Silk Road forums
Market => Product requests => Topic started by: mollysbf on August 04, 2012, 10:57 pm
I know most people will think this post is irrelevant but I am sure some of you out there are into those minerals and crystals you can get at festivals and online and they are suppose to promote certain energys. I don't necessarily believe all that but I am very interested in getting some for a reasonable price.
I know most people will think this post is irrelevant but I am sure some of you out there are into those minerals and crystals you can get at festivals and online and they are suppose to promote certain energys. I don't necessarily believe all that but I am very interested in getting some for a reasonable price.
Hi mollysbf,
Despite my healthy cynicism about this, you'd end up paying over the odds if anyone sold them on here. Hell I'll put them on my own sellr account if you like but you're far better off using eBay.
ebay or some hippy new-age shop
I meant more of actually going an finding them myself. I know for a lot of them I would have to go to like peru or something lol. Just wondering if there are areas within canada, U.S., or mexico that these can still be found naturally?
How do they promote energy when it's just a rock? ??? Do you put a pebble in your bum or something? ::)
It's not necessarily a solid held belief I have but after all the festivals and shows I have been going to. I've been an outspoken athiest for a long time but the more psychadelics I do and some of the people I have talked to with these bad ass rocks that are millions of years old make me start to think, like many authors have said, that everything is just condensed energy. I believe that when we die our energy/soul once absorbed back into the earth will become part of the overall energy that makes earth and it's beings. I feel that theses extremely rare rocks are important because they are so old and have seen so much time pass and I feel that the earth had to put more energy into them therefor making them beautiful. Each on was formed under different pressures at different times. I know it doesn't make a whole lot of sense but I am not looking to be criticized. There is nothing cooler than have some great L or what have you and be able to stare into something millions of years old but looks way cooler than just a dinosaur bone and gives me a feeling that I am more able to reconnect with the time and place it was formed.
Don't worry mate I am not criticizing ya. :)
I think these sort of ideas just sort of bounce off me a bit because it just isn't how I think and I am not into psychedelics. It's sort of contrary to my natural thought train.
Yeah I used to be a straight up athiest....never denied the fact that there could be something idk out there but it sure as hell has nothing to do with someone named jesus and the bible or any of the other religions that are almost all similar besides what region they originate. No offense to any religious people. This last summer/festival season though I had a couple trips and along with reading shulgins PIHKAL I really started to thing about this whole energy thing and how it is constantly flowing. If we don't put in more than we take out we will our creator (earth). We are currently taking way to much energy out (by energy I mean almost like souls since when we die we decay back into the dust we originated from) by taking energy out I am referring to oil and over mining of certain things. Oil is literally a product that is created after thousands of years of decay of living and non living things. IDK I could talk about shit all day. There is no true answer and I will never claim to know it but after some SERIOUS ego shattering experiences this last year this whole energy cycle thing is making more and more sense every day. I believe in a collective Consciousness but we will never be able to harness it because almost all are oblivious and selfish to it.