Silk Road forums

Market => Product offers => Topic started by: NorCalKing on May 09, 2012, 03:20 pm

Title: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: NorCalKing on May 09, 2012, 03:20 pm
A shout out from NorCalKing!

Just getting started here with some offerings of Northern California Specialties.  We will have offerings that are not often listed here, a little variety is a GOOD thing!

We will be offering a half dozen samples to get some good will started along with some feedback.  We have 2 listings up now,  Titans Haze some outdoor which had to get yanked a little early, so is light and airy but is still frosty but not trimmed, hence the low cost.

The other strain that we have a limited amount of is the NorthernLights / Blueberry Trainwreck that has a great nose, and some good nuggets.

We will be adding to the variety by next week, so keep checking  back for samples.  Eventually there will be some awesome edibles coming in as well.

Right now we're looking for samplers who have credibility that have had experience ordering from multiple vendors here on SR so they can make an honest assessment.

I have started the sample list:

1) m4lw4r3
2) aerosmith

Thanks for checking us out!

5/9/12 4:30 pm
Ok guys!  I figured we would make samples available until we received our first order, which was our 11th response here on the forum + 3 more that messaged directly, we will be sending out 14 instead of 6!

Will post more about samples when other things become available!    Thanks
BTW having issues with PGP at the moment so not getting those messages too well yet >:(

Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: war on May 09, 2012, 03:25 pm
Hey man, throw me on the sample list :)

Have lots of orders on SR and a lot of forum activity.  Would definitely be interested in trying out some weed from a fellow Cali bud enthusiast :)
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: KatEverdeen209 on May 09, 2012, 03:25 pm
NorCal2NorCal :)
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: qwerfdsa on May 09, 2012, 03:27 pm
If your shipping methods are legit, I could help you out.

.edit Have you set up a vendor account yet?
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: idypha on May 09, 2012, 04:50 pm
I'd be up for helping you test them out, have quite a few purchases on my buyer account. Thanks.
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: dankology on May 09, 2012, 05:31 pm
I can offer my review from both a vendor standpoint and a buyer standpoint.  Weed is pretty much the only thing I buy on Silk Road.  Let me know if you want to send me a sample.
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: Kappacino on May 09, 2012, 05:52 pm
50+ transactions here so I'll go for a sample if that's kosher

Will review etc
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: asweet on May 09, 2012, 05:53 pm
I would also love to sample.  I do not have many posts on the forum, but i have made many purchases and would me more than happy to leave a detailed review.

Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: MacMan on May 09, 2012, 07:14 pm
Hey, Norcalking ive got a pretty good rep on SR over 50 purchases. Tried a good variety of of weed venders and have been smoking bud for shit...ever well about 10 years now so i have a good understanding of reefer.  Anyways let me know, i always am fair to by the way.  8)

Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: n0n00dz4u on May 09, 2012, 09:54 pm
Interested in a sample for personal use.

I am new to SR with no rep but I am interested in testing the quality of a variety of products available for purchase.

A good idea of what the marijuana standard here will be fortunate :)
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: baxterbrew on May 09, 2012, 09:57 pm
I would love a sample
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: TheGrandWizard on May 09, 2012, 11:18 pm
Just purchased an eighth of the Titan's Haze: looking forward to checking it out and providing commentary.   
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: simplyanon on May 09, 2012, 11:25 pm
I have ordered from: TrustUsJones (His Strawberry Vanilla Kush. Cant say enough good things.), Nugz, Puffbuddy, etc. Always leave an honest, in depth review, and am very active both on the SR site and the forums. I'd happily give you an honest review of packaging, shipping, vendor communication, and last but not least, product.

Let me know. :)

OH, and how could I forget?!? Welcome to the Silk Road!! Good product, shipping, and communication will have you selling more than you might think.

Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: NorCalKing on May 09, 2012, 11:44 pm
We have 15 finalists!  The sample giveaway is set!  Now we need to get things in order and out, and reviews back in!
Thanks guys!
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: jewfro on May 10, 2012, 12:13 am
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: LainOfTheWired1984 on May 10, 2012, 03:24 am
Ohhh fuuuuuu...well enjoy guys. When you think you'll have the full store running?
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: dudeguy551 on May 10, 2012, 03:36 am
Been smoking for awhile and only been grabbing bud off SR from now on.

I'd love to offer my view as a comparison of your product and service against other SR vendors.
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: sniper123 on May 10, 2012, 03:55 am
Total transactions: 22
Total spent: $836.89
Refund rate: 0%
Auto-finalize rate: 0%
Member for: 1 month

I have had many types of weed that i have purchased from vendors here at the SR. I had some really good blue dream, and blue cheese.  I hope you could find it in your heart to hook me up with a sample. If you decide to i'll leave an extensive review on the product, shipping time, packaging, and you as a vendor. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples! 2nd batch
Post by: NorCalKing on May 11, 2012, 11:56 pm
For the second batch of samples that were to go out, we will be getting things ready to get them out by the 15th
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: n0n00dz4u on May 12, 2012, 12:35 am
Awesome thanks NorCal :)
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: asweet on May 16, 2012, 05:49 pm
Got my sample from Norcal this morning and all i can say  This vendor is ligit.  Packaging was very professional and secure.  Shipping was fast. And, the product is dank!  Really great weed.  Good intense high!  Norcal is now my go to man for weed on SR. Highly recommended.

Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: ksquizzle on May 16, 2012, 06:45 pm
Got my free sample from NorcalKing today.  And I was surprised to find two bags in the package one was about 1.5 grams and thee other looked like  1/2 gram.  I am not totally sure this is from NorcalKing , as I have two weed samples coming from both coming from Northern California, but based on shipping times I  believe it ti be from NorCalKing.  WIll CONFIRM LATER.  So back to the weed, this is some real good shit, I wanna take a picture of the big as bud I got amd put it up on here.  I basically got 2 grams of fire bud free, I am not sure if you meant to do this Norcal, but thx,  I WIN.  I am sure other people will be posting about the weed quality soon.  I am to fucking high right now to type, so I will give a full review later ... THX NorCalKing
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: n0n00dz4u on May 16, 2012, 09:35 pm
Also received my sample from NorCalKing today. The packaging and product (judging by smell only) was A+. Very discreet with a total of 5 layers including a vacuum seal. There was absolutely no smell even after I opened the letter head and the enclosed envelop. The mentioned layers don't even include a layer of bubble wrapping for added protection.

My sample strain was Haze and I will update with a review on NorCal's page once I actually have the chance to smoke.

So far an A+ experience.
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: acesshex on May 16, 2012, 11:40 pm
Received my sample today, blueberry trainwreck and haze. Looks and smells amazing. Packaging A+, will update more tonight.
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: dankology on May 17, 2012, 03:33 am
The sample came in about 2 days once it was in transit, so quick shipping is quick for sure.  He gave me two different grams, one kind was DANK.  Was trimmed and cured perfectly smelled lovely and was a GREAT smoke - literally half a bowl between my girl and I had me baked and I am an everyday all day smoker mainly of waxes/hashes.  I absolutely loved it and give it a 6/5!

The other stuff, not so great.  It was good yes, im guessing outdoor but it looked like it wasn't even trimmed.  I would guess the ratio of water leaves to actually bud was about 75% leaves to 25% bud.  EXTREMELY leafy.  Had an "ok" taste to it, was very kiefy and crystally however and definitely got me high, priced correctly it would definitely be a good choice overall.  3/5 for this nugget.

Note: I did not get strain names for either nuggets.

Overall a 5/5 for the transaction, I fully endorse NorCalKing.
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: Limetless on May 17, 2012, 03:35 am
Welcome to the Road Norcal. :)
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: NorCalKing on May 17, 2012, 07:13 am
Sorry Dankology, forgot to mark what was what.  These were our first two listings.  The first sample was Northern Lights x Blueberry Trainwreck, which is in the realm of our Pink Panther.  The other was Titan's Haze which is listed as untrimmed and is only $33 for 3.5 g, a fair value.

We now have some Blackberry Kush nugs as well as some Granddaddy Purple running about 60% purple.

Thanks for the feedback, we'll keep up our end!
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: baxterbrew on May 20, 2012, 10:31 pm
NorCalKing is the cat's ass.

NCK was extremely generous and went out of his way to hook me up with a sample pack of various strains.  Shipping took 2 days flat. Packaging was great (and 100% stink free).

All of the herb was of very high quality. Especially for the price its listed at!!! Every bud sample that I received from NCK was EXACTLY as described in his listings. No bullshit whatsoever in the listings. What you see is what you get.

In all honesty I thought that the GDP was some of the best weed that I've ever seen. It's definitely some exquisite bud.

I now have a favorite weed vendor on SR.  If you want great bud look no further than the new king
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: war on May 20, 2012, 11:08 pm
http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=23866.0  ;D

Wish I could do more than give you +1 Karma NCK
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: _M4LW4R3_ on May 22, 2012, 04:27 am
good stuff!
Title: Re: Finally getting started with samples!
Post by: CornHoleio on June 18, 2012, 06:28 am
I would love a sample, I can review it thoroughly and rate it compared to others.