Silk Road forums
Discussion => Security => Topic started by: simon60 on May 24, 2012, 12:53 am
when i delete a message in my message box, is the message completely removed?
i mean also the message box of the recipient and the silkroad server.
where are the servers of silkroad? which os you are running on? why silkroad can't be bustes by the government?
(unwittingly i wrote a message with my real adress to a seller, now i'm a little bit paranoid)
As far as I know, SR encrypts all messages in the main site. You should always use PGP with every sensitive info like addresses, however some big vendors relay solely on the encryption SR provides.
Also, as far as I know, the only time your message is decrypted is when you are reading them and if you delete it also deletes server-side.
From my understanding SR exists in the Tor network. There are physical databases where all the info is kept but is uses the anonymity Tor provides to keep LE from knowing where the servers are. If i remember correctly all Tor users' IP is changed every ten minutes, with exception of the first chain which you initially log on with. This provides some cover when it comes to tracking.
You should look into .onion routing if you want to learn more about how Tor and how .onion sites work.
I hope this helps!
If anyone knows this info to be wrong please tell me!! I want to be accurate about how this stuff works.
Nice info Mars
Thanks! +1 for u!
Be certain that any time the US government wants the servers to SR you better believe they will get them. Probably not through force but either by a man who does not exist making a phone call to another man with no name and no identity and a super under the table hand shake will be made or the said man will meet with the other said man in a very professional probably small place over seas as the SR server ppl hold the cards and they will not come to the US governments said location for different reasons but they have every reason to believe the promises made by the US's bag man will be kept cause promises are always kept to legit governments or officials if it is some big nobody who got lucky with this site and he has no one with power backing him he better hide when approached and just hand it over cause if any deal is made you better believe the owner will be sniped out real fast as him staying alive offers nothing to the US government or any us officals but him dead ends the trail and any and all knowledge he may have OF SR and if you think to yourself "what if he has talked to others or shared information' no one that gets this far this big talks and shares such information and if they knew who this person or persons was to be able to approach him with an offer then you better believe they did not show their hand and watched this person/persons for a long time tapped their phone hacked their pc and did any and everything they could to find out EVERYTYHING before they approached him. information is the most powerful weapon in the world. It can bring the walls of Jericho down from the inside. One of many reasons why I suggested close all new memberships and let this site just lurke with the members we have and go under the radar and give the feds nothing to talk about. they can go to their superiors in a yr and say yes Sir the numbers at the online drug house have grown from 20.000 members to 500.00 members estimated over 1 million very soon and the higher up will say yes this is getting to be a stone in our shoe remove the stone before it becomes a problem we have to deal with publicly or the fed can go to his higher up and say Sir the online drug store is stagnant and has not grown any over the past yr, No trouble from these guys yet what should we do
? higher up says " so long as there is no leak no need to plug the hole. just let them be till we have a reason to take action. If they wanted this place gone they would be gone and LEO's are here now and if you think they are here to snag some buyer purchasing a gram of coke or 50 x pills your loco. They are here to law low and observe and report. First action of warfare is you gather intelligence and place your chess pieces in the proper places. the intelligence is being gathered. I read the forums of ppl always telling new members USE your real name. don't worry you can't get cause or it's impossible to get busted if you just take these precautions. haha anyone involved in any illegal activity that tells you not to worry about the law is someone you better stay away from much less take advice from.
a LOT OF PEOPLE BETTER USE SOME COMMON SENSE. There are a lot of rich kids or middle income kids or adults who have been sheltered all their lives here trying to give advice on how to not go to jail and what to look for watch for and expect from the feds and leos. some people better wise fast. no offense intended but there is no shame knowing your limitations.
the whole side was made from some illuminati group to finally become the ruler of the world.
They will take every address they got from here and visit us and them force us to support their super secret plan of destroying every goverment in the world and build their own....
no wait it was this guy the pope from the vatican, he saw his sheeps running away so he implemented SR for us and pirate will be our new son of god....
No now I get it its just a simple trick from apple, they will make SR the new super app, only accesable through their own new secret phone. But they wait until there are no IRL dealers anymore.
and that gets me to the final point SR IS THE "WDE" World Drug Enforcement nobody knows right now. But belive my super secret infos. they made SR to fight the DRUG war with this little market and every drug sold has an quantum chip in it so we will all explode in a big supernova if they press the button.
no wait now I get it.....
......PaRAAANoooIIIAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! :o
thank you to all for your answer! So what can I do now to stay safe? Ask the seller to delete my message.
Ask silkroad to delete my Account? (What happens if the ACC is deleted? Are the messages also deleted?
best greetings!
thank you for answering!
the message wasn't PGP encrypted. I normal use an other adress (same building, empty post box).
Yesterday I wrote unnintentionally my real adress to a seller. hopefully the seller will delete the old msgs after a time.
greetings :)
It's hard to guess at how fare LEO are in "taking down" the site.
I have worked with Police as part of my job involving compliance i.e anti money laundering and quite a number of senior officers had never even heard of the Bitcoin let alone Silk Road itself.
I also think as far as narcotics go Silk Road is a very small slice of the number out there. The difference being it is far easier to raid a warehouse full of coke than it is to locate the anonymously purchased and maintained servers of SR.
A lot of the problems to do with controlled drugs (and consequently the reasons for public pressure on the Police) are tied up with the violence associated with drug dealing, not the drugs themselves.
As such my own opinion is that in reality the LEO take a pragmatic approach to Silk Road - just as they do to anyone who consumes clean amounts of drugs in the privacy of their own home. Of course they know it goes on and they'll stop it where they can but there's not a whole lot to be done about it.
Of course we shouldn't be naive and for our own safety must assume that LEO are constantly analysing our internet traffic and could knock on the door any time!
sorry for that stupid question, but what is LEO? also a governmental agency?
thank you for answering!
the message wasn't PGP encrypted. I normal use an other adress (same building, empty post box).
Yesterday I wrote unnintentionally my real adress to a seller. hopefully the seller will delete the old msgs after a time.
greetings :)
I dont think you have to worry too much. From your writing I get this feeling it was not a big order you made. Beside this; - you should have informed you before ordering anything online. If you buy drugs IRL and you get busted you will be punished for it. Same for SR. Only if you cross borders (and we mostly do) it could be a bigger punishment as from your lokal dealer.
Stay low and enjoy the freedom as long as it lasts.
Thank you Shiznit,
I actually really dislike acronyms, so apologies for the confusion!
LE = law enforcement
LEO = law enforcement officer