Quote from: D3LL on June 13, 2012, 10:41 pmAbsolutly, I would also be interested in the most secure way of transferring your BC from SR to said account.If this information can be provided, I will defiantly set up shop.Thanks,- D3LLIn the first instance I should point out that security is a bit of a moot point when it comes to offshore accounts. The US has no jurisdiction outside the States itself (with a couple of notable exceptions such as when a US Citizen is murdered on foreign soil) and so if you did choose to use wire transfers to an offshore account there'd be no way to prove it was yours. Of course it would still be possible to prove the money passed through your own bank account!The most secure method of all as I said would be to take a briefcase full of cash to the place hosting your offshore account and deposit it that way. If you don't like the idea of shelling out loads for air fares I'd suggest cashing out your BTC for cash in the mail (I offer this service as well as a good many BTC vendors) and use it to buy a Banker's Draft at any high street bank which you could then mail to your bank.Ideally we'd have a Bitcoin exchange actually located in an offshore location like Belize or the Caymans to allow for easy withdrawal into a local account but I'm afraid setting that up is beyond me!V.