Quote from: aciddeath on May 06, 2012, 07:25 amanyone care to comment on the idea of 'mens rea' as it applies to signing for a package?silkroad really needs some good USA based lawyers!Certainly evidence of mensus rheus or "guilty mind" would not be required in the UK - as cited in the judgment above it is sufficient to show that someone has taken possession of a package and has control over it in order to be held accountable for ownership of its contents. Of course this does imply that you accept the goods into your home or collect them from a depot - your state of mind is irrelevant though under English law, it is the possession in itself which is an offence.This doesn't mean to say by any means that it's all doom and gloom as if you use an address besides your own and refuse to sign for packages you are going to hugely reduce your risk of being charged.I'd be interested to hear from any law scholars in the USA to know how legislation applies over there for you.V.