Silk Road forums
Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: treesplease on June 04, 2012, 11:23 pm
MY first thought was "Gotta be LE" then the more I researched it the less I was sure. By the time I received my first package my thoughts turned into "No fucking way/Why didn't I find this sooner"
SR is the greatest blessing to Drug-Loving Nerds since erowid
Mine was - Holy Fuck 8)
Holy Fuck. Oh this is BRILLIANT!!
pretty much summed it up.
Honestly, "This is awesome but you'd have to be fucking nuts to actually try it"
A few months later I finally lost my marbles
My first thought was..... "How many bitcoins per Pound?" later....."Woah that's expensive"
Then read the reviews and saw it was good quality.
"Are you fucking kidding me??"
My reaction via clearnet imgur gif:
someone used this one on reddit and it summed it up perfectly.
"Oh snap, here's the money maker" and "Hmmm I want a yoghurt"
My reaction via clearnet imgur gif:
someone used this one on reddit and it summed it up perfectly.
That is exactly what I would have looked like!
"Are you fucking kidding me??"
This was me!
My exact first thought was: "no fucking way"
I couldn't actually believe it for the longest time.
Best. Candystore. Ever 8)
Mine was "it's about fucking time"
I first thought there's no way in hell there's a legit website to buy drugs! And then I searched a bit and decided to try it out :D Lol
Haha - yeah and fast....
Haha - yeah and fast....
Mine was WTF and BITCOIN me up! lol
"holy shit, its like the ebay i have been dreaming about"
Fucking genius
Have you ever seen Willy Wonka? A lot like that, psychedelic colored river of LSD, cannabis lollipop bushes and little shroompaloompa's running around like Toad from Mario.
My first thought was no fucking way.
I was just amazed and stunned I thought there was no way such a market could be real.
The only reason that I found this site was because I was investing in Bitcoin at the time because I saw it's potential. (Was reading online somewhere about a bitcoin black market and I became intrigued )
I still wasn't sure if it was a scam or not but went ahead and ordered 50x 10mg Valium tablets and got them in the post the next day.
I was just stunned.............and then ended up spending all my bitcoin investment on drugs lmao 8)
And then Intersango decided to screw with me and let me wait almost 3 weeks :'(
ELDARADO it does exist! danced a little jig and ran(literally jogged a few blocks) down the street for a Money pack for some blow, hash, roids, and dmt..LOL!!!! best week ever and it still keeps gettin better, i just paced my orders out a little more.
And then Intersango decided to screw with me and let me wait almost 3 weeks :'(
Yeah Intersango can be inconvenient bastards at times. The only other option is Mt. gox or Cash in the mail... :(
- was exciting to have discovered the forum plus Silk Road, actual SR looked a bit minimal but perhaps I realise now ..why...
- destiny !!
damnit! now i need btc!
Honestly, "This is awesome but you'd have to be fucking nuts to actually try it"
A few months later I finally lost my marbles
this 8)
The only thing that went through my mind was "Fuck, had I had this 4 years ago I would not have had such a hard time getting rid of the mushrooms."
Looking forward to setting up my sellers account 8)
Holy Shit I need some BTC! Ive been traveling around the US without a decent connect (been copping off street) and now that I am almost done traveling I found this would ave been nice to find sooner but I am very glad to have this true free market community to share this experience with. I also was concerned about LE but after studying this for couple weeks I am definitely doing this when get home . 8)
"Dear diary. Jackpot!"
My first thought was - fucking genius - the freedom and anonymity that rightly belongs to every individual!
Honey, I'm home!
This is my first time....and post :-)
...I have a rather large grin on my face, not just for having the ability to chose what I decide to experience socially, but the fact that this exists give me hope for a freer future.
"Holy shit!"
I thought smth like:
"that's the internet as i knew it a long long time ago"
thanks SR :)
The future is here, and it's fucking awesome!!
How fast is the shipping??? :)
"Is this real life??"
It reminded me of when I was a child and first saw the movie "The Wizard of Oz" - when the doors to Emerald City open.
I thought that it reminded me of what the internet should be like, but isn't because of the massive Eternal September of normal people using the internet. Also, I thought that it seems like something out of a cyberpunk novel.
i encountered an article on it by accident
my first thought was "dammit... this aint silk underwear!"
then once explored, i cant really put it into words: I was amazed, empowered and fucking loving it. i was also fearful for the damage it could bring. (mainly Tor & Armory but also SR - drugs arent all good) I wanted to tell everyone about it - but couldnt, especially after reading a bit... when i shutdown my pc and got a secure access method!
Mine was "wtf is bitcoins? Why can't I use paypal, fuck this shit is ridiculous!" After doing more research obviously I realized bitcoins were the better option.
Is this real? and when are the feds going to bust in....
I was like fuck yeah! I don't have to get stabbed to get drugs any more!
My second thought was how the fuck do I get bitcoins.
I just signed up, and my first thought is: who runs this?
I have a hard time believing this DPR guy has managed to avoid the police while running a site like this - even with TOR. With surveillance at the point it is these days, it would be next to impossible to run a site like this without being detected through other methods than traffic analysis, though the costs of that wouldn't be prohibitive if the feds really wanted this taken down.
Others have said it already, but mine was "Holy SHIT, it's a candy store." I guess I was skeptical until I made my first transaction still. I order three things and they all arrived the same day. Then it was party time!
was " oh christ!!! I can't believe it!!! "
I thought "Wow, reasonable prices on here, thought drugs were much more expensive" and then recognized that the currency was BTC and not USD.
All of your reactions combined.
I thought "finallyyyyyyyy^9000" since it's like the desert around here.
"damn, that's expensive"
but now that i think about it, SR is probably doing the economy a favor.
My first thought? "I'm going to die happy." ^-^
Second thought? "I'm going to die poor." :'(
"holy motherfucker this shits real!"
"wheres the coke"
First thought: 'Le grand police set up??'
Current thought: 'Baby, why are you down?? =['
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah :)
'Now how do I get bitcoins?'
24 hours later I was ordering 5gs of MDMA and some sick benzos.
My first thought: "Holy Shit . . No fucking way :O "
Lol best place ever .
"Wow, holy shit, this can't be real....... Is that what I think that is?"
"Why didn't I know about this sooner?"
I realized that NPR and a couple of sites wrote pieces on this site but for some odd reason, I never heard or saw any of those reports until after I randomly found this site. This is on a different level than pirating music and movies. The perceived threat of getting caught feels "real" compared to normal piracy.
My mouth dropped moments after looking at the type of buds that are available. Has my quest as a weed connoisseur to smoke the best buds on the planet finally be realized? One of my buddies gets good shit, but I don't know if his stuff can honestly compete with some of the strains I saw on here. That mystery will be answered next week hopefully. On top of that, the prices here are cheaper than what I normally pay for. I told a couple of my friends about this site when I saw them in person, but I doubt any of them will even consider using this site as they aren't as computer literate as I am and until I get my package in the mail. This is pretty much as close as I get to actually being in a dispensary and picking out what strain I want.
It's strange. I feel like I'm almost addicted to this site. I highly doubt I'll do 96% of the drugs on here, but I find it fascinating connecting to tor, logging on SR, looking at various drugs and hearing people talk about them, or waiting anxiously for new messages or update status on shipped items. The concept of this site is almost revolutionary--liberating in the sense that we're taking a (real) stand against drug prohibition laws. The community, for the most part, seems very nice and in the know about this site. As random paranoid thoughts about LE across my mind from time to time, I'm smiling at the fact that a site of this magnitude even exists. However, if I was a parent, I'd be angry as hell a site like this exists.
Parents shouldn't be angry that silkroad exists. It's actually doing them a huge service. Parents really have no idea what their kids go through to score drugs IRL, you have to associate with some shady people who may sell you some shady product, or just plain rob you. This is safer for everyone involved.
Of course, they will never actually see it that way, considering most people have better programming than the Tor network itself.
I was excited at the possibility of any drug being available to me
After finding out it was actually true, i got up and did this...
I discovered it last Monday. Reaction: shock... then... yes... I suppose it should exist. A combination of tor and bitcoins... wait... no... yes... I've got to try this.
Then I spent about 2 hours finding out how to get bitcoins, and couple of nervous hours transferring a bit of money about... and I was finally ready to give it a try. Got two orders on the go at the moment - figured if nothing happens I haven't lost much and it's been an interesting adventure.
I haven't received anything from the first order yet, but I'm not worried as it's well within any delivery window stated for the EU.
I was pestering some shady fucker on another site, he said 'go to silk road sign up and send me your username', the search was over...
"Shit I need bitcoins, where's my DMT?" *list DMT*
A week later...
"Where the hazes at?"
"wow, I've been looking for this exact website for years! now I've found it!!"
Our prevous online LSD hookup had gone off the radar, and we never had good luck finding a solid consistent source IRL, so stumbling onto SR was like winning the lottery. I really had been looking for a place just like Silk Road, where people could connect anonymously and without comprimising privacy. I never found anything even close to that solution until I found SR. Without it, we'd be screwed.
and, yes, I do sometimes think of SR as being addictive. window shopping for drugs is so intriguing :-) Plus, the online aspect gives vendors an opportunity to use a style of marketing that typically isn't used when selling drugs...example, some item descriptions that vendors use simply wouldn't fly IRL where the dealer has to speak the description, but comes off as almost funny when it's typed up online.
Idunno, I'm high...;-)
"oh Fuck yeah - time to do LSD again" :P
"A gram of coke for $130 and people are still sending dank through the mail?!? WTF, this is retarded...I bet this site will be infiltrated by Feds or shut down within the next month.....oh, well.. hey! a ten strip of L for $60 isn't too bad. I'll just buy this one thing off of here before it gets shut down."
5 months later and I'm about two grand poorer, but have a stash of drugs that would make a junkie blush....every purchase I make I tell myself that SR might be gone tomorrow so I better get enough to last me a while.
this thread is hilarious
Wow, holy shit! Huge smile! Coin. Bit what? Way cool, still in awe and never get tired of just lurking and reading the offers! Thanks to all that brought this place into being. :)
Not gonna lie, I felt like some sort of badass for the first few days after finding the deepweb.
I was thinking "Oh lol, this ain't gonna last long..." and I still have my doubts, but yeah anyway, long live SR!
Signed in over a year ago. I used to use budmail in canada before this so wasn't unfamiliar about things through the mail.
Needless to say when my first package dropped I was over the moon. I have NEVER had access to such delights as
LSD or crystal MDMA and the cannabis quality I did have access to was over priced and poor.
Now I have access to premium quality bud and quality safe clean chemicals. I have no need to buy from shady people in back of clubs. I have no need to buy poor quality laced cannabis from gangs and dodgy people.
I thank you SR. You are awesom. :D :-*
''I won't ever have money again.''
''I won't ever have money again.''
This, and the same feeling you get b&e and not getting caught.
"How does this place even exist, you'd have to be stupid or crazy to order anything through the mail"
30 Minutes later.............."How the hell do you get Bitcoins, I need some!"
My first reaction was "this cant be real, but i gotta check it".
This is literally my first time logging, and seeing how well you all communicate, and the sheer fuckmesideways-factor... I could cry with joy!!!! I may never purchase anything from here, but to see it and feel it, it's definitely like being a part of something greater than myself...... I am a parent, so making a purchase makes me nervous. lol But who knows..... You guys are ALLLLLL awesome!!!
*Pinch* Am I in heaven?
my thought was...this can't be real! one of my dreams just been accomplished :P I just hope it does not end the same way as other related onion sites....fingers crossed!
Long live SR
first thought: "no fucking way i'm doing this, too good to be true"
six months later, after my neighborhood "pharmacy" shut down: "why the fuck did i not get on this sooner?"
The first time I heard of it, I was shocked. It was too "out there". Funny how some five or six months later I got so used to it, I don't even bat an eyelash when I buy stuff.
I felt a rush of excitement and rode the wave for a minute. At the time, I had a nice buzz going from good beer, so that helped.
Site looks good,
Was a member of a few private underground forums in the UK going back over the last couple of years but haters caused trouble and spelled the end for them when at least one of them was a truly a great community.
Site seems good but time will tell.
Ive only heard good things about the site though and looking forward to finding my feet on here.
Gotta get clued up on the bitcoin, payment system bizniz though lol. Thats something I aint used to.
Anyway Hello to all.
My first reaction when the summary menu opens with the photos was "this is too good to be true" but after a bit of scepticism i later discovered that it is kinda fool proof and low key. Now im like a fat kid in a candy store i want it all! Haha
im new here and im still pinching myself,lmao,miracles do happen ,love u silkroad,lol,as most i thought SCAM!!!!!! but after reading ppls feedback im cinfident to order ,WHERE HAVE U BEEN ALL MY LIFE :D
My first thought was 'Have I died????' Am I in heaven??? haha. Na, but on a serious note, my thoughts were, right what to buy... what to buy... too many choices ;D
"Am I getting trolled?"
Nope :)
When my order came in the mail, I had the best poker face walking up the driveway. lol
My first ever order was for a gram of Ivory's MDMA. I was shitting it, like most do on their first orders
Thought this was the greatest tool to arm people in the war against our personal freedoms Ive ever seen in my life time!
I have yet to try it and find out for myself if its legit or not. So me and toto are still in kansas for now any suggestions where we could find some tickets to the cartoon show
would be a great help its been years since us farm boys seen lucy in the sky
Open to suggestions
All part of the ongoing plan by the shadowy new world order thats jockeying to control the world by joining oceania, eurasia and eastasia together for the first time ever. They want to record everything bad ever done on a gigantic online database (AKA GOOGLE) and also of course this site. Then when the revolution comes well be the first against the wall, legally, because its all there on the database. You bought XYZ on so and so day so TO THE OFF WORLD COLONIES WITH YOU TO MINE PLUTONIUM IN YOUR UNDIES BUDDY.
Definitely that it must be to good to be true. Judging from what I've read on these forums though it's legit and I find that amazing.
It reminded me of the feeling I got when I was 5 years old and it was Christmas morning. I told all my friends I am done buying their crap drugs, that they will soon be buying from me. They are still laughing at me, until I get my first shipment... they will be the ones asking me about my new source.
HOLY SHIT!!! I love this place already...:P
my first order was also a gram of ivory's MDMA, i also shat my pants haha 8)
Me: "How did I not find this sooner?!?!" followed by "BEST.DAY.EVER."
...and after 9months?!
modern-day el dorado/lost city of atlantis
i fucking love this place
These were my initial reactions. Still VERY new to this but just sussing it out, slowly and carefully (the whole point of doing this was the risk reduction factor and not having to deal with local street dealers who seem to step on their gear like a herd of fucking Elephants!)
I'm sure there's still plenty of Sharks on SR but, I''m so impressed with the general sense of community and good vibes on here. I really expected it to be much colder and nastier...but most people seem pretty nice.
Just my two-bobs worth
initial reaction:
wow, this is a ebay drugmarket.
Next reaction:
wait.. are these in dollars?!? cheap as fuckkkkkk?? something is super suspicious.
Third reaction:
okay.. so I guess not that cheap.
fourth reaction:
Just ordered drugs online. WOW that was easy.
id heard about it but thought it was an urban legend type thing, took me ages to build up courage to make first order, still not believing it was real, it came and now im hooked!
Total and utter disbelief
My initial thought when I was told about it was - Buying drugs of the net? Gotta be bullshit.
A while later people were still banging on about SR so I decided to register, get the whole bitcoin account up and running and check it out. I must admit my initial reaction on seeing what was for sale here was astonishment, amusement and then outright excitement! I firmly believe all narcotics should be legalised so this place was (and is) a tantalizing taste of a possible future once our governments catch up with us.
I placed my first order within about 10 minutes. I ordered some freebase cocaine of some guy called c63amg. I then waited for my package. By this time a few of my mates had also got wind of SR and they all thought I was nuts that I had ordered drugs off the net and worst still then got the stuff sent to my home address in my own name. They were convinced it wouldn't come, or it would come and be shit or I'd have the police turning up at my house. I must admit I was a little nervous.
Three or four days later my package came. 1g of freebase cocaine. I was impressed by the packaging and opened the letter like a kid opening cards on his birthday. I was fucking excited! The product looked good so I nipped upstairs and had a quick smoke. POW! Best crack I have smoked in about 12 years. Fucking awesome. I simply could not believe the insane quality of the smoke that I'D GOT IT OFF THE INTERNET!!!!!!
Woohoo. :)
Since then I've ordered regularly and so far it has all been great quality. Ive had one package no show from the USA (I'm in Europe) but that's part of the game. I think if the quality wasn't great then I probably wouldn't bother to come here as I can score drugs prettily easily where I am. But the quality of what I have ordered off SR has consistently been superb and as long as that high quality continues then I'll be doing my narc shopping here. It's fucking great. In fact this may sound a little lame but I would go as far as to say that so far Silk Road has made my year!!!! If it continues like it is it may just make my decade!!!
Loving it.
Here's an example of how my life has changed since SR came into my life:
A Silk Road Day -
I've decided I'm going to take drugs all day today because I have the day off work. After breakfast I leisurely smoke a very pleasant .5g of high quality crack which I had received in the post a few days ago. I then follow that up with .1g of meth which I smoke in my own time after a light lunch. Then I take the dog for a long walk. He has a great time. After I get back and dry the mud off the dog I have a cup of tea and smoke a match head sized bit of china white on some foil. Hmm. Superb quality. It should really be pinned up but I don't pin up where I live (you gotta have some rules) but it smokes okay too. Later in the evening I will have a couple of beers and a light dinner. I will then smoke another little head of china white. I should be asleep by midnight. Nice. Awesome day off!
A Before Silk Road (BSR!) Day -
I've decided I'm going to take drugs all day today because I have the day off work. Get on the bus and go to XXXX. Call up XXXX. Wait fucking ages until some shotta on a BMX to turn up. Hand the money over, he gives me the drugs. Then I get the bus back to my place. The whole thing takes about an hour and half so its already nearly midday of my day off. Better get moving! Open the drugs, the shotta's screwed up the order and I haven't got what I asked for. For fucks sake! He's fucking ripped me off. I call up XXXX. XXXX says it isn't his fault and he'll get it right next time. Put the phone down knowing full well that XXXX is full of shit. Smoke the crack. It's incredibly fucking bad. It's so bad I'm burning 0.2g rocks in the pipe and I'm still not getting any distance. Fuck this. I smoke the entire lot.
It's now 1pm.
Time to smoke the heroin. I open it up and its cut to fuck, burns red and short and after smoking all of it I'm not even really that high. Fuck it. It's 3pm now. Fuck it. What am I going to do. Fuck it. Get on the bus and go to XXXX. Call up XXXX. Place my order and he assures me he will sort out the earlier fuck up. Wait fucking ages until some shotta on a BMX turns up. It's the same kid as before so I say 'you fucked up my last order mate.' He looks put out and says 'fuck you man! I just deliver this shit. It's fucking XXXX's fault.' Then we have an argument which ends with me shouting at the shotta 'You should be in fucking school!!! How old are you? Fifteen?!' and him shouting back 'Fuck you! Prick. These are my ends and If I sees you on road you're gettin shanked bruv! For real!' Eventually we both shut the fuck up. He gives me the drugs and I give him the money. We go our separate ways but he can't resist shouting 'Pussy-O!' at me before he turns down an alley.
Get the bus back to the flat. Open the drugs up and at least this time XXXX got it right. The crack is shit but there is just enough in there to do something. I smoke the fucking lot in an hour and a half. Then I smoke all the heroin. It's cut to fuck and tastes of mannitol which is this osmotic diaruettic to treat urine infections in patients with kidney failure. Fuck knows what else is in there. Not much heroin that's for sure. Once I finish I sit about feeling frustrated cos the drugs didn't get me where I wanted to go. Fuck it. I look at my watch. 6pm. I still haven't taken the dog for a walk. He's staring at me. Fuck it. I take the dog out. I walk to the bus stop.
Then I get on a bus and go to XXXX. Call up XXXX. Wait ages for some shotta on a BMX to turn up. It's a different kid. And this one must be new to the game because he's paranoid as fuck and asking me if I'm an undercover policeman and all sorts of shit. He's also scared shitless of the dog and he ends up accusing the dog of being an undercover policeman as well. I tell the kid to calm the fuck down and stop being such a dick! He goes mental and says 'If blue boy see me hanging out wiv some white prick like you and his stupid brown dog then I'm gettin nabbed blud! U get me?!' The kid looks so young its a joke so I say 'yeah well you should be at school. How old are you? Fifteen?' He tells me to fuck off, hands me my drugs, snatches my money out of my hand, counts it and peels out of there. What a fucking dick. Then I get the bus back to my place.
Do all the drugs. They're just as shit as the last lot. I look at my watch. 11pm! I've just spent over £200 on shit drugs and it's time for bed. Fuck it. What a waste of a day. And I didn't even take the dog on a proper walk either. I go to bed feeling pretty fucking ashamed of myself.
5/5 Would read again ^^^
lol nice story man.
I was like nooooo way. Bitcoins are a bitch tho. But when things dried up locally, I decided to figure it all out. Now I order like it's nothing.
I thoroughly researched SR in the forums long before I ever created an account, but none the less, I was astounded, excited, and amazed- literally like a kind in a candy store... Or an adult in a drug store?
Prior to my research, however, I thought that it had to be the most ridiculous, stupid, and ill-conceived idea I'd ever heard of. Sending money to a random person so that they could mail me a package of drugs? GTFO, who would be stupid enough to do that?
The more I read, the more it made sense, and then I saw the brilliance of it. Bitcoins. Tor. Hundreds of billions of pieces of mail shipped annually. Escrow. Feedback. A community of people sharing their knowledge and experience.
I am so glad that I followed up on the concept instead of simply dismissing it as internet bullshit.
My first thought? Please let me meet someone that I can trust! Just broke up with my guy after several years. Like that episode of workaholics, its so sad to break up with your dealer!
...and what does anyone think months later ...after the initial thought about Silk Road?!
I first logged in yesterday so it's still pretty fresh to me. My thoughts are that this place is really impressive, how people have established such a community where everyone is anonymous, you can pay with a digital currency and you can get your drugs literally in the mail. I've not bought anything yet but I plan to soon - just waiting for BTC to die down a bit to its usual rate since I hear it's a bit high right now. Also the community seems pretty nice so far; not quite the stereotype the government might have one believe.
When I first logged into SR my first thought was "DAMN AWESOME!" then "this is too good to be true". After looking around for a couple weeks I decided to give it a try and thought "WTF is this bitcoin crap? it's a lot of work" but after I received my first order I thought "holy shit this is worth it!!!"
I couldn't believe it, told about 20 people about it strait away, was using btc already so just transfered some
Made my first purchase from ivory, that guy is the bomb :)
10 days after I found the sr, ordered from ivory, rolled with my gf who it was her first time :)
she is now a converted raver and molly lover, molly and the SR has brought us together so much, we are probably going to be with each other for the rest of our lives.....
Thanks SR (half tearing up ...) you made my love life perfect, love you guys, you are revolutionaries!
My first thought was, "WTF is a Bitcoin?" ???
I think i actually jumped out of bed and said "OH MY FUCKING GOD.....ITS TRUE". I was awestruck. ;D
"Holy shit....they sell Art!"
After I got over the shock of such a place actually existing, my first thought was I wanted to meet the person that created it and buy them a beer!
Can't wait to do my first order :)
Kind of like that angelic heavens-opening-up noise. I think I spent about an hour just looking at everything.
Kind of like that angelic heavens-opening-up noise. I think I spent about an hour just looking at everything.
Only an hour? Ha, I was on SR everyday looking at shit until I finally made my first purchase about 3 weeks later.
i want that and that and that and that and that and that and that,wow i sound like my bloody kids, :D :D
My first thought was "I heard about bitcoins back in july 2009, dear god I wish I'd gotten on that bandwagon then."
Yeah man, it wasn't my first thought, but I remmeber thinking, damn, I could buy up 5lbs of real dank buds if I'd only put $100 into bitcoins when I first learned about them. Of course when I first read about them, I know I thought "there's no way this will go Second Life money and all's just a novelty." Now I know better--BTC are as good as my own cash when it comes to buying drugs (except for being a little less secure).
First thought i had? Pretty sure my brain crapped out with disbelief so not much thinking was happening.
First feeling i got when i hit the login button for the first time could be comparable to inputting launch codes to arm a nuclear dildo and hitting the big red fuck off sized LAUNCH button!
First real thought after coming to terms with SR and the community "This shit's deep man better get my research on"
After a week of major paranoia and no AFP busting my door down i relaxed a little and thought to myself "RELEASE THE KITTIES!"
A month in and i still haven't ordered anything yet, just slowly easing myself into the process so i don't fuck myself and anyone else over.
My first thought was 'Hallelujah' :)
Im home.
my face when i discovered sr ->
my thoughts: that makes me moist
"Hmmm, these media reports must be full of shit and hyped in all the wrong ways. Let's see what all the fuss is about ... <mutter>dangers of the darknet my arse</mutter> ... "
2 minutes later:
"Mother of twelve bastards!"
"Holy fuck. This is awesome! Now, how do I calm down and properly secure my computer so I can actually enjoy my time here? lol"
Basically like a palpitating dog the minutes you get home from vacation and are preparing to take it for a walk- i.e,
"Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! What am I gonna buy? Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! What am I gonna buy?" and so on...
My 1st thought: This is f-cking awesome! Now how the hell do I get some gat-damn Bitcoins!!
I spent a week staying up hours later than I would normally scrolling through the listings., and THEN i discovered the forums!
First thought was wow this is the real deal!
Afterthoughts now are more like holy crap when is the gov't going to fuck this shit up
hahaha! these posts are so funny! I'm laughing out loud reading them... funny cuz they're true! And I relate! :) I especially like the palpitating dog and the willy wonka comparison. hee hee
Holy shit!!?! Is this even real?
Ah another website that I can peddle my wares!
I was surprised at the wide variety of products
my first thought was mmmmdrugs.
>my heart was beating
>smile grew across my face
>browsed products, couldn't believe it was this good
Holy shit!!!....Time to start saving up!
Pretty surprised at the amount of listings.
..I would very much like to experience Silk Road Level 2 which builds on the positives and like minded people less the karma trolls.
Ditto to the "holy fuck!!!!" and then it was "I'm a fuckin' genius!!!!!" hahahaha
"Welcome home"
THAT was my first thought :)
" Damn imma be gettin FUCKED up" haha my exact words
SR is nothing new to me and my buddies. We had plenty of hidden clearnet sites in the day!
Difference here was the BTC concept. You could get escrow on other sites, worked well but this was ten years or more.
SR had a better selection as other sites were basically one guy using his contacts.
Lots of Dutch ones.
Here is just more secure and better choice with forum reviews and vendor feedback as each person FE.
Hehe, I got to try the product before even knowing about SR, but when my friend introduced me, I was shocked. At first I was like a kid in a candy store, checking out everything, drooling all over the internet goods :P Now when I've been here for some time, I only use it for buying the products I actually need, when I first was here I spent hours just checking out every possible vendor and of course every possible product :D It's really a breeze of fresh air for me due to the fact, that where I live the weed(which is the only thing I've bought successfully) is 20€/G and the quality is terrible. Here I get it cheaper, better quality and... wait for it.... sometimes, even FASTER! Yeah... I really am loving SR, as the system and now lately the community :P Of course there are swindlers, but no system is perfect.
My First Thought went to the developers. To be honest I wanted to say "Bravo" but that isn't what I first thought. I wondered how long it will keep going, for the powers that pretend to be can of course pull the plug, but they are not as of yet as it would adversely affect their ROI's on their last budgets, which didn't include this. So my initial thought was they could have put a better front end on it but hey, fuck, that is just ridiculously pedantic considering the feat, and then "As long as it doesn't get too much bigger human laziness and "The System" plays into the hands of SR beautifully, until someone gets a Bee in their Bonnet...which is usually a political won't come from LEO up, it can't happen that way...TOR is simply budget burning...unless the USMIL get involved, well if they get involved and are actually organized about it, which means another five years then...
The thing is, if the BTC services get better, and don't have stupid rip off like names and dodgy Eastern European wash over sites and get more country specific, this thing could exponentially mushroom.
Which put me back to my first thought.
"Welcome to heaven!"
My first thought was a mix of "Oh my god" and "holy shit." My NEXT thought was "I'll never be able to figure this out." And my CURRENT thought is "I may one day soon figure all this out." I am not technically minded at ALL and this is all hurting my head. I feel like I'm making baby steps though.
My first thoughts were "Holy fucking shit! New druuuuuuuuugs mmmmmm, Lets get ten kinda high wooohooo! Then wtf are bitcoin?!
God Damn!
All part of the ongoing plan by the shadowy new world order thats jockeying to control the world by joining oceania, eurasia and eastasia together for the first time ever. They want to record everything bad ever done on a gigantic online database (AKA GOOGLE) and also of course this site. Then when the revolution comes well be the first against the wall, legally, because its all there on the database. You bought XYZ on so and so day so TO THE OFF WORLD COLONIES WITH YOU TO MINE PLUTONIUM IN YOUR UNDIES BUDDY.
Huh? But we've always been at war with Oceania!
And I thought I was a bit paranoid!
"hell yeah" ;D
"How fucking sick is this???"
"80% cocaine... good to see drug dealers are full of shit the world round!"
and then: "If I re finance my house today I can have millions of BTC tonight!"
My first thought was "and here I thought the only thing the internet was good for was porn." Still haven't gotten over my paranoia enough to purchase yet, but assuming I do, I think I'll have a new favorite place on the series of tubes.
Oh yeah, also, hello all.
I was completely amazed. Every intoxicant that I could imagine at my fingertips.
I was like, holy shit something almost as awesoem as childporn, finally tor is becoming something.
GTFO, your not welcome.
SR should have a code of ethics where it protects the young and vulnereable and doesnt give a platform to such "jokes"? AND the cowardly pervertS as to what the above babj... said, they should be banned immediately, and burned to death (truck tyre wedged down over the body and arms and lit on fire, real fucking Rwanda style violence) in real life. Its not funny.
Drugs and other things on SR bring us together in solidarity and understanding each other through the chats etc, Creepy child perverts will ruin the good time here, so will scumbag Nazis and rasicts, there should be zero tolereance to it, on the SR and real life. Hang em high.
I've read every post, I love this thread!
"What are these Bitcoin things and how the fuck do I get them as quickly as possible?"
And my best mate's reaction, word for word:
"Do they have shrooms? Yes?! LSD? Yes?! DMT? Holy shit, really?! Coke? Fuck, man, let's get some bitbucks and buy everything!"
I remember thinking, "No way. You're shitting me." Needless to say, it took me about a month before I had everything figured out enough to order, and when that actually showed up I was stuck between pure child like joy and respect and awe for the person(s) who managed to make this work :)
I've read every post, I love this thread!
Thanks DPR, I love your site!
I've read every post, I love this thread!
Cheers and as treesplease said, your site is awesome.
Went something like: "Fuck! Fuck! Ohhhh shit! No way! No Fucking Way! OMG OMG OMG how do I get Bitcoinz!!!!! OMG OMG!!!!" Followed by a lot of giggling like a little girl...
Went something like: "Fuck! Fuck! Ohhhh shit! No way! No Fucking Way! OMG OMG OMG how do I get Bitcoinz!!!!! OMG OMG!!!!" Followed by a lot of giggling like a little girl...
One other thing, the same night I discovered SL, I've setup MtGox and Dwolla, and initiated my first money transfer few days later once my account was verified. Popped my ordering cherry pretty much as soon as I got some coins in the wallet :-)
Gawker has to be full of shit. There's no way there's a site that sells drugs on the net. WTF? So I red the entire article...twice. What's Tor? How do I get it?
Wow...Tor is running. Holy Shit. I hope I bookmarked the damn article. Whew, I did, okay...what do I do next? I logged in to SR and looked at the home page....
No fucking way....they were right!!! Look at this place!!! Are you kidding??? I can buy all this???
No the end of the day, I had BC. It took ALL day, but I had BC. Understanding PGP and placing an order was an entirely different animal.... ???
I'm never leaving this place.....
I'm very tech savvy, I heard about SR and said no fucking way will I ever be buying anything on there. Then I actually started doing my homework into the practices and security policies... nervously took a gamble on it, and now I laugh that I can get higher quality items, at better prices and most importantly I don't have to worry about possible violence or crazy things going on by dealing with a sketchy dealer. Moving to a new town is suddenly much less scary, and even if my local connects are dry, there is end in site. Being able to get much needed medicine reliably... words cannot express it
couple days later i was doing my research on products..
week or so after i got bitcoins and placed an order..
came in the mail today... HOLY FUCK IT WORKED. ;D ;D ;D
i love you SR, please never leave me.<3
Not really sure why this thread was locked, it's a brilliant thread. Anyway I unlocked it and long may it get posted on.
I found SR through a friend showing me the original Gawker thread and I didn't believe it so I got Tor which I hadn't heard of before SR either and decided to take a butchers. Soon as I found it and had a proper look I was like.... "MONEY MONEY MONEY MOOONEY! MOOOOONEY!" and here we are 4 months later. :)
Love it and long may it continue. :)
I remember when it launched, i was like SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM!!! then a few months later I gave it a try and have replaced all my local sketch city dealers since. The site has really evolved over the last year or so. I kind of miss the old discussion system, I miss a certain vendors shrooms :p (but understand why he stooped vending them), and I still keep a copy of that just in case email around, just in case.
I joined last summer, about a year ago. I was like a kid in a cady store. I was basically shocked and thrilled to see the variety and apparent quality of the offerings. I couldn't stop browsing for several days, clicking to bring up each hi-res picutre. (It would sure be nice to get that feature back.) Thrilled, I would show my wife the pictures, expecting her get the same thrill. She's like, meh, so what. She couldn't care less. Oh well, I guess we can't all be inerested in the same things.
first time i logged onto it there was hardly any vendors at all and there wasnt much listings and it looked very different than it does now, i thought it was a scam.
does anyone remember some of the first vendors here ? can only remember 1 guy, maxxvendor was his name.
It took me just a few minutes to start researching how I could get some bitcoins....
Why did I not find this site earlier??? Saved me hours of google bs'in
When SR first came about you didn't have to log in to view products. Before any links were posted on the Hidden Wiki or anything it was rumored on internet message boards. I saw a picture of the main page first and was like do want and then not too long later I saw a link posted on an image board. I was like there's not a lot of diversity on here in terms of drugs and vendors but I can definitely see potential for this website and the overall methods it employs. I actually watched it for like a month before making an account to make sure it wasn't anything sketchy. Eventually enough people caught on after it got posted on the Hidden Wiki (and obviously other sites as a result) that the various media outlets caught on. This started bringing in thousands of new customers per day which was somewhat good at the time being that the customer to vendor ratio was so fucked up. Now anyone with an internet connection would have to be living under a rock to not know about this place.
I was a bit skeptical then after much research I thought "ok this is cool.". Delving deeper I had no problem understanding the whole bitcoin thing, I was a bit surprised at the exchange rate though. Then I decided I would purchase, but PGP was so intimidating. I set up PGP on my Linux box and experimented till I got the hang of it. Two months and several hundred dollars later I can say I am quite glad I found this place now if I could just find some more bitcoins.
"..... its like a festival store.... online... anonymously.... 8) :o 8) 8) ;D 8) 8) :o 8) 8) ;D8) 8) ::) 8)
im so excited
I came here after the death of the Farmers Market so had obviously seen sites like this before, but the way Silk Road operates is way more impressive.
Too many drugs to choose from, not enough money to buy them all, where should I start.
i've got a boner ;D
An overwhelming sense of power and well being, knowing that me and my mates would no longer have to struggle to get as high as we used to. ;D
Then came the question - wot the fuck is a bitcoin and where the hell do i get them from (lol i even tried mining them, what a huge waste of time that was)
Our first thought was that highly encrypted - darknets and their inhabitants will always win the technology race and stay to be a last resort for the people everywhere in more or less fascist countries...and together with bitcoin this is just the start of a revolution..
we thought being here is staying on the winners side :)
ahh and MONEY MONEY MONEY certainly..haha
:o...Am I trip'en...or what the phuck is this !!
The funny thing to know about, would be how did you got here?
A friend of mine told me about the deep web, i saw the levels and found that on the 4th you could buy drug... I thought to myself, "let's see if this is true"
I'll never forget the green camel and how i felt when i found this : "If this is legit, it's fucking cheap as hell!! .... oh wait, what's a bitcoin? Fuck, not that cheap..."
Hope SR lasts a few more years :)
I creamed my pants when I first logged on to SR. I also was like wtf is this currency they are using? I was confused for a while...
I learned it off a steroid forums.
"Well damn, this is pretty fucking good"
Still took me a couple of months just browsing before I decided to buy anything.
I've heard of this from a friend and finally looked it up and when i eventually logged in i thought this isn't real, can't be that easy, at the moment i'm learning to use this place, soon i hope to have my first package delivered at my door:D
"So many things on here, but I'm not gonna do that" 2 months later, I did that...
What's with Germany/The Netherlands and drugs? And, wow. Thanks autistic kid for further taking my innocence.
"damn nigga, this shit be FUCKED yo."
I thought it was a honeypot and that LE had people fooled. I researched for a few months, and lurked around the forums for a very long time before I jumped into my first purchase. I grabbed a couple pieces of paraphernalia as to not break any law just to see if the shit would come. I then started with electronic purchases, and then finally jumped into my first major order.
Ever since I came to SR my life has been a lot more enjoyable, but I find that I'm constantly paranoid, lol. I've memorized what everyone's cars in my neighborhood look like on the street. If there is a car out of place, I'll notice.
Ok, whats the catch?
Ok, bitcoins..
BUT, it was real easy.
Now i'm thinking, this will ruin my life, but it will be worth it :)
the very FIRST thing I thought was "It's about fucking time".
Then I see lots of ways for shit to go wrong. but everything is a gamble, anyway, so.... let's roll!
my first thoughts were, "why didnt i find this sooner?!?!" i got all the security and payment stuff down, within 24 hours of my SR discovery. Never heard of Tor, BTC, PGP, and all that stuff but had it ready to go within a day! haha..a LOT of staring at the computer screen until i had it right..
now my problem is that im still a noob, :( , if i would have found this when it came out, then by now id have the trust and ratings and all that other stuff going for me, instead of a measly few orders. Didnt think it would be a problem until i realized a lot of vendors have maxed out on clients and wont take new people...or must FE if under 10 orders and stuff like that...although i totally understand, it makes me sad.... lol...i just wish i could go back in time to the birth of SR, and make an account.....that'd be prime
thanks DPR, for giving us a place to have some control over what goes on in our own bodies, hopefully this continues and the community keeps growing
At first I was like "This is too good to be legit, it has to be a scam" and after researching bit more I was like "Holy balls, its dream come true!"
My eyes went wide with wonder and no-shit, I giggled a little bit. :-*
Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined people coming together to make a marketplace like this. It gave me this warm feeling, this love and trust for my fellow man.
Tingled with excited anticipation - especially when I saw all the sweeties on offer.
I couldn't quite believe I'd made it here and it was genuine - although the process of acquiring Bitcoins was a bit strange at first and a new concept for me.
Anyway, orders have been made and I expect my first packages very soon - totally brilliant!
Fantastic - and everyone has been really helpful answering my ridiculous Noobie questions - big thank you xxx :)
i was looking for real good quality coke ever since it started to become really shit in the uk, last proper good coke i had got where i live was about 5 or 6 years ago, i ordered a gram off tetravort and was a little wary of how good the quality was going to be, never mind arriving, i couldnt believe it when it arrived about 4 or 5 days latter, fucking lovely stuff, just couldnt believe it, lol
"Oh my fuck. I've arrived in the future, and it is grand."
Followed by mischievous laughter.
My girlfriend looked at me funny.
I just found this place and still in total amazement! Wish I had found this place earlier!
My thoughts immediately turned to neural protection, because I knew what the alternative would be with unfettered access to illicit mind altering substances.
I finally found Heaven.
i was looking for real good quality coke ever since it started to become really shit in the uk, last proper good coke i had got where i live was about 5 or 6 years ago, i ordered a gram off tetravort and was a little wary of how good the quality was going to be, never mind arriving, i couldnt believe it when it arrived about 4 or 5 days latter, fucking lovely stuff, just couldnt believe it, lol
I have been hesitant to post this on SR as it's possinly quite offensive to the vendor's but I find the (UK vendor's at least) prices of coke on here nothing short of disgusting. This isn't calling them a ripoff as such, but I'm pretty sure this applies to some cases.
As I said it's not meant to insult users but it just baffles me. Coke prices vary some but one thing you can always count on is the high prices keeping people with low funds from expanding and high funds from not doing so. In it's most simple terms this means 2 things - shit coke will either be the same price per gram no matter what amount on you buy but in most cases will be be exponentially cheaper the more you buy, but expsensive coke will either be EXACTLY a per gram price or a decent deal on the super high end grade.
What I'm trying to get at is if you can afford to buy a gram of high grade stuff, even if it's 60 a gram on the street (and thsts the max unless you're retarded or live in the country..same difference :P), most dealers of the high grade will only charge per gram or do a semi-decent deal on per pz or q/h/3q how are people on here selling it for upwards of 200$ gram?!?!
What I'm trying to get at is if you can afford to buy a gram of high grade stuff, even if it's 60 a gram on the street (and thsts the max unless you're retarded or live in the country..same difference :P), most dealers of the high grade will only charge per gram or do a semi-decent deal on per pz or q/h/3q how are people on here selling it for upwards of 200$ gram?!?!
Dude, go back and (temporarily) set your country to "Australia" then check the prices for coke (and almost everything else. Try not to faint or have a heart attack.
If you think $200/g is bad, consider our poor Australian friends. They're completely screwed. Same goes for the New Zealanders, but they're both pretty similar (ooh, I'm gonna get it now, I'll be beaten to death with a wombat stuffed with kiwis).
I only discovered SR a few hours ago and I'm still in shock... This is goddamn amazing. So many mind-altering goodies in one location. I think I've got a lil' tear forming in the corner of my eye :')
Mine was "it's about fucking time"
+1 exactly what I thought!
What was your First Thought when you logged onto SR for the First Time?
Holy shit!
What I'm trying to get at is if you can afford to buy a gram of high grade stuff, even if it's 60 a gram on the street (and thsts the max unless you're retarded or live in the country..same difference :P), most dealers of the high grade will only charge per gram or do a semi-decent deal on per pz or q/h/3q how are people on here selling it for upwards of 200$ gram?!?!
Dude, go back and (temporarily) set your country to "Australia" then check the prices for coke (and almost everything else. Try not to faint or have a heart attack.
If you think $200/g is bad, consider our poor Australian friends. They're completely screwed. Same goes for the New Zealanders, but they're both pretty similar (ooh, I'm gonna get it now, I'll be beaten to death with a wombat stuffed with kiwis).
Yeah, NZ is the most expensive country in the world to obtain product, it is $700 - $800 per gram of cocaine for example.
@Nbear, if you are outraged at prices on SR, then maybe you have an arbitrage opportunity so you should be very happy!
first thought?
chaaaaa ching!
What I'm trying to get at is if you can afford to buy a gram of high grade stuff, even if it's 60 a gram on the street (and thsts the max unless you're retarded or live in the country..same difference :P), most dealers of the high grade will only charge per gram or do a semi-decent deal on per pz or q/h/3q how are people on here selling it for upwards of 200$ gram?!?!
Dude, go back and (temporarily) set your country to "Australia" then check the prices for coke (and almost everything else. Try not to faint or have a heart attack.
If you think $200/g is bad, consider our poor Australian friends. They're completely screwed. Same goes for the New Zealanders, but they're both pretty similar (ooh, I'm gonna get it now, I'll be beaten to death with a wombat stuffed with kiwis).
Yeah, NZ is the most expensive country in the world to obtain product, it is $700 - $800 per gram of cocaine for example.
@Nbear, if you are outraged at prices on SR, then maybe you have an arbitrage opportunity so you should be very happy!
I can't figure out what arbitrage means.
EDIT: Ooops thought it was a spelling error. I don't do that no matter how much profit I think I can make I'll never offer prices that make me more than what I think is fair when balancing my profits against risk.
But even so some of the coke prices on here are obscene no matter what conditions are factored in.
EDIT2: Oh wow I can give karma now :D
What I'm trying to get at is if you can afford to buy a gram of high grade stuff, even if it's 60 a gram on the street (and thsts the max unless you're retarded or live in the country..same difference :P), most dealers of the high grade will only charge per gram or do a semi-decent deal on per pz or q/h/3q how are people on here selling it for upwards of 200$ gram?!?!
Dude, go back and (temporarily) set your country to "Australia" then check the prices for coke (and almost everything else. Try not to faint or have a heart attack.
If you think $200/g is bad, consider our poor Australian friends. They're completely screwed. Same goes for the New Zealanders, but they're both pretty similar (ooh, I'm gonna get it now, I'll be beaten to death with a wombat stuffed with kiwis).
Yeah, NZ is the most expensive country in the world to obtain product, it is $700 - $800 per gram of cocaine for example.
Then add to that the fact that street prices are usually higher. Poor southern bastards.
Really? I always thought Japan was the most expensive place to get your hands on just about anything.
I found it through my interest in Bitcoin.
At first glance I was sceptical, but confident that a system like this 'could' work even if this one didn't (after spending a full week reading and learning all I could about it I made a buy and found out it did work). I found this manifestation of the idea to use all of these crypto tools together i.e. TOR Hidden Service, Bitcoin, and GnuPG to run a website to buy/sell anything over the Internet was the most exhilarating experience !
I thought to my self, "Wow, we did it! Cryptography and OpenSource development has truly set us Free! This Silk Road combined with Wikileaks really demonstrates the full power of Cryptography to enable people to stand up to their government and communicate freely and securely... If the Silk Road can stand up to world governments then TOR Hidden Services can loose that "Experimental, Not to be considered a strong anonymity system" tag. I'm positive many Governments including the USA have well funded teams of people dedicated to bringing down the Silk Road. If a Tor Hidden Service can stand up to that then it is solid tek."
What an amazing time we live in :)
Instant masturbation
Instant masturbation
That's a great name for a black metal band
Instant masturbation
+ 1
"It's internet communism!" was my first thought when I learned how it worked. It's amazing how automation and technology can remove some of the sketchiness of life and permit us to be nice, peaceful human beings like we all want to be. Bitcoin within itself has been an incredible experiment. Silk Road is an example of a community that has adapted this tool to create a liberating environment, something we all take part in creating.
i remember thinking "holy shit, the whole drugs distribution model has just changed, fucking hell, should i try and do some arb? lol"
Was thinking Holy Shit!!! I am finished searching the internet and have found the last place I'll ever need to go!! ;)
I almost made it here a couple of months ago, getting as far as the tor website before getting distracted and following the butterflies somewhere else on the internet... in the same fashion, I'm not quite sure how I ended back on the tor website a couple of days ago, but this time I went all in.
first thought was wow, here it is, and it's even cooler than I imagined... went right to LSD:, yup! its there, and i've always wanted to try DMT,and....OK time figure out BTC.
48 hours later after extensive research in the forums (and window shopping on SR), I've finally figured out PGP and have BTC on the way. This has been a fun learning experience so far!
Like everyone else, I had (and am still having) a huge "...holy shit.." response. I've known about this place for a good while now, but decided to finally take the plunge when all of my real life connections moved away.
This is just fascinating.
Holy fucking shit.
Holy fucking shit.
I laugh every time I see someone else with this response. I thought the same thing my first time and still do every time I log on.
Well here is mine, still fresh and buzzing. ive just placed my first order 2 minutes ago. ive been waiting 3 hours for BTC to enter my SR account.
It was last wednesday evening when i first heard about SR, id gone to the pub afterwork and the barman - a student was talking about it to another local.
I was instantly excited because I had tried to track down a source on the web but with no luck, Id almost given up.
To make matters worst the quality of hard drugs in my city is pathetic at the moment and has been for a couple of years now.
I had just given up drugs and was sticking to my script because I was sick of wasting good money on shit that wasnt doing anything other than poison me.
I quickly finished my pint and went home, fired up the PC and got the onion and logged into SR. :P
It was better than I imagined, I was like an adult in a drugstore cowboy raid, the more I saw and read the more I realised this is the real deal.
I was so excited I couldn't sleep, my heart was racing and I was sweating (partly due to heroin withdrawal I must admit) but non the less, what a fucking excellent day.
I then spent the next day sorting out bitcoins!! what a ball ache! but fucking worth every satotoshi!! or WETF bitcoin decimals are called ???
then I waited 2 days for my funds to appear, then I couldnt get them into my SR account but managed it via instawallet.
Now 5 days later, ive taken the plunge, it would have been sooner if I could. Ive still not figured out PGP yet but I understand SR encrypt your name and address anyway and delete once its been forward to the seller?
The guys who have set up SR are legends imo, well done chaps.
My reaction was the same as the others.... "Holy shit!". Then I proceeded to laugh like a mad man at the realization that this was real. :)
Instant masturbation
This is real freedom
My first thought? Ron Paul 2012... Because I'd rather have Silk Road in my supermarket than on my computer.
"Damn this shit cheap YO"
"Wait WTF's a Bitcoin"
i never get tired of reading this thread - giggles
Dreams do come true! I knew this place existed but i just couldn't find it before, now where is the acid?
Love this thread, its laugh a minute
i thought " The FED'S"
DMT god theres loads of is a bitcoin..........where do i get one .......ffs just let me at the market im gonna get so fucked.......raw opium omg im in heaven........fuck me pills are only a fiver........look at all these chemicals ive never heard of before..........iiiim gonna get soooooo fucked........woooohooooo porn
serious? I thought it would have been hey sarg come have a look at this!
lol you fuckin tosser
"This is how it should be... this feels right"
Then proceeded to browse like a kid in a candy shop.
I am also a BIG fan of the escrow and rating systems.
It was like I was watching Louie when he gets mad and says something about cellphones like, "Be patient! It's going into *space*!" When the homepage came up, I laughed like that!
i love this thread.... as Christy Nugs to eloquently put it " i never get tired of reading this thread "
Im curious what DPR's first thought was when he realized this place was taking off.. .And after the first gawker or wired or whoever the fuck posted the first article was posted. DPR feel free to share your feelings on some of the major milestones of your beautiful community. ;D
"I love the future!" Like Stan's Dad off South Park when he seen the medical marijuana store.
2nd thought was HS420 has a great deal on a 1/8th of hash can not beat that around here, clicks add to cart.
3rd thought what the fuck is a bitcoin?
Im curious what DPR's first thought was when he realized this place was taking off.. .And after the first gawker or wired or whoever the fuck posted the first article was posted. DPR feel free to share your feelings on some of the major milestones of your beautiful community. ;D
You'll have to wait for my memoirs for the juicy details, lol. I've got some stories though, I'll tell ya. One weird thing that goes through my head when Silk Road goes through a growth spurt, like after the first gawker article is that sound effect from inception, or the intense music from the new tron movie. It gives me the sensation of "holy shit, this is EPIC!"
Im curious what DPR's first thought was when he realized this place was taking off.. .And after the first gawker or wired or whoever the fuck posted the first article was posted. DPR feel free to share your feelings on some of the major milestones of your beautiful community. ;D
You'll have to wait for my memoirs for the juicy details, lol. I've got some stories though, I'll tell ya. One weird thing that goes through my head when Silk Road goes through a growth spurt, like after the first gawker article is that sound effect from inception, or the intense music from the new tron movie. It gives me the sensation of "holy shit, this is EPIC!"
Haha I bet, must be a fucking rush n half.
Im curious what DPR's first thought was when he realized this place was taking off.. .And after the first gawker or wired or whoever the fuck posted the first article was posted. DPR feel free to share your feelings on some of the major milestones of your beautiful community. ;D
You'll have to wait for my memoirs for the juicy details, lol. I've got some stories though, I'll tell ya. One weird thing that goes through my head when Silk Road goes through a growth spurt, like after the first gawker article is that sound effect from inception, or the intense music from the new tron movie. It gives me the sensation of "holy shit, this is EPIC!"
Haha I bet, must be a fucking rush n half.
No kidding. Now we know what DPR's drug of choice is: the naturally produced endorphin and adrenaline rush from running Silk Road.
Im curious what DPR's first thought was when he realized this place was taking off.. .And after the first gawker or wired or whoever the fuck posted the first article was posted. DPR feel free to share your feelings on some of the major milestones of your beautiful community. ;D
You'll have to wait for my memoirs for the juicy details, lol. I've got some stories though, I'll tell ya. One weird thing that goes through my head when Silk Road goes through a growth spurt, like after the first gawker article is that sound effect from inception, or the intense music from the new tron movie. It gives me the sensation of "holy shit, this is EPIC!"
I know what you mean :D :D :D
Here are my recommendations for a serious Rush whilst working on the Silk Road:
N.B. I also recommend buying the CD's of these with cash in a shop because who knows who is watching this forum
and trying to get a lead on what you might download off torrents or buy online etc. -- Paranoid Pine.
Anyway, here's playlist for obtaining a high pine.
Tom Waits - "Going out West" (Bone Machine album)
Juno Reactor - Labyrinth. This is a seriously badass album. Was part of the Matrix.
Dirty Sanchez's "Get it Wet" and "Fucking on the Dancefloor" -- I think it is the Dirty Sanchez, and then the Really Rich Italian Satanists albums. It's completely outrageous music, very addictive and very suitable for working on the darknet. At volume. Yes! Actually that applies to the entire playlist.
Nouvelle Vague's "Guns Of Brixton" and "Too Drunk To Fuck"
Massive Attack's "Angel"
The entire Dark Knight album!
Sherlock Holmes (first movie) album
Slumdog Millionaire's "Mausam And Escape" and "Paper Planes" (MIA I think)
Finally I love Parov Stelar's Coco album. Happy music! Such joy! :)
At the moment however, I'm listening to Metallica's "For Whom the Bell Tolls" and reading the Communist Manifesto (not a pal of the philosophy clearly, but still the best propaganda in history!) to obtain inspiration in warding off the evils of Privnote and other similarly dreadful nonsense.
In all honesty I had a massive boner the whole day I was sooo excited. But now it is not looking as good as I hoped, deposits have been down for at least 18 hours and there is no message from staff :(
I thought WOW welcome to the dark side!
This is what the Internet was made for, our freedom of choice!
What took you guys so long? LOL! :P
Heard lots of things about this place, and thought it was too good to be true, fortunately for once, it's not too good to be true, and is really the real deal!
1. Now, I have to work out what a BTC is?
2. What PGP is? Is it hard to work out? I'm not very tech minded!
3. And what should I order first? There's so much to choose from, the selection has blown my mind!
Best Sweet Shop EVER! ;)
2. What PGP is? Is it hard to work out? I'm not very tech minded!
Aha! Another customer. This way young miss ->
2. What PGP is? Is it hard to work out? I'm not very tech minded!
Aha! Another customer. This way young miss ->
Thank-you kind pine! :)
Unfortunately, I had to make a new profile, as I could not login to my original SugarCained.
It kept returning a message saying that I need try to log back in again in two seconds?
Does that mean I entered my password wrong?
I tried, and tried, and tried, but to no avail!
I also tried logging out and in of Tor, but the same thing happened!
Is it me or the system? lol! :)
Unfortunately, I had to make a new profile, as I could not login to my original SugarCained.
It kept returning a message saying that I need try to log back in again in two seconds?
Does that mean I entered my password wrong?
I tried, and tried, and tried, but to no avail!
I also tried logging out and in of Tor, but the same thing happened!
Is it me or the system? lol! :)
It's the system. That's been happening to a lot of people today and we're hoping it will be fixed soon. There's a thread in the Technical Support forum about it. I was able to log back in to this account after I created another user account (I don't even remember the name) and then logged out of it. There's some weird shit going on.
I suggest you log out of the second account, restart Tor and then log back in with your first account. Hopefully it will work.
My thoughts were:
1. OMG! I've died and gone to heaven
2. This can't be real
3. WTF are bitcoins?
4. How do I get some?
5. All those lonely hours spent learning about tor and pgp won't be wasted anymore.
My first thought were "how do I find all the secret stuff"
I'm still looking for some of it. Glad I found SR though. Hoping I can find someone to fulfill my request.
My thoughts were:
1. OMG! I've died and gone to heaven
2. This can't be real
3. WTF are bitcoins?
4. How do I get some?
5. All those lonely hours spent learning about tor and pgp won't be wasted anymore.
that's pretty much exactly what i thought!
i was one of those put onto SR by a media article. it took me 20 minutes to find the link (eventually found it on wikipedia :-[ ). it took me a couple of hours to download TOR and get it working.
and i was immediately enamoured.
then i noticed the currency. another 2 hours worth of research, and i was ofay with bitcoins, i'd found an Australian vendor to buy them from (albeit i had to wait 4 days to get them), and i'd made an order.
by this time it was midnight - but it still didn't stop me spending the next 4 hours going through the site with my calculator and shitting bricks at how cheap everything was.
3-4 months later, and i still love it. but for different reasons. i don't get the real cheap shit. i'm in australia, and my first attempts at ordering from overseas failed.
but i've since had the exact realisation that someone else said they did - this is exactly what the internet was invented for. the ease with which i now obtain my weed (which shouldnt be illegal in the first place) is exactly what that media article promised. a way to get my drugs without having to hang out in shitty suburbs, in back alleys, with dodgy drug dealers.
"Holy fuck, this can't be real."
Over a few days of research, the following thought process was along the lines of:
"No really, holy fuck this can't be real."
"This is a Law Enforcement thing, right?"
"Nah, it's got to be bollocks."
"Wha?! You mean they help newbies too?"
"Oh, that's interesting..."
"Holy shit I think this is real."
"Actually, this seems pretty legit."
"Damn they take security seriously."
"I'm using a hidden network and crypto and shit! I feel like a spy!" *hums Mission Impossible tune to self*
"Fuck me, this is awesome."
"I think I'd like to live here."
... and I'm not even one who partakes in much of the products offered here! For the most part I'm far too terrified... I have recently started consuming weed for medicinal and recreational purposes but have spent years wanting to try it and been unable to find a dealer. Strangely enough, finally finding a dealer IRL after years of looking and realising just how much of a miracle cannabis is happened not long before I found SR! Happy days!
"I'm using a hidden network and crypto and shit! I feel like a spy!" *hums Mission Impossible tune to self*
i wonder how many of us non-tech heads, who had to spend hours figuring this shit out, had this exact same thought?
i was like "this is what they use to access google and facebook in China? faaaark!"
The worst part is that I "normally" am considered a tech-head! Just in a very different way to a lot of the guys here, haha :) Whilst I was aware of them, I'd never touched Linux or Cryptography or anything to do with this level of security prior to visiting SR!
"there's an eBay...for drugs? PFFFFT"
"this looks kind of cool. I'm just going to sign up and lurk, I'd never be stupid enough to buy anything."
"woah, I can get literally anything I want."
"everything is so cheap! Wait what's a bitcoin...oh, everything is NOT cheap"
My first thought? Ron Paul 2012... Because I'd rather have Silk Road in my supermarket than on my computer.
Some call him the savior
My first thought . . . amazing!
where there's a will.... there's a way.
: Wow. Hello. ;)
I wanted to drop on my knees and give fellatio to everyone who made SR possible. The problem is that I am straight but I was that euphoric.
I got super emotional and teared up, like a kid in a video game store, or a candy store.
It was just another evening. My girlfriend and I had been looking at questionable online pharmacies, appraising the viability of the ordeal, when we came upon the silkroad. When I logged in, which took a whole day a page refreshes at first, I recalled the expeditions of various 16th century explorers of the Americas. For a long time they traipsed through unnamed jungle in search of hidden treasure, all the time they clung to a mythological account which suggested the existence of a city of great splendor. The vital draw of ne'er charted seas, places of myth and mysticism, this is what I felt the first time I saw the silk road. Bright light pouring out of the computer screen, I think ever last person on it mistook this light for the gilded city of El Dorado. Not to say the silk road is no such place, but needless to say the mythological city of El Dorado has been replaced by a still beautiful Lake Guatavita.
I was fucking buzzing and I still am, still yet to make a purchase as I am waiting on shitty fucking royal mail delivering my money for bitcoins, the vendors who I have spoke to have been amazingly helpful on every topic u need help in as a newbie on SR!!!! So thank you to some top people!! Its a shame u dont meet as many nice ppl in the real world!!!! So come on royal mail hurry up and get ya fingers out ya arses and deliver my money u wankers!!! Thanks again to the kind clever vendors who have helped me!! I will be purchasing some top quality goods very very soon!!! Cant wait to get high on some quality shit!!!! Drugfiend81!!
I was like ;D yess!!!!!
it was as if i'd finally opened my eyes :D
"If something seems too good to be true, it probably is"
Waiting on my first transaction, but this just seems too awesome to be real life lol and I don't think I'll believe it until that order is in my hands.
Some call Ron Paul the Savior.
I was like ;D yess!!!!!
me too dude .... finally found it w000t =)
I am skeptical, sounds too good to be true. I am here not for fun drugs, but for prescription drugs. I'm really hoping that this works out; I'm here because I'm stuck in a shitty situation. I've been on Cymbalta (antidepressant) for a couple years and found out that my psychiatrist died, leaving me with three pills and no refills. No one has taken over the practice and the family has disregarded all protocols for this type of thing. While I understand their (or they're, actually) grieving, WHAT THE FUCK. I don't have a primary care physician and the [necessary] bureaucracy and waitlists have left me in a shitty fucking situation for the next month +. I've done everything short of feigning suicide (so I'm put on a 72 hour mandatory hold and get three days of meds) soooooo, fingers crossed!
Also, if this pulls through I may be back for fun drugs! Woo!
--Clearly needed to vent
I first heard the words Silk Road in a casual conversation with a close friend. He commented that another friend had become quite good at navigating the silk road to find what he wanted. As that boy had just come back from Afghanistan as a civilian contractor, my mind filled in the gaps with the centuries old silk road that I grew up reading crazy stories about.
But then it came up again thru Wired and other sources. So I had to start reading to understand. You all know the path, first you grasp TOR, then you start making sure you can handle encryption with PGP/GPG, and some anonymous mailer til Tormail, and of course some onetime stuff like Privnote. Then to the Silk Road itself. I reached out to my friends to be sure, and got some more tips in security and setup my environment, then jumped onto the Silk Road myself.
And all I could do was smile. As I clicked thru the options and thought about all the times I sat in a hotel room, in a strange city, wishing I could reach out and find something. Or sitting home wanting to just relax, play a bit after long long hours working hard, but knowing the risks of hunting for toys were far beyond the joy of the find. See, from my personal view, I am one of a large % of folks who simply cannot drink. Alcohol is like poison to my system, and I am not alone. Those of us watch others booze up to relax, grabbing a cold one to help close down a day. Thus having access to something as simple as a little bit of smoke to help wind down the day is important simply for sanity.
So finally finding a place I could just be me was an awesome feeling. I read for a week straight before I logged in. I read forums here another week straight before I funded an account. Then I read reviews and comments for another week before I finally reached out to buy something. And this is my first posting to the forums. Because tonight, I decided I had moved past newbie and into contributor because the concept still makes me smile. A big fat wide grin that says 'mmmhmmmmm' and gives meaning to 'PLUR' once more.
I am sure that as we speak, the path we call the Silk Road is under attack from a thousand differing directions. Governments, criminals, and asswipes galore are all pounding on the walls, looking for cracks, and hunting for holes. And they will take some of us. They will hunt and bag a few. So we must all follow the rules, and keep the faith, protect this community that we all find in some ways our own. Cause everyone out there wants to take it down or take it over.
My first thought was literally 'PLUR', my second thought was how to keep my own self unique but unknown, and my third was how to protect the community that I knew I would grow to love.
In my very first transaction, I thought I knew the steps, I interpreted the directions and followed the way... But felt a sting when things did not come out my way. I learned about hedging and fees, and that the buyer pays the price when things are cancelled. Yet, when I reached out to folks to debate it, none did anything but give me back respect and honor. Explaining the information I was missing, apologizing for the impacts, and never ever disrespecting my view. So far I have been shown that the community is far far more about people then products, and that to travel the Silk Road means much more then just hunting for toys :)
Thank you to everyone who conceived, designed, built, maintain, and moderate the entire path. As well the vendors who have worked hard to prove their products, and themselves... and of course, all the traders who understand its all about Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect. And treat the Silk Road and all that travel it with honor. Truly it is far more then a candy store, but a community of free barter.
So again I say.... My first thought, mirrored in a smile, was PLUR.
First thoughts......
Followed by two minutes of my happy dance, which looks like a five year old on yo gabba gabba.
After looking at the listings: Oh crap, I may have to go back to being an "exotic dancer" to fund this. ;)
yay - i made all the way to the end this time!!!!!!!!!!!
i love this fucking thread <3
"This better be some good motherfuckin bud. 20$ a gram. The fuck?!"
Then I realized it was amazing bud and well worth the 20$.
'This is gonna make my divorce payments seem cheap'
finding SR wasn't from a friend or anything, was doing some arbitrary searching didnt expect to get anything useful, SR being written about on the web will spread the news to those who are looking for it.
'This is gonna make my divorce payments seem cheap'
It's the holy grail! How did I not find this sooner?
well first i had no idea what a bitcoin was and thought they were funny looking dollar signs... so $5 for a g of mdma was crazy.
But seriously when i first heard of it, i thought you had to be crazy to do it. And the only people who'd ever do it would do huge quantities for big time deals and use fake names and PO boxes etc... Then, i saw the community, the security, the measures taken to ship and anonymize, the ease of research for vendors and products. Just everything fucking clicked. I was sold within ten minutes of reading.
yay - i made all the way to the end this time!!!!!!!!!!!
i love this fucking thread <3
Mad that i didn't find out about it sooner so i can buy from people like christy lol
My first thought after I logged onto SR for the first time was, "I think I died and went to heaven." It was at least 10 times more exciting than the first time I logged onto eBay back in 1998, and I thought that was an amazing experience in online shopping. After lurking for weeks, studying, watching, I knew that this was the time for which I had been waiting. Finally, I could obtain my medicine in the quality to which I had previously been accustomed.
Was pretty sure it was LE. Figured it would be stupid to try this.
First thought... "How can I get some bitcoins..."
Mine was "it's about fucking time"
I was already ordering RC's over the net since a few years and I knew that there were also sources for Illegals so when I found SR that was exactly what I thought 8)
"God damn, this place sells everything." The minimalist layout kinda threw me off a bit as did some prices but I quickly began to see the beauty at work here
I believe the words I used were"FUCK YEAH!!"
"Oh heeeeelllllll yeeeaahhh!!!"
very happy and exited to try this out.... 8)
I was brimming with excitement as a plethora of quality drugs form all over the world, some I was not even aware existed, were suddenly at my finger tips, so close I could almost touch them, and no longer a figment of my imagination that never materialized - until now! :)
"I knew this had to be going on somewhere, awesome....and there is something on this damn network other than kiddie porn....."
I had done lots of reasearch on this after being turned onto it in an blog about Bath Salts. I had liked some of them occasionally and they were talking about where to get MPDV. All it said was screw all of the bad chemicals, get the original, which was MPDV. I am telling this because the poseter than said all you have to is look for Tor and Firefox...which he then got blasted by about 20 people telling him to shut the fuck up...he was right, though, if you take those two words into the clearnet, it does not take long to get here....I knew nothing about it and had no idea what I was finding...,fucking awesomely exceeded expectations....good drugs and good coversation.
I was then, and still am now blown away. Hard for me to believe that this is a reality.
"Is this site for real?"
"Is this real life?"
My first reaction:
I got to the page with the picture listings on the front and seeing my 2 faves there 2CB pure (hadnt been able to get it in years) and Mescaine, I squealed, like a little bitch I squealed so loud (drugs r impossible to get where I am). Then I think I might have had a few tears roll down my face whilst I manically chewed on my keyboard and repeated "I knew all my life this place had to exist I knew it.." The next month was a complete blur.. ::)
Hey Hey Hey time to get it crackin
I logged on the site and thought it was fake first off.... i just didnt think there could be a site like this without getting shut down hahaha
my first impression was like .. "FUCK ME. IN THE ASS, HARD.. LUBE-LESS WITH BLACK COCK .. THIS IS FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE." i had somewhat of a phantom high just from browsing each section imagining the possibilities. overwhelming at first.. but the more i researched i became comfortable.
also i started having this bothersome, nagging feeling that this is too good to be true.. and because of that, this beautiful thing we have here will one day cease to exist. i really really hope i'm wrong.
At first I was 99% positive I was going to get ripped off. "There's no way this is real," I thought as my jaw dropped to the keyboard. After doing some research, I decided to order an eighth against my better judgement. While I waited for the package to arrive, I was sure that I wasn't going to be getting anything. I left for a short trip and returned to find a package in my mailbox.
I ran to my room and grabbed a scissors. I kept repeating, "you've got to be fucking kidding me," as I opened the package. When I cut open the vac seal and got a whiff of Mary Jane's sweet scent, I almost passed out/shit my pants from excitement. I literally had no idea what to do or say. When I recovered, I packed a bowl and the rest is history.
I seriously won't ever forget that night. Definitely changed my life for the better.
I said to myself,
2012 is the year we make contact
I'm now sure of this, check out my thread on the topic.
Ron Paul aka Ronny "The Savior" Paul 2012
God Bless America
Well, I just short of blew my load. :o ;D
"Damn, I'm gonna make some money."
My first thoughts when I logged on were Whoa, this is incredible. A genius idea that I'm excited to be apart of it. I was just really surprised to find something like this; thought it was too good to be true, so then I pinched myself to make sure i wasn't dreaming :) and i wasnt fortunately
"Damn, I'm gonna make some money."
That's really selfish and reflects your negative karma
My first feeling was exactly like the one you get when you entered a secret world on Super Mario Bros.! :-[
"wtf is a bitcoin and how the fuck can i get some"
To quote a character from GTA4: "I'm completely engourged!!!" Still am. 8)
As for being a first time user for the first time this week. Wholly shit. I can't wait to purchase!
I could not even think straight once I got on here... I still cant think tooo straight... but this place is awesome... like a Disneyland for druggies!!!
Wide-eyed, wondrous, and grinning.
Then reality hit me. I realized I had to learn about nearly everything before even making contact with the right vendor.
Once I saw the "add to cart" button I just lost it... it was like a dream.
Mine was like YES! ;D so i started figuring out how to make alot of bitcoins and i came across this eBook for making alot of bitcoins for free and it works great! Life is good right now i shop for free off SR cant get no better than that..!
link to download the eBook
I thought that instead of a bunch of small time dealers havin it for the same price that im gettin now from around the corner, that it would be more wholesalers and alot cheaper prices, but the prices on here are higher than they are on the street
It was like walking into a really good dream :-) I was thinking "thank you...I don't have to worry about shitty local dealers anymore". Living in an area where the quality can vary wildly (and where I don't have good connections) is kinda frustrating. Silk Road is a remarkable development for the internet, and I hope more places grow where this site has laid the foundation (like early p2p programs paved the way for bittorrent)
I thought that instead of a bunch of small time dealers havin it for the same price that im gettin now from around the corner, that it would be more wholesalers and alot cheaper prices, but the prices on here are higher than they are on the street
Quality is better than what I can get in my area, plus it's easier to buy in bulk (a lot of the dealers around me are small time: buying more than an eighth or a quarter is unusual)
I thought that instead of a bunch of small time dealers havin it for the same price that im gettin now from around the corner, that it would be more wholesalers and alot cheaper prices, but the prices on here are higher than they are on the street
Quality is better than what I can get in my area, plus it's easier to buy in bulk (a lot of the dealers around me are small time: buying more than an eighth or a quarter is unusual)
But if your buying less than a eight or a quarter going through the hassle of bitcoins and havin it shipped and all that seems more unusual when you can just get that small amount off the street w/o waiting, and the quality around me is good, but the prices are above retail value, and on top of that prices on SR are above that, and its backwards, cali, mexican, texas etc.. connects sellin shit way above market value n shit
I thought that instead of a bunch of small time dealers havin it for the same price that im gettin now from around the corner, that it would be more wholesalers and alot cheaper prices, but the prices on here are higher than they are on the street
Quality is better than what I can get in my area, plus it's easier to buy in bulk (a lot of the dealers around me are small time: buying more than an eighth or a quarter is unusual)
But if your buying less than a eight or a quarter going through the hassle of bitcoins and havin it shipped and all that seems more unusual when you can just get that small amount off the street w/o waiting, and the quality around me is good, but the prices are above retail value, and on top of that prices on SR are above that, and its backwards, cali, mexican, texas etc.. connects sellin shit way above market value n shit
It's more for when you don't have good connections...or good weed. And also you're right: buying less than a quarter on SR is probably not a good use of your money but again that entirely depends on where you live: someone in the middle of South Dakota is probably much better off ordering here than trying to find a local. If you live in a top 50 population city, though, I don't see the need: you be able to find plenty of good dealers locally. If I had the drive (no pun intended) I'd travel 1+ hour to a major metropolis by me, but I'd have to go to neighborhoods I'd feel very unsafe in. We're also paying for the convenience and the relative safety (compared to buying from some shady dealer in a ghetto)
My first thought was, "Damn - I thought of this before!". I've always been on the look out for something like this. Where I live, I have no connections - and the stuff I do manage to come across isn't much of a selection. It's crap quality and I have no choice about it. Either buy or not - not a chance to go elsewhere. I know many people on here have really good connections, but seriously, few can get access to this wide range of options. I agree with what some have said that getting Bitcoins is a difficult endeavor usually, but it seems better to me than driving to get something, running around on the street trying to score, dealing with the cops... I think SR is great for harm reduction as well. I trust some SR sellers more than I've ever trusted a dealer before. I know some that I'm guaranteed quality - amazing quality ;-)
at first i was just super excited about having access to mescaline :D
My first thought was, "Damn - I thought of this before!". I've always been on the look out for something like this. Where I live, I have no connections - and the stuff I do manage to come across isn't much of a selection. It's crap quality and I have no choice about it. Either buy or not - not a chance to go elsewhere. I know many people on here have really good connections, but seriously, few can get access to this wide range of options. I agree with what some have said that getting Bitcoins is a difficult endeavor usually, but it seems better to me than driving to get something, running around on the street trying to score, dealing with the cops... I think SR is great for harm reduction as well. I trust some SR sellers more than I've ever trusted a dealer before. I know some that I'm guaranteed quality - amazing quality ;-)
Hell, I use to have a brother as my dealer and I've trusted people like alllove and BuddhaNature more, because they're more consistent (in both quality and delivery) and they're more transparent: you know what you're getting and when they say it's "200mg MDMA" it is, without any doubt. With my local dealers, I usually don't have a clue what I'm getting: they call it "AK47" but it could be generic mids for all I know. Coming on SR feels like walking into a super-dispensary: it's legit and awesome.
I felt triumphant that I finally found the deep web. I always knew there had to be some online black market like this, but didn't know how to get there.
"Cool. Now for pizza."
The first thing that I did was, put on a creepy smile. (My creepy smile kind of looks like what a kid would look like when they find twenty bucks on the street.)
The first thing that I said was, "Time to start saving up!"
It was like being a kid, walking downstairs on Christmas day to see presents under the tree, and you somehow ended up getting the biggest gift out of all.
Like magic! ;D
The future of the grey market is finally here. The best part is that it requires the user to have a high level of intelligence, perfect for filtering out a lot of the idiots who could potentially ruin this beautiful market for the rest of us. Brilliant. Cha-Ching! ;D
Well, I thought and I think it's one of the best things on the planet at the moment.
As long as we stay away from people that buy grenades to throw them at LE we should be ok forever :D
I could not believe it...and even after the first package came, I was still not believing it was true....than after a month I realized and started to really look and undestand the thing in it full scheme. Not just the SR but the action toward the "system" . Screwing the MATRIX. Started afterward too look and fell part of a comunicty that we all should defend and takecare of.
Still investigating and hoping it will last but also afraid of future, because media are putting lot of attention on this....
My first reaction was "This is incredible." An amazon of illicit goods from across the globe, critiqued by a by a community forum and delivered right to your door no matter what urban or backwoods podunk location you just happened to reside. A revolutionary, magical manifestation of extraordinary genius. Long live the Silk Road.
First was "what the fuck?", then came "I wonder if my homey can still wipe a drive?"
God is great!!!!!
"This is awesome, wtf did it take me so long to find this" (wish I did find it sooner, would have saved lots of $$$ wasted on fake or cut to shit mdma
I was thinking of all the experimenting that could be done. I had heard about SR for awhile before I joined, but never explored my curiosity. Glad I did, sure beats a lot of the fake/cut shit you run into on the streets. It's good to know EXACTLY what you are getting :)
I am new and when i first logged in i felt like i have come home a small tear ran down my cheek and i think i heard angels singing in the backround it was GLORIOUS!! 8)
Mine was, "thank god for the internet" followed by me giggling like an Asian schoolgirl at all the drugs ;D
well...I took some real psychedelic substance first time and asked myself ''How can I find those more?'' Then I found here 2 days later.I don't know how I could I've heard anything about SR before the first psychedelic experience and I don't know how but I know if someones should come here,they just come here.I don't have any religious beliefs and I'm almost sure there's no god or something like it but maybe there are some guides out around there directing us to one way...
I fucking flipped out and felt happiness and rage,
happy because I now had connections for virtually every drug I could possibly want,
and rage because I didnt have the funds to buy them...
all that is changing 8)
travel on ;D
I was jumping up and down, and clapping my hands with a huge smile on my face. It is still a little unbelievable.
"Finally. I'm finally in the Silk Road. Now please don't let it disappear before I figure out how to get bitcoins."
I had not smoked weed in nine years. Nine long years. Now I am happily waiting on the arrival of my third purchase in barely two months.
"I'm rich biiioootch!"
And then I found it this place was a retail driven pie in the sky.
Great for users, hit and miss for distributors, but still a GREAT f*cking site idea.
Gratitude, and hope in my heart for freedom and understanding in wider society. That I could be in the company of libertarians, and truth workers. The sort of people who tune into Alex Jones show stateside, or read David Icke books.
I was jumping up and down, and clapping my hands with a huge smile on my face. It is still a little unbelievable.
This was basically me.
Ohh and "What the fuck am I on!?!?!?"
I saw it got really excited and then was like.....SHIT THIS IS GANNA TAKE UP SO MUCH OF MY TIME!
My first thought was "I need to delete this shitty dealers number from my phone!"
"Are you fucking kidding me?" hah
my first thought was "there is a god"
I thought what a magical website and I have been high since then.
First thought? I'm just going to take a look, NO ONE is stupid enough to send coke through the mail.
Second thought: This might actually work...hmmm
Third thought? Get me some fuckin bitcoins...NOW!
Fourth though was, where the fuck did my bitcoins go when I transferred them from my wallet to SR.
Fifth thought, (Cue Adam Sandler's voice) I AM THE SMARTEST MAN ALIVE! As I walk home from the mailboxes :D
I felt dirty and cheap like a hooker on Coahuila alley in Tijuana. ;)
My first thought "why did i not know about this sooner" and then i thought i had died and gone to heaven
now fustration as i try to figure out how to get bitcoins and order stuff.
Bitinstant sent to mt gox sent to another wallet address then to sr
I thought, oh shit, this could either be really good for me or really bad. Maybe I should think about it before I dive in....
10seconds later paying Liberty Reserve $300 and a shit load of fees to some 3rd party to convert to BTC, then to Bit-Central, who stole all but $80.
Should have been a tad more patient.
I've been looking for about a year to find this place!! (I'm a little slow at times). My first thought was. WOO HOO!!!:))
Even though I had heard talks of SR existing I never actually had a need to seek it out. I had RL connections, was happy with my supplier and wasn't a user of anything (really!). Also, the demand around here didn't warrant finding new products.
Then, I was introduced to MDMA.... and EVERYTHING changed. lol. I'd found a drug I actually loved taking myself and was bound and determined to find a stable connection. Impossible to find it around here, I set out to see if what I'd heard was true. I entered the road, had a look around and sat back in amazement. First I thought "Holy shit, this actually exists, damn, I've been missing out!". At the same time I thought "this could be the most elaborate undercover operation ever known to man". I spent months absorbing the forums and reading vendor reviews. I made sure I got all of my security measures in place and then took the plunge. When that first pack arrived in the mail I was like a kid on Xmas morning. It truly was "X"mas considering what I'd ordered, haha. I just wanted to get home, tear into the package and play with my new toy! :P
After the initial "OMG this is awesome!" subsided I felt like I was now part of something truly amazing. Something only the few, the determined and the (mostly) intelligent could successfully be a part of or even know it exists.
A whole new world had opened up.
A big "THANK YOU!" to DPR and all involved.
Greatest blessing on teh intrawebs..! 8)
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I didn't quite know what to expect and now I'm in, really want to know more. This is really cool! Thanks Creator.
My first thought was dam the prices are high.
i hope it stays for awhile just found it lol
At the time, I had barely just started smoking weed. Drugs were completely new to me. I was amazed, then I stopped going to the website. Months later, I tried MXE. I tried a couple others before that, but MXE really got me thinking... this shit is legal, I can just order it on the clearnet. Then when the RC scene got hit bad, particularly Euphoric Knowledge, I started to do a bit of research. Then I remembered - Silk Road. If the RC vendors are legit, then maybe the SR vendors are too. So I gave it a try. My first order was a xanax sample, my second was a gram of molly from Pf. Couldn't have been happier.
The novelty of SR still hasn't worn off for me. ;D
i use to be on a few clearnet websites back in 2008 and 2009 but it was nothing like the silk road
my first words were: about damn time
and i got that twinkle of true freedom as wel
- first thought was..... is this real.?...then how much of this is real? much is not?..........i was skeptical all the way through my first purchase,.....then it began trying to understand how it works its just utter amazment......
(CLEARNET) hxxp://
But seriously, more like "Well, the cat's out of the bag now."
This sort of thing will only get bigger. I don't exaggerate when I say this is probably the first sign of the end of the War on Drugs.
(CLEARNET) hxxp://
But seriously, more like "Well, the cat's out of the bag now."
This sort of thing will only get bigger. I don't exaggerate when I say this is probably the first sign of the end of the War on Drugs.
Agreed. I can't remember my first thought anymore but my current, ever-present thought is that law enforcement should just leave this one alone. You can bet that they are spending millions of dollars trying to shutter Silk Road lest we expose "the elephant in the room"--which is not the fact that drugs are being sold out in the open. It's the average citizen realizing that personal drug use does not cause rivers of blood to run in our streets, that grown adults can choose exactly what to put in their bodies and still live long, productive, and healthy lives. It's the average citizen seeing a functioning community thriving and actually enjoying a life built around one of their most fundamental illusions.
This is why I take the position that we should be presenting our mature, professional sides on these forums, and then invite the media and public to drop in. If this happens, they will see the association they have deep in their brains between the word "drugs" and death/violence in the streets is drastically out of date. The fact of the matter is that Silk Road has taken violence out of the drug equation and replaced it with regulation and a public forum for professional discussion. There are no gunshots going off if a drug deal goes wrong. Instead we complain and shame the dealer with our votes, our ratings, and our feedback. There is nothing left to bust except the impending mass realization that the conventional drug war has been far more trouble than it's worth, and the threat that Silk Road is the answer to the problems they failed to address with such a pointless war.
So I continue to hope cooler heads prevail in law enforcement administrations around the world. Since they won't, what will happen is eventually SR will be dug up, and we will all be without our favorite substance for at least a week before its replacement pops up. I'm sure millions in contracts for mail inspection machine technology are being awarded, probably very large arrays of NSA processors are at work on these signals as we speak, people will still have their dogs shot in no-knock raids, and other oppressive foolery will still be considered not just the right way to be going about this all, but necessary. It's a sad, sad thought, but all we can do is exactly what we're doing.
I actually just alleviated my own paranoia with that post.
Never mind my reaction, the best thing was popping it on my uber cool d boy kid who in in reply could only sit there with a glazed over look and mutter "thats sick though"
Ah youth...wasted on the young, usually anyway ;)
Some really awesome & funny replies in this thread :D. I'll quote a few of my favorites :D, which kind of express my own amazement. Basically I felt like a kid who has been dreaming for weeks to get to the candy store and all of the sudden he's in a candy MALL :). I also felt amazement and disbelief.
Quotes (1 per line):
Then, I was introduced to MDMA.... and EVERYTHING changed. lol.
my first words were: about damn time its just utter amazment......
Gratitude, and hope in my heart for freedom and understanding in wider society. That I could be in the company of libertarians, and truth workers.
I had a clear focus and a grin from ear to ear.
Similar to the thoughts any young boy has the first time he's about to get a girl's bra off. As you start you can't believe it's about to happen. And when you finally see a glorious pair of breasts it's such a sensory overload that there aren't too many thoughts. Just taking in the sights and sounds. Ah but now even decades later I still feel overwhelmed every time I see my wife's breasts. And every time I log on to SR I think I have a bit of the old wonder struck twinkle in my eyes. Guess I'm still just a druggie pervert. Age does not make men better. Haha.
So to sum up SR = TITS
The same thought when I log on every single time..... OHHHHH LETS DO ITTTTTTTT ;D
Is this real? This can't be real.
MY first thought was "Gotta be LE" then the more I researched it the less I was sure. By the time I received my first package my thoughts turned into "No fucking way/Why didn't I find this sooner"
SR is the greatest blessing to Drug-Loving Nerds since erowid is this for real??
too good to be true, how has it managed to exist..
kid in a candystore for sure--or a five-year-old on Christmas day.
I did a "Holy fucking shit, no way."
First time I got a package I thought "I can't believe this is actually happening," with a massive grin in my face.
Can this be fuckin real :o , i then looked at my wife and said we gonna be rich or broke.
Haha! Love this!
Similar to the thoughts any young boy has the first time he's about to get a girl's bra off. As you start you can't believe it's about to happen. And when you finally see a glorious pair of breasts it's such a sensory overload that there aren't too many thoughts. Just taking in the sights and sounds. Ah but now even decades later I still feel overwhelmed every time I see my wife's breasts. And every time I log on to SR I think I have a bit of the old wonder struck twinkle in my eyes. Guess I'm still just a druggie pervert. Age does not make men better. Haha.
So to sum up SR = TITS