Silk Road forums
Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: disturbedandmore on August 06, 2012, 02:53 am
I need a good strain to buy from a trusted seller that can give me a nice high without the couch-lock. Please comment if you have experience
I've had to look this up a dozen times and I STILL had to look it up again, the difference between indica and sativa. You are looking for sativa-dominant hybrids or pure sativa. If you're ever unsure as to a strain's genetics, check it on ... Since vendor's wares can change so often, I can't really recommend any vendors specifically for their sativa buds. But I've spent over $2500 on weed (it's all I buy) over 15-20 vendors, so here are some favorites in no particular order: Delta11, NorCalKing, TrustusJones, PuffBuddy, LexiSadie, SolidRain, ChronicCrew, and if you're ever looking for high quality wax/budder, SexyWax and BudderMan.
I typically go for the sativa-dominants as I like to be active and get shit done when I'm baked. Indicas have their place but it's usually not what I need. Also, just because get weed with the right genetics, there's a dozen other reasons why it could be a subpar product. The grower has a much more important role in creating AAA-grade cannabis than the genetics of a strain. I've tried 7 different Blue Dreams and they all were of varying quality. Good luck!
Oh, and also, people are going to say this doesn't belong in the Rumor Mill, but I really don't see where else this belongs. Might get moved by a mod if they care enough, lol.