Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: gixerman on April 25, 2012, 06:57 pm

Post by: gixerman on April 25, 2012, 06:57 pm
HI ALL,i can not beleive that some folk are asking $6.50 per btc cos you cashing ukash voucher what is the problem your only changeing money this is not illeagal and i am so pxxxxx of trying to fund my acount for the right price iam going to set up my own exchange in uk and give some good rates as i hate rippoffs with a vengence so sr users watch this space exchange service coming soon  as i can and hope to be  able to help  a lot of heads in uk .
Title: Re: BTC PRICE
Post by: Thunderweed on April 25, 2012, 07:54 pm
thats why u use get-bitcoin or bitinstant
Title: Re: BTC PRICE
Post by: deadfuture on April 25, 2012, 07:58 pm
This place isn't for the thin pocketed.  Also, what Thunderbird said.
Title: Re: BTC PRICE
Post by: Limetless on April 25, 2012, 08:18 pm
Can't we keep the price at what it is please? I'm making bank.

Soz that was a bit of a cuntish remark lol! :P
Title: Re: BTC PRICE
Post by: vlad1m1r on April 25, 2012, 08:33 pm
HI ALL,i can not beleive that some folk are asking $6.50 per btc cos you cashing ukash voucher what is the problem your only changeing money this is not illeagal and i am so pxxxxx of trying to fund my acount for the right price iam going to set up my own exchange in uk and give some good rates as i hate rippoffs with a vengence so sr users watch this space exchange service coming soon  as i can and hope to be  able to help  a lot of heads in uk .

I have a seller account operating a BTC exchange service for people in the UK.

Firstly UKash charge a 4% loading fee for people who want to use the codes to fund a card or similar.

Secondly, SR vendor fees are a minimum of 10% on the first $50.

The rates I charge are also in line with the level of time, trouble and risk it takes to operate an exchange service.

If you think you can do a better rate, please be my guest!

Title: Re: BTC PRICE
Post by: gixerman on April 25, 2012, 10:37 pm
hi all, well thats one way to get a responce lots of good stuff, thanks allot, the odd one seem to take offence or juge a book by a cover he aint even seen.but anyway thanks for the info and sites great help pointed in right direction.