Author Topic: I have lost my faith...  (Read 4795 times)


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I have lost my faith...
« on: June 24, 2014, 09:03:13 pm »
The only thing keeping me clinging to SR was that I was hoping I will be repaid my Escrow balance by the 18th.
Guess what? More bs.
No escrow = more scams or selective scamming.

For the last month I have been using Agora and couldnt be happier. Atleast is has working escrow.
Plus I believe the feb hack was BS, because they are putting so much faith into blaming that one guy that hacked it. Just as a scape goat.

wtf has happened...SR was good when it was run by DPR. but SR 2 is bollocks. Full of pocket hungry thieves (Im not just talking about vendors).

I have been waiting since before the hack to get a refund from a dispute (was in escrow), and now this bs has happened where the site was hacked, and now im in the same waiting pool as everyone else....



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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2014, 09:08:11 pm »
I forgot to mention, this site should be run by someone who knows what they are doing. Defcon is in on it for the bucks. DPR was in on it for internet freedom.
Defcon even says it himself, he has to fight rival markets.
Why so many bugs? The negative balance issue has been there since the beggining of SR 2.
Why no multisig escrow?
Why no support system?

To those who say it takes a long time to setup. Agora was launched after the hack. They have all of those features and resolve their bugs quickly.
It is super fast to deposit coins too, so you dont lose any when the prices change.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2014, 09:23:14 pm »
I deposited Yesterday and it was quite quick took 15 Mins to be there. Fastest Iv ever had Even over SR 1
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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2014, 09:44:17 pm »
No mult-sig on Agora, know that if they want to take your escrow money/somebody succesfully attacks them, you are not safe.  Also, their site is down aaallll the time (their forums as well), and they are 100% about money; their community is just not the same as the SR community (although many are slowly losing steam).

There is a supposrt system here, allbeit they aren't staffed as well as they should be...why no multi-sig? They don't want to roll out any type of escrow without being 100% certain that it will be safe and have no issues.  Now with that being said, I completley agree that it is taking way too long - and much longer than has been stated many times - and that they are horrible on keeping the community updated on things like this...

Of course somebody randomly signing into DPR's forum account above and posting ^ (even though they may very well be the "current" DPR - which a PGP signature would be nice to prove BTW; the OP was obviously referencing an older "DPR") means nothing...but hey, might as well toss the name out there.

DDoS mitigation I'm sure has been keeping the staff busy recently; but I personally don't think that should be any reason as to why a single new feature (more or less) hasn't been rolled out yet...

They obviously need to pay out normal account balances first, then move on to paying back pending escrow (which will be a long, slow proccess too - as it will be done the same way).

Sorry to hear your faith has been lost, many have been feeling the same way recently; hopefully your faith will be restored sometime soon, the same for all the other members who have gone inactive, so we can all be a happy community again.

New features and escrow roll out (as well as 100% repayment announcement of normal balances and moving on to pending escrow) should hopefully come soon, and boost the moral of the community.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 09:49:28 pm by farmA.CIST »
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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2014, 10:05:48 pm »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.

Im sorry but what is this based on?  Why do you hate Agora and what makes you call them greedy?  Why should a customer use SR over Agora, what does SR stand for that Agora doesn't stand for?

Is the rumor true about you paying people to DDOS agora? Are funds generated on the site being used to fund an attack against agora?

Why did you hide all of your old posts?

I love the Silk Road and it kills me to see SR in this sickened and weakly state.  If this is the real DPR, we missed you too, now give us an update on repayments instead of playing more PR games with competing marketplaces.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2014, 10:34:50 pm »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.


nice seeing you around again captain..
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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2014, 11:02:49 pm »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.

Holy fuck, you're alive!?  ??? :o 8)
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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2014, 11:06:32 pm »
lol well that's a fucking curveball ???
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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2014, 11:12:31 pm »
Lol I thought latest DPR ran with the funds before Christmas or some shit!


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2014, 11:18:33 pm »
Lol I thought latest DPR ran with the funds before Christmas or some shit!

Right? So someone still has access to the DPR forum account and likes to make jokes.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2014, 11:25:13 pm »
Go spin us a good yarn DPR, cheer us all up :)


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2014, 11:36:02 pm »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.

It's quite clear Agora is in it for the money. Correct. But one can not but feel that the movement has stalled unless one looks to the likes of Evolution who are progressing our goals. Having all my clients FE and having no new vendors allowed on site as competitors is great for my profits, but I care about more than that. The community needs multisig, healthy competition and fully functional feedback features and stats before these forums will become a predominantly happy place again.
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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2014, 11:57:42 pm »
Once again I have to agree with my learned friend MarcelKetman. Evolution has the features that I want to see on SR and its development team are still active. I requested a feature only a few hours ago which they claim has been implemented already.

While it's impressive that the bulk of the market profits has been ploughed back into paying off people who lost money in the hack, lets not pretend there isn't a shitload of money to be made here. Even the original DPR who started the community was sitting on a lot of money.

It's a competition now between the markets, SR is resting on its history and strong fanbase but that will only get it so far. These quibbles with other markets resulting in DDoS attacks are only going to make people move to those playing a more friendly game. The final winner will be the best marketplace with the best features. SR could easily stay at the top but its losing vendors and customers to the other markets quickly so it needs to act soon.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2014, 12:26:21 am »
Once again I have to agree with my learned friend MarcelKetman. Evolution has the features that I want to see on SR and its development team are still active. I requested a feature only a few hours ago which they claim has been implemented already.

While it's impressive that the bulk of the market profits has been ploughed back into paying off people who lost money in the hack, lets not pretend there isn't a shitload of money to be made here. Even the original DPR who started the community was sitting on a lot of money.

It's a competition now between the markets, SR is resting on its history and strong fanbase but that will only get it so far. These quibbles with other markets resulting in DDoS attacks are only going to make people move to those playing a more friendly game. The final winner will be the best marketplace with the best features. SR could easily stay at the top but its losing vendors and customers to the other markets quickly so it needs to act soon.

ye people like buds00, who has been an exceptional vendor. and is now 30k down. sort it support team!
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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2014, 01:13:16 am »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.

And what does SR 'stand' for anymore?  Because this place shares the name of a marketplace that had certain ideals does NOT mean this place does as well.  Compare the current environment of SR2 to any point in SR1s history.  Things were NEVER this bad with Ross and his one man show.  Here we have a 'dev team' and a 'security team' and a 'support team' and still nothing gets done. 

If SR or you truly 'stood' for something then even the tone of your message above would be different.  "If you don't like it here then leave but just so ya know you're giving up all your principles by using another marketplace"  that's the message you are sending with that statement

Hear that everyone?  According to DPR/SR, by expecting that a marketplace should have the very basic essential features that make a marketplace a marketplace and by deciding to go to a marketplace that actually has said features, you are abandoning your Agorist/Libertarian principles.

That's absolutely idiotic.

But really now, tell me, what does SR do so differently even if it did uphold those principles?  What makes it 'stand for something'?  How is it any different than Agora or Pandora or any of the others in terms of 'what they exist for'?!?  Agora makes money, it improves its site.  Which furthers the goals of 'this movement'.  SR makes money, and still has fewer working features than Agora does.  Not only that but by not having an escrow system or open vendor accounts, scams and lack of healthy competition prevails - which is in fact the opposite of what 'this movement' is intended to do!

SR 'exists for the money' just as much as any other marketplace does.  There is no movement, it's all just propaganda anymore.  And to say that continuing to use this broken marketplace is the only way you can be 'part of the movement' is ignorant and just shitty.

Using any marketplace serves the same purpose, it takes the money and the power out of the hands of the world powers and puts the people in control.  If you truly understood Agorist/Libertarian principles you would know that.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2014, 01:29:55 am by Metrics »


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2014, 05:11:30 pm »
What a surprise, new DPR has nothing to say to people with honest questions and concerns. 

Nothing to see here people, just more smoke and mirrors from the people in charge. 


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2014, 06:48:23 pm »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.

You used to inspire me (and others) with words of wisdom, it made me feel like Silkroad could take on the entire world. All of that is gone, there is no "A few words from Dread Pirate Roberts" on the front page anymore explaining who we are and what we stand for anymore, nobody trusts anyone, there is no community and no book club or film nights!!

Thats why I think the morals have changed, it is different here. The first Silkroad was brimming with hope, freedom, inspiration and trust - trust that you would do your upmost for the community - but here....there is none of that

I hate to say it but I do not think you worthy of carrying the name Dread Pirate Roberts, you are only tarnishing the name of the man we once knew and trusted


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2014, 08:50:26 pm »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.

Nice to see ya around
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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2014, 08:55:04 pm »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.

You used to inspire me (and others) with words of wisdom, it made me feel like Silkroad could take on the entire world. All of that is gone, there is no "A few words from Dread Pirate Roberts" on the front page anymore explaining who we are and what we stand for anymore, nobody trusts anyone, there is no community and no book club or film nights!!

Thats why I think the morals have changed, it is different here. The first Silkroad was brimming with hope, freedom, inspiration and trust - trust that you would do your upmost for the community - but here....there is none of that

I hate to say it but I do not think you worthy of carrying the name Dread Pirate Roberts, you are only tarnishing the name of the man we once knew and trusted

I feel much the same way (see my rant above).  The original DPR (while he wasn't perfect) actually helped to create a community.  He made the people of this marketplace feel at home and like they truly were a part of something greater than themselves. 

Anyone else calling themselves DPR is just sad.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2014, 09:07:32 pm »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.

You used to inspire me (and others) with words of wisdom, it made me feel like Silkroad could take on the entire world. All of that is gone, there is no "A few words from Dread Pirate Roberts" on the front page anymore explaining who we are and what we stand for anymore, nobody trusts anyone, there is no community and no book club or film nights!!

Thats why I think the morals have changed, it is different here. The first Silkroad was brimming with hope, freedom, inspiration and trust - trust that you would do your upmost for the community - but here....there is none of that

I hate to say it but I do not think you worthy of carrying the name Dread Pirate Roberts, you are only tarnishing the name of the man we once knew and trusted

I feel much the same way (see my rant above).  The original DPR (while he wasn't perfect) actually helped to create a community.  He made the people of this marketplace feel at home and like they truly were a part of something greater than themselves. 

Anyone else calling themselves DPR is just sad.

Here are the original words from the original DPR, hope they're of interest, the charter is especially relevant


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2014, 09:24:45 pm »
If I'm going to be robbed or scammed, I feel much more comfortable being robbed or scammed on Silk Road than on the street buying poor-quality drugs from some dirtbag.

Escrow or none, the Silk Road community is still pretty sound. The people running have proved time and time again that they're the opposite of crooks. I've had my bank account fraudulently withdrawn from and had the bank do nothing about it except pass the buck. That bank turned out to have laundered millions for Mexican drug cartels.

When my bitcoins went missing from Silk Road, they refunded me what was lost at their expense.

I know there's no escrow system at the moment, and that has sort of ruined mine and lots of other peoples' experiences recently, but as I said before, I'm still happier to be robbed on here than have to deal with some shady scumbag for sub-quality product.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2014, 10:15:11 pm »
I haven't lost faith. I bought a few things a couple of weeks ago and they were great.

Of course this isn't SR1 and it never will be; that was something that can never happen again. Now there are loads of markets and so many vendors have their own sites as well.

If it was possible to have a safe escrow I would welcome that. But I don't understand the constant demand for other improvements like fancy search gadgets and so on. Is it so difficult to find the right drugs as it is?

Is this one worse than the other markets? I don't think it is.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2014, 10:31:53 pm »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.

You used to inspire me (and others) with words of wisdom, it made me feel like Silkroad could take on the entire world. All of that is gone, there is no "A few words from Dread Pirate Roberts" on the front page anymore explaining who we are and what we stand for anymore, nobody trusts anyone, there is no community and no book club or film nights!!

Thats why I think the morals have changed, it is different here. The first Silkroad was brimming with hope, freedom, inspiration and trust - trust that you would do your upmost for the community - but here....there is none of that

I hate to say it but I do not think you worthy of carrying the name Dread Pirate Roberts, you are only tarnishing the name of the man we once knew and trusted
The original DPR (while he wasn't perfect) actually helped to create a community.  He made the people of this marketplace feel at home and like they truly were a part of something greater than themselves. 

The first DPR did much more than that. Something that simply cannot be stopped. He created the first Silk Road but more importantly, he spawned the movement we all share in. Not just here, but in every marketplace now available within the darknet.

Silk Road became a household name following it's fall. As did Dread Pirate Roberts. New marketplaces began cropping up constantly. While they may not directly share in his ideals, these marketplaces fulfill his dream of allowing people to choose what to do with their own bodies without fear of persecution from their respective governments.

Everyone here is truly part of something bigger than themselves as you say. The fact that you seem to be overlooking is that we are already winning. The operators of any of these markets could be arrested tomorrow and while we may mourn their loss, they helped fight a battle that will continue to wage on.

The same goes for Dread Pirate Roberts. It is a title. A moniker. One that Silk Road needs now more than ever in my opinion and cannot be arrested, killed, or simply vanish. It stands for the collective freedom of us all.

Dread Pirate Roberts is not one man, but a series of individuals who periodically pass the name and reputation to a chosen successor. To make the switch, Roberts and his chosen successor sails into port and releases everybody else. Then they hire a completely new crew . :)

FatherTed :)
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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2014, 10:36:54 pm »
DPR I agree he community probably does need the DPR figurehead as a person they can trust, who gets involved and spurs the community on.

There is a lot of unease on the forums, a lot of unanswered questions....  rather than being here and 'arguing' about other communities and who stands for what, how about putting the community at ease by answering some of the many issues that SR2 is facing?

What is happening with the updates, the support system, the slow/missing deposits, the locked accounts full of coins?

Take the lead, the initiative, rally the troops.....  Make YOUR stand.....


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #24 on: June 25, 2014, 11:59:02 pm »

There is a lot of unease on the forums, a lot of unanswered questions....  rather than being here and 'arguing' about other communities and who stands for what, how about putting the community at ease by answering some of the many issues that SR2 is facing?

What is happening with the updates, the support system, the slow/missing deposits, the locked accounts full of coins?

DPR, can you answer questions like these.

I have another question, is new DPR our leader or just our mascot.  Is new DPR like Steve Jobs at Apple, or is new DPR like Ronald McDonald at Mickey D's.  Can this newest incarnation of DPR do anything to help us users of the site, or are you just the newest SR hype man?


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #25 on: June 26, 2014, 01:43:29 am »
The same goes for Dread Pirate Roberts. It is a title. A moniker. One that Silk Road needs now more than ever in my opinion and cannot be arrested, killed, or simply vanish. It stands for the collective freedom of us all.

Then DPR should answer the questions of the community and put their minds at rest, as above nothing has been said about the support system, updates or anything of any real value.

DPR has been gone a long time, he needs to build trust again with the community and he cannot do that if he is simply around once in a while without doing something of use. Coming out and saying "The morals of Silkroad have not changed" means nothing if it isn't backed up by action.

Northwest Nuggets

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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #26 on: June 26, 2014, 02:41:49 am »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.

What does this movement stand for?   It is anti-state or statist?  There was another DPR who was more of a radical.   He posted these things.   

“Hey gang,

I read more than I post in the forum, and my posts are rarely of a personal nature. For some reason the mood struck me just now to put the revolution down for a minute and just express a few things. There is a curtain of anonymity and secrecy that covers everything that goes on behind the scenes here. It is often fast paced and stressful behind this curtain and I rarely lift my head long enough to take in just how amazing all of this is. But when I do I am filled with inspiration and hope for the future. Here’s a little story about what inspires me:

For years I was frustrated and defeated by what seemed to be insurmountable barriers between the world today and the world I wanted. I searched long and hard for the truth about what is right and wrong and good for humanity. I argued with, learned from, and read the works of brilliant people in search of the truth. It’s a damn hard thing to do too with all of the misinformation and distractions in the sea of opinion we live in. But eventually I found something I could agree with whole heartedly. Something that made sense, was simple, elegant and consistent in all cases. I’m talking about the Austrian Economic theory, voluntaryism, anarcho-capitalism, agorism etc. espoused by the likes of Mises and Rothbard before their deaths, and Salerno and Rockwell today.

From their works, I understood the mechanics of liberty, and the effects of tyranny. But such vision was a curse. Everywhere I looked I saw the State, and the horrible withering effects it had on the human spirit. It was horribly depressing. Like waking from a restless dream to find yourself in a cage with no way out. But I also saw free spirits trying to break free of their chains, doing everything they could to serve their fellow man and provide for themselves and their loved ones. I saw the magical and powerful wealth creating effect of the market, the way it fostered cooperation, civility and tolerance. How it made trading partners out of strangers or even enemies. How it coordinates the actions of every person on the planet in ways too complex for any one mind to fathom to produce an overflowing abundance of wealth, where nothing is wasted and where power and responsibility are directed to those most deserving and able. I saw a better way, but knew of no way to get there.

I read everything I could to deepen my understanding of economics and liberty, but it was all intellectual, there was no call to action except to tell the people around me what I had learned and hopefully get them to see the light. That was until I read “Alongside night” and the works of Samuel Edward Konkin III. At last the missing puzzle piece! All of the sudden it was so clear: every action you take outside the scope of government control strengthens the market and weakens the state. I saw how the state lives parasitically off the productive people of the world, and how quickly it would crumble if it didn’t have it’s tax revenues. No soldiers if you can’t pay them. No drug war without billions of dollars being siphoned off the very people you are oppressing.

For the first time I saw the drug cartels and the dealers, and every person in the whole damn supply chain in a different light. Some, especially the cartels, are basically a defacto violent power hungry state, and surely would love nothing more than to take control of a national government, but you average joe pot dealer, who wouldn’t hurt a fly, that guy became my hero. By making his living outside the purview of the state, he was depriving it of his precious life force, the product of his efforts. He was free. People like him, little by little, weakened the state and strengthened the market.

It wasn’t long, maybe a year or two after this realization that the pieces started coming together for the Silk Road, and what a ride it has been. No longer do I feel ANY frustration. In fact I am at peace in the knowledge that every day I have more I can do to breath life into a truly revolutionary and free market than I have hours in the day. I walk tall, proud and free, knowing that the actions I take eat away at the infrastructure that keeps oppression alive.

We are like a little seed in a big jungle that has just broken the surface of the forest floor. It’s a big scary jungle with lots of dangerous creatures, each honed by evolution to survive in the hostile environment known as human society. All manner of corporation, government agency, small family businesses, anything that can gain a foothold and survive. But the environment is rapidly changing and the jungle has never seen a species quite like the Silk Road. You can see it, but you can’t touch it. It is elusive, yet powerful, and we are evolving at a rapid clip, experimenting, trying to find sturdy ground we can put roots down in.

Will we and others like us someday grow to be tall hardwoods? Will we reshape the landscape of society as we know it? What if one day we had enough power to maintain a physical presence on the globe, where we shunned the parasites and upheld the rule of law, where the right to privacy and property was unquestioned and enshrined in the very structure of society. Where police are our servants and protectors beholden to their customers, the people. Where pace our leaders earn their power and responsibility in the harsh and unforgiving furnace of the free market and not from behind a gun, where the opportunities to create and enjoy wealth are as boundless as one’s imagination.

Some day, we could be a shining beacon of hope for the oppressed people of the world just as so many oppressed and violated souls have found refuge here already. Will it happen overnight? No. Will it happen in a lifetime? I don’t know. Is it worth fighting for until my last breath. Of course. Once you’ve seen what’s possible, how can you do otherwise? How can you plug yourself into the tax eating, life sucking, violent, sadistic, war mongering, oppressive machine ever again? How can you kneel when you’ve felt the power of your own legs? Felt them stretch and flex as you learn to walk and think as a free person? I would rather live my life in rags now than in golden chains. And now we can have both! Now it is profitable to throw off one’s chains, with amazing crypto technology reducing the risk of doing so dramatically. How many niches have yet to be filled in the world of anonymous online markets? The opportunity to prosper and take part in a revolution of epic proportions is at our fingertips!

I have no one to share my thoughts with in physical space. Security does not permit it, so thanks for listening. I hope my words can be an inspiration just as I am given so much by everyone here.

Dread Pirate Roberts”

“I keep hearing this argument come up when people talk about drug prohibition: legalize, regulate and tax it. On the surface it sounds like a good idea. No more drug war, more tax revenue, government regulators can make sure it is safe. Makes sense, right?

I can’t help but think something is wrong though. Feels like the bastards that have been screwing everyone over all this time still win in this scenario. Now all that money can go to the state and to their cronies, right?

Here’s the rub: the drug war is an acute symptom of a deeper problem, and that problem is the state. If they “legalize, regulate and tax” it, it’s just one more part of society under their thumb, another productive sector that they can leech off of.

If prohibition is lifted, most people here will go away. You’ll go back to your lives and get your drugs from whatever state certified dispensaries are properly licensed to sell to you. Drug use will be as interesting as smoking and drinking.

Here’s my point: Silk Road is about something much bigger than thumbing your nose at the man and getting your drugs anyway. It’s about taking back our liberty and our dignity and demanding justice. If prohibition is lifted, and the drug industry is placed under the yoke of the state, then we won in a small way, but lost in a big way. Right now, drugs are ours. They aren’t tainted by the government. We the people control their manufacture, distribution and consumption. We should be looking to expand that control, taking back our power, no giving what is ours to the very people that have been our enemies all along.

It’s easy to justify though. Think of all the horrors the war on drugs has caused that will be gone, almost instantly. That pain could stop!

Don’t be tempted by this short-term easy fix of “let the government handle it.” Their time is coming to an end. The future is OUR time. Let us take this opportunity they’ve given us to gain a foothold from which we can throw that yoke off completely. We are NOT beasts of burden to be taxed and controlled and regulated. WE are free spirits! We DEMAND respect! The future can be a time where the human spirit flourishes, unbridled, wild and free! Don’t be so quick to put on that harness and pull for the parasites.

If prohibition is lifted, where will you be? Will you forget about all this revolution stuff? Will you go back to ignoring that itching feeling that something isn’t right, that men in uniforms and behind desks have just a bit too much control over your life, and are taking more and more of your sovereignty every day? Will you go back to thinking that taxes are as inevitable as death and the best you can do is to pull as hard as you can for them until you mind, body and spirit are all used up? Or will you feel the loss, as one more wild west frontier comes under the dominion of the enemy, and redouble your efforts to stop it?

I know where I’ll be. I won’t rest until children are born into a world where oppression, institutional violence and control, world war, and all the other hallmarks of the state are as ancient history as pharaohs commanding armies of slaves. The drug war merely brings to light their nature and shows us who they really are. Legalizing it won’t change that and will only make them stronger. Hold on to what you DO have, and stand for the freedom you deserve!”
« Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 02:43:43 am by Northwest Nuggets »


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #27 on: June 26, 2014, 03:23:21 am »
This is stupid.

DPR is back (probably Defcon or another staff member using the account) and it is seeming to be a great distraction for some

But we need answers, not distractions
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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #28 on: June 26, 2014, 04:43:50 am »
The quotes from DPR1 truly are inspirational but I have lived in this outside world where I find sadness and injustice abound everywhere, I want my freedom here in this haven, at the very least, I have a sense of pending doom concerning my freedoms in relation to this place that is SR2. I am here no matter the difficulties that have befallen this community over the last several months I will leave only when SR2 leaves me. I am a very pessimistic individual and for the first time in years I have a deep and abiding faith in Sr2 even if that abiding faith fails me in the end. Ive said in other posts I am here to the bitter end and I hope that never comes to pass.

keeping the faith



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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #29 on: June 26, 2014, 07:39:40 am »
This is stupid.

DPR is back (probably Defcon or another staff member using the account) and it is seeming to be a great distraction for some

But we need answers, not distractions

Review Thread: http://silkroad5v7dywlc.onion/index.php?topic=35274.0

Market: http://silkroad6ownowfk.onion/users/marcelketman/items

S+ & Racemic Ketamine 1g $47.50, Cola MDMA - 1g, $35, Mephedrone 1g, $26


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2014, 08:36:00 am »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.

Agora is in it for the money? Well boo-hoo, here is some other things Agora is in it for:

Buyer feedback
A functioning support that actually replies and listens to vendors and buyers
A resolution center
A friendly much better interface with all the vendors listings on a single page
and more and more

And the idea that SR2 is not in it for the money is laughable . Where the hell is our pending escrow anyway? All these promises and BS rhetoric are getting really old.

I really hope it is not SR2 thats ddosing Agora. If it is I hope you all crash and burn.

If not though I hope both market places flourish and do well.

Competition is healthy and if the BS would just stop there is more than enough market for everyone.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2014, 11:49:38 am »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.

You used to inspire me (and others) with words of wisdom, it made me feel like Silkroad could take on the entire world. All of that is gone, there is no "A few words from Dread Pirate Roberts" on the front page anymore explaining who we are and what we stand for anymore, nobody trusts anyone, there is no community and no book club or film nights!!

Thats why I think the morals have changed, it is different here. The first Silkroad was brimming with hope, freedom, inspiration and trust - trust that you would do your upmost for the community - but here....there is none of that

I hate to say it but I do not think you worthy of carrying the name Dread Pirate Roberts, you are only tarnishing the name of the man we once knew and trusted
The original DPR (while he wasn't perfect) actually helped to create a community.  He made the people of this marketplace feel at home and like they truly were a part of something greater than themselves. 

The first DPR did much more than that. Something that simply cannot be stopped. He created the first Silk Road but more importantly, he spawned the movement we all share in. Not just here, but in every marketplace now available within the darknet.

Silk Road became a household name following it's fall. As did Dread Pirate Roberts. New marketplaces began cropping up constantly. While they may not directly share in his ideals, these marketplaces fulfill his dream of allowing people to choose what to do with their own bodies without fear of persecution from their respective governments.

Everyone here is truly part of something bigger than themselves as you say. The fact that you seem to be overlooking is that we are already winning. The operators of any of these markets could be arrested tomorrow and while we may mourn their loss, they helped fight a battle that will continue to wage on.

The same goes for Dread Pirate Roberts. It is a title. A moniker. One that Silk Road needs now more than ever in my opinion and cannot be arrested, killed, or simply vanish. It stands for the collective freedom of us all.

So, now you're saying that all the markets are a part of 'this movement'??  That is totally different than what you said here:

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.

So which is it?  Are all the markets part of 'this movement' or is it just SR like you said before?   And why aren't you answering any of the real honest questions that people are asking?   If it's because you simply don't have the answers then just tell us that.  At least you'd be telling the truth!


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2014, 01:48:40 pm »
This is stupid.

DPR is back (probably Defcon or another staff member using the account) and it is seeming to be a great distraction for some

But we need answers, not distractions
This. Everything being posted here is just more bullshit to be added to what we've been fed for months. Actions speak louder than words everyone.
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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2014, 02:05:36 pm »
Is there any advantage in using SR without escrow?  Or do we just pay comission to have the privelage of being "part of the movement"?


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2014, 02:09:07 pm »
When DPR posted here he thought everyone will jump on the same bandwagon as him and critisize me.

But the is the one who is being critisized and he hasnt replied to any one the critism. He is dancing around the questions.
Remember on SR1, on valentines day there was a sale? This will never happen because this is not SR1.

Stop pretending that you are the same as the original DPR, and dont say you stand for the same thing. because you dont.
What happened to the weekly payments thread which stopped a month ago?
DPR1 kept the old community up to date with the site.

Sorry. Just not buying it. Having escrow is nice.
Im 100% sure im not ever going to see my pending escrow either, because I bet when they claim to start repaying it, there is going to be another "hack".


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2014, 02:19:36 pm »
Why bash any other market place? Regardless of the reasons why they do what they do?
It's hard telling, not knowing.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2014, 03:12:22 pm »
I think we just have to accept the hard truth.
Silkroad is not what it was. I still hold hope that the people running it now will improve it and make the changes the need to be made. I think they've made some progress, but not much, and it is disappointing. But I also think that making those changes is a lot more difficult than most of us realize. If it were as simple as so many of you make it out to be, then why isn't there an idealized market yet?

I've used Agora with success, but to me it seems that it's plagued with the same problems that the original SR and Tor and Sheep Market were. These were all designs that were filled with holes for LE or theives to sneak in and cause damage.

I think that we were just blessed in the glory days of SilkRoad. It was still relatively unknown, bitcoin was on the rise, new, dependable vendors were coming in every day. But the whole deepweb market scene has become too big now. The risk of scam, the risk of arrest are greater than they used to be. I don't think this is a problem with any market in particular, I think it's a problem with ordering drugs through Tor in general.

It doesn't make sense to me that vendors that are well known scammers are allowed to keep their accounts here.  But it also doesn't make sense to me that people just go and buy from random vendors without checking their feedback or reading the forums. There are a lot of established vendors here with great prices and products. Just take an hour or two and scan through the rumor mill and product offers. There are some newer ones that I'm sure are just as legitimate too. But if you're gonna order with someone who seems a little sketchy, you're rolling the dice and you have to accept how they land.

To me, the ideal market is decentralized completely (with no escrow obviously), which is sort of what SR has become to me. I order from a few vendors through BitMessage, simply because I don't want to put coins in my SR wallet if I don't have to.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2014, 04:16:10 pm »
I think we just have to accept the hard truth.
Silkroad is not what it was. I still hold hope that the people running it now will improve it and make the changes the need to be made. I think they've made some progress, but not much, and it is disappointing. But I also think that making those changes is a lot more difficult than most of us realize. If it were as simple as so many of you make it out to be, then why isn't there an idealized market yet?

I've used Agora with success, but to me it seems that it's plagued with the same problems that the original SR and Tor and Sheep Market were. These were all designs that were filled with holes for LE or theives to sneak in and cause damage.

I think that we were just blessed in the glory days of SilkRoad. It was still relatively unknown, bitcoin was on the rise, new, dependable vendors were coming in every day. But the whole deepweb market scene has become too big now. The risk of scam, the risk of arrest are greater than they used to be. I don't think this is a problem with any market in particular, I think it's a problem with ordering drugs through Tor in general.

It doesn't make sense to me that vendors that are well known scammers are allowed to keep their accounts here.  But it also doesn't make sense to me that people just go and buy from random vendors without checking their feedback or reading the forums. There are a lot of established vendors here with great prices and products. Just take an hour or two and scan through the rumor mill and product offers. There are some newer ones that I'm sure are just as legitimate too. But if you're gonna order with someone who seems a little sketchy, you're rolling the dice and you have to accept how they land.

To me, the ideal market is decentralized completely (with no escrow obviously), which is sort of what SR has become to me. I order from a few vendors through BitMessage, simply because I don't want to put coins in my SR wallet if I don't have to.

Tried Evo yet? It's got pretty much all the features I want SR to have except the vendors. Some are starting to vend over there too though


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #38 on: June 26, 2014, 04:20:49 pm »
They're all, 6 of one half a dozen of another.
It's hard telling, not knowing.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #39 on: June 26, 2014, 04:31:15 pm »
This is almost hilarious.

When DPR-1 got caught everybody bashed him for being so careless and reckless. Now, SR-2 staff have decided to learn from Ross's mistake and be extremely cautious, including about what information is released that could lead to potential detection of the server and/or programmers, and now everyone cries that there is not enough information being released.

What do you guys honestly want, transparency(carelessness) or security? More importantly nobody can predict how long it will take to release new features. The site is growing by the day. SR is a movement! Very soon the site will be receiving a very large increase in users! With these facts considered, there is realistically only so many things that can be done per day. This isn't Walmart. There is no going out and just hiring new staff on the fly as far as security is concerned. The site is in excellent working order aside from a few minor bugs here and there, that the staff is working hard to resolve, and a few vendor account issues that are pending resolution.

Please have some perspective. This site is the largest dark-market website, and the staff is very small and very careful. A good 98% + of users and vendors are having no issues at all with the site, and haven't had any for months. That is pretty damn good considering a site of this magnitude and with unreliable onion networking, with several major governments of the world seeking to take us down!

SR will thrive! If you don't like how things are being run then there's only so much we can tell you. No other market will come close to the quantity of users that SR has anytime soon.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #40 on: June 26, 2014, 04:40:27 pm »
I've have never had an issue with SR2 or OSR.
It's hard telling, not knowing.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #41 on: June 26, 2014, 05:21:19 pm »
Lucid, how does transparency = carelessness.   Please fill me in.  I feel like you are presenting a false choice.

How does a repayment update jeopardize our safety?  Did the last couple repayment updates jeopardize our security?  Why was transparency with the repayments promised if it cant be delivered?

Why did staff choose to bring back the DPR moniker at this time?  To the average user it looks like its just a big distraction.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 05:24:03 pm by smoke2joints »


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #42 on: June 26, 2014, 05:47:34 pm »
Defcon and the coders of the site had a Q&A session for christ sake, how is that safe when a repayment update would be "carelessness"?


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #43 on: June 26, 2014, 05:53:15 pm »
This is almost hilarious.

When DPR-1 got caught everybody bashed him for being so careless and reckless. Now, SR-2 staff have decided to learn from Ross's mistake and be extremely cautious, including about what information is released that could lead to potential detection of the server and/or programmers, and now everyone cries that there is not enough information being released.

What do you guys honestly want, transparency(carelessness) or security? More importantly nobody can predict how long it will take to release new features. The site is growing by the day. SR is a movement! Very soon the site will be receiving a very large increase in users! With these facts considered, there is realistically only so many things that can be done per day. This isn't Walmart. There is no going out and just hiring new staff on the fly as far as security is concerned. The site is in excellent working order aside from a few minor bugs here and there, that the staff is working hard to resolve, and a few vendor account issues that are pending resolution.

Please have some perspective. This site is the largest dark-market website, and the staff is very small and very careful. A good 98% + of users and vendors are having no issues at all with the site, and haven't had any for months. That is pretty damn good considering a site of this magnitude and with unreliable onion networking, with several major governments of the world seeking to take us down!

SR will thrive! If you don't like how things are being run then there's only so much we can tell you. No other market will come close to the quantity of users that SR has anytime soon.
I think we want a better site all round. Escrow, a decent support system and for vendor registration to be opened up. And then the functionality of the site can be improved. I want SR to succeed but at the moment the only dnm that is really showing promise to me is Evo.

And you're defending SR by saying it has the most users? So what if it does? That doesn't make it the best site and it's far from it. I'm guessing what you mean is that it brings in the most revenue for the people in charge and beyond that they don't seem to care very much. The only reason SR has the biggest user base is because of  SR1 and the media coverage, certainly not because it is a good dnm...

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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #44 on: June 26, 2014, 05:59:35 pm »
It's hard to believe all the nonsense about how security conscious they really are, when aside from Pandora, they are the only market that has been hacked in 2014.

Recently, we had a withdrawal bug that could have had devastating impacts and burned this market to the ground. It was noticed by a vendor, not a staff member

We have had tons of withdrawal difficulties, when no other market place has.

Other marketplaces beat Silk road to the multi sig race. And have released tons of other amazing features too.

The constant "Silk road is number 1, there is only so much they can do in a day" is losing fire too.

Agora isn't very far behind now, and it's only a matter of time, unless silk road staff starts acting

but as usual, they just want to talk...and then tell us were crazy for expecting release updates.

We didn't even have to ask for release dates from other markets!!! they just coded the things, and then released them!

Ok its my last rant, I'll stop I promise, I just hope other people open there eyes and see whats going on around here...
« Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 06:00:05 pm by TragicallyHip »
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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #45 on: June 26, 2014, 06:00:21 pm »
I want my god damn pending escrow, takes the piss that its not payed back by now


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #46 on: June 26, 2014, 06:47:08 pm »
Everyone should just forget SR1. It is gone and this site has absolutely zero to do with it in any way, shape or form. The operators merely took the brand for free. End of story.
We all have it coming kid......


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #47 on: June 26, 2014, 08:59:52 pm »
all i am hearing is whinge whinge whinge,i have lost shit loads on various markets, if you dont wanna use a market or are not happy with a service that you are getting you are entitled to complain about,im fucked off with all the spam i get from other markets i get in my vendor account and my pm`s on here,but what can you do,shit happens i have had most of the money paid back to me,maybe i am one of the lucky ones,i have been beat up,ive been shown up but im not down in the imortal words of the clash,,i vend on other market places including agora but in all honesty this place will be the place i call home,im sorry that some people are upset with SR2,but they have sorted out all the problems that i have had with them and for that they have my respect,they are still learning and i believe there hearts are in the the right place,oh and yes i know the middle three letters in believe are lie,but fail play too all of the team for doing stuff when they didnt really have to.

hey if there doing it for money then why the fuck not.

but respect to all you people who have a opinion,it is your right to voice it,even if some do not want to hear it

big love to all


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #48 on: June 26, 2014, 09:21:31 pm »
This is almost hilarious.

When DPR-1 got caught everybody bashed him for being so careless and reckless. Now, SR-2 staff have decided to learn from Ross's mistake and be extremely cautious, including about what information is released that could lead to potential detection of the server and/or programmers, and now everyone cries that there is not enough information being released.

What do you guys honestly want, transparency(carelessness) or security? More importantly nobody can predict how long it will take to release new features. The site is growing by the day. SR is a movement! Very soon the site will be receiving a very large increase in users! With these facts considered, there is realistically only so many things that can be done per day. This isn't Walmart. There is no going out and just hiring new staff on the fly as far as security is concerned. The site is in excellent working order aside from a few minor bugs here and there, that the staff is working hard to resolve, and a few vendor account issues that are pending resolution.

Please have some perspective. This site is the largest dark-market website, and the staff is very small and very careful. A good 98% + of users and vendors are having no issues at all with the site, and haven't had any for months. That is pretty damn good considering a site of this magnitude and with unreliable onion networking, with several major governments of the world seeking to take us down!

SR will thrive! If you don't like how things are being run then there's only so much we can tell you. No other market will come close to the quantity of users that SR has anytime soon.

Where does it say anywhere that the most users = the greatest marketplace?  Just because all the noobs come here because it's the most famous doesn't mean it's the best.

And, honestly, all you are giving are more excuses because you don't have a goddamn clue as to what is really going on.  None of the staff that work for SR will ever admit that things are shitty here because your paycheck comes from SR. 

If Defcon would just get on and say "Look, I know things have been shitty but here is my plan to fix things" people would feel better.  But to just go on pretending that things are GREAT when they're really NOT is just shitty and an obvious lie to everyone that isn't a fanboy.

Having mods come in here and keep on saying "This isn't Walmart, Amazon, Ebay, or some other such place and if you don't like it you can go somewhere else" is also not helping anything.  Speak some truth if you want to keep people here.  Learn what actual customer service means.  It's important, even on the dark net.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #49 on: June 26, 2014, 11:02:47 pm »
I understand the longing for the old SR but we cannot go back there and have to go forwards.

There does seem to be a huge amount of complaining. For those who lost coins this is natural and if that hapenned to me I would be more than angry. But lots of people definitely got their coins back.

New features? We want a dancing Bez on the screen or some other bollocks?

Not for me - I just want it to work properly the way it is.

Escrow would be good but I don't actually need it since I know several vendors who have never failed me yet.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #50 on: June 27, 2014, 06:43:04 am »
This is stupid.

DPR is back (probably Defcon or another staff member using the account) and it is seeming to be a great distraction for some

But we need answers, not distractions


Still no buyer stats and pending escrow still unpaid... and now vendors have withdraws missing from sunday night.

No word from staff, but DPR has appeared instead.
-- New B+ cubensis available! --

5g: €20 | 10g: €35 | 20g: €60 | 50g: €130



Find us also on Agora :)


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #51 on: June 27, 2014, 04:54:08 pm »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.

You used to inspire me (and others) with words of wisdom, it made me feel like Silkroad could take on the entire world. All of that is gone, there is no "A few words from Dread Pirate Roberts" on the front page anymore explaining who we are and what we stand for anymore, nobody trusts anyone, there is no community and no book club or film nights!!

Thats why I think the morals have changed, it is different here. The first Silkroad was brimming with hope, freedom, inspiration and trust - trust that you would do your upmost for the community - but here....there is none of that

I hate to say it but I do not think you worthy of carrying the name Dread Pirate Roberts, you are only tarnishing the name of the man we once knew and trusted

This is all a bit overly mawkish. The original SR was dangerous and all new. It felt subversive using it-but lets face was never going to change the world or the way we buy drugs. It was presenting us with a new way of buying gear.

Soon as SR fell and the figures being made were bandied about it was inevitable that dodgier aspects/people would come to the markets. That will never go away.

The dark web is now not so secret and with increased vendors and a greater spread of markets there's increased chances of getting skanked. As always its up to the people to go into this with their heads screwed on and a degree of realism about the nature of the beast.

This is about money for vendors and those running the site (I mean its gotta to be worth the risk of your freedom for something at the end of it all)...secondly there may be some naive idealistic aspect to it. But first and foremost its about money. For most sellers. ITs not about changing the world either-its about the convenience of drugs on your doormat.

People need to get with the programme and smell the coffee. I use SR2 for all my purchases-but that doesnt mean Im comfortable or trust it or the vendors.

Thats because Im a realist
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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #52 on: June 28, 2014, 03:03:54 am »
Agora "stands for nothing" and is only here "for the money"? Who gives a shit? At least they provide a service and that service is outstanding. What good is it that you claim to stand for something if your actions show that the only thing you "stand for" is running an inept community, collecting fees all the while keeping the people who support your "movement" fucked out of their money?

The propaganda is some George W Bush level jingoism. We're either with SR or against it! No, people just want what they're promised. And you people are terrible at your jobs.

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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #53 on: June 28, 2014, 11:28:32 am »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.

You used to inspire me (and others) with words of wisdom, it made me feel like Silkroad could take on the entire world. All of that is gone, there is no "A few words from Dread Pirate Roberts" on the front page anymore explaining who we are and what we stand for anymore, nobody trusts anyone, there is no community and no book club or film nights!!

Thats why I think the morals have changed, it is different here. The first Silkroad was brimming with hope, freedom, inspiration and trust - trust that you would do your upmost for the community - but here....there is none of that

I hate to say it but I do not think you worthy of carrying the name Dread Pirate Roberts, you are only tarnishing the name of the man we once knew and trusted

This is all a bit overly mawkish. The original SR was dangerous and all new. It felt subversive using it-but lets face was never going to change the world or the way we buy drugs. It was presenting us with a new way of buying gear.

Soon as SR fell and the figures being made were bandied about it was inevitable that dodgier aspects/people would come to the markets. That will never go away.

The dark web is now not so secret and with increased vendors and a greater spread of markets there's increased chances of getting skanked. As always its up to the people to go into this with their heads screwed on and a degree of realism about the nature of the beast.

This is about money for vendors and those running the site (I mean its gotta to be worth the risk of your freedom for something at the end of it all)...secondly there may be some naive idealistic aspect to it. But first and foremost its about money. For most sellers. ITs not about changing the world either-its about the convenience of drugs on your doormat.

People need to get with the programme and smell the coffee. I use SR2 for all my purchases-but that doesnt mean Im comfortable or trust it or the vendors.

Thats because Im a realist

You can change the world without even knowing it.   When you buy from us instead of a state-approved dispensary, it deprives the state of the revenue it needs even if you don't care about statism and just want the convenience of drugs on your doormat.  It's not important what site the transation takes place on and we don't need DPR either.  He created Silk Road, not the revolution.  He learned about the revolution from other antistatists.

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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #54 on: June 29, 2014, 12:57:06 pm »
I understand the longing for the old SR but we cannot go back there and have to go forwards.

There does seem to be a huge amount of complaining. For those who lost coins this is natural and if that hapenned to me I would be more than angry. But lots of people definitely got their coins back.

New features? We want a dancing Bez on the screen or some other bollocks?

Not for me - I just want it to work properly the way it is.

Escrow would be good but I don't actually need it since I know several vendors who have never failed me yet.

I had a few vendors that had never failed me either, things were going really swell until they just up and exit scammed me and a bunch of others due the no escrow situation.
SR will not be number 1 for much longer unless something is done asap.
Oh, it's not a swindle. What you do is, see, you give them all your credit card numbers, and if one of them is lucky, they send you a prize.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #55 on: June 29, 2014, 06:26:26 pm »
Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.

I actually find that preferable. They are a BUSINESS and conduct themselves as such. They strive for customer satisfaction and tweak the marketplace to run optimally.

Agora =
SR2 =
« Last Edit: June 29, 2014, 06:30:26 pm by justforthispost »


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #56 on: June 29, 2014, 06:39:34 pm »
anyone else think that letshug is a C:-)


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #57 on: July 03, 2014, 05:28:18 pm »
What happened to the "weekly" repayment update?
That ended in May. The estimated return date was 18th June.
Im sure in the 4 months after the attack, they must of made some money back to pay back pending escrows


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #58 on: July 03, 2014, 07:08:47 pm »
What happened to the "weekly" repayment update?
That ended in May. The estimated return date was 18th June.
Im sure in the 4 months after the attack, they must of made some money back to pay back pending escrows

That's the big question isn't it? There hasn't been an update of any kind for about 6 weeks or more. The admins seem to be here and watching but not interested in responding to anything, whether to put out minds at ease or even to say they don't know. Are they saving it all up to suddenly appear with all the updates we want and all escrow paid back at once? Seems a bit unlikely and it seems a bit odder than just terrible customer service.

I'm far from suggesting this but could this potentially be the result of the road being compromised? LE just letting it tick over, watching messages and trying to catch people out from the inside? It's what I would do if that was my chosen profession. Makes it even more important to mix your coins and always use PGP. When something smells fishy it could just be that you are smelling a fish


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #59 on: July 04, 2014, 10:04:39 am »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.

How'r'ya boss, nice to see you around these parts again; just a quick question:

Why are you attacking Agora? You have proclaimed in the past that the existence of other markets is a good thing? So why this sudden aboutface?

What movement are we sharing in exactly?

I'd like to know more about this so-called movement because SR is where I spend all my money and the only ethos I've encountered in the 1 1/2 years I've been using SR is "Vend, buy or f*ck off".

It would be awesome if you could clear this little issue up :)


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #60 on: July 04, 2014, 09:03:29 pm »
Alright. The people saying "Agora's people are only in it for the money" deserve some kind of medal of recognition.

Of fucking course they are, everyone is! That's why the vendors are here too, believe it or not! Welcome to the world of DarkNetMARKETS.

Frankly. The community is sick. The disease goes by the name of doubt, and it's spreading rapidly. I have been on the road for over a year now, though only in the past few months have I become active on the forums. But yes, people are leaving and moving to Agora, Evolution, and all others new viable looking markets because the mods have quite simply failed to deliver.

The trick in the forums is to sift through the crying toddlers who scream "HIRE NEW DEVS. USE YOUR MONEY. FIX EVERYTHING NOW" And the die hard loyalists who say "DEFCON WILL DELIVER. NOTHING HAPPENS OVERNIGHT" Both these sides, in my humble opinion, are painfully wrong. Obviously you need to practice good security, and obviously they need to put their own safety before anything, lest the site be overtaken by LE again. Similarly, you zealots who worship these mods as gods need to learn when we are being strung along, and when enough is enough.

No one asked for overnight. We just asked for it to be done. Escrow was "almost ready" weeks ago. And then again after that, and again, and again.

Mods. The fate of our community is really hanging on the fringe and you are the only ones who can save it. You guys need to own up, and start being honest with the way things are going. How can we, as people, trust individuals who can't even stop lying to themselves?, let alone us. If we can't trust you with realistic dates of completion for very essential parts of our market,

I do believe there is still hope, as without it, we would all already be gone. But hope is a very finite resource, and we are running scarce fast.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2014, 09:04:50 pm by Secti0n »
Some of us exist on the outskirts of the societal norm.

It is my belief that we are the ones with the greatest ability to change the world.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #61 on: July 04, 2014, 09:56:43 pm »
Find trusted vendors, buy directly from them. The markets are too easily hacked, or get their funds stolen from internal theft. Cut out the middleman, at least until someone as honorable as Backopy opens a market. Which may be never.

It was good while it lasted, now use what you have learned!


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #62 on: July 07, 2014, 04:27:08 pm »
Being unable, or unwilling, to enable escrow is encouraging vendors to scam customers. I personally have lost much more money to shady vendors than I ever did due to the "hack." After getting the standard, "fuck off" response from Support, I'm moving on to other markets. I loved the original Silk Road. The only thing this current iteration has in common with the original is the name, unfortunately. First and last post on these forums. Good luck.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #63 on: July 07, 2014, 04:48:59 pm »
If you're all looking for different markets to use until things with SR improve I would suggest checking out the Hub if you haven't already.  It's got a lot of good info about all the different markets out there right now.  Lots of vendors from every market are registered there too.

I really hope things with SR improve one day because it really always was my favorite market, it's just now it seems the admins either don't care or don't have the resources to fix things.

The excuses are wearing thin too.. I mean.. really.  C'mon fanboys. 

If someone from staff would even just be honest and admit that things are fucked instead of constantly throwing the same excuses back in our faces that would help things a lot too... anyways.

Check out the Hub here:  thehub7dnl5nmcz5.onion


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #64 on: July 07, 2014, 08:23:26 pm »
Alright. The people saying "Agora's people are only in it for the money" deserve some kind of medal of recognition.

Of fucking course they are, everyone is! That's why the vendors are here too, believe it or not! Welcome to the world of DarkNetMARKETS.

Frankly. The community is sick. The disease goes by the name of doubt, and it's spreading rapidly. I have been on the road for over a year now, though only in the past few months have I become active on the forums. But yes, people are leaving and moving to Agora, Evolution, and all others new viable looking markets because the mods have quite simply failed to deliver.

The trick in the forums is to sift through the crying toddlers who scream "HIRE NEW DEVS. USE YOUR MONEY. FIX EVERYTHING NOW" And the die hard loyalists who say "DEFCON WILL DELIVER. NOTHING HAPPENS OVERNIGHT" Both these sides, in my humble opinion, are painfully wrong. Obviously you need to practice good security, and obviously they need to put their own safety before anything, lest the site be overtaken by LE again. Similarly, you zealots who worship these mods as gods need to learn when we are being strung along, and when enough is enough.

No one asked for overnight. We just asked for it to be done. Escrow was "almost ready" weeks ago. And then again after that, and again, and again.

Mods. The fate of our community is really hanging on the fringe and you are the only ones who can save it. You guys need to own up, and start being honest with the way things are going. How can we, as people, trust individuals who can't even stop lying to themselves?, let alone us. If we can't trust you with realistic dates of completion for very essential parts of our market,

I do believe there is still hope, as without it, we would all already be gone. But hope is a very finite resource, and we are running scarce fast.

I am completely on board here. We are the SR for gosh sake! No, we're certainly not "too big too fail" (thanks gov't!) but we can change SR to be the number one place to be through perseverence and hard work. Personally, I haven't had a problem yet. *knocks on desk* However, I think we neeed some new blood in here. Some new mods, some new vendors asap of course, and the escrow thing I do disagree with (though they can be unsafe: case in point SR1): really, IF YOU  BUY FROM A TRUSTED VENDOR YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE SCAMMED. Yes, it has happened, but there are many reasons it could have happened. Could have been total bullshit. Could have got caught by the post. Could have a user claiming they got nothing when they got their gram of dope shot it up in 5 minutes and now say it never came.

I'm not judging anyone here. All I want to do help. I'm not sure what's going on behind the scenes because I'm a lowly hobbit, but the Gandalf's out there, I want to know what we can do.

My friend I quoted here has is all straight. Things are changing, but it isn't quite for the worse YET.

We need to band together and bring the SR to a glory none have seen. I'm tellng you guys, this isn't just a drug market, it's a foundation for a revolution.

DDoS all you got? Bring it.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #65 on: July 07, 2014, 11:12:38 pm »
Lost all faith as well after none of my 3 vendors I'm still in contact have been repaid.  I have been repaid my $70 or whatever the loose change I had here, and I'm assuming that all of the "80%" who were repaid are people like me that had less than a grand repaid...all those people with 30k in escrow haven't seen shit and were fleeced.  80% might've been repaid but it's probably about 10% of all the money that was "stolen by an outside hacker."

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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #66 on: July 08, 2014, 11:19:17 am »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.
I've never heard a less DPR-sounding quote in my life.... Try "competition is good, fair play is good."

Good posts remoterenaissance and secti0n.  I want them to level with us.  But all we get is silence....
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 11:23:46 am by broken string »
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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #67 on: July 12, 2014, 01:19:42 pm »
And what makes you think I have gone anywhere? That the morals of Silk Road have changed in any way whatsoever?

If you feel you must take your business elsewhere, then do so. I cannot stop you. Just know that Agora stands for nothing. They exist only for the money and do not share in this movement.
Have or have not changed?  I don't know about a pissing contest, but I do know that I am loyal to both, for the very same reason.  Community and amazingly generous, kind, educated, expressive, intelligent and forward thinking peeps.  I haven't the courage to do what DPR or Defcon has to do what they do, but I am sure grateful that they do!  Sorry if that sounded like a bad '50s song.
My point is, both markets, both places' ops and mods, are very different people with a common core that is beyond their intention.  That core has both positive and negative elements.  Both have seen and unseen forces that work in ways we can only interpret from the exposure we allow ourselves.

DPR or Defcon, or whoever has the red blocks under their name:  Sorry, I am disappointed that you aired the above in that manner.  Sounds like a cockfight and that's bullshit.
Your responsibility to all that HANG under you is to be slow to anger, slow to speak, quick to act and, almost, be superhuman.  That sucks for you.  But, you are the kahuna, so suck that shit up.  BTW, I am always available PM or here to help any great vendor/custy/operator/human get their frustrations out.  I can take hating, yelling, cursing, blaspheming, whatever ing gets u back to focus (And, feel better)

I guess it is time to post on this market something that I HAD to put up on Agora.  It concerns how we should treat vendors.  I need to amend to include mods, admins, and each other here.  I am surprised to even have to do it.  But that is the nature of the unseen.  Just because DPR supposedly stands for something, it is actions over words that garner my interest.  I haven't really even read the Ulbricht thing.....I have seen enough.  My point is that DPR and the rest of the peeps working to keep this going have faltered but never fallen.  When put down, HARD, they got back up.  They are still up.  Good bad or indifferent, they are still fucking here.  My wellness is attached to this place, so I respect and love you for my own, very personal, very selfish reasons.

There are other markets, and best vibes to them and ALL OF THEIR CUSTOMERS/VENDORS/OPS, but I stand on SR2 for MY EXPERIENCE HERE. 

IF for nothing else, the bottom line is that I would never have had the blessing of peeps like LEGACY and Blue Viking and on to the forum peeps.  WOW.  Even just getting to know the little we can of each other has been such a world opening thing for me.  I cannot even begin to explain it here.

My love, my respect and my gratitude goes out to DPR, Defcon, Clu, Chem and so many more peeps that make the road navigable.  THANK YOU


Chairperson of:  Partnership for a Free Drug Society

NEVER ABUSE YOUR DRUGS, they certainly don't deserve it.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #68 on: September 08, 2014, 05:02:19 pm »
I made this thread months ago.
I left SR months ago.
I come back today to see if iv been repaid.

And im not suprised tbh.
Still havent been repaid....


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #69 on: September 09, 2014, 06:41:18 pm »
Defcon is eating all the money, his fingers are now too fat too repay anyone.
Need too know basis, nobody needs too know.


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Re: I have lost my faith...
« Reply #70 on: September 10, 2014, 07:42:36 am »
The only thing keeping me clinging to SR was that I was hoping I will be repaid my Escrow balance by the 18th.
Guess what? More bs.
No escrow = more scams or selective scamming.

For the last month I have been using Agora and couldnt be happier. Atleast is has working escrow.
Plus I believe the feb hack was BS, because they are putting so much faith into blaming that one guy that hacked it. Just as a scape goat.

wtf has happened...SR was good when it was run by DPR. but SR 2 is bollocks. Full of pocket hungry thieves (Im not just talking about vendors).

I have been waiting since before the hack to get a refund from a dispute (was in escrow), and now this bs has happened where the site was hacked, and now im in the same waiting pool as everyone else....


so you complain about losing money that was in escrow and then you complain about not having escrow?
easy pgp guide: