Dear all,As if my boyish charm and lightspeed turnaround times* weren't good enough reasons for Brits/Europeans to use my cash to Bitcoin service I am pleased to announce that thanks to an e-book I obtained from the excellent CaptainPicard my partner and I have succesfully been able to build a small Wind Turbine from parts taken from a dryer, pieces of a former shopping trolley and a broken camera tripod(!)Her father also very kindly loaned his lathe to make the blades and installed it on the roof - we tested it over the weekend and it's output (kWh) is greater than that of my laptop and router combined - if anyone does own their own home and want to save money by doing the same I'd be more than happy to send you the plans I used.Keep it green.V. (the jolly green Bitcoin Vendor)*There's no praise like self praise...