Silk Road Discussion / Re: Distribution Team
« on: October 09, 2013, 07:59:20 pm »Although I'm subscribed to this thread about spreading the word about the new SR, I just want to point out that one of the problems affecting SR right before the undoing is that kids were finding out about it and how to use it, getting drugs shipped to their parents' house, and then there's a police investigation follow-up. I don't know how to implement user discretion in such a way to ensure this doesn't continue to happen, and maybe it will, but perhaps a period of open registration for rebuilding purposes and then an invite-only sort of system? It goes wholly against freedom of choice, but realistically, children are not mature enough to handle the nuances of unlimited access. It's a grey area and very OT, but it was on my mind, I figured this would be a good place to express my concerns regarding new users.
Perhaps we should all just use really big words to throw them off
Also, just to let folk know that in case you don't want to keep checking back to see if you've missed anything important, when the "big" announcement arrives, I will also update the title of this thread - this will allow you to know when to check in and take action. I'm going to also put this into the original post to ensure new contributors here know what to look for.