Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: Chuck Schumer - Democrat on May 13, 2012, 05:18 pm

Title: Limitless
Post by: Chuck Schumer - Democrat on May 13, 2012, 05:18 pm
I've been on this board for a year.  I gotta say, limitless is either LE waging an incredibly effective operation, or he's just a badass motherfucker.  I'm gonna go with badass motherfucker because it makes no diff to me, so I'll side on the positive.

Hey, Limitless, keep up the good job on modding.  I think my favorite one ended with "Locked motherfucker" haa haa.

Thanks for taking control of the fuck-tards.


Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Kappacino on May 13, 2012, 05:20 pm
Yeah I'll have to agree with you OP.

But what sort of LE would be selling drugs, body armour and a preposterously badass Mad max style ex MOD land rover?

Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: vlad1m1r on May 13, 2012, 05:21 pm
+1 to you OP, he's a Diamond Geezer as we say in England!

Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Prawl42 on May 13, 2012, 05:30 pm
No chance of him being FE hes way to smart to be a pig! keep it up lim :)
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: vlad1m1r on May 13, 2012, 05:33 pm
No chance of him being FE hes way to smart to be a pig! keep it up lim :)

I'll second that, God bless them they do their best for us but they aren't that bright!

Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Joeyjojojr on May 13, 2012, 05:46 pm
If Limetless is a cop, I wish we had some LE like him here in the states  ;)
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: uniwiz on May 13, 2012, 05:54 pm
Thank you for support in my time of need.
Just because I point out a vendor's serious short comings does make me LE.
Just because I reward good vendors with good reviews doesn't make me a shill LE.
Just a shill ;)

I really do try to be fair with vendors, and some know I have complained to them privately, or even helped them out.
I have made a few mistakes, but try to out weight that by doing good for our community.
It's hard to be positive all the time, but I try. (Free benzos would make me try harder;))

Have faith, this will pass, and another one will replace him/her.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Limetless on May 13, 2012, 06:13 pm
Haha cheers gangsters! :)
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Mister Dank on May 13, 2012, 06:46 pm
Nice you guys created a thread to jerk yourselves off.

By the way, for the dummy who said "no way he is FE"..I think you mean "LE"

Yeah, you sound like a bunch of dumb pigs

Keep hitting me up with neg karma, my customers see it as a badge of honor
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Prawl42 on May 13, 2012, 06:53 pm

dank in case you haven't realized no one gives a shit about what you have to say :)
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Chuck Schumer - Democrat on May 13, 2012, 06:54 pm
Nice you guys created a thread to jerk yourselves off.

everybody, as creator of this thread, I'd like to request that we completely ignore this troll.


Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Limetless on May 13, 2012, 06:59 pm
Nice you guys created a thread to jerk yourselves off.

By the way, for the dummy who said "no way he is FE"..I think you mean "LE"

Yeah, you sound like a bunch of dumb pigs

Keep hitting me up with neg karma, my customers see it as a badge of honor

What customers are these? You have had around 120 sales in 11 months. You sales rate can use my pubic hair as dental floss.

You are just boring now Dank, it's getting so so old and you are just digging your own grave. You are just an out-and-out cunt, one of the bits of dirt on the earth that just wont flush. I feel sorry for your mother and father if they are even still alive, I know I wouldn't be because if I had offspring even half as nonfunctional as you I'd have killed myself from shame.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Holly on May 13, 2012, 07:01 pm
I am unsure whether or not Limetless is LEO or not because he has sent me a picture of his genitals.  I can name 5 different laws he's broken just by partaking in this act.  Although I will say I'm impressed, I have my doubts that he is LEO, and if he is, I can easily make this motherf* lose his job.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Limetless on May 13, 2012, 07:05 pm
I am unsure whether or not Limetless is LEO or not because he has sent me a picture of his genitals.  I can name 5 different laws he's broken just by partaking in this act.  Although I will say I'm impressed, I have my doubts that he is LEO, and if he is, I can easily make this motherf* lose his job.

Absolute ROFL. :P You know you liked it Holly. ;)
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: justsomeguy on May 13, 2012, 07:10 pm
I can name 5 different laws he's broken just by partaking in this act.

Please, indulge us.

I can easily make this motherf* lose his job.

No.  No you couldn't.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: jabbathegriffin on May 13, 2012, 07:12 pm
I am unsure whether or not Limetless is LEO or not because he has sent me a picture of his genitals.  I can name 5 different laws he's broken just by partaking in this act.  Although I will say I'm impressed, I have my doubts that he is LEO, and if he is, I can easily make this motherf* lose his job.
Haha, fucking brilliant...Caught by the balls, literally!

For anyone who's thinking Limitless is LE, he sells DOC and 25i and 4-ACO. An LE UK seller would have KETAMINE, WEED, COCAINE AND HEROIN...
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Mister Dank on May 13, 2012, 07:14 pm
FACT: This all started with Limetless when he started attacking me over claiming that there were cops on here posing as buyers and tanking vendors' feedback, and that we had reason to suspect that those with good ratings might be cops. No one has ever offered any reason why some particular vendors seem to dodge LE feedback trolls, instead an ad hominem attack was launched on yours truely

In addition, buyer troll Uniwiz would automatically take the word of the LE trolls and claim I'm shipping wrong, even though I ship BETTER than the top vendors by their own slip up, when you all admitted you crush weed.

The last poster that Uniwiz references made up some bullshit about the packaging smelling, and when I challenged him on it, he backed out and said "maybe it was the natural smell of the envelope". So he wasn't even sure what he was smelling and he made a comment about packaging. That didn't stop Uniwiz from using that as a reason to declare me a shitty packager. The mother fucker doesn't even know how I pack shit supposedly, unless he's one of the cops who HAS ordered from me under a different name.

The only other buyers who have complained about me have been clearly outed as LE: williamgates and Diss0lve

What this means is that anyone with common sense can see that you've gone too far in your attacks, and that can really only mean one thing - that you don't like what I'm saying about cops being vendors on here, and there's only one reason you wouldn't like that.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Prawl42 on May 13, 2012, 07:22 pm
Think he was joking buddy :)
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Limetless on May 13, 2012, 07:22 pm

Interesting thread.

And actually if you check the thread Dank, I just said that it was silly to think that LE was stupid. And yano, baring in mind they convict people and all that and that it's use against them, I don't feel that that is a particularly offensive viewpoint to take. In fact it keeps you one step ahead of being arrested.

Anyway have a gander through that thread I posted everyone, seems like Dank has pissed off someone else but this time has the balls to do it in private.

You still haven't let us all know if you forced your parents to kill themselves or not by the way Dank, I am just going to take that brush-off as either a yes or they got so sick of you they tried to kill you, failed and you either killed them or they are in prison.

Also....why the FUCK are you shilling your product here. Go get some sales...we all know you haven't had any lately.

I really am done here. Cheers for the vote of confidence from everyone else, good vibes. Dank as usual, I wish you were dead.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Mister Dank on May 13, 2012, 07:27 pm

Interesting thread.

I really am done here. Cheers for the vote of confidence from everyone else, good vibes. Dank as usual, I wish you were dead.

Yeah...that's the kind of impartial attitude you should expect from a mod.

and yeah, it is an interesting thread. I don't just sell to anyone nor do I have to. I didn't like how the guy sounded and didn't want to do business with him, and he got booty hurt.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Prawl42 on May 13, 2012, 07:34 pm

Interesting thread.

I really am done here. Cheers for the vote of confidence from everyone else, good vibes. Dank as usual, I wish you were dead.

Yeah...that's the kind of impartial attitude you should expect from a mod.

and yeah, it is an interesting thread. I don't just sell to anyone nor do I have to. I didn't like how the guy sounded and didn't want to do business with him, and he got booty hurt.

lol dank has some "private elite club"
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Limetless on May 13, 2012, 07:37 pm

Interesting thread.

I really am done here. Cheers for the vote of confidence from everyone else, good vibes. Dank as usual, I wish you were dead.

Yeah...that's the kind of impartial attitude you should expect from a mod.

and yeah, it is an interesting thread. I don't just sell to anyone nor do I have to. I didn't like how the guy sounded and didn't want to do business with him, and he got booty hurt.

lol dank has some "private elite club"

Yeah it's called The Danker Wankers  8), very exclusive and tight nit group. Anybody who is anybody is in it....LOL
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Prawl42 on May 13, 2012, 07:41 pm
The term circle jerk comes to mind ;)
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Limetless on May 13, 2012, 07:43 pm
The term circle jerk comes to mind ;)

I've heard it's more like a human centipede...
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Kappacino on May 13, 2012, 07:48 pm

Interesting thread.

I really am done here. Cheers for the vote of confidence from everyone else, good vibes. Dank as usual, I wish you were dead.

Yeah...that's the kind of impartial attitude you should expect from a mod.

and yeah, it is an interesting thread. I don't just sell to anyone nor do I have to. I didn't like how the guy sounded and didn't want to do business with him, and he got booty hurt.

So what about how I PMed you very reasonably when you first started making the LE accusations and I was genuinely interested, and asked to see your evidence.. and you replied "you obviously don't know pigs".

You've yet to produce any evidence for any of your claims and you resorted to flat out nonsense when you were posting under the guise of those many troll accounts. Because ultimately that's all you can do, resort to bullshit, because you're busy jerking off at your own assumed brilliance. Instead of conducting yourself like a real person you're trolling away laughing at your own horseshit thinking that you're better than others because you're too socially inept to actually conduct yourself in a realistic way. Therefore TROLL FOR DE LULZ I AM SO FUNNY DEEZ GUYS R DUMB CUZ I AM FUNNY.. I'LL CALL EVRY1 PIGZ AND DPR CUZ HAHAHA FUNNY

That's all you are.

Fuck knows how you actually have the real life connects that you do. Let me guess, he gives you an 8th every time you lick it off the kitchen floor?

Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: jabbathegriffin on May 13, 2012, 08:01 pm
Mister Dank, with all non-due respect, look at my post on the top of page 2.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Bud on May 13, 2012, 08:17 pm
I've seen mr danks cock and balls. they are small and sparsely hairy. He is also uncurcumcised.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: uniwiz on May 13, 2012, 09:44 pm
FACT: This all started with Limetless when he started attacking me over claiming that there were cops on here posing as buyers and tanking vendors' feedback, and that we had reason to suspect that those with good ratings might be cops. No one has ever offered any reason why some particular vendors seem to dodge LE feedback trolls, instead an ad hominem attack was launched on yours truely

In addition, buyer troll Uniwiz would automatically take the word of the LE trolls and claim I'm shipping wrong, even though I ship BETTER than the top vendors by their own slip up, when you all admitted you crush weed.

The last poster that Uniwiz references made up some bullshit about the packaging smelling, and when I challenged him on it, he backed out and said "maybe it was the natural smell of the envelope". So he wasn't even sure what he was smelling and he made a comment about packaging. That didn't stop Uniwiz from using that as a reason to declare me a shitty packager. The mother fucker doesn't even know how I pack shit supposedly, unless he's one of the cops who HAS ordered from me under a different name.

The only other buyers who have complained about me have been clearly outed as LE: williamgates and Diss0lve

What this means is that anyone with common sense can see that you've gone too far in your attacks, and that can really only mean one thing - that you don't like what I'm saying about cops being vendors on here, and there's only one reason you wouldn't like that.

If I bought from you under another account, I still would be bitching, and moaning like the rest of the buyers whose reviews magically disappeared.
Your intimidation means nothing to me. Although threating to expose addresses was a bit much ::)
The things people forget, :o
and I wouldn't want people to forget it. :P

Calling everybody LE just makes want to put my tin foil hat on, and enjoy a good joint.
Now figure out which LE SR account was it? LMFAO
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: GreenGiant on May 13, 2012, 09:58 pm
 ::) Kids these days ???
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Gary Oak on May 13, 2012, 10:58 pm
-pointless bullshit-

How about you suck a fart out of my ass, you cock-juggling thundercunt?
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Caparino on May 13, 2012, 11:11 pm
-pointless bullshit-

How about you suck a fart out of my ass, you cock-juggling thundercunt?

Make sure you load up on eggs and red meat first so it can be a little wet. I heard Mister Dank likes it like that.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Limetless on May 13, 2012, 11:19 pm
-pointless bullshit-

How about you suck a fart out of my ass, you cock-juggling thundercunt?

Make sure you load up on eggs and red meat first so it can be a little wet. I heard Mister Dank likes it like that.

ROFL. You know if you put your fingers up your arse and farted then you could follow through in his mouth....something to think about.

Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Mister Dank on May 14, 2012, 02:58 am

If I bought from you under another account, I still would be bitching, and moaning like the rest of the buyers whose reviews magically disappeared.

Calling everybody LE just makes want to put my tin foil hat on, and enjoy a good joint.
Now figure out which LE SR account was it? LMFAO

LOL...You accuse me of somehow magically hacking the SR server, something even the US government hasn't been able to do, and change my feedback?!?!

..and you say I have a tin foil hat!! LMAO
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Limetless on May 14, 2012, 03:01 am
No he was implying you send bitch-assed reports to the Mods whining about wanting anyone who criticizes you removed. I've seen them, they are quite funny.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Mister Dank on May 14, 2012, 03:08 am
No he was implying you send bitch-assed reports to the Mods whining about wanting anyone who criticizes you removed. I've seen them, they are quite funny.

You don't think its funny at all, cop. That's why you're all on the attack. The only one laughing is me, because you idiots don't even realize how much you expose yourself. I'm taking your customers.

Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Limetless on May 14, 2012, 03:12 am
No he was implying you send bitch-assed reports to the Mods whining about wanting anyone who criticizes you removed. I've seen them, they are quite funny.

You don't think its funny at all, cop. That's why you're all on the attack. The only one laughing is me, because you idiots don't even realize how much you expose yourself. I'm taking your customers.

You aren't at all, believe me my customer base is growing nicely tah. :)

Yeah yeah, the great Dank is exposing himself to be the master-of-disaster yet again because all you ever say is Pig this, Pig that, Pig hit me with a baseball bat. Never any evidence to back it up, never any rational argument. Just trolling, ego wanking, more trolling and bitching. Boring Dank, boring.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Mister Dank on May 14, 2012, 03:15 am
No he was implying you send bitch-assed reports to the Mods whining about wanting anyone who criticizes you removed. I've seen them, they are quite funny.

You don't think its funny at all, cop. That's why you're all on the attack. The only one laughing is me, because you idiots don't even realize how much you expose yourself. I'm taking your customers.

You aren't at all, believe me my customer base is growing nicely tah. :)

Yeah yeah, the great Dank is exposing himself to be the master-of-disaster yet again because all you ever say is Pig this, Pig that, Pig hit me with a baseball bat. Never any evidence to back it up, never any rational argument. Just trolling, ego wanking, more trolling and bitching. Boring Dank, boring.

LOL...Oh please! That's a good one! I'm sure you're selling tons of armored vehicles!! Gimme a fuckin break. You sell pills out of the evidence room to tweakers. You're a low life.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Limetless on May 14, 2012, 03:16 am
LOL...I don't even sell pills. What a fucking dumbass. LMAO.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: funkynuts321 on May 14, 2012, 03:20 am
Fuck Limitless!!!!

No I'm kidding. For what it's worth I've always enjoyed reading your posts sir as they are usually always entertaining, knowledgeable, well thought out, concise and are usually bullshit fucking free which I can respect. Considering the shitty attitude that was floating around here for the past 2 weeks with the whole Tony thing it was nice to see you as somewhat of a voice or reason in the whole thing.

IMO Limitless has earned way to becoming a MOD and brings alot of value and credibility to the board.

Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: stolea2269 on May 14, 2012, 03:29 am
Limitless - Are you an undercover cop?

(Come on guys, don't you know it's a law that he has to tell the truth if we ask him that?)
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Limetless on May 14, 2012, 03:39 am
Limitless - Are you an undercover cop?

(Come on guys, don't you know it's a law that he has to tell the truth if we ask him that?)

LOL. Nah mate, certainly not. Please feel free to ask my clients how good my shit is. :)
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Gary Oak on May 14, 2012, 03:45 am
Whoa there guys, he said he isn' he must be trying to cover up the fact that he is!!! :o
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Limetless on May 14, 2012, 03:53 am
Whoa there guys, he said he isn' he must be trying to cover up the fact that he is!!! :o

Lol, fuck me don't get Dank started again. He will have a wet dream after seeing that.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Caparino on May 14, 2012, 05:26 am
Whoa there guys, he said he isn' he must be trying to cover up the fact that he is!!! :o

Lol, fuck me don't get Dank started again. He will have a wet dream after seeing that.

Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Limetless on May 14, 2012, 05:30 am
Whoa there guys, he said he isn' he must be trying to cover up the fact that he is!!! :o

Lol, fuck me don't get Dank started again. He will have a wet dream after seeing that.


Massive ROFL.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Caparino on May 14, 2012, 05:35 am
Glad I could make you laugh mate :D
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Limetless on May 14, 2012, 05:42 am
Lol I'm surprised you can, it's 6.40am and I haven't been to sleep.

got 53.9BTC to spend...not sure what on or who with. Feel like it may be time to branch out and I fancy a bit of K.

Any recommendations anyone? Prefer inter-EU and ideally will have quick shipping record and a prostyboot thrown in.

Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: stolea2269 on May 14, 2012, 05:43 am
Limitless hacked my account and transferred all my BTC into his wallet.

Limitless and the other mods are organizing some huge scam.



I'm glad that we have a new mod that's so active in the forum. And funny. And has an armored land rover up for sale. (Still :o on that one). Anyone want to go in on a group buy for that? We could trade off every few days...

Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Caparino on May 14, 2012, 05:49 am
Lol I'm surprised you can, it's 6.40am and I haven't been to sleep.

got 53.9BTC to spend...not sure what on or who with. Feel like it may be time to branch out and I fancy a bit of K.

Any recommendations anyone? Prefer inter-EU and ideally will have quick shipping record and a prostyboot thrown in.


Viagra! Best damn drug in the universe ;)
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Limetless on May 14, 2012, 05:56 am
Lol I'm surprised you can, it's 6.40am and I haven't been to sleep.

got 53.9BTC to spend...not sure what on or who with. Feel like it may be time to branch out and I fancy a bit of K.

Any recommendations anyone? Prefer inter-EU and ideally will have quick shipping record and a prostyboot thrown in.


Viagra! Best damn drug in the universe ;)

I normally take them out when I'm on it. Once I took one thinking it was an E and I was walking around with a hard-on all night. Was funny.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Stormtrooper420 on May 14, 2012, 06:01 am
Limetless is the shit! Been helping me out a great amount :) Props! :)

Best Regards,
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Limetless on May 14, 2012, 08:24 am
Lol it's a combination of chronic insomnia (that shit's a bitch), the fact I work online with my other businesses so I'm on here anyway, the fact I use the forum as an office for ML consultation, the fact I am quite opinionated so basically feel the need to comment on everything, the fact I like abusing trolls and finally the fact I start phrases with the words "The fact" a lot.

All the above factors alone would not be enough and some may even find a hindrance. However, combined these factors add up to some balls-to-the-wall-amazing shit.

Set your troll hunting AKs to full auto bitches....we're going hunting tonight....
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: forum2quila on May 14, 2012, 11:57 am
dank in case you haven't realized no one gives a shit about what you have to say

Say, prawm,prawn,spawnthing  sorry man. Some people do.
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Cpt. Meow on May 14, 2012, 03:25 pm
Could it be… Limetless and Mr. Dank are in fact one and the same person, with their little side-kick forum2quila, in a successful attempt to keep the SR Community entertained? ;)
Title: Re: Limitless
Post by: Limetless on May 14, 2012, 03:45 pm
Could it be… Limetless and Mr. Dank are in fact one and the same person, with their little side-kick forum2quila, in a successful attempt to keep the SR Community entertained? ;)

No...he's not got the panache to be me. And I'm not a big enough TWUNT to pretend to be him. Like Magnets repelling each other.