I had an ex gf get jealous cause a friend and me were eating a little more paper than the girls, and she stupidly took a 10 strip trying to keep up with the guys. We thought it was acid but we found out later it was DOB and i kinda suspected it wasnt acid cause it tasted really strong and made me puke up foamy stuff when i ate it once, but people would always just say "its just kinda dirty, etc". Anyway, we didnt really realize how fucked up she was till we found the half a sheet she took and hid, which was now just a few hits cut up all wierd, we figured she took around 10 based on what we all took, not sure what the dose per square was though. After that she shit herself and puked all over, (this was in a suite we had rented) the shitting herself and puking happened a few times throughout the night. As soon as we smellled the shit and seen the puke roll down her sweater, my friends started freaking out and they all left just me and her at the suite, my friend just said "sorry dude i dont know what to do" and he called my dad. My dad picked us up, not sure how i got her in the truck, she was all over the place blabbering and all shitty, uhh horrible memories. Anyway once we got home I started looking up on erowid what to do when someone eats too much acid, and it assured me she would come down and be fine, (this was with us assuming it was lsd, which it turned out it wasnt) I got off the computer and went downstairs thinking she was coming down a little, this was 12 hours in, as I approached my bedroom, i noticed she was no longer in bed, had stripped down, shit on my room floor and ran butt naked to the laundry room, where she stood staring at a wire coming outta the wall a long fuckin time, was doing this wierd hand motion like she was communicating with the wire or something. Later that day, nearly 24 hours after her dose, she was starting to talk again and look me in the eye, i got some downers from a friend, she ate em and started feeling better. We found out later that it was DOB, someone had been making a ton of white paper of it, like litterally huge sheets and spraying them down with dob. So ya coulda been alot worse, back then anything on paper that made ya trip was acid in my area, people in my area didnt know shit about rcs, if it was on paper and made ya trip, ppl would call it acid. If I woulda known it wasnt lsd though, I would have definitely called 911, and i would advise you to do the same, cause she prolly got lucky, and it gets worse before better, that shit lasts fucking forever, I will never touch it again in my life with a hundred foot poll. It was like lsd on steroids and meth, and the length, my god, the fucking length of the trip. Still makes me squirm thinking about that day, probation called me in for a ua and I had to take it still tripping on the stuff the next day, luckily she was just starting to come out of it when i got called in, and by come out of it, I mean "she was tripping normally finally". Back then we vowed to never touch lsd again, but after we found out it was dob, things started to make sense and we had good lsd experiences after, cause Ive seen people eat alot of acid, but nothing ever went that horribly wrong, what a "shitty" day, She had no recollection whatsoever of the experience, she said the last thing she remembered was drinking and talking about dosing and getting a suite. A few months later 10,000 days came out by Tool, could definitely relate to the lyrics in their song "Rosetta Stoned" about a psychedelic experience, "God damn, shit the bed...typical" (The next day I had to go back and get her camera from the hotel, the staff was irrate, charged a huge damage fee before giving the camera back. wow, the look on there face) This was prolly one of the worst, if not worst memory of my life, and Ive had some pretty bad ones, like I said if I could do it over again would have called 911 immediately after the shitting or finding out how much she ate, and if you ate a large amount of DOB, do the same, its a very unfun and dangerous ride....