Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: TK1991 on November 21, 2012, 12:46 am

Title: Change for porn
Post by: TK1991 on November 21, 2012, 12:46 am
I can't be the only one that spends my BTC change on porn... what else is there to buy?  :P
It sucks though because I plan out my bitcoin purchases so well I only end up with 2-5 dollars change, which equates to a really crappy porn collection on my computer..
I know boys love wanking it to internet porn, someone must have favorites I should know about? :P
Edit: Browsing 446 listening with no categories is time consuming.. haha
Title: Re: Change for porn
Post by: Zulu on November 21, 2012, 01:37 am
why the fuck would you pay for pron when you can download it for nothing....
Title: Re: Change for porn
Post by: hellwillbetoasty on November 21, 2012, 01:59 am
why the fuck would you pay for pron when you can download it for nothing....

agreed, up until now I thought people that pay for porn do not exist...
Title: Re: Change for porn
Post by: ronswanson77 on November 21, 2012, 03:01 am
I haven't paid for porn in years.. there's too much free shit to justify it.
Title: Re: Change for porn
Post by: TK1991 on November 21, 2012, 03:22 am
Title: Re: Change for porn
Post by: Zulu on November 21, 2012, 03:28 am
haha buy an e-book on free porn torrents :P
Title: Re: Change for porn
Post by: geeza23 on November 21, 2012, 03:31 am

haha you can always leave it in the wallet as you never know when you'll need that extra few BTC, also over a long time it'll accumulate to quite a ( I won't say huge ) but decent amount
Title: Re: Change for porn
Post by: nitpi950 on November 21, 2012, 03:40 am
Hit me up I'll put it to good use. Porn is bad for your psyche
Title: Re: Change for porn
Post by: TK1991 on November 21, 2012, 03:48 am
I left about 150 USD in my account for about 12 days while I was waiting for my pin to reset and I lost about 30 bucks  :(
since then I try to leave less than nothing ;)
Title: Re: Change for porn
Post by: Opioid Receptor on November 21, 2012, 04:09 am
I can't be the only one that spends my BTC change on porn... what else is there to buy?  :P
It sucks though because I plan out my bitcoin purchases so well I only end up with 2-5 dollars change, which equates to a really crappy porn collection on my computer..
I know boys love wanking it to internet porn, someone must have favorites I should know about? :P
Edit: Browsing 446 listening with no categories is time consuming.. haha

We are on a site based on freedom from law, on a network designed to "cloak" freedom of any kind. I don't know about you but I think that's really cool. I believe everyone should have these freedoms. Don't you? We were all created equal after all.

Communists countries sure don't have these freedoms. Consider donating to a charity such as to help Chinese children and families, even some churches have taken action. China's factory conditions and toxic waste removal are inhuman from what I've read. Otherwise I'm sure your local food shelf wouldn't mind the consideration.

I'll match you up to 50 USD this one time :) my vote is redcross or

I thank you for them in advance! And if you're looking for adult/graphic content go to the hidden wiki;

Title: Re: Change for porn
Post by: blackalpha on November 21, 2012, 03:47 pm
Spend it on me :)
Title: Re: Change for porn
Post by: shitwassocash on November 21, 2012, 05:23 pm
lolololol. Yeah, I'm such a girl when it comes to shopping here. I tend to put a lil extra money in when I deposit so I'll have some leftover to buy porn or e-books or software. :)

Of course you can find porn on the internet for free, but for a measly .10 BTC I can get access to an asston of porn sites with high quality full length videos :) It's really nice to have long videos like that to play in the background sometimes when you're with someone.
Title: Re: Change for porn
Post by: BenCousins on November 21, 2012, 05:33 pm
why you would download an electronic file off a network dedicated to mostly illegal items is beyond me
Title: Re: Change for porn
Post by: ilikebread on November 21, 2012, 06:21 pm
Haha, you totally read my mind, I do the exact same thing. I bought a ton of porn & TV from warweed when the price of bitcoins took a dump after the Pirate scam too. I know everything is available for free if you know where to look, but I'm willing to pay for the convenience and customer service.

lolololol. Yeah, I'm such a girl when it comes to shopping here. I tend to put a lil extra money in when I deposit so I'll have some leftover to buy porn or e-books or software. :)

Of course you can find porn on the internet for free, but for a measly .10 BTC I can get access to an asston of porn sites with high quality full length videos :) It's really nice to have long videos like that to play in the background sometimes when you're with someone.
Title: Re: Change for porn
Post by: Ballzinator on November 21, 2012, 06:44 pm
You can always help the community by giving your spare coins to people in the Official Spare Coins Thread:
Title: Re: Change for porn
Post by: TK1991 on November 21, 2012, 07:29 pm
Of course you can find porn on the internet for free, but for a measly .10 BTC I can get access to an asston of porn sites with high quality full length videos :) It's really nice to have long videos like that to play in the background sometimes when you're with someone.

Plus when I AM looking at free porn I see all these adds for porn sites that look awesome, and it just so happens there is a site rip of pretty much every single one on SR  :P
Also, I'd feel pretty limp donating like 0.09 BTC.  :-[