Quote from: uniwiz on April 09, 2012, 07:12 pmQuote from: Fah-Q on April 09, 2012, 06:21 pmI think SR should get rid of karma all together. I get negative negative karma just for stating I did not not like a particular brand of xanax. I wasn't disrespectful to anyone or did not insinuate or insult any vendor. It was just stating my opinion. On the other end, I see vendors that get a large numbers of positive karma just because people that liked the product/service that the vendor gives. That should only be left in the vendor feedback page. I think there is to much misuse/abuse of the Karma feature."I think there is to much misuse/abuse of the Karma feature."Really? Where?I don't think most understand it, or it's implications.I like handing out lots of positive karma to helpful people.Negative karma, to those who abuse the rules, people, or can't read.Not to hard to figure to neg rep you;) Cause it's always -1 for -1.So they sort of figured out that feature, even if it's not turned on.A better one, would be how much positive vs negative karma you handed out. Would tell a lot about a person.If you are a good person, the karma will average out.Now if groups forms, which I see that feature is enabled, you could attack some one with lots of negative karma.What's the point?There are no penalties. Some people want to say thank you.Others want you to know they disapprove.I get it.I saw a few days ago I was given negative karma though I can't imagine for the life of me why! The other upsetting feature about it is that I like to help people new to SR, particularly those who're unfamiliar with ways to conceal their browsing feature but of course they can't award karma until they become full members and have long since forgotten all the little people who helped them get to the top! Still life goes on. :-)V.