Quote from: StonedCrusader on April 14, 2012, 05:44 pmOkay so based off this law.... Cops are allowed to sell drugs, for instance, here on SR, even drugs they got from the evidence locker of a trial that is already done with.... and they can sell the drugs as undercovers and collect our data.So now we know for a fact that cops undercover are legally allowed to sell us drugs here..In theory yes. In practice there'd be a number of legal obstacles to overcome - a good lawyer would argue this is textbook entrapment, even if the officer himself/herself couldn't be held liable for dealing in drugs. In addition they would obviously have to spend $150 and create a new seller account each time as the scam would only work for as long they held off on making arrests - it would be beyond the resources of any State Police and would have to be run at a Federal Level -the only people they would catch would be a handful of users who bought drugs in personal quantities - vendors would still be safe.Put yourself in the position of the FBI - would it really be worth your while when you could net ten times the amount of actual drug dealers through conventional reverse stings for far less trouble?Having said that I think it's good and right we are talking about this and don't think we're automatically safe in our Ivory Tower - LEO can access SR and our forums just as easily as we can!V.