Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: Montell Williams on July 09, 2012, 09:20 pm

Title: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Montell Williams on July 09, 2012, 09:20 pm
Simple answer: Money works by you being a slave.

The banks issue out “currency”. They simply type it up on their computers by the billions and issue it out to whoever they so choose. So where does that currency get it's value from if it takes the banks zero energy to create it? The value comes from you and I who have to work for it. It is our labour and creative energy that backs fiat currency. And so the most successful state will be whichever one can dominate, manipulate and deceive their own people into lifetimes of slavery and absolute submissiveness to the state. This is why governments operate in secrecy, their worst enemies are the masses of clueless, ignorant sheep.

Let's pretend for a second that the state is a corporation and its fiat currency is its stock. What happens when people own a lot of stock from one corporation? They of course want it to go up in value. So why would it be any different for people who have a lot of money or who are already well established in life? It's not. People who have a lot invested in fiat currency will always fight to ensure the safety of their investment. This is why anything that weakens the currency or the state will be fought against by those in positions of power and even by people who are just happy with their own current circumstances. Some of the things that harm fiat currency off the top of my head are dissent, rebellion, mind-expanding drugs, unemployment, theft etc.

If you are unhappy with the current state of politics, where we can only choose between a few handpicked corporate puppets who are nothing more than theatrical chimps, the real way to protest is to stop working for their fiat currency, commit rebellious acts against those in power, and to force your government to expend as much energy as possible. Weaken them financially, physically and morally. And most importantly inform as many sheep as possible to the fact that fiat currency runs on slavery. If  they are financially stable of course they will ignore you but one day they may wake up and remember what you told them.

It's all about getting an idea out and hoping that it spreads in order to weaken and (hopefully one day) topple all of these tyrannical regimes.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: vlad1m1r on July 09, 2012, 09:27 pm
Simple answer: Money works by you being a slave.

The banks issue out “currency”. They simply type it up on their computers by the billions and issue it out to whoever they so choose. So where does that currency get it's value from if it takes the banks zero energy to create it? The value comes from you and I who have to work for it. It is our labour and creative energy that backs fiat currency. And so the most successful state will be whichever one can dominate, manipulate and deceive their own people into lifetimes of slavery and absolute submissiveness to the state. This is why governments operate in secrecy, their worst enemies are the masses of clueless, ignorant sheep.

Let's pretend for a second that the state is a corporation and its fiat currency is its stock. What happens when people own a lot of stock from one corporation? They of course want it to go up in value. So why would it be any different for people who have a lot of money or who are already well established in life? It's not. People who have a lot invested in fiat currency will always fight to ensure the safety of their investment. This is why anything that weakens the currency or the state will be fought against by those in positions of power and even by people who are just happy with their own current circumstances. Some of the things that harm fiat currency off the top of my head are dissent, rebellion, mind-expanding drugs, unemployment, theft etc.

If you are unhappy with the current state of politics, where we can only choose between a few handpicked corporate puppets who are nothing more than theatrical chimps, the real way to protest is to stop working for their fiat currency, commit rebellious acts against those in power, and to force your government to expend as much energy as possible. Weaken them financially, physically and morally. And most importantly inform as many sheep as possible to the fact that fiat currency runs on slavery. If  they are financially stable of course they will ignore you but one day they may wake up and remember what you told them.

It's all about getting an idea out and hoping that it spreads in order to weaken and (hopefully one day) topple all of these tyrannical regimes.

What do you suggest we do to obtain what we need, barter? Or move to an entirely resource based economy? It's a wonderful idea but we've seen the consequences when the means of production are placed at the behest of the state...

Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Montell Williams on July 09, 2012, 09:48 pm
What do you suggest we do to obtain what we need, barter? Or move to an entirely resource based economy? It's a wonderful idea but we've seen the consequences when the means of production are placed at the behest of the state...
There's nothing wrong with using credits or currency. It's the corruptible factors that needs to be removed.

Would it be possible to have a currency controlled by the people rather than the elite? We have 21st century technology and yet we're still using ancient economic tools. Bitcoin is a step in the right direction.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Limetless on July 09, 2012, 10:04 pm
The current financial system is the best model we have and it's principles can't really be refined any further. It's just how it is mate.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Montell Williams on July 09, 2012, 10:09 pm
Says the spoiled drug dealer lol.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: ilovelsd69 on July 09, 2012, 10:15 pm
Says the spoiled drug dealer lol.

Ohh he is more than that, he is a bad-ass troll killer too  ;D
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Limetless on July 09, 2012, 10:21 pm
Says the spoiled drug dealer lol.

No says the one with the degree in economics and says the one that works in finance. You haven't come up with any viable alternative and actually you haven't REALLY explained what money actually is or means. You have just given an idealistic and pretty socialistic perspective that have been shot around and rehashed many-a-time over the years.

What I said is just a case of pragmatic truth based on realism, if you want to rail against that with how things "should be", "would be if" or "in an ideal world could be" go right ahead but it wont ever change anything and neither will smart-ass comments about me being a spoiled drugs dealer, especially as you yourself sell drugs on here for profit so are in essence are fully a part of and taking advantage of the system you seem so set against. When you live like a Freegen and sell drugs for non-profit fair enough but until then...
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: souledout on July 09, 2012, 10:32 pm
The Ithaca HOUR is a local currency used in Ithaca, New York and is the oldest and largest local currency system in the United States that is still operating

Ithaca HOURS are not backed by national currency and cannot be freely converted to national currency, although some businesses may agree to buy them

One Ithaca HOUR is valued at US$10 and is generally valued @ one hour's work, although the rate is negotiable.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: sselevol on July 09, 2012, 10:34 pm
All you need to know is that you can't fix a lack of money by printing more money.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: AncientX on July 09, 2012, 10:37 pm
Ever notice that the newer US bills with the colored background....They're actually colored the same colors as monopoly money. Look it up! lol
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: MasterS on July 09, 2012, 10:48 pm
All you need to know is that you can't fix a lack of money by printing more money.

Pretty sure if I could print money it would solve my lack of money   ::)
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Montell Williams on July 09, 2012, 11:23 pm
you haven't REALLY explained what money actually is or means.
Please explain to me what “money actually is or means”, Mr. Economics Degree.

What I said is just a case of pragmatic truth based on realism, if you want to rail against that with how things "should be", "would be if" or "in an ideal world could be" go right ahead but it wont ever change anything
Wow. So having discussions about the way things “should be” won't ever change anything? Rallying against the elite and the privileged won't ever change anything? Putting out rational common-sense ideas to guarantee equality and human rights for all won't ever change anything? Sorry to say but everything you've said is complete horseshit. And it's very obvious to me what team you're fighting for. You are comfortable and happy with the way things are. You're spoiled. You import synthetic drugs from China and sell them for 1000% profit without any type of real struggle . It wouldn't be such a bad thing if only you could see the forest for the trees and just admit that you're spoiled. I admit that I'm spoiled. I live in one of the most prosperous nations in the world, but at least I can man-up and admit it.

are fully a part of and taking advantage of the system you seem so set against. When you live like a Freegen and sell drugs for non-profit fair enough
Why are you so set against trying to come up with ideas for a better system? It's almost like you want to stifle any type of innovation or change. And as far as selling drugs for profit, we are profit-driven animals so that's just nature. And that won't change. Get over it.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Montell Williams on July 09, 2012, 11:40 pm
I can always tell how much of a spoiled brat someone is by the amount of posts they have. ;P
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: slybootz on July 09, 2012, 11:45 pm
I choose not to enter this conversation about currency because I am still hung up on figuring out how magnets work..
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: blackend646 on July 10, 2012, 12:05 am
^ I see what you did there
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: sdesu on July 10, 2012, 12:13 am
I choose not to enter this conversation about currency because I am still hung up on figuring out how magnets work..

It depends. Are you a Mormon or a juggalo?

Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: anonaddict on July 10, 2012, 12:38 am
Says the spoiled drug dealer lol.

No says the one with the degree in economics and says the one that works in finance. You haven't come up with any viable alternative and actually you haven't REALLY explained what money actually is or means. You have just given an idealistic and pretty socialistic perspective that have been shot around and rehashed many-a-time over the years.

What I said is just a case of pragmatic truth based on realism, if you want to rail against that with how things "should be", "would be if" or "in an ideal world could be" go right ahead but it wont ever change anything and neither will smart-ass comments about me being a spoiled drugs dealer, especially as you yourself sell drugs on here for profit so are in essence are fully a part of and taking advantage of the system you seem so set against. When you live like a Freegen and sell drugs for non-profit fair enough but until then...

Yea What he said
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: MasterS on July 10, 2012, 12:55 am
I choose not to enter this conversation about currency because I am still hung up on figuring out how magnets work..

It depends. Are you a Mormon or a juggalo?


+1 Karma because that fucking made me feel amazing  ;D
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Montell Williams on July 10, 2012, 01:02 am
I'm amazed to hear that Limetless supports the police, especially when he is so outspoken against snitching. He thinks snitching is bad but turning the world into a police state is not? How does that make sense?
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Montell Williams on July 10, 2012, 01:39 am
During the Nazi internment of jews, every concentration camp would have a couple of jewish orderlies who would work for the Germans, snitch out their Jewish brethren and even help with the extermination and clean-up of the bodies of their fellow Jews.

They did this for their own self-preservation. They got to live and prosper while their fellow man were burned, gassed and tortured. By supporting the banks, that's you Limetless. They want world domination and you bow down to them. You've got a bit of the bank's money and now you're working for them, just happy that you are comfortable and successful and more than willing to sell out anyone and anything for your own self-benefit you scummy rat.

Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: anonaddict on July 10, 2012, 01:56 am
I am not too sure how Limetless being a drug dealer that also works in the financial industry makes him equal to the trustees in concentration camps.

Here is another scenario Montell... I noticed you sell MDMA, can I send you a chicken or a pig for 1 gram ???
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: thomasm13 on July 10, 2012, 02:05 am
For the love of God shut the fuck up. You want to know how being alive works? By the same standards of your argument, by being alive we are all slaves to life. The only way out, the only way to your little fantasy Utopia of privacy (who knows what little mental disorders are stewing around up in there) is death.

I like Limetless. He is correct in saying the world views he supports are pragmatic, regretfully he hasn't taken his POV (I want to say ontology of metaphysics but am too tired of proselytizing superbly verbose bullshit to do so) to its' logical conclusion, which is a very positive one.

Personally, I like money. Without it, how else could I buy drugs?

That aside, Limetless has a realist's point of view. Just not the full picture from a realist's perspective. What you're proposing is what millions of disingenuous individuals have proposed countless times, a Utopia. Be it a libertarian utopia, be it a communist utopia, be it whatever the fuck. It won't work. Mostly because there has to be pain, there has to be suffering in order for there to be beauty. If there was no destruction, no repression, there would be no freedom. I know I sound like a mystic shit but as far as I can tell, after years of studying metaphysics and philosophy and their correspondent social and political contexts, that's about all there is to it.

You have no evidence of anything other than your own mental deficiencies. That's all anybody has to begin with.

Secondly, you are doing absolutely nothing to further your highly scattered, nearly non-existent system of beliefs. If you want to try and stop the "world bank conspiracy", go live out in the woods.

You're just selling yourself to everyone else on here to, in all probability, justify whatever line of thought you happened to stumble upon most recently. Cut it out man. If you're going to jive THEN FUCKING JIVE. But don't mess up your neighbor's thrills.

Shit; I'll sell you 2 chickens for a gram. If we're going to barter, let's do it right...
But wait, aren't the Jewish notorious for negotiation? I saw it on T.V. once, probably true. Plus my history teacher made a joke about it in class once, so that just backs it up. All in all, what do we do now? We either give you 3 chickens for a 1/4 oz of MDMA, which you will promptly send to us, or you GTFO.

I'm waiting for my MDMA. I know anonaddict is as well. Get to it!  8)
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: slybootz on July 10, 2012, 02:25 am
Here is another scenario Montell... I noticed you sell MDMA, can I send you a chicken or a pig for 1 gram ???


And I can't speak for MW, but it would probably depend on the quality of chicken or pig.  IMO a fertile chicken or a nice plump hog is more than a fair trade for 1gram of MDA.... but that's just my opinion.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: anonaddict on July 10, 2012, 02:29 am
Here is another scenario Montell... I noticed you sell MDMA, can I send you a chicken or a pig for 1 gram ???


And I can't speak for MW, but it would probably depend on the quality of chicken or pig.  IMO a fertile chicken or a nice plump hog is more than a fair trade for 1gram of MDA.... but that's just my opinion.

Good pint it's missing a M in there so... I guess 3/4 of a chicken then.  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: thomasm13 on July 10, 2012, 02:44 am
My chickens are fertile, 2 eggs a day per chicken. Leghorn and Americanas
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: anonaddict on July 10, 2012, 02:48 am
My chickens are fertile, 2 eggs a day per chicken. Leghorn and Americanas

My chicken are 1 inch tall by 1 inch wide and have a wind up on the side of them  ::)
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: thomasm13 on July 10, 2012, 02:55 am
You should check and see if those are collectible you might be able to get even 2 or 3 grams of MDA
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Montell Williams on July 10, 2012, 03:27 am
You want to know how being alive works?
Dude your view of how life works is not considered Gospel. I'm sure everyone is capable of deciding for themselves what life is.

By the same standards of your argument, by being alive we are all slaves to life.
No. Being a slave to another man is not equal to being a slave to life. Life is awesome, being locked in a cage and tortured sucks.

Personally, I like money. Without it, how else could I buy drugs?
Using bank and government money gives power to those institutions who then use that power to further their own agenda. By using their money you are being submissive to them. Money is absolutely a necessity in the modern world. But we don't have to use money that is controlled and issued by other men.

What you're proposing is what millions of disingenuous individuals have proposed countless times, a Utopia.
Taking the issuance of currency away from a select few elite individuals is not Utopia. It's common sense.

If you want to try and stop the "world bank conspiracy", go live out in the woods.
How can I fight the corrupt bankers from the woods tho?

But don't mess up your neighbor's thrills.
Tell that to the cops.

So in conclusion: 3/4 chicken = 14 grams of MDMA
Please someone message DPR and let em know.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: slybootz on July 10, 2012, 03:37 am
So in conclusion: 3/4 chicken = 14 grams of MDMA
Please someone message DPR and let em know.

Should be amended to the State of the Road Address IMO.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: bladen on July 10, 2012, 04:08 am
Are you truly surprised that Limit doesn't mind cops? Limit is making a good profit off the way the world works currently. See my signature for a further explanation. Why would he want to change a thing?
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Friend on July 10, 2012, 06:25 am
cant wait till jane comes back and puts montell off his liitle temporary high horse
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: alllove on July 10, 2012, 07:05 am
The Ithaca HOUR is a local currency used in Ithaca, New York and is the oldest and largest local currency system in the United States that is still operating

Ithaca HOURS are not backed by national currency and cannot be freely converted to national currency, although some businesses may agree to buy them

One Ithaca HOUR is valued at US$10 and is generally valued @ one hour's work, although the rate is negotiable.
Holy shit, knowledge has been dropped.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Limetless on July 10, 2012, 08:40 am
I can always tell how much of a spoiled brat someone is by the amount of posts they have. ;P

If you are gunna talk to me like a cunt then I wont have a reasonable conversation with ya. Also I only import certain thing from China, I produce the Meph in house which is more than you can do I suspect.

When you can speak without being a childish cheeky fuck I will be happy to debate with you, when you throw out petty insults for no real reason other than you want to look big then I'm afraid I wont give any of my time for ya. Soz kid, that's just how it is I'm afraid.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: thereisnospoon on July 10, 2012, 09:23 am
Money = Debt = Control.

That doesn't mean the system we have and the methods of commerce aren't potential tools to moving beyond such a paradigm. But that would take a major shift in collective consciousness. Oh but is that what's really going on? We'll see. I think it'll get much worse before something else is accepted globally.

I don't hate money. I fucking love it! But I do hate it when I'm broke, which happens somewhat often haha! One of the most debilitating experiences imo is being broke. I can't remember how many times I've been waiting for a deposit or check of some manner and I'm miserable until I check my balance and ding ding ding! I'm fucking ecstatic when it arrives. Now I can DO SHIT! But from what I see in society is the social detriment is quite vast to broke ass poor individuals because money is too often held up next to social status and.... shit... One's worth as a human! And money changes people. Who doesn't agree? Money can seriously fuck some people up. How many successes are there for lottery winners?? There's a ridiculous percentage of lottery winners who go bankrupt in no time flat!

All of us here are benefiting from the dopest currency yet. But if a day comes where we do not have to compete for money, resources, chickens etc... (plenty don't believe this is possible, that we're inherently selfish pricks), I'll be glad about it. And that never means a fuckin utopia, which doesn't exist and cannot ever. Emergent is the word. Not established. When we all begin to see we are parts of a whole universe and not truly separate... oh shit I'm sorry... I'm getting all mystical now... haha! Anyway, I believe we as humans can certainly move beyond economics. And most economists have trouble believing any sort of that crap.

I just don't damn money for being part of our system and the way we get shit done. I give a shit ton of it away too... to all walks. I just dig being giving. But I hope we move past it so we can stop spending every fucking minute of our lives towards the acquisition of ink n paper. Or digits I mean. Shit. Most all our money is fucking digits hahahahaha!!! We are funny fucks! All we care about is those fucking zeros.... how many follow the one, or whatever... It's a belief system. It's not always going to be part of society. Just more primitive, less enlightened kinds.

I still love SR for the fact that it helps us trade and make drugs n money. Don't we all?!

Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: thomasm13 on July 10, 2012, 01:00 pm
I will tell that to the cops. The lucky thing is, if you're not an idiot, they're generally very easy to avoid.

I understand what you're saying and believe me I've been there.

But, you completely missed the point about the slavery to life thing, by the way. You are a slave to life in that you are forcibly bound to be alive by the fact that you are alive from the moment you are born. It's your choice whether to take life and do what you will with it or remain a slave to the immediacy of your existence.

By living out in the woods, you will make no more a difference than you would organizing against the "conspiracy" either on the internet or in the physical world, but you would be completely disconnected and thereby not funneling cash into the "system" by paying for the internet, electricity, presumably some type of shelter (?), etc, etc, etc.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Brave New World on July 10, 2012, 09:49 pm
I feel that giving corporations as little money as possible is the best thing one can do. In fact, it is the easiest and most impactful way to truly make a difference.
At some point money will be transacted with the enemy but the motive and intent is to give them as little as possible.
If everyone had the mindset of buying the absolute minimum from corporations, that would be the beginning of a peaceful revolution.
Vote with your money, not at the polls. Vote by giving your money to Local Ma and Pa Stores, not the one who has their products built by child slave labor.

I am all for technology. Don't be fooled by the TV show Doomsday Preppers and think everyone who lives off the grid wants the world to end.
Of course that is the image the enemy will portray. This is their WORST nightmare.
People who live off the grid as much as possible are making the conscious decision to stop giving money to people who kill babies, destroy ecosystems and erase cultures for profit.
If everyone accepted and acknowledged that these corporations have highjacked every government and will destroy the entire Earth just to make some money, then there would be a lot less people at WalMart.
However, everyone lives a lie as facing the light is too bright. It truly is a shame.

Also, there is nothing inherently wrong with money. It is efficient and convenient way to barter.
However, this experiment has gone haywire as mega-corporations now run the world.
Whether it be Banking Institutions, the Military Industrial Complex or regular Multi-National Corporations, they all have the same motive. More profit at any cost.
There is no check on their power. The only possible check, the Military of Modern Nations, is now completely owned by the corporations themselves.
The corporations build the bombs, they decide who to bomb, they then mine for the minerals in the region, they then re-build the infrastructure and will bomb it again in 20 years.
War is big business and every major corporations profits one way or another from it. They are all guilty.

But you won't find me at a protest, hell, you won't even find me at the revolution.
I am the revolution. When everyone figures that out it becomes a lot more simple.
Just change yourself by simply making the conscious decisions to stop giving these bastards money.
Vote with your wallet.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: ZenAndTheArt on July 10, 2012, 11:39 pm
The current financial system is the best model we have and it's principles can't really be refined any further. It's just how it is mate.
Couldn't have been said better. It my not be a perfect system but it is the best model we have. Unless someone come up with a better and implementable system, then your stuck with it I'm afraid. That could be said about many aspects of modern life, politicians, police, the stock market etc. etc. I admire some peoples ideals, but really doubt if they could be realistically implemented, let alone actually work. Anarchy and an ungoverned society for example, both would lead to chaos and a total breakdown of any sort of structured order, in my humble opinion. I'm no expert and am always willing to change my mind if some new evidence shows itself.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: sara on July 11, 2012, 12:08 am
Says the spoiled drug dealer lol.

Ohh he is more than that, he is a bad-ass troll killer too  ;D

Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: MasterS on July 11, 2012, 12:13 am
Oh noes Sara you are now stuck in this shit thread like me >.<
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Montell Williams on July 11, 2012, 01:00 am
I will tell that to the cops. The lucky thing is, if you're not an idiot, they're generally very easy to avoid.
The past few years law enforcement have toned down the war on drugs quite a lot because it was bankrupting us all financially and morally. So next time you're enjoying your drug of choice be sure to thank all the people from previous generations who stood up and risked their lives to fight for your freedom to do so.

You are a slave to life in that you are forcibly bound to be alive by the fact that you are alive from the moment you are born.
Sounds like Donald Rumsfeld's "known unkowns" speach. I bet 'ole Rummy trolls drug forums in his free time huh. Donald that you brah?

It's your choice whether to take life and do what you will with it
Thanks. I choose to fight assholes who have power.

or remain a slave to the immediacy of your existence.
The "immediacy of my existence" (fuck that's painful to read eh) is that I have to use money created by the banks in order to buy the things I desire. That is the system I was born into but I choose not to remain a slave to it.

You're grasping hopelessly to compare nature-made life with man-made slavery. Don't piss on me and tell me it's raining! Life is not slavery, life is life. If you think the universe is a confined space then I don't think you're doing it right.

By your same argument, I am a "slave" to the laws of math and physics, and to the sun and ocean. Those things give life and we have no control over them. They give the freedom to live. Life is freedom. Just because we have to obey the laws of the universe does not mean we have to obey the laws of my grampa. Fuck my grampa.

By living out in the woods, you will make no more a difference than you would organizing against the "conspiracy" either on the internet or in the physical
world, but you would be completely disconnected and thereby not funneling cash into the "system" by paying for the internet, electricity, presumably some type of
shelter (?), etc, etc, etc.
So the Libyan rebels should not have fought against Gaddafi? No one should've fought any dictator at any time? What about Hitler, who was actually a democratically elected official? No one should've fought him? Anyone who is unhappy with the current state of human affairs should just STFU, GTFO and go live in the woods? LOL no thanks. Fighting the cunts who weasel their way into power is much more satisfying IMO.

I don't hate money. I fucking love it! But I do hate it when I'm broke, which happens somewhat often haha! One of the most debilitating experiences imo is being broke.
Dude everyone loves money. I mean you can buy anything with it right? Food, sex, houses, furniture, TV, PCcomputers. Even our social status depends on money. Now let's look at how the human brain works. (*Professor Montell pulls out his spectacles) Like most mammals we have a reward center and a fear center in our brains. When training animals you reward the good behaviours with positive reinforcement, usually through food or praise. And you punish the bad behaviour through domination and fear.

So what does this have to do with money you may ask? Everything. Because everything that rewards our brains with pleasure (dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, etc.) all cost money. There's a few exceptions ie. masturbation and social contact. But those things alone won't likely lead to a stable and fulfilling life in modern society. Unless you can find an awesome group of friends who all enjoy public group masturbation.

Whoever controls the creation of the currency will in turn be able to train us all like submissive dogs, using their currency like treats when we do what they tell us, and prison when we smoke-a da herb that they no like smoke. They control social evolution through economic manipulation.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: slybootz on July 11, 2012, 01:20 am
Now let's look at how the human brain works. (*Professor Montell pulls out his spectacles) [...] Unless you can find an awesome group of friends who all enjoy public group masturbation.

Sorry, but that's all my ADHD brain took from that.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: thomasm13 on July 11, 2012, 02:58 am
That's right, and by the likes of yourself, they seem to be doing a pretty goddamn good job of it, don't they?

Look, my point isn't that you shouldn't fight "it", my point is that you'll have a better time of it not making yourself the direct opposition to the primary, as you would say "people with power". And get a grip, man. It's not like controlling populations is anything new.

And no, you keep misinterpreting that goddamn statement lol. All I'm saying is that y'know, in being alive, we are alive whether we like it or not, and we don't have a say about it, unless we decide to kill ourselves. Isn't that the fucking definition of slavery? The point isn't that slavery is bad, the point is- and here's a little lesson in philosophy, about the theory called transcendentalism- you transcend your forced entry into life by being fucking happy, and being autonomous, and following your heart and doing whatever the fuck it is that puts lead in your pencil and a dumb smile on your face.

It seems as if your whole spiel about the beauty of life is more so a way of rectifying your own place at odds with your own insignificance and mediocrity and lieu of factors which are orders of magnitude larger than yourself, rather than an actual rational and educated attempt at an argument. Paradigms at play, "eh"?

In being opposition to the ideologies you strive to destroy you yourself become the mirror of those ideologies. This is all shit that has been identified formally and artistically a few hundred years ago. Try reading instead of thinking about shit and then wandering around and bitching about it like some pissant 16 year old with a Che Guevara T-shirt on.

You're dogmatic and presumptuous.

That being said, I believe that last paragraph to be at least partially correct- yes, the things people get with money fulfill otherwise empty and psychologically deficient areas in their lives. See, addiction, see, alcoholism. See: Advertising 101. Try reading Marshall McLuhan, or at least listening to him.

You can cry revolution all you want, as Bill Hick's comedically said, there's always a certain percentage of the population that's simultaneously crying for "Evolution."

Think about this: If everything is really a capitalist conspiracy, then isn't intelligence the greatest global resource? By confining yourself to one paradigm of good vs. evil haven't you already bent over and gotten fucked in the ass, and fucked hard, by those "people with power?". The only reason they have power is because you acknowledge any global system of human organization as worthwhile. It's not. It doesn't matter if we were fish, or orangutans, or whatever. We're all just little genetic anomalies inhabiting space for incomprehensibly brief periods of time. What our governments do won't matter. What they do is actually beneficial. Maybe you'll get it. Maybe you've just been trolling.

The only thing you have that's yours is your mind. Be careful what you feed it, as you are what you eat, in this particular case!  :)
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: squidShepherd on July 11, 2012, 03:40 am
Pretty sure if I could print money it would solve my lack of money   ::)

That's what the government thought too, till inflation caught up with them.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Montell Williams on July 11, 2012, 10:18 pm
Even the mainstream media agree that we are slaves to the banks. Here's a recent news article from CNBC.


CNBC financial experts agree: 'We are slaves to central banks'

In a eye-opening round table discussion on CNBC's The Kudlow Report, every financial analyst openly admitted that the people of the United States serve central banking interests.

CNBC Business News editor Tyler Mathisen and radio host John Batchelor proposed a topic on the June 24 show that is not often discussed on cable news. "The questions is: Do we all work for central bankers?" Batchelor asked. "Is this global governence at last? Is it one-world, the central bankers in charge?"

"Of course we are," said frequent guest Jim Iuorio, the Director of TJM Institutional Services. "We are absolutely slaves to central banks."

I couldn't seem to find any reliable sources that we are slaves to life though.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: thomasm13 on July 12, 2012, 12:32 am
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: TheAbsurd on July 12, 2012, 06:40 am
You are a slave to life and money only if that's your trip... and that's the beauty of life. You can choose and do whatever the fuck you want. I choose to coexist with the current system and be my own government, be the change I want to see. I am not here to point the finger at others. I am you and you are me, spiraling into infinity... therefore I have a......... holy shit I'm high I better shut up. Bye.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Limetless on July 12, 2012, 06:54 am
Are you truly surprised that Limit doesn't mind cops? Limit is making a good profit off the way the world works currently. See my signature for a further explanation. Why would he want to change a thing?

LOL I am no fan of the police my friend, I am just not naive enough to think that even if full legalization occurred the Government would be benevolent enough to let us carry on. If you think about it we would have even less control of it than we do now. I'm resigned to the situation to remain as it is because that way everyone can get a slice of the action rather than having the whole thing taken out of our hands and being in the hands of a licensed corporation like Pfizer.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: vlad1m1r on July 12, 2012, 07:30 am
During the Nazi internment of jews, every concentration camp would have a couple of jewish orderlies who would work for the Germans, snitch out their Jewish brethren and even help with the extermination and clean-up of the bodies of their fellow Jews.

They did this for their own self-preservation. They got to live and prosper while their fellow man were burned, gassed and tortured. By supporting the banks, that's you Limetless. They want world domination and you bow down to them. You've got a bit of the bank's money and now you're working for them, just happy that you are comfortable and successful and more than willing to sell out anyone and anything for your own self-benefit you scummy rat.


I am invoking Godwin's law - the discussion should end when Hitler or Nazism is invoked. I'm more than happy to start a thread with you and Lim on how the current financial system works.

Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: weedsaves on July 12, 2012, 07:35 am
I feel that giving corporations as little money as possible is the best thing one can do. In fact, it is the easiest and most impactful way to truly make a difference.
At some point money will be transacted with the enemy but the motive and intent is to give them as little as possible.
If everyone had the mindset of buying the absolute minimum from corporations, that would be the beginning of a peaceful revolution.
Vote with your money, not at the polls. Vote by giving your money to Local Ma and Pa Stores, not the one who has their products built by child slave labor.

Vote with your wallet.

In the US, an electoral college chooses our next President, not the people. Best way to vote is to turn the corporation's dollars against them by not giving them any money! Yes, money is great, but not when it is controlled by people who do not give a fuck about you.

As a nation, we are addicted to cheap things. We are addicted to Wal-Mart. Made in China. Fast Food Value Menus.

We are addicted to instant gratification. Bank loans. Debt. Student loans. Monthly car payments.

We are addicted to ignorance: "You shouldn't discuss politics in public"

We are fucking lazy. Comments like: "It is the best system we have so just go with it" or "I am a realist, things will never change here"

All these addictions and comforts are exactly what the bankers and politicians want: for our nation's citizens to be weak, ignorant sheep with the delusions that if we save 5 dollars by shopping at Wal-Mart we can one day save enough so that we can start our own Wal-Mart and be billionaires.

Please think before you spend. Research the companies that you support. The corporations are the ones that control everything right now. The simplest way I can think of to take money away from corporations is to:

-Buy local goods
-Support local currencies
-Barter whenever possible

Vote with your wallet.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Limetless on July 12, 2012, 07:47 am
What I find most amusing is that our dear friend Montell has still not actually given a correct definition of what money actually is. Nice to see another moron in the world pontificating on something on which he cannot define. Yano there are some other infamous personages in the world that also do this yano. Who are they? Hmmm...OH YEAH! Politicians.....

So from that argument I think Montell is either in cohorts with the head of Homeland security or is in fact the head of Homeland Security himself.

This might strike you as not making logical sense Montell but to be fair you as a human being don't make much logical sense. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if when your mother gave birth to you the doctor who delivered you took one look at you and then slapped your mother for adding surplus confusion to his day that was already taken up with working out how to save lives. So yeah from this I think we can safely draw the conclusion that Montell came into this world back to front and has not been making a lot of sense from that point until this.

Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: thomasm13 on July 12, 2012, 01:12 pm
Are you truly surprised that Limit doesn't mind cops? Limit is making a good profit off the way the world works currently. See my signature for a further explanation. Why would he want to change a thing?

LOL I am no fan of the police my friend, I am just not naive enough to think that even if full legalization occurred the Government would be benevolent enough to let us carry on. If you think about it we would have even less control of it than we do now. I'm resigned to the situation to remain as it is because that way everyone can get a slice of the action rather than having the whole thing taken out of our hands and being in the hands of a licensed corporation like Pfizer.

Yes! Think about it, if the governments REALLY wanted to control people, all they would have to do is legalize drugs, gambling of all forms, prostitution, give people free television with ALL the channels, and lower the age limits for alcohol consumption.

Then they could do whatever the fuck they wanted, and who would care? Who would notice, because who would even be looking? Free sex, drugs, a way to get conned, and entertainment. What more do people want?
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Limetless on July 12, 2012, 02:29 pm
Exactly. If you think about how it is now even though we are at odds with those in power and we have to hide we still have some level of control in this without the states intervention and regulation. If the recreational drug trade was handed over to corporations that would strip any of that control away permanently and there would be no way to reverse that shift. People bitch and moan about the people that die in drugs wars but fuck it, that's just casualties of war and you have to expect losses on both sides with both sides committing atrocities, that's just how it is, life's shit like that but you still have freedom to buy/sell from whomever you wish. Would you trade in that freedom so you could have an overbearing entity like a government sanctioned (and therefore sponsored)  corporation like Pfizer etc monopolizing us all and stripping away any freedom we have? You'd be giving away the one bit of free enterprise left that is genuinely free.

So which will it be? Violence and freedom OR state-sanctioned control? I know which one I'm sticking with.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: thomasm13 on July 12, 2012, 02:46 pm
Hell yeah, those who would choose security over liberty have none and deserve  neither!

Besides, free enterprise has a way of weeding out amateurs, be it consumers or producers. I think the black market response to people who try and do business irresponsibly is far favorable to the alternative, like you said, state-sanctioned control.

Shit, the illegality of drugs is the only true and readily available folk tale we have left. Might as well embrace it!
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Limetless on July 12, 2012, 02:52 pm
Exactly, you should read Brave New World mate, it's basically about this specific subject.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: thomasm13 on July 12, 2012, 02:55 pm
Thanks for the suggestion! I've yet to read any Aldous Huxley so it's probably overdue anyway.
Title: Re: Money: How does it work?
Post by: Limetless on July 12, 2012, 07:45 pm
Limitless, I think you are entertaining and really bright.
However, it is ironic that you mentioned Brave New World because Huxley is much more in agreement with Montell's beliefs than yours.

Lol cheers, one does what one can and all that shit haha.

When referring to Brave New World I was more referring to the general setting which is that people are given license to indulge in the things currently prohibited and it's controlled by the state. If you take Huxley's beliefs out of the equation and look specifically at the world painted by him in Brave New World then if say the U.S Gov legalized and then licensed the major pharma companies to manufacture, distribute and then retail narcotics then it is in my view a giant leap towards this. If you look at the end result how you get there really becomes by-the-by, what matters is that the end result will be one and the same in that respect. Fact is that governments by their very nature ever continue their search for more and more power and they use whatever they are allowed to have at their disposal to get it, if we look at the erosion of civil liberties in the U.S and U.K since 9/11 and 7/7 there can be no doubt of this. It is a certainty that if a government legalized and then licensed (and therefore be fully under state-sponsorship) they would use recreational drugs to levy power over us further still. So yeah, that's why I would rather have the system we have now because, to me, it's undoubtedly the lesser of 2 evils.