Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: traverty on April 07, 2012, 11:43 pm

Title: How to prevent someone from accessing and using SR?
Post by: traverty on April 07, 2012, 11:43 pm
just what the title says. he's a fool and just found out about sr. due to a combo of stupidity and laziness he has yet to make any purchases but he's determined and im sure he eventually will try. If he manages to successfully use sr it will be bad for both the online community and his own. I have access to his computer. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: How to prevent someone from accessing and using SR?
Post by: MagicMan on April 07, 2012, 11:50 pm
Replace the SR URL with a fake URL that brings him to a site identical to SR much in the way phishers do. If he's as stupid as you make him seem he wont notice it and wont be able to buy anything.
Title: Re: How to prevent someone from accessing and using SR?
Post by: UKGrower on April 08, 2012, 12:19 am
just what the title says. he's a fool and just found out about sr. due to a combo of stupidity and laziness he has yet to make any purchases but he's determined and im sure he eventually will try. If he manages to successfully use sr it will be bad for both the online community and his own. I have access to his computer. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

What business is it of yours?  Why do you feel you have the right to police the activities of someone else?  Also, how much harm can one "fool" do to the "online community"?  There are plenty of fools here already, and they are (mostly) harmless.

Leave the guy alone, whoever he is.
Title: Re: How to prevent someone from accessing and using SR?
Post by: mcgrizzle on April 08, 2012, 12:22 am
just what the title says. he's a fool and just found out about sr. due to a combo of stupidity and laziness he has yet to make any purchases but he's determined and im sure he eventually will try. If he manages to successfully use sr it will be bad for both the online community and his own. I have access to his computer. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

What business is it of yours?  Why do you feel you have the right to police the activities of someone else?  Also, how much harm can one "fool" do to the "online community"?  There are plenty of fools here already, and they are (mostly) harmless.

Leave the guy alone, whoever he is.
Title: Re: How to prevent someone from accessing and using SR?
Post by: mdmamail on April 08, 2012, 01:04 am
Block the default Tor port in windows firewall. Problem is windows is designed for fools so he will probably figure out how to allow it through. Why don't you just order stuff for said fool
Title: Re: How to prevent someone from accessing and using SR?
Post by: simplyanon on April 08, 2012, 01:58 am
Thermite and magnets.

What? Seems to be everyones solution to everything around here...
Title: Re: How to prevent someone from accessing and using SR?
Post by: traverty on April 08, 2012, 02:02 am
he searches for the wikipedia page to get the link. he doesnt bookmark or truecrypt it so switching the urls outta the question. he has a mac. Can i still block the default Tor port in his firewall? If so, how?
Title: Re: How to prevent someone from accessing and using SR?
Post by: UKGrower on April 08, 2012, 02:04 am
Thermite and magnets.

What? Seems to be everyones solution to everything around here...


To the OP, seriously, why do you care what this guy does?
Title: Re: How to prevent someone from accessing and using SR?
Post by: dr34dl0ck on April 08, 2012, 10:12 am
just what the title says. he's a fool and just found out about sr. due to a combo of stupidity and laziness he has yet to make any purchases but he's determined and im sure he eventually will try. If he manages to successfully use sr it will be bad for both the online community and his own. I have access to his computer. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

What business is it of yours?  Why do you feel you have the right to police the activities of someone else?  Also, how much harm can one "fool" do to the "online community"?  There are plenty of fools here already, and they are (mostly) harmless.

Leave the guy alone, whoever he is.

On the contrary I believe we are as weak as our weakest person, especially posting 'dangerous nonsense' in the forums.. Its dangerous to have a 'fool' know who you are on this sight also. Something to take into consideration here.
Title: Re: How to prevent someone from accessing and using SR?
Post by: traverty on April 08, 2012, 01:37 pm
exactly, we just got rid of moonbear. we dont need another troll
Title: Re: How to prevent someone from accessing and using SR?
Post by: vlad1m1r on April 08, 2012, 02:03 pm
just what the title says. he's a fool and just found out about sr. due to a combo of stupidity and laziness he has yet to make any purchases but he's determined and im sure he eventually will try. If he manages to successfully use sr it will be bad for both the online community and his own. I have access to his computer. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

It's none of your business so stay out of it - no matter what you do to his machine short of taking an axe to it, if he's determined to get on the Silk Road he'll find a way. In any case who set you up as the moral guardian of the Silk Road? I'd been indulging in racketeering and money laundering  for six years before I'd even heard of it! Stop behaving like a spoilt child who won't share his toys -what's the worst he could do after all? It's not like LE don't know where to find the site if they want to see it!

Title: Re: How to prevent someone from accessing and using SR?
Post by: benomatu3 on April 10, 2012, 12:29 am
As long as he doesn't get the feds involved by being dumb, a little stupidity is okay.
On another note,

I'd been indulging in racketeering and money laundering  for six years before I'd even heard of it!
Similar for me, I looked for drugs on the internet for a few months before found this, and I mean searching twice a week for about an hour.
I didn't just bing "drugs" and said "Wow, that was easy" to myself...