Silk Road forums

Support => Feature requests => Topic started by: flakeylemon on June 20, 2012, 01:33 am

Title: Cryptic english in vendors' profiles
Post by: flakeylemon on June 20, 2012, 01:33 am
I was browsing some vendor profiles and I noticed some are very poorly written. This made their terms tough to understand. It would be awesome if there were a way for them to get some feedback on what their profile says instead of plugging what they want to say into google translate.

For example (not to single anyone out):

If your are new in SR and have under 15 transactions and live in USA and AUSTRALIA we don´t ship there anymore.

WE SHIP ONLY FOR BUYERS THAT ALREADY BOUGHT FROM US or buyers that have a very good reputation and have been long term members... Message us if you have questions.

This would probably save vendors and customers a lot of time as well as ease up any confusion about the ordering process.
Title: Re: Cryptic english in vendors' profiles
Post by: oscarzululondon on June 20, 2012, 07:22 pm
I was browsing some vendor profiles and I noticed some are very poorly written. This made their terms tough to understand. It would be awesome if there were a way for them to get some feedback on what their profile says instead of plugging what they want to say into google translate.

For example (not to single anyone out):

If your are new in SR and have under 15 transactions and live in USA and AUSTRALIA we don´t ship there anymore.

WE SHIP ONLY FOR BUYERS THAT ALREADY BOUGHT FROM US or buyers that have a very good reputation and have been long term members... Message us if you have questions.

This would probably save vendors and customers a lot of time as well as ease up any confusion about the ordering process.

I don't understand what's wrong with the example you just provided? Looks fine to me?

OK so it's not Oxford English, but we are talking about the procurement and subsequent sale of scheduled illicit substances here, not a car advert on Ebay...
Title: Re: Cryptic english in vendors' profiles
Post by: JimPooley on June 21, 2012, 12:28 am
I agree that some vendors are not as skilled as others in the linguistic translation, but give them some leeway... I'd probably have a preference for my vendors to have rock solid security and delivery methods with a poor description, than a crystal clear description with shady security... Vendors who put less time into the generic communication and more time into the nuts and bolts will get further!!!
Title: Re: Cryptic english in vendors' profiles
Post by: thisworld on June 21, 2012, 06:31 am
I agree that some vendors are not as skilled as others in the linguistic translation, but give them some leeway... I'd probably have a preference for my vendors to have rock solid security and delivery methods with a poor description, than a crystal clear description with shady security... Vendors who put less time into the generic communication and more time into the nuts and bolts will get further!!!

^ This. AND for many vendors English isn't their primary language.

I've been wondering for some time about offering a service consisting of correcting pages and ebooks so that the content is in proper English and easy to read.  For a minimal fee the page can have the professional flair of an avid reader with a great vocabulary who is fluent in English.

Damn, Gimmesome beat me to it. ha
Title: Re: Cryptic english in vendors' profiles
Post by: vlad1m1r on June 24, 2012, 01:29 pm
I agree that some vendors are not as skilled as others in the linguistic translation, but give them some leeway... I'd probably have a preference for my vendors to have rock solid security and delivery methods with a poor description, than a crystal clear description with shady security... Vendors who put less time into the generic communication and more time into the nuts and bolts will get further!!!

^ This. AND for many vendors English isn't their primary language.

I've been wondering for some time about offering a service consisting of correcting pages and ebooks so that the content is in proper English and easy to read.  For a minimal fee the page can have the professional flair of an avid reader with a great vocabulary who is fluent in English.

Damn, Gimmesome beat me to it. ha

I hold a Masters in Linguistics and can tell you for nothing that many of the so-called rules of grammar are no more than habits we've picked up along the way. Shakespeare himself, the lynchpin of the English language invented dozens of words and reinterpreted existing words in new ways ; e.g 'fantastic' in the modern sense.

Provided what you say is clear we shouldn't discriminate against people whose first language isn't English - I have often thought we could do more to be Euro-centric by having translations of common pages in other languages which is why I do my best for French and German speakers on here. If we can communicate effectively with them it's another 120 million or so potential customers after all :-)


Title: Re: Cryptic english in vendors' profiles
Post by: Delta11 on June 28, 2012, 08:58 pm
I agree that some vendors are not as skilled as others in the linguistic translation, but give them some leeway... I'd probably have a preference for my vendors to have rock solid security and delivery methods with a poor description, than a crystal clear description with shady security... Vendors who put less time into the generic communication and more time into the nuts and bolts will get further!!!

^ This. AND for many vendors English isn't their primary language.

I've been wondering for some time about offering a service consisting of correcting pages and ebooks so that the content is in proper English and easy to read.  For a minimal fee the page can have the professional flair of an avid reader with a great vocabulary who is fluent in English.

Damn, Gimmesome beat me to it. ha

I hold a Masters in Linguistics and can tell you for nothing that many of the so-called rules of grammar are no more than habits we've picked up along the way. Shakespeare himself, the lynchpin of the English language invented dozens of words and reinterpreted existing words in new ways ; e.g 'fantastic' in the modern sense.

Provided what you say is clear we shouldn't discriminate against people whose first language isn't English - I have often thought we could do more to be Euro-centric by having translations of common pages in other languages which is why I do my best for French and German speakers on here. If we can communicate effectively with them it's another 120 million or so potential customers after all :-)

Well said but in the end I don't think it matters, I can be a vendor that sells sheets of LSD for $60 and say "LSD GOOD YOU BUY" and you'll do it so long as I'm a reliable vendor.
Title: Re: Cryptic english in vendors' profiles
Post by: Limetless on June 28, 2012, 09:16 pm
would you put on the end "I GIVE YOU GOOD PRICE LONG TIME!" on the end as well Delta?
Title: Re: Cryptic english in vendors' profiles
Post by: JimPooley on June 28, 2012, 11:03 pm
As long as they leave out "Meee soooo horny!"
Title: Re: Cryptic english in vendors' profiles
Post by: Delta11 on June 29, 2012, 12:49 am
would you put on the end "I GIVE YOU GOOD PRICE LONG TIME!" on the end as well Delta?
Title: Re: Cryptic english in vendors' profiles
Post by: Limetless on June 29, 2012, 01:01 am
would you put on the end "I GIVE YOU GOOD PRICE LONG TIME!" on the end as well Delta?


Oh and for people that confused by the English vernacular try this -

Wagwan soulja ya check me now? I just be sketchin a likkle biccy ting for after I jump on the dum in me yard and then jet wit me bredrin....

Lol.....gotta love St Pauls in Bristol.  8)
Title: Re: Cryptic english in vendors' profiles
Post by: vlad1m1r on June 30, 2012, 07:24 am
would you put on the end "I GIVE YOU GOOD PRICE LONG TIME!" on the end as well Delta?


Oh and for people that confused by the English vernacular try this -

Wagwan soulja ya check me now? I just be sketchin a likkle biccy ting for after I jump on the dum in me yard and then jet wit me bredrin....

Lol.....gotta love St Pauls in Bristol.  8)

Much respeck  for dat image of you on dem dum in ya yard bro(!)  - wer u gwan wit ya bredrin? Me know ya got nuff donsi! :-D Next ting me know you gonna find youthman gunna pull up inna can n giv you sum licks  - dey hate us bredrin! :-)

I trust our point is made. :-D


Title: Re: Cryptic english in vendors' profiles
Post by: TotalEcstasyUK on June 30, 2012, 08:23 am
Fruitella is a badman's sweet. You get me?
Title: Re: Cryptic english in vendors' profiles
Post by: Kappacino on June 30, 2012, 09:58 am
I agree that some vendors are not as skilled as others in the linguistic translation, but give them some leeway... I'd probably have a preference for my vendors to have rock solid security and delivery methods with a poor description, than a crystal clear description with shady security... Vendors who put less time into the generic communication and more time into the nuts and bolts will get further!!!

^ This. AND for many vendors English isn't their primary language.

I've been wondering for some time about offering a service consisting of correcting pages and ebooks so that the content is in proper English and easy to read.  For a minimal fee the page can have the professional flair of an avid reader with a great vocabulary who is fluent in English.

Damn, Gimmesome beat me to it. ha

I hold a Masters in Linguistics and can tell you for nothing that many of the so-called rules of grammar are no more than habits we've picked up along the way. Shakespeare himself, the lynchpin of the English language invented dozens of words and reinterpreted existing words in new ways ; e.g 'fantastic' in the modern sense.

Provided what you say is clear we shouldn't discriminate against people whose first language isn't English - I have often thought we could do more to be Euro-centric by having translations of common pages in other languages which is why I do my best for French and German speakers on here. If we can communicate effectively with them it's another 120 million or so potential customers after all :-)


Dude, you've totally just helped me self justify talking absolute nonsense. Thanks ! :)
Title: Re: Cryptic english in vendors' profiles
Post by: vlad1m1r on June 30, 2012, 10:58 am
I agree that some vendors are not as skilled as others in the linguistic translation, but give them some leeway... I'd probably have a preference for my vendors to have rock solid security and delivery methods with a poor description, than a crystal clear description with shady security... Vendors who put less time into the generic communication and more time into the nuts and bolts will get further!!!

^ This. AND for many vendors English isn't their primary language.

I've been wondering for some time about offering a service consisting of correcting pages and ebooks so that the content is in proper English and easy to read.  For a minimal fee the page can have the professional flair of an avid reader with a great vocabulary who is fluent in English.

Damn, Gimmesome beat me to it. ha

I hold a Masters in Linguistics and can tell you for nothing that many of the so-called rules of grammar are no more than habits we've picked up along the way. Shakespeare himself, the lynchpin of the English language invented dozens of words and reinterpreted existing words in new ways ; e.g 'fantastic' in the modern sense.

Provided what you say is clear we shouldn't discriminate against people whose first language isn't English - I have often thought we could do more to be Euro-centric by having translations of common pages in other languages which is why I do my best for French and German speakers on here. If we can communicate effectively with them it's another 120 million or so potential customers after all :-)


Dude, you've totally just helped me self justify talking absolute nonsense. Thanks ! :)

If it's any consolation I think my need to justify talking nonsense is greater than yours! :-) - what you also find when you study philology is that people recognise words as a whole which is why we don't always pick up on simple spelling errors - they may look careless but actually they are only being rigidly enforced for the sake of being enforced - we can all read badly spelled or typed piece of text.

Another issue has to do with the standardiSation of the English language. Naturally I favoUr British English as ours is the fOetal language from which American English spread. In its defenCe, American English does seem to have some simpler rules so you don't need much as much practiCe when learning their grammar. My only real complaint is that it's quite a laboUr of love to get my e-mail software to recogniSe what I'm typing is correct even when it's not spelled the same way an American would. :-D
