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Messages - Dread Pirate Roberts

Pages: 1 ... 28 29 [30] 31 32 ... 46
Silk Road discussion / Re: Permanent Record of Purchase History
« on: July 19, 2012, 05:52 am »
feedback is removed after 3 months.  too long?

didn't get a message from you truenull, just stumbled on this thread.  All of the phenomena you have mentioned in this thread actually makes some sense with some back-end configuration changes that have been made in the past couple of months.  You know I value your input, so if you have anything you didn't put here, please contact me on the main site.

I'm getting all choked up over here  :'(

We love you Digi.  You'll always have a home here if you choose to return.  DA is one of the most humble and kind hearted people I've known.  I probably don't know half the things he did behind the scenes to make this place special, but I know he will be missed, and always remembered as an integral component of our "early days".  Bon voyage!

Silk Road discussion / Re: Blank Screen when going to Silk Road
« on: June 19, 2012, 02:48 pm »
Hash: SHA1

Hey gang, this was completely my mistake.  An update I deployed broke the main page, but I never actually visit the main page because I have everything I access bookmarked, so I didn't notice the problem until I saw this thread.  Fixing it now.  Sorry for the stress.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Silk Road discussion / Re: If prohibition is lifted
« on: May 07, 2012, 12:22 am »
Of course drugs should be legalized. I don't think SR is so much saying that drugs should remain illegal as he is saying that government should be absolutely abolished in its entirety. I have little doubt he would be in favor of the government mafia making profits off taxed legalized drugs over the government mafia making money off the modern day slave trade, but he is merely saying that we shouldn't be happy when we are allowed to be extorted for money by the same fuckers who are currently selling us into the prison industrial slave trade. Just because it is better to be allowed to pay extortion money to the mafia instead of murdered doesn't mean we should rejoice when they give us the option to pay them "protection money" to avoid being murdered.

Thank you, couldn't have said it better!

I don't even know where to begin.  First off, Nomad's authority is confined to the forums.  On the main site, his access is as limited as any other user.  Seems obvious whoever hacked USDirect pulled nomad's public donation address from the forums.  Second, to claim that SR itself is a scam is a bit insulting.  Not only have we never scammed anyone, we've gone out of our way to help those who have been scammed and always do our best to achieve a fair outcome for every transaction.  Would be nice to see more people defending my reputation and fewer buying into this paranoid rant.  Then again, maybe you guys need to go off on a tangent, who knows.

All I'll say is this: despite many issues and growing pains that we are facing (and will be addressed soon), the market is healthy and robust.  And, as I am so fond of saying: "Stay in escrow so we can protect you from potential scams!"

Thank you for  addressing this. But this is the second time I got hacked. First time was around the customer appreciation sale, 3-5 days after I started my vendor account and was not refunded for that. Instead had to start a new account. What can I do DPR? I don't know what's going on... sorry if I insulted you by saying SR is a scam but at this point I'm freaking about because of this and all the recent stuff going on..

Take 10 deep breaths, panicking doesn't help.  Your account got hacked.  It's a bummer, but you can recover from this.  If you are afraid your computer is compromised, get a new one, change location, lay low for a while if you think it's necessary.  If not, make a new account with a STRONG password.  I'll hook you up with a seller account, just let me know on the main site.  Good luck bud.

I don't even know where to begin.  First off, Nomad's authority is confined to the forums.  On the main site, his access is as limited as any other user.  Seems obvious whoever hacked USDirect pulled nomad's public donation address from the forums.  Second, to claim that SR itself is a scam is a bit insulting.  Not only have we never scammed anyone, we've gone out of our way to help those who have been scammed and always do our best to achieve a fair outcome for every transaction.  Would be nice to see more people defending my reputation and fewer buying into this paranoid rant.  Then again, maybe you guys need to go off on a tangent, who knows.

All I'll say is this: despite many issues and growing pains that we are facing (and will be addressed soon), the market is healthy and robust.  And, as I am so fond of saying: "Stay in escrow so we can protect you from potential scams!"

Silk Road discussion / Re: If prohibition is lifted
« on: May 03, 2012, 12:35 am »
The idea that unfettered freedom is good (i.e. no government) is uninformed, in my opinion... first of all, "survival of the fittest" is wonderful - if you're one of the strong... what about the handicapped, the poor unable to afford health care and education, etc? I know that SR is a free-market drug site, but the idea of "fighting the state" brings up other issues, too - social services, education, defense... should we "privatize" those services and, if so, why?

Assuming the state has to provide services like education and healthcare along with charitable services like welfare is lazy thinking, imo.  The state tries to and mostly succeeds in monopolizing the most vital goods and services in a society (and as much of the others it can get away with).  And we aren't talking about a natural monopoly here where one firm wins out by out-competing the rest.  We're talking about a monopoly imposed at the point of a gun.  In the USSR, the state had monopolized so much of the economy that when when it finally fell, people couldn't imagine private enterprises providing what was needed.  When restructuring, even the most liberal leaders conceded at first that the state would have to provide, for example, the production and distribution of food.  It made sense, how could such a vital thing be left up to private citizens?  What if they screwed up?  People would die!  And this was coming from a nation where many were intentionally starved to death by their leaders!

Of course we wouldn't think twice about letting private enterprise handle the production and distribution of food.  Look how well it does it!  Can you imagine how badly government would screw that up if they took control?  But that's an easy example, because we have real world evidence to support the claim that market participants competing for customers can do a much better job than bureaucrats taxing the populace and then using their "wisdom" to decide how the food should be produced and distributed.

To look at the hard examples, you have to abandon intellectual laziness and apply market principles to industries where the market has not been allowed to work because of government monopoly (education, transportation, utilities, security, justice, defense, charity etc).  First of course, you need to understand economics and liberty (see signature).  From there, I hope you will realize that a moral society is preferable for all but the elite who currently control the state apparatus.  I'm talking about a society where no one is given the right to steal from another (taxation) or tell another what they can and can't do provided they aren't impinging on anther's same right (regulation), or kidnap and cage human beings for putting certain substance in their body ("criminal justice") or murder countless innocent men, women and children (war).

This isn't utopian bullshit either.  It's the predictable outcome of using a voluntary market to organize.  I hope you'll consider that there is a better way, even though it is untested.  Read the books in my sig.

thanks for the input everyone.  this is one of those policies we are trying out to see if it will help with scam prevention.  So far it is working out great:

1) Scam seller asks unsuspecting buyer to FE
2) Buyer can't click "finalize" and messages support
3) support catches the perp before he can scam one person
4) perp loses $150 and cries

We've shortened the delay to 2 days as well for those offering overnight deliveries.

Silk Road discussion / If prohibition is lifted
« on: April 29, 2012, 06:59 am »
I keep hearing this argument come up when people talk about drug prohibition: legalize, regulate and tax it.  On the surface it sounds like a good idea.  No more drug war, more tax revenue, government regulators can make sure it is safe.  Makes sense, right?

I can't help but think something is wrong though.  Feels like the bastards that have been screwing everyone over all this time still win in this scenario.  Now all that money can go to the state and to their cronies, right?

Here's the rub: the drug war is an acute symptom of a deeper problem, and that problem is the state.  If they “legalize, regulate and tax” it, it's just one more part of society under their thumb, another productive sector that they can leech off of.

If prohibition is lifted, most people here will go away.  You'll go back to your lives and get your drugs from whatever state certified dispensaries are properly licensed to sell to you.  Drug use will be as interesting as smoking and drinking.

Here's my point:  Silk Road is about something much bigger than thumbing your nose at the man and getting your drugs anyway.  It's about taking back our liberty and our dignity and demanding justice.  If prohibition is lifted, and the drug industry is placed under the yoke of the state, then we won in a small way, but lost in a big way.  Right now, drugs are ours.  They aren't tainted by the government.  We the people control their manufacture, distribution and consumption.  We should be looking to expand that control, taking back our power, no giving what is ours to the very people that have been our enemies all along.

It's easy to justify though.  Think of all the horrors the war on drugs has caused that will be gone, almost instantly.  That pain could stop!

Don't be tempted by this short-term easy fix of “let the government handle it.”  Their time is coming to an end.  The future is OUR time.  Let us take this opportunity they've given us to gain a foothold from which we can throw that yoke off completely.  We are NOT beasts of burden to be taxed and controlled and regulated.  WE are free spirits!  We DEMAND respect!  The future can be a time where the human spirit flourishes, unbridled, wild and free!  Don't be so quick to put on that harness and pull for the parasites.

If prohibition is lifted, where will you be?  Will you forget about all this revolution stuff?  Will you go back to ignoring that itching feeling that something isn't right, that men in uniforms and behind desks have just a bit too much control over your life, and are taking more and more of your sovereignty every day?  Will you go back to thinking that taxes are as inevitable as death and the best you can do is to pull as hard as you can for them until you mind, body and spirit are all used up?  Or will you feel the loss, as one more wild west frontier comes under the dominion of the enemy, and redouble your efforts to stop it?

I know where I'll be.  I won't rest until children are born into a world where oppression, institutional violence and control, world war, and all the other hallmarks of the state are as ancient history as pharaohs commanding armies of slaves.  The drug war merely brings to light their nature and shows us who they really are.  Legalizing it won't change that and will only make them stronger.

Hold on to what you DO have, and stand for the freedom you deserve!

Silk Road discussion / Re: 420 Sale and Prize Giveaway!!!
« on: April 23, 2012, 02:52 am »
omg thanks alot sr!!!
cant beleive i actually won something !!!!!!!
WTF!!!!!!!! when i saw msg i was like must be a scam ill never win anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks guys!!!!!!!!! zomg

Would LOVE to see this guy's face right now!

Silk Road discussion / Re: 420 Sale and Prize Giveaway!!!
« on: April 23, 2012, 01:05 am »
nah some guy called " 420 prizes"
obviously messing with people or something

Nope, it's you kiwi!  Congratz!  When your name came up I was like "who is this guy?".  Checked out your record and was pretty happy you won.  We'll work out all the details with you through the 420 Prizes account.  Congrats again  ;D

Silk Road discussion / Re: 420 Sale and Prize Giveaway!!!
« on: April 22, 2012, 09:39 pm »
The Grand Prize winner HAS been chosen!   Check your inbox on the main site if you haven't already!!!!

Silk Road discussion / Re: 420 Sale and Prize Giveaway!!!
« on: April 22, 2012, 06:20 pm »
OK, the sale is officially over!  What a ride!  To those who won a prize, but the message was blank, you can expect your prize within 24 hours.  Also in the next 24 hours, we will be picking the winner of the grand prize trip of a lifetime to paradise all expenses paid you'll choke on your sandwich when you win and still somehow scream so loud the neighbors come over.  For security reasons, the winner won't be announced, but we'll leave it up to them if they want to brag about it.  And we'll tell you when someone's been picked so you can let out a moan and move on with your day if you weren't the one.

Happy 420 everyone!  Let's do this again next year  8)

great point, we'll be sure to look for this behavior.  we did in fact already find someone doing just this.

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