Although the enthusiastic attitude warms my spirit, I'm not sure physical printouts and flyers are the best idea. Although we want to rebuild the community that they tried to destroy, it's important to remember that our agenda is not going to be fully-understood by the vast majority of the public - those with a more sheltered outlook, propagated by the various government-influenced media outlets. By all means, those in the 'real world' who you know to be open minded, and who might wish to become a part of and contribute to this intellectual, free-thinking community - the members of which are empowered to acquire restricted substances should they so wish - should be told. But probably not by physical marketing collateral, and instead by careful word of mouth. Of course, when the time comes to spread this message, one of the strongest themes will be that you should do as you see fit, after all, I have as much right to control your actions as your government does (ie none). But use caution my friends. V