Quote from: BenCousins on June 25, 2012, 04:29 amQuote from: vlad1m1r on June 23, 2012, 08:13 amQuote from: AbraCadaver on June 21, 2012, 02:42 pmNot quite.If you use an online wallet, some encoded version of your private key MUST be communicated to the wallet service provider, the service couldn't operate otherwise. This is a security risk IMO, albeit a very small one (a hashed or salted key would require a strongly motivated attacker to devote the resources into cracking it, i.e. you'd need to have lots of money in the wallet and the attacker would have to know which out of 1000's of hashed keys was yours)If you follow Vl4d1m1r's instructions, but instead of importing the private key into an online wallet, import it into a Bitcoin client on your machine instead, you will get all the benefits of Brain Wallets, and none of the drawbacks (as long as you can hide your real IP when using the wallet, of course)A much better suggestion AbraCadaver many thanks - I did think about this but didn't want to overcomplicate the instructions by adding steps to download and install the Bitcoin client. I will do a "further to" on how to do this if anyone's interested.All the best,V.Is hiding my IP as simple as checking that box in the options of my Bitcoin client that "torifys" it or is there more to it?No, I think that's it!V.