I would like to address the CP discussions taking place in various threads. Because it's entered the realm of how much we will tolerate free speech, it's worked it's way into many pertinent threads, such as:
In one breath a user comments how the discussion should be taken elsewhere, while writing multiple paragraph essays on why or why not we should discuss it. When an important thread like the above becomes polluted by this drivel, I think on our rollout date the posts in more serious discussion threads be deleted.
We are going to get new prying eyes and an influx of new members on the forum, upon landing, they will see long discussions about child porn and be given an impression that the subject is a huge one here.
It's going to make us look really fucking bad, it's embarrassing, the media and LE can and will twist those conversations to be whatever they want just so long as it helps bring us down.
Please, for our sake, take these posts down.