Silk Road forums

Discussion => Security => Topic started by: Skippy_Jif on August 20, 2012, 03:50 pm

Title: The Bitcoin
Post by: Skippy_Jif on August 20, 2012, 03:50 pm
To the motherfuckers that manipulated the market, FUCK YOU!!! I don't know if it was some  LEA or some pimple popping fuckhead that decided to make some fast cash by doing what they did, but that shit is inexcusable! What type of basement dwelling freak thinks he can fuck up a market where people are working extremely hard to make a living just so he can make a quick buck in order to have fortune/fame or to shut an operation down that is inevitable to succeed?

Go fuck yourself please. Me and others have lost a lot of hard earned money because of this shit! Now I have to correct a lot of shit that went wrong and it is complete bullshit!

Customers: sorry about this latest crap if I have to go into vacation mode because of some group of pricks that think it is ok to dick people out of money.

In case some didn't know the bitcoin dropped from $14+ to $9 over the weekend. Also, if someone can clarify what happen I would appreciate it.
Title: Re: The Bitcoin
Post by: jackstraw on August 20, 2012, 04:28 pm
Pretty much a disaster of a weekend for buyers and sellers on SR that were making transactions during the latest BTC rise and FALL.   Hurts me too.   Ouch.
Title: Re: The Bitcoin
Post by: Skippy_Jif on August 20, 2012, 05:38 pm
Ok, so apparently my subconscious was back tracking for me while I conduct business. I was one step ahead of the people(as well as SR) because I hedged. I ping'd my sales to the dollar, therefore, I am safe with my monies. My precious.......

Anyhow, still a capital FUCK YOU to the guys that did this shit! :)
Title: Re: The Bitcoin
Post by: Skippy_Jif on August 20, 2012, 05:41 pm
I bet LEAs are laughing their asses off ATM.

Well sirs, you can gobble my balls, spit, rinse and repeat.
Title: Re: The Bitcoin
Post by: vlad1m1r on August 20, 2012, 05:47 pm
The plummet in the Bitcoin's value was caused by the closure of Bitcoin Savings and Trust:

I expect the market will recover. Much hinges on whether investors will be repaid - if they are the Bitcoin could dip further in value, if not it will spike and then probably level off.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin
Post by: trollsquad on August 20, 2012, 05:51 pm
What if the feds ran Bitcoin trust and savings to piss off the people using BC?  That would be pretty fucked up...

But jif the coing might still end up ok after today if the owner of bc trust pays everyone back...
Title: Re: The Bitcoin
Post by: formula4downvotes on August 20, 2012, 05:53 pm
The BTC has been rather volatile for a while now. I made out like a pig in shit, but I don't vend on the market either.

I don't see how a 14$ BTC is a good thing for anybody though, at least not in the long run. I am sure however that those who bought in at $4 or $5 or even lower are loving it.

Otherwise, the paranoia is pretty funny.
Title: Re: The Bitcoin
Post by: Skippy_Jif on August 20, 2012, 05:57 pm
Paranoia is paired with this business :p