Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: babaluma on June 16, 2012, 12:13 pm

Title: this year in the uk
Post by: babaluma on June 16, 2012, 12:13 pm
Fucking Olympics, fucking Jubilee, fucking stupid fucking shit.
Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: Adasel on June 16, 2012, 02:13 pm
You should be proud to be British mate.  I certainly have never felt more British.  Wouldn't normally watch that stuff on tv but i have to admit it certainly was spectacular.  Honestly cant wait to see how the Olympics turn out.
Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: Sixteenpointfive on June 16, 2012, 02:24 pm
You should be proud to be British mate.  I certainly have never felt more British.  Wouldn't normally watch that stuff on tv but i have to admit it certainly was spectacular.  Honestly cant wait to see how the Olympics turn out.

Well done. You fell out of a pussy on a piece of this spinning rock called Britain and you proud of that? Same goes for people that fell out of a pussy elsewhere, why be proud of something that you had no control over?
Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: sselevol on June 16, 2012, 03:46 pm
We have the Conservatives for 3 more years.

Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: babaluma on June 16, 2012, 03:51 pm
Nationalism is moronic. Commercialised nationalism, is even emptier.
Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: sollemnis on June 16, 2012, 03:54 pm
I've always been proud to be a Brit. I love my country, weather is terrible, but I don't like being too hot anyway. Living up north (North side of England) I've gotten use to the crappy weather.

However, Nick Clegg needs to take that dildo out of his arse and stop speaking shit, making promises that he can't keep.
Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: Kappacino on June 16, 2012, 03:57 pm
Dude, just see it as an excuse to party if you hate it that much.

Sure, we had no choice in being born here but whatever, that's not going to change, and it remains Britain, you may as well make the most of it. It's a good chance for people to actually have good will for each other instead of acting like twats.

We all know politics is bullshit, we all know society is corrupt, we all know that the laws are literally insane in certain cases and aren't based in anything like reality.. none of that is going to change any time soon, so you may as well enjoy the show.
Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: sollemnis on June 16, 2012, 04:00 pm
Dude, just see it as an excuse to party if you hate it that much.

Sure, we had no choice in being born here but whatever, that's not going to change, and it remains Britain, you may as well make the most of it. It's a good chance for people to actually have good will for each other instead of acting like twats.

We all know politics is bullshit, we all know society is corrupt, we all know that the laws are literally insane in certain cases and aren't based in anything like reality.. none of that is going to change any time soon, so you may as well enjoy the show.

Completely agree. I for one, am a proud Brit. +1
Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: Adasel on June 18, 2012, 05:18 pm
@ sixteenpointfive

Yeah, actually i am proud that i feel out of a pussy on this rock called britain.  WTF are you some kind of test-tube baby?
Anyways, you are right, we have no control, but hell yeah to what the man said above, we need to make the most of it.
Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: Limetless on June 18, 2012, 05:27 pm
I love being British. I like all the history the most. And yeah, if that makes me an Imperialistic, Capitalistic blah blah fucking blah then good, then that is what I shall be.
Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: Kappacino on June 18, 2012, 05:37 pm
Get high as fuck and watch Master and Commander with Russel Crowe

If you come out of that and don't feel patriotic or at least blown away by the majesty of the history of it, there's something wrong with you
Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: Knomo on June 18, 2012, 05:44 pm
Just be happy you weren't born in the fucking Sahara desert under a camel.
Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: Locker on June 18, 2012, 05:52 pm
I'm only half British, spent half my life living in thailand (where i had my first j  ;D ), why would you not be proud to be british? Sure there's shit weather, stupid laws and full of some complete dicks but man, free healthcare, great quality of life and the country has massive history. Enjoy man, until you go to somewhere worse you will always think England is shit, just live it!
Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: Sixteenpointfive on June 18, 2012, 06:21 pm
@ sixteenpointfive

Yeah, actually i am proud that i feel out of a pussy on this rock called britain.  WTF are you some kind of test-tube baby?
Anyways, you are right, we have no control, but hell yeah to what the man said above, we need to make the most of it.

You have missed the point. Also, your use of the English language and grammar is really turning me off from writing anything intellectually stimulating. "British" is quite a broad word, there are Scottish people who have their own culture, Irish, Welsh and English too and they all are different from one another, but they are part of Britain. They also have their own languages. However, we all would agree that the English language and culture is the dominate one in Britain.  This is where the comedy begins. I know immigrants with better grasp of the English language than yo' "I'm proud to be British" ass. You so proud, yet you can barely write a coherent sentence with an language of the country you are so proud of.

As for the point you missed, and probably will miss again. Why would you be proud of something you had no control over. To say, we should make the most out of it and to say I am proud to be British or whatever place your mum pissed you out, is two different things. Completely two different things you cognitively challenged muthafucker. I agree to make the best out of it, we have places to educate ourselves, better ourselves, provide for our families, go out and play with our love ones without being bombed or shot, among millions of other things compared to places like Somalia, Palestine, certain South American countries and dozen of other poor countries.  To invest a piece of yourself cause you fell out of a pussy on point x, y or z is foolish. What did you? Nothing. You fell out of a pussy, that is all you did and you take pride in that?

I am proud to be a child of the universe, something that has been here before man started naming things and assigning ownership out of ego and foolishness. I'll piss on every single flag, even if it means getting my head cut off.
Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: Adasel on June 18, 2012, 06:37 pm
sixteenpointfive you made no point to begin with.
And as for your telling everyone else that their grammar and use of the english language is shit, most people here who speak the language would point out to the sentence you used "yet you can barely write a coherent sentence with an language of the country you are so proud of. "
Sorry, but most would say "a language", not "an language"
Again, your just using this as an excuse to either make yourself look incredibly impressive or you think you are a cut above the rest.
Either way, since when was the internet a place for grammatical correctness?
Your just picking out holes in an argument you know you wont win.
A child of the universe? If that were true then you would respect other follow beings in their beliefs.
However, i think you come across as a child who believes in himself, and nothing more.
Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: vlad1m1r on June 18, 2012, 06:45 pm
I love being British. I like all the history the most. And yeah, if that makes me an Imperialistic, Capitalistic blah blah fucking blah then good, then that is what I shall be.

As ever Lim, you hit the nail on the head... long live the Empire! :-D

Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: Adasel on June 18, 2012, 06:47 pm
Amen to that.
Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: Ahoyhoy on July 12, 2012, 10:10 pm
The queen is a bitch, long live the queen!
Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: Limetless on July 12, 2012, 10:21 pm
I love being British. I like all the history the most. And yeah, if that makes me an Imperialistic, Capitalistic blah blah fucking blah then good, then that is what I shall be.

As ever Lim, you hit the nail on the head... long live the Empire! :-D


Yeah, there is a reason we made up a song saying we will never be slaves with boats in.....and it's because we are fuckin A.
Title: Re: this year in the uk
Post by: ZenAndTheArt on July 12, 2012, 11:10 pm
I for one am enjoying being in the UK in 2012! If only the rain would stop.