Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: klaw239 on June 03, 2012, 08:14 pm

Title: This is for all LAW ENFORCEMENT here gathering intel.
Post by: klaw239 on June 03, 2012, 08:14 pm
Americas founding fathers who believed in justice,peace and individual rights had this to say as it connects to the very evil immoral quest you are on. go to LEAP (law enforcement against prohibition ) and educate yourself on this issue and open your eyes to the true evil in this world.

"Vices are those acts by which a man harms himself or his property.

Crimes are those acts by which one man harms the person or property of another.

Vices are simply the errors which a man makes in his search after his own happiness. Unlike crimes, they imply no malice toward others, and no interference with their persons or property.

In vices, the very essence of crime --- that is, the design to injure the person or property of another --- is wanting.

It is a maxim of the law that there can be no crime without a criminal intent; that is, without the intent to invade the person or property of another. But no one ever practises a vice with any such criminal intent. He practises his vice for his own happiness solely, and not from any malice toward others.

Unless this clear distinction between vices and crimes be made and recognized by the laws, there can be on earth no such thing as individual right, liberty, or property; no such things as the right of one man to the control of his own person and property, and the corresponding and coequal rights of another man to the control of his own person and property.

For a government to declare a vice to be a crime, and to punish it as such, is an attempt to falsify the very nature of things. It is as absurd as it would be to declare truth to be falsehood, or falsehood truth."
Title: Re: This is for all LAW ENFORCEMENT here gathering intel.
Post by: sdesu on June 03, 2012, 08:37 pm
+1 for mentioning LEAP. You're awesome!
Title: Re: This is for all LAW ENFORCEMENT here gathering intel.
Post by: Limetless on June 03, 2012, 08:47 pm
It's a nice sentiment mate but I don't think that whoever is watching this is gunna give a fuck. They have their orders, they can't think for themselves.
Title: Re: This is for all LAW ENFORCEMENT here gathering intel.
Post by: klaw239 on June 03, 2012, 10:50 pm
There are always those who can be turned from the dark side. At LEAP they have video interviews with former federal judges who said for 25 years they sent men and women to prison when in their heart they knew it was wrong but they swore to up hold that law so did so.

But now look back with regret because they followed a set of rules handed to them and not morality and decency. As Thomas Jefferson said "Any law that takes freedom from it's people is evil but it is even more evil for the people not to resist that law"

 I believe that every individual is naturally entitled to do as he pleases with himself and the fruits of his labor, so far as it in no way interferes with any other men's rights. – Abraham Lincoln

The members of LEAP are  moral good men and women who face and study facts and not adhere to following a RULE regardless of the reasons that created that rule in the first place and if that RULE helps or hurts the people of not only this land but this world.

If Ronald Reagan's chief drug policy maker  has changed his opinions and switched sides  then there is hope for any and all.

For in the end if you believe in any sort of god do you want to say I followed and what was moral and good or say I was a robot and followed what I was told  no matter how many people I hurt or put through torture.

That is something you all must ask yourself  cause in the end you will not answer to Me or anyone here but to a higher power.

Only Violent people and those who take and abuse others property  and injure other men/women deserve prison. Not men and women who consume something for their own pursuit of happiness hurting no one in the process.

But yes if this message does not at least start them thinking then it is pointless to continue.   
Title: Re: This is for all LAW ENFORCEMENT here gathering intel.
Post by: Joeyjojojr on June 03, 2012, 11:20 pm
Cops mess with drug users because for the most part we are easy targets in the sense that we are non violent and just using drugs to enjoy ourselves. Its a lot easier to pull over a vehicle full of teenagers smoking a joint then to go after real criminals who might shoot back.

Tor is being used by pedophiles, cyber criminals stealing millions, legitimate terrorist organizations, and other serious criminals, but who are they going after? The farmers market, topix, Silkroad, and other drug markets.

How about using those billions of dollars and resources to stop the real criminals who are trying to hurt others and disrupt our way of life. No one gets hurt when i light up a joint and take a few puffs. Im no criminal. I would go out of my way to help anyone i came across that needed help in my life including a cop. Leave me alone please. Thank you.

Title: Re: This is for all LAW ENFORCEMENT here gathering intel.
Post by: vlad1m1r on June 03, 2012, 11:27 pm
Cops mess with drug users because for the most part we are easy targets in the sense that we are non violent and just using drugs to enjoy ourselves. Its a lot easier to pull over a vehicle full of teenagers smoking a joint then to go after real criminals who might shoot back.

Tor is being used by pedophiles, cyber criminals stealing millions, legitimate terrorist organizations, and other serious criminals, but who are they going after? The farmers market, topix, Silkroad, and other drug markets.

How about using those billions of dollars and resources to stop the real criminals who are trying to hurt others and disrupt our way of life. No one gets hurt when i light up a joint and take a few puffs. Im no criminal. I would go out of my way to help anyone i came across that needed help in my life including a cop. Leave me alone please. Thank you.

Well said Joey +1.

Title: Re: This is for all LAW ENFORCEMENT here gathering intel.
Post by: souledout on June 03, 2012, 11:38 pm

ALL coppers are bastards
Title: Re: This is for all LAW ENFORCEMENT here gathering intel.
Post by: BLACK PRIDE 4EVER, BITCH on June 03, 2012, 11:49 pm
Law enforcement can suck my black ass and shove it. Fuck them. Dont' try to 'persuade' them, they ain't on your side. They shoot you in the head, and they say they just 'following orders'. Thats how cold they are. They have no morality, only 'orders'. Fuck every last one of the police, they are part of the entire system of intstitutional racism against the black man (read: WHITE racism).
Title: Re: This is for all LAW ENFORCEMENT here gathering intel.
Post by: mito on June 04, 2012, 01:41 pm
FOP - Fuck Off Pigs
Title: Re: This is for all LAW ENFORCEMENT here gathering intel.
Post by: vlad1m1r on June 04, 2012, 02:30 pm
Law enforcement can suck my black ass and shove it. Fuck them. Dont' try to 'persuade' them, they ain't on your side. They shoot you in the head, and they say they just 'following orders'. Thats how cold they are. They have no morality, only 'orders'. Fuck every last one of the police, they are part of the entire system of institutional racism against the black man (read: WHITE racism).


Here in the UK we also have huge problems with Institutional racism within the Police Force. I'm certainly not going to break out a shotgun over it but I think this is one of the main reasons they lack full public support, in combination with the lack of accountability when they do shoot the wrong person and also a lack of transparency about their policies.

I wouldn't go so far as to say the Police employ the Nuremberg defence i.e that they were following orders in every situation but obviously they have to uphold the law as it is, not as they'd like it to be. They can also over-zealously investigate crimes which don't amount to any actual harm to an individual such as taking drugs in the privacy of their own home rather than focusing on the negative impact of drug users in the community like gang violence.

Title: Re: This is for all LAW ENFORCEMENT here gathering intel.
Post by: klaw239 on June 04, 2012, 05:02 pm
I am all about individual freedom and rights of the individual but there re some cases I have been honest with my self about and asked My self "If I were a LEO and I ran across an individual who did this or that and I mean something like hurt a child or elderly person really bad would I be able to restrain my self from getting in a few punches)

I honestly do not know if I could and I probably would be a bit abusive towards that offender but ONLY if it was for certain 100% this person did said crimes. I would not go on herr say or My judgement based on speculation. Cause common sense fails use at times. Common sense  200 years ago told us man would or coule never fly but today we go to the moon and  1000's of flying people every day. So maybe I would have a dirty harry  tj hooker outlook on things  and make sure some people felt some punishment before being taken in. It would not be based on hate or malice towards the individual but based solely on the  evil he had done to those who can not protect themselves.

Many men and women make a racist remark now and then no matter their race but nine times out of ten it is does in a flash of anger and their is no hate in the persons heart.We are all imperfect but unless a person is evil and I truly believe that some people are evil and not just disturbed at the fancy words put it and when it comes to evil you can not feel sorry for it or try to change it. You must remove it.

Remember all and this includes leo's too than the goal and main mission of the Devil/Satan/evil  is to get you to believe in a lie for then you are it's tool and  be certain  if and when you believe in a LIE  you are in trouble for everything ...your thoughts your actions all that is or was that was good in you has been deceived to serve that evil.

Search for the truth for as the saying goes "The truth shall set you free"
Title: Re: This is for all LAW ENFORCEMENT here gathering intel.
Post by: Kappacino on June 04, 2012, 06:43 pm
Police care about one thing, their careers.

Therefore the amount of arrests/charges etc they have is typically all they care about. That's why they'll bullshit/manipulate you into incriminating yourself if they can get away with it. Sure, some of them will be in the job to help others.. but I can't see how they can arrest a drug user with a clear conscience if that is the case.. so I assume that most of them don't really give a shit.

So even if a guy reading this, can't see any logical reason why he should be pursuing us as criminals... He will want to be the guy that brought down silk road, cause in the LE game that would be the shit to have on your resume, and could lead to better job prospects.
Title: Re: This is for all LAW ENFORCEMENT here gathering intel.
Post by: vlad1m1r on June 04, 2012, 06:57 pm
Police care about one thing, their careers.

Therefore the amount of arrests/charges etc they have is typically all they care about. That's why they'll bullshit/manipulate you into incriminating yourself if they can get away with it. Sure, some of them will be in the job to help others.. but I can't see how they can arrest a drug user with a clear conscience if that is the case.. so I assume that most of them don't really give a shit.

So even if a guy reading this, can't see any logical reason why he should be pursuing us as criminals... He will want to be the guy that brought down silk road, cause in the LE game that would be the shit to have on your resume, and could lead to better job prospects.

Well said Kappacino,

In both the US and the UK the introduction of performance related pay, arrest quotas and promotion based on the number of resolved cases was designed to improve the Police's performance.

I can't speak for the effect that it has had on Policing overall but working in banking as I do I can say that the effect is the exact opposite of what is intended. Genuinely suspicious transactions e.g for large amounts of cash being paid in over the counter are reported as suspicious by our staff but are often dismissed by the Police as being unimportant as the client ostensibly works in a cas-centric industry e.g sales of Agricultural equipment for which people often pay cash. The reason for this is that dismissing a suspicious activity report counts as a resolved case, as on paper it says the investigating officer looked into the matter and found nothing suspicious, case closed, +1 brownie points.

However in cases of people holding personal accounts i.e people who are easy to pull into the station and interview they will invariably run it up the flagpole and put huge amounts of pressure on a suspect about their financial dealings. This flies in the face of good AML techniques, common sense and frankly justice!

While we're on the subject of unintended effects, I also think the establishment of independent tribunals to hear complaints against the Police has proved to be something of a two edged sword as well i.e if a Police officer arrests you on a spurious charge and finds no evidence of wrongdoing, it will hugely benefit their position if a complaint of wrongful arrest is made if they find something else you can be charged with. This sort of behaviour is so prolific where I live that the decision regarding whether to charge a person with a crime or not was taken out of the Police's hands nine years ago.


Title: Re: This is for all LAW ENFORCEMENT here gathering intel.
Post by: klaw239 on June 04, 2012, 07:26 pm
I would not say "POLICE" as a whole cause that is a blanket statement leaving no n room for exceptions and I believe there are many exceptions in law enforcement and they join with good honorable intentions and most stay that way. Not all. Many people have become policeman just to have the ability to walk between the rain drops being a criminal  and to have the tools and the "trust of the courts and higher ups on his word" so such a person can be a criminal with little to no chance of being caught.

I have known such people and their train of thought was if you can't beat them join them. I considered becoming a LEO at one time and my intentions were honorable and grounded with noble intent to care and protect those who can not and I know I am not the only one but a persons intentions or his behavior  later in life is most always based on his or her upbringing and their values they were taught. I was raised to respect the law and to respect everyone and not take anything that did not belong to me and to pay a debt  for if someone is good enough to give you something or loan you something  he or she deserves not only that amount in return dollar for dollar but a small bit extra in my thought process for being a good person and helping me. Mind you I refer to individuals not BANKING systems which are the true evil and ones pulling the strings at the most high.

So regardless if they are a cop or a dea agent or a baseball player or a computer engineer if their values are warped and they were never taught right from wrong as a child then  the are destined to become immoral and corrupt regardless of their profession.

I pray for those LEO's that prey on us and wish ill feelings and intent on us  because they are wishing harm on what is usually a good person who would bend over and give them a helping hand if he or she ever needed it.Some do so cause they are evil and yes some people are just EVIL plain and simple. Not a product of childhood environment or circumstance cause no act done to any human being can cause a person to do the things that some do to others. Many leo's are simply misguided and are going by and letting their actions and feelings be dictated by the information they are given. If you or I were taught that blue is red and red is blue from the time we were old enough to remember we would argue till dooms day that red is actually blue and vice versa cause that is what our brains have been taught. The only difference is as an adult who has been handed and programed information they have  the ability to research and find out from people and others the truth and not just assume just cause it is YOUR team  telling you this and not the other teams  that is it the gospel and the truth. Most times it is a lie. I never believe much that comes from the mouths of those who have something to gain by the  information and direction they tell others to go in cause  it could be the truth or it could be for that persons own self gain.

LEO's  take the time  to research what you are told and put good sense into play. Look at things under the circumstances. Like a poster above mentioned    there is no hope for them  but I like to say there is no hope for some cause many have already changed they views and jumped ship and changed sides.

Why do you think they did that? Because they just read a news paper and decided it was true. NO they researched it  very very thoroughly and based they decision and  judgement  on the findings. Facts not opinion.

If it is a know lost war if that is what someone wishes to call it and the powers that fund that war no it can not be won then  why continue doing it? These are not stupid uneducated men at the top deciding what to do. They are highly intelligent and and resourceful and  as an old proverb once dictated  " a wise man maintained that if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains – however improbable – must be the truth."

Such intelligent men do not throw good money after bad or follow an ideology such men are realist and they are gaining from the deaths of not only your fellow officers around the world but also the deaths of children and innocent good men and women.  These people you serve are unjust and evil and to be the tool that they use to maintain that evil knowingly  is to be just as evil even if  your heart feels no evil your actions dictate your your moral soul and that is what God will judge in the end.

Please get your intelligence from those that have nothing to gain from it.

It is hard to argue you against the opinion of the greatest mind of the past 300 yrs if not in history and his thoughts on this subject as as this...

"The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the Prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this."
by:Albert Einstein

Never take anyone's words as gospel even alberts  before you research the facts on your own let your own moral and intellectual guidance direct you just do not let your own moral beliefs in doing so restrict the freedom of anyone else so long that person is in no way harming another or anthers property.

Sorry for the long post and rant but I am passionate about this very cause and it is not about taking drugs. I take them for many reasons not needed to be disclosed but it is more about an attack on our freedom and our person when we are doing nothing 9 times out of ten but being good decent citizens most of which respect and admire you.
Title: Re: This is for all LAW ENFORCEMENT here gathering intel.
Post by: klaw239 on June 04, 2012, 07:30 pm
Trr  only when opinions are based on a lie and deception to deceive the individual into thinking they are serving the greater good when in reality they are hurting it  do an individuals opinion/opinions become a dangerous thing.

Opinion based on morality mixed with  others individual freedoms to do   as one wishes  so long as it hurts no one else or no one elses property is a good and noble thing.

Fear the lie Trr for in the end it kills that which is most scared your moral soul and it does it slowly cause it needs you to do it`s workings
Title: Re: This is for all LAW ENFORCEMENT here gathering intel.
Post by: klaw239 on June 04, 2012, 07:57 pm
To take anything other the the possibility that what you say may be the truth or not the truth would be folly on part.

That is the difference between me and those who hunt us. I can and will step back and examine and think over ideas and possibilities and options to failed policy's while they serve people who close their mind to the facts and the truth and if  they do so one must ask them selves why and when you follow that road to it's logical conclusion it is nothing more than corruption at the highest power and Americas founding fathers warned us this would happen and it is we the peoples fault for becoming lazy and complacent  and have a "If it does not affect me I do not care" attitude.

That attitude led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands in WW2 and that is why the US gov  "OFFICAL"  who know what that means exactly but it adopted the Domino effect rule on communist country's or any other tyranny that tries to take over a free land.One after the other  countries fell to Hitlers army while we set back with a "It affects us not attitude" till eventually after it was too late we  stood up and acted and it still took an attack on us to manipulate than public opinion. Hence at least part of our involvement in Vietnam and please do not misunderstand me I am not saying this thinking I am educating you cause you clearly have  more intelligence and knowledge than I in most regards but is meant for any reader  having not studied it. Our involvement was not    to be there to meddle in others business but to protect a free country from a communistic country in North Vietnam but many fail to see or understand that it was not just  One communist country it was Russia and China backing them . A direct attack of all the tyrannic Governments on a free one.

That is the stance I take any ways with the intelligence I have gathered and I know there were many underlying reasons of  self gains and promises made I am sure but at the heart I believe that policy was acted on and I hate to think on it cause the rights and freedoms those men and women fought and died for  starting with The Confederate States   of Americas army no longer exist and are no longer cherished and loved..Cause when you have a law that restricts self freedom that hurts no one and no ones property how can you have freedom at all?

The constitution of the united states was written to never be changed when it comes to the individuals rights and freedoms to do as he wishes in his own pursuit of happiness  so long as it hurts no one else or no one elses property.

If people who encourage such a thing and defend these restrictions of policy's of freedom  and if he or she has a moral and just heart and mind they will see what is right and what is wrong cause they will not be guided by their own self bias or opinion or those bias and opinions that their  higher ups hand to them they will be guided by the freedom to practice freedom and know that while you may not agree with it god and country has given me the right to do as i wish so long as it doesn't bother you or hurt you.

There comes a time a man/woman must accept facts. Is your job your pay check your career worth your moral soul if you believe you have one? I believe I do and it is that which guides my actions towards not only my self but to others.

jobs and careers are a dime a dozen but you have only one moral soul.
Title: Re: This is for all LAW ENFORCEMENT here gathering intel.
Post by: klaw239 on June 04, 2012, 08:38 pm
Still an idealist eh ? Your choice.... I'm not saying that you should trust me . Take all that you can with a grain of salt . I know for a fact that I am the only one with my background on this forum .  If I can help, I will help .

A soul is pointless for someone like myself .  To put is simply dead weight. That causes more problems in the long run than its worth .  Just like emotions and organized religion .

Trr    freedoms and rights of any human being is not an ideology it is the law of both natural and god.

Many men and women who are reach high places in certain areas of state most often do feel like you just said and were trained to not have emotion and not have feelings cause the mind gets in the way of what must be done. If any such people are reading this try and lean back in your chair and see that you were programed this way to serve another and when you serve another s ideas and biases then you are no longer a free human being you are nothing than a button to be pushed. Ask yourself when was the last time you actually felt like a person. A free human being  able to walk on hi own and more importantly think on your own ? Nothing is more sacred than our freedom to our own ideas and thoughts. I of course understand sometimes sacrifice is needed for the greater good and many times that sacrifice is lives or soldiers or agents  trained to no longer think for themselves and  for a Noble and Just cause I too would stand up and make the sacrifice to help and protect good decent people. The brain is no different than a computer. It can be programed and it can be wiped out and have a new one reinstalled on it. Your brain and your thoughts are still yours and while I can not say if you have love or emotions as many people do not  trained or untrained  I am willing to bet most of you do  and you have family you love and cherish and separate that in your personal life from any type of connection to you  and the job handed to you. It is not your dedication and commitment to a job that is in fault  it is the IDEA and the POLICY you are dedicated and committed to uphold that is wrong. For we are all truly one in the same when it comes to love and emotion. If it be our kids  or parents or wife or gf the love you feel for yours is no different at all than the love we feel for ours.  All it takes to reclaim your own thoughts and emotions is just to walk away. Stand up turn your back and walk away.

If I or anyone including family were hurting others I would be the first to charge them and say they need punishment but if you step out of your shell and try and see the truth and not the  ideology of the corrupt officials who ask these things of you  you will see that most of us here are good decent people.

You are not beyond redemption and unlike a persons redemption for an act he does knowingly hurting someone else I truly feel that MOST not all of you have believed in what you have and are doing. So that redemption is not a forgiveness of a sin but of a unknowing  mistake made through no fault of your own.

Take care.