do.

You have to be retarded to think nbome as LSD.  It tastes horrible.  It isn't active orally.  You have to keep it in your fucking gums.  If a dealer tells you that you have to keep the LSD in your gums or it wont work then it is your fault for believing the scumbag.  If a dealer told you that his MDMA doesn't work if you eat it and it only works if you shove it up your asshole, would you still buy it as MDMA?

Well they are sold on blotters.. taste doesn't mean shit, yeah its not orally active, but most people keep the tabs in their mouth until it disintegrates, there are many idiotic drug users around, so when they get a tab and told its LSD, they think it is, even if the dealer says some shit like 'this acid only works if you stick it on your gums".
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Jack N Hoff on June 06, 2013, 11:21 am

You have to be retarded to think nbome as LSD.  It tastes horrible.  It isn't active orally.  You have to keep it in your fucking gums.  If a dealer tells you that you have to keep the LSD in your gums or it wont work then it is your fault for believing the scumbag.  If a dealer told you that his MDMA doesn't work if you eat it and it only works if you shove it up your asshole, would you still buy it as MDMA?

Well they are sold on blotters.. taste doesn't mean shit, yeah its not orally active, but most people keep the tabs in their mouth until it disintegrates, there are many idiotic drug users around, so when they get a tab and told its LSD, they think it is, even if the dealer says some shit like 'this acid only works if you stick it on your gums".

LSD doesn't really have a taste and nbome is like WOW THIS TASTES LIKE A CHEMICAL'S BUTTHOLE!

Anyways, people shouldn't be taking drugs if they're that dumb.  Might as well give them lethal nicotine tabs.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: DrugsBunny on June 06, 2013, 11:29 am

You have to be retarded to think nbome as LSD.  It tastes horrible.  It isn't active orally.  You have to keep it in your fucking gums.  If a dealer tells you that you have to keep the LSD in your gums or it wont work then it is your fault for believing the scumbag.  If a dealer told you that his MDMA doesn't work if you eat it and it only works if you shove it up your asshole, would you still buy it as MDMA?

Well they are sold on blotters.. taste doesn't mean shit, yeah its not orally active, but most people keep the tabs in their mouth until it disintegrates, there are many idiotic drug users around, so when they get a tab and told its LSD, they think it is, even if the dealer says some shit like 'this acid only works if you stick it on your gums".

LSD doesn't really have a taste and nbome is like WOW THIS TASTES LIKE A CHEMICAL'S BUTTHOLE!

Anyways, people shouldn't be taking drugs if they're that dumb.  Might as well give them lethal nicotine tabs.

Ive had all kinds of different blotters that had different tastes, some have been bitter, minty, there was some i got off here that tasted a little like perfume, its the effects that count.
There are tons of drug users who hardly know anything, my dad use to think mushrooms contained strychnine, and he himself had taken them, i also talked to a guy who told me he had tried a peyote extract tab, most people just want to do the drugs, not learn about them, they don't care about anything else.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Jack N Hoff on June 06, 2013, 11:37 am
most people just want to do the drugs, not learn about them, they don't care about anything else.

Sounds like most people would be happy to get nbome tabs.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: DrugsBunny on June 06, 2013, 11:59 am
Figured i'd post this here too, i did in the aussie thread, in case there are people who think it's fine, it does have a link to a paper about the N-benzyl compounds, though only 25h and 25i of the NBOMe were mentioned.

Quote from: DrugsBunny
It is not safe, it is such a new drug not much is known about it, it was only made in 2003, it is known it is a full agonist of the 5-ht2a receptor which among other things, causes tolerance to all psychedelics, there is also the development of akathisia problems within the cerebral cortex and a couple of other things, i know it can cause an issue with kidneys but not sure what exactly.

There is also this paper that recently came out
"N-2-methoxybenzyl group makes very neat π-π stacking with F339 from helix 6 of the 5ht2a receptor which causes a major twist in the intracellular receptor loops that in turn promote significant receptor downregulation"
"Such a powerfully binding molecule uncovers internalization motifs on the cytoplasmic side of its cognate receptor. Since its a full agonist the internalization (or endocytosis) phenomenon will be significantly expressed".
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RequestToSend on June 06, 2013, 10:47 pm
I hope tyl3r and anyone else of you selling this shit get locked up, karmas gonna get you, gonna knock you round the head! bunch of rat dog cunts.

The only reason people buy it is to sell as LSD, this is starting to become a serious problem, it would be nice if silk road banned the sale of it, i'm a big fan of psychedelics, but the NBOMes are just shitty psychedelics, probably the worst to have ever come out, they don't have any psychedelic mental effects, just visuals with a shitty high, even the 2Cs kick the NBOMes arse.

I hope that you change your attitude toward tyl3r durden after I tell you this.  He now labels each individual blotter with 25i or 25c to ensure that his blotters aren't misrepresented as LSD:

All tabs have 25i/25c printed across the back to identify the chemical and prevent our tabs being misidentified as LSD.

I'm not a big NBOMe fan but fact is a lot of people like them and will knowingly buy them.

Not sure if you plan to apologize for your statement but I'm going to take this opportunity to apologize to Jack N Hoff, who I incorrectly identified as a troll in a previous thread.  Jack N Hoff I was mistaken, I take it back, and I hope that you might consider accepting my apology.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: obkkoa on June 07, 2013, 12:01 am
Figured i'd post this here too, i did in the aussie thread, in case there are people who think it's fine, it does have a link to a paper about the N-benzyl compounds, though only 25h and 25i of the NBOMe were mentioned.

Quote from: DrugsBunny
It is not safe, it is such a new drug not much is known about it, it was only made in 2003, it is known it is a full agonist of the 5-ht2a receptor which among other things, causes tolerance to all psychedelics, there is also the development of akathisia problems within the cerebral cortex and a couple of other things, i know it can cause an issue with kidneys but not sure what exactly.

There is also this paper that recently came out
"N-2-methoxybenzyl group makes very neat π-π stacking with F339 from helix 6 of the 5ht2a receptor which causes a major twist in the intracellular receptor loops that in turn promote significant receptor downregulation"
"Such a powerfully binding molecule uncovers internalization motifs on the cytoplasmic side of its cognate receptor. Since its a full agonist the internalization (or endocytosis) phenomenon will be significantly expressed".

That's not from any paper, just some guy at Shroomery..  ::)

I'm not gonna say 25i is as safe as LSD, but the major common risk for a sensible user is getting HPPD, as It was with 2c-i.
If you don't like nbomes, perfect. But save your fucking rhetoric to yourself. I like nbomes, and I'm not stranger to most other psychedelics. Musically and sexually they're into the best in my personal ranking. Also, the electric rush of high doses intranasally.. is incredible.

Some like a psychedelic who don't fuck a lot with your rational thinking, also, in this case is an action, and not some seizure or something.. So say It's because of 25i as a substance doesn't make much sense.
Probably a bad trip, or maybe some psychosis. Suicide ideas ? God knows what happened.  Anyway, they guy had 12 fucking years. Not saying anything, but why are you messing with psychedelics at this age ?
The guy who sold them to the boy.. well, he really deserves to be fucked up
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Psytanium on June 07, 2013, 09:38 pm
How can you confirm the dosage on a nbome blotter? Could be 1200ug and it could be 12mg as a production mistake. Dont play these gamez buddiez.

Its far more dangerous then heroin, because it could be fatal on a nano scale, few mistaken ug invisible with ur eyes.

 Go for high doses of lsd and stop this topic, everyone know that lsd is much better and safe.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Jack N Hoff on June 07, 2013, 10:14 pm
How can you confirm the dosage on a nbome blotter? Could be 1200ug and it could be 12mg as a production mistake. Dont play these gamez buddiez.

Its far more dangerous then heroin, because it could be fatal on a nano scale, few mistaken ug invisible with ur eyes.

 Go for high doses of lsd and stop this topic, everyone know that lsd is much better and safe.

Wrong.  You can only get 2mg of powder/crystal substance on a single blotter tab.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sofish89 on June 07, 2013, 10:51 pm
yes exactly what Jack says^^^^^^^^^^^^
You can only fit around 1500 to 2000 ug (1.5 to 2 mg) on a tab because of the size of the tab.
If you can fit 12 mg on a tab I'd crush up my adderalls and put them on tabs :)
Which just got me thinking, why doesnt somebody make xanax tabs! xanax is active at doses of 0.5mg or 1mg and xanax tabs can be shipped much stealthier in bulk as tabs rather than getting 1000 (big) pills shipped from a flagged country such as India or China
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Jack N Hoff on June 07, 2013, 10:54 pm
yes exactly what Jack says^^^^^^^^^^^^
You can only fit around 1500 to 2000 ug (1.5 to 2 mg) on a tab because of the size of the tab.
If you can fit 12 mg on a tab I'd crush up my adderalls and put them on tabs :)
Which just got me thinking, why doesnt somebody make xanax tabs! xanax is active at doses of 0.5mg or 1mg and xanax tabs can be shipped much stealthier in bulk as tabs rather than getting 1000 (big) pills shipped from a flagged country such as India or China

Xanax tabs are oooold school.  I've had them many times.  They taste really bad.  There used to be ones with xanax bars printed on the tabs.  Every tab was a milligram and every tab had a half a xanax bar printed on it.  Look them up on google.  I've also seen xanax blotter on the road.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sofish89 on June 07, 2013, 11:07 pm
reallly??? dammit lol i thought i had the perfect idea
Well if i buy xanax from OS again, I'll try out the blotter ones if they still have them on SR. I cant imagine an order of blotters ever getting intercepted unless the vendor is a complete dufus
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Jack N Hoff on June 07, 2013, 11:21 pm
reallly??? dammit lol i thought i had the perfect idea
Well if i buy xanax from OS again, I'll try out the blotter ones if they still have them on SR. I cant imagine an order of blotters ever getting intercepted unless the vendor is a complete dufus

Return address:

LSD Clearing House
1753 Tripping Balls Lane
Amsterdam Westpoort, NL 1042
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sofish89 on June 07, 2013, 11:45 pm
reallly??? dammit lol i thought i had the perfect idea
Well if i buy xanax from OS again, I'll try out the blotter ones if they still have them on SR. I cant imagine an order of blotters ever getting intercepted unless the vendor is a complete dufus

Return address:

LSD Clearing House
1753 Tripping Balls Lane
Amsterdam Westpoort, NL 1042
Lol exactly.
I remember reading a thread on the forums where somebody complained that he bought an ounce of weed and the name on the return address was "Joe Stoner". He said he gave the vendor a 1/5 and made a whole stink on the forums about it.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Jack N Hoff on June 07, 2013, 11:49 pm
reallly??? dammit lol i thought i had the perfect idea
Well if i buy xanax from OS again, I'll try out the blotter ones if they still have them on SR. I cant imagine an order of blotters ever getting intercepted unless the vendor is a complete dufus

Return address:

LSD Clearing House
1753 Tripping Balls Lane
Amsterdam Westpoort, NL 1042
Lol exactly.
I remember reading a thread on the forums where somebody complained that he bought an ounce of weed and the name on the return address was "Joe Stoner". He said he gave the vendor a 1/5 and made a whole stink on the forums about it.

LOL! I read that too!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: le botbahn on June 08, 2013, 02:00 am
 I don't know if this has been discussed here or elsewhere since I last posted early in this thread, but this concept just occured to me recently. Looking back on previous trips it makes much sense and I believe this to he pretty significant for those wishing to explore it further. I certainly intend to do so myself...

Ok, Shulgin calls 2C-D a "tofu" compoud in PiHKAL. i.e.- tofu isn't especially spectacular on it's own but it makes for some very interesting dishes when combined with other foods.

In the case of 25D-NBOMe (insuflated, which seems to be key btw), and my limited experience with it on it's own and in combo with 25I-NBOMe, I'd say that the "tofu" concept is just as true (probably much more so) with 25D-NBOMe.

Is anyone aware of this or perhaps stumbled upon this experience themselves? 25D + 25I was so much more profound than either of them alone.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Jack N Hoff on June 08, 2013, 02:04 am
Shulgin calls 2C-D a "tofu" compoud in PiHKAL. i.e.- tofu isn't especially spectacular on it's own but it makes for some very interesting dishes when combined with other foods.

In the case of 25D-NBOMe (insuflated, which seems to be key btw), and my limited experience with it on it's own and in combo with 25I-NBOMe, I'd say that the "tofu" concept is just as true (probably much more so) with 25D-NBOMe.

Is anyone aware of this or perhaps stumbled upon this experience themselves? 25D + 25I was so much more profound than either of them alone.

2C-D and 25D-nBOME are not the same substance.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: le botbahn on June 08, 2013, 02:20 am
Shulgin calls 2C-D a "tofu" compoud in PiHKAL. i.e.- tofu isn't especially spectacular on it's own but it makes for some very interesting dishes when combined with other foods.

In the case of 25D-NBOMe (insuflated, which seems to be key btw), and my limited experience with it on it's own and in combo with 25I-NBOMe, I'd say that the "tofu" concept is just as true (probably much more so) with 25D-NBOMe.

Is anyone aware of this or perhaps stumbled upon this experience themselves? 25D + 25I was so much more profound than either of them alone.

2C-D and 25D-nBOME are not the same substance.

25D = 2C-D-NBOMe
An extension of 2C-D.

Just as 25I = 2C-I-NBOMe
An extension of 2C-I.

Yes, they are not the "same" chemicals. NBOMes are 2C compounds with an NBOMe attached. This retains much of the 2C compounds character while making it far more potent.

Those who have tried both 2C-I and 25I-NBOMe understand exactly how similar those two chemicals feel. Different but similar in nature (25I being far more spectacular).

The same appears to apply to 25D-NBOMe & 2C-D.

25D-nbome has been largely overlooked and dismissed because most people  who have tried it used a very inefficient ROA for this paticular compound (tabs/buccal absorption).

It deserves a closer look (via other ROAs, namely insuflation). Paticularly as a "tofu" compound.

I've experienced this myself thanks to a tip from a vendor now passed (RIP Etizolam). More recently I became aware of Shulgin's tofu comments and it all clicked when I thought about it.

I'm just putting it out there for the psychonauts who understand what I'm saying here because this tofu aspect has alot of potential.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Jack N Hoff on June 08, 2013, 02:29 am
Shulgin calls 2C-D a "tofu" compoud in PiHKAL. i.e.- tofu isn't especially spectacular on it's own but it makes for some very interesting dishes when combined with other foods.

In the case of 25D-NBOMe (insuflated, which seems to be key btw), and my limited experience with it on it's own and in combo with 25I-NBOMe, I'd say that the "tofu" concept is just as true (probably much more so) with 25D-NBOMe.

Is anyone aware of this or perhaps stumbled upon this experience themselves? 25D + 25I was so much more profound than either of them alone.

2C-D and 25D-nBOME are not the same substance.

25D = 2C-D-NBOMe
An extension of 2C-D.

Just as 25I = 2C-I-NBOMe
An extension of 2C-I.

Yes, they are not the "same" chemicals. NBOMes are 2C compounds with an NBOMe attached. This retains much of the 2C compounds character while making it far more potent.

Those who have tried both 2C-I and 25I-NBOMe understand exactly how similar those two chemicals feel. Different but similar in nature (25I being far more spectacular).

The same appears to apply to 25D/2C-D.

It's like calling methylone MDMA.  Methylone is MDMA with a beta ketone but they are definitely not the same compound. :)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: le botbahn on June 08, 2013, 02:38 am
No, it's not even close. bk-mdma is a cathinone. MDMAis not.

What you are arguing is more like saying MDA and MDMA have nothing in common because of a methyl group.

I'm not here to argue about it.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Jack N Hoff on June 08, 2013, 02:48 am
No, it's not even close. bk-mdma is a cathinone. MDMAis not.

What you are arguing is more like saying MDA and MDMA have nothing in common because of a methyl group.

I'm not here to argue about it.

Of course they have something in common.  I never said they didn't but when someone is specificaly talking about 25D, you can't just take what they say and apply it to 2C-D.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: le botbahn on June 08, 2013, 03:41 am
No, it's not even close. bk-mdma is a cathinone. MDMAis not.

What you are arguing is more like saying MDA and MDMA have nothing in common because of a methyl group.

I'm not here to argue about it.

Of course they have something in common.  I never said they didn't but when someone is specificaly talking about 25D, you can't just take what they say and apply it to 2C-D.
Reread my post Willy. :)
 I'm applying this possibility the other way around (2C-D to 25D, big difference) and my reasoning is well supported. As I said above, this is coming from my own first hand observations with both 2C compounds and their respective NBOMe counterparts, in conjunction with what is described in PiHKAL.

As I said I'm not here to argue. It's validity isn't hinged to a misinformed snap judgement.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 04:14 pm
Another one bites the dust.
I hope tyl3r and anyone else of you selling this shit get locked up, karmas gonna get you, gonna knock you round the head! bunch of rat dog cunts.

The only reason people buy it is to sell as LSD, this is starting to become a serious problem, it would be nice if silk road banned the sale of it, i'm a big fan of psychedelics, but the NBOMes are just shitty psychedelics, probably the worst to have ever come out, they don't have any psychedelic mental effects, just visuals with a shitty high, even the 2Cs kick the NBOMes arse.

You have to be retarded to think nbome as LSD.  It tastes horrible.  It isn't active orally.  You have to keep it in your fucking gums.  If a dealer tells you that you have to keep the LSD in your gums or it wont work then it is your fault for believing the scumbag.  If a dealer told you that his MDMA doesn't work if you eat it and it only works if you shove it up your asshole, would you still buy it as MDMA?
lol, its only active if you shove it up your arse, k guys? ;D
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Jack N Hoff on June 08, 2013, 05:41 pm
Another one bites the dust.
I hope tyl3r and anyone else of you selling this shit get locked up, karmas gonna get you, gonna knock you round the head! bunch of rat dog cunts.

The only reason people buy it is to sell as LSD, this is starting to become a serious problem, it would be nice if silk road banned the sale of it, i'm a big fan of psychedelics, but the NBOMes are just shitty psychedelics, probably the worst to have ever come out, they don't have any psychedelic mental effects, just visuals with a shitty high, even the 2Cs kick the NBOMes arse.

You have to be retarded to think nbome as LSD.  It tastes horrible.  It isn't active orally.  You have to keep it in your fucking gums.  If a dealer tells you that you have to keep the LSD in your gums or it wont work then it is your fault for believing the scumbag.  If a dealer told you that his MDMA doesn't work if you eat it and it only works if you shove it up your asshole, would you still buy it as MDMA?
lol, its only active if you shove it up your arse, k guys? ;D

Many many years ago I honestly sold X to someone and all of his friends told him that they were suppositories and that if you ate them tat they would give you (some made up word) cancer.  I didn't argue I just agreed so him and his girlfriend both shoved them in their asses.  His girlfriend said she rolled but he said he thought his fell out. :o

Many many years ago I was at a part with the same group of people and one of the guys there pissed in a beer bottle until it was full and another was like BEEEER BOOOOOONG and went and got the beer bong that he didn't like as much (because the hose was short) and we all went outside because we knew it was going to be a mess.  Another person said this ones been sitting out so it's a little warm to the guy who put the ecstasy in his ass and they loaded up the beer bong and the bootybean guy took a huge chug of piss then took his mouth off the hose and the rest of the piss in the beer bong went down the front of him.  Oh lord, nobody could keep a straight face and everyone started laughing.  He was pretty mad but damn it was funny!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 06:25 pm
Another one bites the dust.
I hope tyl3r and anyone else of you selling this shit get locked up, karmas gonna get you, gonna knock you round the head! bunch of rat dog cunts.

The only reason people buy it is to sell as LSD, this is starting to become a serious problem, it would be nice if silk road banned the sale of it, i'm a big fan of psychedelics, but the NBOMes are just shitty psychedelics, probably the worst to have ever come out, they don't have any psychedelic mental effects, just visuals with a shitty high, even the 2Cs kick the NBOMes arse.

You have to be retarded to think nbome as LSD.  It tastes horrible.  It isn't active orally.  You have to keep it in your fucking gums.  If a dealer tells you that you have to keep the LSD in your gums or it wont work then it is your fault for believing the scumbag.  If a dealer told you that his MDMA doesn't work if you eat it and it only works if you shove it up your asshole, would you still buy it as MDMA?
lol, its only active if you shove it up your arse, k guys? ;D

Many many years ago I honestly sold X to someone and all of his friends told him that they were suppositories and that if you ate them tat they would give you (some made up word) cancer.  I didn't argue I just agreed so him and his girlfriend both shoved them in their asses.  His girlfriend said she rolled but he said he thought his fell out. :o

Many many years ago I was at a part with the same group of people and one of the guys there pissed in a beer bottle until it was full and another was like BEEEER BOOOOOONG and went and got the beer bong that he didn't like as much (because the hose was short) and we all went outside because we knew it was going to be a mess.  Another person said this ones been sitting out so it's a little warm to the guy who put the ecstasy in his ass and they loaded up the beer bong and the bootybean guy took a huge chug of piss then took his mouth off the hose and the rest of the piss in the beer bong went down the front of him.  Oh lord, nobody could keep a straight face and everyone started laughing.  He was pretty mad but damn it was funny!
fuuuck that would have been gross.. poor guy  :'( funny other half of the story though lol..
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 08, 2013, 06:27 pm
an why didn't he just use a bush like a normal person :P pissing in a bottle an leaving it, is a dick move..
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Jack N Hoff on June 08, 2013, 06:31 pm
an why didn't he just use a bush like a normal person :P pissing in a bottle an leaving it, is a dick move..

He did it purposely for the bootybean guy to take it in a beer bong.  If you were there, you would have laughed... ;D
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: donatto on June 13, 2013, 12:50 pm

You have to be retarded to think nbome as LSD.  It tastes horrible.  It isn't active orally.  You have to keep it in your fucking gums.  If a dealer tells you that you have to keep the LSD in your gums or it wont work then it is your fault for believing the scumbag.  If a dealer told you that his MDMA doesn't work if you eat it and it only works if you shove it up your asshole, would you still buy it as MDMA?

Well they are sold on blotters.. taste doesn't mean shit, yeah its not orally active, but most people keep the tabs in their mouth until it disintegrates, there are many idiotic drug users around, so when they get a tab and told its LSD, they think it is, even if the dealer says some shit like 'this acid only works if you stick it on your gums".

LSD doesn't really have a taste and nbome is like WOW THIS TASTES LIKE A CHEMICAL'S BUTTHOLE!

Anyways, people shouldn't be taking drugs if they're that dumb.  Might as well give them lethal nicotine tabs.

Ive had all kinds of different blotters that had different tastes, some have been bitter, minty, there was some i got off here that tasted a little like perfume, its the effects that count.
There are tons of drug users who hardly know anything, my dad use to think mushrooms contained strychnine, and he himself had taken them, i also talked to a guy who told me he had tried a peyote extract tab, most people just want to do the drugs, not learn about them, they don't care about anything else.

Its the effect that counts? you are the biggest donk here man, can u read yourself?... You say B its nice and blalbla then C fuck off madhatemadhate and Z blablablalba, but B its fuckoff if C blow the ass of your mom.

Seriously, first of all, what matters is the effect, if u take 1 LSD tab of 150ug, u dont stand a chance to get nearly close to that so-wanted visuals of the Nbomes, so, for most of the customers (idiots as u say, whatever), THAT is the important thing, yeah, all the people say "it got a bad taste" blabla, when they try they are so fuckin happy that they will buy again.
 The problem here, is, the dealers are so fuckin stupid that they dont have a fuckin clue about Sales, im a Salesman, a nice one, and i dont ever had a trouble sellin Nbomes as Nbomes, Nbomes as LSD, Nbomes as Mescaline, Nbomes as SHIT IN TABS, Nbomes as ORgasm of your mom, "Put it in your upper gum or dont work" who in the fuckin world say that wantin to sell it as LSD? If u know that tard, let me know so i can kill him.

Anyway, i think that, the effect people want on LSD, is the effect they get on Nbomes, thats a fact. And i know a lot of people that had been taking for a long time some others shits instead of LSD, when i give em real LSD (From Tess or some other well-known vendor) they say something like "Hey bro, this is shit, i dont feel almost anything". See the scenario here? And we all know there's a big difference in prices, so what u gonna do? Educate people and profit, period.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Psytanium on June 15, 2013, 09:49 am
How can you confirm the dosage on a nbome blotter? Could be 1200ug and it could be 12mg as a production mistake. Dont play these gamez buddiez.

Its far more dangerous then heroin, because it could be fatal on a nano scale, few mistaken ug invisible with ur eyes.

 Go for high doses of lsd and stop this topic, everyone know that lsd is much better and safe.

Wrong.  You can only get 2mg of powder/crystal substance on a single blotter tab.

i see, can you confirm your information? interested to know how much a blotter can hold as a maximum capacity, let say per cm square.
also i'm thinking about different paper absorption and thickness.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Jack N Hoff on June 15, 2013, 10:06 am
How can you confirm the dosage on a nbome blotter? Could be 1200ug and it could be 12mg as a production mistake. Dont play these gamez buddiez.

Its far more dangerous then heroin, because it could be fatal on a nano scale, few mistaken ug invisible with ur eyes.

 Go for high doses of lsd and stop this topic, everyone know that lsd is much better and safe.

Wrong.  You can only get 2mg of powder/crystal substance on a single blotter tab.

i see, can you confirm your information? interested to know how much a blotter can hold as a maximum capacity, let say per cm square.
also i'm thinking about different paper absorption and thickness.

Standard blotter paper.  I forget what they call it.  But 2mg is the max that everyone who has laid blotter goes by.  I never actually laid 2mg per tab.  I've laid 1.5mg though.  When I say single tab I obviously mean quarter inch size.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Psytanium on June 15, 2013, 10:47 am
How can you confirm the dosage on a nbome blotter? Could be 1200ug and it could be 12mg as a production mistake. Dont play these gamez buddiez.

Its far more dangerous then heroin, because it could be fatal on a nano scale, few mistaken ug invisible with ur eyes.

 Go for high doses of lsd and stop this topic, everyone know that lsd is much better and safe.

Wrong.  You can only get 2mg of powder/crystal substance on a single blotter tab.

i see, can you confirm your information? interested to know how much a blotter can hold as a maximum capacity, let say per cm square.
also i'm thinking about different paper absorption and thickness.

Standard blotter paper.  I forget what they call it.  But 2mg is the max that everyone who has laid blotter goes by.  I never actually laid 2mg per tab.  I've laid 1.5mg though.  When I say single tab I obviously mean quarter inch size.

I think it's very interesting to know the max capacity when dealing with nbomes.
I have done my research about this issue, some say its hard to know, others say 5mg is the highest (probably).

i appreciate if someone can add some serious information around this issue.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: zer021 on June 15, 2013, 03:39 pm
gave one of the 1mg tabs from righteous and he said he tripped sack but had some muscle issues in his stomach.  He said he felt like he was gonna shit a baby or something weird like that.  I've gone as far as 2mg so far and didn't have anything like this happen just a decent bit of vascoconstriction which was a bit unpleasant at times but not quite painful as what my friend described.  Has anyone else had this happen?  And would some magnesium before tripping help?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sofish89 on June 15, 2013, 11:01 pm
How can you confirm the dosage on a nbome blotter? Could be 1200ug and it could be 12mg as a production mistake. Dont play these gamez buddiez.

Its far more dangerous then heroin, because it could be fatal on a nano scale, few mistaken ug invisible with ur eyes.

 Go for high doses of lsd and stop this topic, everyone know that lsd is much better and safe.

Wrong.  You can only get 2mg of powder/crystal substance on a single blotter tab.

i see, can you confirm your information? interested to know how much a blotter can hold as a maximum capacity, let say per cm square.
also i'm thinking about different paper absorption and thickness.

Standard blotter paper.  I forget what they call it.  But 2mg is the max that everyone who has laid blotter goes by.  I never actually laid 2mg per tab.  I've laid 1.5mg though.  When I say single tab I obviously mean quarter inch size.

I think it's very interesting to know the max capacity when dealing with nbomes.
I have done my research about this issue, some say its hard to know, others say 5mg is the highest (probably).

i appreciate if someone can add some serious information around this issue.
Well it also depends on the size of the tabs, which is probably why NBOME tabs are sometimes bigger than LSD tabs. If you buy NBOME tabs from Tyler Durden you would see that his tabs are more than twice the size of most tabs that I've run accross
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: slirp on June 15, 2013, 11:15 pm
gave one of the 1mg tabs from righteous and he said he tripped sack but had some muscle issues in his stomach.  He said he felt like he was gonna shit a baby or something weird like that.  I've gone as far as 2mg so far and didn't have anything like this happen just a decent bit of vascoconstriction which was a bit unpleasant at times but not quite painful as what my friend described.  Has anyone else had this happen?  And would some magnesium before tripping help?

Curious: has your friend taken LSD and did he have any issues?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Psytanium on June 16, 2013, 10:49 am
Well i have asked some nbome vendors about the max capacity a blotter can hold (0.7cm square) its 1.5 to 2mg.
Now i feel more safe to use or sell nbomes.

Some of my experiences on nbomes (for safety)
- The highest dose i tried is 1.6mg 25c + 1mg 25i. Very pleasant effect.
- Some people experiene stomach cramps and poke after 30min of injestion.
- I have a friend who ingested 1mg ON A DAILY BASIS for 2 weaks, he was hospitalized and still suffer from serious  brain damage. So keep a distance at least 1 week between your trips.
- Dont sit near a camp fire while on nbome, you will suffer from sever vasoconstriction because this will cause veins to dry. Also cold weather will worsen the vasoconstriction effect.
- Always use the sublingual administration, dont apply other methods, all nbomes fatalities were caused by sniffing the substance.

Anyway, this is my own experience, i'm not a chemist or something.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Jack N Hoff on June 16, 2013, 11:07 am
Well i have asked some nbome vendors about the max capacity a blotter can hold (0.7cm square) its 1.5 to 2mg.
Now i feel more safe to use or sell nbomes.

I've laid LSD, nBOMEs and DOC and that is exactly what I said too ::)  General rule for us that have laid blotter before is 2mg max per quarter inch tab.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Notrealperson6708 on June 18, 2013, 07:22 pm
I just wanted to say that the fatalities from NBOMe's are almost certainly from reactions your body has to the chemical and not the toxicity of the chemical itself.  I recently got over 150 tabs of 25i from a reputable vendor.  I had a couple of 2 tab trips, which were amazing.  I then found myself taking at least a tab every day just to get a slight "buzz".  After about a week of doing this, I tried to trip with my little bro (no NBOMe experience, but other psych's).  He took 2, and had an amazing trip.  I started with 2, and just got a slight buzz (due to tolerance).  I kept taking 2 at a time throughout the night...and next thing I know, I've done 10+ tabs.  I didn't get the same insane visuals I got the first couple times on 2 tabs, and finally decided I was just wasting my drugs.  I took a week off, and tripped with him again this last weekend.  We both took 2 tabs, and had an amazing trip. Lots of OEV/CEV's, and a crazy head space.  4am came around...and someone pulled the fire alarm in his apartment building.  This made us both FREAK OUT!!!!  We didn't know if we should leave the apartment since we were fucked up, but we both have the common sense to realize that if there was a real fire, we wouldn't know unless we went outside.  As soon as we step outside, a police officer pulls up to the parking lot.  We stand outside and have a cigarette, and then a fire truck pulls up with it's lights on (siren off).  Only 1 other person from a different apartment came outside, and we stand there bullshitting about the fire alarm until a Firefighter gives us the all clear.  The other person didn't seem to notice we were on the tail end of a heavy psychedelic trip.  Fast forward an hour and a half, and someone pulls the fire alarm again.  This time we stayed calm, and stayed inside the apartment to finish our trip.  I LOVE NBOMe's, but they are very strong, and SHOULD NOT be given to just anyone.  If a person is unsure about taking this substance, then don't let them!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: slirp on June 18, 2013, 07:50 pm
...and next thing I know, I've done 10+ tabs.

I'm glad you didn't have any problems but damn man why take a chance with something that could have potentially killed you?

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Notrealperson6708 on June 19, 2013, 01:41 pm
Honestly, because I was chasing that buzz.  I didn't really think about it causing any health issues. 
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: le botbahn on June 24, 2013, 02:37 am
Well i have asked some nbome vendors about the max capacity a blotter can hold (0.7cm square) its 1.5 to 2mg.
Now i feel more safe to use or sell nbomes.

Some of my experiences on nbomes (for safety)
- The highest dose i tried is 1.6mg 25c + 1mg 25i. Very pleasant effect.
- Some people experiene stomach cramps and poke after 30min of injestion.
- I have a friend who ingested 1mg ON A DAILY BASIS for 2 weaks, he was hospitalized and still suffer from serious  brain damage. So keep a distance at least 1 week between your trips.
- Dont sit near a camp fire while on nbome, you will suffer from sever vasoconstriction because this will cause veins to dry. Also cold weather will worsen the vasoconstriction effect.
- Always use the sublingual administration, dont apply other methods, all nbomes fatalities were caused by sniffing the substance.

Anyway, this is my own experience, i'm not a chemist or something.

I'm not discounting you're experience with vasoconstriction and campfires, but it does counter the way our physiology works under those circumstances, as well as my own (and several others) experiences. I've spent the majority of my (25i) nbome trips with other trippers around a bonfire. Warm nights, frigid nights... the bonfire has always been my favorite part-- aside from the unparralled visual rainbow spectacular that is the milky way and all of it's cartoonish "space travel". LED space trash and the peering eyes of twinkling RGB stars (some choose to strobe). Damn I have to order me dome 25I (and D) soon.

The campfire + nbome is beautiful site; rainbow flames dancing atop the digital circuitry and fossil motifs of the burning embers and smoldering log. I'd feel sad if someoneopted not to have a fireif they had the opportunity. It was very much a center of our experience for so long that my last few trips, though stunning, (but also more urban) felt somewhat incomplete and a little chilly without a fire. I'm surprised to hear it didn't actually aid with any vasoconstriction issues.
 However I/we never had any vasoconstriction issues... except with 25b (which wasn't the best night anyway- chilly, damp, no fire :/). It did feelocalized in the oddest of places though (my asshole :p).

Oh, and while I'm not real fond of intranasal absorbtion (for me it's too jarring and I cringe at the dangers of folks screwing up dilutions), I do believe 25D to be an exception where intranasal absorbtion (or possibly plugged) may be the optimal way for expriencing its full potential.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Psytanium on June 24, 2013, 10:39 am
Well i have asked some nbome vendors about the max capacity a blotter can hold (0.7cm square) its 1.5 to 2mg.
Now i feel more safe to use or sell nbomes.

Some of my experiences on nbomes (for safety)
- The highest dose i tried is 1.6mg 25c + 1mg 25i. Very pleasant effect.
- Some people experiene stomach cramps and poke after 30min of injestion.
- I have a friend who ingested 1mg ON A DAILY BASIS for 2 weaks, he was hospitalized and still suffer from serious  brain damage. So keep a distance at least 1 week between your trips.
- Dont sit near a camp fire while on nbome, you will suffer from sever vasoconstriction because this will cause veins to dry. Also cold weather will worsen the vasoconstriction effect.
- Always use the sublingual administration, dont apply other methods, all nbomes fatalities were caused by sniffing the substance.

Anyway, this is my own experience, i'm not a chemist or something.

I'm not discounting you're experience with vasoconstriction and campfires, but it does counter the way our physiology works under those circumstances, as well as my own (and several others) experiences. I've spent the majority of my (25i) nbome trips with other trippers around a bonfire. Warm nights, frigid nights... the bonfire has always been my favorite part-- aside from the unparralled visual rainbow spectacular that is the milky way and all of it's cartoonish "space travel". LED space trash and the peering eyes of twinkling RGB stars (some choose to strobe). Damn I have to order me dome 25I (and D) soon.

The campfire + nbome is beautiful site; rainbow flames dancing atop the digital circuitry and fossil motifs of the burning embers and smoldering log. I'd feel sad if someoneopted not to have a fireif they had the opportunity. It was very much a center of our experience for so long that my last few trips, though stunning, (but also more urban) felt somewhat incomplete and a little chilly without a fire. I'm surprised to hear it didn't actually aid with any vasoconstriction issues.
 However I/we never had any vasoconstriction issues... except with 25b (which wasn't the best night anyway- chilly, damp, no fire :/). It did feelocalized in the oddest of places though (my asshole :p).

Oh, and while I'm not real fond of intranasal absorbtion (for me it's too jarring and I cringe at the dangers of folks screwing up dilutions), I do believe 25D to be an exception where intranasal absorbtion (or possibly plugged) may be the optimal way for expriencing its full potential.

Exactly, campfire + nbome is magic! Under the clear night sky, drawing infinite geometrical forms with the stars, listening to the forest ambiance. sometimes under the influance im convinced ill stay there the rwst of my life, why need a house and car?

Enjoying summer time while war is taking over many parts of my country, stupid people dont know how to live. Do you think is it possible to add large quantity of nbomes in the water towers? So people will drink and awake?

Anyway... The campfire will almost completely eliminate the moisture from the surrounding, from your skin, veins and bones. Thats why IT COULD be dangerous with nbomes. Veins need moisture to expand easier. Heavy clothes is safer.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: le botbahn on June 25, 2013, 12:45 am
Well i have asked some nbome vendors about the max capacity a blotter can hold (0.7cm square) its 1.5 to 2mg.
Now i feel more safe to use or sell nbomes.

Some of my experiences on nbomes (for safety)
- The highest dose i tried is 1.6mg 25c + 1mg 25i. Very pleasant effect.
- Some people experiene stomach cramps and poke after 30min of injestion.
- I have a friend who ingested 1mg ON A DAILY BASIS for 2 weaks, he was hospitalized and still suffer from serious  brain damage. So keep a distance at least 1 week between your trips.
- Dont sit near a camp fire while on nbome, you will suffer from sever vasoconstriction because this will cause veins to dry. Also cold weather will worsen the vasoconstriction effect.
- Always use the sublingual administration, dont apply other methods, all nbomes fatalities were caused by sniffing the substance.

Anyway, this is my own experience, i'm not a chemist or something.

I'm not discounting you're experience with vasoconstriction and campfires, but it does counter the way our physiology works under those circumstances, as well as my own (and several others) experiences. I've spent the majority of my (25i) nbome trips with other trippers around a bonfire. Warm nights, frigid nights... the bonfire has always been my favorite part-- aside from the unparralled visual rainbow spectacular that is the milky way and all of it's cartoonish "space travel". LED space trash and the peering eyes of twinkling RGB stars (some choose to strobe). Damn I have to order me dome 25I (and D) soon.

The campfire + nbome is beautiful site; rainbow flames dancing atop the digital circuitry and fossil motifs of the burning embers and smoldering log. I'd feel sad if someoneopted not to have a fireif they had the opportunity. It was very much a center of our experience for so long that my last few trips, though stunning, (but also more urban) felt somewhat incomplete and a little chilly without a fire. I'm surprised to hear it didn't actually aid with any vasoconstriction issues.
 However I/we never had any vasoconstriction issues... except with 25b (which wasn't the best night anyway- chilly, damp, no fire :/). It did feelocalized in the oddest of places though (my asshole :p).

Oh, and while I'm not real fond of intranasal absorbtion (for me it's too jarring and I cringe at the dangers of folks screwing up dilutions), I do believe 25D to be an exception where intranasal absorbtion (or possibly plugged) may be the optimal way for expriencing its full potential.

Exactly, campfire + nbome is magic! Under the clear night sky, drawing infinite geometrical forms with the stars, listening to the forest ambiance. sometimes under the influance im convinced ill stay there the rwst of my life, why need a house and car?

Enjoying summer time while war is taking over many parts of my country, stupid people dont know how to live. Do you think is it possible to add large quantity of nbomes in the water towers? So people will drink and awake?

Anyway... The campfire will almost completely eliminate the moisture from the surrounding, from your skin, veins and bones. Thats why IT COULD be dangerous with nbomes. Veins need moisture to expand easier. Heavy clothes is safer.
I dunno man, but you definitely do it right. :) +1
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: FreedomFlyer on June 25, 2013, 01:19 pm
After reading through some of these posts I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks it can get REALLY fucking cold while tripping, always wrapping my self up in blankets...Nothing but pleasant experiences with 25i for me, I've had sort of uncomfortable trips(NEEDING to lie down to try sort out what the fuck is going on in my brain, racing rushing thoughts etc) which are aided with smoking a bowl. I feel like smoking weed while on 25i adds "depth" to the trip if that makes any sense, the only way I can think to word it.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: LIGHTFLOWER on June 26, 2013, 04:06 pm
ive been getting heavy into my 25b lately. for some reason i just find it less agitating than 25i and more chill. has anyone here tried the 25n thats been making its way around?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: slirp on June 26, 2013, 08:17 pm
ive been getting heavy into my 25b lately. for some reason i just find it less agitating than 25i and more chill. has anyone here tried the 25n thats been making its way around?

I've been on the fence about trying 25b for a long time.  Do you think 25b might give less anxiety than 25c or 25i?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on June 26, 2013, 08:29 pm
ive been getting heavy into my 25b lately. for some reason i just find it less agitating than 25i and more chill. has anyone here tried the 25n thats been making its way around?

I've been on the fence about trying 25b for a long time.  Do you think 25b might give less anxiety than 25c or 25i?
gave my buddy a 25b tab, I got from morpheus.. he said there was a lot less body discomfort then the 25I and still had intense visuals :P
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sofish89 on June 29, 2013, 08:44 pm
Does heat destroy the NBOME chemical?
I left my NBOME in my automobile for a couple days and my car was in direct sunlight. From what I've heard, its not too uncommon for the inside of a car to reach 180 to 190 degrees Fahrenheit (85-90 degrees Celsius). are my tabs destroyed/useless/garbage ??
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Internal Freedom on June 30, 2013, 12:53 am
My buddy did 3mg of 25i at a rave while I did 2mg.

He said there were fucking hands coming out of the floor and that multiple peoples head's were exploding colors when he looked at them.

Meanwhile I just got a fucking body high and some visual distortions, fuck lol
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on June 30, 2013, 03:33 am
Does heat destroy the NBOME chemical?
I left my NBOME in my automobile for a couple days and my car was in direct sunlight. From what I've heard, its not too uncommon for the inside of a car to reach 180 to 190 degrees Fahrenheit (85-90 degrees Celsius). are my tabs destroyed/useless/garbage ??
I know of one way to find out :) take a tab, see results.

Also its always so weird trying to explain what an NBOMe is to noobs. I usually just tell them it is similar to acid and the name. I find it funny that people are so willing to take drugs without knowing much about them at all.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: obkkoa on June 30, 2013, 11:27 pm
Does heat destroy the NBOME chemical?
I left my NBOME in my automobile for a couple days and my car was in direct sunlight. From what I've heard, its not too uncommon for the inside of a car to reach 180 to 190 degrees Fahrenheit (85-90 degrees Celsius). are my tabs destroyed/useless/garbage ??
I know of one way to find out :) take a tab, see results.

Also its always so weird trying to explain what an NBOMe is to noobs. I usually just tell them it is similar to acid and the name. I find it funny that people are so willing to take drugs without knowing much about them at all.

Yes. Most people are tards. lol.

Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: bunny84 on July 04, 2013, 10:54 pm
What's the difference nbome and 2c family ?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Jack N Hoff on July 05, 2013, 01:50 am
What's the difference nbome and 2c family ?

What's the difference in apples an oranges?  What's the difference in buylone and pentedrone?

They are two different sets of chemicals.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: donatto on July 09, 2013, 03:04 pm
What about the 25b nbome? How good is it? comparin to 25i/c
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Hearts on July 09, 2013, 04:01 pm
Cant believe I only found this thread, read the whole 1st page and 16th page, my 14 page journey begins now

Forget it I've read enough :S
Lovely information and trip experiences, I was curious, I'm most probably (hopefully) getting my 25i NBOMe's tomorrow, if not the following week, Is water essential when on it?

I asked this because i'm going to be fasting (yeah I'm a Muslim), and i know it goes out of the Quran to take anything that potentially "intoxicates" you, even more of a sin when doing it in a holy month..

But I have my own beliefs of the religion and don't agree with certain aspects of it, even though i'm not allowed to do that either if I am a muslim, no one is going to tell me how to run my life or how to follow my beliefs. So Lets say early in the morning I'm of course going to eat like a pig, or just enough to get full, eggs, carbs and vitamins, and definitely, chug water and go abouts my fasting. Lets say I pop in a tab right after eating (shit this will be at 5:30am) and enjoy my day, will water be essential at any point, lets say coming down or so?

I will though, for the first time trying them take it at night, mainly because I am a Night person, I enjoy the silence, Living with 2 family members so I'll be alone and free to do what I want.

I have no friends around my area so I'll be alone of course, but when I do take it in the daytime, do you think I'll be alright without food or water?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: RS7FI8ZRkm on July 09, 2013, 05:56 pm
skip the 25-I and grab some acid ;) I think you'll enjoy it much more..
about the water.. I think you'd be okay.. but its highly recommended to drink lots of water with anything that'll make you sweat.. dunno about you but when I took them I was sweating profusely :P (also bit of a dry mouth)

also, I thought when people were fasting you're only allowed to drink water :o..

either way, have fun :) besafe!
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: slirp on July 09, 2013, 09:12 pm
Hearts: I say just drink the water and if you need something spiritual then use LSD or DMT, but that's just me.  Actually I recommend LSD over the NBOMEs always.

I suppose a middle-of-the-road solution is to drink water if you find that you are sweating a lot or somehow losing a lot of water.  No sense in going to the hospital and getting hydrated there instead.

If this is your first time using an NBOMe then be careful.  A lot of people don't enjoy them.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Hearts on July 10, 2013, 07:21 am
also, I thought when people were fasting you're only allowed to drink water :o..

either way, have fun :) besafe!

Aw Thanks RS7, I think it'd be better to do it at night instead, at least I can drink, just to be on the safe side, or break my fast in the daytime if I have to, and nope, you cant drink or eat until the evening prayer calls, around 7-7:30pm or so?

No sense in going to the hospital and getting hydrated there instead.
You're absolutely right there! I will watch out for myself, and thanks, I'll make sure to try LSD sometime but I've already placed an order for the NBOMe's a week ago so its too late to turn back the clock! and either way i'm excited for it :) I'll try to make the most of it, good or bad trip
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: jokerman2000 on July 10, 2013, 07:27 am
Only thing nbomes are good for is to make money off those stupid kids that don't know what real LSD is. Not that I do anything like this myself though.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: sselevol on July 10, 2013, 09:18 am
Some people want to believe it's Acid no matter how much you tell them it's not :( I've heard people call it 'digital acid' but that can mislead people who don't know the differences.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: donatto on July 10, 2013, 03:18 pm
The point is, they want an effect that the Nbomes gives you and acid dont, unless in HIGH doses, like 3-4 tabs, against 1 tab of nbome, in the visuals street, lack spirituality and else, but that depends on each individual. Anyway, they want what nbome gives, they EXPECT that from LSD in stupid doses like 1/4 tab L, u know what i mean? So thats why its so profitable and the people buy this so much, they are stupid? no, they are ignorant enough to believe that a superb LSD tab would put them on heaven with just 1/4 or 1/2 tab, and thats not gonna happen ever, so they "want" to believe this.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: LIGHTFLOWER on July 11, 2013, 04:15 pm
Some people want to believe it's Acid no matter how much you tell them it's not :( I've heard people call it 'digital acid' but that can mislead people who don't know the differences.
haa. digital acid. i do dig that. better than smiles. itll be a nice day when there are better systems for speaking about and relating to others about nbomes.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Hearts on July 12, 2013, 01:31 pm
Guys i'm stoked, I got 26 25i NBOMes that just arrived today, the vendor was nice to add in 1 extra one(ordered 25)..
But I have to ask, does your face get messy or anything on it? like on MDMA you have that fucked up face, I can't describe it but i'm sure you know what I mean..
And do your pupils dilate, get really big or anything? I'm doing it at night alone when everyones asleep so I wont have to worry about people talking to me, but I would like to know in case one day I want to go to a shopping mall myself and pop a tab hahah (i might not do it don't worry)
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: slirp on July 12, 2013, 04:59 pm
But I have to ask, does your face get messy or anything on it? like on MDMA you have that fucked up face, I can't describe it but i'm sure you know what I mean..

Drug can certainly change your perception of things, especially your face.  Maybe this is what you're talking about?  Other than pupil dilation I can't think of any obvious facial changes.  On a drug like ketamine the himan face looks just freaky to me though.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Hearts on July 12, 2013, 05:25 pm
im on it right now and it feels weird, i feel a tingliness all throughoutt my body, loads of weird colours, like kolidoscopes, i see lots of patterened faces... its very weird, its hard to type in the dark.

Any youre right, i smacked ketamine while doing ecstasy and i thought i looked inhuman, just weird, it morphed slowly hahah,

sorry, typing is hard right now, but i cant turn on the lights in my room since im sleepin in the living room tonight (family is here so i gotta give up some room for tonightt)

*i need to try this in the daytime with daylight, might have a different perrspective and trip depending on the setting right?*
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: fuckmadagascar on July 12, 2013, 06:58 pm
Got a couple quick questions since I haven't done just enough reading on it.

What is the difference between NBOMe and 2C family? I was under the impression they were the same phenethylamine drugs?

Also, when taking a drug like this sublingually, does it dissolve after sitting under the tongue/in the gums? Or does it just sit there til you forget about it and swallow it?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: tiltedtothemax on July 13, 2013, 03:23 pm
Got a couple quick questions since I haven't done just enough reading on it.

What is the difference between NBOMe and 2C family? I was under the impression they were the same phenethylamine drugs?

Also, when taking a drug like this sublingually, does it dissolve after sitting under the tongue/in the gums? Or does it just sit there til you forget about it and swallow it?

"25I-NBOMe (2C-I-NBOMe) is a derivative of the substituted phenethylamine psychedelic 2C-I discovered in 2003 by chemist Ralf Heim at the Free University of Berlin. The drug is an extremely potent serotonin agonist and, due to its psychedelic effects and ambiguous legal status, a designer drug with reports of recreational use beginning in 2010."

This is off the 25I wiki page (

You want to keep the tab between your lip and your gums or under your tongue, don't just place it on your tongue as it is orally inactive. The paper that it was blotted on won't dissolve, you can spit it out or just swallow it. Since it's inactive orally though you won't be 'salvaging' any by swallowing it, just eating paper.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: donatto on July 14, 2013, 12:45 pm
Best ROA would be the nose > eye > upper gum + lip, in that order, sublingual does some effect too, but dont expect the potency u'r reading here.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ytabletrash on July 16, 2013, 03:19 am
Btw, for the guy who was asking if nBomes go bad in the heat. Yes they do, or at least for 25 i nbome. I had ~500 doses go bad this past weekend from heat, but the other 500 made up for it more than enough.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: donatto on July 17, 2013, 12:23 pm
How are the 25b doing on the street? Ive been with the 25c/i, but now i want to give them a try, ideas?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: ianfleming on August 18, 2013, 01:35 am
This shit is dangerous as hell, no other psychedelic has killed so many people in such a short time after it's invention. Tread carefully here guys.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Hearts on August 18, 2013, 03:45 pm
Chill, moderate use is fine! I had 26 blotters and now have 16 left. Its been approximately 3-4 weeks? 1200ug ea, I first took 1 blotter, then 2 days later 1800ug+800ug, and stopped for like 5 days, again, break, again, etc. I can say I am fine! some days I smoke weed, some I dont! Be in a safe environment and make sure you watch how much you take. Vasoconstriction are weird, it affects the high... be careful. People die mainly because they mix it with another drug/more + bad environment. Look at those kids in Australia, balcony+25i+alcohol+(I'm not sure but maybe weed?)...

Be smart, responsible use, know your limit 8)

"Tread carefully here guys"

sounds like neurosoup? haha
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: slirp on August 21, 2013, 03:53 am
I'm pretty sure some people have died pretty much just because of the 25i.  Yes it is often probably due to dose but this is a drug where a little bit is a lot so there are a lot of easy ways to take too much.  Also, maybe 999 people out of 1,000 are fine on a given dose but 1 out of 1,000 is not.  We're not all the same.

Personally, I'll stick with chemicals such as LSD, 2C-x, shrooms, and 5-meo-mipt instead of bothering with any 25x molecules.

To each their own.  Just be careful telling people "I was fine so you will be fine too" because it doesn't always work that way.
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: anothergirl on August 29, 2013, 04:49 am
So bottom line: is there a mechanism through which NBOMes could directly cause physiological damage to you in ways that other serotonin receptor agonist can't? Or is the danger simply a matter of it being easy to overdose?

I'm a regular LSD/shrooms (well, psilacetin) user, and I've considered adding 25i-NBOMe into the mix for comparison and because it's so cheap. But I hesitate reading about all the overdoses and stuff (of which there are none for the more traditional substances).

If you keep it under 1mg at a time, could you you conceivably be putting yourself at short- or long-term risk, or hospitalization (which would be worse than death in my case because I unfortunately live somewhere where if you ended up in a hospital fucked up the doctors would immediately call the cops who would arrest you and search your house)?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: SeekEnlighten on August 29, 2013, 05:05 am
What's the difference between 25c and 25i?
Title: Re: Official NBOMe Discussion Thread
Post by: Vanquish on August 29, 2013, 06:01 am
I'm a regular LSD/shrooms