Quote from: RootZero on August 01, 2012, 01:06 pmQuote from: vlad1m1r on July 28, 2012, 10:21 pmYou're right about SR - coins are tumbled when they are withdrawn from an SR account, not when they are deposited. If you are nervous about this then feel free to set up a secondary SR account to have your coins sent to before sending them on to your main account but bear in mind the coins will be tumbled instantly all in one go. So a deposit from an exchange to your SR wallet is instantly traceable on the blockchain?Why aren't LE or the exchanges on to this?I'm a buyer so never withdraw from SR, but my paranoia levels are getting to me after recent events.It's not a simple Yes/No question.Any fool who can view the block chain e.g by visiting blockchain.info could see that the coins had been sent from one address to another. There's no immediate way to tell that the address you withdrew to from the block chain is an SR wallet in particular but if a wallet address can be linked to your identity (as it can be if you wire money to an exchange using your bank account for instance), then every subsequent transfer can be traced. The best way to illustrate this as I mentioned in my post above is to put your own wallet address into the search bar on blockchain.info and you will see the address of every wallet that ever sent coins to it. This is not a problem if you obtained your coins in an anonymous way e.g through using cash, selling goods/services and so on but if you placed an order for a certain amount and this could be correlated by someone with access to the SR site then in theory this could be traced back to you.In practice there are a number of obstacles to this being accomplished, not in the least how LE are going to know you've placed an order for a particular product - it's also not very practical to search the home of everyone who buys Bitcoins nevertheless I contend you can do without that kind of attention!In addition, if you were caught signing for a package that contained contraband and then tried to claim you had no idea there was anything illegal inside, it wouldn't exactly help your case if it could be proven you'd bought some of the top currency for trafficking in illicit goods. Of course I tell myself my customers want their BTC for buying T-Shirts and posters but it's stretching credibility to expect twelve of your hard headed fellow countrymen on the jury to believe that.You can reduce the risk of the kind of correlative analysis I've mentioned taking place by using a mixer like Bitcoinfog. You can eliminate the risk of being traced in this way altogether by using a cash in the mail service like mine. V.