Silk Road forums
Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: USdirectforyou on March 03, 2012, 08:44 pm
From people repeatedly asking for samples, from one international buyer complaining because he hasn't received his package and it was on it's 6th day in transit and calling me a scammer and saying that I laughed at him and saying in a threatening manner like he was going to complain to SR support or forums and said that he saved our messages as proof when I also have them saved and NEVER laughed at him and was nothing but nice to him. From one guy repeatedly asking me if I accept cash in the mail or western union or paypal. I don't know how all you vets do it and still have a real life and not be stressed out. Maybe this just isn't for me.... It's feels like there is just as many scam vendors as there are buyers and I feel like I'm going to stop shipping international because there is no way to put a DCN# on it and I won't ship express. How Am I supposed to know that they received and not just trying to pull one over on you and trying to get a free product or at least a refund. Granted this situation has only happened once with me for an international buyer( the one I mentioned up top). Do most vendors in US or canada ship international? I think I'm gonna stick to just domestic this way I can put a DCN# on it and protect myself from international scammers. Sorry for the rant i'm just stressed and venting and would appreciate other vendors advice, thank you for reading
I feel for you. I'm sure it's very stressful having to deal with some buyers (and product beggars) who are assholes. People need to be cool and treat others with respect. It's the only way SR will grow in a positive way.
There are some good new vendors who are doing shit right. Kwiktrip is one of them and should be applauded for being new and doing a good job as well as all of the legit Vet vendors who can be trusted.
I feel for you. I'm sure it's very stressful having to deal with some buyers (and product beggars) who are assholes. People need to be cool and treat others with respect. It's the only way SR will grow in a positive way.
There are some good new vendors who are doing shit right. Kwiktrip is one of them and should be applauded for being new and doing a good job as well as all of the legit Vet vendors who can be trusted.
I totally agree! I'm learning how to deal with it. I learned a good lesson already because I argued with a paying customer about their honest feedback on the forums about my product and I just made myself look bad and didn't take their honest opinion as just that and I'm reshipping them a new better product I have as a form of saying I'm sorry for being rude to you when you where just being honest. I applaud christynugs as I see she is a top respected vendor by all buyers and vendors who I wish to be like!
Being humble and admitting when you're wrong is a fantastic quality to have. Only if more people would have that.
Being a vendor can be tough sometimes. The most difficult part is time management. When you get 20-30 PM's per day, it can take a very long time just to respond to customer queries, yet alone orders.
I cannot even imagine how difficult it must be for Pharmville.
You'll work out a sort of personal routine (just don't let that bleed over into your actual operation because that gets you caught). It's up to you how far you want this thing to go, too. It's been crazy busy for me the last couple of months without even taking my personal life, or the fact I run two legitimate, profitable, businesses in the f2f world, so I feel for new vendors getting their heads around the whole thing.
Once you get established you can start being more choosey about who you are dealing with (this new "stealth" development is pretty cool). You can set up product forecasting and basically just post exactly what you want to sell, because you know it will sell, and suddenly you have a nice steady income working 20 hours a week.
You just have to take your knocks and bleed a bit first. We all did. lol if you only knew what it was like back before BTC hedging and all of the cool features we have now. Most here have no idea....
Being a vendor can be tough sometimes. The most difficult part is time management. When you get 20-30 PM's per day, it can take a very long time just to respond to customer queries, yet alone orders.
I cannot even imagine how difficult it must be for Pharmville.
yes pharmville must be swamped because I order from them and I applaud there great service! I'm at the point being only here on SR 25 days where I'm answering 30+ emails a day and many pgp, getting 20-30 orders a day, Having to make sure what I send is the correct thing because if I send someone 2cb and they ordered coke it can kill them; that's why I'm only doing coke orders on one day and the rest the next. plus I go to school and its really starting affect my grades big time because I'm spending more time on here and also take care of my family. Seriously I give it up to all the great vendors and buyers! thank you!
When I was a Vendor I quit doing anything but domestic quickly, then it's just finding the groove, ignoring the trolls/scammers/newb, and feelin' the love from you dedicated customers.
Even though your purity of your cocaine claims of over 90 some odd percent are straight out the ganking zone, Imma give you some real good advice: Deal drugs yes or deal drugs no: in-between gets squashed like roach.
Seriously, school? I say this in the most endearing way: you better decide what your doing and I mean quickly bro because a jack of all trades is truly master of none. You got to be *all in* or you'll end up half-assing everything when you try to split your time up between them all. Half assing in this particular trade usually results in bad things like prison or worse.
Now thats the real deal playa.
When I was a Vendor I quit doing anything but domestic quickly, then it's just finding the groove, ignoring the trolls/scammers/newb, and feelin' the love from you dedicated customers.
Thanks that's what I'm going to do also is just domestic even though most my orders are international but its not worth it. Thanks for the great advice.
Even though your purity of your cocaine claims of over 90 some odd percent are straight out the ganking zone, Imma give you some real good advice: Deal drugs yes or deal drugs no: in-between gets squashed like roach.
Seriously, school? I say this in the most endearing way: you better decide what your doing and I mean quickly bro because a jack of all trades is truly master of none. You got to be *all in* or you'll end up half-assing everything when you try to split your time up between them all. Half assing in this particular trade usually results in bad things like prison or worse.
Now thats the real deal playa.
My claims are just what I put up because that's what a cooker told me he got back but my supply told me more like 88-91%, which now I don't believe either from what everyone is telling me. But also if you google what is the highest percent that cocaine can be the second website which is a .gov website claims 93% to 95% so who I'm lost on who to believe? I'm far from a coke expert more a psychedelic one. I was quick to listen to them and should have just listed as really good coke .Although I will tell you this and anyone who has ordered from me can tell that I'm in the area for the biggest port if entry of coke. And really I'm just going to keep a few clients that I like working with here and go stealth in a few weeks because I already got great loyal customers in a short time period and because school is more important to me than just working SR and making tons of money. Thanks for the advice!
coke dealers love to inflate the alledeged purtity of their product. unfortuately the average purtity of seized cocaine in the US, according to the DEA, is closer to 60%. which i do believe is also very close to the average purity of most blow seized at the mexican border, before it even arrives in the country.
a "non-gov" link:
it would be awesome if someone "capable" (really not too hard) was bothered to use, if my memory serves me, anhydrous ammonia to purify and extract pure cocaine hcl from an otherwise "truly" mystery powder that will also naturally include all the other natural alkaloids, in the coca bush, novacaine, ect, that can ruin your buzz considerably. no personal experience (yet) but it supposedly gives you a completely different, much cleaner, much smoother high too! and then the product should also be free of most any cuts or adulterants, which it's gonna otherwise have. period.
90%? never. unless your truly bothered to purify your blow. ya know ;).
Silk Road himself once posted about the constant turnover in vendors on SR. It seems they start out with the best intentions but, sooner or later, the stress, or the fear, or the hassles just drive them away. It's no party being a vendor, & I always try to remember that the person I'm buying from is probably under a massive amount of pressure. Some buyers just need to chill out.
i kinda dont get why its so hard.. heres some pointers from an outsiders point of view
- ship domestic only
- standerdize the listings (.5 gram, 1 gram) dont do 100mg, 200mg
- no samples (after 2-3 weeks you dont need to anymore)
- just say NO to every stupid request and move on..
- if you have to many little baggies and shit quit selling a chemical for awhile or go on stealth mode
- LISTS, use them
I always tell new vendors or vendors that are thinking about vending here what the reality is. It isnt like a vendor just watches tv and cashes in bitcoins. Far from it. It is literally one of the most stress full jobs that you can do. there is so many things to know and to learn, watching out for your interests and the buyers too.
It can be demanding and it isn't for every one. Pharmville is a natural at this and its obvious why he is so successful. Not everyone can be a Pharmville, that's for sure... I know i've lost 10 years off my life since being here......
coke dealers love to inflate the alledeged purtity of their product. unfortuately the average purtity of seized cocaine in the US, according to the DEA, is closer to 60%. which i do believe is also very close to the average purity of most blow seized at the mexican border, before it even arrives in the country.
a "non-gov" link:
it would be awesome if someone "capable" (really not too hard) was bothered to use, if my memory serves me, anhydrous ammonia to purify and extract pure cocaine hcl from an otherwise "truly" mystery powder that will also naturally include all the other natural alkaloids, in the coca bush, novacaine, ect, that can ruin your buzz considerably. no personal experience (yet) but it supposedly gives you a completely different, much cleaner, much smoother high too! and then the product should also be free of most any cuts or adulterants, which it's gonna otherwise have. period.
90%? never. unless your truly bothered to purify your blow. ya know ;).
I agree with 60% if not lower. But that doesn't mean it can't be that higher, and I'm not going to claim anything no more.
Silk Road himself once posted about the constant turnover in vendors on SR. It seems they start out with the best intentions but, sooner or later, the stress, or the fear, or the hassles just drive them away. It's no party being a vendor, & I always try to remember that the person I'm buying from is probably under a massive amount of pressure. Some buyers just need to chill out.
gawd if you knew the stress I'm under right now lol
i kinda dont get why its so hard.. heres some pointers from an outsiders point of view
- ship domestic only
- standerdize the listings (.5 gram, 1 gram) dont do 100mg, 200mg
- no samples (after 2-3 weeks you dont need to anymore)
- just say NO to every stupid request and move on..
- if you have to many little baggies and shit quit selling a chemical for awhile or go on stealth mode
- LISTS, use them
thanks GREAT advice! sounds like what I'm about to do, thanks you
You can do int'l without too much hassle. Just require them to finalize early; make it clear that the risk is 100% theirs. If they don't like that, let them buy elsewhere. If you're still worried about getting bad feedback from an int'l buyer, see my thread about how to build a feedback firewall (http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=13945.0).
Other than that I would just try to make everything very clear in your listings or vendor page about what you are willing to do, when buyers should expect communication, etc. Make a note that you will ignore messages that can be answered by reading your vendor page or will cancel orders that don't fit the guidelines you have. Some buyers want to be hand-held and make annoying special requests as if they're entitled to them. Fuck that; set your boundaries and ignore anyone that won't take the time to learn and respect them.
I agree with many of the others, but mainly seconding the previous post.
Just stat your methods clearly on your profile. Accept only btc, no refunds for international, etc and just tell people if they msg asking to pay with paypal or whatever other BS that they should not expect a response. I feel its fair certainly and will let you focus on the more important aspects, like shipping.
From a buyers perspective. Sellers should say, read the FAQ before sending any pm's. All other pm's will be ignored. Sellers also should have a very thorough FAQ. So your not asked the same question multiple times. I'm stating the obvious on most of what I said.. But you get the picture.
You can do int'l without too much hassle. Just require them to finalize early; make it clear that the risk is 100% theirs. If they don't like that, let them buy elsewhere. If you're still worried about getting bad feedback from an int'l buyer, see my thread about how to build a feedback firewall (http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=13945.0).
Other than that I would just try to make everything very clear in your listings or vendor page about what you are willing to do, when buyers should expect communication, etc. Make a note that you will ignore messages that can be answered by reading your vendor page or will cancel orders that don't fit the guidelines you have. Some buyers want to be hand-held and make annoying special requests as if they're entitled to them. Fuck that; set your boundaries and ignore anyone that won't take the time to learn and respect them.
^ WOW thanks so much for that advice just read it and what a contribution you wrote for the vending community. I didn't want to not accept international buys but I didn't know how to get around it. Thank for posting that up I really appreciate that!
Really everyone here you thank you so much for the advice! Like I said I'm new here and trying to learn the trick to the trade, you guys rock!!!!
This is an Awsome Post! I've been here sevral months and had been considering I just dont know if its worth selling a couple of spare pills I have lying around.
I've been thinking alot today about what this thread contains, which I am considering a whole re-work on my escrow and shipping policies(which are currently sort of messy.) But it seems the general theme here is to create boundaries and a solid foundation too work from and stick with it, and if the buyer doesn't like it - they can take their business too another vendor who may not be as trustworthy, they might be a match made in heaven. Those honest and repeat customers will respect you for the stability you offer and will stick with you.
Deal drugs yes or deal drugs no: in-between gets squashed like better decide what your doing..
^+1 Personally I found just answering all the messages I get everyday alot of work, not including filling orders and maintaining the remainder of what most wouldn't even consider a "life." The vets deserve all the good business that comes their way.
OP, Sometimes it can help to take a step back and review ourselves, to make sure you aren't biting off more than you can chew. Try not to take on too much at once, if you do - not everyone at the end of the day will be happy - including yourself.
It seems we aren't designed for it and nor does our environment allow it.
I've been thinking alot today about what this thread contains, which I am considering a whole re-work on my escrow and shipping policies(which are currently sort of messy.) But it seems the general theme here is to create boundaries and a solid foundation too work from and stick with it, and if the buyer doesn't like it - they can take their business too another vendor who may not be as trustworthy, they might be a match made in heaven. Those honest and repeat customers will respect you for the stability you offer and will stick with you.
Deal drugs yes or deal drugs no: in-between gets squashed like better decide what your doing..
^+1 Personally I found just answering all the messages I get everyday alot of work, not including filling orders and maintaining the remainder of what most wouldn't even consider a "life." The vets deserve all the good business that comes their way.
OP, Sometimes it can help to take a step back and review ourselves, to make sure you aren't biting off more than you can chew. Try not to take on too much at once, if you do - not everyone at the end of the day will be happy - including yourself.
It seems we aren't designed for it and nor does our environment allow it.
I agree that's why I'm only staying with a few customers and not accepting new ones really soon. Don't want it to affect my shipping times and well to get sloppy and also affect my school, thanks for the advice
Also had another problem with an international buyer. I since day one, have stated international must finalize early on my page. Buyer decide not to read my page before ordering and when asked to finalize he asked me to cancel order which I did but than gave me a 3-5 rating which killed my 100% :-( not fair I feel
Also had another problem with an international buyer. I since day one, have stated international must finalize early on my page. Buyer decide not to read my page before ordering and when asked to finalize he asked me to cancel order which I did but than gave me a 3-5 rating which killed my 100% :-( not fair I feel
Be glad he didn't give you a 1/5. I remember the asshole that did shit like that to me the first time. Minioreo1234. I will never forget that fucker. He tried to keep ordering from me and say sorry, but I told him to fuck off again. I don't negotiate with terrorists.
But yeah, being a vendor isn't easy. You gotta learn from your fuck ups, just like everything else in life. You gotta be respectful, and you have to be professional. Don't half ass it. Either do it or give up.
Don't fuck people around and don't treat people like they are idiots! Remember this and you will go far. Forget it, and you will be forgotten.
Above all, honesty is the most important thing... especially in this business. There are tons of sketchballs so when a customer finds a vendor who is honest and professional, they will stick with that vendor for a long time.
Lastly, DCNs don't work outside the USA.
Even though your purity of your cocaine claims of over 90 some odd percent are straight out the ganking zone, Imma give you some real good advice: Deal drugs yes or deal drugs no: in-between gets squashed like roach.
Seriously, school? I say this in the most endearing way: you better decide what your doing and I mean quickly bro because a jack of all trades is truly master of none. You got to be *all in* or you'll end up half-assing everything when you try to split your time up between them all. Half assing in this particular trade usually results in bad things like prison or worse.
Now thats the real deal playa.
This is fucking gold!
I am going to take this one on board. You are absolutely right. For me... there is no half assing, which is exactly what I have been doing. My hearts just not in it atm.
When I make a comeback it will be with solid supply and more time or it will be nothing.
@USdirectforyou - just ship domestic mate...until you find your groove ;) Also watch the other vendors and how they deal with situations. It sounds like you take it too personal, like myself, which will end up in failure. There is lots to learn and plenty of quality to learn from ;)
I've thought about vending on here, but I can already tell the amount of work involved to keep people happy and keep your ratings up would be a nightmare for me since I already work about 60-70 hours a week at my real job.
The main reason I want to start a vendor account though is just to get adderall on SR at a normal price, not this $20 bull shit.
Good info to be found here and points new vendors should take to heart. One point I have been unable to verify....can a vendor "de-friend" (sounds like a f'ing teenage girl statement) a buyer? Seems like one last opportunity to keep shit bags or people that just bug you away, is to be able to block them block them? A vendor should have that additional level of control. Thoughts?
Good info to be found here and points new vendors should take to heart. One point I have been unable to verify....can a vendor "de-friend" (sounds like a f'ing teenage girl statement) a buyer? Seems like one last opportunity to keep shit bags or people that just bug you away, is to be able to block them block them? A vendor should have that additional level of control. Thoughts?
currently we don't have the option to block shitty buyers or annoying people/trolls. It would be a brilliant addition.
its called delete....deletedelete ;)
Good info to be found here and points new vendors should take to heart. One point I have been unable to verify....can a vendor "de-friend" (sounds like a f'ing teenage girl statement) a buyer? Seems like one last opportunity to keep shit bags or people that just bug you away, is to be able to block them block them? A vendor should have that additional level of control. Thoughts?
currently we don't have the option to block shitty buyers or annoying people/trolls.
I love this quote on so many levels.
It's feels like there is just as many scam vendors as there are buyers
With SRs iron-fisted approach to escrow these days a scam vendor does nothing but lock up orders in escrow and disappear with very little. It's almost impossible to run successful vendor scams anymore. Which is why SR is still here while other darkweb drug sites are failing.