Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: billybud on July 10, 2012, 02:33 pm

Title: New on Silkroad, need some advice
Post by: billybud on July 10, 2012, 02:33 pm
Hello everybody,

 For begining i'm french and my english is not perfect, and i don't know if i'm in the good section for this post. Excuse me if i'm wrong.
It's hard for me tu use bitcoins, so  i'll explain what i did for the moment.

I have use bitcoincentral for have some bitcoin against my money (euro), i have dowload the software bitcoin. My futur action is to transfert my bitcoins on silkroad, so have i to use the adress found on the top of page silkroad when i clik on "accountB(0.00) ?

Is it possible to send directly my bitcoins on silkroad from bitcoincentral ?

Is it possible to don't use the software bitcoins ?

i'm realy lost, i searched many tutorial but i don't find et i conclud i need you.
So i hope that a good people explain me step by step ..
Please be cool and if you answers, don't use a english complicate
Thx thx !  :)
Title: Re: New on Silkroad, need some advice
Post by: ccxv01 on July 10, 2012, 03:53 pm
If you send it to the address in "accountB(0.00)", you won't need software and it will just put the money on Silk Road.

Let me know if you have anymore questions.
Title: Re: New on Silkroad, need some advice
Post by: vlad1m1r on July 10, 2012, 04:08 pm
Hello everybody,

 For begining i'm french and my english is not perfect, and i don't know if i'm in the good section for this post. Excuse me if i'm wrong.
It's hard for me tu use bitcoins, so  i'll explain what i did for the moment.

I have use bitcoincentral for have some bitcoin against my money (euro), i have dowload the software bitcoin. My futur action is to transfert my bitcoins on silkroad, so have i to use the adress found on the top of page silkroad when i clik on "accountB(0.00) ?

Is it possible to send directly my bitcoins on silkroad from bitcoincentral ?

Is it possible to don't use the software bitcoins ?

i'm realy lost, i searched many tutorial but i don't find et i conclud i need you.
So i hope that a good people explain me step by step ..
Please be cool and if you answers, don't use a english complicate
Thx thx !  :)

Salut Billy!

Je suis vlad1m1r et je vends des Bitcoins ici a Silk Road. Accepte en avance mes excuses pour le mauvais francais!

Alors pour repondre a tes questions:

- Oui tu l'as  - si tu cliques sur "Account" a Silk Road ton BTC-addresse est a haut à gauche (c'est la combinaison de chiffres commencant par un 1 ou en 3)

C'est certainement possible d'envoyer tes Bitcoins directement a Silk Road mais je dois te conseiller que si t'as achete tes Bitcoins par virement bancaire c'est possible d'identifier ton achat. Pour ce raison je vends des Bitcoins pour argent seulement car ce le moyen le plus sur pour les obtenir.

Une bonne facon pour te proteger et d'enoyer tes Bitcoins premierement a Bitcoinfog (http://fogcore5n3ov3tui.onion/) - le site s'appelle un "mixer" en anglais; en effet il melange tes Bitcoins avec ceux d'autres personnes (la commission et 1 a 3%) donc il serait bcop plus complexe de suivre tes transactions.

La prochaine fois ke tu auras besoin de Bitcoins pourquoi pas m'envoyer un message et je te montrerai comment les obtenir plus facilement grace a mon service :-)

Title: Re: New on Silkroad, need some advice
Post by: MasterS on July 10, 2012, 04:17 pm
To add to what vlad1m1r said. All I do is keep a bitcoin wallet on a usb drive that has an address you can send bitcoins to, I then send bitcoins from that wallet to SR as needed. It isn't instant and may take a few hours for your bit coins to go between bitcoincentral -> wallet -> silkroad.

I also recommend that you don't transfer straight from bitcoincentral -> Silkroad
Title: Re: New on Silkroad, need some advice
Post by: vlad1m1r on July 10, 2012, 04:19 pm
To add to what vlad1m1r said. All I do is keep a bitcoin wallet on a usb drive that has an address you can send bitcoins to, I then send bitcoins from that wallet to SR as needed. It isn't instant and may take a few hours for your bit coins to go between bitcoincentral -> wallet -> silkroad.

I also recommend that you don't transfer straight from bitcoincentral -> Silkroad

Thanks Master S,

For the record, here's my thread I created on how to install a Bitcoin wallet onto a USB stick :


Title: Re: New on Silkroad, need some advice
Post by: billybud on July 10, 2012, 04:30 pm
Thanks everybody for yours answers, i understood better now. I will do my first test silk road  with bitcoin already bought and futurly i ask your technic vladimir ! ( dès mon prochain achat sur silkroad, j'acheterai mes bitcoins a toi Vladimir )

And master S, for you i have to transfert my bitcoins on a wallet ( for example on a usb drive ? ) and after as needed i transfert on SR. Do i have ? bitcoincentral => silk road is not recomanded or is not possible ?

PS : exelent francais vladimir  :P
Title: Re: New on Silkroad, need some advice
Post by: Limetless on July 10, 2012, 04:32 pm
Hello everybody,

 For begining i'm french and my english is not perfect, and i don't know if i'm in the good section for this post. Excuse me if i'm wrong.
It's hard for me tu use bitcoins, so  i'll explain what i did for the moment.

I have use bitcoincentral for have some bitcoin against my money (euro), i have dowload the software bitcoin. My futur action is to transfert my bitcoins on silkroad, so have i to use the adress found on the top of page silkroad when i clik on "accountB(0.00) ?

Is it possible to send directly my bitcoins on silkroad from bitcoincentral ?

Is it possible to don't use the software bitcoins ?

i'm realy lost, i searched many tutorial but i don't find et i conclud i need you.
So i hope that a good people explain me step by step ..
Please be cool and if you answers, don't use a english complicate
Thx thx !  :)

Salut Billy!

Je suis vlad1m1r et je vends des Bitcoins ici a Silk Road. Accepte en avance mes excuses pour le mauvais francais!

Alors pour repondre a tes questions:

- Oui tu l'as  - si tu cliques sur "Account" a Silk Road ton BTC-addresse est a haut à gauche (c'est la combinaison de chiffres commencant par un 1 ou en 3)

C'est certainement possible d'envoyer tes Bitcoins directement a Silk Road mais je dois te conseiller que si t'as achete tes Bitcoins par virement bancaire c'est possible d'identifier ton achat. Pour ce raison je vends des Bitcoins pour argent seulement car ce le moyen le plus sur pour les obtenir.

Une bonne facon pour te proteger et d'enoyer tes Bitcoins premierement a Bitcoinfog (http://fogcore5n3ov3tui.onion/) - le site s'appelle un "mixer" en anglais; en effet il melange tes Bitcoins avec ceux d'autres personnes (la commission et 1 a 3%) donc il serait bcop plus complexe de suivre tes transactions.

La prochaine fois ke tu auras besoin de Bitcoins pourquoi pas m'envoyer un message et je te montrerai comment les obtenir plus facilement grace a mon service :-)


You flash suave bastard. :P  8)
Title: Re: New on Silkroad, need some advice
Post by: Kappacino on July 10, 2012, 04:35 pm
Yeah I'd have to say that was pretty boss-like
Title: Re: New on Silkroad, need some advice
Post by: UKMJ on July 10, 2012, 04:38 pm
Vlad you smooth operator
Title: Re: New on Silkroad, need some advice
Post by: MasterS on July 10, 2012, 04:41 pm
Thanks everybody for yours answers, i understood better now. I will do my first test silk road  with bitcoin already bought and futurly i ask your technic vladimir ! ( dès mon prochain achat sur silkroad, j'acheterai mes bitcoins a toi Vladimir )

And master S, for you i have to transfert my bitcoins on a wallet ( for example on a usb drive ? ) and after as needed i transfert on SR. Do i have ? bitcoincentral => silk road is not recomanded or is not possible ?

PS : exelent francais vladimir  :P

It is possible but by having more redundancy in our security it makes LE have to actually work ^_^
Title: Re: New on Silkroad, need some advice
Post by: vlad1m1r on July 10, 2012, 06:14 pm
Hello everybody,

 For begining i'm french and my english is not perfect, and i don't know if i'm in the good section for this post. Excuse me if i'm wrong.
It's hard for me tu use bitcoins, so  i'll explain what i did for the moment.

I have use bitcoincentral for have some bitcoin against my money (euro), i have dowload the software bitcoin. My futur action is to transfert my bitcoins on silkroad, so have i to use the adress found on the top of page silkroad when i clik on "accountB(0.00) ?

Is it possible to send directly my bitcoins on silkroad from bitcoincentral ?

Is it possible to don't use the software bitcoins ?

i'm realy lost, i searched many tutorial but i don't find et i conclud i need you.
So i hope that a good people explain me step by step ..
Please be cool and if you answers, don't use a english complicate
Thx thx !  :)

Salut Billy!

Je suis vlad1m1r et je vends des Bitcoins ici a Silk Road. Accepte en avance mes excuses pour le mauvais francais!

Alors pour repondre a tes questions:

- Oui tu l'as  - si tu cliques sur "Account" a Silk Road ton BTC-addresse est a haut à gauche (c'est la combinaison de chiffres commencant par un 1 ou en 3)

C'est certainement possible d'envoyer tes Bitcoins directement a Silk Road mais je dois te conseiller que si t'as achete tes Bitcoins par virement bancaire c'est possible d'identifier ton achat. Pour ce raison je vends des Bitcoins pour argent seulement car ce le moyen le plus sur pour les obtenir.

Une bonne facon pour te proteger et d'enoyer tes Bitcoins premierement a Bitcoinfog (http://fogcore5n3ov3tui.onion/) - le site s'appelle un "mixer" en anglais; en effet il melange tes Bitcoins avec ceux d'autres personnes (la commission et 1 a 3%) donc il serait bcop plus complexe de suivre tes transactions.

La prochaine fois ke tu auras besoin de Bitcoins pourquoi pas m'envoyer un message et je te montrerai comment les obtenir plus facilement grace a mon service :-)


You flash suave bastard. :P  8)

You're too kind Lim, my old French Prof would be spinning in his grave at the fast and loose syntax!

Title: Re: New on Silkroad, need some advice
Post by: vlad1m1r on July 10, 2012, 06:24 pm
Vlad you smooth operator

If it wasn't for people like you UKMJ, and Kappacino and Lim of course being so welcoming when I first joined SR I'd not have had the faintest idea what to tell BillyBud, even if I have mastered Franglais - it's really not so difficult speaking to foreign people, just shout at them slowly in English, usually does the trick I find!
