Silk Road forums
Market => Product offers => Topic started by: Colonel Sanders on July 01, 2011, 01:06 am
Then you need to go to this thread and speak out against the new auction policy:
This is going to prevent new small-time sellers from being able to sell at Silk Road, which is exactly the kind of vendors who are likely to sell personal quantities of LSD.
If, however, all you want to see at Silk Road is LSD vendors selling sheets at a time for a significant mark-up, then just ignore all this.
You could also have a bunch of bunk ass vendors selling horrible quality lsd.
The auction system is set in place so only those who are willing to go above the rest to sell to the community.
If you dont have the money to buy an account, you most likely wont be able to provide like someone who can buy an account.
Im not saying all small time vendors are bad, But if you buy a seller account you are more likely to provide better service.
>You could also have a bunch of bunk ass vendors selling horrible quality lsd.
Then let the feedback and escrow system do its job. If someone sells you inactive LSD and you test it before you finalize your order (like all buyers SHOULD be doing), then you can dispute it and get all or part of your money back as well as leave back feedback to discourage other users from buying from this vendor.
Let the marketplace here work. Let the feedback system and word of mouth in the forums do its job.
Over-regulating who can sell drugs ISN'T the answer. For crying out loud, that's the government's way of doing things.
A thread discussing the new auction policy all ready exist, there really isn't need for another. The are multiple reason for having these auctions, they help things the user database keep the 504 away, and they thin out the bunk posters. Yes this comes at the cost of some potentially great small vendors, which sucks, but it is necessary to keep things running smoothly.
(Though my two cents - set price at $75 seems fair for a seller account, not a huge fan of the auction but I see it's purpose)
All 21 of Colonel Sanders posts are bitching about the account policy. I think he just wants a free account.
Hi Colonel Sanders!
I love your chicken! But lets stay on topic. I ship acid to the US in small quantities and I think my markup isnt that high. I think my prices are actually very reasonable. I sucked it up and payed 4.8 btc for my account, and if you are serious about selling its not a high price to pay.
I would buy from him just because he cared enough to pay for an account, and im sure many others would too.
I like that sellers now have to buy an account. If you're not willing to shell out for an account, then I don't trust that you're in it for the long haul. Mitanox paid 4.8BTC. Let's say he bought that at 17 BTC (a high estimate). That means he paid USD$81.60. That hardly seems like a large one time fee for an account and can be made back easily if you're serious about selling. On the other hand, a scammer who knows that SR has the escrow system and they may not get to keep much or any of their exploits would be less likely to pay. Some might, but I bet its weeding out a lot of scammers at virtually no cost to sellers and the community.
US to US LSD: http://ianxz6zefk72ulzz.onion/index.php/silkroad/user/6204
Pictures are here: http://xfq5l5p4g3eyrct7.onion/view.php?image=6ea8ecabb77cf7c0e917d04ee5ec6b87.jpg
And the forum posts are here: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=614.0
Love, Light and Lucy!