Silk Road forums

Support => Feature requests => Topic started by: smokeweed420 on June 06, 2012, 06:30 am

Title: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: smokeweed420 on June 06, 2012, 06:30 am
i have access to very high quality fake 20$ and 50$ bills and i think they would be a big hit here. i use them in the bar all the time, smaller stores, shady drug dealers, etc! i think that this would be a great asset to the road. i mean they sell crystal meth and heroin. why not fake money? silk road is about free choice based on peoples rights! fuck the government! this is just one more way to backlash at "the man" and not use their currency system. ideas? anyone? i could sell fake 20's for 7$ and 50's for 18$. what do you guys think about this?
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: Zypur on June 06, 2012, 06:32 am
You're not allowed to sell them here, same with like child porn and guns and stuff, i think SR is trying to stick just to drugs cause they dont want to get more media attention by allowing child porn, guns, hitmen, and all that stuff on here.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: KatEverdeen209 on June 06, 2012, 08:31 am
I wish =] I'd much rather pay $4/$5
But I've constantly looked to see when someone would post some thought maybe SRs main vendor was out but I guess it's just not allowed
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: Delta11 on June 06, 2012, 09:42 am
If I take a fake $20 bill to a taco stand and buy a $1 taco using the fake $20 bill and they give me $19 in change who's losing? The government (big brother) or the taco stand owners? I truly believe that counterfeit money in the end hurt other people rather than the government, I mean think about it, the government prints out more money all the time which is why inflation exists and counterfeit money doesn't help anyone except the user which is why I'm against it.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: h3n on June 06, 2012, 10:44 am
This is a really important question.

It might seem at first that SR is a place to facilitate crimes. But really, it's to facilitate freedom. Use of drugs should not be considered a crime, because it's something one does to one's own body. Your body belongs to you and you alone. It's your property even if you own nothing else. So you are free to do with it what you like, so long as your actions don't hurt others.

Counterfeiting, though, is a sort of lie. It's wrong to deceive the person on the other side of the transaction and give them something other than what they thought they were getting. Even though the government itself is the biggest counterfeiter, it doesn't make it right for us to do it. It may not do much harm, but I hope everyone agrees it's still wrong.

So I really appreciate SR's stance on this. Please, let's keep the moral high ground. SR is not about committing crimes, it's about asserting the basic human right of ownership of one's own body. We may have to keep what we're doing secret from others, but it's not because we're criminals doing something shameful, but because our governments are laying improper claims of ownership on our bodies.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: Limetless on June 06, 2012, 10:48 am
Personally I don't mind bent money but like I said in another thread we are all guests are DPR's dinner party and he is the one setting the menu.

It's good that some things aren't allowed here because otherwise it'd be just some mad free-for-all like over on places like BMR/UMB and those places again, like I have said before on other threads, are dens of sin (UMB is clearly the worse out of the two but BMR doesn't lag too far behind). It makes me feel much more secure to know this place isn't literally "anything goes" because it means the people that own it give a shit what goes on.

If the need for bent money is so great then someone should just just set up a marketplace for it themselves. It's a free world and nobody will stop you, this is after-all the DarkWeb.

Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: klaw239 on June 06, 2012, 12:17 pm
If there was ever the PERFECT bait to put on a hook to get someone bite it would be counterfeit money!

I would stay away from anyone offering it if I were you. If they had counterfeit money and access to create it they would  have no reason what so ever to be on this or any site trying to make money.

Heavy odds this is a LEA's trick.  If there is one thing the feds will come after faster than dope dealers it is counter fitters and if one did have legitimate counterfeit currency I assure you they would not be in what is  now a high profile hot zone like SR after the publicity

Use your head folks. If  something is too good to be true it usually is and if a persons actions  dispute what he or she says their goals are then they are either insane or being deceptive. When it comes to  SR any person  behaving in such a fashion I would say deceptive and stay away from them.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: Limetless on June 06, 2012, 01:03 pm
If there was ever the PERFECT bait to put on a hook to get someone bite it would be counterfeit money!

I would stay away from anyone offering it if I were you. If they had counterfeit money and access to create it they would  have no reason what so ever to be on this or any site trying to make money.

Heavy odds this is a LEA's trick.  If there is one thing the feds will come after faster than dope dealers it is counter fitters and if one did have legitimate counterfeit currency I assure you they would not be in what is  now a high profile hot zone like SR after the publicity

Use your head folks. If  something is too good to be true it usually is and if a persons actions  dispute what he or she says their goals are then they are either insane or being deceptive. When it comes to  SR any person  behaving in such a fashion I would say deceptive and stay away from them.

Yeah you  make a good point to be fair. :)
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: war on June 06, 2012, 01:23 pm
If there was ever the PERFECT bait to put on a hook to get someone bite it would be counterfeit money!

I would stay away from anyone offering it if I were you. If they had counterfeit money and access to create it they would  have no reason what so ever to be on this or any site trying to make money.

Heavy odds this is a LEA's trick.  If there is one thing the feds will come after faster than dope dealers it is counter fitters and if one did have legitimate counterfeit currency I assure you they would not be in what is  now a high profile hot zone like SR after the publicity

Use your head folks. If  something is too good to be true it usually is and if a persons actions  dispute what he or she says their goals are then they are either insane or being deceptive. When it comes to  SR any person  behaving in such a fashion I would say deceptive and stay away from them.

Yeah you  make a good point to be fair. :)

Yea, this is exactly right.  Teams on the darknet who deal with counterfeit money are extremely picky and I could never EVER see them vending on SR.  Way too many security risks.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: Limetless on June 06, 2012, 02:33 pm
If there was ever the PERFECT bait to put on a hook to get someone bite it would be counterfeit money!

I would stay away from anyone offering it if I were you. If they had counterfeit money and access to create it they would  have no reason what so ever to be on this or any site trying to make money.

Heavy odds this is a LEA's trick.  If there is one thing the feds will come after faster than dope dealers it is counter fitters and if one did have legitimate counterfeit currency I assure you they would not be in what is  now a high profile hot zone like SR after the publicity

Use your head folks. If  something is too good to be true it usually is and if a persons actions  dispute what he or she says their goals are then they are either insane or being deceptive. When it comes to  SR any person  behaving in such a fashion I would say deceptive and stay away from them.

Yeah you  make a good point to be fair. :)

Yea, this is exactly right.  Teams on the darknet who deal with counterfeit money are extremely picky and I could never EVER see them vending on SR.  Way too many security risks.

Yeah, again a good point.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: smokeweed420 on June 06, 2012, 11:13 pm
thanks for all the reply's guys. it does make sense what you say. i never really looked at it like that. and i wouldn't necessarily be trying to make money but to take down the system. but it is a hot item and very risky. and i dont make it myself of course. but ya i feel like counterfeit money would be in a gray zone. it makes me sick to think of some of the things that are allowed on the darknet vending sites and i love how silk road regulates this but i guess people could use this product as a tool for evil. oh well. ill keep it to myself for whenever i want to have a night out on the town and not pay for anything  8) since there is no chance i would be able to sell them ill let you guys know i pay 2$ for the $20's and 5 for the 50$
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: dandan321 on June 06, 2012, 11:25 pm
thanks for all the reply's guys. it does make sense what you say. i never really looked at it like that. and i wouldn't necessarily be trying to make money but to take down the system. but it is a hot item and very risky. and i dont make it myself of course. but ya i feel like counterfeit money would be in a gray zone. it makes me sick to think of some of the things that are allowed on the darknet vending sites and i love how silk road regulates this but i guess people could use this product as a tool for evil. oh well. ill keep it to myself for whenever i want to have a night out on the town and not pay for anything  8) since there is no chance i would be able to sell them ill let you guys know i pay 2$ for the $20's and 5 for the 50$

That's so dope, and there's no real way to get caught with them since you're not the one pressing them. People get counterfeits all the time from stores that are just flowing through the system. Man 5$ for 50 that's so sweet  :'(
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: oscarzululondon on June 07, 2012, 12:20 am
I always wondered why these people making counterfeit money sell it on for real money... All you're doing is creating a web of people related to your crime and one will eventually snitch and get you sent down. It's very very very very very easy to launder fake money in bulk amounts, especially US Dollars, so there's no need to involve extra people really.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: danceandsing on June 07, 2012, 05:46 am
I dont see a problem with it to be honest.

Also don't get why people wouldn't understand someone trying to sell it...idk...

Personally i think buying/selling a "hit" on someone and kiddy porn is a bit different then fake bills.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: Caparino on June 07, 2012, 06:29 am
Yes please. There's already a "Forgeries" section for a reason  ;)
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: GlocksInMySocks on June 07, 2012, 07:25 am
If there is one thing the feds will come after faster than dope dealers it is counter fitters

This is true, The Secret Service takes that shit VERY serious. What I think it really boils down to is, Any other form currency whether it be fake or you decide to start your form of money, Is that your competing with the Feds. They HATE competition. In the U.S. Your not even allowed to use Gold as currency which makes zero sense.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: PsilocybinTendencies on June 07, 2012, 07:37 am
Too bad it's not allowed on SR.

If the bills pass the brown/yellow marker test, id be very interested in this. Just hit up a couple fast food restaurants with a fifty each, get most of it back, 50 bucks instantly turns into 80 btc.

Yes I like this idea a lot.

And whose getting taken advantage of? Fast food companies who take advantage of people by only paying them minimum wage. No guilty conscience whatsoever.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: redalloverthelandguyhere on June 08, 2012, 01:33 am
LEA could easily mark it - even keep track of it.

You could hit the big stores but mostly it would be small traders and few forged b=notes pass the banks fiber standards to detect forgeries.

and as said people who do forge notes and coins do not need SR nor would risk giving someone a£50 in £5 notes.

Cops would buy ASAP.

It is a /very serious crime. Worse than child porn to the authorities.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: TheBigDirty on June 08, 2012, 01:54 am
It's very very very very very easy to launder fake money in bulk amounts, especially US Dollars, so there's no need to involve extra people really.

Really?  Care to elaborate?  Challenge, I give you a crate of high quality fake hundreds.  That about a million dollars (only).  Lets start with a million cash.  To make good fakes you need to make an investment, and because you can get sent up the river SO LONG for it, you would walk to make a quick hit and get out.  You know, like doing The Big Dirty.  Explain to me how you would legitimize my million.

I'll even tell you what i want to do with it.  Buy a house, a gansta benz, and invest the rest in stocks, I'm a pretty good stock guy you know.  How'd you get it done without the loot reeking of criminality, eg, laundered.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: GlocksInMySocks on June 08, 2012, 01:58 am
It's very very very very very easy to launder fake money in bulk amounts, especially US Dollars, so there's no need to involve extra people really.

Really?  Care to elaborate?  Challenge, I give you a crate of high quality fake hundreds.  That about a million dollars (only).  Lets start with a million cash.  To make good fakes you need to make an investment, and because you can get sent up the river SO LONG for it, you would walk to make a quick hit and get out.  You know, like doing The Big Dirty.  Explain to me how you would legitimize my million.

I'll even tell you what i want to do with it.  Buy a house, a gansta benz, and invest the rest in stocks, I'm a pretty good stock guy you know.  How'd you get it done without the loot reeking of criminality, eg, laundered.

Could you funnel the cash through small cash based business? I have a friend who is mechanic (owns his own shop) He also sell Blues on the side he makes close 10K per month, He pumps the cash through his business with bogus repairs, Granted he has to pay tax on the money but it's clean. would a business a little bigger work to clean a million ?
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: smokeweed420 on June 08, 2012, 04:37 am
boosting large amount of counterfeit money isnt as easy as one might think. any legit business would check at such a high rate of money. my friend who sources these for me has a few tried and true methods that he told me not to disclose here (the dude talking about the mechanic shop is on the right track) that converts around 11,000 per month but if there is a way to do more than that it would be useful. and i wouldn't care if cops were buying it because i would be taking necessary precautionary actions to prevent detection or sourcing of any kind. but i guess its useless because i wont be able to sell them  :'(
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: GlocksInMySocks on June 08, 2012, 04:47 am
boosting large amount of counterfeit money isnt as easy as one might think. any legit business would check at such a high rate of money. my friend who sources these for me has a few tried and true methods that he told me not to disclose here (the dude talking about the mechanic shop is on the right track) that converts around 11,000 per month but if there is a way to do more than that it would be useful. and i wouldn't care if cops were buying it because i would be taking necessary precautionary actions to prevent detection or sourcing of any kind. but i guess its useless because i wont be able to sell them  :'(

You have to be careful a guy tried passing 4 fake $100 bills of to my Brother for a iPhone. My Brother beat the fuck out of the guy and kicked his head into a curb. use caution there are people who will kill you for less than a $100
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: Kappacino on June 08, 2012, 04:46 pm
Too bad it's not allowed on SR.

If the bills pass the brown/yellow marker test, id be very interested in this. Just hit up a couple fast food restaurants with a fifty each, get most of it back, 50 bucks instantly turns into 80 btc.

Yes I like this idea a lot.

And whose getting taken advantage of? Fast food companies who take advantage of people by only paying them minimum wage. No guilty conscience whatsoever.

Passing the marker test is as simple as getting the right type of paper, seriously. Dollars are printed on a mix of 25/75 mix of cotton/linen fibres in that orders. However they use ink that changes colour depending on the angle light is hitting it at and tbh I don't know how to beat that.

However.. I am currently in the process of making fake sterling. It is a laborious process but IS possible, I've done the research and sourced the materials. The notes I'm putting together will have holograms, perfect feeling to touch, identical ink gradients, UV marks, and watermarks. However they won't have microlettering (invisible to naked eye), or valid serial numbers. This means they won't be able to be used at banks, obviously, or bureau de changes, but when compared to a real note, you won't be able to tell the difference unless you get out a magnifying glass. However they will work at any shop/pub etc, and will stand up to all the basic tests, the detection pen, the hold up to the light test, and the UV light test (which is the most advanced one I've seen used in a normal shop). If you want to convert them to cash just go into a shop and buy something cheap and you've got the real change. Alternatively just buy whatever you want. The notes will also be waterproof/passed through water several times and worn/creased to add to their legitimacy.

The price will be 50% value, so £500 of notes will cost £250. It will be a few months until I am fully up and running but I am not in the business of scamming anyone here. I want to do this to make money, and to do that I will be consistent and honest about the high quality I am offering.

Therefore I will be offering free samples to anyone who is interested, when the time comes.

If you are serious about buying some, PM me here and I'll put you on the list, then when I'm fully up and running I'll PM you and we can sort something out. I'll send you £60 or something so you can see its legit/try it out and also see that I'm genuinely in this to make money and not to be a scamming piece of shit.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: oscarzululondon on June 08, 2012, 06:54 pm
However.. I am currently in the process of making fake sterling. It is a laborious process but IS possible, I've done the research and sourced the materials. The notes I'm putting together will have holograms, perfect feeling to touch, identical ink gradients, UV marks, and watermarks. However they won't have microlettering (invisible to naked eye), or valid serial numbers. This means they won't be able to be used at banks, obviously, or bureau de changes, but when compared to a real note, you won't be able to tell the difference unless you get out a magnifying glass. However they will work at any shop/pub etc, and will stand up to all the basic tests, the detection pen, the hold up to the light test, and the UV light test (which is the most advanced one I've seen used in a normal shop). If you want to convert them to cash just go into a shop and buy something cheap and you've got the real change. Alternatively just buy whatever you want. The notes will also be waterproof/passed through water several times and worn/creased to add to their legitimacy.

The price will be 50% value, so £500 of notes will cost £250. It will be a few months until I am fully up and running but I am not in the business of scamming anyone here. I want to do this to make money, and to do that I will be consistent and honest about the high quality I am offering.

Therefore I will be offering free samples to anyone who is interested, when the time comes.

If you are serious about buying some, PM me here and I'll put you on the list, then when I'm fully up and running I'll PM you and we can sort something out. I'll send you £60 or something so you can see its legit/try it out and also see that I'm genuinely in this to make money and not to be a scamming piece of shit.

I'm very interested. Will PM you now.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: oscarzululondon on June 08, 2012, 07:01 pm
Really?  Care to elaborate?  Challenge, I give you a crate of high quality fake hundreds.  That about a million dollars (only).  Lets start with a million cash.  To make good fakes you need to make an investment, and because you can get sent up the river SO LONG for it, you would walk to make a quick hit and get out.  You know, like doing The Big Dirty.  Explain to me how you would legitimize my million.

I'll even tell you what i want to do with it.  Buy a house, a gansta benz, and invest the rest in stocks, I'm a pretty good stock guy you know.  How'd you get it done without the loot reeking of criminality, eg, laundered.

As I live in the UK this is incredibly easy, even 1 million dollars. It would take a little while, perhaps two weeks, but still easy. The main crux of the method is based around a system for banking we have in the UK called "Link". It will work with dollars, euro's, almost any currency really.

Recently I did it with a friend of mine who was palming off fake Swiss Francs, worked a treat.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: smokeweed420 on June 08, 2012, 08:09 pm
it may be easy to move a lot in ways that are sketchy and risk you getting caught, but the way me and my business associate do it is completely legit, we are in a partnership with a legit business. however this is all i can say  :-X
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: breathe on June 10, 2012, 01:55 am
Do the notes have the correct UV watermarks etc?
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: Kappacino on June 10, 2012, 04:03 pm
Do the notes have the correct UV watermarks etc?

Yes, they will. The correct density ink is hard to find but I've just about managed it

PM me for more details
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: numbering on June 10, 2012, 05:20 pm
Just BP or also other currencies in the future?
I would just sell the money labeled as "$50 Kentucky coupon". We would know, what it was and it wouldn't get so much attention.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: vlad1m1r on June 10, 2012, 05:40 pm
thanks for all the reply's guys. it does make sense what you say. i never really looked at it like that. and i wouldn't necessarily be trying to make money but to take down the system. but it is a hot item and very risky. and i dont make it myself of course. but ya i feel like counterfeit money would be in a gray zone. it makes me sick to think of some of the things that are allowed on the darknet vending sites and i love how silk road regulates this but i guess people could use this product as a tool for evil. oh well. ill keep it to myself for whenever i want to have a night out on the town and not pay for anything  8) since there is no chance i would be able to sell them ill let you guys know i pay 2$ for the $20's and 5 for the 50$

Hi Smokeweed,

As the other posters have said I simply don't understand why anyone who could make decent funny money would need to sell it on here rather than spend it?

Hats off to you for sticking it to the man but where I live in the UK funny money has become an increasing problem for smaller denomination notes (mainly knock off of older types) and it does have a serious knock on effect on the economy. OK in fairness this isn't your problem but what if the fake 20 you give ends up being given out in change to someone's Grandmother who then tries to use it to pay for her monthly perm and ends up getting arrested?

Back when I was young and naive I eagerly paid for some counterfeit dollar bills via Liberty Reserve (this was before the Bitcoin) and had them delivered to my home address. Not only was this a foolish risk in case the package was intercepted, I found quickly that many Bureau de Changes wouldn't accept them without me showing ID (I was living in France at the time) which made me a touch uncomfortable. In the end I was able to persuade an old American tourist to give me five real twenty dollar bills in exchange for my fake "Benjamin" but I felt (and still feel!) terrible about it.

If you really want to go ahead with this I did have a couple of users who asked me about counterfeit money the other day and can put you in touch with them but I'm sure you understand this would have to be done off site.


Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: GlocksInMySocks on June 10, 2012, 09:51 pm
Do the notes have the correct UV watermarks etc?

Yes, they will. The correct density ink is hard to find but I've just about managed it

PM me for more details

Would be easy to exchange the Sterling in the US with a currency dealer or bank?
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: oscarzululondon on June 11, 2012, 12:59 am
Do the notes have the correct UV watermarks etc?

Yes, they will. The correct density ink is hard to find but I've just about managed it

PM me for more details

Would be easy to exchange the Sterling in the US with a currency dealer or bank?

Believe me it's not.

A) They will want ID which can be used to trace you.

B) Currency dealers will normally check each note like the paranoid freaks they should be.

C) Sometimes, if it's fake, and you're trying to give them a large amount, they will press the police button and keep you talking until the police arrive.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: Kappacino on June 11, 2012, 09:19 am
Oscars right..

Currency dealers will pull out the magnifying glass like its a DAY JOB (because it literally is, a day job)

And boom, microlettering.

There's no way I can emulate that. You'd need some serious heavy duty machinery to pull that shit off
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: TheBigDirty on June 11, 2012, 10:13 pm
Do the notes have the correct UV watermarks etc?

Yes, they will. The correct density ink is hard to find but I've just about managed it

PM me for more details

Beware, one of the ways they police counterfeit is to watch the vendors and sources of certain items, specifically inks that work well.
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: 3dvision on June 13, 2012, 02:21 am
what about... counterfeit bitcoins?
Title: Re: counterfit money??? why not!!!!
Post by: Limetless on June 13, 2012, 02:33 am
Guys you can't do bent currency on SR I'm afraid and you can't advertise for sales here either. If you want to do this ya gunna have to take it elsewhere like BMR or somewhere like that.

Rules be rules.