I'm beg-in-ing to feel like a fa-got, fa-got
All of SR front to the back nod, back nod
Way more of a bitch than that snitch Nod, snitch Nod
Some people think I'm a fed just like that fed Nob, fed Nob
How do you even start to believe i'm a cop?
I don't believe it, don't flatter yourself
No self respecting person would go to such lengths to embarass thyself
But I've heard it and the reason they say
You're on Tor more than the NSA
Fear Uncertainty Doubt you try to spread
That's a tactic of a fed
All the man hours and dumb tricks
But most of know your just a boy crying for attention, ya need help and your meth abuse is something else
With carpal tunnel in his wrists
And search engines bring up a pedophilc sex offender when we google you
It's probably no coincidence it looks exactly as we pictured you