Silk Road forums
Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: uniwiz on October 04, 2011, 03:37 pm
A work in progress. What do you think?
Need to add some of the vendors comments.
Not totally sure how resolution mode works.
last edit 12/29/2012
Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention
There are FE scams almost daily on the road. NEVER finial early. Use escrow. Any decent vendor wouldn't request it of you.
If you are a new buyer, life sucks. After 5 successful transactions there should be no reason to FE. Don't do it! Find another vendor, please for gods sake.
You won't get much sympathy from SR support, or the community other then we told you so.
Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention
This Scam FAQ was started for buyers, and vendors.
There were too many misunderstandings that could have been resolved painlessly by following some basic etiquette.
Please go to the bottom first, read about basic etiquette
You may want to visit the SR forums especially if you are new.
Use the search function to find your favorite vendor or product.
There are also stickies, on the best vendors for various products.
When placing an order always use PGP to encrypt your address.
Please review "Things to Prevent Misplaced Packages" heading below.
Buyers should keep PM's to vendors to a minimum.
Please realize they have other customer's orders to fill.
The vendor may take a few days to move the order to "in transit"
It's been my experience the longer they take to do that the more problems arise.
The really good vendors move product within three days.
Don't panic if you don't see your package two days after switching to in transit.
Give your vendor at least five business days before asking about your package.
International packages take 2 to 3 time longer.
Some vendors, IE Timetraveler state in his FAQ the package is not in the mail.
The package needs to move to various drop points. He my take up to 9 days.
So "DON"T PANIC!!!!"
I can't say this enough, don't panic, don't assume anything, and be patient.
Most vendor on SR do everything they can to keep customers happy.
Things can happen, and if you have a good purchasing record, they understand, things happen.
If you are starting to worry go over to the forums and do a search on your vendor.
You of course should have done this before you made your purchase, but later is better then never.
Do NOT at this point get aggressive, or threaten to the vendor in your PM's.
Understand there are scammer buyers as well, and they start off aggressively.
You don't want to act, or look like a scammer, do you?
Send a pleasantly worded PM asking about you product, and when you might expect delivery.
You should receive any answer with a day, or two. Click on the vendor's name to see the last time he visited SR.
At this point the vendor may ask you to wait. If you wait too long the SR resolution system will pick up on it.
Most vendors at this point should be trying to communicate with you,please be calm, and polite.
I wouldn't advise taking the issue up at this point in the forums.
The vendor has the advantage at this point because they almost have at least half of your money.
The threat of been reported on the forums, or given a bad review should be enough to get their attention.
If you go ahead, and do the dirty deed, what incentive does the vendor have to co-operate with you?
Hopefully you come to an agreement before SR resolution mode, if not refer to the heading "SR Resolution System".
SR Resolution System
A buyers can click on resolution if he has not received product, or communication.
SR Administration will ask both sides for a resolution.
The timer starts (??) You get xx days to resolve the issue between buyer, and vendor.
You can ask for an extension at anytime.
Expect a normal resolution of 50/50 unless a vendor can't prove sending the package.
Vendors are not insurance companies and no such guarantee exists if its not stated. All that is required of them is that they ship the product in question, which can be proven with DCN's or tracking.
USPS error, and LEO interception is not a vendor's risk, it is a shared risk.
Things to prevent lost packages
Use a real name. Things like "Value Card Holder", "Resident", don't work.
"I get a huge amount of people using fake names, abbreviated names, and all sorts of stuff to stick out in the mail stream, begging to have their item bounced, mis-delivered or worse. "
Please read the vendor's info page before ordering from them.
Remember it's very easy to make several dummy good reviews.
Do not exclusively trust SR vendor reviews!!
use the SR forums to find vendor reviews.
No early PM's of vendors. Try to be polite, not irritating
No accusing vendors. Vendors get ripped off by buyers too!
No threatening vendors.
Keep in escrow for unfamiliar vendors, no matter the reviews (reviews can be faked)
Vendors value a 5/5 rating. Please PM a vendor BEFORE giving a lower rating
If you do rate a vendor below 5/5 for chicken shit, be prepared to be called out on your review.
Buyer and Vendors assume a 50/50 risk ONLY if vendor can prove shipment.
Ask for the DCN! Your vendor is responsible to track his package.
Use the forums to find out about your vendor BEFORE you buy.
Before using the forum to complain about a vendor, send them a polite PM first.
If you are having a problem with a vendor, state your case on the forum, politely.
Do NOT repeatably go over your issue. Forums take a day or two for a proper response.
It may take weeks to resolve your issue.
Repeating yourself, making threats just makes your position look bad.
Don't expect a lot of sympathy for out of escrow transactions.
It it important you report whether a vendor is honest, or selectively scamming.
Finalize your sale when you receive your package.
You can always wait to fill out the review.
Vendor are always complaining too many buyers wait, or even auto-finalize.
This looks bad on your stats, and vendors having a harder time turning product around.
Be polite, finalize as soon as you get your product.
Vendors really appreciate forum reviews under their vendor name.
Do not create a new thread, do a search for the vendor's thread, and add your comment.
Building SR "Street" Credit.
New users without history are a valid threat to vendors.
The vendors clearly know they are more likely to be ripped off by a buyer with no, or poor SR purchasing history.
To check you history click on account, then when the account page comes up. click on history.
You should see something like this;
Recent purchasing statistics
These statistics are made available to your vendors when you purchase an item so they can better judge whether they want to do business with you, or not. The more transactions you make that go smoothly and you finalize in a timely manner, the more likely your next order will be accepted.
Total transactions: 47
Refund rate: 0.22%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 4 months
If your refund rate, and/or Auto-finalize rate is high, that spells trouble.
Every time a vendor refunds you, your credit takes a hit.
Every time you forget to finalize your credit takes a hit.
Every time you buy something successfully your credit goes up.
I would advise you also start a forum account. Use a different password then your SR account.
You build credit with your vendor, and the community when you post info, positive, or negative.
Don't think some one who's first post is to claim scam on a valid vendor has any creditability at all.
However if you have 20 post complimenting various vendors, people will naturally take heed if you complain.
Again I can't say this enough, try to work with your vendor via PM's, before ever posting on the forums.
If you work the problem out privately neighter of you loose any "Street" credit.
This is why the SR Admins encourage both sides to take time.
The history above that buyer had problems of some type or another with 4-5 vendors.
He always privately worked it out, and finalized payment as soon as he recieved the product.
Start with small purchases. Don't start with OZ's, and QP's until you, and you vendor got the "dance" going.
Make a few small purchases, review them on the forum, then ask/do larger quantiles.
If you see your vendor is having "personal" problems, stay away for a while til things settle.
Rule 1. Always make sure you have the correct link to SR so you aren't password phished. http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion
Rule 2. Never Transfer more money to your account than you plan to immediately spend.
Rule 3. Never Spend Large amounts with vendors you've never dealt with before, especially new vendors with no, or low feedback.
Rule 4. Always work within the escrow system and try not to finalize early unless the vendor has a good reputation.
Rule 5. before placing an order visit the Rumor Mill section and do your own investigation. Spend a night reading posts. Use the Search function.
I SAID DON"T FE (finalize early), never, never, never.
great job uniwiz!
i know that i had some of those questions when i wondered onto here the first time :o
This is a very nice read. I'm fairly new to Silk Road. Just had an instant of this happen. I ordered from a vendor, about 10 days past, I communicated with the seller. We gave it another few days. Nothing came so he resent, this time with tracking. Package got here perfectly. I'm not crazy about signing for things like this but...what can you do?
I'm loving all the information on this forum. There should be a more prominent position for the forums from Silk Road. I bet you many don't know this forum exist.
Vendors- ALWAYS USE DCN. It costs you more to pack sometimes, but I learned the hard way by products 'not showing up....' now I pay back things that very well could have made it there but people would rather cheat someone out of something...I will no longer take addresses with no last names either. I believe all the ones lost 'if they were' are the result of things the buyer didn't think about. I understand anonymous, but faking a name? I will charge $5 more on every product, as it has cost me a few hundred already. I ship everything priority now. Sorry customers, you will pay the extra for the bad apples that want free trips...or they try to use old names or whatever. I am going to use tracking b/c I will no longer lose a package, it will be solely on the customer.
I am ok with munchies approach but prefer straight first class. I'm not a vendor, but I've worked with quite a few and about half of them use first class without DCN. I have never had a problem with this, nor have they.
I understand why munchies prefers this, and I can't argue too much with his motivations. I can just say that when there is a high level of trust between the buyer and the seller that I think first class is a better choice.
It really pisses me off to think that someone would lie about not receiving a package. I mean how could you even truly appreciate a trip while knowing that you gypd the seller?!? There are some real fucked up people out there.
I am ok with munchies approach but prefer straight first class. I'm not a vendor, but I've worked with quite a few and about half of them use first class without DCN. I have never had a problem with this, nor have they.
I understand why munchies prefers this, and I can't argue too much with his motivations. I can just say that when there is a high level of trust between the buyer and the seller that I think first class is a better choice.
Yup DCN is for your resolution outcome.
No DCN and it's totally member depend if you use it.
nomad bloodbath
What would happen if a package sent with a DCN does not make it to the customer? What would the delivery report say? Not delivered? Intercepted? Lost at such and such stage of the transit?
Recently I ordered an item from a vendor with an excellent reputation, so I finalized early. However, the package did not arrive. The vendor provided me with a DCN, and the report indicated that the package was delivered to my zipcode, but no specific address was listed.
While I still trust the vendor due to his reputation, I can imagine a situation where a dishonest vendor can send an empty envelope to a random address within the same zipcode and then use that DCN to leave an impression that the package was indeed sent to the customer.
Without the actual delivery address, I don't see that much value with the DCN. Vendors could abuse it to scam customers, and if a vendor sends to the right address and the package does not reach the customer for whatever reason (as the case was with me), the customer has no way to demonstrate that (s)he didn't receive the package.
would it be possible to create some sort of insurance system? I'm sure that as SR has all the data to analyze this, but if the buyers were to purchase some sort of insurance with the cost of the insurance based on their purchasing statistics????
Hey there,
I am rather new to SR as a vendor and as a purchaser, at first I did not sell anything but I bought a few things, the 1st order from a vendor with good rep and good feedback for a certain consequent amount(I'd say) it is now exactly 15 days I am waiting for my treat rather patiently and always polite and courteous when asking the vendor for answers. As this mail has been shipped int. express I received a track. n. that only shows til this day that the item has been accepted at the post office on 20/10/11 at 19.32 and no progress whatsoever can indicate its route. Inch Allah! The 2nd order from a vendor with very good rep and feedback, no tracking n. and no sign of the mail for 10 full days now. I ought to confess that I am living far away but not more than Australia where the mails arrived with much more diligence. I will keep you posted on the progress further on. An other member suggests about an insurance that could be put up by SR, I think it is a rather good idea but of course I am considering my 650usd that are still somewhere between their departure and their eventual hopeful arrival. Good day to you ALL.
I wouldnt worry too much. I have found USPS tracking numbers to be VERY slow to update, sometimes not showing anything after the initial acceptance until AFTER it has been delivered.
would it be possible to create some sort of insurance system? I'm sure that as SR has all the data to analyze this, but if the buyers were to purchase some sort of insurance with the cost of the insurance based on their purchasing statistics????
WOW, this is a GREAT idea... give the buyers an option for insurance based on a percentage of the sale... it should go into a pool that can be used when a scam has happend.. love it. make it happen #1
I wouldnt worry too much. I have found USPS tracking numbers to be VERY slow to update, sometimes not showing anything after the initial acceptance until AFTER it has been delivered.
+1 I've been saying the same thing for a little while now. They are slow! Do not worry.
USPS would never be my shipper of choice if we were shipping anything else....:) Like I said a little earlier...I CANNOT get an EXPRESS package in 1 day...its 2 days. Then they say priority is 2 days too...I'm betting 3-4.
I've been watching packages for folks when they're late, I had one go from the east coast to san jose, CA to took 6 days I think for a fucking PRIORITY MAIL.
In closing- don't be surprised when USPS is late. Be happy when they're on time....and every once in a GREAT WHILE they're EARLY! I bake cupcakes and take em to the post office on those days...
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( And Yes it did not arrived! As the vendor claims it " it never happened to me before, this is the first time, sincerely on my Mother's head and all the Saints of the Almanach" . To me too It is a first and a double because it was my very first purchase on SR. "moveitnice" and I from the very beginning went along quite well, bro here , bro there, obviously a quite good communication quite courteous and quite respectful as much as it can be between 2 individuals who never met. After 3 weeks passed and 5 items lost in the nature our virtual exchange became rather bitter as my understanding of the vendor's compensation was far from his. To summarize I lost 470$ in the process and for only hope I was then expecting a reship of the half for free on my vendor's account as I had understood. My intrinsical honesty could have only understand the fairness and the integrity of the vendor I had selected among others but "too good too studip" as it is said and I had to wake up to the call of treason when my subject vendor announced me that I had mistaken his words in writing and that in fact he could effectively reship the 2,5 for the altruistic price of 195$ only. I had to take my little machine, still under shock, to realize that I was about to get a Nobel prize for the best bargain of the year, 470 + 195 = 665 = 2,5 and him to add that his item prices were ridiculously competitive. I do not know why but I could not decently believe it and him again trying to persuade me that he was doing me a big favor and that he could not understand why I gave him such a hard time not willing to accept his unbeatable offer. Why was I such a pain when he so honestly concerned by my loss could not bare with my bitterness, he too lost money in the process as he tried to convince me. At that point I sent my little summary and my thanks in a few languages to emphasize on the quality of his services and I sent us both to fuck ourselves far from each other.
He did proved me that he paid app 80$ for a priority mail app 39g that never showed any progress since its acceptance at the post office, he reassured me that CanadaPost are well known to be a bunch of douches, proof is the unreliability of their deliveries and their Track it does not work(....) I've tried to tell him that for that kind of price he could have used a carrier like Fedex or UPS with a fast delivery and much less trouble than CP, why the heck he is using CP if they are so dumb and so bad. ? with no answers.
On his behalf I'd say that moveitnice I'd love to call moveitbad on this one is rather a good fella, not as smart as I believe I am(little joke) but far from stupid if only he had more integrity...
Anyway all this boring pseudo-literature crap to point out the problem, to call for a referendum, to think about a kind of insurance, guarantee, compensation and no more tacit agreement that is never respected at the end and unfortunately too often in favor of the seller, we all heard abt g2g, pitalk... and me too (why I ask myself) my own experience and those of many others who have lost money they will never get back and the dire lack of compensation either.
:o ::) ??? >:( ::)
I sincerely hope my vendor will grab the opportunity to expose his views as he might be a buyer too from time to time.
I do not salute you moveitnice for your sneaky turn on me, do not forget that only assholes never change their mind, if you feel bad about it you can still offer me compensation and stop to cry and shoot you are losing money the same way I did.
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( :-X
Hey there,
I am rather new to SR as a vendor and as a purchaser, at first I did not sell anything but I bought a few things, the 1st order from a vendor with good rep and good feedback for a certain consequent amount(I'd say) it is now exactly 15 days I am waiting for my treat rather patiently and always polite and courteous when asking the vendor for answers. As this mail has been shipped int. express I received a track. n. that only shows til this day that the item has been accepted at the post office on 20/10/11 at 19.32 and no progress whatsoever can indicate its route. Inch Allah! The 2nd order from a vendor with very good rep and feedback, no tracking n. and no sign of the mail for 10 full days now. I ought to confess that I am living far away but not more than Australia where the mails arrived with much more diligence. I will keep you posted on the progress further on. An other member suggests about an insurance that could be put up by SR, I think it is a rather good idea but of course I am considering my 650usd that are still somewhere between their departure and their eventual hopeful arrival. Good day to you ALL.
That is a LARGE first time order. I feel your pain. But, big but.....starting small has its advantages.
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) Thanks Mate, I had a big party coming...... instead we drunk and smoked some weed... and finally we had much more fun....lesssssssom Learnnnnnnnnt as I wrote!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :
Long Live SR , Long Live the Spirited. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
I add another section on how to build SR "Street Credit"
Please read, and feel free to add suggestions.
Thanks to the vendors to help me formulate these ideas;)
Ok I'm going to say this as nicely as possible.
Wrong thread morons!!!
Learn to read and comprehend.
hey SR fellas, I've made an order from a trusted seller (100/100) but after more then 1 month my order isn't arrived yet.
I'm pretty sure that is lost because:
1) the seller sent it within my continent (EU)
2) orders from outside continents arrived in the meanwhile in just 1 week
3) even if it was hazardous I've asked in the post office if there was a letter for my address not delivered
I'm quite new to SR (2 month member and just few transactions) but I'm not new to Internet commerce, I know that this could happen, but the real problem is that the vendor is not answering to my messages. I gave him proof that I'm not a scammer (I've even linked my personal ebay account, active since 2005 with 0 neg feedbacks) but no response at all.
I'm not expecting a full refund but at least arrange something since no rules on refund/resend are in the vendor's profile. (it's not mentioned that he refund but neither that he doesn't!)
Right now I want to be polite, without revealing the vendor's name but if he's not going to answer anymore I'll post it just to let the others know what to face in case of lost from him.
So what should I do in this case? Any suggestions?
here's your problem, you worked with the vendor out of escrow?
You shouldn't do that, especially when first starting.
Him not answering your PM's means he has written you off.
Of course we only know one side of the story.
Now you could go on the forum and post the particulars, but you have no "SR street credit"
Not that you shouldn't warn people.
It just that who would you trust? A poster who has post for weeks/months good/bad things?
Or, some poster with 1-5 posts about some vendor he hates?
Between a rock, and a hard place.
Purely hypothetical scenario below - Am I being a bad customer?
I placed order 3weeks ago from a very, very reputable vendor, for product very easy/stealth to ship. Vendor in EU, I'm in USA. Finalized early, bc this was like my 5th overall transaction. No negative feedback from vendor on SR or the forums.
Wait 10 days, PM vendor on SR, he replies same day asking to me wait a few days. Ok, can do.
I wait 4 days, no package delivered. PM again. no response.
I wait another 3 days, PM again. still no response.
It has been 2 days since that last PM and still, all in all, 3 weeks since order date.....
Not really worried about order delivery since it was small, but more concerned with SR etiquette here....did i contact too much? Or am I in right to be slightly annoyed with no contact from seller?
Purely hypothetical scenario below - Am I being a bad customer?
I placed order 3weeks ago from a very, very reputable vendor, for product very easy/stealth to ship. Vendor in EU, I'm in USA. Finalized early, bc this was like my 5th overall transaction. No negative feedback from vendor on SR or the forums.
Wait 10 days, PM vendor on SR, he replies same day asking to me wait a few days. Ok, can do.
I wait 4 days, no package delivered. PM again. no response.
I wait another 3 days, PM again. still no response.
It has been 2 days since that last PM and still, all in all, 3 weeks since order date.....
Not really worried about order delivery since it was small, but more concerned with SR etiquette here....did i contact too much? Or am I in right to be slightly annoyed with no contact from seller?
I'd check the seller home page.
Maybe he had to leave quick?
Or maybe his rating is dropping on a daily basis.
Check you see if he is reading your messages. Non read messages are in bold.
If he a 100% er , I highly doubt he would let it get that far.
Do you contact him too much? no if really limited to the number of times you said.
You were more than fair.
Chances are he isn't even reading your messages.
he's def 100% and, and has been active 'today' each time I've checked (6+).
Has read all PM's (all unbold).
I don't really want to air dirty laundry in public, bc who the fuck am i? and vendor has cred.
Hoping he's just super swamped, my postal worker's an idiot, mercury being in retrograde, holidays, or some combination there of.....
Thanks for insight uniwiz.
If you can get on SILC, than you can talk to some friends.
Otherwise PM Nomad, he will help you, remember to kick a BTC every now and then ;)
We won't screw you, maybe wires crossed. Ask Nomad to iron out.
I've read around and know about reaching out to Nomad as a last resort, luckily got a response last night from vendor.
Still playing waiting game, but atleast I know vendor can reply to messages now!
Looking forward to a happy resolution.
thanks for all your help uniwiz.
:) very helpful post, thank you
One thing to remember if stuff doesn't arrive, is what we're all doing is bloody illegal. You might not get a love letter, but a dog might get lucky and your package gets pulled with no notice.
My first package from a trusted seller never arrived. Started a polite conversation about it, made a more than fair deal, tried again, next two got through and I'm glad they did.
The seller wasn't the issue. Shipping drugs, no matter how well packed, via the post, is the issue. Keep calm, keep fair, trust those that can be trusted and this place should keep ticking along nicely for a long time to come.
so I have a question?... what is fair if the vendor legitimately fucked up the spelling of the street address, and actually saw the error he made, once again the vendor messed up the street address and now the package got kicked back to sender.. what is fair regarding this, i had nothing to do with the package never arriving here, and the post didnt seize or anything he just misspelled the street and becuz that street doesnt exist in this area it got kicked back to sender? the compromise we are trying to work out on a rather large order almost 500$ so far, is that he would be willing to resend at a even more cost to me almost another 200?
also to up the anty on this situation, at the time the purchase was made it cost almost 120 BTC, now this was at a rate of 3.15... 2 days later btc jumped up to about 3.9
1) Don't finalize early.
2) Don't finalize early.
3) Don't finalize early.
4) Only buy from vendors which include or offer Delivery Confirmation and provide DCN numbers which you check outside of TOR.
4) Only buy from vendors which include or offer Delivery Confirmation and provide DCN numbers which you check outside of TOR.
4) Only buy from vendors which include or offer Delivery Confirmation and provide DCN numbers which you check outside of TOR.
5) Never EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER do a transaction outside escrow.
Wow! Following all of those rules, you will be fine. Cause guess what the chances of your package just "disappearing" or getting "lost in the mail" are about slim to none. So, unless you have happened upon the first time some seller is going to scam (you out of ALL his other transactions) YOU will look like the scammer!
Great post uniwiz, loads of very helpful info there for newcomers there. everyone new to SR should be encouraged/made to read that! It might prevent a lot of problems and reduce the flow of "ive been scammed" threads and genuine sellers getting rep damaged.
What I would say is this....SR Resolution/intervention should perhaps put the emphasis on vendors to refund 100% if a vendor did not use tracked/signed-for delivery and is unable to prove delivery. vendors are businesses and making a doesn't seem fair that a buyer should be out of pocket. OK so orders get lost and that is a risk for any mail order biz, but surely the vendor should take a hit and make good on it, since lost packages are very few. Then its up to vendors...either they use tracked and take the extra risks involved but gain the insurance cover... or, they don't use tracked and take 100% of risk on losses (at least for established buyers).
Great post uniwiz, loads of very helpful info there for newcomers there. everyone new to SR should be encouraged/made to read that! It might prevent a lot of problems and reduce the flow of "ive been scammed" threads and genuine sellers getting rep damaged.
What I would say is this....SR Resolution/intervention should perhaps put the emphasis on vendors to refund 100% if a vendor did not use tracked/signed-for delivery and is unable to prove delivery. vendors are businesses and making a doesn't seem fair that a buyer should be out of pocket. OK so orders get lost and that is a risk for any mail order biz, but surely the vendor should take a hit and make good on it, since lost packages are very few. Then its up to vendors...either they use tracked and take the extra risks involved but gain the insurance cover... or, they don't use tracked and take 100% of risk on losses (at least for established buyers).
This sounds great advice in theory but the reality is as we know, many sellers are increasingly asking for early finalizing due to the risk of being scammed by buyers or due to practical considerations like exchange rate and also cash-flow.
I think something is lacking from the SR marketplace at present and some compromise or safety measures need to be in place to facilitate early finalizing...either that, or SR needs to take a hard line and completely ban early finalizing. Until we get this sorted one way or the other, its going to open up a potentially big opportunity for scam vendors to exploit inexperienced buyers... on the other hand, if SR insists on escrow, that could drive some smaller sellers away from the marketplace and reduce availability and competitiveness?
One thing to remember if stuff doesn't arrive, is what we're all doing is bloody illegal. You might not get a love letter, but a dog might get lucky and your package gets pulled with no notice.
My first package from a trusted seller never arrived. Started a polite conversation about it, made a more than fair deal, tried again, next two got through and I'm glad they did.
The seller wasn't the issue. Shipping drugs, no matter how well packed, via the post, is the issue. Keep calm, keep fair, trust those that can be trusted and this place should keep ticking along nicely for a long time to come.
That's a good point which many over look. It's not like you're dealing with a normal mail order business/transaction is it. Ontop of the risk of the package being intercepted as you pointed out, just the fact the vendor has to take extra time to process orders and watch his own back, maybe deal with uncertain suppliers etc.. many reasons why things could be held up.. worse case, a vendor has to go to ground for a while if he gets some heat... I think in all cases, a good vendor should keep his buyers updated, even if its just posting an announcement about what he's doing or if hes having any problems... its the not knowing/no response which worries buyers.. if a reasonable time has been allowed say 3 weeks and no resolution, then the buyer can go through the SR resolution or come to forum.
It is simple: nobody is forcing you to finalize early. If you do not like terms what seller offer then you go with other vendor.
I have not services as DCN and tracking service pose security risk to me.
But I have written rules my and buyer obligations published and nobody have to accept it.
There is no perfect system, early finalize should not be presented as an feedback and should not carry any rep points - its a choice and no obligation.
There is no perfect system, early finalize should not be presented as an feedback and should not carry any rep points - its a choice and no obligation.
I agree, I think that is where the problem lies with early finalizing... its ok doing it, if you have done your homework, but leaving feedback and rep points is a bad idea, until you actually take delivery. That is what many early finalizing buyers are doing rushing in with 5/5 feedback before the goods are even received. Crazy. Feedback (just like on eBay) is the motivation tool and warning mechanism to route out scam artists.. it should be sensibly used appropriately by buyers. I think SR should disable feedback for x days on OOE purchases automatically to allow time for goods to arrive. If not disable, just make it apparent that seller is in OOE transaction and goods are then it motivates seller to ship goods quickly to get feedback and status update... and scammers will be easier to spot?
It is simple: nobody is forcing you to finalize early. If you do not like terms what seller offer then you go with other vendor.
I have not services as DCN and tracking service pose security risk to me.
But I have written rules my and buyer obligations published and nobody have to accept it.
There is no perfect system, early finalize should not be presented as an feedback and should not carry any rep points - its a choice and no obligation.
Exactly. Buyers need to stop acting like victims. It is up to YOU to do YOUR research around here. There are tools at your disposal. You're buying drugs off an anonymous website, you're not at Macy's buying cologne, nor should you have some kind of expectation that there is a "guarantee" of anything. This isn't Ebay. There is no "100% satisfaction or your money back". Period.
There are REASONS that SR has rules in place. Finalizing early poses a risk to YOU as a buyer. It's for your protection. If you finalize early and get fucked, well, I hate to say it, but it's your fault. You do not HAVE to buy from that particular vendor. There are many vendors who offer DCN confirmation, AND do not request early finalization. Go with those. I don't particularly agree with the vendors that are asking for early finalization, because they are basically saying fuck-you to the escrow process/system which is in place for a reason. However, I understand cash-flow can be an issue and also, you don't want to wait for some buyer to take forever after they're getting high to hit 'finalize'.
If you go with DCN tracking, and you follow the process/rules of SR, and you do your research on sellers in both the forums and feedback (don't just jump to buy like an anxious pimply virgin) then you will be fine. End of story.
I've worked in a mail sorting center. When you load a parcel for the wrong destination its called missort. Each day there are a number of missorts and if it happens to you it can take awhile to get it rerouted to it proper destination. As far as I know...there are no appologies. They shoot for 100% success. but never ever achieve it. Don't panic....this time it may ne you.
Might be worth adding something about not using Tor to track your package with the DCN/tracking#?
Its not particularly hard to identify that someone is connecting via the Tor network, so it is hypothetically possible that doing so could then "flag" the package as being of more interest.
Might be worth adding something about not using Tor to track your package with the DCN/tracking#?
Its not particularly hard to identify that someone is connecting via the Tor network, so it is hypothetically possible that doing so could then "flag" the package as being of more interest.
Nothing "hypothetical" about your statement. Checking DCNs from Tor are exactly how LE confiscate and open packages. NEVER track packages' DCNs using the Tor, ever.
@ happytree and everyone else
Great ideas definitely how it needs to be done.
Has anybody tried jabberwockylover's MDMA? I was planning on ordering a gram to test out seeing the strong feedback, but do not want to get jibed or get an unpure product.
Does not look good. No forum check in, blatant feedback stuffing, no records of orders received. For reals.
Not a good omen.
Does not look good. No forum check in, blatant feedback stuffing, no records of orders received. For reals.
Not a good omen.
so I have a question?... what is fair if the vendor legitimately fucked up the spelling of the street address, and actually saw the error he made, once again the vendor messed up the street address and now the package got kicked back to sender.. what is fair regarding this, i had nothing to do with the package never arriving here, and the post didnt seize or anything he just misspelled the street and becuz that street doesnt exist in this area it got kicked back to sender? the compromise we are trying to work out on a rather large order almost 500$ so far, is that he would be willing to resend at a even more cost to me almost another 200?
He messed up the address? And admitted it? Then its his fault, obviously. It was returned to him and he won't send it back to you? I don't see how this is possible as most vendors just copy/paste it onto a label. I guess if hes stupid and hand labeled it its possible. You need to open a resolution or contact SR.
What happens when your order goes into Resolution Center, you submit a resolution, the vendor doesn't respond whatsoever and then the time runs out? Do you get your money back?
Not feeling good about jabberwockylover. Placed order just over 2 weeks ago with no product yet, sent two PM's politely asking how he/she might like to deal with situation, after the transaction went to resolution center and still no response. Still got a day left but his approval numbers are dropping quickly. He/She did have a 100 at one point when I placed order. It appears he has asked the majority of buyers to finalize early with little response back from buyers on product quality, shipping etc. in the feedback section Be wary!!! There are other SR vendors w/quality communication, shipping, resolution and same products... Maybe the answer will show up today!!
I just had a very interesting idea.....everyone, check this out:
There is a problem with false vendors asking the buyers to hit that finalize button before getting the goods. This releases the funds and that's that, the buyer is done, and SR can not do anything about it. I assume that SR can't do anything about it. I would hope that SR would find a way to kill off this route of scamming. Hell, I spotted Jabberwockylover way before anyone lost a dime, and I posted on it, but he still got his filthy Lucre.
here is my idea: On any vendor that asks for early finalize, if you feel you want to make the order and you have done all other due diligence, forums, PM's, etc - make the order and don't finalize it.
Make the order and don't finalize until you get the package, regardless of the vendor stating that they require it. This will either a) sort out the real vendors from the chaff, and b) if they are a scam, you will go into the resolution process, and there is no better way for SR tog get involved.
AM I making sense. And, if there are legit vendors that need early finalize for international shipping, or otherwise those with real, impeccable track records, ( and we know who most of them are), then by all means hit the final button.
For all other UNPROVEN vendors of BAD INTENT requesting early finalize, you can bet your boots that if you DONT don't hit that link, and wait, you will get a resolution.
I think that this may be the missing ingredient. We can't run this community much longer when there is a 200-300 $ scam tax - know what I mean. We must reward the vendors that honor escrow in its full meaning, and eliminate the baddies asking for early finalize ASAP.
And I hope that SR will look into this, as its beyond a problem, it's now a systemic feature of Silk Road, and I know that SR does not want that.
Thanks for this section and it reiterates at least the way I like to do mail order. Get a DCN. One time I had a package and they routed it to a different zip code by accident. Luckily it was fairly close, so I went and picked it up BUT if I hadn't had the DCN how would I have known that?
Also, I agree with the finalize process. I agreed to the early for my first few orders to build up credibility but now I understand that this is way that everyone is protected to some extent. I agree there is no 100% guarantee in this business but the resolution process works very well unlike other sites charging 20% Insurance if you'd like...imagine just spending $250 then being whacked with another $50 insurance fee...and that's after you paid a 20% premium to use paypal. Thank goodness for SR is all I can say and I hope it lives long.
I understand why vendors ask people (especially international) to finalise early. And as much as I'm against it, I've done as much on request (admittedly only to trusted sellers). Because the alternative (ie local) is worse (more expensive, riskier or just crappier! >:().
As I see it, the only solution to what I think will become a big thorn in the side of SR is that SR bans such requests. Maybe the hedging fund can be expanded to support vendors? But until it's banned the people are going to demand it, and buyers will get burnt. The autofinalise timelimit could remain so vendors know that eventually they'll get their cash unless there's a di
I've said it previously and nothing's changed. This is all illegal and both sides take a massive risk. In the past SR seems to have found a solution to one risk (the unpredictability of bitcoin) so maybe they can find a solution to this.
Whilst it is illegal, no business, illegal or not, can expect to run without overheads and without having to worry about cashflow. In the real world of F2F trades, cashflow is still an issues. Dealers around the world have done runners with cash when they've asked for money up front. That's never going to change.
What has changed is SR now gives buyers the chance to do a runner. That ain't good either. I'd argue SR is in a powerful enough position to demand change (if they see fit; maybe it's not important to their business model which I'm guessing is based on demand always exceeding supply in a global sense).
I don't understand this:
What has changed is SR now gives buyers the chance to do a runner"...
What does that mean?
F2F dealers have at times asked for cash up front so they can pick up a big order. And then do a runner. Now with SR, the end user gets to go to his letter box, enjoy the package and then say it never arrived.
I've never had to deal with it, but it sounds like the resolution then works out in the favour of the buyer (ie get some money back and gets the goods).
Hence so many people demanding early finalisation, particularly for international goods.
F2F dealers have at times asked for cash up front so they can pick up a big order. And then do a runner. Now with SR, the end user gets to go to his letter box, enjoy the package and then say it never arrived.
I've never had to deal with it, but it sounds like the resolution then works out in the favour of the buyer (ie get some money back and gets the goods).
Hence so many people demanding early finalisation, particularly for international goods.
....While this scenario may happen, it is then recorded on the buyer's stats, so a vendor can judge before even accepting the order whether they want to do business with 'Buyer McPotentialRunner'....
I'd say 90% of buyers on SR have great buying stats (low to zero refund rate, dozens of transactions, etc)....
Hence why any solid vendor requires atleast 5 successful transactions (usually 10+) with 0% refunds for unproven buyers.
So......while vendors do take a risk shipping in escrow, SR allows all parties to evaluate risk of buying AND selling prior to initiating a shipment. SR transforms these usually risky f2f illicit transactions into as close to a legitimate legal transaction as you can get....risk management, people, look it up.
And that 'buyer makes off with goods and 50% of transaction refunded' works both ways, a crappy vendor can say 'i for sure shipped' when they did not and make off with buyer's bitcoins AND product
And any SR member worth their BTC won't finalize early for an unproven vendor. If you offense, you WILL get ripped off and SR community WILL not feel sorry for you.
So...not really understanding your argument Yellow.
Not arguing with you at all, just trying to find a solution to vendors still needing to request for early finalisation and people doing it because their hands are tied.
Would be interested to know the success rate over all, then a break down for international. 70 in 100? 80? More?
I get the impression vendors use DCNs with international orders a lot more, then the buyer should find it much harder to claim their package never arrived. I know of one vendor who gets DCNs but won't give them to the buyer unless there is a dispute, guess that avoids the risk of them being a muppet and checking via Tor.
Of course some ppl say that tracked parcels are much more likely to be inspected, but I'm not convinced by the logic behind that claim.
Excuse my ignorance, what's a DCN?
As for getting checked, my theory has everything goes through the same plane therefore same point of entry. The difference is there's a TON of mail so yours can get happily lost. Parcels may be put in a separate pile and it's an easier check?
DCN = delivery confirmation number, or tracking number. I reckoned that although there is less express mail there is more time pressure for them to process it quickly, so it will get pushed through inspection first. But then the customs inspectors probably dont care less about the mail company's delivery targets.
Parcels vs envelopes is a separate thing, you can still have a tracked express envelope. If its obviously not bulging with something inside though it must attract less attention compared to a chunky padded bag - they do sort the envelopes separately for customs scanning usually I believe.
As someone very new to this, I just wanted to say thank you. Threads like these are tremendously helpful when trying to figure all of this stuff out. :)
One thing I gotta say. If a package doesnt arrive to an address DO NOT RESHIP TO THE SAME ADDRESS!
You are taking too many chances doing that. It the pack never showed up and disappeared then you can be sure it was snagged and information was collected. Its not very common that packs just vanish.
I as a vendor will NEVER reship to the same address if a pack doesn't show. That is throwing away money and product and its potentially giving more data for the LEO to collect about the sender.
I'm nowhere near the USA, but based on what people have been saying in the "H Vendors" thread recently Canada -> USA mail has been remarkably random.
Don't know whether its the time of year, bad weather in the northern hemisphere or something, but all non-express mail seems slower than it used to be. I know Canada->USA barely counts as international but if its a reliable vendor I'd give it a couple of weeks from shipping date them PM them to ask what they suggest.
i have a 2 or 3 newbie buyers at the moment who have not received their domestic packs(been about a week), when does the option to go to the resolution center become available?I thought i read somewhere it was 17days!! I don't want to keep them waiting that long though & i don't want to just cancel the orders so they get a full refund, as i would like this to be noted on their buyer stats so it's fair on the next vendors they deal with. I've only ever been to the resolution centre once and i think that was after 17days, so i really have no idea how it all works. any info would be good really :)
i have a 2 or 3 newbie buyers at the moment who have not received their domestic packs(been about a week), when does the option to go to the resolution center become available?I thought i read somewhere it was 17days!! I don't want to keep them waiting that long though & i don't want to just cancel the orders so they get a full refund, as i would like this to be noted on their buyer stats so it's fair on the next vendors they deal with. I've only ever been to the resolution centre once and i think that was after 17days, so i really have no idea how it all works. any info would be good really :)
10 days after being marked shipped they can bring the order into resolution, after 17 days the order auto-finalizes. I'm always free to answer questions friend : )
twolips! when you say never redeliver to the same address, I have an international order that looks like a no-show (EU too EU and I am at about 10 days) , do you think I need to worry about receiving packages domestically?
One thing I gotta say. If a package doesnt arrive to an address DO NOT RESHIP TO THE SAME ADDRESS!
You are taking too many chances doing that. It the pack never showed up and disappeared then you can be sure it was snagged and information was collected. Its not very common that packs just vanish.
I as a vendor will NEVER reship to the same address if a pack doesn't show. That is throwing away money and product and its potentially giving more data for the LEO to collect about the sender.
Now I'm worried, I wish I'd read this post yesterday, before I asked my vendor to re ship - to the same address. There's another order in transit too.
I have called out vendors that are selective scamers because orders did not show and they reshipped to the same address and they showed up fine. I should mention that was for QP's and larger of MDMA not like 20 mg of 2c-i or something not as severe. And I was correct about the vendors I called out cause they took people for lots of $$$ in the last few months.
You also have to take into account what the order was. something small and they want to follow the trail rather than alert the seller/buyer of you knowledge to it happening.
I have received US dept of homeland security green tape on a order before of 2c-b, but I got the order. scared the shit out of me when I saw the tape. I abandoned that address and alias.
One really needs to evaluate the situation to understand it its a scam or if leo is actually on to you.
I would always try to have back up address for shipping. Some orders just take a long time so be patient too.
You should always change your address you are using after so many orders or a set amount of time like 6months or a year depending on how you operate.
It is also a good idea to have a few addresses so that if one gets fucked you can not skip a beat and keep working with the others.
totally shouldn't have finalized early, even though the seller was ranked in the top 1 percent and had over 400 transactions and nothing but good feedback, still man, i should not have finalized early, feel like ive been robbed :(
totally shouldn't have finalized early, even though the seller was ranked in the top 1 percent and had over 400 transactions and nothing but good feedback, still man, i should not have finalized early, feel like ive been robbed :(
No, go back into your account, and edit the review.
You can the review, and points to reflect the transaction.
All is not lost, contact the vendor, discuss the details, try to work a fair deal.
You took some risk.
However vendor is still responsible to make good, or pay in low points, and bad reviews.
Go back, and edit, easy to do, and makes vendors very mad when you do it.
Some scammers threaten it all the time, so be honest.
Slightly off-topic but, if a product doesn't match the description (for example, marijuana that doesn't get you stoned at all), does the buyer have any rights under escrow/silk road? This happened to me once and sr declined the resolution and I'm not sure why?
I should mention that I only ship domestic and now international is a little different.
I am a fan of the tracking number unless its 100% or reshipped in full for international orders. Tracking tells a lot about what is going on and I do not believe that that draws attention to the package like some vendors like to say it does.
I flip the fuck out if they promise the pack without tracking and then go back on their word, it smells of scam to me. I am a vendor and a buyer so I am compassionate to both sides. but logical thought can help figure out if you are being hustled.
Another idea to think about is what was the order? how illegal? how much? and how much are they willing to spend looking into your missing order and its sender/recipient info?? Is it worth the effort/resources for them?
so many variable to think about makes it easy for the scammers to get away with a well thought out mail hustle.
Slightly off-topic but, if a product doesn't match the description (for example, marijuana that doesn't get you stoned at all), does the buyer have any rights under escrow/silk road? This happened to me once and sr declined the resolution and I'm not sure why?
I'm not sure about the buyer having any rights to do something about it under escrow, but i would just change the rating a little lower and politely state why in the review.
You don't have to totally bash the vendor but just simply state the package was not what you thought was described.
Hey guys, whats up.
Just a quick question about DCN, if a packaged is shipped with DCN, is it necessary for someone to physically be PRESENT during delivery, to sign for the item?
I've had several orders with a DCN and have never had to be present or sign
DCN no need to be there they will just leave it.. Delivery confirmation with signature.. Have to be there. Not a good idea on that route.
I prefinalized with Juergen2001 when I ordered "3 x 300 MICS-LSD-TRIPS-MAYAS" from him 16 days ago. The letter never came, and I haven't heard from Juergen. Are there any options for me? Has anyone not received their goods from this guy? And if so did it get resolved?
I prefinalized with Juergen2001 when I ordered "3 x 300 MICS-LSD-TRIPS-MAYAS" from him 16 days ago. The letter never came, and I haven't heard from Juergen. Are there any options for me? Has anyone not received their goods from this guy? And if so did it get resolved?
I have the exact same problem, (18 days here), i tried to contact juergen2001 by PM but did not get an answer.
He finally got back to me, and said he would refund my order or send me some MDMA. I told him to just to refund me my money, I can get pure MDMA on the street, it was the LSD that I wanted. So I asked for a refund, still waiting for a reply. I shall update when the headache gets resolved!
So with this Moniker fella, having me Finalize Early, 15 days in and still waiting.. How can I resolve this? Im waiting on a single reply back.
Possible to bring in a SR Admin for the situation?
I have called out vendors that are selective scamers because orders did not show and they reshipped to the same address and they showed up fine. I should mention that was for QP's and larger of MDMA not like 20 mg of 2c-i or something not as severe. And I was correct about the vendors I called out cause they took people for lots of $$$ in the last few months.
You also have to take into account what the order was. something small and they want to follow the trail rather than alert the seller/buyer of you knowledge to it happening.
I have received US dept of homeland security green tape on a order before of 2c-b, but I got the order. scared the shit out of me when I saw the tape. I abandoned that address and alias.
One really needs to evaluate the situation to understand it its a scam or if leo is actually on to you.
I would always try to have back up address for shipping. Some orders just take a long time so be patient too.
You should always change your address you are using after so many orders or a set amount of time like 6months or a year depending on how you operate.
It is also a good idea to have a few addresses so that if one gets fucked you can not skip a beat and keep working with the others.
Will a Mod or Admin please comment on this process? I am ten days to a seller I am confident is doing this. If you check my profile page I have posted in his review page. I Finalized Early (accepting the risk) due to what I thought was a trusted seller. Now people are coming out of wood work because guy is screwing like one out of three buyers. All reviews until this point have 5/5. This sell will not return messages. It is TheUsualSuspect. I understand I am at a loss due to my choice to Fianlize Early to get a "Sell" but I am confident it was to scam users. I will take the financial loss if an Admin will reach out to him about this, if my loss stops others from this Shitty SR experience of trusted sellers not replying to PM's after finalization, I am fine with that. If nothing changes I will be upset that others will be screwed as I was.
Thanks Yall!
Has the issue of banning/restricting the seller's requirement of early finalization ever been proposed to the SR admins? I get the impression, from reading this thread and recent personal experience, that the "trusted seller" finalize early requirement is being used quite frequently to screw customers over, especially new members. Allowing sellers to require the circumvention of the escrow protection adds unnecessary risk to consumers, discourages business, and damages the legitimacy of SR. The escrow system is wonderful, as it is there to protect both parties. When the buyer scams the seller and says "I never got it', the seller is going to at least get SOMETHING out of the resolution process. When the seller requires early finalization and then scams the buyer, the buyer gets NOTHING and is totally fucked. If the "trusted seller" FE scam becomes more prolific it will begin to discourage commerce and everybody suffers. I know I'm pretty fucking discouraged after I most likely just got fucked by a "trusted seller". Since I'm a new user and shit loads of sellers require early finalization, I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I want to continue to buy from SR but I don't want to get scammed again because I'm new and don't have "street cred". I didn't get burned for a lot of coin, I did my reading homework before I bought, but it still sucks. I feel like a newbie in high-school buying pinched sacks cause I don't know any better....only this time I knew it could happen, but what am I supposed to do if most the sellers of the shit I want to buy require it, and I only have a few purchases under my belt? I know I'm new here and what I say doesn't mean shit, but some of you see this too, right? Will some of you old dogs(uniwiz I'm looking at you ;) ) be willing to address this issue to the admins? Hope I didn't start a shit storm...but I think that the SR could benefit from addressing the "seller FE requirements". Sorry for ranting...I'm gonna go smoke now 8)
The problem with that is that scammer buyers get away with getting free or half price drugs while the seller goes out of business because that 50/50 resolution just wiped out his profit and the postage and packing leaves him out of pocket.
The problem with that is that scammer buyers get away with getting free or half price drugs while the seller goes out of business because that 50/50 resolution just wiped out his profit and the postage and packing leaves him out of pocket.
I get your point, but there are 2 issues: First, I don't know how many scammer buyers have put a dent in any vendors, much less caused them to go out of business. What I do know is that the 50/50 resolution leaves an honest buyer with nothing, while the vendor at least recoups 50% (minus the cost of postage and product, which are both normal operating expenses). Vendors are also in a MUCH better position to be able to financially recover from orders that have to go through resolution. If you're a legitimate vendor with your shit in order (meaning that you probably set aside some funds just for taking care of the orders that have to be refunded or resent) then having to eat 50% on a refund should not be a big deal whatsoever. If you can't afford to lose a few orders here and there and make good on them, you shouldn't vend. Period. If you don't have the cash flow to keep your goods in stock, or if refunding a couple of orders hurts your cash flow even remotely, you shouldn't be vending. That sort of thing is the cost of doing business, and the good vendors will tell you that they anticipate having to eat a little shit from time to time. If your business is in order, and you are a good vendor, you will make more than enough profit to cover this sort of thing.
I've had an order in the past where the vendor marked it shipped the same day, and maybe 5 days later I received a "ooops, I don't have a DC# for you so I think I forgot to send your order" message from him. So he reships, and later that day, the first order comes in the mail. Turns out he had shipped it several days after he marked it shipped, lost his DC#, and re-shipped to me. I ended up getting double my order for no additional cost. Out of courtesy, I contacted the vendor to let him know what had happened. Do you think he was upset about losing another hundred bucks or so it cost him to reship the order? Absolutely not. He told me to not worry about it; it was the cost of doing business, and that sort of thing happened from time to time. He then thanked me for my business. Dude had his shit in order, and that's why when he fucked up, it didn't hurt him too much to fix his mistakes.
If every vendor on SR was like this, there would be no need for anybody to FE, ever. A request for early finalization is almost always a sign of one of the following: scam, vendor who doesn't have his shit in order, scam, impatient vendor, scam, or scam.
My sentiment exactly. Well said!!
The problem with that is that scammer buyers get away with getting free or half price drugs while the seller goes out of business because that 50/50 resolution just wiped out his profit and the postage and packing leaves him out of pocket.
I get your point, but there are 2 issues: First, I don't know how many scammer buyers have put a dent in any vendors, much less caused them to go out of business. What I do know is that the 50/50 resolution leaves an honest buyer with nothing, while the vendor at least recoups 50% (minus the cost of postage and product, which are both normal operating expenses). Vendors are also in a MUCH better position to be able to financially recover from orders that have to go through resolution. If you're a legitimate vendor with your shit in order (meaning that you probably set aside some funds just for taking care of the orders that have to be refunded or resent) then having to eat 50% on a refund should not be a big deal whatsoever. If you can't afford to lose a few orders here and there and make good on them, you shouldn't vend. Period. If you don't have the cash flow to keep your goods in stock, or if refunding a couple of orders hurts your cash flow even remotely, you shouldn't be vending. That sort of thing is the cost of doing business, and the good vendors will tell you that they anticipate having to eat a little shit from time to time. If your business is in order, and you are a good vendor, you will make more than enough profit to cover this sort of thing.
I've had an order in the past where the vendor marked it shipped the same day, and maybe 5 days later I received a "ooops, I don't have a DC# for you so I think I forgot to send your order" message from him. So he reships, and later that day, the first order comes in the mail. Turns out he had shipped it several days after he marked it shipped, lost his DC#, and re-shipped to me. I ended up getting double my order for no additional cost. Out of courtesy, I contacted the vendor to let him know what had happened. Do you think he was upset about losing another hundred bucks or so it cost him to reship the order? Absolutely not. He told me to not worry about it; it was the cost of doing business, and that sort of thing happened from time to time. He then thanked me for my business. Dude had his shit in order, and that's why when he fucked up, it didn't hurt him too much to fix his mistakes.
If every vendor on SR was like this, there would be no need for anybody to FE, ever. A request for early finalization is almost always a sign of one of the following: scam, vendor who doesn't have his shit in order, scam, impatient vendor, scam, or scam.
Very well thought out.
It is becoming an increasing problem.
As a matter of fact it got worst when the tax/fee structure went up. (hmmm just the opposite of what was promised)
There is another reason sellers require FE's, it take time to turn around a volatile currency, and a large percentage of buyers don't finalize ASAP.
Like when you get the package?
The vendors consistently bitch the buyers waiting to auto-finalize, or finalize late.
why should somebody have to chase you for payment, when the DCN says you have it, and all you need to do is log on and click?
I agree the FE scams got to stop, but I (like other humans) love a deal. So the shit goes on.
Good advice twolips! Ya gotta think from all angles!
Thanks OP lot a good info for a Newbie like me trying to nail down how safe I am as a buyer from being scammed. Although I know I will never be completly safe its comforting to know that the whole community actually works together in order to make it less risky.
Uniwiz, you're like the best helper I've found on this forum.
People helping people, yes it's what it's all about!
The vendors I chose for my first orders (currently in transit / processing) are all highly reputable and don't require newbies to meet a list of special requirements or to FE. They obviously got a good rhythm going and honestly strive to remain trustworthy. I used a 100% real name and address, sent encrypted, so the mail should definitely arrive. USPS hasn't lost any types of packages for me in a very very very long time...
There's a few other top sellers that I'd like to do business with, but they do require a bit more stats from the buyer. The key is patience. Many people hate to baby-step their way to earning credibility but that's just how life is.
Despite how long I remain an active buyer, I'll personally choose not to place orders that require FE, just for that extra bit of confidence... but who knows, I might see something I just gotta have and will do damn near anything to please the seller to get it.
Thanks, there are days we all need the pat on the back.
Your information is brief, simple, and accurate.
The rest of this is not directed at any person.
I'm a double edge sword.
As much as I am happy about SR.
I believe some changes were made that aren't in the best interest of the buyer.
If you don't think I'm watching what going on, shame on you, not me.
Early FE which is a buyer's choice is a flaw, but I as a buyer I choose to bypass protections.
(Even though the system encourages you to do so, when new)
Buyers open your eyes. Escrow is your only protection.
I don't know how randomizing review feedback, helps a buyer?
Making it easy to reset a bad review, doesn't help a buyer
Hiding the escrow fee, is just plain rude.
Hey, it doesn't mean I don't love the place, just don't bullshit me.
In the last the months or so the rips-offs have been larger, and I think more frequent.
If proper improvements were implemented correctly, the opposite should have happen.
Now saying that, the web address, and pin number software changes reduced other scams.
The biggest possible rip-offs on the in order road are;
Money conversion - like wow, how many scams?
Hard drugs, coke, H, meth
Vendor just giving up - Big Sale
Certain Pills
Fe'ing early on any of the above.
Pretty much if you don't use the forums, you are going to get scammed.
Even using the forums, you chances are still high, so don't let it get you down.
If it's too good to be true...........
Here it is........
Has the issue of banning/restricting the seller's requirement of early finalization ever been proposed to the SR admins? I get the impression, from reading this thread and recent personal experience, that the "trusted seller" finalize early requirement is being used quite frequently to screw customers over, especially new members. Allowing sellers to require the circumvention of the escrow protection adds unnecessary risk to consumers, discourages business, and damages the legitimacy of SR. The escrow system is wonderful, as it is there to protect both parties. When the buyer scams the seller and says "I never got it', the seller is going to at least get SOMETHING out of the resolution process. When the seller requires early finalization and then scams the buyer, the buyer gets NOTHING and is totally fucked. If the "trusted seller" FE scam becomes more prolific it will begin to discourage commerce and everybody suffers. I know I'm pretty fucking discouraged after I most likely just got fucked by a "trusted seller". Since I'm a new user and shit loads of sellers require early finalization, I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I want to continue to buy from SR but I don't want to get scammed again because I'm new and don't have "street cred". I didn't get burned for a lot of coin, I did my reading homework before I bought, but it still sucks. I feel like a newbie in high-school buying pinched sacks cause I don't know any better....only this time I knew it could happen, but what am I supposed to do if most the sellers of the shit I want to buy require it, and I only have a few purchases under my belt? I know I'm new here and what I say doesn't mean shit, but some of you see this too, right? Will some of you old dogs(uniwiz I'm looking at you ;) ) be willing to address this issue to the admins? Hope I didn't start a shit storm...but I think that the SR could benefit from addressing the "seller FE requirements". Sorry for ranting...I'm gonna go smoke now 8)
Agree, totally: this site is based on escrow. We buyers have been scammed too many times--3 times, in a serious manner, by heroin vendors, for me. In the past few months, it's been commonplace for vendors to start out playing by the rules, ship good product, and then we finalize, and they get their money....but as soon as they get a bit of good rep, they seem to want to make people finalize early, and worse yet, some of them come on these forums, and complain about people who are saying their orders didn't arrive.
I just wish people would do what SR is intended to do: the reason it got fame, the reason it got written about, was of course bitcoin, and our anonymity, but the 3rd leg in that stool, is the fact that buyers are protected. It's starting to look like the heroin buyers might have got stung again by a scammer, but I sure hope not....I wish they'd spread their 'love' around a bit...those who don't like escrow, really don't belong's part of SR, it's what makes it SR...the constant ripoffs are getting talked about, all over the net....
The problem with that is that scammer buyers get away with getting free or half price drugs while the seller goes out of business because that 50/50 resolution just wiped out his profit and the postage and packing leaves him out of pocket.
I'm not a vendor, but I'm guessing the use of a DCN that proved the package was delivered would tip the scales in favor of a resolution that benefited the vendor instead of the buyer, correct? Or are you saying that every time a dispute is taken to resolution that it automatically results in a 50/50 split regardless of the circumstances?
I've been saying this again and again, but I'm not looking for a 100 after a vendor's name. High 80s and low 90s are perfectly fine- because I know that there are going to be scamming buyers and probably LEO too, that ding a good vendor's rating. It's pretty easy to spot it when it happens. Having a perfect rating requires too much worrying on the part of a vendor. In this business you're lucky to maintain such a high rating, anyway. High 80s to low 90s are not going to deter the frequent, repeat players around here, which is the business vendors should really be striving for anyway.
I've brought this up before when Tony was crying "poor me" about this very subject in the forums, but he conveniently ignored it, along with all the other advice and support he was given by everyone else. His solution was just to make everyone finalize early.
Let's face it- there are always going to be selective scams taking place here. But the escrow system works, protects those who use it, and still allows people to go outside of it if they choose. It really is a great system, but should remain entirely voluntary.
Vendors can use DCNs to protect themselves. What do buyers have besides escrow?
Me as a tight-fisted buyer - of course - prefer to use the escrow, on the other hand I can also understand the bad experienced vendor after losing the profit (which often goes into packaging etc!).
I, as an eager customer who might need regular supply, would gladly accept to NOT finalise early, and use the 'resolve' solution before auto-finalising (and prolog the the time even two times i guess) especially in these busy times at the customs - who searches goods to make money from.
I want to trust my supporting vendor who accepts to prolong the delivery time range and kindly offers some acceptable options in case the worst case happens.
Sometimes patience is the key, then polite discussion to solve the prob, and sometimes at the end is an SR mod there to help out and give support to both (i hope ;))
My UK to UK order is 2 about 12 days late from a high ranked vendor who I have used successfully before, I messaged the vendor last week and he advised I wait until 10 days have passed. Sent a message on Saturday and got no reply, sent another today and nothing of yet.
Anyone got any advice on what to do next? I am aware there is no post in the UK today so I am thinking I will leave it until tomorrow before deciding what the best thing to do is and to give the vendor a chance to answer. Really don't want to leave bad feedback or anything but what can I do if I get no answer? It is in Escrow if anyone is wondering.
Basically, I just don't want to be some asshole buyer who leaves bad feedback. Having never been in this situation before and having 27 successful transactions with 0% refund and 0% auto-fin rate I am worried having something on my record will mean other vendors might be wary to sell to me.
My UK to UK order is 2 about 12 days late from a high ranked vendor who I have used successfully before, I messaged the vendor last week and he advised I wait until 10 days have passed. Sent a message on Saturday and got no reply, sent another today and nothing of yet.
Anyone got any advice on what to do next? I am aware there is no post in the UK today so I am thinking I will leave it until tomorrow before deciding what the best thing to do is and to give the vendor a chance to answer. Really don't want to leave bad feedback or anything but what can I do if I get no answer? It is in Escrow if anyone is wondering.
Basically, I just don't want to be some asshole buyer who leaves bad feedback. Having never been in this situation before and having 27 successful transactions with 0% refund and 0% auto-fin rate I am worried having something on my record will mean other vendors might be wary to sell to me.
and reading the top post give you no ideas, or you needed to vent?
Escrow works, but you have to wait.
Your vendor probably doesn't want a bad review either. (you hope)
My UK to UK order is 2 about 12 days late from a high ranked vendor who I have used successfully before, I messaged the vendor last week and he advised I wait until 10 days have passed. Sent a message on Saturday and got no reply, sent another today and nothing of yet.
Anyone got any advice on what to do next? I am aware there is no post in the UK today so I am thinking I will leave it until tomorrow before deciding what the best thing to do is and to give the vendor a chance to answer. Really don't want to leave bad feedback or anything but what can I do if I get no answer? It is in Escrow if anyone is wondering.
Basically, I just don't want to be some asshole buyer who leaves bad feedback. Having never been in this situation before and having 27 successful transactions with 0% refund and 0% auto-fin rate I am worried having something on my record will mean other vendors might be wary to sell to me.
and reading the top post give you no ideas, or you needed to vent?
Escrow works, but you have to wait.
Your vendor probably doesn't want a bad review either. (you hope)
Well i thought this was a bit different which is why I was asking, any other vendor and I would have clicked resolve by now. He has not signed in for a couple of days so I am expecting hm to reply by today. Maybe I am just being too nice?
Thank you, looking forward to hit the e-streets.
My UK to UK order is 2 about 12 days late from a high ranked vendor who I have used successfully before, I messaged the vendor last week and he advised I wait until 10 days have passed. Sent a message on Saturday and got no reply, sent another today and nothing of yet.
Anyone got any advice on what to do next? I am aware there is no post in the UK today so I am thinking I will leave it until tomorrow before deciding what the best thing to do is and to give the vendor a chance to answer. Really don't want to leave bad feedback or anything but what can I do if I get no answer? It is in Escrow if anyone is wondering.
Basically, I just don't want to be some asshole buyer who leaves bad feedback. Having never been in this situation before and having 27 successful transactions with 0% refund and 0% auto-fin rate I am worried having something on my record will mean other vendors might be wary to sell to me.
and reading the top post give you no ideas, or you needed to vent?
Escrow works, but you have to wait.
Your vendor probably doesn't want a bad review either. (you hope)
Well i thought this was a bit different which is why I was asking, any other vendor and I would have clicked resolve by now. He has not signed in for a couple of days so I am expecting hm to reply by today. Maybe I am just being too nice?
Well if you tried to PM you vendor and he knows he head to resolution, you got a point.
My vendors, and myself try to stay out of resolution, and resolve privately.
It always works better in my favor;)
Remember every refund is counted against you.
You can never be too nice, until it's time not to be;)
Here's one of the ways to trash a vendor that screws us -> http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/user/a78d0c5840
There's also a good forum post on Milehighmedicine, and timetraveler, and how they suck ass.
Maybe SR admin won't ban them, but we can warn people until then.
That is CRAZZZZZZZZZZYYY - I cannot believe USUSALSUSPECT scammed. Sad day indeed. He was one of the 'old-school's I would have never suspected. Pun intended. I'm actually REALLY glad I read this today, because I was going to FE for a transaction on a very trusted vendor of mine. Changed my mind. You just never know. Sad, but true.
agreed. amazing trashing on his rep
I have had a resolution to deal with off dutch quality beans.
the order was in escrow - the vendor had 'processing' in the information and it was never actually in trnsit.
So a resolution button came up as 'live' after two weeks - clicking on that you get the option to extend the date which I did. you also get a chance to put how much of a refund you want. in my case the vendir was not seen for 14 days - never even came online! So I had the chance to review each day - but simply asked for 100% refund and after three weeks from the orginal order my account was credited with the 10 BTC or so.
Another thing I cam across is when a seller has no listings yet you ordered. A cancel button becomes 'live' click on it and you come to a page were you can cancel the order. As soon as you do that your money/BTC is put back into the SR account ready to spend.
Thanks to everyone on this thread, Some good information.
I like the escrow system myself but it's hard for newbs to find a legit vendor to sale to them without FE but it can be done
About TOR and DCNs -- all my computers (and even my smartphone) are set to use TOR for all web sites by default (it's not difficult). I check every DCN that I receive for legal packages on one of those computers and therefore using TOR. As far as I can recall I've not had problems with packages getting delayed or opened by law enforcement or other officials. Of course I'm in Canada and not the US so YMMV.
In fact I'd pretty much recommend that everyone use TOR as much as possible for all internet traffic (except for high-bandwidth things like video) and recommend it to friends. With the surveillance laws that are coming it'll be the only way left to have any privacy online.
It really pisses me off to think that someone would lie about not receiving a package. I mean how could you even truly appreciate a trip while knowing that you gypd the seller?!? There are some real fucked up people out there.
If a buyer duped a seller when he really got his gear, I hope it's hallucinogens and he has the worst trip of his life, karma's a bitch like that!
Just read through this whole thread and couldn't find the answer.
Made my first purchase from a trusted vendor and he allowed escrow, within 18-24 hours it moved to "in transit" and I got another polite email confirming it.
My question is probably a stupid one, but it says auto-finalize in 17days. So does that mean if I don't get the order in 17 days SR will auto-finalize themselves?
Yes, but in a few days (I think 7) it will ask you if you want to go into resolution mode.
You should always finalize once you received the product before you get high.
If you think you need to go into resolution, notify you vendor, why, in a PM, 1st.
Let a day or two go, then click the button, and explain why.
WIth the likes of MIN and the predicament that he is in and his account/feedback/listings being removed. Would you recommend extending the date or asking for a refund ? What % am I likely to receive from mods ? in your experience.
Thanks in advance
Damn wiz, sorry to hear you got burned on a G or so! From your posts I've read, you seem like a cool cat, someone I'd kick it with irl. Also, to the others who have been burned, huge kick in the nuts/labia.
I have not finalized early yet, and after seeing this, most likely never will. FE is not at the core of how SR was designed...
I'm currently waiting on an order, my first international, and was not asked to FE, but told it was appreciated and extras "could" be thrown in. I said fuck it, I'm happy with the price I paid for XX amount, I'd rather have more piece of mind than a freebie.
I've only been here for a little over 2 months, so I have to ask...
If the vendor is rated (100) or (99) and have finalized over 300 transactions and they have a product discounted at 'finalize early price' and everyone gets their product and everyone leaves awesome feedback, but SR admin say don't EVER FE, is it still okay to do so just because you want a cheaper product?
Say, PuffBuddy for example. He always has a listing something like '$$$ high end save cash 1/4 $$$ and he requests that you finalize early for the 'special price.'
I guess what I'm asking is: is it alright if sellers do this, even though SR admins don't agree with it, and post forums telling buyers to stay away from vendors that require FE. I mean if the seller is rated at (100) and has been for a year, is it okay to FE to get cheaper products. I mean, its the buyers fault if something were happen to the product in the mail, right? Because you should never FE in case something does happen during shipment. Or am I just too stoned to make any sense to anyone but myself?
Thats the real dilemma isn't it?
Why even pay a fee? Why not just wire the BTC directly?
Why even have BTC?
Once you establish a good relationship why do you need SR?
My only answer is..... protection, and some respect.
Ya, I'm on the same high. 8)
Sadly my refund ratings got put at 3% due to a new dealer refunding me although I told him to wait longer! He lived in the EU somewhere sunny and refunded after ten days or so. Made me think he never sent in the first place. Could be very wrong on that though.
He assured me he lived in the back of beyond and it was difficult to post out. His order never came. I suspect it was never posted out. I would not have taken a refund as I wanted my stats to look good. I liked the 100% no refund and now have 3% due to some new vendor messing it up for me. He could have offered a resend if he really had sent out, Somethings do get lost in post for sure.
Anyhow - bear in mind some new vendors might refund to look good themselves and some selective scammers might refund to people in the forum to look good. I would always take a resend (if the vendor was kind enough) and would sooner take a loss if that never got through.
So I feel let down by this vendor and do not even know if he stuck around after listing what seemed like decent Moroccan black hash. I went for a couple of grams - some free extra included.
SR could do nothing to change m stats which is fair enough - unless the guy has just vanished!
So maybe buyers ought to be able to insist on waiting longer for packages.
Should have just bought gram as I normally would off a new vendor.
Losing 100% sucks!
Good info in this thread, thanks for taking the time to put it together.
Thanks for all the info, I'm new here and trying to learn enough not to get scammed when I do make my first leap down this crazy rabbit hole.
Appreciate the info
I prefinalized with Juergen2001 when I ordered "3 x 300 MICS-LSD-TRIPS-MAYAS" from him 16 days ago. The letter never came, and I haven't heard from Juergen. Are there any options for me? Has anyone not received their goods from this guy? And if so did it get resolved?
I have the exact same problem, (18 days here), i tried to contact juergen2001 by PM but did not get an answer.
Normaly juergen is a realy good and trusted seller.I made 5 deals with him.All clean deals.Im sure he makes a reship.
What to do if the Package doesn't arrive ???
Okay what to do on SR we know now, but what to do at home ? I mean if the package was detected by police,security airport ...
what do they do ? Has anybody experience with this ? Did you get a mail from police or a visit the next days `?
Or do they check all your post from this day ? Maeby they want to collect because 1 letter with some weed only is not enough to bring you in prison.
I don´t know what they do.I dont care about the lost drugs and money, but i always fuck my mind.I had 2 (2 of 50) packages who never arrived.
1 was a free sample, so i didn´t pay for that, and so the vendor has no need to scam me.
The other was 5 XTC pills.I get a 100% refund because of my high purchasing status.
Im sure the packages were sent, and im sure the post didn´t lost any package.But what happend than ??
Maeby it takes longer because its an international criminal act.If the package was sent from Canada to Germany and it was detected at the Canadian border than the cops have to handle it.They had to convey it to the german cops and this takes some time.
Did anybody have some experience with this ???
What to do if the Package doesn't arrive ?
1. I clean up my appartment to bring all illegal things away for a while (drug paraphernalia,other drugs,weapons ...)
2. I use a different delivery adress for my next deals
A tribute to the amazing SR staff!
SR and I collaborate to bring justice to FH.
Sadly my refund ratings got put at 3% due to a new dealer refunding me although I told him to wait longer! He lived in the EU somewhere sunny and refunded after ten days or so. Made me think he never sent in the first place. Could be very wrong on that though.
He assured me he lived in the back of beyond and it was difficult to post out. His order never came. I suspect it was never posted out. I would not have taken a refund as I wanted my stats to look good. I liked the 100% no refund and now have 3% due to some new vendor messing it up for me. He could have offered a resend if he really had sent out, Somethings do get lost in post for sure.
Anyhow - bear in mind some new vendors might refund to look good themselves and some selective scammers might refund to people in the forum to look good. I would always take a resend (if the vendor was kind enough) and would sooner take a loss if that never got through.
So I feel let down by this vendor and do not even know if he stuck around after listing what seemed like decent Moroccan black hash. I went for a couple of grams - some free extra included.
SR could do nothing to change m stats which is fair enough - unless the guy has just vanished!
So maybe buyers ought to be able to insist on waiting longer for packages.
Should have just bought gram as I normally would off a new vendor.
Losing 100% sucks!
You should be able to extend the period.
Well I'm going to test that.
I have a perfect record.
PriscillaMarie90(99) - didn't ship her stuff before she left.
I think her life was busy, and she missed it, not she is a scammer.
or I'm hoping :'(
She had a fire sale. I said screw it on one order and finalized because $20 ain't worth it, she gets a 1, until fixed.
The other I ask for 30 days extension. Wondering how SR admin rules it.
A refund hurts my stats when I did nothing wrong.
I like having a 0% refund rate, out of 111 transactions.
How bout if I put it this way, it's like a vendor getting a 1/5, and having no control.
Hmmm, I don't like it either.
However most of the vendors, are cool with me, and cancel. Thanks, guys.
What happens when your order goes into Resolution Center, you submit a resolution (10 days extension), the vendor doesn't respond and then the time runs out?
Someone on this thread asked this question but i didn't find the answer.
Thank you!
I ordered some LSD, finalized early, but it hasn't arrived four weeks or so after being allegedly shipped (europe -> US). I have not received a notification from Customs either. The trouble is, the order no longer appears in my orders page and I do not remember the name of the vendor. Is there anything I can do to look up the order again? I'm guessing the ฿TC is just gone, but I'd at least like to know who it was & be able to warn others.
I just thought I'd mention the remarkable chutzpah of MarijuanaIsMyMuse for sending out bogus product to experienced Crystal Meth users.
Admittedly, Meth users aren't known for their intellectual brilliance.. but does he really think we are that stupid?
Let us all know how those E-Zee Test results turn out (the kits are "in the mail" he writes). Yeah...right.
This is just my opinion but any drug dealer who needs an E-Zee Test to determine the authenticity of their own product probably shouldn't be in the business of selling that product.
Anyone interested in buying 1.5 grams of this "Mystery Meth" that I recently purchased from MIMM is more than welcome to PM me. I am only asking 5 Btc's (o.b.o) for it. This shit is truly historical.
**"Mystery Meth" is a registered trademark of MIMM Industries. :)
I just thought I'd mention the remarkable chutzpah of MarijuanaIsMyMuse for sending out bogus product to experienced Crystal Meth users.
Admittedly, Meth users aren't known for their intellectual brilliance.. but does he really think we are that stupid?
Let us all know how those E-Zee Test results turn out (the kits are "in the mail" he writes). Yeah...right.
This is just my opinion but any drug dealer who needs an E-Zee Test to determine the authenticity of their own product probably shouldn't be in the business of selling that product.
Anyone interested in buying 1.5 grams of this "Mystery Meth" that I recently purchased from MIMM is more than welcome to PM me. I am only asking 5 Btc's (o.b.o) for it. This shit is truly historical.
**"Mystery Meth" is a registered trademark of MIMM Industries. :)
Gotta say I think you have named a few truths on this one.
What MIMM must have forgot in his adventures with 2-AI or what ever it is is that we may seem a pleasant bunch till the meth is out.
We then turn to emotional bitches as our poor little addicted and well feed brain starves for pleasure. ANHEDONIA.
Look at VMM and the whole fiasco that went down there.
Desperate tweakers blogging.
Where does one go from here?
I shoveled a gram of this shit into me only to have a nap. That ain't meth.
I may not be the most well versed addict but I've being in the game over 2 decades and know my meth.
Man my modafinil is stronger than that.
Anyway peace
I doubt that there will be any really satisfactory resolution
Just some whining tweakers. Followed by some clever politics. We'll see
im pretty new here but ive been a buyer for 2 months with 16 successful transactions to a value of 159btc however ive had one unsuccessful for which i recieved a refund this has given me a 7% refund rate :(
after 50 days of waiting, time extensions and broken promises from the vendor i asked for 100% of my money back as the product had never been posted he happily agreed.
my point is , is that as a buyer we should be able to comment on refunds that are black marks on our stats. just because we have had a refund it doesnt make us a bad risk or a scammer sometimes its just down to a lay vendor getting high on his own supply.....nature of the game i guess lol
Twolips anybody? Scammed me for 39.16 BTC, luckily I didn't finalize on the 7.51 BTC order I had also placed with him. Wish it was the other way around, fucking bastard.
im pretty new here but ive been a buyer for 2 months with 16 successful transactions to a value of 159btc however ive had one unsuccessful for which i recieved a refund this has given me a 7% refund rate :(
after 50 days of waiting, time extensions and broken promises from the vendor i asked for 100% of my money back as the product had never been posted he happily agreed.
my point is , is that as a buyer we should be able to comment on refunds that are black marks on our stats. just because we have had a refund it doesnt make us a bad risk or a scammer sometimes its just down to a lay vendor getting high on his own supply.....nature of the game i guess lol
I agree, that's bullshit.
But the work around is to kiss your vendors ass, and get them to cancel.
Takes some skill when you are pissed off.
I have been ripped off a few times. I 'm not proud of that.
Don't FE.
If it's too good to be true, it's not.
But I have 0% refund rate because, the honest ones took care of me, and I return the favor;)
You made a mistake, understand?
Some vendor screwing around more than two weeks to ship should give the option to cancel.
They know that ;)
this was fantastically informative. i wish i'd read this before i did some of the things i did! >_<
Hey Guys, Just wanted to let you know we are offering FREE GRAMS to the first 20 customers, PLUS FREE SHIPPING!! We hope you guys dig the sale and take advantage of it! Stay Safe!
a guy called pfandleiher >:(
Ok, this is what I learned after ordering 5 g MDMA at PFANDLEIHER and receiving nothing:
1) a good feedback must not be reliable at SR, since sellers can build up this reputation easily by requesting buyers to finalize early
2) Pfandleiher promised, after I contacted you last time, to resend the stuff.Still nothing.Interesting is, that the coke that I ordered from him arrived, but not the MDMA, since he had some troubles with supplying it.
3)Pfandleiher does not react on any message, like the last, when I asked if he has finally sends it.
4) I got not even an offer for refund from him or explanation.
Lost 25 bitcoins for nothing, waited 4 weeks and was just scammed.
I will be more cautious in the future, and I am dissappointed by this seller.
best regards
Ok, so I'm pretty new here (~2 months with a couple of purchases), but I'm wondering about not keeping money in your SR account. On the one hand that's obviously a good idea because it decreases your risk of having your account and/or money stolen. It also does not tie your money to the BTC rate (for good or bad). HOWEVER, some vendors (usually the good ones) have a very short time in which their posts are up.
Take albionessentialols for example. He had his post up for about five days. By the time I saw it and got my BTC, the post was already gone. So now I have to keep my money in my account to wait for him. The only other solution is using an e-wallet (or mine), but I don't think that it offers that much more security. What do you think?
DrNyx appears to be a scam artist. Beware - I ordered from him ages ago - nothing has arrived, and he/she has not responded to 3 emails to date.
I ordered LSD at NeuroticNarcotic(91) and nothing has arrived. NeuroticNarcotic(91) does not react on any message, like when I asked if he has finally sends it. What a shit!
I recognize that I am a new buyer/poster, I have not had much reason for posting until this but have spent several hours browsing the forums.
So I made my first order on the 7th, almost 3 weeks ago from one of the oldest and most "trusted" vendors on SR for MDMA, Aakoven. I ordered 1 gram, finalized early per his request, and waited anxiously by my mailbox in western US. I remember before ordering that I checked to see that there was at least some form of refund policy and it stated that 50% refund is the most given, which is understandable for me I have no problem splitting the loss in case of one. I now understand the NL is a high profile country for the post and shit gets picked up from there more often than most.
After the package had not arrived by this Monday, I decided to let the vendor know and voice my concern, as politely as possible, that it might never come. He advised me if it doesn't come in by Friday the 26th it probably won't. In the unfortunate circumstance that my package didn't show up I asked what kind of recourse he could offer me, i.e some sort of refund or resend. He quickly instructed me "check my profile". I go to look and now it appears that his refund policy has changed and will offer no sort of refund to US customers. I am now waiting a reply to my request of a 50% refund.
I am still hopeful that the product will arrive and I make no judgement concerning the vendor Aakoven yet. However, should it not arrive and the vendor stops communication and doesn't offer any kind of refund, I can't help but feel like a scammed first time buyer. Would it be offensive to suggest that some particularly reputable vendors take advantage of first time buyers by making them finalize early? I have another order in transit for LSD from new seller Jannis that I did not have to finalize for and am looking forward to that coming in.
Does anyone particularly in the U.S. have any experience with Aakoven as a vendor?
Sorry but I didn't take the time to read the entire thread. (my lips get sore :).
I'm waiting for a package from USPS. Tracking indicates that it been sitting in the same location for 10 days! Is it feasible that it could stay there that long without any movement? This is an international letter btw
Sorry but I didn't take the time to read the entire thread. (my lips get sore :).
I'm waiting for a package from USPS. Tracking indicates that it been sitting in the same location for 10 days! Is it feasible that it could stay there that long without any movement? This is an international letter btw
Yes, in customs, or lost.
DrNyx appears to be a scam artist. Beware - I ordered from him ages ago - nothing has arrived, and he/she has not responded to 3 emails to date.
Don't judge us please.. we always repair our fault.. and customers know that ..
Great thread man. I've been fortunate to have only been scammed once (and it was for like 50 bucks by Noriega right before he left with everyone elses money). But still I wish I would have read this when I first came to the road.
i have only once had a package not arrive and im sure the seller didnt send it! i think there is a lot of reverse buyer scamming going around here!
The way to game the system is for a seller to send an empty package to a non-existent address with no return. Then seller alleges it was the buyer's fault because he gave a bad address.
Happened to me. The DCN says its in a dead letter facility. These were legal goods, not contraband (gold and silver). I had no reason to provide a false address and seller had no reason not to provide a return address and buy postal insurance (would you send gold/silver bullion through the mail without it?)
Still in resolution --on these facts SR extended. I'm amazed that I'm supposed to come terms with someone when I did nothing wrong.
I would add a caution ---SR is set up to buy and sell contraband with the assumption that risk of delivery is shared. SR seems to think the same rules should apply for legal goods.
I disagree with that.
DO NOT ORDER FROM TOPGUN. U WILL BE VERY DISSAPPOINTED. He will refuse to put pictures up and on top of that he informes u tht he wont ship it until u finalize. Well after u finalize he does send u product but is it waht you paid for? HELL NO!!!! His super blonde pollum is literally the worst of the worst. In smells like strait up dirt like he went out back and scooped it out of his back yard. There is very little high from his p[roduck very very little high. And i was charged as if i paid for the most top quality product out there. This guy top gun also had the nerve to ship right out of a highly policed province of italy were lucky it evenn got through to the stated. What asshole ships out of Carlintini seriously everyone with a brain knows the next stop on that packages itenary is a hot spot for customs. So please anyone wishing to purchase from top gun please dont. I just wasted over $500 on his shity products. Once my digital camera gets working properly i will post pictures of his terrible product. After that i can assure all of u I will not smoke this garbage. I refuse to sell this garbage because my costumers deserve something that will actually get them high. I will be dumping his product in by back yerd with the other dirt mother nature has producet. Also top gun has terrib;e customere service. IF U DONT LIKE HIS PRODUCT HE IS BASICALLY FUCK U ABOUT IT. WELL FUCK YOU TOPGUN U SNEAKY PIECE OF SCAMING SHIT. U DONT DESERVE TO SELL ON THE SILK. GO FUCKIN KILL YOURSELF!!! >:(
keep an aye out djspyrex and gar both offered and took heaps long to process while failing
ordered coins thru WU
Ive sent him the payment on thursay, inboxed mtcn for tracking and collection info for WU branch
nearly after 24 hours of hearing that mtcn is wrong the guy sends me coins at highest mtgox rate but at least sends it(after ive caled bouth WU hot lines in my country and us and proven that all info is correct and payment is ready for collection)
note| WU asked me for id, lucky i have fakie
ordered 20 tabs 10x2 (because apparently gar takes down listings with shit L and then gets em back up good looking)
communication like thru German tank (no reply for two days) no DCN either
after second time of asking to cancel and hiting up the support all goes thru and i receive my funds back plus some bla bla gtfo spam from gar
Ill be lounging and crying if its the same pokemon marking around with us about domestic
Question for vendors - How does one go about requesting a DCN without insulting? I would like to keep this individual I just went with , if it all works out without any issues. So, vendors, do you take it personal at all? Also, is a DCN of any use before a package arrives? The vendors does mention that they provide DCN. Its probably obvious, but would any of you think that implies the vendor is willing to hand over a DCN? Oh and I read some mention to get a DCN, but why do some vendors state they do not give them away? I mean like IN CAPS they mention it. Is it a security issue? As far as I see this DCN thing is no proof of anything. So how is the buyer safe? The vendor can produce his so-called proof, and thats it? We're shit out of luck or?
Oh shit....I got the same info from GAR....."in transit"......but no DCN, a story about how he shipped to somewhere else first...then it was to come to's had time to go all over the planet....still not here...and the listing is gone. Were you waiting for the Beatles Blotters too?
This is a great post, everyone should read it just so the whole system runs smoother for the entire community.
USPS would never be my shipper of choice if we were shipping anything else....:) Like I said a little earlier...I CANNOT get an EXPRESS package in 1 day...its 2 days. Then they say priority is 2 days too...I'm betting 3-4.
I've been watching packages for folks when they're late, I had one go from the east coast to san jose, CA to took 6 days I think for a fucking PRIORITY MAIL.
In closing- don't be surprised when USPS is late. Be happy when they're on time....and every once in a GREAT WHILE they're EARLY! I bake cupcakes and take em to the post office on those days...
Well said sir; that put me at ease a bit. I made my first purchase, and it was supposed to show up today but of course it didn't, so to say the least, I'm a little nervous. But it's from a good vendor.
DCN or Delivery Confirmation Number, shouldn't be a problem. It just tracks the package along it's different stops. I've had several sellers use it. The seller is just paranoid. If an official want's to know the origin of a letter or parcel, they can usually see it on the postmark. I've sent tons of shit through the mail (we're talking USA only here), and you never even have to fill out the DCN slip. Usually they just put your return zip, or zip of the post office you're sending it from.
As far as "offending" the seller. Don't be ridiculous! They're just another drug dealer! You should always be polite, but you don't have to be an ass kisser either, otherwise you'll be treated like an ass kisser. .
I don't get the whole "I wont provide the DCN # until after 6 days" - Sounds like they're taking too much of their own shit. - You want DCN and they don't want to provide? Deal is off. Many other excellent dealers on here. And lets stop with the whole "vendor" term. They're Sellers and you're buyers. Really they could be called Dealers. "Vendors" somehow imparts a level above the commoner.
It's bullshit. Dealers Sellers, if they don't want to do DCN and you the "buyer/user" do, just move on to one you find fits your liking. If you can't find one, wait a few days. Always new ones coming on, making up for the ones that act "Holier than thou". - Also you can always start a thread, like "Any SYD dealers out there willing to use DCN?" and see how many responses you get.
It's ridiculous because the DCN proves you got it, so the seller has proof, and you can go online during the shipping process and see the package making it's way to your location. It in no way increases the chances of getting busted. If a dog picks up the scent, that's that. It's still going to the same address.
USA to USA seems safest to me at this point, CAN would be 2nd for a US buyer. Though I've had some good luck with German coke! - Peace and be safe!
I am a new buyer and I orders 200 pills from AAKOVEN about 6 weeks ago. The order totaled $1200.00. I know that you should not FE and I did not want to! I requested to have my auto-finalize date extended through the resolution center because I hadn't received anything yet and he messaged me asking me to finalize because I am a new buyer. I saw his rating was pretty high and I trusted that he had sent them so STUPIDLY I finalized! This was the biggest mistake I have made in a long time.
I borrowed the $1200.00 from someone so that I could get this venture going so I could start making money off importing these pills. After 6 weeks I have received NOTHING! He told me that he would send in two separate envelopes and neither have arrived. I also orders 1g cocaine and 10 LSD blotters on the same day that I orders the pills and both of those arrived after 3 weeks. They were both waiting in my post box together. I do not believe that both packages were stolen because that is just unfuckingbelievable! What are the chances that both packages from the same vendor get stolen and everything makes it through fine? Absolute bullfuckingshit!!!!
I'm now sitting with a $1200.00 debt and I know that he fucked me over on this order! But what I don't understand is why he would rip off someone who is making such a big order? Clearly I was going to be a good customer but now that he butt-fucked me I will most definitely not be doing business with him again and I recommend that no else should either! If you do - STAY IN ESCROW!!!!
Through my communication with him, he didn't even know where the fuck I was from, after telling him TWICE before he still got it wrong, TWICE! Thought I was from two different countries. I know he never sent them, just pocketed my cash! He also told me that he will send me 10 pills as a tester to see if they make it - I guarantee you they will get "stolen" again! He never fucking sent these ones either! Bet your fucking ass-off!!! Besides, like 10 will make up for the $1200.00 loss I've now got!
FUCK AAKOVEN! I will be much better off buying from someone else like SKYY in future! If this was real-world I'd cut his fucking nuts off for this amount of money!!!
Anyway, I've accepted after 6 weeks of anxiously waiting that they will not be coming so now I'm just out to warn everyone about this fuck-tard!!!!
My order of $1200.00 should also impact his rating greatly, pitty it was a custom listing so no one will be able to see my review!
He's offered me a 25% refund which I suppose is better than nothing.... BUT STILL, i've lost over $900 - he's just pocketed that cash for nothing!!! I'm now on a mission to stop this from happening to other unlucky victims of the shithead!
Read my forum post here: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=42001.0
keep an aye out djspyrex and gar both offered and took heaps long to process while failing
ordered coins thru WU
Ive sent him the payment on thursay, inboxed mtcn for tracking and collection info for WU branch
nearly after 24 hours of hearing that mtcn is wrong the guy sends me coins at highest mtgox rate but at least sends it(after ive caled bouth WU hot lines in my country and us and proven that all info is correct and payment is ready for collection)
note| WU asked me for id, lucky i have fakie
ordered 20 tabs 10x2 (because apparently gar takes down listings with shit L and then gets em back up good looking)
communication like thru German tank (no reply for two days) no DCN either
after second time of asking to cancel and hiting up the support all goes thru and i receive my funds back plus some bla bla gtfo spam from gar
Ill be lounging and crying if its the same pokemon marking around with us about domestic
New buyer here and I so wish I would have seen this before I ordered from GAR. He scammed me and wanted an FE before product would be "dropped in the blue box". I thought it was gonna be easy as 1-2-3...very disappointing as it was one of my initial purchases on the Road. Live and Learn...Honest Dollar for an Honest Product!
Excellent thread, thanks for posting.
Sorry if this already been answered but what if the product you received is not what you ordered?
For example, if you ordered "C" and received benzocaine or some random powder?
What are the buyers options?
First off I +1 to all that added extra advice.
I should go back and update my post. I need to reread everything.
Second this isn't the vendor scam thread, that's another thread.
This how not to get scammed thread, really.
To the last post, you didn't really grasp the idea I'm try to convey, in post number 1.
Always communicate with your vendor. If you are polite, and honest, chances are they will be too. Vendors make mistakes, and so do buyers.
If you are a newbie, well expect not to be trusted.
If you PM him a 100 times, expect problems.
Things takes days, not hours.
I have been scammed, and shut down each vendor who did so. I have also shut down vendors who were in the process of scamming cause I know the rules.
The dead letter scam is a no wash, didn't go to my address. Still might be a 505/50 split.
I have had a good address go to dead letter, so life isn't perfect when using USPS. Cost the vendor a few BTC, but he made good.
If the vendor refuse to co-operate. I would never buy from that vendor again, and warn others of such.
Hmmm, I rarely accept refunds, and always get a reship, wonder why?
When a vendor makes good on a problem, I stick with them, and reward them with repeat business.
I see new vendors complaining about buyer scams, and new buyers complaining about vendor scams, interesting.
I apologize for not reading the entire thread, it's too long. On my very first order, I was asked to fe which I understood because I was new. To my recollection, that was at least two months ago. No product yet but a lot of excuses and now a lot less responses to my questions. I also fe'd with another vendor with the same results. I know that I have lost my leverage be fe'ing. I think that my only recourse is to initiate separate factual"flame threads" here warning others and hoping to do some damage to their business. If the product(s) do arrive, I will update the thread. I just gave two warnings and will initiate these threads in a few days if I don't get some "encouraging" feedback.
Can anyone else think of a better way to handle this?
FWIW - here are my purchasing stats:
Total transactions: 42
Total spent: ฿981.16
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 3 months
I've always lived up to my end of the deal.
Scammed by synaptic. Told to FE early, won't respond to my messages. Don't order. Don't order. Don't order.
Click on <account> on top
Then view feedback.
Edit your feedback with what happened, and give the vendor a 1 out of five.
Come to forums, rumor mill, use search function to find vendor review.
Review vendor honestly with no threats, and only once unless questioned.
Nothing else you can do about FE scam.
Also having problems with Synaptic. Went to him because of the implied quick turn around. $170.00 for USPS'S "fasrtest shipping. To be fair, part of it was over the labour day weekend. 20mgx20 Adds. When he/they finally did touch the order days was asked to fe (no surprise there). I was ticked off so I gave them a 1/5. Here is a direct quote from them:
Please change your feedback, as we have a strict policy about 5/5 feedback.
We halt all searching and communication until feedback is changed. Normally this would not be fair, but we offer restitution and refunds to counter this.
WTF and I still haven't got it yet. strict 5/5 feedback? Outrageous. I don't know if Support knows but if not. they don't, they will soon.
The ratings seem to be outrageous for many of the vendors.
More to come about two other shady vendors. (being nice here)
"strict policy about 5/5 feedback" WTF You'll get my opinion on how you handled my transaction.
Also having problems with Synaptic. Went to him because of the implied quick turn around. $170.00 for USPS'S "fasrtest shipping. To be fair, part of it was over the labour day weekend. 20mgx20 Adds. When he/they finally did touch the order days was asked to fe (no surprise there). I was ticked off so I gave them a 1/5. Here is a direct quote from them:
Please change your feedback, as we have a strict policy about 5/5 feedback.
We halt all searching and communication until feedback is changed. Normally this would not be fair, but we offer restitution and refunds to counter this.
WTF and I still haven't got it yet. strict 5/5 feedback? Outrageous. I don't know if Support knows but if not. they don't, they will soon.
The ratings seem to be outrageous for many of the vendors.
More to come about two other shady vendors. (being nice here)
"strict policy about 5/5 feedback" WTF You'll get my opinion on how you handled my transaction.
Let me get this correct. You received the goods, but not on time so you gave a 1/5?
WTF I would never do business with you again, period.
Yes the ratings are slanted towards the vendors.
It's a dance my friend, which you threw the bitch on the floor, and kicked her in public.
You think she is going to kiss you?
You are free to do what you want, but so is the vendor.
I be curious how SR Support handles your complaint, if at all.
Now saying all of that, I don't know the whole story.
I'm going to give up any hope of receiving the Meth that I ordered from Dark Moon.... Dark Moon last MSG to me was 6 days ago, telling me that I will have my product soon, sending it express. BULLSHIT!!!! FUCKING SCAMMER HE STOLE $500.00 AU FROM ME >:(
COULD this be Dark Moons new member ID - FastestDeliveryUSA. I did a search on SR, typed in Dark Moon and FastestDeliveryUSA came up at the moment FastestDeliveryUSA is selling Hash. Dark Moon also sold Hash??? & Meth.
If this is Dark Moons new ID on SR - FastestDeliveryUSA then he is back in business and back to scamm/steal more money from trusting people in AU.
Any idea how we can find out if FastestDeliveryUSA this is the same vendor as Dark Moon?
*Edited by myself.
Let me get this correct. You received the goods, but not on time so you gave a 1/5?
WTF I would never do business with you again, period.
Yes the ratings are slanted towards the vendors.
It's a dance my friend, which you threw the bitch on the floor, and kicked her in public.
You think she is going to kiss you?
You are free to do what you want, but so is the vendor.
I be curious how SR Support handles your complaint, if at all.
Now saying all of that, I don't know the whole story.
What makes you think he received the order?
"WTF and I still haven't got it yet."
Implies he hadn't received the order at that point surely?
Wow I never knew you could sink that low BBB. I made a new account to protect myself and advise others to do the same. As you will find out why? PLEASE READ EVERYTHING
I exchanged words with BBB to do with the delivery we got into a fight. I was refunded the full amount. Which is +1.
Now the strange bit I had Channel 4 standing with cameras outside my house. I only saw them in the morning as I left to go work. They then said where they were from Channel 4 on a show called dispatches. (Fuck knows what that is or if it correct). Bit all I could find were school diners so I was very confused.
. Recording me while dropping me questions. One their quotes I clearly remember were “do you think drugs should be legal, because either way people would find a way to cheat the system if there is a need”.
I ignored them and jumped in my car. I just tried to go and quick as possible I dint know what they knew , but don’t trust SR BBB has ruined it. Be very careful.
If you have dealt with this wanker. Clean everything out you’re house. Everything including ash trays to letters. Anything to do with drugs throw it make sure you don’t put even in your bin somewhere else.
If you smoke do in the garden for a few weeks. Don’t smoke in your house. It legal to know someone is receiving drugs using the post. As long they are passing the information. To the police.
Basically he has to have weed otherwise there no show. There also no grantee I will see you in court. Police are closing down on things like this. I just watch the news and get scared that it might be me next.
All I am going to say is take advantage of the fair deal. Like I did but learn not to regret it. MAKE SURE you use a different address to your home. I hope it not to late and if it just pray.
All the best, please spread the word and let everyone know the truth the game is up, see you on TV.
i dont know where you people reside..all i can say is that in my country(and i think also in the rest of europe) its very foolish to use any kind of parcel service(dpd-ups.........) cause the security settings of all these companies are to high for "letters" like that from SR...everything with normal post service is far more secure due to sheer amounts of letters ans sorting centers etc...anyway do what you like but iam doing letter services since years(not only SR) and had never ever a letter-parcel missing.lost or detected.whilst a lot of my friens got busted with ups-dpd and all the other "fast and tracking" services.....bless
Wow there is a lot to read here, but it seems that I must if I want to go ahead with purchasing anything.
Homework time!
if i could id give you good karma ur a good guy
i dont know where you people reside..all i can say is that in my country(and i think also in the rest of europe) its very foolish to use any kind of parcel service(dpd-ups.........) cause the security settings of all these companies are to high for "letters" like that from SR...everything with normal post service is far more secure due to sheer amounts of letters ans sorting centers etc...anyway do what you like but iam doing letter services since years(not only SR) and had never ever a letter-parcel missing.lost or detected.whilst a lot of my friens got busted with ups-dpd and all the other "fast and tracking" services.....bless
good information
I'm going to give up any hope of receiving the Meth that I ordered from Dark Moon.... Dark Moon last MSG to me was 6 days ago, telling me that I will have my product soon, sending it express. BULLSHIT!!!! FUCKING SCAMMER HE STOLE $500.00 AU FROM ME >:(
COULD this be Dark Moons new member ID - FastestDeliveryUSA. I did a search on SR, typed in Dark Moon and FastestDeliveryUSA came up at the moment FastestDeliveryUSA is selling Hash. Dark Moon also sold Hash??? & Meth.
If this is Dark Moons new ID on SR - FastestDeliveryUSA then he is back in business and back to scamm/steal more money from trusting people in AU.
Any idea how we can find out if FastestDeliveryUSA this is the same vendor as Dark Moon?
Dark moon stole $700 au from me,saifd the same thing i will get my product soon that was 9 days ago and response nothing.
Dont buy a thing from dark moon,he is a thief!!!!
Also having problems with Synaptic. Went to him because of the implied quick turn around. $170.00 for USPS'S "fasrtest shipping. To be fair, part of it was over the labour day weekend. 20mgx20 Adds. When he/they finally did touch the order days was asked to fe (no surprise there). I was ticked off so I gave them a 1/5. Here is a direct quote from them:
Please change your feedback, as we have a strict policy about 5/5 feedback.
We halt all searching and communication until feedback is changed. Normally this would not be fair, but we offer restitution and refunds to counter this.
WTF and I still haven't got it yet. strict 5/5 feedback? Outrageous. I don't know if Support knows but if not. they don't, they will soon.
The ratings seem to be outrageous for many of the vendors.
More to come about two other shady vendors. (being nice here)
"strict policy about 5/5 feedback" WTF You'll get my opinion on how you handled my transaction.
Let me get this correct. You received the goods, but not on time so you gave a 1/5?
WTF I would never do business with you again, period.
Yes the ratings are slanted towards the vendors.
It's a dance my friend, which you threw the bitch on the floor, and kicked her in public.
You think she is going to kiss you?
You are free to do what you want, but so is the vendor.
I be curious how SR Support handles your complaint, if at all.
Now saying all of that, I don't know the whole story.
1/5 is pretty harsh, but I would be reluctant to give 5/5 if i paid EXTRA for express shipping and it was proven that the goods were not sent express & had to wait
I've never dicked anyone in feedback except when they tried to scam me (thank hell i never FE, even with trusted vendors doing that is a major mistake IMHO)
I had to FE because it was my first or second order. I ordered fromn 3 separate vendors. I had to FE on all of those purchases..its been 21 days (domestic) and I have received nothing, and Cannot get the veendor to responds. What should I do?? Help!
Waiting on an order from ScoobyDoo that was mailed "priority." Today was day 7 in transit, still nothing. Tracking last had it at a regular sort facility about an hour away from me on Saturday, since then, no update on tracking number and no parcel. I'm starting to lose hope, but as it was in transit around the holiday, I'm hoping maybe it's stuck in a big pile of mail somewhere in this big area I live.
UPDATE: My order with Scooby came a little after I made that post. Thanks ScoobyDoo, The trim/popcorn buds are great. He even offered a free reship immediately when he heard of my trouble with DCN, seeing that my "order" was just sitting in one postal facility close to my house, for nearly 4 days before they sent it out for local mail delivery. Thanks for the great customer assistance and fast responses.
There are at least a dozen cases I've uncovered by reading the forums for eksuperman99 . Everything from shorting people to not sending but making sure people FE. Unfortunately I read all this was after I too was scammed.
Still waiting on an order from DaRuthless1, 7th day in transit. I placed the order last monday, marked "in transit" the next day. On saturday he said "I should have it" already, and hasn't replied to my messages since last friday. And he refuses to give me a tracking number even though he says he gives tracking numbers on all orders on his profile page.
If anyone has a review of DaRuthless1, I made a thread here: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=94396
Hi Everyone,
What would be your recommendation on how to proceed with the following situation:
- I am currently awaiting on four orders
- considering where I live and that post delivery may be delayed (usual delivery time to my location is about a week) during pre-Christmas period, I was too patient and forgot that the orders would auto-finalize, which they did one or two days ago
- I do not believe I was actually scammed, as only one of the orders is from a vendor I have not dealt with before
- as I understand - my BTCs are gone and the only way to resolve this is to contact vendors directly
I also assume there is no way I could get my perfect buyer's statistics back now...
Any advice and/or similar experience shares are very much welcome!
If your orders don't arrive, your one and only hope is to PM the vendor. However, considering you let them auto-finalize instead of reading the generic email sent to you by SR after 10 days (which directs you to the Resolution center where you submit a resolution to the vendor for acceptance or offer you a revised solution for your acceptance), your chances of any refund would be miniscule at best. Just because your yet to receive an order doesn't mean you've been scammed. It is Xmas time. Your coins are gone. Your only hope is contact the vendor but I don't like your chances. You have to remember that finalizing an order, auto or manually, is in fact you acknowledging receipt of your package. Next time you order, check your SR account on the 10th day after it was shipped, at a minimum, should your package not arrive.
Yeah I checked his site, but Larghetto is a chameleon. He won't answer questions, makes you finalize early so you can't complain, lost half a weeks wages off this scammer. If a package ever shows up by this doofus I will post the good info.
A question for the vendors out there:
So I placed an order earlier this month, marked "in transit" 12/13/12. Still haven't received it. I started messaging the seller 7 days after marked. No reply, and it showed they had been online. Next day, another quick message, still showed they had been online, still no reply. I ordered from them once before and received the package in record time, no joke, I thought maybe there was time traveling involved ;-) and let me clarify: these were pleasant messages not "OMFG you scammed me! Imma find you and boil your pets while you watch!"
Seller has been offline for like 6 days now (they stated they would be on their profile), and I've taken it to resolution. I should have it by now. Do you vendors think it's a dick move? Taking it to resolution? I have tried to contact the seller with no luck and honestly if the package shows up tomorrow I'm releasing funds. I didn't FE obviously.
Second question: do vendors freak out a little if a buyer has a refund rate? I'd rather just have my order and be done with it but I don't see any other options.
Thanks! Nice thread btw, thanks for all the info.... what was all that about the news showing up at that guy's door?? weird..
I don't know if this is the right place to make a big stink, but someone needs to hear this. A few weeks ago I purchased DMT from the vendor elvis, a top rated vendor. I trusted this individual to send the product I had paid for, even paying extra for priority mail to have the whole tracking feature so we're both protected in case something happens.
Lo and behold I never got the DMT, and I ended up going on vacation for the holidays. I wasn't mad, I figured that like other top rated vendors he wouldn't mind a reship, so I asked for that instead of a refund. Fair enough right? He responds by telling me like the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld, no reship only 50% discount. I informed elvis that I was overseas and that I wouldn't be able to add bitcoins to my account, that I had been scammed before by another top vendor, F16, and that I didn't really want to pay more money to get the product that I originally paid for unless he could provide proof that he even shipped it.
From the whole F16 fiasco, I figured that the SR mods would want to see where the fault was, if it was undeliverable or even sent at all, in order to resolve the issue and mitigate refunds. Elvis never provided the tracking number and he kept accusing me of being a scammer who wanted extra product, when all I tried to do was explain to him my past history and ask him how his discount would work. English is not his first language, so I had no idea exactly how he wanted to play this out. Like any coupon you get in real life for 50% off there are terms and conditions, but I didn't know what his were. Again, he told me to fuck off and wouldn't answer any of my messages, finally telling me that he would only offer me a 1% refund since he thinks I'm a scammer.
Buddy, if I was the scammer, why do you have my money? I was waiting for SR staff to intervene and do the right thing. I had left several intelligent comments and statements in the resolution center while elvis had deleted all the messages he had made. He was acting really shady and elitest, basically undermining what this community stands for. Sorry but just because I don't have an extensive purchase history doesn't mean I'm a scammer. I've had good dealings on here with other vendors.
Anyway, I had hoped that SR mods would do the right thing and intervene and hopefully take my side since I wasn't asking for much, just proof and a reship. Fair enough right? SR mods didn't bother to read any of my statements and issued me a 1% refund. Seriously? What the hell SR mods? After I got scammed by F16, you assured me that next time if I didn't FE I'd be protected and that a mod would step in and help, yet here I am without product and without my money. I don't want to get carried away with accusations, but I feel like SR mods are protecting a top rated vendor and shitting on the little guys. I'm probably not the only little guy this happens to, especially with the influx of new users to SR this year. Who knows who else the SR mods have been screwing over?
Either way, it's disgraceful and disgusting that this should happen. I did everything right, and yet I get screwed over. Is there no longer ANY protection on this site?
ok so i orderded a lot of drugs off a high ranking vender
they dont ask for signiture ever i have bought from him before and they always leave a key in my po box to go to a bigger one to pick it up any time during the day
lobby open 24 7
now there is a slip in there saying to pick it up
i figured maybe they ran out of the bigger boxes but no
i came back 4 times now different days and its still there
asking me to come pick it up
so now i messaged the vender several times telling them i think something is wrong as im positive its the package they want me to get
in like 2 days it goes to resolution and im thinking about asking for 50% refund..
im not going to risk it being a controlled pick up and going to prison as i know this is not normal
any advice? am i doing the right thing?
ok so i orderded a lot of drugs off a high ranking vender
they dont ask for signiture ever i have bought from him before and they always leave a key in my po box to go to a bigger one to pick it up any time during the day
lobby open 24 7
now there is a slip in there saying to pick it up
i figured maybe they ran out of the bigger boxes but no
i came back 4 times now different days and its still there
asking me to come pick it up
so now i messaged the vender several times telling them i think something is wrong as im positive its the package they want me to get
in like 2 days it goes to resolution and im thinking about asking for 50% refund..
im not going to risk it being a controlled pick up and going to prison as i know this is not normal
any advice? am i doing the right thing?
Just go pick it up...and if you get busted just don't say anything. You had a slip in your box saying to pick it up..and you had no idea what was sent to you.
I have a question. On the resolution/finalization timeout; do you request the extension from SR or from the vendor directly?
I have a question. On the resolution/finalization timeout; do you request the extension from SR or from the vendor directly?
from SR in the resolution center..
the vender will see it from there
ok so i orderded a lot of drugs off a high ranking vender
they dont ask for signiture ever i have bought from him before and they always leave a key in my po box to go to a bigger one to pick it up any time during the day
lobby open 24 7
now there is a slip in there saying to pick it up
i figured maybe they ran out of the bigger boxes but no
i came back 4 times now different days and its still there
asking me to come pick it up
so now i messaged the vender several times telling them i think something is wrong as im positive its the package they want me to get
in like 2 days it goes to resolution and im thinking about asking for 50% refund..
im not going to risk it being a controlled pick up and going to prison as i know this is not normal
any advice? am i doing the right thing?
Let me guess, its a yellow slip, with your PO box # on it?
Dude, I have a PO box, and I live in the middle of fucking nowhere, so I have to pick up
my shit at the office every time. Here's what you do:
go down to the post office, take the slip, bring it up to the counter,
and get your shit. I get slips all the time, they are like coat check tickets,
you bring them up to the counter, and get your stuff. If you didn't get a key,
its probably because they ran out of big boxes, or they aren't doing that anymore.
Send a friend if you are paranoid its controlled delivery, they don't ask for ID unless
its certified mail. The postal service is discontinuing practices all the time, its easier
for them to keep all the packages in one location and issue tickets than to put them
in the big boxes. If you are too scared to pick it up, finalize or
GTFO because resolution isn't for "maybe if" situations. You're paranoid,
don't worry about it. They're not going to fuck you, if they were, they would have
done it at your post when you checked, all 4 times, and it looks bad that you DIDN'T
pick it up, so go get yer shit, bro.
ok so i orderded a lot of drugs off a high ranking vender
they dont ask for signiture ever i have bought from him before and they always leave a key in my po box to go to a bigger one to pick it up any time during the day
lobby open 24 7
now there is a slip in there saying to pick it up
i figured maybe they ran out of the bigger boxes but no
i came back 4 times now different days and its still there
asking me to come pick it up
so now i messaged the vender several times telling them i think something is wrong as im positive its the package they want me to get
in like 2 days it goes to resolution and im thinking about asking for 50% refund..
im not going to risk it being a controlled pick up and going to prison as i know this is not normal
any advice? am i doing the right thing?
Let me guess, its a yellow slip, with your PO box # on it?
Dude, I have a PO box, and I live in the middle of fucking nowhere, so I have to pick up
my shit at the office every time. Here's what you do:
go down to the post office, take the slip, bring it up to the counter,
and get your shit. I get slips all the time, they are like coat check tickets,
you bring them up to the counter, and get your stuff. If you didn't get a key,
its probably because they ran out of big boxes, or they aren't doing that anymore.
Send a friend if you are paranoid its controlled delivery, they don't ask for ID unless
its certified mail. The postal service is discontinuing practices all the time, its easier
for them to keep all the packages in one location and issue tickets than to put them
in the big boxes. If you are too scared to pick it up, finalize or
GTFO because resolution isn't for "maybe if" situations. You're paranoid,
don't worry about it. They're not going to fuck you, if they were, they would have
done it at your post when you checked, all 4 times, and it looks bad that you DIDN'T
pick it up, so go get yer shit, bro.
plus one for avatar and being blunt
in like 2 days it goes to resolution and im thinking about asking for 50% refund..
im not going to risk it being a controlled pick up and going to prison as i know this is not normal
I believe "controlled delivery" is when leo pretends they are your mailman and shows up at a delivery address. I believe "controlled pickup" seems like an unlikely possibility as leo would need to wait at the PO for you to show up - potentially for days or weeks. It would be a rare situation that they would do that unless the package is a big deal to them. If i'm mistaken, I'd like to know about it. NWN
PS Great thread - a service to SR
You have to give credit when credit is due..
Nice thread uniwiz, thanks for keeping SR pumpin
You have to give credit when credit is due..
Nice thread uniwiz, thanks for keeping SR pumpin
And +1 to you my SR friend. We have something in common. I love drugs too. I'll bet you can guess what drug that is;)
To the posters acting like we are telling you that you can't FE. Hey have at it. We won't think any worse of you. You have your reasons. Some of them, make no sense to me, but thats ok. It's all about freedom of choice.
This thread is to warn new users, let others vent, and pressure vendors to change their forced FE policies.
Collectively I think we have done that, in only 4 weeks. It wasn't easy, but nothing good is ever easy. We will have to be vigilante.
Keep those reports, and opinions coming. I love you all. Thank you SR for making escrow work.
You have to give credit when credit is due..
Nice thread uniwiz, thanks for keeping SR pumpin
And +1 to you my SR friend. We have something in common. I love drugs too. I'll bet you can guess what drug that is;)
To the posters acting like we are telling you that you can't FE. Hey have at it. We won't think any worse of you. You have your reasons. Some of them, make no sense to me, but thats ok. It's all about freedom of choice.
This thread is to warn new users, let others vent, and pressure vendors to change their forced FE policies.
Collectively I think we have done that, in only 4 weeks. It wasn't easy, but nothing good is ever easy. We will have to be vigilante.
Keep those reports, and opinions coming. I love you all. Thank you SR for making escrow work.
RITE ON BROTHER!!! i'll stand by you with this fight as long as its a issue..
Yeah I guess.
Maybe to hide the fact that you don't know anything about drugs.
I prefer escrow myself but took a lot of losses to get there!
As for FE, it is the easiest way to scam people here.
I love reading the feedback to see the classic line ' FE on trust', well, trusting someone who sells druhgs online, ,a stranger you do not know, seems to be a misuse of the term 'trust'.
I agree that for some here, myself included, I have a few vendors who I kinda trust.
I have some serious problem... It was my third purchase from Foxbelle77... I fe 50btc for 25g of MDMA... It's any possibility to get back sth of this fuckng scammer?
(Don't FE for any reason)
uhhhh - DUH!
CharasBros Selective Scammer.
You must Finalize Early. You have no choice. I had a previous successful transaction and realized the risk. Nowhere else to get this quality hash at this price. Package seized by customs. Sent CharasBros proof. They refuse to accept liability. Shitty packaging. Easy to detect. They have 20+ sales a day, can afford to be weasels.
Buy at your own risk.
Offered to reship when he (CharasBros) receives a customs letter as well.....!!!
Do you think he put his return address on package???
What a goof....
yeah guys never FE for any reason. I am a vendor here and I can give you an insight into a vendors mind. When you Fe , the money is gone, its there in the vendors pocket and if they are scammers, they just wont send you the product.
I am trying to be an honest vendor here, so me or any other honest vendor will always give you full escrow.
Cheers!! happy shopping :D
yeah guys never FE for any reason. I am a vendor here and I can give you an insight into a vendors mind. When you Fe , the money is gone, its there in the vendors pocket and if they are scammers, they just wont send you the product.
I am trying to be an honest vendor here, so me or any other honest vendor will always give you full escrow.
Cheers!! happy shopping :D
Iv known Indian Pill Daddy and his team for a LOOONG TIME!!! way before SR and he is spitting the truth! There are 1 or 2 vendors who are not like this Like Subsandaddy=subsrgood he does come through.
Any Mrdutchguy, Any other Vendor that wants a FE out of a member/buyer with almost 40 transaction 100% perfect buyer stats can suck on my fat one..
Iv even managed to find a Loan shark on SR not many know about,and im not talking 5 dollar loans or 10 if your buyer stats r right and he see;s that im talking up to 100 and up in btc loans..
Iv used him mself and hes great! depending on who u are and your stats depends on the % per day your charged. I spoke to the man, he checked my stats i went to his off SR site to put in my BTC ADDRESS and within 30min i had 100 bucks in my account..
HE TOLD ME i could refer people but to try and make something off the info about him cause he doesnt advertise.. Anyone interested PM me
I FE'd with CharasBros, and I figured "It's a crapshoot" You lose, YOU LOSE!!
I've been through more messy transactions with RESOLUTION, where I just fuckin "EAT IT" and never deal with the seller again. - I'm talking to you GOTMILK! - GOT ETHICS???
I didn't think so.
I got an incredible 1 gram sample of CharasBros "Temple Ball" (that's opiated hash for you college kids). And although it took 31 days to get here. My buddy and I were so so high for DAYSSSSSS!
Once you get experienced, you'll realize who is worth FE and who isn't.
It's not such a taboo. You have to really know the "system" to know when to FE and when not to.
That's why "FE is ALLOWED". - - Ever wonder why?? - Cause the majority of us, get the shit we want!!!
Pay attention, and LEARN!
Hey mate! what exactly happened with Gotmilk??? I thought they were pretty respected here and I was almost about to make a deal with them.
Thanks in advance
I FE'd with CharasBros, and I figured "It's a crapshoot" You lose, YOU LOSE!!
I've been through more messy transactions with RESOLUTION, where I just fuckin "EAT IT" and never deal with the seller again. - I'm talking to you GOTMILK! - GOT ETHICS???
I didn't think so.
I got an incredible 1 gram sample of CharasBros "Temple Ball" (that's opiated hash for you college kids). And although it took 31 days to get here. My buddy and I were so so high for DAYSSSSSS!
Once you get experienced, you'll realize who is worth FE and who isn't.
It's not such a taboo. You have to really know the "system" to know when to FE and when not to.
That's why "FE is ALLOWED". - - Ever wonder why?? - Cause the majority of us, get the shit we want!!!
Pay attention, and LEARN!
wait, so if a vendor can't show proof of shipment in resolution, what happens?
I think if you can prove that the seller hasn't sent the product then you get a full refund.
wait, so if a vendor can't show proof of shipment in resolution, what happens?
wait, so if a vendor can't show proof of shipment in resolution, what happens?
its a case by case thing.. SR will look at ur stats and the venders and if they think u are scamming they might not give u shit..
but most of the time you get at least 50%
Well if a vendor can't prove that he sent it out, it pretty much means he didn't send it out (legalistically), which should entitle buyer to a full refund....right?
Also, why do vendors want issues to be settled out of resolution (i.e. contact vendor before hitting resolve)?
Couldn't the vendor just send out an empty box with tracking so he could still recieve a 50% refund?
googleyed is a scammer he sent a bag of cheetos 2nd order from him - BEWARE!
googleyed is a scammer he sent a bag of cheetos 2nd order from him - BEWARE!
This guy claims he ordered a tracked package, and we sent him CEETOS?? TRACKED?!?!? He also claimed that we deleted the item listing that he ordered from, so that he could not leave bad feedback..
Now GE gets pissed...
"For a start, "removed the particular listing"??? Oh, you mean this one: (http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/d6c2b2050a). It's right there you fucking asshole! And there is a record of what listing you ordered from on SR. The admins can see it you lying little fuck rag!
CHEETOS?? Sort your shit out, or it will not be Cheetos turning up on your doorstep ass bluud! Send us the DCN number from this mysterious package of Cheetos you have received! Googleyed is FUCKING PISSED! You think we have a rating as high as we do by sending Cheetos?! Have some fucking respect. And if your are trying to scam us.. You picked the wrong niggas to fuck with boy!"
Now GE does not normally address customers in this manner. We are very polite and professional. But c'mon.. CHEETOS??!?!?
We already busted him on the deleted listing. And now low and behold, he sends no DCN to prove that a package ever arrived in the first place. This guy is either really fucking dumb, and trying to scam. Or he is a really fucking dumb rival vendor and he is trying to hurt GE's rep. Well, GE don't play that shit..
Please explain:
#1 - Why did you claim the listing had been deleted? CLEARLY, it hasn't.
#2 - Why have you not sent us the DCN for the package you CLAIM contained Cheetos that you CLAIM to have received, in order to confirm that it was even from us?
#3 - WHY would we send CHEETOS?? WHY???
#5 - If you are gonna take the package we actually sent you, take out the product, and put Cheetos in it, and then think that that is some kind of proof.. You are even more of an idiot.
This joker gets nothing but an obligatory "FUCK YOU!" End of discussion!
This is one of the poorest attempts I have seen at flaming a vendor, or trying to get free product, or whatever this guy is trying to do. It is so pathetically transparent, and poorly thought out, it almost makes Googleyed feel sorry for this dimwitted amoeba. It is such an epic fail, that it is almost funny..
BMS... Shut the fuck up, and go eat your Cheetos! You just got owned!!
googleyed is a scammer he sent a bag of cheetos 2nd order from him - BEWARE!
This guy claims he ordered a tracked package, and we sent him CEETOS?? TRACKED?!?!? He also claimed that we deleted the item listing that he ordered from, so that he could not leave bad feedback..
Now GE gets pissed...
"For a start, "removed the particular listing"??? Oh, you mean this one: (http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/d6c2b2050a). It's right there you fucking asshole! And there is a record of what listing you ordered from on SR. The admins can see it you lying little fuck rag!
CHEETOS?? Sort your shit out, or it will not be Cheetos turning up on your doorstep ass bluud! Send us the DCN number from this mysterious package of Cheetos you have received! Googleyed is FUCKING PISSED! You think we have a rating as high as we do by sending Cheetos?! Have some fucking respect. And if your are trying to scam us.. You picked the wrong niggas to fuck with boy!"
Now GE does not normally address customers in this manner. We are very polite and professional. But c'mon.. CHEETOS??!?!?
We already busted him on the deleted listing. And now low and behold, he sends no DCN to prove that a package ever arrived in the first place. This guy is either really fucking dumb, and trying to scam. Or he is a really fucking dumb rival vendor and he is trying to hurt GE's rep. Well, GE don't play that shit..
Please explain:
#1 - Why did you claim the listing had been deleted? CLEARLY, it hasn't.
#2 - Why have you not sent us the DCN for the package you CLAIM contained Cheetos that you CLAIM to have received, in order to confirm that it was even from us?
#3 - WHY would we send CHEETOS?? WHY???
#5 - If you are gonna take the package we actually sent you, take out the product, and put Cheetos in it, and then think that that is some kind of proof.. You are even more of an idiot.
This joker gets nothing but an obligatory "FUCK YOU!" End of discussion!
This is one of the poorest attempts I have seen at flaming a vendor, or trying to get free product, or whatever this guy is trying to do. It is so pathetically transparent, and poorly thought out, it almost makes Googleyed feel sorry for this dimwitted amoeba. It is such an epic fail, that it is almost funny..
BMS... Shut the fuck up, and go eat your Cheetos! You just got owned!!
hahaahaa "ass blood"
do you watch eastbound and down by chance
^^ lol props for picking up on the reference and my partners understandable rantings :) +1!!
you are a scammer I will keep posting so everyone knows it -
you took advantage of a good person with good stats and that was your choice -
i want nothing from you now - i will let the sr admins handle it. WHY in the world if you are such a piece of shit to send someone a grab bag of cheetos already opened for a $1500 purchase is beyond me but thats what you did and the people should know googleyed is a scammer.
i have no auto finalizes have spent a hefty amount and never been scammed her until this - let alone it was domestic - googleyed is a thief and a liar - do not trust him i dont give a fuck how many shills you have on here.. if you are ripping people off for 1500 and getting away with it and able to sleep at night that would ensure you have plenty of money to not goto work and spend a bunch of time on here making yourself seem legit when in fact you pulled a fast one and now someones calling you out. In any case its really sad that someone with your stats did this and Im truly shocked I thought you were legit when you sent the 100 then ordering 10x as much you sent me cheetos - googleyed is a scammer end of story. and to the pieces of shit that have never ordered from him before but know hes legit - thats such great logic almost sounds like something that would come from someone who spelled marbles wrong.
googleyed - scammer beware - its not the end of the world over something materialistic - however the truth will be displayed and this incident will in fact be brought up so people can be made aware what type of vendor you are. 1st order PERFECT 4 days domestic - 2nd order bag of cheetos from same hand written person sending to wrong address even - whats funny is someone could possibly photoshop a wrong address of a label but you are amazingly addressing packages with hand written chicken scratch and you couldnt even copy over the address wrong maybe you do have googleyed eyes and cant see straight but I know you are seeing those btc in escrow just sitting there gaining value in the time the order was placed since the time you scam me.
he may not do this often but its guaranteed if he did it now hes done it before and will do it again and obviously has no problem with coming on here and making up nonsense replies about something thats bullshit and he knows it!
you are a scammer I will keep posting so everyone knows it -
you took advantage of a good person with good stats and that was your choice -
i want nothing from you now - i will let the sr admins handle it. WHY in the world if you are such a piece of shit to send someone a grab bag of cheetos already opened for a $1500 purchase is beyond me but thats what you did and the people should know googleyed is a scammer.
i have no auto finalizes have spent a hefty amount and never been scammed her until this - let alone it was domestic - googleyed is a thief and a liar - do not trust him i dont give a fuck how many shills you have on here.. if you are ripping people off for 1500 and getting away with it and able to sleep at night that would ensure you have plenty of money to not goto work and spend a bunch of time on here making yourself seem legit when in fact you pulled a fast one and now someones calling you out. In any case its really sad that someone with your stats did this and Im truly shocked I thought you were legit when you sent the 100 then ordering 10x as much you sent me cheetos - googleyed is a scammer end of story. and to the pieces of shit that have never ordered from him before but know hes legit - thats such great logic almost sounds like something that would come from someone who spelled marbles wrong.
googleyed - scammer beware - its not the end of the world over something materialistic - however the truth will be displayed and this incident will in fact be brought up so people can be made aware what type of vendor you are. 1st order PERFECT 4 days domestic - 2nd order bag of cheetos from same hand written person sending to wrong address even - whats funny is someone could possibly photoshop a wrong address of a label but you are amazingly addressing packages with hand written chicken scratch and you couldnt even copy over the address wrong maybe you do have googleyed eyes and cant see straight but I know you are seeing those btc in escrow just sitting there gaining value in the time the order was placed since the time you scam me.
he may not do this often but its guaranteed if he did it now hes done it before and will do it again and obviously has no problem with coming on here and making up nonsense replies about something thats bullshit and he knows it!
there's the chance that some guy at the post office could've stolen it
ya okay...NO
hes a selective scammer I have the proof its that simple anyone that wants to stand up for him I guess he must have never done you wrong but it only took 2 orders to get scammed from him with excellent stats.
beware of googleyed - he will do this again!
ya okay...NO
hes a selective scammer I have the proof its that simple anyone that wants to stand up for him I guess he must have never done you wrong but it only took 2 orders to get scammed from him with excellent stats.
beware of googleyed - he will do this again!
Please explain:
#1 - Why did you claim the listing had been deleted? CLEARLY, it hasn't. (http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/d6c2b2050a)
#2 - Why have you not sent us the DCN for the package you CLAIM contained Cheetos that you CLAIM to have received, in order to confirm that it was even from us?
#3 - WHY would we send CHEETOS?? WHY???
#5 - If you are gonna take the package we actually sent you, take out the product, and put Cheetos in it, and then think that that is some kind of proof.. You are even more of an idiot.
Another thing that has really stuck in Googleyed's collective mind is, why has this guy reacted like this?
Before he even messaged us to ask what was going on, he had created FOUR POSTS all in different threads flaming us. This is not the reaction of someone who received an odd package. This is the actions of someone trying to hurt your rep.
If you received Cheetos in the mail:
First thing you would do is say, "What the fuck?".
Second thing you would do is to message Googleyed to say, "Googleyed, did YOU send me these Cheetos? If so, thanks for the tasty snack, but why?? And when will I be receiving my product?"
Third thing you would do, is contact SR.
And finally fourth.. Hopefully after spending some time back and forth trying to resolve the issue.. You would bring it to the forums.
This guy just goes strait onto forums and starts blasting. Soon as he received his bars, he threw some Cheetos in that packaging, and started flaming!
I have said it before, but I will say it again:
THIS GUY IS JUST TRYING TO HURT OUR REP. Look at our stats. We send out thousands of bars every day. We have absolutely no reason to rip. If we ripped for 1000 bars, and then just two other people decided not to order 1000 bars, we would already have already lost more than we gained by ripping. Mathematically, it doesn't even make sense!! FUCK THIS GUY!
This is not how you handle a problem.
The reason you try to work it out with a vendor is to be civil. Also you may just make an anonymous friend that you can now trust. (I said, might)
If I got a bag of cheetosfor 2k, I'd be pissed, but use some sense.
If GE is selectively scamming, state your piece, and some one will back you up.
Posting BS multiple times turns people off. Nobody cares....
I know for a fact that SR Support has backed buyers in some of these cases. Ge has nicely laid out the procedure you should follow.
Now saying that some scam buyer is going to try and ruin it for everyone.
I have a feeling stats count for something. A vendor doing this, isn't doing it for 2k. He makes that quasi-honestly ;), daily.
Think about it, before you go off half-cocked.
Your next step should be with SR Support. Not making us dislike you. Please don't continue a war in this thread.
I have picked my side, prove me wrong by going to SR Support.
sorry you are siding with a liar piece of shit scammer -
i am pissed because i would never pay 1500-2000 for a bag of cheetos i dont even eat those things -
i have no reason to even communicate with the vendor after pulling this bullshit - theres no excuse other than thievery -
my words have been spoke sr support has been contacted i cannot wait to get this bullshit resolved - hes such a piece of shit for this!
This is not how you handle a problem.
The reason you try to work it out with a vendor is to be civil. Also you may just make an anonymous friend that you can now trust. (I said, might)
If I got a bag of cheetosfor 2k, I'd be pissed, but use some sense.
If GE is selectively scamming, state your piece, and some one will back you up.
Posting BS multiple times turns people off. Nobody cares....
I know for a fact that SR Support has backed buyers in some of these cases. Ge has nicely laid out the procedure you should follow.
Now saying that some scam buyer is going to try and ruin it for everyone.
I have a feeling stats count for something. A vendor doing this, isn't doing it for 2k. He makes that quasi-honestly ;), daily.
Think about it, before you go off half-cocked.
Your next step should be with SR Support. Not making us dislike you. Please don't continue a war in this thread.
I have picked my side, prove me wrong by going to SR Support.
Thanks Uniwiz. Some wise words here. Googleyed has said his piece, and made his case. The evidence is pretty clear for all to see and make their own decision. No more time and space should be wasted here. Anyone with any sense of logic can read the previous posts and make up their own mind.
Thanks to all our loyal customers who have come to the rescue and backed us up. It is appreciated. As everyone here knows, reputation is everything on the Road. People will attack it, and we must defend it. If others come to our aid, we send them many thanks.
This will be Googleyed's last post in this thread on this issue. If BSM comes back, please someone else do us a favor and tell him it's time to "ssshhhhhhh.."
Kind regards to all, Googleyed
Well if a vendor can't prove that he sent it out, it pretty much means he didn't send it out (legalistically), which should entitle buyer to a full refund....right?
Also, why do vendors want issues to be settled out of resolution (i.e. contact vendor before hitting resolve)?
It's more a matter of mutual respect and politeness. Generally, when there is some issue, the first thing a buyer will do is message the vendor, and 9 times out of 10, for us anyway, we come to a resolution without ever having to involve SR staff. If you are polite and address the issue appropriately, and of course have a reasonable issue, then vendors want to help you. Most of our business is returning customers, so we try to help them wherever possible, and they are generally thankful. We have a mutual respect with all our regular customers, and it is part of that respect that they would want to give us the chance to fix issues ourselves before taking it to the next level.
Also, SR Staff are very busy, and as a courtesy to them, it is always best to try not to waste their time by bringing it into resolution if that is at all possible.
Proper procedure for a problem with your order is:
#1 Contact the vendor and politely address the issue. They should try to help you immediately.
#2 If the vendor refuses to help, contact SR, and bring the issue to the resolution center
#3 Negotiate with the vendor with SR mediating the situation. SR will try to force a solution.
#4 If all else fails, resort to the forums and share your problem with the community.
This way it is respectful and fair to the vendor, it avoids wasting SR Staff's time, and generally everyone on all sides are more willing to help.
I know this was a long response, but I feel the information should be out there, and it was a good question.
Kind regards, Googleyed
Well if a vendor can't prove that he sent it out, it pretty much means he didn't send it out (legalistically), which should entitle buyer to a full refund....right?
Also, why do vendors want issues to be settled out of resolution (i.e. contact vendor before hitting resolve)?
It's more a matter of mutual respect and politeness. Generally, when there is some issue, the first thing a buyer will do is message the vendor, and 9 times out of 10, for us anyway, we come to a resolution without ever having to involve SR staff. If you are polite and address the issue appropriately, and of course have a reasonable issue, then vendors want to help you. Most of our business is returning customers, so we try to help them wherever possible, and they are generally thankful. We have a mutual respect with all our regular customers, and it is part of that respect that they would want to give us the chance to fix issues ourselves before taking it to the next level.
Also, SR Staff are very busy, and as a courtesy to them, it is always best to try not to waste their time by bringing it into resolution if that is at all possible.
Proper procedure for a problem with your order is:
#1 Contact the vendor and politely address the issue. They should try to help you immediately.
#2 If the vendor refuses to help, contact SR, and bring the issue to the resolution center
#3 Negotiate with the vendor with SR mediating the situation. SR will try to force a solution.
#4 If all else fails, resort to the forums and share your problem with the community.
This way it is respectful and fair to the vendor, it avoids wasting SR Staff's time, and generally everyone on all sides are more willing to help.
I know this was a long response, but I feel the information should be out there, and it was a good question.
Kind regards, Googleyed
Thanks for the info, googleyed!
hey guys, i posted this in my own thread but i didn't get many answers.
i'll try to keep it as succint as possible: purchased from a vendor who lives fairly close to me (within 1k miles i would guess) and it's been 8-9 days since the shipment and i've yet to receive anything yet.
i'm kind of concerned that it has been intercepted, and that my address is flagged. the vendor i purchased from is willing to re-send the package, but if it's been flagged, how likely will it be to arrive?
Never EVER FE!
In almost a year of purchasing from 2 different accounts here on The Road, I've never FE'd. I've never not had a package cum to me except for 1 right now. I went against my feelings to purchase another package from Europe! I live on the west coast of the USA. But I can't find a vendor in the USA that sells Speed. Why try Speed when I love meth?
Weeeeeeeelllllllll, that's a good question. All Amphetamine Sulfate - Speed - used to be EoS. Then sometime in the late 80's or early 90's meth started coming in crystal form. Shrug? A wasted set of refinements, washes and reductions in my opinion as I IV my drugs! And back then - there was no diffffrrrrrrrace Toot'sweet! It ALL made any man or women into a beautiful raging sex feign! Why else would anyone want to do that shit! Lol!
So .... back to packages not coming! I was notified by Silk Road - who I have always loved and supported mostly because if you don't FE, you'll never loose you money if you don't get your package - Weeeeeelllllll, now they are telling me that just because I don't FE, doesn't mean I'll get my funds back! (that's not what they told me over and over again when I first found SR in Oct. of 2011!) I - not so politely - explained to them that the thousands in SR fees I've paid in this past 12 months or so - will be the last they EVER receive from me if I don't get every penny back in a few days when my 3 week extension I gave that vendor whose package STILL has not cum to get a simple 5 gram package to me - (of which I made 2 similar sized orders from BoyMaster that I received before 5 days was up!) - is up!
That's right people - 2 days from Spain to The Great NorthWest - USA. The second one, 6 grams got here in 4 days! From Spain! Don't ask me how he did it - but it did happen exactly as I said here!
I will let you know if Silk Road is worth a shit of what they preach if I receive or don't receive my full refund! I know he never sent it as several other buyers got theirs in 10 days! Both to the USA. That is not realistic that my package - closing on 29 days - has not made it here! That vendor has not responded to any questions about it other than to accept the gracious 3 week extension I gave them! And it will be the very first package of almost 50! that didn't make it. The very first!
I still maintain until then - if you FE you're just kissing off any protection at all! If you do as suggested here - to speak nicely to the vendor - and they don't respond - try NOT being so nice! What do you have to loose if they're not going to speak to you anyway!
Thanks for the hints. - Sometimes I get tempted to FE cause I want the goodies so bad.
Well if a vendor can't prove that he sent it out, it pretty much means he didn't send it out (legalistically), which should entitle buyer to a full refund....right?
Also, why do vendors want issues to be settled out of resolution (i.e. contact vendor before hitting resolve)?
It's more a matter of mutual respect and politeness. Generally, when there is some issue, the first thing a buyer will do is message the vendor, and 9 times out of 10, for us anyway, we come to a resolution without ever having to involve SR staff. If you are polite and address the issue appropriately, and of course have a reasonable issue, then vendors want to help you. Most of our business is returning customers, so we try to help them wherever possible, and they are generally thankful. We have a mutual respect with all our regular customers, and it is part of that respect that they would want to give us the chance to fix issues ourselves before taking it to the next level.
Also, SR Staff are very busy, and as a courtesy to them, it is always best to try not to waste their time by bringing it into resolution if that is at all possible.
Proper procedure for a problem with your order is:
#1 Contact the vendor and politely address the issue. They should try to help you immediately.
#2 If the vendor refuses to help, contact SR, and bring the issue to the resolution center
#3 Negotiate with the vendor with SR mediating the situation. SR will try to force a solution.
#4 If all else fails, resort to the forums and share your problem with the community.
This way it is respectful and fair to the vendor, it avoids wasting SR Staff's time, and generally everyone on all sides are more willing to help.
I know this was a long response, but I feel the information should be out there, and it was a good question.
Kind regards, Googleyed
Thanks for the info, googleyed!
Also, how often do vendors "Escrow scam", where they don't require FE, but rely solely on the fact that in RC, they can always get usually 50% of a payment for a good that they didn't even ship in the first place?
A work in progress. What do you think?
Need to add some of the vendors comments.
Not totally sure how resolution mode works.
last edit 12/29/2012
Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention
There are FE scams almost daily on the road. NEVER finial early. Use escrow. Any decent vendor wouldn't request it of you.
If you are a new buyer, life sucks. After 5 successful transactions there should be no reason to FE. Don't do it! Find another vendor, please for gods sake.
You won't get much sympathy from SR support, or the community other then we told you so.
Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention
This Scam FAQ was started for buyers, and vendors.
There were too many misunderstandings that could have been resolved painlessly by following some basic etiquette.
Please go to the bottom first, read about basic etiquette
You may want to visit the SR forums especially if you are new.
Use the search function to find your favorite vendor or product.
There are also stickies, on the best vendors for various products.
When placing an order always use PGP to encrypt your address.
Please review "Things to Prevent Misplaced Packages" heading below.
Buyers should keep PM's to vendors to a minimum.
Please realize they have other customer's orders to fill.
The vendor may take a few days to move the order to "in transit"
It's been my experience the longer they take to do that the more problems arise.
The really good vendors move product within three days.
Don't panic if you don't see your package two days after switching to in transit.
Give your vendor at least five business days before asking about your package.
International packages take 2 to 3 time longer.
Some vendors, IE Timetraveler state in his FAQ the package is not in the mail.
The package needs to move to various drop points. He my take up to 9 days.
So "DON"T PANIC!!!!"
I can't say this enough, don't panic, don't assume anything, and be patient.
Most vendor on SR do everything they can to keep customers happy.
Things can happen, and if you have a good purchasing record, they understand, things happen.
If you are starting to worry go over to the forums and do a search on your vendor.
You of course should have done this before you made your purchase, but later is better then never.
Do NOT at this point get aggressive, or threaten to the vendor in your PM's.
Understand there are scammer buyers as well, and they start off aggressively.
You don't want to act, or look like a scammer, do you?
Send a pleasantly worded PM asking about you product, and when you might expect delivery.
You should receive any answer with a day, or two. Click on the vendor's name to see the last time he visited SR.
At this point the vendor may ask you to wait. If you wait too long the SR resolution system will pick up on it.
Most vendors at this point should be trying to communicate with you,please be calm, and polite.
I wouldn't advise taking the issue up at this point in the forums.
The vendor has the advantage at this point because they almost have at least half of your money.
The threat of been reported on the forums, or given a bad review should be enough to get their attention.
If you go ahead, and do the dirty deed, what incentive does the vendor have to co-operate with you?
Hopefully you come to an agreement before SR resolution mode, if not refer to the heading "SR Resolution System".
SR Resolution System
A buyers can click on resolution if he has not received product, or communication.
SR Administration will ask both sides for a resolution.
The timer starts (??) You get xx days to resolve the issue between buyer, and vendor.
You can ask for an extension at anytime.
Expect a normal resolution of 50/50 unless a vendor can't prove sending the package.
Vendors are not insurance companies and no such guarantee exists if its not stated. All that is required of them is that they ship the product in question, which can be proven with DCN's or tracking.
USPS error, and LEO interception is not a vendor's risk, it is a shared risk.
Things to prevent lost packages
Use a real name. Things like "Value Card Holder", "Resident", don't work.
"I get a huge amount of people using fake names, abbreviated names, and all sorts of stuff to stick out in the mail stream, begging to have their item bounced, mis-delivered or worse. "
Please read the vendor's info page before ordering from them.
Remember it's very easy to make several dummy good reviews.
Do not exclusively trust SR vendor reviews!!
use the SR forums to find vendor reviews.
No early PM's of vendors. Try to be polite, not irritating
No accusing vendors. Vendors get ripped off by buyers too!
No threatening vendors.
Keep in escrow for unfamiliar vendors, no matter the reviews (reviews can be faked)
Vendors value a 5/5 rating. Please PM a vendor BEFORE giving a lower rating
If you do rate a vendor below 5/5 for chicken shit, be prepared to be called out on your review.
Buyer and Vendors assume a 50/50 risk ONLY if vendor can prove shipment.
Ask for the DCN! Your vendor is responsible to track his package.
Use the forums to find out about your vendor BEFORE you buy.
Before using the forum to complain about a vendor, send them a polite PM first.
If you are having a problem with a vendor, state your case on the forum, politely.
Do NOT repeatably go over your issue. Forums take a day or two for a proper response.
It may take weeks to resolve your issue.
Repeating yourself, making threats just makes your position look bad.
Don't expect a lot of sympathy for out of escrow transactions.
It it important you report whether a vendor is honest, or selectively scamming.
Finalize your sale when you receive your package.
You can always wait to fill out the review.
Vendor are always complaining too many buyers wait, or even auto-finalize.
This looks bad on your stats, and vendors having a harder time turning product around.
Be polite, finalize as soon as you get your product.
Vendors really appreciate forum reviews under their vendor name.
Do not create a new thread, do a search for the vendor's thread, and add your comment.
Building SR "Street" Credit.
New users without history are a valid threat to vendors.
The vendors clearly know they are more likely to be ripped off by a buyer with no, or poor SR purchasing history.
To check you history click on account, then when the account page comes up. click on history.
You should see something like this;
Recent purchasing statistics
These statistics are made available to your vendors when you purchase an item so they can better judge whether they want to do business with you, or not. The more transactions you make that go smoothly and you finalize in a timely manner, the more likely your next order will be accepted.
Total transactions: 47
Refund rate: 0.22%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 4 months
If your refund rate, and/or Auto-finalize rate is high, that spells trouble.
Every time a vendor refunds you, your credit takes a hit.
Every time you forget to finalize your credit takes a hit.
Every time you buy something successfully your credit goes up.
I would advise you also start a forum account. Use a different password then your SR account.
You build credit with your vendor, and the community when you post info, positive, or negative.
Don't think some one who's first post is to claim scam on a valid vendor has any creditability at all.
However if you have 20 post complimenting various vendors, people will naturally take heed if you complain.
Again I can't say this enough, try to work with your vendor via PM's, before ever posting on the forums.
If you work the problem out privately neighter of you loose any "Street" credit.
This is why the SR Admins encourage both sides to take time.
The history above that buyer had problems of some type or another with 4-5 vendors.
He always privately worked it out, and finalized payment as soon as he recieved the product.
Start with small purchases. Don't start with OZ's, and QP's until you, and you vendor got the "dance" going.
Make a few small purchases, review them on the forum, then ask/do larger quantiles.
If you see your vendor is having "personal" problems, stay away for a while til things settle.
Rule 1. Always make sure you have the correct link to SR so you aren't password phished. http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion
Rule 2. Never Transfer more money to your account than you plan to immediately spend.
Rule 3. Never Spend Large amounts with vendors you've never dealt with before, especially new vendors with no, or low feedback.
Rule 4. Always work within the escrow system and try not to finalize early unless the vendor has a good reputation.
Rule 5. before placing an order visit the Rumor Mill section and do your own investigation. Spend a night reading posts. Use the Search function.
I SAID DON"T FE (finalize early), never, never, never.
wow lol
I see that the boy is practical to go to the resolution center, congratulations. ::)
A work in progress. What do you think?
Need to add some of the vendors comments.
Not totally sure how resolution mode works.
last edit 12/29/2012
I SAID DON"T FE (finalize early), never, never, never.
wow lol
I see that the boy is practical to go to the resolution center, congratulations. ::)
I can't believe I wrote all that. I must have been stoned 8)
Could have been a Blue Dream epiphany;)
A work in progress. What do you think?
Need to add some of the vendors comments.
Not totally sure how resolution mode works.
last edit 12/29/2012
I SAID DON"T FE (finalize early), never, never, never.
wow lol
I see that the boy is practical to go to the resolution center, congratulations. ::)
I can't believe I wrote all that. I must have been stoned 8)
Could have been a Blue Dream epiphany;)
definitely were stoned!!! lol 8)
Possible scam -> http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=129048.0
Lots of FE's no forum reviews. Won't return funds if you don't FE.
Keep an eye out.
We could be wrong. Waiting for somebody to claim they got product.
This is going to get interesting.
Also, how often do vendors "Escrow scam", where they don't require FE, but rely solely on the fact that in RC, they can always get usually 50% of a payment for a good that they didn't even ship in the first place?
To be honest, if a vendor has a mind to scam customers, they will not stay a vendor very long. If your stats are not good, you will not make sales. It is hard enough to keep people happy and keep your ratings high when you are providing a legitimate service! If you were ripping people off left right and center, your ratings would suck, and you would make no sales. The only way to be a long established, profitable, and reputable vendor here is to give the customer good service. Without that, a vendor is nothing, and will fail.
In theory, what you are saying is possible, but it is not a sustainable business model. You could do that for a month maybe, and then your reputation would be bad and no one would trust you to make any orders in the first place.
The only way we long established vendors managed to hang around so long is because we provide products and services that people want and need. And it is far more profitable in the long run to do good business than to scam, so it doesn't make sense ethically or financially to rip off your customers. Treat people well, and they will treat you well. Most of the time anyway..
That's just my 2 cents!
Kind regards, Googleyed
A work in progress. What do you think?
jm2c - i think there is room for improvement in the rating system - seen many suggestions on the forums - what would it take to actually change anything?
There are FE scams almost daily on the road. NEVER finial early. Use escrow. Any decent vendor wouldn't request it of you.
If you are a new buyer, life sucks. After 5 successful transactions there should be no reason to FE.
Not nice is it? As others have said, People should limit transaction size rather than remove all protection for newbies
Expect a normal resolution of 50/50 unless a vendor can't prove sending the package.
Keep in escrow for unfamiliar vendors, no matter the reviews (reviews can be faked)
That sounds like you are saying it's ok to FE on familiar dealers.
Vendors value a 5/5 rating. Please PM a vendor BEFORE giving a lower rating
Seems like I'm always expected to give 5/5 or 1/5 i'm in the camp that thinks a more flexible system would be good and might stop dealers being so fussy about 5/5. I'd like to rate them as ok if they are above 80% on average or even 70%
sometimes i'm happy and not discouraging others but I want to give 4/5
I would advise you also start a forum account. Use a different password then your SR account.
why don't you trust the SR password security?
Rule 2. Never Transfer more money to your account than you plan to immediately spend.
don't agree - exchange rate fluctuations - add a little more than you plan to spend in case you end up short when the funds get through - you'll probably profit on the surplus.
Rule 4. Always work within the escrow system and try not to finalize early unless the vendor has a good reputation.
I SAID DON"T FE (finalize early), never, never, never.
unless, as you say at the top, it is a familiar vendor. I did FE for my usual dealer and the item is now 2 weeks late. i don't blame them, i blame the postal service - another letter due the same time arrived a week late
Never EVER FE!
All Amphetamine Sulfate - Speed - used to be EoS.
ethanolamine-o-sulphate ? ok. had to look that up. AFAIR there were quite a few other things called speed. even though we called it sulphate it may have been hydrochloride,
Then sometime in the late 80's or early 90's meth started coming in crystal form. Shrug? A wasted set of refinements, washes and reductions in my opinion as I IV my drugs! And back then - there was no diffffrrrrrrrace
really? i don't know if ever had meth here in the uk As far as I know from reading meth is stronger than amphetamine and doesn't take too much extra effort - but really, mayu i ask - no difference if IV equal purity? that would surprise and disappoint me.
Never EVER FE!
All Amphetamine Sulfate - Speed - used to be EoS. Then sometime in the late 80's or early 90's meth started coming in crystal form. Shrug? A wasted set of refinements, washes and reductions in my opinion as I IV my drugs! And back then - there was no diffffrrrrrrrace Toot'sweet!
oh god no - please stop me from being bugged by people putting too many 'o's in lose. When something goes missing one will LOSE it - not LOOSE it. Yes one may loose a wild stallion or something and that's all very well but that's not what people are generally saying. Who can i sue or assault for causing this/
because if you don't FE, you'll never loose you money if you don't get your package - Weeeeeelllllll, now they are telling me that just because I don't FE, doesn't mean I'll get my funds back!
I know he never sent it as several other buyers got theirs in 10 days! Both to the USA. That is not realistic that my package - closing on 29 days - has not made it here!
And it will be the very first package of almost 50! that didn't make it. The very first!
bad news for you here but i guess you already know that what happens to others proves nothing about your case.
Toss a coin and get heads 49 times in a row - what's the odds of the next toss being a head?
my usual vendor's package has not arrived and is now 2 weeks late - i've not done anything about it yet.
A work in progress. What do you think?
jm2c - i think there is room for improvement in the rating system - seen many suggestions on the forums - what would it take to actually change anything?
There are FE scams almost daily on the road. NEVER finial early. Use escrow. Any decent vendor wouldn't request it of you.
If you are a new buyer, life sucks. After 5 successful transactions there should be no reason to FE.
Not nice is it? As others have said, People should limit transaction size rather than remove all protection for newbies
Expect a normal resolution of 50/50 unless a vendor can't prove sending the package.
Keep in escrow for unfamiliar vendors, no matter the reviews (reviews can be faked)
That sounds like you are saying it's ok to FE on familiar dealers.
Vendors value a 5/5 rating. Please PM a vendor BEFORE giving a lower rating
Seems like I'm always expected to give 5/5 or 1/5 i'm in the camp that thinks a more flexible system would be good and might stop dealers being so fussy about 5/5. I'd like to rate them as ok if they are above 80% on average or even 70%
sometimes i'm happy and not discouraging others but I want to give 4/5
I would advise you also start a forum account. Use a different password then your SR account.
why don't you trust the SR password security?
Rule 2. Never Transfer more money to your account than you plan to immediately spend.
don't agree - exchange rate fluctuations - add a little more than you plan to spend in case you end up short when the funds get through - you'll probably profit on the surplus.
Rule 4. Always work within the escrow system and try not to finalize early unless the vendor has a good reputation.
I SAID DON"T FE (finalize early), never, never, never.
unless, as you say at the top, it is a familiar vendor. I did FE for my usual dealer and the item is now 2 weeks late. i don't blame them, i blame the postal service - another letter due the same time arrived a week late
Ok what your drug of choice, and are you on it?
Just asking......
The answers will come in due time, grasshopper;)
So which part of don't FE didn't you get?
As far as the rating system there a forum for that, to complain, and ask for changes, good luck changing it ;) Nobody ever thought of that before ::)
Stay away from DaRuthless1. My experience was bad. Enough said. You can find more details by searching. Thank God I didn't give the blackmailer my address. Thank DPR & God that DaRuthless1 blacklisted me. I fear he'll resurface under another name.