Silk Road forums

Discussion => Security => Topic started by: klip on August 11, 2012, 09:31 am

Title: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: klip on August 11, 2012, 09:31 am
I have noticed interesting msgs --- new questions ......
interesting requests ?

Just wondering with the xtra media n other tor troubles from other past sites

any advice as to what to look out for .... not an easy ? .....   but i wish buyer stats had a drop more detail ...... not just amount of sales -- sometimes i wonder if they r building cases well then i feel  peeps past buying could show a trend ?  n could help us decide who to sell to ---

any questions some peeps use successfully or do u just let be n use gut .........? thx again my fellow friends

who knows -- but just lookin to keep us all safe and any advice from buyers n sellers would be incredible --    to me as a vendor and many others so SR can keep moving with such positive power !

plz dont reply with obvious sarcastic replies .. well if u must .. lol -- but this could save us all or even just a few -- if we can help each other with our own tricks n advice to others ..
thk u in advance
peace n respect
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: Bungee54 on August 11, 2012, 10:25 am
Yeah .. We see what ur talking about...

also get strange requests for massive amounts..for exchanging BTC  etc..

We work following rule...

If its

b) without any rep behind it (seller or forum)
c) compromises opsec in any way


Sorry but this became our standard words for lots of messages :)

kind like getting spam..

can SR admins please install something like an "add to spam" button :)
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: downfourthecount on August 11, 2012, 11:19 am
Bungee, do you expect encrypted messages for all correspondences? I'm pretty new here and have just been scoping things out first before I make my first purchase, but have noticed that a lot of sellers prefer using PGP just for addresses and other sensitive info, and are quite annoyed if it's used for general questions. If a vendor doesn't specify anything about messaging on their profile page should I default to PGP when messaging?
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: dkmonk on August 11, 2012, 11:26 am
I noticed things got weird just right before April. I had a big scare one night and stopped using SR for a month, but only checking and nothing was ever mentioned about what I saw.

Two months ago I was chatting with a member via PM and he pretty much came out and said he was a cop on accident. He kept mentioning his "contacts" and "friends" they could do an APB to locate a vendor in Canada through their "resources".

I just acted like I was dumb and had no clue and stopped communicating with them and sent a couple mods and DPR a message, but I think they just took it as paranoia.
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: sourman on August 11, 2012, 02:38 pm
We work following rule...

If its

b) without any rep behind it (seller or forum)
c) compromises opsec in any way


Those are some good rules to work by. When you're dealing with a market like SR where everything from communications, shipping, to payment is anonymous, it is far easier for them to climb down than up assuming you don't make mistakes.

"By using secure product transfer topologies, anonymizers, encryption and secure financial exchange techniques, law enforcement can be prevented from using human intelligence to move upwards in a network. Lower levels of the network are not able to compromise upwards as they do not know much or anything about the vendor they are working with. It serves little purpose to snitch on an untraceable pseudonym. This changes the threat model from the traditional human intelligence model to the more modern technical security model. Law enforcement have a far more difficult time to use technical attacks against secured networks than they have to utilize their human intelligence networks. This is for a variety of reasons, one being they are not used to operating in this way and another being technical security measures can in many cases provably ensure security from a variety of attacks."

Source: http://pz65gyca5nrafhrf.onion/PolyFront_2/organization.html

Someone posted that link the other day. I forgot who, but the credit goes to them.
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: Limetless on August 11, 2012, 03:56 pm
I always use stuff like this as a stress relief, it's always obvious when they are bent so I just give them abuse and it's a good way to get rid of the days built up frustration. Here's the latest dialogue I've had, enjoy - 


I have recently come into the possession of several paypal accounts with bank-accounts and/or credit-cards attached.
Amongst them is one with a *balance* of about 6200 EUR.
I need to get this fast, might only be a couple of days before it gets closed down, I don't know.
I have tried on HackBB, but up to now no serious takers, only new users to whom I don't want to give my only PP account with a larger balance, giving out some empty accounts or CCs is another thing.

I got the impression that you know your way around the financial playgrounds?
Would you like to cashout this PP for me, and if, under which conditions?
The account is a german one, by the way.
If you can think of a way to cashout the other PPs with bank accounts, that would be great, too, of course :)

If you want to use GPG/PGP, here is my key:

My response -

Fuck off lol. You think I'm stupid enough to fall for that?

Jog on.

Their response -


I have and have been scammed a couple of times, but what about my message gave you the
impression that there is anything "to fall for" here?

It's simple, I have several PP accounts, one with 6k EUR balance, and that balance I'd like to cash out as fast as possible, because I believe it is easier to get to that money than using the PP accounts to buy some fake goods etc. .
And since I want it to be fast and I am looking for someone reliable you came to my mind.
Do you really think I would try to scam or otherwise trick an *admin* here?

My response -

I tell you what else is simple fool, in fact it's easier than reciting your ABCs.

PayPal is a traceable payment method - traceable payment methods are used by Pigs to sting vendors - I do not want to lose my freedom = You can go fuck yourself with a sharpened stick.

And yes, I do think you'd try and trick me because well, that's what piggies and scammers so. Either way you are a wet fucking tissue of a human being so I suggest you jog on sharpish because you aren't pulling anything over my eyes especially not a warrant.

Oh and I'm not an Admin either, I'm a Mod. Get it right.

Give your commanding officers cock a slap and a nibble from me. ;)

Their response -

ok, now I see what's your problem.

I guess you are high on your own K ;)

I really like your graphical language, but wouldn't a simple "no, thanks, no interest" have sufficed?

And dont go on telling me about traceable etc., I dont want YOUR PP, I offered to GIVE you a PP account to cash it out for me, which I know can be done quite easily if you have all the right ingredients at your disposal. I am not a noob, been around the net probably longer than you life %)

My response -

So you want to hand me a PP account, that you can still have control of and then trace? Sounds like a shit idea to me. Just how stupid do you think I am?

Also no, a simple no wouldn't have sufficed because if you'd read my page you'd already know I'm not stupid enough to be interested in this so that is an automatic green light for you to receive abuse I'm afraid twunty-bollocks. I've already put you on the suspicious accounts thread.

Now if that's everything you'd do well to piss off because we're done here. :)

Their response -

looks like I really made a mistake here, or rather two...
I actually underestimated your paranoid delusions and overestimated your intellect.

well, have a nice roll or whatever...
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: deliric on August 11, 2012, 04:19 pm
"I guess you are high on your own K ;)"
"I actually underestimated your paranoid delusions and overestimated your intellect.

well, have a nice roll or whatever..."

Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: Limetless on August 11, 2012, 04:20 pm
"I guess you are high on your own K ;)"
"I actually underestimated your paranoid delusions and overestimated your intellect.

well, have a nice roll or whatever..."


The irony here is that I wasn't on anythin, just relieving stress.  :P
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: vlad1m1r on August 11, 2012, 04:40 pm
"I guess you are high on your own K ;)"
"I actually underestimated your paranoid delusions and overestimated your intellect.

well, have a nice roll or whatever..."


The irony here is that I wasn't on anythin, just relieving stress.  :P

Many thanks Lim, your exchange was very entertaining!

Speaking for myself as a Bitcoin vendor, I'd love to have some kind of automatic filter which scans incoming messages for "Paypal", "Western Union", "Money Gram" etc. and deletes them!


Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: Limetless on August 11, 2012, 04:43 pm
"I guess you are high on your own K ;)"
"I actually underestimated your paranoid delusions and overestimated your intellect.

well, have a nice roll or whatever..."


The irony here is that I wasn't on anythin, just relieving stress.  :P

Many thanks Lim, your exchange was very entertaining!

Speaking for myself as a Bitcoin vendor, I'd love to have some kind of automatic filter which scans incoming messages for "Paypal", "Western Union", "Money Gram" etc. and deletes them!


I used to get them a lot more than I do now, think they may have clocked on that all they get is abuse in return. :P Used to get around 10 request like that a week, now its down to normally 1-2. :)
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: dkmonk on August 11, 2012, 04:49 pm
I noticed things got weird just right before April. I had a big scare one night and stopped using SR for a month, but only checking and nothing was ever mentioned about what I saw.

Two months ago I was chatting with a member via PM and he pretty much came out and said he was a cop on accident. He kept mentioning his "contacts" and "friends" they could do an APB to locate a vendor in Canada through their "resources".

I just acted like I was dumb and had no clue and stopped communicating with them and sent a couple mods and DPR a message, but I think they just took it as paranoia.

Could have been someone pulling your chain.  Any cop who even accidentally outed himself could land in hot water with his superiors, so as a rule, they're very careful. That said, you still did the right thing informing DPR and the mods. What would prove interesting is whether that user is still active on the site or whether they've vanished to re-appear under a new identity.


They are a very active member on this site and have hundreds of post I think actually over 500 and are a vendor too. They don't sell anything illegal though....
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: raven92 on August 11, 2012, 05:07 pm
I have seen the following aphorism stated, and I believe it to be true: "Today's trusted associate is tomorrow's informant."

Moral of the story, insofar as is possible, TRUST NO ONE. Ensure that your business is known to no one else.

+1 on this, every time I read a vendor go on about "our shipping department" or the "we are really busy" I just think who I'd trust in their shoes, and I don't think I'd trust my own mother in that position. When shit goes down, most people will squeal. Having a cop tell you he can ruin your life, and threaten you in every way imaginable is not something most people can actually handle. Its one thing to know what to do, its another to do it.
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: Bungee54 on August 11, 2012, 05:21 pm
Bungee, do you expect encrypted messages for all correspondences? I'm pretty new here and have just been scoping things out first before I make my first purchase, but have noticed that a lot of sellers prefer using PGP just for addresses and other sensitive info, and are quite annoyed if it's used for general questions. If a vendor doesn't specify anything about messaging on their profile page should I default to PGP when messaging?

we expect encryption for ALL things about personal identifiable information ..otherwise we cancel those orders,.

the rest is simple..a no name sending my a request for 20kg coke a month & weed 50kg a month?

WTF?   clearly even such a request should be encrypted...even if never any business follows from it...

as a buyer we would also always encrypt...sure DPR and crew are doing a pretty decent job..but I rather trust cryptography..

general questions can be unencrypted..but we would not be would make us remember the username though and maybe those would getting some unrequested but nice add-ons to their orders  (over time) 8)
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: Bungee54 on August 11, 2012, 05:25 pm
I have seen the following aphorism stated, and I believe it to be true: "Today's trusted associate is tomorrow's informant."

Moral of the story, insofar as is possible, TRUST NO ONE. Ensure that your business is known to no one else.

+1 on this, every time I read a vendor go on about "our shipping department" or the "we are really busy" I just think who I'd trust in their shoes, and I don't think I'd trust my own mother in that position. When shit goes down, most people will squeal. Having a cop tell you he can ruin your life, and threaten you in every way imaginable is not something most people can actually handle. Its one thing to know what to do, its another to do it.

to be fair we do it that way and have supply side / packaging / online activity strictly seperated....and if somebody goest bust its his own fault..but it will never compromise other team members identitys..especially as one know that his personal things are being taken care of...

the alternative is never pretty  :-X

but we work together since years and "felt the heat" heavy at times..but it showed whom you can trust ..

some things create lots of trust...

but hiring dumbfucks/noobs for your OP just because you are lazy iis of course a way paved with problems

Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: Bungee54 on August 11, 2012, 05:28 pm
A friend of mine had a good saying..

holding up 3 fingers he told me ..if 3 people know it..111 people know it !
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: sourman on August 11, 2012, 07:25 pm
We work following rule...

If its

b) without any rep behind it (seller or forum)
c) compromises opsec in any way


Those are some good rules to work by. When you're dealing with a market like SR where everything from communications, shipping, to payment is anonymous, it is far easier for them to climb down than up assuming you don't make mistakes.

"By using secure product transfer topologies, anonymizers, encryption and secure financial exchange techniques, law enforcement can be prevented from using human intelligence to move upwards in a network. Lower levels of the network are not able to compromise upwards as they do not know much or anything about the vendor they are working with. It serves little purpose to snitch on an untraceable pseudonym. This changes the threat model from the traditional human intelligence model to the more modern technical security model. Law enforcement have a far more difficult time to use technical attacks against secured networks than they have to utilize their human intelligence networks. This is for a variety of reasons, one being they are not used to operating in this way and another being technical security measures can in many cases provably ensure security from a variety of attacks."

Source: http://pz65gyca5nrafhrf.onion/PolyFront_2/organization.html

Someone posted that link the other day. I forgot who, but the credit goes to them.

+1 for reposting that very apropos quote.  The PolyFront authors are correct, with respect to the current capabilities of police. That said, it would be a grave mistake to assume that this will always be the case. Officers my age (or older) who did not grow up with computers are the ones who are having the most trouble with the new reality.  As new officers are hired, they will be people who will have grown up with computers, and are far more comfortable with them than their predecessors ever could be.

While I believe the PolyFront authors are mostly correct, in the above-quoted segment, I nevertheless believe that they have made a fundamental error in underestimating the utility of traditional policing techniques. 

Policing, after all, is about people, and criminal activity is, by and large, a type of social activity.  The vast majority of criminals are not solitary -- they do not operate without involving at least some associates. If one studies law enforcement tactics, one discovers that it is through one's associates that one is often undone.

The case of Max Butler is one such. Butler was known as "the carding King" due to his takeover of several online carding markets. Butler was employed by day as a computer seucrity consultant; by night, he operated the carding markets. As might be expected, Butler was extremely thorough with respect to the technical measures he employed to prevent detection/apprehension.

Where Butler completely and totally screwed the pooch was in his choice of associates. His associate knew too much about his business, and was sloppy to boot. The associate was nabbed by police, and in the process of cutting a deal for himself, he rolled-over on Butler, giving them the details he knew about his operation.

How many vendors are sole operators? I would imagine not that many. You have associates, people you buy from, people you deal with in other ways. All of these represent a risk, and no amount of high-tech geekery, however advanced, is going to help you in this regard. This is where traditional policing methods come in.

Remember Benjamin Franklin's famous aphorism: "Three people can keep a secret, if two of them are dead."

Some of you may remember the quote from the movie Dirty Harry, where Inspector Harry Callahan says to his new partner, "A junkie whore with a big mouth can crack a case wide open ten times faster than the crime lab."

When the Soviets operated clandestine espionage cells in the United States, they were generally composed of 'cells' comprising a maximum of 4-6 people each.

Why was this? Because if one cell member was apprehended, he could only rat-out the other members of his tiny cell, and not the larger network. Compartmentalization is King.

I have seen the following aphorism stated, and I believe it to be true: "Today's trusted associate is tomorrow's informant."

Moral of the story, insofar as is possible, TRUST NO ONE. Ensure that your business is known to no one else.

I agree, too many people on here underestimate LE or overestimate their own ability to detect cops/snitches. Yeah, tor and btc is great and all, but it only goes so far. The feds have some extremely talented people working for them, not to mention 3rd party contractors that write exploit code and perform other tech services for the various TLAs. I am not referring to the DEA either.

Believe it or not, some of their most effective cybercrime agents are pushing 50 now. They sit there all day and manipulate people in communities like this without them even realizing. It shouldn't be difficult to see why people who devote their entire professional careers to finding ways inside these groups are so successful, especially since most SR users haven't been doing this sort of things for years. Also, the feds are a team. Like Anonymous, they do not sleep, or eat, or forgive, forget, etc. If you miss a crucial step in something and slip up, they'll be there waiting.

The moral of this story is to stay on your toes. Don't temporarily drop your guard for someone who just happens to be pleasant to talk to, and seems to think like you. If you are too high to make the right decision here, sign out and go chill somewhere else. Like guru said, TRUST NO ONE that absolutely doesn't need to know about what you are doing. Obviously vendors should take this advice far more seriously than buyers ordering grams of pot.
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: Bungee54 on August 11, 2012, 09:06 pm
@ sourman

very very well spoken..its a shame that our english is not so good to get the wording correct in our thoughts..
or to use language to manifest how we think..u know what we mean

but you told it extemely well ! karma for you

great post!
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: jameslink2 on August 11, 2012, 09:45 pm
Remember Benjamin Franklin's famous aphorism: "Three people can keep a secret, if two of them are dead."

Moral of the story, insofar as is possible, TRUST NO ONE. Ensure that your business is known to no one else.

Got it, So I should kill everyone who knows me and knows what I am doing.

Should I start with my wife or make her last?  ;D JK

It is good advice, Right now no one knows who I am or what I am doing, and I have no plans on telling ANYONE!
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: on August 13, 2012, 04:43 am
You guys have made some good points from a vendors standpoint but from a buyers perspective it also matters whether or not your seller can keep their mouth shut.  Before I deal with a new vendor I scrub the boards looking for anything they've posted that might be a security risk.  If I find a vendor whose even hinted at any personal info (especially their location or shipping methodology) then I'm not doing business with them.  I mean, come on, even if you encrypt everything and use a fake name you're still giving each vendor your approximate location.  The truth is that the only way LE is going to pwn this site is through vendors or admins screwing up. 

Let me also make it clear that the vast majority of vendors (to say nothing of DPR) appear to be consummate professionals.  I'm glad you all are having this conversation, please don't drop your guard for a moment.

Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: Bungee54 on August 13, 2012, 08:44 pm
You guys have made some good points from a vendors standpoint but from a buyers perspective it also matters whether or not your seller can keep their mouth shut.  Before I deal with a new vendor I scrub the boards looking for anything they've posted that might be a security risk.  If I find a vendor whose even hinted at any personal info (especially their location or shipping methodology) then I'm not doing business with them.  I mean, come on, even if you encrypt everything and use a fake name you're still giving each vendor your approximate location.  The truth is that the only way LE is going to pwn this site is through vendors or admins screwing up. 

Let me also make it clear that the vast majority of vendors (to say nothing of DPR) appear to be consummate professionals.  I'm glad you all are having this conversation, please don't drop your guard for a moment.


Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: drdroopy on August 14, 2012, 12:14 am
Only thing i can add is follow your gut, if something doesn't look right then don't even chance it, its easier to cancel an order and deal with someone that is upset then dealing with LE showing up at your door
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: TheGrandWizard on August 14, 2012, 04:47 pm
You guys have made some good points from a vendors standpoint but from a buyers perspective it also matters whether or not your seller can keep their mouth shut.  Before I deal with a new vendor I scrub the boards looking for anything they've posted that might be a security risk.  If I find a vendor whose even hinted at any personal info (especially their location or shipping methodology) then I'm not doing business with them.  I mean, come on, even if you encrypt everything and use a fake name you're still giving each vendor your approximate location.  The truth is that the only way LE is going to pwn this site is through vendors or admins screwing up. 

Let me also make it clear that the vast majority of vendors (to say nothing of DPR) appear to be consummate professionals.  I'm glad you all are having this conversation, please don't drop your guard for a moment.


+1 for making a very important and oft-forgotten point. I see a lot of people on here talking about their enormous 16256-bit keys kept on special USB keychains and their various other forms of cryptographic and technological security. And don't get me wrong, that's all very useful and commendable: I use GPG myself and wouldn't buy from a vendor who didn't, and I do my best not to reveal personal details about my life outside the Grand Wizard's Lair.

But, at the end of the day, I am still sending my personal information to people who can decrypt it.  And if any of those people have been busted for online or offline activities, there is a non-trivial chance they will provide that info to law enforcement if they think it will save them some hard time.  And by "non-trivial" I mean it's more likely than not.   Most of the "gangsters," "godfathers," "hustlers" etc. on SR aren't streetwise hardened criminals. A few minutes with a skilled interrogator will have them singing like canaries and doing whatever the nice man with the badge tells them to do.  And if that includes fulfilling some bulk orders and setting the recipients up for their own busts, then so be it: most people will gladly ruin the lives of a few strangers to save their own asses. 

If/when we start seeing SR busts, I'm betting they will involve a vendor getting popped offline and then working with the feds in exchange for immunity or leniency.  I think the technology will continue to do its job just fine.  But if LE can compromise a vendor, they can pull in all kinds of slightly smaller fishies.  And the sloppier your vendor is and the more you are buying, the more likely it is you will find yourself hooked. The technological precautions are fabulous, but if you're not careful you might find yourself falling headlong into this particular security hole despite them.
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: TheGrandWizard on August 15, 2012, 01:16 am

+1 I would give you 100 Karma points for this, were I able to. You have described the authorities MO down to a T. 

Unfortunately, all too often people let themselves be convinced that all this high-tech stuff is like pixie dust that magically confers protection upon all that it touches, when nothing could be further from the truth.  People all too often forget that crypto is just a tool, and that like any tool, it has both  strengths and limitations. Used improperly, much of that protection can be lost.


I bitched on another thread about vendors who offer bitcoins for WU, Moneypak or even bank deposits alongside their listings for various illegal substances.  It would be a trivial matter for LE to i.e. exchange a Moneypak with JoeCrank and then use those bitcoins to buy a few grams of JoeCrank's crystal.  Once that arrives a quick subpoena reveals all the information JoeCrank provided to get the reloadable card.  And if Joe cleverly registered using someone else's name and address, a quick look at the last few transactions on the card may give valuable clues as to his identity.  If he did a withdrawal at a local ATM, another quick subpoena will provide video of that transaction.   And if he paid his utility bills with that card, he's as good as busted.

Given that Joe didn't have the common sense to avoid leaving a huge trail of breadcrumbs to his own location, how much do you want to rely on his security skills in protecting your own personal information? And what do you suppose the odds are that the DEA could lean on Joe for a bit to keep his listings up -- then pop a few mid-to-small timers and issue a press release entitled "SILK ROAD METHAMPHETAMINE RING BUSTED!!!"?  I know I certainly wouldn't want to trust this guy with my address no matter how carefully I encrypted it.  And there are quite a few JoeCranks selling on SR as we speak.
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: Bungee54 on August 16, 2012, 11:09 am
This cant be possible true did not think such people really exist ..

sounds harsh but in the end..only the clever vendors and buyers will remain...thats a good thing in our humble opinion...
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: Bungee54 on August 18, 2012, 03:02 pm
This cant be possible true did not think such people really exist ..

sounds harsh but in the end..only the clever vendors and buyers will remain...thats a good thing in our humble opinion...

Oh, it's true all right -- I wish it weren't.

I'll be honest with you... I've seen some real security cluster-fucks in my time, but this one literally takes, eats, and shits the cake.


Sounds like a cool title for a bestseller :)  ->  " Silk Road Clusterfucks"   how one hidden service began to change the world...

We look forward to see some ourselves harhar

Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: GreatWhiteShark on August 18, 2012, 07:20 pm
there should be a thread listing all these possible freedom stealing cowards' name's.

what if a type of system can be developed which allows each user to only register once for this site through a social security number system that allows each individual to only be registered once. it would be tough and hard to make those numbers very secure so le never gets their hands on it. you know, just something that can id us but at the same time keep us anonymous. eventually any suyspicius peopkle would be weeded out for good. what about a possibility for hackers to obtain the SS # of every LE agent and instead of storing civilian SS#'s, the ss# for Le would be blacklisted
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: goofus on August 19, 2012, 06:39 am
there should be a thread listing all these possible freedom stealing cowards' name's.

what if a type of system can be developed which allows each user to only register once for this site through a social security number system that allows each individual to only be registered once. it would be tough and hard to make those numbers very secure so le never gets their hands on it. you know, just something that can id us but at the same time keep us anonymous. eventually any suyspicius peopkle would be weeded out for good. what about a possibility for hackers to obtain the SS # of every LE agent and instead of storing civilian SS#'s, the ss# for Le would be blacklisted

Starting with GreatWhiteShark ;) Here's my SS#: 800-fuck-u-cop
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: johnwholesome on August 19, 2012, 07:04 am
there should be a thread listing all these possible freedom stealing cowards' name's.

what if a type of system can be developed which allows each user to only register once for this site through a social security number system that allows each individual to only be registered once. it would be tough and hard to make those numbers very secure so le never gets their hands on it. you know, just something that can id us but at the same time keep us anonymous. eventually any suyspicius peopkle would be weeded out for good. what about a possibility for hackers to obtain the SS # of every LE agent and instead of storing civilian SS#'s, the ss# for Le would be blacklisted

In all your effort to type that up you prolly dun even know that you are part of the problem....
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: BenCousins on August 19, 2012, 09:50 am
there should be a thread listing all these possible freedom stealing cowards' name's.

what if a type of system can be developed which allows each user to only register once for this site through a social security number system that allows each individual to only be registered once. it would be tough and hard to make those numbers very secure so le never gets their hands on it. you know, just something that can id us but at the same time keep us anonymous. eventually any suyspicius peopkle would be weeded out for good. what about a possibility for hackers to obtain the SS # of every LE agent and instead of storing civilian SS#'s, the ss# for Le would be blacklisted

This is probably one of the dumbest posts ive ever read and NOT EVERY SINGLE FUCKING PERSON LIVES IN THE FUCKING UNITED STATES
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: deliric on August 20, 2012, 03:07 am
Kids, man. Fuck 'em. :)
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: brutusk on August 20, 2012, 03:09 am

Starting with GreatWhiteShark ;) Here's my SS#: 800-fuck-u-cop

haha +1 for that
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: Limetless on August 20, 2012, 06:58 am

+1 I would give you 100 Karma points for this, were I able to. You have described the authorities MO down to a T. 

Unfortunately, all too often people let themselves be convinced that all this high-tech stuff is like pixie dust that magically confers protection upon all that it touches, when nothing could be further from the truth.  People all too often forget that crypto is just a tool, and that like any tool, it has both  strengths and limitations. Used improperly, much of that protection can be lost.


I bitched on another thread about vendors who offer bitcoins for WU, Moneypak or even bank deposits alongside their listings for various illegal substances.  It would be a trivial matter for LE to i.e. exchange a Moneypak with JoeCrank and then use those bitcoins to buy a few grams of JoeCrank's crystal.  Once that arrives a quick subpoena reveals all the information JoeCrank provided to get the reloadable card.  And if Joe cleverly registered using someone else's name and address, a quick look at the last few transactions on the card may give valuable clues as to his identity.  If he did a withdrawal at a local ATM, another quick subpoena will provide video of that transaction.   And if he paid his utility bills with that card, he's as good as busted.

Given that Joe didn't have the common sense to avoid leaving a huge trail of breadcrumbs to his own location, how much do you want to rely on his security skills in protecting your own personal information? And what do you suppose the odds are that the DEA could lean on Joe for a bit to keep his listings up -- then pop a few mid-to-small timers and issue a press release entitled "SILK ROAD METHAMPHETAMINE RING BUSTED!!!"?  I know I certainly wouldn't want to trust this guy with my address no matter how carefully I encrypted it.  And there are quite a few JoeCranks selling on SR as we speak.

Let's not forget about buyers who, in their excitement over finding this place, literally --  and I mean quite literally -- throw all caution to the winds.

One case stands out: someone setup an account under their real name, linked to their real email address. Email address links to half-a-dozen social networking sites, containing among other things, poster's real name, address, phone number.  Tons of photos on photo-sharing sites, including one photo of themselves they used as their avatar.  I just about shit a brick. The funny thing was, while they admitted they were foolish to have done this, they didn't appear to be terribly concerned over it either.


LOL, whoever that was needs to be taken out to the pastures and shot. It would be the kindest thing to do.
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: lefthandspinner on August 20, 2012, 12:02 pm
ive only sent pgp messages but if u recieve 1 does it delete after read or can they look again and again
if biggest risk is vendor getting nicked and setting bulk buyers up then he will hand his key over and they will have all the addys of buyers on sr it gets deleted straight after so unless there writing them down  at least u no its not saved on there pgp.

what about printers wont they all be stored somewhere on them

in usa they get such mad sentances they always seem to grass much more snakes than other countries,uk u get grasses for payment but dealers/buyers  getting nicked wont grass others most of  time

i know nothing about computer saftey just asking

on topics they put there land lines up there fucking mental,how do they not get caught all using paypal
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: club on August 20, 2012, 01:02 pm
there should be a thread listing all these possible freedom stealing cowards' name's.

If it's just a forum thread containing their name, it may prompt them to the dump the account and start over with a new one. But I like the idea behind this. What about a site feature where a seller could flag the user as "suspicious"? The users themselves would not not be able to check their own suspicion level, but other sellers would be able to see something like "5 other vendors have flagged this user as suspicious." This way, their reputation would grow completely unaware to them.
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: dkmonk on August 20, 2012, 04:25 pm
What about possible vendors (ones who haven't sold a single illegal item) being LEO?

Anyone ever think about this as much as me?
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: lefthandspinner on August 20, 2012, 04:34 pm
maybe  but seems pointless they wouldnt get many sales and nothing illegal

btc vendors though i think there strange  how can they openly say they sell vendors coins ie cleaning money just as bad as dealing but accept bank deposits and the rest how are they not arrested rapid

what happened to btc buddy did he get 50 to life for massive money laundering if not why not carnt of been hard to find out who was behind it and whos coins he was cleaning

they could be cops also  if they know who bought the coins they would no who re sellers/big buyers were  .
i dont know how moneypack works and if traceble
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: kryptoz on August 20, 2012, 04:35 pm
The fact that the US gov won't release information about SilkRoad under the freedom of information act with the statement "We have undercover officers working there" means they're here, and probably have been since it was first brought to attention by a senator back in June 2011.
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: lefthandspinner on August 20, 2012, 04:43 pm
in usa would they be allowed to let a local drug dealer set an account up and sell real stuff to try find people buying weight

nothing suprises me over there

id be astounded if the cia werent shipping h from afghan and plenty of other govs
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: dkmonk on August 20, 2012, 04:49 pm
Pretty much anything is possible in the USA. They use to let the head of an Irish mob keep doing whatever as long as he told on the Italian mob.
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: kryptoz on August 20, 2012, 05:37 pm
Yeah, the US gov is pretty much shit, the agencies are shit, and they lie all the time to citizens. It's pretty fucked up
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: kryptoz on August 20, 2012, 06:18 pm
The fact that the US gov won't release information about SilkRoad under the freedom of information act with the statement "We have undercover officers working there" means they're here, and probably have been since it was first brought to attention by a senator back in June 2011.

I think what's more the case, is not only do they have officers here, but they also have bots to scrape both the Forums and SR proper. You will recall those academics who published a paper on the economics of Silk Road used bots to gather information.  LEA would be remiss if they did not do the same. A further advantage would be that bots could function 24/7/365 capturing information, for later analysis.


Most likely, it wouldn't surprise me if they asked for the information from the academics either, or gave them the idea in the first place. At this point all that's speculation, but the main point:

There is DEFINITELY LE on here.
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: lefthandspinner on August 20, 2012, 06:27 pm
they will for sure have bots comparing peoples writing on here to clearnet and id be fuked if i wrote on any other forums it would be easy coz i dont write good

luckily ive never written on any forum dont use any facebook nonsence and dont send emails etc

isnt there a thing like check spelling that would make your writing perfect ,im not a big computer user,i just clicked check spelling and it did fuckall
Title: Re: anyone notice possible LE's arround .. im a long term vendor - seeking advice
Post by: kryptoz on August 20, 2012, 06:54 pm
The fact that the US gov won't release information about SilkRoad under the freedom of information act with the statement "We have undercover officers working there" means they're here, and probably have been since it was first brought to attention by a senator back in June 2011.

I think what's more the case, is not only do they have officers here, but they also have bots to scrape both the Forums and SR proper. You will recall those academics who published a paper on the economics of Silk Road used bots to gather information.  LEA would be remiss if they did not do the same. A further advantage would be that bots could function 24/7/365 capturing information, for later analysis.


Most likely, it wouldn't surprise me if they asked for the information from the academics either, or gave them the idea in the first place. At this point all that's speculation, 

The only safe assumption is that any and all such data has already been handed-over.

but the main point:

There is DEFINITELY LE on here.

Absolutely. Anyone who believes otherwise is living in a fantasy-land.


+1 for this post along with previous ones, obv got your head on straight :).

And lefthandspinner - right click the word and it should give you the correct spelling on the menu, click and it fixes.