Thanks for this philter, an excellent point.Brain wallets could be said to be more secure in that you don't need any wallet software or online wallets to receive funds (although of course you will need to redeem your private key using a provider like in order to send BTC). As such they're an excellent place to put your savings as you only need to carry a few words around inside your head!However, whether it's a brain wallet, paper wallet or e-wallet, you still have to send BTC from the address at which they're received. The principle is exactly the same as for PGP - if someone sends me a message encrypted using my public key, I must first decrypt it using my private key before I can then encrypt it using your Public Key and send it on to you.As such it's going to offer you no greater protection from block chain analysis - of course there's no reason you can't pull the Bitcoins out of your head then send them directly to a mixer like Bitcoinfog, just as with any other type of wallet.V.Quote from: philter3 on May 20, 2012, 03:57 amBrain wallets are best if they primarily receive coins but send infrequently if at all. Anytime a wallet sends BTC out it reveals an address. Brain wallets should be your longterm super secret squirrel stash.