Quote from: Rassu322 on August 02, 2012, 05:30 pmFuck, I have no idea whats going on with these guys right nowSo basically on their status page it says this"A recent investigation by our UK bank (Metro bank) into our bank account halted our ability to accept and send payments out. Non GBP payment aspects of Intersango were also indirectly effected due to workload. We are working hard to catch up with these issues and hope to have everything running smoothly within the next 24 to 48 hours. We are deeply sorry for all the inconvenience this has caused.While the issue started on the 15th or the 16th as best we can tell, we were not told about the account limitation until the 20th or 21st. Depending on the type of investigation Metro bank conducted, they may legally have the obligation to have kept secret the investigation and the limitations on our account, we are not sure.On the 30th, we received an email stating:"The Intersango Ltd account with Metro Bank is now fully operational, our initial enquiries having been completed."We take this as a sign that the investigation went favourably and we hope that this will give us more credibility with both Metro bank and our users. Unfortunately, our inability to conduct business during this time has certainly hurt our business.While we have been told that our account is fully operational, we still cannot access all the data we need. We have experienced this same issue 3 times before with Metro bank and it has been deemed a technical error.We contacted Metro bank today regarding the issue at 8AM when they opened and we were told that the issue was passed on to the tech department. Unfortunately, we have yet to hear back. We will attempt to call tomorrow again at 8AM. In the past, the exact same issue has always been fixable.Our UK bank issues have resulted in a plethora of tickets which will be all answered in time. For now, all pending_review payments should have cleared. All issues regarding manual administrator assistance are being taken care of as well. Many of the larger outgoing BTC payments were not processed due to an emptying of the live wallet however we hope to rectify the matter tonight.We are sorry for the inconvenience and hope to catch up with all the tickets and issues which have resulted in the next 24 to 48 hours however we need to wait for Metro bank's resolution of their technical issue for UK related payments.Sincerely,Team Intersango"NowI sent them over 100 today (2nd August) direct bank transfer to their Metro UK account, in GBP Now I got a feeling that hundred and a few notes isn't going to show up, and its just going to be in limbo for fuck knows how longMy question is, has anyone else sent them money and had it show up in their account today, yesterday or last couple days?It's really annoying man, it doesn't say on the order page there are any issues, it was only after sending that I found out... sighThe GBP 450 I sent them last week had shown up, I bought some Bitcoins for around 6% above the spot rate and got them out of there ASAP. I don't trust their bank, especially when the service itself is run by such unreliable people.If you ever do need Bitcoins, I'd be happy to sell them to you, feel free to take your chances with Intersango but I won't be using them for any of my customer's orders in future, it's too much of a gamble.V.