Silk Road forums

Discussion => Security => Topic started by: wallacekim on July 31, 2012, 06:03 am

Title: Safest way to get BTC?
Post by: wallacekim on July 31, 2012, 06:03 am
What would be the safest way to get BTC? I was thinking of using bitinstant+tormail, then send it through bitcoinfog to instawallet, then to my SR account. However, this has a lot of taxes built in it. Is it just as safe as using Sugar Mama to get my BTC?

Edit: Apparently, bitinstant took away the "to email" bitcoin thing. If I send it to my mtgox account, doesn't it mean that I need to provide ID for my account? Should I just transfer the coins to multiple instawallets multiple times?

Edit 2: OR  could I use a different service, such as cryptoxchange, bitstamp, or virwox?
Title: Re: Safest way to get BTC?
Post by: vlad1m1r on July 31, 2012, 07:27 am
What would be the safest way to get BTC? I was thinking of using bitinstant+tormail, then send it through bitcoinfog to instawallet, then to my SR account. However, this has a lot of taxes built in it. Is it just as safe as using Sugar Mama to get my BTC?

Edit: Apparently, bitinstant took away the "to email" bitcoin thing. If I send it to my mtgox account, doesn't it mean that I need to provide ID for my account? Should I just transfer the coins to multiple instawallets multiple times?

Edit 2: OR  could I use a different service, such as cryptoxchange, bitstamp, or virwox?

Hi Wallacekim,

The only way to obtain BTC safely are through paying cash to a vendor or selling goods/services e.g MoneyPaks. For a full explanation as to why this please see here : http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=25163.0

In the US the two fellow BTC traders I know well are BlueSkyTraders and Coinbox (like me, Coinbox offers a cash in the mail service which is the most secure way to receive your coins).
