Local busts - more than 2, less than 10 local, that were 98%+ probability SR related by time and history in the past several days.
Most of these were probably more than 'personal use' quantities unless 0.5 g [edit: kg] or more is personal use for you for methamphetamine/cocaine, 10 sheets for LSD, 5 kg for marijuana, 2 kg for methylone, etc. I mean in theory, I guess that is the bulk rate amount for personal use for those who like to store up. (People are not usually accused with surreptitiously opening a restaurant because they bought soup at Costco in a flat...)
Check your local press releases, police blotters, as well as the pacer system. If you do have a pacer account through school / anonymous / whatever, try to use the RECAP add-on to upload to the common database (unless the security experts on here say otherwise).
The court stuff can be delayed by some days, also sealed, up to weeks/months depending on the situation.
Remember to search by each of the mail terms - express, mail, priority, package, parcel, tracking, et cetera.
Still think they've been mainly building a database for profiling, defining a network, and building a higher-value target set/network, while selecting some higher profile and politically unpopular cases (involving specific drugs, crimes against persons) to go after to appease media/etc.