Silk Road forums
Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: nightclubdwight on June 09, 2012, 01:10 am
for those who have experience purchasing bitcoins from SR vendors: who are the ones to go to, and how much does it usually cost?
i've been getting my BTC through anonymous cash deposits, but it gets so expensive i'm thinking (hoping) that someone on here has a quicker, cheaper way of doing it.
i'm paying an effective exchange rate of like 6.1 USD to 1 BTC. rough.
I would have to recommend vlad1m1r, he has a service where you send him cash, and you usually have the bitcoins within 3 days of posting.
He has a thread explaining the service here: (dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=22148)
His rates are great, cheaper than what your paying now easily.
I have used him in the past and will use him again, highly recommended!
Sugar Mama, hands down, did it in the morning, came home from work and it was in the kitty. With a nice message, still gotta catch up on that review thread. But if you go with moneypaks. Its the way to go. I often find it comparable to alternatives when dealing with large amounts.