Silk Road forums

Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: warweed on December 13, 2011, 02:03 am

Title: Warweed's Reviews / warweed has gone full automation
Post by: warweed on December 13, 2011, 02:03 am
Bot has been updated to fix a bunch of expected bugs in the bot and to change my side formatting and reporting also added a blacklist so it auto cancels orders from users that want to be a pain so far here is the flow

Bot->checks order page->sees new order->checks item id-> looks up item id in db->finds item and download link-> if not found error if found cotinues-> checks black list see if user is in black list if it is-> cancel order send pm -> else continues sends user with pm with download link and instructions as well sets subject to Your Order #TXid this is the ID used by sr to identify a transaction -> sends message -> confirms order

will be adding check to prevent pm loop soon to check my sent mail to see if tx id is there if it is do  not retry send pm else re send then confirm

Welcome come one come all that's right all that is everyone of my items has gone under full automation you place a order and you have it in 30 seconds or less and finalized don't believe me give the bot a try place a order for anyone of my 100+ cheap items and receive it instantly (well within a min)

and lastly this will not be for sale (that i know of yet) it's still under testing but so far so good seem to have gotten most the major bugs out still working on some minor stuff anyways so here is the review thread now !

Let me know what you think what the bot could use that would help *you* there is currently work being done in the back end to prevent errors if sr goes down to confirm if delivery has been made and some accounting stuff ect ect.

Title: Re: Warweed's Reviews / warweed has gone full automation
Post by: RandomGuy12 on February 13, 2012, 05:26 am
Whats the point of the War Bot if none of the other vendors can get their hands on it lol
Title: Re: Warweed's Reviews / warweed has gone full automation
Post by: edgarnumbers on February 13, 2012, 05:30 am
To be better than everyone else, obv. :P
Title: Re: Warweed's Reviews / warweed has gone full automation
Post by: redforeva on February 13, 2012, 05:37 am
Nice work weed, need to implement a open scripting language and release a framework