Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: LGBTuser on July 08, 2012, 11:07 pm

Title: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: LGBTuser on July 08, 2012, 11:07 pm
Im a Gay user of Silk Road and Id like to feel that this place really is the inclusive enlightened place it appears to be.

This is not my usual user name.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay freindly community?
Post by: TrustusJones on July 08, 2012, 11:10 pm
since when is buying drugs a gay or straight thing? and if your referring to the forums then it still doesn't matter since your sexual preference has nothing to do with shipping, PGP, security or anything else EVER posted here... 

you should have posted this in 'off topic'.  Mod please move this.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: Duckman on July 08, 2012, 11:14 pm
Im really not sure how sexuality factors into using SR.

Have you had sexuality related issues when using Ebay or Amazon?

As far as I know, people of all races, ages, sexes and sexuality's all pay the same price.... Has this not been your experience so far?
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: tootiefruitie on July 08, 2012, 11:21 pm
apart from saying this should be in "off topic", i don't think everyone should be so critical about the question.  obviously it doesn't have an effect on the business transactions on SR, i'm sure OP knows that.  but also, i'm sure it's nice to know that the community you spend so much time interacting with on these forums, wouldn't actually hate your guys in real life because you're gay.  i'm just going to assume that all of the people who said things like "uh, dude, does sexuality really matter?" are just trying to say something besides "gay people make me uncomfortable"
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: l1llykins on July 08, 2012, 11:24 pm
Sorry if you live in a place where being gay is some kind of issue. It isn't here.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: l1llykins on July 08, 2012, 11:26 pm
Hey, what's LGBT?
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: LGBTuser on July 08, 2012, 11:29 pm
Im really not sure how sexuality factors into using SR.

Have you had sexuality related issues when using Ebay or Amazon?

As far as I know, people of all races, ages, sexes and sexuality's all pay the same price.... Has this not been your experience so far?
Yes see your point. Buying drugs off the main site has nothing to do with sexuality, agreed. The reason I ask is I find this community on the forum one of the best I ever been part of on the internet.

I never had much confindence and most of the time I don't really feel part of the community I with at the time. I always find it hard to trust people and don't know if I'm being included or tolerated. My sexuality is part of who I am. I can't seperate it from the social part of life. I don't walk into starbucks and say do you accept gay people. I just wanted to know how my fellow users of this forum feel.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: LGBTuser on July 08, 2012, 11:30 pm
apart from saying this should be in "off topic", i don't think everyone should be so critical about the question.  obviously it doesn't have an effect on the business transactions on SR, i'm sure OP knows that.  but also, i'm sure it's nice to know that the community you spend so much time interacting with on these forums, wouldn't actually hate your guys in real life because you're gay.  i'm just going to assume that all of the people who said things like "uh, dude, does sexuality really matter?" are just trying to say something besides "gay people make me uncomfortable"
thats what I was trying to say
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: LGBTuser on July 08, 2012, 11:31 pm
Hey, what's LGBT?
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: forgot my password on July 08, 2012, 11:35 pm
We don't like faggots 'n niggers 'round here, boy.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: ilovelsd69 on July 08, 2012, 11:35 pm
I don't care about your sexual orientation seriously, i have been in so many rave and had some friends who where bisexual, gay or lesbian .. I don't know the opinion of everyone on here but seriously i have nothing against homosexuals in general. P-L-U-R !!!
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: H4L101 on July 08, 2012, 11:36 pm
Weird fuckin question lol but honestly I dont think it matter's gay or straight your gonna get your drugs :p
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: Duckman on July 08, 2012, 11:37 pm
Im really not sure how sexuality factors into using SR.

Have you had sexuality related issues when using Ebay or Amazon?

As far as I know, people of all races, ages, sexes and sexuality's all pay the same price.... Has this not been your experience so far?
Yes see your point. Buying drugs off the main site has nothing to do with sexuality, agreed. The reason I ask is I find this community on the forum one of the best I ever been part of on the internet.

I never had much confindence and most of the time I don't really feel part of the community I with at the time. I always find it hard to trust people and don't know if I'm being included or tolerated. My sexuality is part of who I am. I can't seperate it from the social part of life. I don't walk into starbucks and say do you accept gay people. I just wanted to know how my fellow users of this forum feel.

To be honest, this being an internet forum, it would be difficult to have a conversation where being gay was an issue without the conversation itself being inappropriate.

Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: ZenAndTheArt on July 08, 2012, 11:41 pm
I for one don't care. No, really I don't care, I'm just trying to get to 100 posts!  ;)
I don't know what you expecting to find out some people here won't care and some people will hate, that's life I'm afraid.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: slybootz on July 08, 2012, 11:50 pm
honestly I dont think it matter's gay or straight your gonna get your drugs :p

Pretty much this! 

The one thing we all share in common is the enjoyment of substances that are either illegal or hard to come by in real life, as well as the ease and commodity of having them delivered to your doorstep.  LGBTQIA or not, we are all a friendly community either way!
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: MasterS on July 09, 2012, 12:03 am
Damn LGBT, that always makes me, a pansexual, feel left out   8)
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: anonaddict on July 09, 2012, 12:10 am
Are your bitcoins gay ??? if not we welcome them into our community :D
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: slybootz on July 09, 2012, 12:16 am
Damn LGBT, that always makes me, a pansexual, feel left out   8)
I amend my previous statement to say that LGBTQPIA  :P
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: Knomo on July 09, 2012, 12:19 am
The forum seems to attract a shitload of fags tho.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: ilovelsd69 on July 09, 2012, 12:20 am
In fact we hate more trolls than homosexual people  :P
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: Vinnyg007 on July 09, 2012, 12:28 am
Whatever you do with your ass or mouth is none of my concern. It really is nobody's business but your own, unless you go around trying to rape dudes in the ass or something, which I doubt you do considering you seem humble and sincere. Sometimes I wish I was gay because gay dudes always have cool hair.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: MasterS on July 09, 2012, 12:36 am
Damn LGBT, that always makes me, a pansexual, feel left out   8)
I amend my previous statement to say that LGBTQPIA  :P

rofl! <3
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: thereisnospoon on July 09, 2012, 01:23 am
It's easy to forget that this is a community of DRUGGIES! I can't imagine a meth head sayin somethin like "fuckin faggots"

This place is a lot less judgemental than IRL.

I personally love all faggots. Gay AND straight!

I'm straight. Really I am!

Sexuality is a tough issue for many... I think have about four or five gay close friends. They are all fuckin awesome. We can move on guys.

What does a gay horse eat?? "Hayyyyy!!"
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: 10thplanetjj on July 09, 2012, 02:46 am
We dont take to kindley to your kind round here. Do people really care if Tom fucks Harry these days? its 2012. Non issue.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: sdesu on July 09, 2012, 02:51 am
I've never had a problem so far. People around here seem to be more tolerant/accepting than most places, especially for an online community. Regardless, we're all here for the same underlying cause, so your sexuality is just as unimportant as your skin or hair color.

Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: MasterS on July 09, 2012, 02:55 am
10thplanetjj you would think right? it is 2012 but remember the world is not run by intelligent aware individuals. Look at politics and the fact that we would all be incarcerated just for what we do on this site. I know someone recently who got beat to shit for being gay, it is far from non issue for anyone who sees bullshit every day. Same with racism and any other issue that is based on ignorance, as long as there is a minority in any sense they will have to fight the majority who doesn't give them a second thought. I still get people who assume that I'm dumb because I sign (American Sign Language) isn't that absurd?

I think this thread was fun just to see people bring out their nonchalant progressiveness. Much love people.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: thereisnospoon on July 09, 2012, 03:07 am
Racism and homophobia are actually not acceptable in my world. i can only express sincere compassion for all those persecuted for simply being who they are.

So for all fucks that don't r3ealize they are simply indoctrinated to believe certain beliefs and have trauma from their upbringing leadeing them to seek to hurt other individuals verbally or shit... physically... fuck you. you are the minority. Not welcome, not accepted in most social circles... at least in my world. But my worlds a bit abnormal.

But again. this site, this place is much more accepting than much of IRL. I love how we display ethics and morals never expected on an underground market. It's like I'm waiiting for the articles to start praising this community for the role modeling examples!
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: kryptoz on July 09, 2012, 03:23 am
Who cares, it doesn't matter. And if someone doesn't like that then STFU ^-^

Everyone's welcome, no one judges like that :)

(well, smart, non-dickhead people)
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: MasterS on July 09, 2012, 03:27 am
All the media or law enforcement get from these forums is we are the scum of the earth ^_^ Perception is a grand thing. Does anyone else feel a incoming global shift? There are so many of us with so much fight that when the wave comes, oppressors beware.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: kryptoz on July 09, 2012, 03:34 am
All the media or law enforcement get from these forums is we are the scum of the earth ^_^ Perception is a grand thing. Does anyone else feel a incoming global shift? There are so many of us with so much fight that when the wave comes, oppressors beware.

Agreed, fixed your karma +1 you're a good guy no reason to have - :)
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: sdesu on July 09, 2012, 03:44 am
All the media or law enforcement get from these forums is we are the scum of the earth ^_^ Perception is a grand thing. Does anyone else feel a incoming global shift? There are so many of us with so much fight that when the wave comes, oppressors beware.

This is because people and the media love sensationalist bullshit. If someone really wrote about what it's like to be on SR, people would just be like, "Oh, that's it? What's the big deal?" People go ape shit over headlines like "Drug dealers take to the internet to sell your child heroin and meth! Blah blah blah BATH SALTS!! ZOMBIES!! CHILD PORN!!DRUGSS!!!"

Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: Enemy of the State on July 09, 2012, 06:34 am
Im a Gay user of Silk Road and Id like to feel that this place really is the inclusive enlightened place it appears to be.

This is not my usual user name.

Please don't be afraid to come out of the closet LGBT. It's okay to have those feelings(making gesture of hand being closed to palm).

Seriously? Asking if this forum is 'gay friendly' is like asking if people here like to use drugs. Although some here may not because they have their LEO unitard for retards pulled up a little to high in the crotch, but they would be the exception and easily identifiable. Just like on any forum don't feed the trolls and haters. They are closed minded and hypocritical.

peace out
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: tootiefruitie on July 09, 2012, 08:17 am
I still get people who assume that I'm dumb because I sign (American Sign Language) isn't that absurd?

i'm honestly not trying to be an ass when i ask this.  do you mean people assume you have a below average IQ or they think you are physically unable to speak?
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: sselevol on July 09, 2012, 10:36 am
If you're a drug user your sexual preference shouldn't come into account here at all. :D
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: flaxceed on July 09, 2012, 11:32 am
I would like to think that most users here are open-minded and tolerant.  Most of my communication with members thus far indicates I'm correct.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: pinkapples88 on July 09, 2012, 12:22 pm
We don't like faggots 'n niggers 'round here, boy.

bastard.I literally clicked on this just so I could say that lmao you beat me to it.Fuckin rednecks crack my shit every time they say that.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: noosemagnet on July 09, 2012, 12:26 pm
i don't see why not?  welcome queer person.

yours sincerely

straight person xoxoxoxoxox
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: AncientX on July 09, 2012, 12:38 pm
I personally support them gayz! lol, i think people have the right, as beings of consciousness to love whoever they want....  ( EXCEPT FUCKING LITTLE KIDS, YOU SICK PEDO FUCKS! )
It's not like, if i bought drugs from somone, and then found out afterwards they were gay or lesbian, or w/e i would go " Ew.....i just fucking smoked faggots weed! I kun feel theyre gayz diseaze spredin all round my body now...I suddenly have the urge to go by turtle necks and bright shoes.."  Lol. I think as a community here on SR, alot of  us are already open minded people. I mean....we take a leap of faith to give anonymous people our hard earned btc....and they turn around and give us their drugs, with minimal issues ever rising

So to all the people of the rainbow society, welcome to silkroad....just dont play any fucking Jennifer lopez shit an we'll be cool...
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: Limetless on July 09, 2012, 12:56 pm
Gawwwwwd SAKE this thread pretty much made me despair of life for 30 seconds.

1. Who gives a flying fuck what you like to have sex with as long as it isn't children or animals or done as a rapist? This point is doesn't even need to be said so I dunno why it's been asked.

2. Like it matters what % of SR is what anyway, even if a high % of any sexuality was present here it wouldn't mean a jot.

3. This is my biggest bugbear on this issue. WHY is what sexuality you are so inherently important in defining individual identity as a whole because I assure you it fuckin well shouldn't.

I'm not entirely sure why some people feel the need to express themselves solely based on the sexuality because it makes you less of a human being. I certainly wouldn't want the first and only thing I told someone or ever wanted to discussed be my sexuality, it just turns you into a stereotype lol. And I'm sorry to say that I think anyone thinking people's sexuality doesn't matter here are wrong, people's sexuality doesn't matter at any time apart from in two main moments that occur in life. The first of these is you want your penis or vajayjay to come into contact with someone in particular's penis or vajayjay, then it matters a lot lol, the other is when you are coming to terms with your own sexuality when you are growing up. That is all. Ever. It pisses me off how sexuality is regarded as such an important factor now when it's not and it fucks people's heads up to make them think it is. Like when you fill in forms and it sometimes asks what sexuality you are or your relationship status there should be a box for "MIND YOU"RE DAMN BUSINESS CUNT" because questions like that are by there very nature, fucking intrusive. Why this needs to be talked about on an anonymous forum which hosted on the hidden service is bloody beyond me. Just go and be happy and comfortable with yourself. That is what is important in life.

Oh and just so we are all clear, any bender, rug munchers, fanny pounders (if you are male, oh and fanny means vagina in this case Americans, not your weird use for it) or cock sitters (if you are women) are welcome to spend there BTC with me because I don't care and don't actually really want to know what you do. I don't even care if you are male and you get your Mrs to give you a pokey-bum-wank. It's not something I would want personally but yano, each to their own. Go crazy if it makes you happy, I'd just advise not to lick her fingers afterwards.

Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: pinkapples88 on July 09, 2012, 01:10 pm
I personally support them gayz! lol, i think people have the right, as beings of consciousness to love whoever they want....  ( EXCEPT FUCKING LITTLE KIDS, YOU SICK PEDO FUCKS! )
It's not like, if i bought drugs from somone, and then found out afterwards they were gay or lesbian, or w/e i would go " Ew.....i just fucking smoked faggots weed! I kun feel theyre gayz diseaze spredin all round my body now...I suddenly have the urge to go by turtle necks and bright shoes.."  Lol. I think as a community here on SR, alot of  us are already open minded people. I mean....we take a leap of faith to give anonymous people our hard earned btc....and they turn around and give us their drugs, with minimal issues ever rising

So to all the people of the rainbow society, welcome to silkroad....just dont play any fucking Jennifer lopez shit an we'll be cool...

I agree.We cant choose what gender we love  :-[.I have been a lesbian trapped in a males body since I was very young.In fact I cant remember exactly how young I was when my obsessions with vagina began.Its not something that I chose and its not something that I can change.I was born a lesbian with a penis thats just how it is and thats how it will always be.I just cant get enough of them honey holes.So good.But I only go down if you keep the grass cut  ;)
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: MasterS on July 09, 2012, 02:14 pm
Low IQ while mine is actually in a very high percentile. Not that it matters because modern IQ tests measure a very narrow band of the intelligences.

I still get people who assume that I'm dumb because I sign (American Sign Language) isn't that absurd?

i'm honestly not trying to be an ass when i ask this.  do you mean people assume you have a below average IQ or they think you are physically unable to speak?
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: UKMJ on July 09, 2012, 02:32 pm
I dont care about anyones predilection for genitalia as long as your money is good.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: spacewasp on July 09, 2012, 02:56 pm
gay friendly?  i guess....   honestly, i don't think this ever comes up in conversation. 

i would assume that aside from the occasional "fag" or "faggot" name-calling that your gayness is not a big deal to anyone.  and probably the people who call each other "fags" are teenagers.

anyone who comes here to hang out with junkies, tweakers, and gangstas, but still has some problem with gays, is a fuckin prick.

i say, welcome to silk road!  be as gay as you want to be.  i could give a fuck less.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: AncientX on July 09, 2012, 03:00 pm
>.O i dun changered my mind! we dun wunt no koon ass queer rainbow suckerz up in our SHITZZZ

HEY, BUBBA REY, Go get me my lynchin rope! we's gonna gets us an ole'fashined Queer-inyata ( im jk btw, ^ you can see my post from earlier.. )

But on a serious note, i honestly dont think this comes up in convo, unless theres some sort of weird way 2 gay people met through here....which....i seem highly highly unlikely....considering noone wants to share any of their private info, and for good reason.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: Gary Oak on July 09, 2012, 07:01 pm
This thread is fucking stupid, go to the Chat more shit thread if you want to have a retarded discussion. :-\
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: thereisnospoon on July 09, 2012, 08:18 pm
This thread is fucking stupid, go to the Chat more shit thread if you want to have a retarded discussion. :-\

Ay essay why ju callin' fags retards ay?

Lim said:

3. This is my biggest bugbear on this issue. WHY is what sexuality you are so inherently important in defining individual identity as a whole because I assure you it fuckin well shouldn't.

You're right Lim... it SHOULDN'T! But for gays I believe it's a MUCH different experience and their sexuality defines plenty of their identity. It shouldn't though, neither should any kind of LIFESTYLE that impedes no others and creates peace love harmony etc....

And the fact that this is certainly became an interesting discussion (to some).... about that it shouldn't be a discussion, does show it's relevancy to the community.

And I call em ninjers. fuckin ninjers :)

btw LOVE ur fuckin whack lingo MATE!
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: Limetless on July 09, 2012, 08:28 pm
But why should it define your character? I have plenty of gay friends and a couple of lesbian mates as well and they don't let their sexuality define them as individuals. In fact, if they did I probably wouldn't associate with them. IMO if your sexuality defines you as an individual then sorry, but it makes you less of an individual because nobody is whole if they constantly focus on their sexuality. In fact I imagine doing that would only be done because they lack security within themselves or something like that. It's fuckin bollocks, get over it and start being interesting. I and nobody else finds your sexuality interesting be you straight, bi, gay, lesbian or whatever the fuck ever. It's not deep or mysterious and certainly not fascinating. You are just like a vast number of other people in the world. End of story lol.

Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: kryptoz on July 09, 2012, 08:41 pm
It's not deep or mysterious and certainly not fascinating.

This ^ No one cares :)
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: thereisnospoon on July 09, 2012, 08:52 pm
Lim I agree with you completely. I just have always kinda noticed out of so many fucked up people out there... that gay people tend to have serious challenges regarding themselves in relation to society and how society views THEM. I think the more well adjusted people... generally have few issues with it. Probably similar or like your friends who don't give a fuck. But recently I've started to realize that there's a persecuting theme amongst much of the hetro discriminating community which does have an effect on many gay people experience.

I always wondered why so many gay people I'd randomly see or meet or talk to... seemed to have serious issues. And it wasn't until recently I made a cool friend of a bi chic (yayah!) and she confirmed to me that much of the fucked up dysfunction in gays is directly related to society's consensual rejection of them. A serious plight if you will. Constant. Until one finds who you are and stop giving a fuck.

Unless, can you shed some alternate insight?

I think it will or IS taking THE paradigm shift in the world that's tipping consensus on acceptance. This place here, IMO is fuckin great for that shift.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: aligibbs on July 09, 2012, 08:59 pm
I'm not entirely sure why some people feel the need to express themselves solely based on the sexuality because it makes you less of a human being. I certainly wouldn't want the first and only thing I told someone or ever wanted to discussed be my sexuality, it just turns you into a stereotype lol. And I'm sorry to say that I think anyone thinking people's sexuality doesn't matter here are wrong, people's sexuality doesn't matter at any time apart from in two main moments that occur in life. The first of these is you want your penis or vajayjay to come into contact with someone in particular's penis or vajayjay, then it matters a lot lol, the other is when you are coming to terms with your own sexuality when you are growing up. That is all. Ever. It pisses me off how sexuality is regarded as such an important factor now when it's not and it fucks people's heads up to make them think it is. Like when you fill in forms and it sometimes asks what sexuality you are or your relationship status there should be a box for "MIND YOU"RE DAMN BUSINESS CUNT" because questions like that are by there very nature, fucking intrusive. Why this needs to be talked about on an anonymous forum which hosted on the hidden service is bloody beyond me. Just go and be happy and comfortable with yourself. That is what is important in life.

While I agree with some of what you say you're failing to acknowledge that it's necessary for people to declare their sexuality. As a heterosexual you're afforded certain rights that are tied concretely to certain forms of kinship - marriage, biological children, etc. Non-heterosexual people aren't always afforded these rights and until they are there's an imperative for them to make their sexuality known.

The real problem isn't that we need to open up these institutions to other kinship relationships (civil partnerships, adoptive parent rights) it's that we need to untie rights and civil liberties from archaic institutions like marriage - institutions that have historically been used as tools of oppression (first people who aren't white can't marry, then two people of different races can't marry, then the gays can't marry)'s stupid!

Sorry, just my two (stoned) cents!
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: kryptoz on July 09, 2012, 10:31 pm
While I agree with some of what you say you're failing to acknowledge that it's necessary for people to declare their sexuality.

On SR, it doesn't matter. Its not like "oh we have a separate section for gays bc you can only do certain drugs" that'd be retarded.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: Limetless on July 09, 2012, 10:38 pm
I'm not entirely sure why some people feel the need to express themselves solely based on the sexuality because it makes you less of a human being. I certainly wouldn't want the first and only thing I told someone or ever wanted to discussed be my sexuality, it just turns you into a stereotype lol. And I'm sorry to say that I think anyone thinking people's sexuality doesn't matter here are wrong, people's sexuality doesn't matter at any time apart from in two main moments that occur in life. The first of these is you want your penis or vajayjay to come into contact with someone in particular's penis or vajayjay, then it matters a lot lol, the other is when you are coming to terms with your own sexuality when you are growing up. That is all. Ever. It pisses me off how sexuality is regarded as such an important factor now when it's not and it fucks people's heads up to make them think it is. Like when you fill in forms and it sometimes asks what sexuality you are or your relationship status there should be a box for "MIND YOU"RE DAMN BUSINESS CUNT" because questions like that are by there very nature, fucking intrusive. Why this needs to be talked about on an anonymous forum which hosted on the hidden service is bloody beyond me. Just go and be happy and comfortable with yourself. That is what is important in life.

While I agree with some of what you say you're failing to acknowledge that it's necessary for people to declare their sexuality. As a heterosexual you're afforded certain rights that are tied concretely to certain forms of kinship - marriage, biological children, etc. Non-heterosexual people aren't always afforded these rights and until they are there's an imperative for them to make their sexuality known.

The real problem isn't that we need to open up these institutions to other kinship relationships (civil partnerships, adoptive parent rights) it's that we need to untie rights and civil liberties from archaic institutions like marriage - institutions that have historically been used as tools of oppression (first people who aren't white can't marry, then two people of different races can't marry, then the gays can't marry)'s stupid!

Sorry, just my two (stoned) cents!

Sorry I don't really agree. I feel that under probably 99% of circumstances it's of no relevance what anyone's sexuality is apart from oneself. The importance that it is given is just a bullshit mind-fuck that society has deemed a good idea which it definitely isn't in my view. Of course others may feel differently but yano, it'd be a boring old world if we all thought the same thing lol. :)
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: Ahoyhoy on July 09, 2012, 10:41 pm
Yeah, SR is all about tolerance......
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: MasterS on July 09, 2012, 10:57 pm
Associating yourself with being any sexuality is just as relevant as any other cultural identity. You cannot say being black, gay, muslim, old, deaf, and/or rich doesn't give you cultural identifies that add to a persons character. These aren't irrelevant they are use to help a person figure out who they are and among people meeting for the first time they help find common ground.

Removing the individual from conversation is just plain boring my man and I'm sure you and everyone you know have cultural identifiers you are proud of and share, that is what makes meeting new people great. If we all removed such things, such a dry world this would be.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: aligibbs on July 10, 2012, 07:44 am
Sorry I don't really agree. I feel that under probably 99% of circumstances it's of no relevance what anyone's sexuality is apart from oneself. The importance that it is given is just a bullshit mind-fuck that society has deemed a good idea which it definitely isn't in my view. Of course others may feel differently but yano, it'd be a boring old world if we all thought the same thing lol. :)

Well, you're probably right that it *should* have no relevance in many cases, but it does (try and give blood in certain places if you aren't straight, or adopt a child, or get married). And because it's relevant in these circumstances it's necessary for people to make it known. Ok, perhaps not in all circumstances - it obviously has no relevance to SR - but for socio, cultural, and political reasons it's important for people to be able to be visible in order for "society" to change (also, I don't think 'society' made it an issue to mind-fuck with people - would you think the same thing if we were talking about race? When people were fighting for equal rights in relation to race would you advocate that those who were pale enough to pass as white and thus gain a privileged place in society continue to do that? Or stand and fight for their rights?)

Society and the laws, policies, and legislation it contains to control our behavior was created by white, middle-class, heterosexual, men who created a society to fit their needs (look at members of parliament, or congress...they're all still nearly male and white!). Surely there's an imperative for people with differences to stand up and say "hey, i'm not like you, you're not better than me, and I don't agree with what you stand for".

Declaring your sexuality is an attempt to gain collective visibility and thus attempt to create cultural and political change...and this is surely a good thing.

Disclaimer: I'm aware this isn't relevant to the SR community, just thought it needed to be said - food for thought! :)
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: hoffa on July 10, 2012, 12:23 pm
OMG so many things to say, lol gay friendly. Hmmmm. Shizzzzelllll!!! ;D
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: flaxceed on July 10, 2012, 01:32 pm
Trailertrash I think that depends on whether you were the driver or the...ummmmm...driver's little bitch.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: hoffa on July 10, 2012, 01:39 pm
Flax gotta +1 you bruv. Trashy tell the truth you were bubba's bitch right? ;D
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: hoffa on July 10, 2012, 01:52 pm
Mate for that pearler you need to join us in chat shit, because that my bi sexual bikie is gold!
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: hoffa on July 10, 2012, 02:12 pm
Nothing that bad, just a bit of man love from Lim should do it  ;)
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: flaxceed on July 13, 2012, 12:49 pm
Flax gotta +1 you bruv. Trashy tell the truth you were bubba's bitch right? ;D

and +1 for that avatar Hoffa!!!!
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: foxymeow on July 13, 2012, 12:53 pm
But gay people have the best drugs!!!
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: joepinko on July 13, 2012, 02:51 pm
I've found that most people under the age of 30 are totally comfortable with the idea of people being gay and associating/hanging out with gay people. I have friends all across the political spectrum and all of them support gay marriage... they include progressives like myself all the way to libertarians. Also have a few gay and lesbian friends and relatives.

30-50 year olds seem mostly cool with it. Its those older where you get into problems. I guess they just are not used to it, since homosexuals had to hide who they were during there day.

I myself have a gay godmother and have parents that raised me correctly to be open minded and not judge. When I have children I will do the same. I think in 20 years we are going to look back at this time and wonder what the hell some people were thinking and it will be difficult to understand the opposition that close minded people have right now.

Obviously lots of very religious people have problems of homosexuals but they have bigger issues then that.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: joepinko on July 13, 2012, 02:51 pm
But gay people have the best drugs!!!

Dude, the LGBT community rages super hard... they know how to party
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: redalloverthelandguyhere on July 13, 2012, 02:56 pm
I made friends who turned out to be gay so I still am friends and can confirm that gay men in particular are insane when it comes to drugs!

So, never turn down an invite as we do dinners and nights out.

No issue really.

What a person does sexually is their affair.

Never judged anyone on that.

How can you?

Gays are no more or less than anyone else. Some good, some bad some really bad or really good.

Moving on....

Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: DigiPimp on July 13, 2012, 04:05 pm
In fact we hate more trolls than homosexual people  :P

I'm beginning to think the OP happens to fall under both of those categories.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: krigger on July 13, 2012, 05:42 pm
But gay people have the best drugs!!!

Dude, the LGBT community rages super hard... they know how to party

Seriously...what's the straight equivalent of a circuit party? And by equivalent, where do straight people of all ages all get together to dance and do drugs? I bet every drug has been represented at the silly circuit parties I've been to.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: Ahoyhoy on July 14, 2012, 12:01 pm
All gay brothers on SR are welcome to enter my intimate circle....
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: foxymeow on July 14, 2012, 06:32 pm
But gay people have the best drugs!!!

Dude, the LGBT community rages super hard... they know how to party

Seriously...what's the straight equivalent of a circuit party? And by equivalent, where do straight people of all ages all get together to dance and do drugs? I bet every drug has been represented at the silly circuit parties I've been to.

Invite me! I don't care if I'm straight, that shit sounds fun! I will be the cutest hag there.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: bwompah on July 15, 2012, 06:48 am
Sorry I don't really agree. I feel that under probably 99% of circumstances it's of no relevance what anyone's sexuality is apart from oneself. The importance that it is given is just a bullshit mind-fuck that society has deemed a good idea which it definitely isn't in my view. Of course others may feel differently but yano, it'd be a boring old world if we all thought the same thing lol. :)

Well, you're probably right that it *should* have no relevance in many cases, but it does (try and give blood in certain places if you aren't straight, or adopt a child, or get married). And because it's relevant in these circumstances it's necessary for people to make it known. Ok, perhaps not in all circumstances - it obviously has no relevance to SR - but for socio, cultural, and political reasons it's important for people to be able to be visible in order for "society" to change (also, I don't think 'society' made it an issue to mind-fuck with people - would you think the same thing if we were talking about race? When people were fighting for equal rights in relation to race would you advocate that those who were pale enough to pass as white and thus gain a privileged place in society continue to do that? Or stand and fight for their rights?)

Society and the laws, policies, and legislation it contains to control our behavior was created by white, middle-class, heterosexual, men who created a society to fit their needs (look at members of parliament, or congress...they're all still nearly male and white!). Surely there's an imperative for people with differences to stand up and say "hey, i'm not like you, you're not better than me, and I don't agree with what you stand for".

Declaring your sexuality is an attempt to gain collective visibility and thus attempt to create cultural and political change...and this is surely a good thing.

Disclaimer: I'm aware this isn't relevant to the SR community, just thought it needed to be said - food for thought! :)

You get all the karma. I'm in no state to coherently explain any of my thoughts right now, so thanks for contributing to this thread a few times and just doing it for me. Fuck the hegemony. That is all.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: sourpatchkid on July 15, 2012, 07:09 am
We are a community. I feel like if we want this place to strive, not only do we need to support the actual market, but we also need to support each other.  I believe that these forums should serve as a healthy and supportive environment (I know it's not always this way--I've seen a fair share of negativity here as well). Sexual orientation shouldn't matter on SR. Everyone, just have your drugs and be happy!  ;D

Everyone is welcome here, in my opinion!
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: sickgirl on July 15, 2012, 09:21 am
+1 sourpatchkid
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: kmfkewm on July 15, 2012, 09:37 am
Pretty much all gay people I have met I have liked. In my experience they tend to be less judgmental of others, more open minded and more liberal (which although is not libertarian, is still far better than conservatism). Many also tend to come across to me as more clear headed and to demonstrate less of the negative stereotypical behaviors associated with males (ie: macho-ism ego)  Also I don't really give a fuck about where you want to stick your penis, as long as the place belongs to someone who is at least Y age old and reasonably able to consent to said penis sticking. I have even gone to very gay parties and chilled , where I was one of the only straight people around (other than the platonic girlfriends of the gay guys, some of whom were friends with me as well, and the reason I was at such parties in the first place) and I enjoyed myself a lot. However I did feel some level of discomfort, but apparently less than others who were invited as most of them left quite quickly after they seeing the level of gayness involved (there would be little chance of mistaking the people as heterosexual).

So in short I don't mind gay people at all, but may become somewhat uncomfortable if I am around men who are wearing womens clothing and making out with each other, but the discomfort is not because I think they should not be doing what they are it is just spontaneous more or less.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: Drksdfmn138 on July 15, 2012, 01:00 pm
I have a few gay friends, and met a BUNCH of lesbian and Bi friends in college. They all have better relationships than what I've seen my straight friends have had. Not always the case but it seems to be to be the standard. And sexuality doesn't matter to me really, If I knew someone was gay or straight or bi or transgender, it would not deter me from buying wares from them. Thats kinda asinine in my opinion. Not that any of us would ever know that was the case. So I say this community welcomes all, except for the few trolls. I am straight and I love my gay friends. I also listen to Johnny McGovern, i think his music is awesome. So anyways... I don't think your sexuality would factor into this community, but i also wouldnt invite trolls by advertising it much. But be proud of who you are, just don't invite hate.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: Ahoyhoy on July 15, 2012, 04:35 pm
Pretty much all gay people I have met I have liked.

There are gay assholes out there and gay shitheads. Even the shitty ones have a right to exist and find happiness.
There's a disabled guy works with me. He's a dickhead but no-one slags him off. Dude's immune.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: sabteria14 on July 18, 2012, 03:12 pm
of course a group of anonymous 20 something liberals and libertarians active in a drug market would exclude the gays. if only we had gaydar :D
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: tinkerbelllikescoke on July 19, 2012, 02:04 pm
As much as people don't wanna believe it I think sexuality is a fluid thing. I think if there wasn't stigma most people would be bisexual. That's gonna sound completely nuts to most people "I would NEVER engage in homosexual activity" but that's because of the way we've been conditioned to think. That homosexuality is gross, disgusting, wrong, people are deeply ashamed and disgusted by any homosexual feeling.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: Sname on July 19, 2012, 06:14 pm
It is very important for me to accept other people and their lives so long as they aren't hurting others. That way, I can expect others to accept me for who I am.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: mrshah on July 20, 2012, 02:57 pm
Right hurr.

Love dem homo customers.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: flyinghigh1660 on July 20, 2012, 03:37 pm
Fuck me I was in a gay bar the other night with my gay mate while on 20mg of 2C-B.

I swear sometimes I wouldn't have given a fuck who sucked my dick...  ;) But then again the force is strong in my family, lots of gay cousins, nephews etc.

I think most people who take drugs for fun, understand that people are basically the same. Sexually is a sliding scale, really straight at one end, raving homosexual at the other. We ALL float along that line somewhere.

Just look at bono apes they fuck anything that moves.

In fact homosexual behaviour has been seen in over 1500 different species and is well documented in over 500 of them.

90% of sex acts in giraffes are male on male resulting in orgasm.  :o

Anyone who says it is not natural and it is a choice is talking bollocks, when did you chose to be straight?   
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: mrshah on July 20, 2012, 04:21 pm
Giraffes mang
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: redalloverthelandguyhere on July 20, 2012, 05:34 pm
Being friendly to anyone is kind of nice.

I am a nice guy but have to be a bastard at work otherwise I'd get the piss taken and we'd all lose our jobs!

I know some gay people who are assholes.

They are no different than anyone.

If you are hiding sexuality, then bear in mind, nobody who is a freind will give a fuck really.

I like having gay buddies as they throw some mad parties.

Bigots exist of course. Some folk are using ideas based on God whiich is a concept easily twisted to serve the needs of some.

God made us all, made people gay, why is a wonder but why God makes cancer is a wonder and why God makes shit quality cocaine turn up is a mystery.

Thing is, when your at home, sitting next to whoever you love, nothing else matters.

Don't ever be ashamed of what you are.

Sexuality is a just a minor detail in a complicated life.

At least gay men get good presents.

Xbox right?


Bags of weed wrapped in Christmas paper. With a ribbon on top.

Not socks and another jumper. (I never wear jumpers!!)

Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: mrshah on July 20, 2012, 05:57 pm
why God makes shit quality cocaine turn up is a mystery.

Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: SexyWax on July 21, 2012, 11:34 am

I didnt read all the posts but I just wanted to let the OP know that we have Gay parties in the chat room every morning!!

Come join us!!!

I'm not gay (normally), but i love a Sexy GAY PARTY!!!
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: Krazys on July 22, 2012, 05:50 am
Don't get why anybody cares.

But I am a Krazy (s) so go figure.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: Chapman on July 22, 2012, 09:07 am
No, I don't care.
However, I'm annoyed by fellow fags that feel the need to tell everyone they're gay/bi/trans/whatever within five minutes of meeting them, like it's freakishly integral to their sense of self, or a conversation piece. I don't care what you are. Unless I want to fuck you myself, in which case I'll ask. Otherwise, it's about as uncomfortable as talking about work and being interrupted with "By the way, I'm black. Do you have a problem with that?"
Also, there is the stereotype of lesbians disliking male gays and vice versa that I somewhat can be accused of. But feel free to ascribe that to penis envy.
of course a group of anonymous 20 something liberals and libertarians active in a drug market would exclude the gays. if only we had gaydar :D
Exactly. Come on guys, let's go get the torches.
Title: Re: Is Silk Road a Gay friendly community?
Post by: Gary Oak on July 22, 2012, 10:04 am
Limetless goes out for fags all the time and no one gets offended, he even makes topics just to tell us about it sometimes! :o

So on that note I would say SR is rainbow friendly indeed. ;)