Silk Road forums
Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: vanilla on August 04, 2011, 01:20 am
Hello good people. I have done E, methylone, LSD, shrooms etc and I am looking to experiment a bit more when I got to Vegas later this year. I was thinking of getting some high quality MDMA from one of the fine vendors here and making capsules with other substance(s). I was thinking perhaps 2ce but I am open to suggestions. What else goes well with E? I would like something with at least mild visuals. We could do shrooms and/or acid but I was hoping to find something that I could sneak into the gel capsule with the molly. I appreciate any suggestions.
If you are looking for BLISS try a little ghb (8ml - 12ml) after the MDMA peak (but no alcohol before, during or after), find yourself somewhere comfortable with fine music and melt into a time-devouring marshmallow. One of the most pleasant synergies I've experienced.
With 4-ho-mpt is good for a very powerful, positive self-actualization type experience.
Obviously this is all highly subjective so "enjoy responsibly" :o especially when mixing and matching.
Try MDMA, then when about half way down from that, 20mg 2c-b. Heard it can be a great experience.
The MDMA/2CB combo was dubbed by Shulgin as the 'lovers combo'. The two are supposed to synergize beautifully.
ketamine. ;D
you shouldnt recommend ghb so easily, it has a very low dosage curve, the difference between not feeling it, having a great time and needing to go to hospital can be as little as 20% of your dose, i.e if 3 ml was your sweet spot, you might feel almost nothing at 2.5 but if you dosed another half ml while going good on 3 you could get way too fucked up and messy, ive seen this happen, often.
not to mention: the ghb in my area, inexperienced people dose 2-3mls, 8-12 would almost without doubt kill someone without a tolerance
MDMA/LSD is like the best combo ever!
If your doses are on blotter you could just put the blotter in a cap with the MDMA?
MDMA/LSD is like the best combo ever!
If your doses are on blotter you could just put the blotter in a cap with the MDMA?
Not ideally...there's a duration difference that is important here. LSD=8-12 hours, MDMA=4-6 hours. Who wants to come down from MDMA while still tripping hard? Not me! The best way to candyflip is to try and time it so they peak together. I say take the LSD, and wait 2.5-3 hours, then drop the molly. Good times!
^ That is a good point. I typically drop the L a couple hours before taking MDMA. Redosing molly as needed has also worked well for me.
Put a Microdot or Two in a gelcap of molly. It's pretty awesome.
And if you are in private near the peak somewhere that you don't mind stinking up - smoke some DMT. : )
Very good for after peak also ketamine is the bees knees on mdma or towards the end of the roll.
I'd wait till at least two into roll before adding dissociatives... makes the comedown quite an experience.
But it depends on what results you want with a combo synergize :D
ketamine. ;D
Visuals are magnificent. Images are smeared across your vision whenever your head moves. Every time you turn around its as if youve teleported to a whole new area. You could easily get lost because of this so know where youre at.... I do a little more K than most I know though. Im not sure what you would call a dose... Im talkin 0.3 - 0.5 but thats a bit more than you'd generally put in a cap so... :)
-MR. CranE-
ketamine. ;D
Visuals are magnificent. Images are smeared across your vision whenever your head moves. Every time you turn around its as if youve teleported to a whole new area. You could easily get lost because of this so know where youre at.... I do a little more K than most I know though. Im not sure what you would call a dose... Im talkin 0.3 - 0.5 but thats a bit more than you'd generally put in a cap so... :)
-MR. CranE-
Yep or or you could use MXE to save a little Ketamine, the mg doses on MXE saves me a lot on burning thru a gram of ketamine.
I agree Ketamine and/or LSD are great with E.
I doubt I'd even feel the E if taken with 2ce. Take that FWIW though as I really disliked 2ce. It felt all metallic and the nausea was horrible. The visuals were intense though.
If you are looking for BLISS try a little ghb (8ml - 12ml) after the MDMA peak (but no alcohol before, during or after), find yourself somewhere comfortable with fine music and melt into a time-devouring marshmallow. One of the most pleasant synergies I've experienced.
With 4-ho-mpt is good for a very powerful, positive self-actualization type experience.
Obviously this is all highly subjective so "enjoy responsibly" :o especially when mixing and matching.
this man speaks the truth. add in a little lovin (sex) and you will understand what ecstasy really is. best combo ever! plus you'll probably feel pretty amazing the next morning as the G will help you sleep well. be careful with it tho!
2C-E messes up your vascoconstrictors big time, so i would had the to mdma or any kinda'lll be sweating you balls off and feeling'll be wanting the ac and fans on or jumping in the shower try to control your body temperture....not much fun but good visuals.
MDMA/LSD is like the best combo ever!
I tried that once and didn't like it. The 2 highs were competing with each other and I got the worst of both.