Quote from: Duckman on May 30, 2012, 12:27 pmQuote from: vlad1m1r on May 29, 2012, 05:32 pmFortunately I anticipated a problem like this might arise and used my own stock of Bitcoins to process any pending orders.That is why Intersango is what I refer to as a bedroom operation or a fair weather company.If things go wrong, Vlad1m1r has a plan for when things go wrong, and things do go wrong.However Intersango have no contingency plans. When things go wrong their only answer is to tell everyone effected that they must wait until its fixed, they also have no real idea of when that might be.Did anyone get a reduction in transaction fees from Intersango after they failed to deliver? Of course you didn't. They are a fair weather company. When things run smoothly everything is fine, but when things go wrong they have no plans in place and they do not take any financial responsibility when they fail their customers.+1 to Duckman for his kind words. To clarify, I will guarantee any orders placed by my service, if a BTC exchange goes tits up your order will be honoured.I've only been using Intersango for around six months and don't remember a problem like this occurring before. Would those of us with longer memories care to clarify?Thanks,V.