Some years ago, there was once a man named Dread Pirate Roberts...
This man strongly believed in the freedom of choice. He was of the opinion, that every man or woman in the world should be able to procure any drug, legal or illegal, known to man. So he founded a market known as the Silk Road. On this market, vendors offered their highly wanted goods while customers praised them for their courage and good quality wares.
At the same time, vendors as well as customers came together to create a community never known to man. A community of trust and friendship where members had never even seen each others faces.
But behold, while they felt save, there was a shadow lurking in the dark. The US government, jealous of the success of this market place, searched for ways to shut it down. And finally after two years and a half, they succeeded and so the Silk Road ceased to exist...
However, the Silk Road is not something so easily contained. And so it resurrected again from it's ashes, stronger than ever! This ladies and gentlemen is the story of the never ending Silkroad.