Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: Locker on May 17, 2012, 04:33 pm

Title: Place on tor to get cheap shit? :P
Post by: Locker on May 17, 2012, 04:33 pm
Aha just wondering, is there a legit place where i can buy cheap/cheaper goods? (Such as tvs, cameras, stolen stuff etc.)
Like a cheap Ebay? ;3

Title: Re: Place on tor to get cheap shit? :P
Post by: vlad1m1r on May 17, 2012, 06:13 pm
Aha just wondering, is there a legit place where i can buy cheap/cheaper goods? (Such as tvs, cameras, stolen stuff etc.)
Like a cheap Ebay? ;3


I assume you already know about Black Market Reloaded?

http://fec33nz6mhzd54zj.onion - they have various novelty goods on there.

Failing that there's a chap who runs a site claiming to be able to steal stuff for you named Buttery Bootlegging. I never received any reply to my e-mails though so perhaps someone else can confirm if it's a scam?


Title: Re: Place on tor to get cheap shit? :P
Post by: redalloverthelandguyhere on May 17, 2012, 07:18 pm
There are shoplifters who will lift to order - I saw the guy on black market reloaded but most of the real 'pro' shoplifters are low tech and work in pubs. Most shoplifters are usually addicts but some get quite good. Foreign gangs from certain nations are also prowling around. Women in big flowing skirts can actually store a lot of stuff. Real pro shoplifters know how to detach the security tags. Other gangs deal in the newish bar code scamming in which they simply use self service tills and slip on cheap bar codes onto different bottles or clothes.

Many shoplifters also are basically looking for any opening in which they can steal. They are mobile. And if they find one supermarket with an easy target - all the supermarkets are the same so they tour the nation with scams.

We do not get as many doing credit cards these days. Those guys would buy whatever you wanted - no cash upfront - you paid when you opened the box and saw it working! You ordered in the pub and got it delivered there in the evening. Nobody paid upfront!

Most good shoplifters already have local clientele and have no need to really go online.

It would be a novel idea though.

As long as goods are boxed otherwise you might be buying the Xbox that belongs to some crying child which is wrong.

The shoplifter I saw stated he would pose in photo with your item - well - that seems fair. Thing is trying a new vendor. Everyone has nerves. Especially if your looking for the guy to steal a top grade Apple and sell it at a Windows price!

Good luck with your search for cheap goods but with the price of a lot of computers are so low the robbers do not move many as we know we can buy one for £250!

But I'd like an Apple laptop 17 inch screen in the box at half price. Its easy to use tracking as laptops are rarely checked only to see if they are bombs! Or carrying a heroin packed hard drive!

With escrow and tracking I'm sure that it is possible parties would be interested.

However SR is taking a better moral line not dealing in stolen goods. Using drugs is different than stealing.

Plus, a lot of the gangs who steal lots of items at a time they sell to wholesalers who have tens of thousands of corner-shops who will take a box of washing up liquid, washing powder or chocolate or anything else.

Thy would make more cash online but often as not would sooner sell in bulk as that means dealing with less witnesses for the prosecution if it comes to the crunch.

but we should have a free marketplace on SR in which users can sell their legal items and only pay a fee IF its sold.

That might help SR branch out as if I was the owner I would likely just sell the business and become a legal BTC trader whilst hopefully enjoying a life with people you love!

Always have a plan to get out rather than wait to have to run at a moments notice.

Then again you run a good ship and if you keep it watertight then no reason why SR should live on with the odd media cry before the next war or something makes SR less relevant.
Title: Re: Place on tor to get cheap shit? :P
Post by: Locker on May 18, 2012, 06:32 pm
*redalloverthelandguyhere 's post'
Yeh i have found quite a few people that are offering to steal stuff for me, but its jsut the legitimacy, this is n their own site with little details, hard to trust really.

Title: Re: Place on tor to get cheap shit? :P
Post by: Limetless on May 18, 2012, 06:52 pm
Fuck's a den of cunts.
Title: Re: Place on tor to get cheap shit? :P
Post by: herro on July 05, 2012, 02:57 pm
I got exactly what you need  :)
This dude steals what ever you want
Title: Re: Place on tor to get cheap shit? :P
Post by: noosemagnet on July 05, 2012, 03:55 pm
Title: Re: Place on tor to get cheap shit? :P
Post by: mdmamazing on July 05, 2012, 04:04 pm
I used to be a big shoplifter red not something that I am proud of but I would do it all sober just for the adrenaline rush/money and then get high after

the things I used to be able to pick up and walk out of the stores with would blow most peoples minds

but eventually i just started stealing anything that wasnt bolted down and justified that i was stealing from big companies so it didnt count

i got sloppy and started doing it high and got caught a few times

so we moved onto stealing cars and insurance jobs one drive the stolen car, others follow in a pick up behind

go bush jack it up strip rims stereos etc and then blow the fucker up

but that was a long long time ago and Ive grown up and real life karma bit me in ass many times.