Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: wretched on June 28, 2012, 12:58 am

Title: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: wretched on June 28, 2012, 12:58 am
maybe it was on the old forum, but there once was a thread about the voices that people use when they read posts from different members.

The only reason I bring this up is that the other day, while surfing the forum while tripping on 4-aco-det, there were a lot of voices in my head reading the posts, but none of them really tied to the poster, rather the content of their posts. There is ONE that stood out, though, and I still can't shake it when reading. For some reason I can't explain, kewmfkm sounds like Morgan Freeman in my head and I can't fucking stop it. It is starting to drive me a bit crazy.

anyone else have this kind of thing happen? and if so, post about it here, please. It would make me feel better if I was not the only one going through this.
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: wretched on June 28, 2012, 01:15 am
I didn't choose Morgan Freeman, I think the 4-aco chose it for me. And since it happened I can't stop it from happening.
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: Gary Oak on June 28, 2012, 01:24 am
Haha, that's pretty awesome! We can get pretty creative with this considering how many different regions our members originate from. :D
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: wretched on June 28, 2012, 01:28 am
unfortunately, Gary, you are not a celebrity in my head, because I grew up with a friend named Gary, so you sound like him when you post.
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: Limetless on June 28, 2012, 01:30 am
Yeah I have quite a few dif ones tbh. Here are a selection -

Whiny cunt
Annoying whiny cunt
Chris Rock's voice (for some reason, dunno why lol)
Sarcastic prick
Peter Griffen
Hot chick
Sexy hot chick
Morgan Freeman (lol, yeah I saw it got mentioned)
Arnold Schwarzenegger for German and Austrian people
Either a NYC/LA or redneck accent for Americans (depending on how you speak are depends what you get assigned)
Regional English accents depending on how you speak for Brits

The list continues tbh....
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: wretched on June 28, 2012, 01:34 am
limitless bounces between the guy who played the doctor on a few seasons (I don't know his name) and Hugh Laurie for the most part, but when you go on your striping spree's , there is a hint of Idris Elba (not sure if I spelled that right)
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: Gary Oak on June 28, 2012, 01:41 am
unfortunately, Gary, you are not a celebrity in my head, because I grew up with a friend named Gary, so you sound like him when you post.

I like to imagine my character on here being similar to Mugen from Samurai Champloo, voice and persona.
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: Limetless on June 28, 2012, 01:44 am
limitless bounces between the guy who played the doctor on a few seasons (I don't know his name) and Hugh Laurie for the most part, but when you go on your striping spree's , there is a hint of Idris Elba (not sure if I spelled that right)

Haha yeah to be fair I can deal with that. That's quite a decent combo actually. Do you mean David Tennent or the one before him Christopher Eccleston? I prefer the latter rather than the former.
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: wretched on June 28, 2012, 01:46 am
sorry, but I'm not a youtube person guys, so for now. gary will remain the voice of my old friens, and Shannon will remain stefan from Saturday Night Live.
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: PsilocybinTendencies on June 28, 2012, 01:47 am
For some reason the dude with the limp neck in his display pic makes me think of eminem.

That, combined with his interest in gangsterism made me originally assign eminem as limetless' voice.

Then when I realized his nationality I tacked on an england accent.

So limetless sounds like a british eminem to me.
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: wretched on June 28, 2012, 01:50 am
limitless bounces between the guy who played the doctor on a few seasons (I don't know his name) and Hugh Laurie for the most part, but when you go on your striping spree's , there is a hint of Idris Elba (not sure if I spelled that right)

Haha yeah to be fair I can deal with that. That's quite a decent combo actually. Do you mean David Tennent or the one before him Christopher Eccleston? I prefer the latter rather than the former.

Christopher Eccleston, and thanks for giving me their names. I love the show, but can't keep british actors straight in my mind.

off-topic, I wish the CH4 and BBC torrents were open to us outsiders, because it is hard to find good sources for british TV, and I quite enjoy what I CAN get.
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: Gary Oak on June 28, 2012, 01:51 am
This is how I'd imagine it'd be if me and Limetless chilled together. ;D
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: Limetless on June 28, 2012, 01:57 am
limitless bounces between the guy who played the doctor on a few seasons (I don't know his name) and Hugh Laurie for the most part, but when you go on your striping spree's , there is a hint of Idris Elba (not sure if I spelled that right)

Haha yeah to be fair I can deal with that. That's quite a decent combo actually. Do you mean David Tennent or the one before him Christopher Eccleston? I prefer the latter rather than the former.

Christopher Eccleston, and thanks for giving me their names. I love the show, but can't keep british actors straight in my mind.

off-topic, I wish the CH4 and BBC torrents were open to us outsiders, because it is hard to find good sources for british TV, and I quite enjoy what I CAN get.

Lol mate that's easy, for stuff like TV just use HMA VPN and assign your IP to one of the U.K servers. Don't use HMA for other stuff coz they will roll to 5-O but for tv shit it's gold.
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: Limetless on June 28, 2012, 02:04 am
Oh and my Pro-pic is from this film -

Without a doubt one of the best British Gangster films ever made and IMO one of the best British Films in the last 25 years. Was made in 1999. And I've been to the place where the opening scene is filmed. :)

It's also fairly realistic as well and isn't semi-comedic like Guy Richie Gangster films. The bit where the guy gets a taxi dropped on him is pretty inspiring tbh.
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: vlad1m1r on June 28, 2012, 04:56 am
Gary, this might sound weird, but I imagine you talking like that professor guy from the old Pokemon cartoons. I don't know why, and I apologize. It's pretty creepy. I think Limetless sounds like Jason Statham.

Funnily enough Vinny I'd always imagined Lim sounding like Vinny Jones! I've been told my voice sounds like Alan Rickman a.k.a the Sheriff of Nottingham / Hans Gruber / Severus Snape.

Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: Limetless on June 28, 2012, 04:59 am
Gary, this might sound weird, but I imagine you talking like that professor guy from the old Pokemon cartoons. I don't know why, and I apologize. It's pretty creepy. I think Limetless sounds like Jason Statham.

Funnily enough Vinny I'd always imagined Lim sounding like Vinny Jones! I've been told my voice sounds like Alan Rickman a.k.a the Sheriff of Nottingham / Hans Gruber / Severus Snape.


Lol, I do actually sound a bit like Vinny Jones.
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: BenCousins on June 28, 2012, 05:24 am
Man, I'd rather not sully the name of Morgan Freeman by imagining him rant about child pornography and libertarianism. That's madness. I like to think people imagine my voice as being that of a cartoon squirrel of some sort, like Foamy.
how about Samuel L Jackson?
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: Gary Oak on June 28, 2012, 05:51 am
Man, I'd rather not sully the name of Morgan Freeman by imagining him rant about child pornography and libertarianism. That's madness. I like to think people imagine my voice as being that of a cartoon squirrel of some sort, like Foamy.
how about Samuel L Jackson?

Say that name again. Say that name again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say that name one more Goddamn time! O0
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: BenCousins on June 28, 2012, 05:58 am
CP MotherFucker, DO.YOU.WATCH IT!1!1!!!!11
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: BenCousins on June 28, 2012, 06:39 am
bout time we all  edging my karma towards the black........ if only i could rep myself  :o
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: Limetless on June 28, 2012, 06:44 am
I have loads of spare Karma. It'd be good if I could sell it lol.
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: BenCousins on June 28, 2012, 07:32 am
I have loads of spare Karma. It'd be good if I could sell it lol.
swap you a neg from me for a rep from you?
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: Limetless on June 28, 2012, 07:33 am
Shit the bed I just hit 200. Time to celebrate!
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: BenCousins on June 28, 2012, 07:40 am
Shit the bed I just hit 200. Time to celebrate!
congrats have a 201 on me
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: Limetless on June 28, 2012, 07:47 am
Shit the bed I just hit 200. Time to celebrate!
congrats have a 201 on me

Haha cheers dude. :)
Title: Re: Does anyone remember the old thread about....
Post by: Boris Badenov on June 28, 2012, 11:49 am
I always hear Fearless Leader talking in my head. Hooboy!