Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: Legalizeit1 on July 16, 2012, 05:32 pm

Title: Can I borrow a bitcoin to get a sample?
Post by: Legalizeit1 on July 16, 2012, 05:32 pm
I'm new to the forums but have been on SR for a few months. I need to get a bitcoin together to pay for shipping for a sample. Its fine if nobody wants to but I thought I'd ask anyway - my username is mrlegalizeweed
Title: Re: Can I borrow a bitcoin to get a sample?
Post by: KaleidescopeVision on July 16, 2012, 06:59 pm
I only speak for myself when I say this, although I genuinely hope no one gives you one either.
Fuck no. Go buy a fucking bit coin.
Title: Re: Can I borrow a bitcoin to get a sample?
Post by: vlad1m1r on July 16, 2012, 07:09 pm
I'm new to the forums but have been on SR for a few months. I need to get a bitcoin together to pay for shipping for a sample. Its fine if nobody wants to but I thought I'd ask anyway - my username is mrlegalizeweed

I suggest you ask the seller to create a custom "stealth" listing buddy for zero Bitcoins which you can then buy. 1 Bitcoin isn't much to ask for a sample but if you're strapped for cash now, how can you hope to order more than this?

Title: Re: Can I borrow a bitcoin to get a sample?
Post by: Twelve_Pickles on July 16, 2012, 08:36 pm
what a load of shit.

suck a dick for a btc. that would be a more honest way to earn your cash.
Title: Re: Can I borrow a bitcoin to get a sample?
Post by: Whothefuckisthis on July 16, 2012, 08:44 pm
.01 for your efforts. ;D
Title: Re: Can I borrow a bitcoin to get a sample?
Post by: Jello on July 16, 2012, 09:43 pm
Asking for extra bitcoin is desperate enough, but for a sample? come on man you're better than that
Title: Re: Can I borrow a bitcoin to get a sample?
Post by: noosemagnet on July 17, 2012, 07:37 am
no, you give ME a bitcoin.
Title: Re: Can I borrow a bitcoin to get a sample?
Post by: smokeweed420 on July 17, 2012, 08:14 am
im glad people are taking on the same spirit as me  8)